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B. Cruz St. Tangos North, Navotas City

First Semester – 1st Quarter

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the best answer
and shade the correct letter of the answer. (50 points)
NAME: _______________________________________________ GRADE & SEC: ___________

1) The computer and other electronic products have had the following effect on
A) operations have been revolutionized.
B) the information age has been ushered in.
C) our large planet has been made into a small globe.
D) all of the above.

2) A small business is:

A) independently operated.
B) is not dominant in its field.
C) meets certain size limits in terms of number of employees and annual sales.
D) all of the above.

3) A business is an organization that:

A) manufactures or sells goods or services in an attempt to earn a profit.
B) employs less than 20 employees.
C) could not exist without government support.
D) is a Crown Corporation.

4) Which of the following is not a business firm:

A) Home Depot. B) GMA
C) Microsoft. D) Central Bank.

5) Which of the following is a not-for-profit firm:

A) Petron B) Navotas Polytechnic College
C) Cancer Aid Society D) B & C

6) The two most dominant trends in business are:

A) downsizing and restructuring.
B) technology and globalization.
C) strategic alliances and joint ventures.
D) none of the above.

7) Which of the following is not an example of a Pacific Rim country:

A) South Korea B) Malaysia
C) China D) Japan

8) Globalization:
A) is a globally integrated system of production, marketing, finance and
B) has resulted in companies investing and producing in countries outside their
home base.
C) is becoming less important as time passes.
D) both A & B.

9) An example of a strategic alliance is an arrangement whereby two or more

companies cooperate to:
A) manufacture a product together.
B) conduct research.
C) market a product.
D) all of the above.

10) When two or more companies cooperate for a special purpose it is called a:
A) transnational company.
B) joint venture.
C) multinational corporation.
B. Cruz St. Tangos North, Navotas City
First Semester – 1st Quarter

D) partnership.

11) The Asian flu had the greatest impact on which of the following provinces:
A) Quebec B) Ontario
C) Alberta D) British Columbia

12) Empowerment means:

A) decision making is spread downward from the top.
B) the leaders of organizations give their workers the freedom, incentives and
training to be decision-makers and creative contributors to the organization.
C) customer satisfaction becomes the driving force of the company.
D) none of the above.

13) The concept of producing quality goods was first introduced by:
A) Edwards Deming. B) Lee Iaccoca
C) Karl Marx. D) Adam Smith.

14) In what order do managers typically perform the managerial functions?

A) organising, planning, controlling, leading
B) organising, leading, planning, controlling
C) planning, organising, leading, controlling
D) planning, organising, controlling, leading

15) Which one of the following is not one of Drucker's five guiding principles of
A) Making people's strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant.
B) Enhancing the ability of people to contribute.
C) To operate the organisation's status system.
D) Integrating people in a common venture by thinking through, setting and
exemplifying the organisational objectives, values and goals.

16) What are the three interpersonal roles of managers?

A) Figurehead, leader and liaison
B) Spokesperson, leader, coordinator
C) Director, coordinator, disseminator
D) Communicator, organiser, spokesperson

17) At what level of an organisation does a corporate manager operate?

A) Functional B) Operational
C) Middle level D) Top level

18) What is the guiding principle behind New Public Management?

A) Profit maximisation
B) Introducing private sector business principles into the public sector
C) Replacing public management with private sector management
D) Restructuring public organisations

19) Which one is not a recognised key skill of management?

A) Conceptual skills B) Human skills
C) Technical skills D) Writing skills

20) Which of these is not part of the recognised challenges for modern managers?
A) Micro-managing the workforce B) Managing communications
C) Managing change D) Managing the learning organisation

22) What is a social enterprise concerned with?

A) Profit maximisation B) Maximising market share
C) Providing public service D) Running a business to create social benefits

23) Modern managers are:

B. Cruz St. Tangos North, Navotas City
First Semester – 1st Quarter

A) action oriented B) able to build a sense of shared

C) able to manage change efficiently. D) all of the above.

24) Planning, organizing, directing and controlling are the:

A) functions of management. B) goals of management.
C) results of management. D) all of the above.

25) Coordinating people and human resources to accomplish organizational goals is the
process of:
A) planning. B) directing.
C) management. D) leadership.

25) Which of the following would be included in the "controlling function" ?

A) measuring results against corporate objectives.
B) explaining routines.
C) setting standards.
D) giving assignments.

26) Specific, short-term statements detailing how to achieve an organization's goals is

known as its:
A) vision. B) mission statement.
C) objectives. D) operational planning.

27) An outline of the fundamental purpose of an organization is called its:

A) mission statement. B) objectives.
C) policy. D) all of the above.

28) Strategic planning is done by:

A) top managers of the firm. B) middle managers.
C) supervisory managers. D) non supervisory employees.

29) Mr. X is a branch manager for Microsoft. He is:

A) top management. B) middle management.
C) supervisory management. D) none of the above.

30) The most effective leader is one who:

A) makes managerial decisions without consulting others
B) works with managers and employees to make decisions
C) has the leadership style most appropriate to the situation and the employee
D) none of the above

31) Empowerment is related to:

A) planning. B) organizing.
C) directing. D) controlling.

32) Technical skills are most important for which of the following:
A) first line managers. B) middle managers.
C) vice president-Production. D) top managers.

33) Motivation is related to:

A) planning. B) controlling.
C) leading. D) tactical decisions.

34) Supervisory management spends most of his/her time:

A) planning and controlling. B) directing and controlling.
C) planning and organizing. D) organizing and controlling.

35) ____________ refers to the process of developing detailed, short term strategies about
what is the be done, who is to do it, and how it is to be done.
B. Cruz St. Tangos North, Navotas City
First Semester – 1st Quarter

A) strategic planning B) tactical planning

C) contingency planning D) none of the above

36) An example of an effective standard for a control system would be:

A) deciding to hire 5 new employees.
B) renting new premises.
C) planning to increase sales of product A from 5,000 to 10,000 per month by
December of next year.
D) improving the quality of production.

37) Managing as a process does not organize:

A) goods B) material
B) Capital D) labour

38) Forecasting determines organizational:

A) performance B) budget
C) feedback D) objectives and policies

39) To create a cooperative, understanding, and pleasant work environment in an

organization, decision-making should be:
A) quick B) transparent
C) flexible D) strong

40) In an organization, the functional areas are:

A) marketing, communications, and finance
B) communications, production, and marketing
C) finance, production, and communications
D) production, marketing, and finance

41) In business, a manager spends most of his or her time in:

A) writing B) meetings
C) Planning D) speaking

42) Managers need effective communication skills to perform the following roles:
A) interpersonal B) impersonal
C) decisional D) personal

43) There are ____ levels in Maslow’s pyramid of needs.

A) five B) six
C) three D) four

44) In organizations, the flow of communication sometimes slows down because there
are too many:
A) managers B) channels
C) Departments D) hierarchical levels

45-60) ESSAY. In no less than five sentences, describe the attributes of a great leader
in the business and explain how you will manifest them as a student.

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