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Winda Nurazizah 1*, Prof. Dr. H. Ilzamudin, M.A2, Dr. Apud, M.pd3
First Adviser
Second Adviser

Article History: Abstract: This research investigates the effect of

Received: May 29nd, 2019 Questioning the Author in reading lesson on narrative, specifically it
Revised: June 21st, 2019 is written in the title of this research paper. This research is aimed to
Accepted: June 25th, 2019 find out the students’ reading comprehension on narrative text of the
Published: xxxx xx, 20xx third grade of SMP Al-Mu’min who apply questioning the author and
to find out the students’ reading comprehension on narrative text of
the third grade of SMP Al-Mu’min who do not apply questioning the
Experiment;questioning the author;
author. The method used in this research is quasi experimental with
reading comprehension; narrative two classes, called experimental and control class using pre-test and
text. post-test technique. The research conducted at SMP Al-Mu’min
Pandeglang on April 15th until April 30rd 2019. The writer collected
data from 60 students’ spreading in two classes, one class is as
*Correspondence Address: experimental group and another one is as control group by using
[email protected] quasi experimental method. The population was students of the third
grade SMP Al-Mu’min Pandeglang and the writer took sample from
class C as experimental class and class B as control class. Based on
the result of the research that there is significant effect of teaching
reading through questioning the author towards students reading
comprehension on narrative text. According to the data, the value of
to (t observation) is higher that t t (t table) 2.00 < 4.75 > 2.66, in
degree of significant 5% and 1%. It means that Ha (alternative
hypothesis) of research is accepted and Ho (null hypothesis) is
rejected. Also concluded there is significant difference of teaching
reading through questioning the author on narrative text and teaching
reading by conventional approach.

INTRODUCTION reading is an active activity because

before the readers read the text,
Reading may be one of the most
theyhave to suppose what the writer
important skills that a person can
will talk about by seeing the title,
possibly acquire. It is generally taught
picture, clues, or the first and last
at a very young age, beginning before
paragraph, skimming the text to check
kindergarten. The National Reading
their hypotheses and to get the
Panel has stated that there are five
information what they are looking for,
specific practices that teachers should
revision then reread the text for more
be using when teaching children to
read or when helping them improve
their reading skills. However, Grellet Reading comprehension is not a
said, “reading is an active skill; it single step or easily acquired skill. It is
constantly involves guessing, a very complex process that teachers
predicting, checking and asking find difficult to teach. As Catherine
oneself questions”. It can be said that said that reading comprehension as the
© 2019 Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
The Effect Of Questioning the Author Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text | Winda

process of simultaneously extracting advantages it could offer. The researcher

and constructing meaning through hoped that the reading ability of his
interaction and involvement with students would improve more quickly
written language. The foundation of than by other methods.
reading comprehension is word
identification and decoding. As THEORETICAL SUPPORT
individuals get better at these skills and Reading as one of the four
are able to read words, they have to language skills, in reading activity, that
move into learning the actual meanings focus more on reading skills than the
of the words they are reading. reading theories themselves. Every
Knowing and understanding what is language teacher should be aware and
being read is the key to understand really that reading is a method
comprehension. that can be used to communicate with
Questioning the Author is a ourselves and sometimes with others that
strategy in which student use a series of is to communicate the meaning contained
questions to determine the author’s or implied in written symbols. Reading
purpose and the extent to which the can also be regarded as a process to
author was succesful; through the understanding the implicit in the explicit,
questions, the student must make an effort such as understand the meaning contained
to fully comprehend the text. The story’s in the written word. The meaning of the
context can guide the students to the reading does not lie on the written page
details that are missing. The teacher again but is in the mind of the reader. So that
models and guides the students to ask meaning will change, because each reader
themselves appropriate questions to try to has different experiences that are used as
fill in the important details. There are a tool to interpret the words.
graphic organizers that ask certain Caroline said the aim of reading is
questions that students can use as a guide comprehension. Reading comprehension
after reading a selection. refers to reding for meaning,
understanding, and entertainment. While
According to Harding, Graphic
Danielle said comprehension is the
Organizers are drawings or formats used
interpretation of the information in the
to represent information visually, show
text, the use of prior knowledge to
relationships between ideas and help
interpret this information and, ultimately,
students think critically. Graphic
the construction of a coherent
organizers are another popular strategy
representation or picture in the reader’s
that can be used for most genres and can
mind of what the text is about.
be adapted in many ways. They are
Referring to the statement above,
commonly used for reading
it can be concluded that reading
comprehension and there are many
comprehension means the students must
different types. Graphic organizers for
read the text and interact the printed on
reading comprehension are generally
written symbols with their cognitive skill
systems that help students organize what
and their knowledge of the world. In the
they are reading.
process of comprehension, the students
In addition, there are many need skills related to the purpose of
researchers who have done research reading and consider the questions to
related to Graphic Orgnaizer especially. concentrate on the important points.
The researcher was interested to teach Reading comprehension is the
reading comprehension using Questioning process in which the reader constructs
the Author because of the potential meaning from the text. There are at least

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The Effect Of Questioning the Author Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text | Winda

three types of constructing meaning From the definitions above, it can

processes proposed by some experts. are be concluded that graphic organizers
bottom-up processing, top-down provide teachers with tools to help
processing, and interactive processing. students on the road to higher
Bottom-up processing deals with the word achievement in their reading
recognition. Top-down processing deals comprehension skills. And graphic
with the readers’ background knowledge. organizers that target critical and creative
The last, interactive processing combines thinking elements help develop studentsin
the top-down and bottom-up processing. their ability to comprehend and
Here, interactive processing combines understand the meaning of a text.
word recognition and background Questioning the Author is one of
knowledge of the readers. The three the graphic organizer that students will
processes help the readers to comprehend develop the following reading strategies
the text they read. to making predicting, making inference,
using prior knowledge, and connecting.
People read because they have According to David Herman,
purpose. The purpose in reading is not “Narrative is about problem solving,
only to get an information but also to have conflict, interpersonal relations, human
enjoyment while reading. And every experience, the temporality of existence.”
student has their own purpose for reading. While Peter and Megan stated that
It means that the purpose of “Narrative is a powerful medium for
reading is related to reader reads the text. changing social opinion and attitudes”. It
If the purpose of the reader is to find means, Narrative is a paragraph that
specific information such as the telephone contains the exposure of an even that is
number, the reader uses scanning arranged in a unity of time and usually in
technique. And if the purpose of the the event or in the occurrence, character
reader is to find general idea from the experienced an important event.
article, the reader uses skimming Something that character experienced or
technique. Then, learning structure, conflict between characters will become
pronunciation, or learning other subjects an interesting part in a narrative.
also become a purpose in reading Moreover, Farris stated that
something. By reading, people will get the “narrative text enable students to make
ideas, fact, or enjoyment. In another word, connections as they read in three different
learning foreign language is a purpose of ways. First, they may see similarities
why people read the English text. between the text and their own lives. A
Katherine defined graphic second connection is making links
organizers are important and effective between the text they are presently
pedagogical tools for organizing content reading and another text they have
and ideas and facilitating learners’ previously read. Lastly, students may see
comprehension of newly acquired connections between the text and the real
information. And other definition from world”.
Linda, Keren and Marcia stated that In conclusion, narrative is a kind
“Graphic organizers are wonderful of text that related to the human life. It
strategies to get students actively involved connects with the story or past event. By
in their learning. Because graphic reading narrative text, students can learn
organizers include both words and visual something from the text and connect it
image, there are effective with a wide with their daily activity, also they can
variety of learners, including ESL, gifted, practice their critical thinking because
and special-needs students.”

English Education Department | 3

The Effect Of Questioning the Author Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text | Winda

they can connect their experience with the writer conducted treatment of Inference
story that they are reading. Prompter Chart in teaching reading
comprehension on narrative text and also
METHOD conducted post-test. The lowest score in
The method of this research is post-test is 60 and the highest score in
experimental research. Experimental post-test is 95.
research is a research method that test the
hypothesis which has the form of cause
and effect relations between variables. Post-test of
Experiments are carried out in order to Experimental 2 : 81,6
explore the strength of relationship
Class (X2)
between variables. It means the
experimental research conducted to know
the cause and effect relationship between
independent variable and dependent
variable. Post-test of 2 : 61,6
In this research the researcher Control Class
gives pre-test and post-test experimental. (Y2)
The pre-test is conducted in order to
diagnose students’ current ability in
introducing someone else before the
treatment applied. Meanwhile, post-test is : 4,75
used to measure the effect of study after
applying the treatment. Df : 58
In applying this research, the
researcher teaches about Questioning the The degree of : 2,00
author on students’ reading significant 5%
comprehension on narrative text as
the degree of significant : 2,66
experimental class, and writer do not
teach Questioning the Author toward 1%
students’ reading comprehension on
narrative text as control class. Before deciding the result of
The writer uses two classes. The hypothesis, the researcher proposes
first is as Experimental Class and second interpretation towards with procedure
is as Control Class. The writer chooses as follow:
class IX C which consists of 30 students a. Ha: tobservation>ttable = It means there
as experimental class and class IX B is a significant effectiveness of
which consists of 30 students as control Questioning the Author in
class. teaching reading comprehension
In this research, the researcher on narrative text.
used two kind of instruments in gathering b. Ho: tobservation<ttable = It means there
data. Those are test and observation is no significant effectiveness of
Questioning the Author in
RESULT AND DICUSSION teaching reading comprehension
From the result of pre-test and on narrative text.
post-test in experimental class, the According to the data, the value of
researcher can be concluded that from the tobservation is bigger than ttable.tobservation =
lowest score in pre-test is 35 and the 4.75>ttable = 2.00 (5%) or tobservation = 4.75
highest in pre-test score is 75. After the

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The Effect Of Questioning the Author Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text | Winda

>ttable = 2.00 (1%), so Ho is rejected and Ha significant effect. According to the data,
is accepted. the value of to (t observation) is higher
The result of the research shows than tt (t table) 2.00 < 4.75 > 2.66, in
that the experimental class (the students degree of significant 5% and 1%. It means
who are taught using Questioning the that Ha (alternative hypothesis) of
Author) has the mean value (81,6), research is accepted and Ho (null
meanwhile the control class (the students hypothesis) is rejected. Also concluded
who are not taught using Inference there is significant difference of teaching
Prompter Chart) has the mean value reading through Questioning the Author
(71,8). It can be said that the achievement and teaching reading by conventional
score of experimental class is higher than approach.
control class. The following was the table Dealing with the conclusion above,
of pre-test and post-test students’ average the researcher would like to offer some
score. suggestions which may be useful in
improving students’ reading
CONCLUSION comprehension: 1) For the Students: a)
The writer would like to conclude of The students should be motivated to do
the research based on the data obtained reading activity in their daily activity. b)
and the hypothesis submitted at the The students should know that by more
previous chapter as follow: 1) Students’ reading, they will get much knowledge
reading comprehension is less, it can be because it is as the accomplishment to
seen from the mean of pre-test that shows enlarge talent and master English. c) The
many students get worse score. The mean student has to develop their vocabularies
of pre-test is 61,1. The score of their post- because it is a necessary part of
test show increasing, most of them get comprehension instruction which is
better score. The mean of post-test is 81,6. significant influenced their understanding
It means that students can improve their in reading text. 1) For English Teacher
reading comprehension after they got the a) The English teacher should be able to
treatment. 1) The differences between give motivation to the students in
students’ which has given Questioning the interested English language. b) Teachers
Author and other which has not should be very familiar with varieties of
Questioning the Author, because of the teaching technique or method to improve
Questioning the Author, students’ are their students’ reading comprehension.
more familiar with a text given by the c) Teacher should give more attention to
students’. Where with this method, their students’ reading in order to
students’ will predict an event contained comprehend reading text well.
in the text and they also learn how to
make inference of the event, then ACKNOWLEDGMENT
students’ understand a text with carefully. All praises be to Allah SWT, the
It can be seen from the mean of pre-test of almighty God, who has sent Muhammad
the experimental class (61,1) is higher SAW, peace be upon him, to be His
than the mean of pre-test of control class prophet and messenger for people all over
(57,6) and the mean of post-test of the the world. The writer realizes and feels
experimental class (81,6) is bigger than very sure that without His blessing,
the mean of post-test of control class mercy, and guidance, it would be
(71,8) after the treatment. 2) The effect of impossible for her to finish this paper.
teaching reading through Inference In addition, this paper will not
Questioning the Author to increase finish without others’ helps. Therefore, in
students’ reading comprehension is this chance I would like to express my

English Education Department | 5

The Effect Of Questioning the Author Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text | Winda

profound gratitude to Prof. Dr. H. Classroom Practice. New York:

Ilzamudin, M.A, as the first adviser and SAn Fransisco State University.
Dr. Apud, M. Pd, as the second adviser Buckhold, E. (2008). Graphic Organizers,
who have helped, guided, and motivated 1-8.
me patiently in conducting this study. In Coffman A. Gerry . Melissa D. and Reed.
addition, also very much indebted to the (2010). The True Story of
head of English Department H. Abdul Narrative Text: From the Theory
Mu’in, S. Ag., M.M who always to Practice. Volume 32. No. 1.
stimulates and encourages the writer to Emphoria State University:
finish this paper. Kansas.
This thanks also goes to the Dini Kurnia Nursepti, (2013) Study
Headmaster of SMP Al-Mu’min Reading Comprehension
Pandeglang, H. Miftah Ghozali, S. Ag., Achievement Between Those
who has given permission to conduct the Taught Throught Predictive
research to me. My special thanks to my Technique and Making Inference
family, to my father, especially for my Technique. (A Script, English
mother who has been trying and also Education). University, Lampung.
struggling alone to provide the best Ellis, E. (2008). Theoretical and
education for me. To my brothers, sisters Empirical Basic for Graphic
who have given support, understandings, Organizer Instruction. Theoretic
suggestions, and motivations as long as I Basis, 3.
conducted the paper. And to my great Gerellet, F. (1981). Developing Reading
supporter, Tb. A. Nisaz Mafakhir, who Skills: A Practical Guide to
has caring, annoying best friend, the man Reading Comprehension
who has a great patience, to accompany in Exercises. Cambridge: Campridge
conducting this paper. University Press.
Furthermore, I would like to show Harmer, J. (2007). How to Teach English.
my gratefulness to all my best friends England: Pearson Education
TBI-E 2015 and to my beloved friends, Limited.
Neneng F.R, Fitri Febriani, Wahidah Herman, D. (2007). Narrative. New York:
Nahdliyati, Syifa Fhadilatul.A, Inayatul Cambridge University Press.
ummah, for always supporting and Irwi-DeVitis, L. K. (1999). 50 Graphic
helping me in finishing this paper. Organizers for Reading, Writing
In writing this paper, I realize that and More Teaching Resources.
this paper is still far away from New York: Broadway.
perfection. So, all of constructive J.P. Guilford, e. (1981). Fundamental
criticisms and suggestions are welcome to Statistic in Psychology and
make this paper perfectly. Education: International Student
Edition. California: McGraw.
REFERENCES James H, McMillan, Sally Schumarcher.
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