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Nine Venezuelan Composers and a Catalogue of

their Choral Works
Cristian Grases
University of Miami, [email protected]

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Grases, Cristian, "Nine Venezuelan Composers and a Catalogue of their Choral Works" (2009). Open Access Dissertations. 215.

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Cristian Grases


Submitted to the Faculty

of the University of Miami
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts

Coral Gables, Florida

May 2009
Copyright © 2009
Cristian Grases
All Rights Reserved

A doctoral essay submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Musical Arts



Cristian Grases


_________________________ _________________________
Donald T. Oglesby, D.M.A. Terri A. Scandura, Ph.D.
Professor of Vocal Performance Dean of the Graduate School

_________________________ _________________________
Joshua Habermann, D.M.A. Edward P. Asmus, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Vocal Performance Associate Dean of Graduate Studies

_________________________ _________________________
Joyce A. Jordan, Ph.D Robert H. Gower, D.M.A.
Professor of Music Education Associate Professor of Music Theory and
and Music Therapy Composition
GRASES, CRISTIAN (D.M.A., Choral Conducting)
Nine Venezuelan Composers and a (May 2009)
Catalogue of their Choral Works

Abstract of a doctoral essay at the University of Miami

Doctoral essay supervised by Dr. Donald Oglesby.

No. of pages in text. (430)

This document represents an initial endeavor in a long-lasting aspiration to pursue

the study and collection of Latin American choral literature. This essay compiles the most

complete and current catalogue possible of choral works written by nine Venezuelan

composers born in the twentieth century and presents it in a simple and accessible format

so it can be used by a variety of school teachers, choral conductors, church musicians,

college directors, and professional musicians. Each composer entry presents a brief

biographical note and a list of works organized in alphabetical order. The annotation for

each composition includes information in eighteen categories. It also includes an

extensive list of biographical resources. In addition, a list of terms and definitions of

folkloric and traditional genres will help the reader understand the diversity of

Venezuelan musical styles and dances; there is some additional information with regard

to performance practice.

This document would not have been possible without the help, guidance, and

inspiration of many. I wish to acknowledge and thank committee members Donald

Oglesby, Joshua Habermann, Jo-Michael Scheibe, Joyce Jordan, and Robert Gower for

their wisdom and encouragement throughout this process. Their collective expertise and

musicianship was a constant and positive influence throughout my mentoring.

I also wish to thank all the composers and musicians that responded and

collaborated during the process of collection and research. Special thanks to Flor

Martínez, María Guinand, Freddy Miranda, and all the friends from the Schola Cantorum

de Caracas, without whom Alberto Grau’s catalogue would not have been as complete

and accurate.

I extend sincere thanks to Alberto Grau and María Guinand, my two mentors now

and always, and to Pop and Avi for being the example of academic excellence and work

ethic that has guided me all these years and will continue to do so.

A personal note of profound gratitude to my wife Mirtha for her supreme

understanding, deep love, and unconditional support; and to my three children: Camila,

Juan Miguel, and Santiago, for allowing my life to be as rich, joyful, and meaningful as it

can possibly be.

I wish to dedicate this work to Jim and Kathy Houser, two extraordinary people

that have shown my family and I the value of friendship and generosity, and through

whom I have absorbed the true meaning of the phrase: Pursue Excellence Every Day.



CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................1

CHAPTER 2 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND..........................................................14

BOR, MODESTA..........................................................................................................29

Choral Works...........................................................................................................31

Unexamined scores..................................................................................................99

CARRILLO, CESAR ALEJANDRO..........................................................................111

Choral Works.........................................................................................................112

Unexamined scores................................................................................................160

ESTEVEZ, ANTONIO................................................................................................180

Choral Works.........................................................................................................181

Unexamined scores................................................................................................191

GRAU, ALBERTO.....................................................................................................196

Choral Works.........................................................................................................198

Unexamined scores................................................................................................281

IZARRA, ADINA.......................................................................................................296

Choral Works.........................................................................................................297

MENDOZA, EMILIO.................................................................................................298

Choral Works.........................................................................................................299

SAUCE, ANGEL........................................................................................................301

Choral Works.........................................................................................................302

SUAREZ, RAFAEL....................................................................................................352

Choral Works.........................................................................................................353

TERUEL, RICARDO..................................................................................................396

Choral Works.........................................................................................................397

APPENDIX 1. INDEX OF WORKS............................................................................400

APPENDIX 2. WORK SAMPLE LIST FOR EACH COMPOSER............................414



Historical and cultural background.......................................................................418

Publications, published lists, surveys and/or compilations, writings on


Manuscripts and published scores.........................................................................420



a Alto section of the choir

A Alto solo

b Bass section of the choir

B Bass solo

bd Bass drum

bn Bassoon

cel Celesta

cl Bb Clarinet in Bb

cym Cymbals

db Double bass

dr Drum

E Easy difficulty

Eh English horn

elec bass Electric bass

elec gtr Electric guitar

fl Flute

gtr guitar

H High difficulty

hn F Horn in F

hp Harp

M Moderate difficulty

Ma Male choir

Mx Mixed choir

perc percussion

ob Oboe

orch Orchestra

pf Piano

pic Piccolo flute

s Soprano section of the choir

S Soprano solo

sd Side drum

Solo Unspecified soloist

str String

str orch String orchestra

t Tenor section of the choir

T Tenor solo

tambn Tambourine

tbn Trombone

templeblks Temple blocks

tmp Timpani

tp Bb Trumpet in Bb

Tr Treble choir

tri Triangle

u All sections of the choir sing in unison

U Unison choir (regardless of the voicing)

vc Violoncello

vib Vibraphone

vl Violin

xyl Xylophone



Since the colonial period in the late fifteenth century, Latin America has been

strongly influenced by European musical styles and compositional techniques. In the

initial stages of the colonization, the Iberian crowns of Spain and Portugal transported

their artistic culture to the new South American territories.1 During the sixteenth century,

many composers of European descent, mainly Spanish and Portuguese, traveled to the

New World with the missionaries and settled in the viceroyalties established in key

geographical areas of the colonies.2 These immigrants produced a large amount of music

which was incorporated into local religious services and musical events. However, their

most important role in history was training local musicians not only to play, but to

compose music using European compositional techniques. These techniques were

employed in the compositions of the native musicians who also incorporated local

musical traditions, merging compositional styles in both sacred and secular genres.

Choral music is one aspect of Latin American repertoire in which little research

has been done. Four monographs exist that compile a limited amount of information

about Latin American composers and their works. These sources are: Suzanne Spicer

Tiemstra’s The Choral Music of Latin America,3 Strimple’s Choral Music in the

Rui Vieira Nery, “Spain, Portugal, and Latin America,” in A History of Baroque Music, ed.
George J. Buelow (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004), 396.
Ibid., 396-397.
Suzanne Spicer Tiemstra, The Choral Music of Latin America - A Guide to Compositions and
Research (New York: Greenwood Press, 1992).


Twentieth Century,4 Leslie Bethell’s A Cultural History of Latin America,5 and Miguel

Ficher and others’ Latin American Classical Composers.6 In addition, the Pan-American

Union of the Organization of American States has a periodic publication that compiles

information on the most relevant composers of all its member nations (including a

catalog of their works).7 Other sources include three dissertations that have come from

extensive research on two important Venezuelan composers: Cira Parra’s dissertation

exploring selected choral works by Modesta Bor,8 Marie Labonville’s research focusing

on the works of Juan Bautista Plaza,9 and Marc Falk’s study focusing on the secular

choral music of the same composer.10

Because of copyright and publishing issues, the works of Latin American

composers are not easily accessible, which complicates the process of cataloguing their

works. This is compounded by the lack of a platform that effectively links the ever-

growing and multicultural world of Latin American music with North America and

Europe. In recent years publishing houses have created Latin American choral series as

part of their regular publications; these include Earthsongs, Kjos, Alliance, and Boosey &

Leslie Bethell, ed., A cultural History of Latin America: Literature, Music and the Visual Arts in
the 19th and 20th Centurias (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999)
Miguel Ficher, Martha Furman Schleifer, and John M. Furman, eds., Latin American Classical
Composers: A Biographical Dictionary (Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2002).
Organización de Estados Americanos, Composers of the Americas (Washington D.C.:
Organización de Estados Americanos), volumen 9, 14, 17, and 20.
Cira Parra, “A Conductor’s Guide to Selected Choral Works of Modesta Bor” (DMA diss.,
University of Cincinnati, 2006).
Marie Labonville, “Musical Nationalism in Venezuela: The Work of Juan Bautista Plaza (1898-
1965)” (Ph.D thesis, University of California, 1999).
Marc Falk, “The Secular Choral Music of Juan Bautista Plaza (1898-1965): The Music and Text
of Venezuelan Nationalism” (DMA diss., The University of Iowa, 2006).

Hawkes. However, this represents a very small portion of the greater total output. Also,

in Latin American countries popular and folk music is regularly arranged for vocal

ensembles, and these versions—some of very high artistic quality—are seldom published.

Latin American choral music saw its most rapid growth during the nineteenth and

twentieth centuries. Each nation strived to pursue and enhance an identity that separated

it from its sister nations, resulting in a prolific musical output. The repertoire produced in

the colonial period is also very valuable. Venezuela was one of these nations that

contributed repertoire from generations of productive composers beginning with the early

colonial days. This wide array of compositions is regarded as an important repertoire for

study and performance.11 However, music from Venezuela has received far less attention

from researchers and editors than has European music. The Latin American Music

Review, the Colonial Latin American Review, and the Revista Europea de Estudios

Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (European Magazine of Latin American and Caribbean

Studies) are three examples of periodical publications that contain references to choral

music in Venezuela, but they hardly reference the full scope of the repertoire that has

been created. Nick Strimple’s Choral Music in the Twentieth Century, in which only nine

Venezuelan composers are named, makes reference to only one or two works for each.12

Of the list of sources offered above, two are outstanding for the amount of

information contained in the texts. These sources, although extensive, are not complete.

Tiemstra’s catalogue of Latin American choral composers published in 199213 presents a

Gerard Béhague, “Nineteenth-Century Antecedents of Nationalism,” in Music in Latin America:
An Introduction (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1979), 96.
Nick Strimple, Choral Music in the Twentieth Century (New Jersey: Amadeus, 2005), 207-208.
Spicer Tiemstra.

list that does not include all Venezuelan composers, and her catalogue of works is

incomplete even through 1992. The other important source is the compilation by Ficher,

Schleifer, and Furman,14 published in a second edition in 2002. In the preface of this

edition the authors state that within the six years between the two editions they were able

to add 326 composers, 62 of them from Venezuela. They explain that “even though the

amount of material that appears daily is overwhelming, we set a deadline [for the

publication].”15 This suggests that by the time they published they were still receiving

material. However, even in this edition many Venezuelan choral composers are still not

listed. It is important to note that Ficher’s second edition is now five years old, and

Tiemstra’s publication is fifteen years old. During these years the catalogue of works and

number of composers has greatly increased in the ever-evolving Latin American choral


All of the above illustrates the need to pursue further efforts in the study and

collection of these valuable musical assets. This document represents an initial endeavor

in this long-lasting aspiration. The purpose of this essay is to compile the most complete

and current catalogue possible of choral works written by ten Venezuelan composers

born in the twentieth century, and offer it in a simple and accessible format so it can be

used by a wide variety of school teachers, choral conductors, church musicians, college

professors, and professional musicians. This study represents a contribution to the area of

choral literature, comparable to the work done by Karen Wachsmuth for Hungarian

Ficher, Furman Schleifer, and Furman.
Ibid, ix.

composers.16 It is a first important effort in the creation of a complete catalogue of

Venezuelan composers and their choral output, a project which will extend beyond the

time frame of this initial research. This particular group of composers was chosen based

on the availability of their works and previous documents that contained information on

their choral output.

This document presents a brief biographical note for each composer and a list of

works organized in alphabetical order. The annotation for each composition includes

information in each of the following categories:

i. Arrangement / Composition (if the work is completely original or if it is a choral

ii. Original Music and Text (either the author of the original music and text is
specified, or the genre is mentioned)
iii. Type of choir (Mx=Mixed, T=Treble, Ma=Male, U=Unison)
iv. Voices and Range (Soloists: Solo= unspecified soloist. If the range of the solo
part clearly belongs to a specific voice type, or if it is specifically expressed in the
score, it will be recorded according to the following: S=Soprano, A=Alto,
T=Tenor, B=Bass. Choir: s=Soprano, a=Alto, t=Tenor, b=Bass, u=Unison). The
letters in brackets (i.e. [ss]) indicate the number of divisions within the section.
v. Instrumentation (a cappella or accompanied. If accompanied, a list of the
instrumentation will be provided. If the instrumentation is not written but
suggested or if it is part of the traditional style, it will be in brackets. In some
cases the work could be performed a cappella or with non-written
accompaniment; in which case the accompanying instruments will be included in
brackets following the phrase “A cappella”)
vi. Initial Key
vii. Initial Meter (if there are changes in the meter throughout the piece, it will be
indicated with an *)
viii. Initial Tempo or Affect (if the original score has no tempo marking, the author
will suggest one and it will be indicated in brackets)
ix. Difficulty (the author will assign a level of difficulty based on the technical
challenges of the music. Only three general categories will be used: E=Easy,
M=Moderate, and H=Hard)
x. Language
xi. Approximate duration

Karen Wachsmuth, Hungarian Choral Music: A Bibliography of Twentieth-Century,
Monograph No. 13 (Lawton: American Choral Directors Association, 2002).

xii. Other Information (few words describing the type of composition)

xiii. Date of composition (refers, as accurately as possible, to the date in which the
composition was written. In case of an arrangement, the date refers to the moment
this was created, not the date of the original musical material used in the
xiv. Date of publication (the absence of publishing information will imply that the
composition is in manuscript form and will be noted as manuscript)
xv. Editor (name of the company[ies] and catalog number[s])
xvi. Recording (recording company[ies] and catalog number[s])
xvii. Additional notes (information such as premiere (date, location, and performer[s]),
dedication, if the composition was commissioned for a specific group or occasion,
and any other relevant information will be presented when available)
xviii. Source (source of the information)

The majority of the choral arrangements included in this document are of folkloric or

popular songs from Venezuela. A note discussing the style of the piece is then included

under category x. (other information). The following list of terms and definitions will

help the reader understand the diversity of Venezuelan musical styles and traditional

dances, and will provide some additional information regarding performance practice:

• Aguinaldo: A form of Christmas song widely performed in the country. It is

rooted mainly in the Spanish Villancico, in combination with many

other influences. Its lyrics may or may not be directly attached to

Catholicism. This style is usually performed accompanied with

cuatro17 and percussion instruments (maracas, drums, furruco,18 and

tambourine), and it may or may not have vocal solos. Musically, its

harmonic structure is generally free from any predetermined pattern,

A four-stringed small guitar similar to the ukulele, which is usually strummed. This is
Venezuela’s national instrument.
A traditional drum that has a spike in the middle of the head, to which a waxed bar is attached.
It is played by sliding the hands along the bar in a downward motion, which produces vibrations that are
amplified by the drum.

and it can be found with time signatures of 6/8, 5/8, and 2/4

(alternating an eighth-note triplet and two eighth notes).19

• Bambuco: The first bambucos had their roots in the habaneras from Cuba, songs

with instrumental accompaniment that were used in dances. Their

melodies were usually languid and rhythmic, often with a second voice

at a distance of a third or sixth. They were written in 6/8 or, more

often, in 2/4 (with an eighth-note triplet and two eighth notes). A time

signature that later evolved to a 5/8 meter.20 Like the aguinaldo, it is

accompanied with cuatro and traditional percussion instruments.

• Contradanza: This style, also known as contradanza zuliana, dates back to the

European contredanse, which was a popular form of music and dance

of the late 17th century. It was brought to Cuba by French colonists

after the Haitian Revolution in the late seventeen hundreds. It became

very popular in Cuba and evolved into the contradanza cubana, which

traveled to Venezuela and the rest of Latin America with the itinerant

zarzuela and opera companies. In Zulia State, the contradanza

established itself as dance music written in 2/4 generally with eight-

measure periods. It was accompanied by cuatro and occasionally by

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Aguinaldo.”
Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Bambuco.”

some traditional percussion playing a strict rhythm of four sixteenth-

notes and two eighth-notes.21

• Danza: Also known as danza zuliana, this style is closely related to the

European rigodon that became very popular in the eighteenth century.

As did the contradanza, the danza grew from local rhythms and

practices evolving into a unique musical entity that separated it from

other similar forms. Among these elements that give it its identity are

the characteristic 2/4 time signature, the alternating triple and duple

rhythms, and its ab form preceded by an introduction. Naturally, there

are some danzas that are derivations of this generic one. Usually

accompanied with cuatro.22

• Diversión: Usually sung between Christmas and Carnaval (Mardi Gras in

Venezuela), this group of songs, also known as diversiones orientales,

are usually street songs accompanied by theatrical expressions and

dances. The diversiones generally tell a story, many times linked to

religious themes or current events. Their creation starts with the

selection of a theme, then the text, and, lastly, the composition of the

music. The most important characteristic of this genre of folkloric

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Contradanza zuliana.”
Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Danza zuliana.”

music is creativity. Thus, as each year approaches, serious efforts are

put forth to create new and innovative diversiones. Usually, there is a

soloist that sings the verses and the choir sings the refrain. It is

accompanied by bandolín,23 guitar, cuatro, maracas and tambora


• Estribillo: This style is usually performed as the second part of a golpe or joropo

(see below). It is written in 6/8 with a harmonic accompaniment of IV-

I-V-I and a rhythmic pattern of two successive groups of three eighth-

notes. The principal line is usually accompanied by a second voice a

third apart. These songs are usually accompanied by cuatro, maracas,

and a solo instrument (mandolin, bandolín, Venezuelan harp25) that

carries the melodic responsibility. The verses are generally


• Golpe: This is a sub-category of joropo reflecting great vitality and expressive

rhythmic strength. There are four varieties of golpe: the golpe llanero

(golpe from the plains), golpe tuyero (from the central states of

Venezuela, golpe larense (from Lara State), and golpe oriental (from

From the family of the mandolin, but slightly larger.
Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Diversiones orientales.”
Smaller version of the classical harp, without pedals, that is very popular in the Venezuelan
Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Estribillo.”

the eastern part of Venezuela). The golpe is characterized by

alternating 3/4 and 6/8 meters, fast and energetic tempo and character,

and instrumental accompaniment consisting of a cuatro, a Venezuelan

harp or a bandola (close relative of the cuatro that is usually plucked),

and maracas. Many choral arrangements of golpes and joropos consist

of a melodic line set in one of the voices, with the rest of the choir

accompanying the melody with rhythmically complex compositional

material that imitates the instrumental sounds (cuatro, harp, bandola,

and maracas).27

• Guasa: According to Luis Felipe Ramón y Rivera28 (1913-1993), the guasa

could be a precursor of the merengue. It is a traditional Venezuelan
rhythm that is believed to have originated in the central coastal area of
the country. It is generally performed to accompany numerous popular
festivities. Its instrumentation generally consists of cuatro and
traditional percussion offering a 5/8 rhythmic platform on top of which
the melody develops in rich polyrhythmic melodic phrases. Normally
it alternates soloist and choir with characteristic melodic interval leaps
of thirds and fourths.29

• Joropo: This is a term associated with the folkloric dance and its
accompanying music, considered the most deeply rooted and popular

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Golpe.”
Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Guasa.”

cultural expression in Venezuela. Originating around late seventeenth

century and early eighteenth century, it is the product of a combination
of three distinct groups of elements: 1) the fandango (a flirting dance)
and the poetic content of its lyrics, both inherited from Europe; 2) the
rhythmic complexity and energetic character, both characteristics of
African traditions; and 3) the use of the maracas and probably some of
the melodic inflections, which were present in local indigenous
cultures. Rhythmically, each measure of a joropo contains six eighth-
notes. However, because of the location and alternation of the accents,
some composers write it in 3/4, some in 6/8, and some in 3/4 (6/8)
emphasizing both meters happening simultaneously in different
accompanying instruments (generally cuatro, maracas, and Venezuelan
harp). Other combinations generate complex syncopations that
characterize this important Venezuelan genre.30

• Merengue: A musical genre developed in Caracas from the early twentieth

century, usually related with expressions of joy and good humor. Its
origin is not clear, but appears to be linked to the Caribbean, as there
are other areas of the region that developed popular dances and
musical genres with the same name. Rhythmically it is characterized
by the presence of five notes in the accompaniment. Some performers
distribute these notes in an eighth-note triplet and two eighth-notes (a
2/4 meter), while others seem to prefer an even distribution of five
eighth-notes (a 5/8 meter). This accompanying figure is usually
performed by the cuatro, while the double bass, percussion
instruments, and the melodic line add rhythmic complexity, creating
intricate polyrhythmic textures.31

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Joropo.”
Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Merengue.”

• Pasaje: This is a slower version of a joropo, usually with romantic lyrics.

• Polo: These are melodies that probably originated in Andalusia, Spain, and

were brought to Venezuela by the Spanish conquerors. The Spaniards

that settled in the city of Coro sang these during their long working

days, and today they represent one of the most beautiful and emotive

musical expressions in Venezuela. Their general construction is

determined by poetic rhymes that generate two basic types of

structures: abba and abab.32 They are often accompanied by cuatro or

guitar, and occasionally with traditional percussion.

• Tonada: This popular genre is inspired by working songs that surround the

driving of herds and the milking of cows in the Venezuelan plains. The

creation of the genre is attributed to Eduardo Serrano in the 1930s.

Generally the theme of the tonadas is intimate and melancholic. It is

accompanied by cuatro, and is usually slow with a great deal of metric

freedom, almost evoking a recitativo technique. The elements that

characterize it are usually melodic, and include constant use of grace

notes a minor third away from the melody. It consists of melodic lines

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Cantería. 1.- de polo.”

based on the notes of the second inversion triad (usually minor); and

the use of falsetto, glides, and long phrases on the syllable “ay.”33

• Vals: This style is also known as valse in Venezuela. It originated in Europe

as a popular German dance which arrived in Latin America at the

beginning of the nineteenth century and served as a platform for

numerous Latin American dance genres. The exact time of its arrival is

uncertain. It is incorporated in the popular celebrations and dances

together with other important genres such as the joropo. The vals and

the joropo then evolved in close relation to the point where the vals

became a slower form of the joropo with more romantic lyrics (much

like the pasaje). Naturally, the accompanying instruments for the

joropo (cuatro, maracas, and Venezuelan harp) also became the

traditional accompanying ensemble for the vals. Its melodies are

generally constructed in eight-measure periods, and are sometimes

rhythmically playful with the alternating ternary (3/4) and binary

accentuations (6/8) so characteristic of the joropo genre. The

Venezuelan vals is usually in ab form and sometimes modulates to

closely related keys.34

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Tonada.”
Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Vals.”


Colonial Times

Columbus’ arrival in the New World in 1492 initiated a blending process of the

indigenous traditions existing in the area with European musical culture. The oldest

musical manuscripts date from the second half of the sixteenth century and were

produced in the viceroyalties of the time: Mexico City, Guatemala City, Bogotá, and

Lima. The musical style of Hispano-American viceroyalties was determined by the

Catholic Church and the Spanish Kings. The repertoire was selected in the cathedrals of

Toledo and Seville, and then sent to the main cathedrals in each colony.35

In general, every cathedral had two choirs: the Lower Choir that sang chant under

the leadership of the chantre; and the Higher Choir that sang polyphonic music under the

direction of the Maestro de Capilla (Chapel Master).36 The repertoire consisted of

masses, hymns, motets, and antiphons for the Sunday services; lamentations, psalms, and

passions during Holy Week; sequences and litanies for the deceased; canticles, Te Deum,

and Magnificat settings for feast days; as well as a variety of traditional songs

(villancicos, rorros, juguetes and cantatas) for Christmas festivities.37 Many of these

compositions, especially the Masses, were sent from Spain and were written by important

European Renaissance composers such as Francisco Guerrero (ca. 1528-1599), Cristóbal

Samuel Claro-Valdés, “La Música en Hispanoamérica Durante la Era Virreinal,” in Imágenes de
la Música Iberoamericana, ed. Enrique Franco (Santander: Fundación Isaac Albéniz, 1992), 11-18.


de Morales (ca. 1500-1553), Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611), and Giovanni Pierluigi

da Palestrina (ca. 1525-1594), among others. The first Maestros de Capilla were sent

from Europe and were in charge of performing European music, as well as composing

new music. They began teaching music to the local inhabitants in order to build their

ensembles. Naturally, some of the students were instructed in the art and techniques of


In 1531 the Episcopate of what was then known as the Captaincy General of

Venezuela was established in the city of Santa Ana de Coro.38 Four years later the first

Venezuelan cathedral was built in the same city, and the following year, Father Juan

Rodríguez Robledo was appointed chantre of Santa Ana’s Cathedral. Because of this

first official musical appointment in the country, 1536 can be understood as the beginning

of the colonial musical period in Venezuela. Juan Bautista Plaza’s essay Music in

Caracas during the Colonial Period states that:

Previous to 1770 no musical movement worthy of mention had taken place in . . .

the Captaincy General of Venezuela. Our country, in contrast to the viceroyalties
of Mexico and Peru, was one of the poorest and most neglected colonies of the
American continents during the Spanish domination. Under these conditions, the
flourishing of the arts was difficult.39

Between 1536 and 1770, Venezuela was slowly developing the musical traditions that

would offer a solid musical foundation for future composers.

Like in the rest of the colonies, the newly established Catholic institution was a

reflection of the desires of the Spanish rulers, and as Tortolero stated, “many documents

Numa Tortolero, “Compositores Venezolanos: desde la época colonial,” Numa Tortolero, (accessed September 25, 2007).
Juan Bautista Plaza and Conchita Rexach, “Music in Caracas during the Colonial Period (1770-
1811),” The Musical Quarterly 29, no. 2. (April, 1943): 198-213.

show the profound interest that Venezuelan bishops had to accompany religious

festivities with the best music.”40 This desire helped ensure that music would receive

continuous support from the Church. During the colonial period the development of each

cathedral, and its corresponding music program, was determined by the wealth of the

viceroyalty or province. Venezuela was relatively poor in comparison to the gold-rich

cities of Mexico, Guatemala, Lima, and Bogotá, which were home to the Mayan, Aztec,

and Inca civilizations. This may explain the slow development of the Catholic Church in

the country and, by association, the musical movement throughout the nation. Later on,

Venezuela would grow in strategic economical importance because of its coastal location

in regard to trading and slavery, which also promoted the growth of the Catholic states of

the area. Frequent pirate assaults on the city of Santa Ana forced the Episcopate to be

moved to the city of Caracas—at the time referred to as Santiago de León de Caracas—in


Music education at the time was the responsibility of the Church, and with the

moving of the principal cathedral of the country to Caracas, efforts to build important

music schools were centered in that city and, in particular, around the new cathedral. The

first school was created in 1640 and was called Escuela de Canto Llano (Plainchant

School).42 Years later, in 1696, the Colegio Seminario de Santa Rosa (Santa Rosa

Seminary School) established a plainchant program; its first professor was Francisco

Pérez Camacho.43 Otto Mayer-Serra reports that the earliest school of music in the


country was founded by Luis Cárdenas Saavedra in 1591.44 However, the location of this

school is not stated in the source.

These institutions were in charge of teaching the art of reading and performing

music. It would take over a century for them to fully develop and to be of any real

significance, leading to the first important school of Venezuelan composers which

appeared around 1770. After finishing his studies at the Caracas Seminary, Father Pedro

Palacios y Sojo (1739-1799) traveled to Rome and Madrid to arrange for the founding in

Caracas of an “Oratory of St. Philip Neri.” First founded in Rome by St. Philip Neri

[1515-1595], this is a congregation of Catholic priests and lay-brothers who live together

in a community bound by no formal vows save the bond of charity.45 After receiving the

approval of Pope Clement IV in 1769, Father Sojo established the Oratory on December

18, 1771.46 Upon his return from Rome in 1770:

[he] brought with him various musical instruments as well as scores of sacred
works by famous composers of the time [. . .]. This dynamic young priest owned
an estancia or small coffee ranch in Chacao [. . .]. It was there that he and his
disciples or friends gathered to hear the interpretation of the scores brought over
from Italy.47

Sojo and his disciples not only performed the music, but after intense study, began to

write compositions based on European models. This early group of composers was

known as the Escuela del Padre Sojo (Father Sojo’s School) or the Escuela de Chacao

(Chacao’s School) because of the location of his ranch. In an article published in 1826

Otto Mayer-Serra, Música y Músicos de Latinoamérica, (Mexico, D.F.: Atlante, 1947), 1041-
Plaza and Rexach, (198-213).
Plaza and Rexach (198-213).

by the London periodical entitled El Repertorio Americano, Father Sojo was called “the

founder of music in Venezuela.”48

The Academia de Música (Music Academy) was part of Father Sojo’s Oratory of

St. Philip Neri. It was modeled after the original Italian order, and it functioned under one

of the most important composers of the time, Juan Manuel Olivares (1760-1797), whose

compositional output, like many other composers of this period, is largely comprised of

choral-orchestral works. Some of his most important works are Miserere and

Lamentación para el Viernes Santo [Lamentation for Good Friday], both written in 1791.

This music school trained the most significant group of church music composers in

Venezuelan history. Notable in this group were José Francisco Velásquez (ca. 1735-

1805), who wrote numerous masses and sacred works, such as Pangue Lingua in 1798

and Gradual in 1800. Also from this group is José Antonio Caro de Boesi (ca. 1760-

1814), who composed many motets and masses such as the important Misa de Gloria

[Glory Mass] believed to be written in 1781, and the Misa de difuntos [mass for the

dead], written in 1779, which is believed to be the oldest Venezuelan choral work. Also

from this collection of composers are Pedro Nolasco Colón (b. ca. 1750), from whom

only two works are known: Qualis est and Llorad mortales [cry mortals]; and José

Cayetano Carreño (1774-1836), who has an extensive catalogue of compositions from

which three important works can be highlighted: Tristis est, In Monte Oliveti, and Oficio

y misa de difuntos [office and mass for the dead]. Additionally, Juan José Landaeta (ca.

1780-1812) stands out with a catalogue of works that includes some sacred compositions,

and whose most important contribution is the music for Venezuela’s National Anthem:


Gloria al bravo pueblo. In addition, Lino Gallardo (ca. 1775-1814) primarily wrote

secular music.49

Finally, the most celebrated figure was José Angel Lamas (1775-1814),50 whose

extensive catalogue includes his first most famous work: a setting of Popule meus written

in 1801. Because of its expressive melodic beauty, this was the only colonial sacred

masterpiece that became widely popular in the country. Two other important works are

Misa en re (mass in D) written in 1810, and his Miserere in seven movements.


Venezuela’s dissociation from Spain occurred after the war of independence that

culminated with the signing of the Independence Act of Venezuela in 1811. In this new

period, music played a novel role during the period of political emancipation. Musicians

found themselves very actively involved in the political process, many leaving their

church posts in favor of demonstrations in which some paid with their lives. Almost all

musicians contributed to the independence movement by writing patriotic songs and

hymns. One of these is the aforementioned Gloria al bravo pueblo (1810) by Landaeta.51

Plaza writes:

…instead of sacred and devout music, therefore, the young Republic offered us
short and spirited compositions—patriotic songs, testifying to new events, new
times, new ideals. Music flowed gaily through the streets, and took on a new
social significance, until then unheard of in the land.52

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”
Gerard Béhague, Music in Latin America: An Introduction (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1979),
Mayer-Serra (1041-1051).
Plaza and Rexach (198-213).

In 1810 musical activities in Venezuela became more and more sporadic until the

consolidation of the new republic in 1821. This absence of music was in part the result of

the new authorities’ attempts to minimize spontaneous musical expressions in the streets.

However, even though the restrictions were many, the new government produced a public

concert commemorating the first anniversary of the largest independence battle that took

place on April 19, 1810. The Cathedral of Caracas also celebrated this anniversary with a

solemn mass and a Te Deum. The government also offered an orchestral concert to

celebrate the Independence Act.53

Beginning in 1820, musical comedies and dramas were presented in the home of

Ambrosio Cardozo, one of Caracas’ prominent citizens and supporter of the arts. In 1831

Cardozo built a theater called El Coliseo that seated between 800 and 1000 spectators.54

In this theater the first Italian operas and Spanish zarzuelas heard in Caracas, produced

by local musicians. Also in 1831 the Philharmonic Society was established, and

instrumental music, again, became a part of Venezuelan society. Many of the composers

of the period, accomplished instrumentalists themselves, participated in these

productions. It was not until 1850 that the Venezuelan government allocated a small

budget for the creation of a school of music under the leadership of Atanacio Bello



During the War of Independence, an important portion of the archives in many of

the cathedrals were destroyed, and many of the works by composers of the colonial

period were lost. However, the prevalent compositional style of the Escuela de Chacao

was used by the composers who survived the war. This new generation of composers

introduced changes in their compositional output and started writing for events other than

exclusively religious celebrations. They progressively wrote more for instruments,

grouped either in larger orchestral ensembles or smaller chamber groups. The oldest

examples of manuscripts of symphonic and chamber music appear from this period.56

Nineteenth Century as the Platform for Nationalism.

The period between 1810 and 1830 marks the beginning of independence

throughout Latin America, with the social and political conditions and circumstances

contributing to a nationalist aesthetic in art music.57 All of the young nations rejected the

Iberian heritage and started to create new political and cultural structures. During the

colonial period it was common to import European teachers and performers, but upon

independence, these nations sought to develop local talent. They searched for cultural and

social trends that could identify and separate them from sister nations. The dominant

mode of cultural expression in nineteenth-century Latin America was literature, which

Marie Elizabeth Labonville, “The Musical Nationalism in Venezuela: The Work of Juan
Bautista Plaza (1898-1965)” (DMA diss., University of California, 1999), 3.

circumscribed the form and interpretation of all the other arts.58 Music was heavily

influenced by literature; however Béhague expresses that:

Latin American musical nationalism has never been defined to the satisfaction of
all; in spite of some agreement as to its fundamental characteristics in Europe, its
meaning and functions are varied frequently according to the personality being

Venezuela finally achieved complete independence from Spain with the final

battle of Carabobo in 1821. Political instability followed the battle, which resulted in a

Federal War.60 During the second half of the nineteenth century, Venezuela’s political

and social structure was very unstable, and the presidency of the republic was regularly

and violently disputed.61 Despite this political circumstance, in 1854 the Teatro Caracas

(Caracas Theater) was inaugurated. For this event, an Italian opera company was hired to

present Giuseppe Verdi’s opera Ernani, accompanied by an orchestra comprised of local

teachers and amateur musicians under the baton of José María Velásquez, son of José

Francisco Velásquez (called “the young” to differentiate him from his father who also

was an accomplished musician), who was a member of the Sojo School of composers.62

The opening of this theater was tremendously important because it placed Caracas’

cultural and social center outside the Catholic Church, further reinforcing independence

from Spain and its religious missions that had dominated the culture since the fifteenth

2. Gerald Martin, “Literature, music and the visual arts, 1870-1930,” in A cultural History of
Latin America: literatura, Music and the Visual Arts in the 19th and 20th Centurias, ed. Leslie Bethell
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), 73.
Béhague, 124.
Parra, 5.

century. Furthermore, it was in this theater that the first opera Virginia written by a

Venezuelan composer (José Ángel Montero) was performed.63

Two other important institutions were established during the independence period.

The Conservatorio de Bellas Artes (Conservatory of Fine Arts) was created in 1877 and

was made up of three schools: music, sculpture, and drawing and painting; and the

Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes (National Academy of Fine Arts), created in 1887,

where music, painting, drawing, architecture, and theatrical arts were taught.64 A new

and important generation of Venezuelan Romantic composers appeared during this

period, which included José Ángel Montero (1832-1881), José Gabriel Núñez Romberg

(1834-1918), Felipe Larrazábal (1816-1873), Federico Villena (1835-1899), Ramón

Delgado Palacios (1867-1902), Sebastián Díaz Peña (1844-1926), Jesús María Suárez

(b.1845), Salvador Narciso Llamozas (1854-1940), Pedro Elías Gutiérrez (1870-1954),

Manuel Leoncio Rodríguez (1870-1943), Andrés Delgado Pardo (1870-1943), Joaquín

Silva Díaz (1886-1977), Enrique León (1854-1899), Régulo Rico (1878-1960), and

Augusto Brandt (1892-1941). Two others, Teresa Carreño (1853-1917) and Reynaldo

Hahn (1874-1947) achieved international reputation.65

Twentieth Century and the Present

The rapid growth of nationalistic traits in music in the first half of the twentieth

century was a consequence of social and political developments throughout Latin

America. Although many European composers had abandoned the nationalistic style by

Martin, 74.

1930, it retained its importance in Latin America until the 1950s.66 Until this date

nationalistic and non-nationalistic characteristics coexisted in Latin American music.

Some composers embraced the nationalistic style, while others pursued different

compositional aesthetics. Many of these composers were indifferent to the nationalistic

trend or even openly opposed to it.67

Throughout Latin America, nationalism in music manifested itself through several

technical and artistic elements. Mestizo folk music, indigenous music, and urban popular

music were sources of inspiration for nationalist composers. Labonville writes:

Some [composers] chose to include literal citations from national music, while
others preferred to imitate characteristic melodies, rhythms, textures, harmonic
progressions, and timbral combinations. Others strove to distill the essence of the
national music soul and express it in such a way that the work’s provenance was
clear, although it might be difficult to pinpoint specific musical elements that
determined this… A few composers wrote parts for actual folk or indigenous
instruments, while others imitated their sounds and techniques with European

Nationalism was not only about compositional aesthetics and techniques, but also

expressed itself through important efforts directed to modernize the musical scene in

order to improve the concert life of society. This created what Labonville calls a “musical

infrastructure” that included symphonic orchestras, choral societies, concert halls,

concert-promoting organizations, music critics, competent composers and arrangers,

music publishing houses, public lectures, music programs in schools, conservatories, folk

music research centers, and a knowledgeable audience.69

Béhague, 124.
Labonville, 4-5.
Ibid, 5.
Ibid, 6-7.

Starting in the first half of the twentieth century, and for twenty-seven years, the

dictator General Juan Vicente Gómez (1857-1935) fostered the development of

nationalism in Venezuela. Marc Falk writes:

Gómez came to power in 1908, and brought a certain measure of stability to a

country that had been consistently wracked by political upheaval since its first
battles for independence. Though Gómez’s regime was strongly anti-arts and
anti-culture, the relative calm brought by this extended period of time without
political change and the relative economic success brought about by the quickly
developing Venezuelan oil industry, helped to form a society ripe for the
development of nationalist sentiment.70

Gómez, despite his anti-arts sentiments, was astute enough to reinforce national identity

using cultural activities. However, one of the greatest difficulties within this period of

musical history in Venezuela was the complete unfamiliarity of the contemporary

musical developments in Europe. José Antonio Calcaño writes:

In Europe, events of the greatest importance in the music world had occurred.
The Russians had appeared with their new music; Wagner had carried out one of
the most far-reaching revolutions; Impressionism had appeared in France, the
English were excelling, and even sleeping Spain had opened its eyes, without
Venezuelan musicians having realized any of it. Venezuelan composers from
Guzmán [Blanco] until 1919 were familiar with Chopin—who has died sixty
years before, and the vacuous Gottschalk; they now, in this century, began to play
the little piano pieces of Grieg, Godard, and Chaminade. All this reveals an
outmoded orientation. Our colonial musicians—with great difficulties that
existed at the time in communications with the old world—knew Haydn, Mozart,
[and] Pleyel, who at the time were still living and represented the newest of that
After that colonial beginning, so wonderful and surprising, our music did
nothing but descend until it almost disappeared at the beginning of the
government of Gómez.71

Marc Frederick Falk, “The Secular Choral Music of Juan Bautista Plaza (1898-1965): The
Music and Text of Venezuelan Nationalism” (DMA diss., University of Iowa, 2006), 16.
José Antonio Calcaño, La Ciudad y su música. 2d ed. (Caracas: Fundarte, 1980): 440, quoted in
Cira Parra, “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works of Modesta Bor” (DMA diss., University of
Cincinnati, 2006), 7.

During the initial years of the twentieth century, the country had very few musical

activities. Other than dances, some presentations of opera and zarzuela, and isolated

initiatives to perform chamber music, Venezuela did not have an outstanding musical

life.72 The first important effort to correct this situation was undertaken by Monsignor

Ricardo Bartoloni, Professor Vicente Martucci, and Monsignor Nicolás Navarro, who

struggled to put together the necessary forces, both choral and symphonic, to perform

Lorenzo Perosi’s oratorio La Resurrección de Lázaro (Lazarus’ Resurrection) in 1921.

Based upon this success, further efforts were made to establish an orchestra in Caracas.

This initiative allowed the foundation of the Unión Filarmónica de Caracas

(Philharmonic Union of Caracas), which would become the Orquesta Sinfónica

Venezuela (Venezuelan Symphonic Orchestra) in 1930.73

In the beginning of the 1920s, Venezuela experienced a musical rebirth that was

solidified in the 1930s,74 and with this rebirth the nationalistic style experienced a

renewed development. According to Labonville, three main factors contributed to this: an

increasing desire among Venezuelans to establish a national cultural identity, a desire to

counteract a sense of national inferiority by improving cultural conditions along

European models, and the efforts of three musicians: Juan Bautista Plaza (1898-1965),

Vicente Emilio Sojo (1887-1974), and José Antonio Calcaño (1900-1965).75 Labonville


The critical issues…were the prevalence of poor taste in music, ignorance of the
masterworks of Western art music, a general laziness which made Venezuelans
Parra, 9.
Labonville, 56.

disinclined to try to learn about new kinds of music, and a lack of proper technical
training among Venezuelan Composers. Education…was paramount.76

In combined efforts, these three important leaders created significant ensembles

such as the Orfeón Lamas (Lamas Choral Society) in 1928 and the aforementioned

Venezuelan Symphony Orchestra. They rediscovered Venezuelan colonial music by

transcribing and performing it, and developed the Escuela Nacional de Música (National

School of Music), later named Escuela Superior de Música José Ángel Lamas, which

influenced many generations of Venezuelan performers and composers.77 In addition to

the development of new musicians, these musical leaders knew that developing an

audience for their music and national expression was vital. They achieved this by means

of music education programs in the schools, public educational lectures, radio lectures,

articles, and pre-concert talks.78

A second integral aspect that solidified the new nationalist movement in

Venezuela was the development of compositions that clearly defined Venezuelan

identity. The first generation of composers that undertook such tasks included Plaza,

Sojo, Calcaño, and Moisés Moleiro (1904-1979). They combined technical skill with

Venezuelan music and culture to successfully create an important repertoire of a

nationalistic style.79 Their efforts were followed by a second generation of composers

primarily trained by Sojo, which included Antonio Estévez (1916-1988), Gonzalo

Castellanos Yumar (b. 1926), Inocente Carreño (b. 1919), and many others.

Ibid, 316.
Parra, 9.
Falk, 18.
Ibid, 20.

During the second half of the Twentieth Century, the Orfeón Lamas started to

decline until its disappearance in the beginning of the 1960s. Fortunately, its existence

had encouraged the creation of other choral ensembles. Through Antonio Estévez’s

initiative, the Orfeón Universitario (University Choral Society) was established at the

Universidad Central de Venezuela (Central University of Venezuela) in 1942. One year

later Angel Sauce (1911-1995) founded the Orfeón Juan Manuel Olivares (Juan Manuel

Olivares Choral Society) under the patronage of the Education Ministry.80 Under the

leadership of Alberto Grau (b. 1937), the Schola Cantorum De Caracas, an ensemble of

mixed voices, was founded in 1967 through the initiative of a group of music professors

and students motivated by a genuine yearning to perform choral music. These and many

other ensembles throughout the nation constitute Venezuela’s choral movement, which

has been the stage for many singers, conductors, and composers that continue to

contribute to the country’s cultural life.

Bor, Modesta (1926-1998)
Modesta Bor was born in Juangriego, Nueva Esparta State, Venezuela, in 1926.

She showed natural talent from an early age and moved to Caracas in 1942 to continue

her musical training at the “José Angel Lamas” School of Music. She studied under

prominent Venezuelan musicians such as Juan Bautista Plaza, Antonio Estévez, Elena de

Arrarte, and Vicente Emilio Sojo. She graduated as a composer in 1959 and dedicated

her life to composition, teaching, and ethnomusicology.81

In 1960 Bor traveled to Moscow, where she studied under important Russian

musicians such as Aram Katchaturian, Sergei Skripkov, Dimitri Rogal-Lewitsky, Natalia

Fiodorova, and Nina Vlasova.82 After returning from Russia, she taught in several music

schools and served as chair of the Musicology Department of the Servicio de

Investigaciones Folklóricas Nacionales (National Folkloric Research Service) from

1948 to 1951. During this period of time she was able to collect an important amount of

folkloric musical material, part of which she used as original material for her

compositions and arrangements.83

An important part of Modesta Bor’s life as a musician was linked to her

conducting children’s choirs. Her work leading the Children’s Choir of the “Juan

Manuel Olivares” Music School stands out, and much of her output for treble voices was

written for this ensemble. She considered these simple but didactically crafted

Capriles, I. and Felipe Sangiorgi, “Síntesis curricular,” in Modesta Bor eds. Irina Capriles and
Elizabeth Monascal (Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes Mixtos a las Artes, 1998), 9.
Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Bor, Modesta.”
Capriles, I. and Felipe Sangiorgi, “Síntesis curricular,” in Modesta Bor eds. Irina Capriles and
Elizabeth Monascal (Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes Mixtos a las Artes, 1998), 9.


arrangements as an introduction to classical polyphony. They represent the biggest

compositional output for treble voices in Venezuela.84

Modesta Bor wrote over 300 compositions and arrangements for a wide array of

both vocal and instrumental ensembles. She earned eight National Music Awards as well

as many recognitions, four of which were given to works for mixed choral ensemble

(1965: “Himno de la Federación de Centros Universitarios,” 1986: “Basta, basta, basta,”

1986: “Son Venezolano,” and 1971: “La mañana ajena”), and a Special Award in 1986

from CONAC (National Council for Culture) in recognition of her work in the

development of choral music in Venezuela.85

Modesta Bor’s style tends to be nationalistic, incorporating many of the structural,

rhythmic, and harmonic elements of popular and folkloric Venezuelan music in her

compositions and arrangements. Bor also explored the use of chords without tonal

function, chords with added notes (usually the fourth or seventh scale degree), and

chords resulting in the stacking of ascending fourths. Her compositional preferences

include imitative counterpoint as a defining texture, and the presence of a particular

rhythmic and melodic motive, occasionally developed, throughout the piece.

Harmonically, her arrangements, especially for treble choirs, tend to be simple,

contrasting with her compositions in which she slowly embraces serial techniques,

developing into a form of atonalism with particular beauty and expressive value.


Modesta Bor was an eclectic composer whose works contain nationalistic,

impressionistic, and twelve-tone stylistic elements.86

Choral Works:
A una niña
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Aquiles Nazoa
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante expresivo
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1965-66
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Abranme la puerta
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by José Martínez Terrero
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Bor, Modesta.”

Initial Key: B minor

Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 120 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: X. Süssmayer
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Bb major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 150 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Madrigal. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Adeste Fideles
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: John Francis Wade
Type of Choir: Tr

Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Christmas song. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Adiós a Ocumare
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Gregorio Timotes. Music by Angel Landaeta
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes

Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Adoremos a Dios
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Nicolás Bor. Music by Luis Manuel Gutiérrez
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 330 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo collected in Juan Griego, Nueva
Esparta State.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Adoremos a Dios
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Nicolás Bor. Music by Luis Manuel Gutiérrez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: A, satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 330 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’

Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo collected in Juan Griego, Nueva

Esparta State.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

Aguinaldo margariteño
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Luis Felipe Ramón y Rivera
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 285 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Aguinaldo margariteño
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Luis Felipe Ramón y Rivera
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: B minor

Initial Meter: 2/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscrpit
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

Aguinaldo oriental
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Modesta Bor
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 360 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo collected in Pertigalete,
Anzoátegui State. Six verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Cantar Navideño I. C. A. La Electricidad de Caracas. LP.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Aguinaldo oriental
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Modesta Bor
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 360 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo collected in Pertigalete,
Anzoátegui State. Six verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Cantar Navideño I. C. A. La Electricidad de Caracas. LP.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Otilio Galíndez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 120 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript

Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

Al llegar aquí
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Modesta Bor
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

[cuatro, perc]
C major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo from Sucre State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1998
Fundación Polar
La música de nuestr@s niñ@s. General Director, Alberto
Grau. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
FD33620001151, FD33620001152. CD.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Al llegar aquí
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Modesta Bor
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: SA, satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 390 ]
Difficulty: E

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo from Sucre State. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1978
Publisher: Le Electricidad de Caracas
Recording: Aguinaldos tradicionales. Schola Cantorum de Caracas
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17298693. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Celis, Mariangelina, ed. Renacer Navideño. Caracas: La
Electricidad de Caracas, 1978.

Alé limón
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Modesta Bor
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: s[ss]a

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan children’s song collected in Pertigalete,
Anzoátegui State.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Arbol de canción
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Federico García Lorca
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1956 (as reported by Cira Parra)
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.

Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Arco Iris
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Manuel Felipe Rugeles
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss]at[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Alegre = 120
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: December, 1956
Date of Publication: 2005
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not availbale
Additional Remarks: None

Source: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:

Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Arroz con coco

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional Venezuelan song
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 80 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 0’45’’
Other Information: Traditional Venezuelan children’s song
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Bandera tricolor
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular Venezuelan song
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 75 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’

Other Information: Venezuelan guasa from the time right after the war
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Basta, basta, basta

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Sonia Sgambatti
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Expresivo
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’15’’
Other Information: There are two small narrations and some extended
compositional techniques in the form of a shout and a
glide in the bass line. Presents some rhythmic
Date of Composition: 1981
Date of Publication: 1996
Publisher: Consejo Nacional de la Cultura (CONAC)
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Winner of the first prize in the Vinicio Adames Contest
(no date available).
Source: Músicos Contemporános Venezolanos. Colección de
himnos y canciones sobre poemas de Sonia
Sgambatti. Caracas: Consejo Nacional de la
Cultura, 1996.

Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works

of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Campana sobre campana

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Andalusia
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 120 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Traditional Christmas song. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Canción de cuna
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johannes Brahms
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Eb major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante expresivo
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Lullaby. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None

Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Canción de cuna
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Modesta Bor
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andantino
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Lullaby from Juangriego, Nueva Esparta State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Canción para la niña desvelada

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Manuel Felipe Rugeles. Music by Ana Mercedes
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ss[aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andantino
Difficulty: E

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Lullaby. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Canción popular rusa

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Russia
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andantino
Difficulty: E
Language: Russian
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: A translation to Spanish is provided. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Canción popular rusa

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Russia
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: A translation to Spanish is provided. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Canquin Cuesca
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Mexico
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella [gtr]

Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 85 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 0’45’’
Other Information: Short children’s song
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Cantar del muchacho de piel de noche

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Juan Calzadilla
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, [ss]sa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F# minor
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante expresivo
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: June 24, 1982
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A mi hija Modesta Yamila, con gran afecto
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Canto a la vida
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Fernando Rodríguez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect:Andantino, cantabile, expresivo [ = 85 ]
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Madrigal. Sopranos sing the text while the rest of the choir
accompanies with a hum.
Date of Composition: 1967
Date of Publication: Manuscript

Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.


Canto aragüeño
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Simple polyphonic song. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Canto aragüeño
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major

Initial Meter: 3/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Simple polyphonic song. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Canto de pilón
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Modesta Bor
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella [perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Working song from Nueva Esparta State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Canto para cazar tigüitigües

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folklore from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Children’s song from Nueva Esparta State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Coplas de cuna
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Emma Pérez
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][ss][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F# minor
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: June 29-30, 1982
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A mi hija Liliana, con todo mi afecto.
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

De contento
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Rafael Isaza. Collected and harmonized by Vicente Emilio
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SA, ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 100 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Three verses.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous from Cancionero de Palacio
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
[ = 200 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information:Christmas song from Spain (sixteenth century). Two
Date of Composition: No date

Date of Publication: 1998

Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Don Ramón
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected and harmonized by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Children’s song. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Don Ramón
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected and harmonized by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: Solo, ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 2/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Children’s song. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella [pf, gtr, or cuatro]

Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 0’45’’
Other Information: Joyful homophonic children’s song
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Duerme, niño mío

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Feliú. Music by Franz Schubert
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 0’45’’
Other Information: Lullaby
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El aragüato (version 1)
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella [pf or gtr]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Popular children’s song from Venezuela. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El aragüato (version 2)
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella [pf or gtr]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Popular children’s song from Venezuela. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El baile
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella [pf]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Tempo di minueto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Homophonic madrigal in Tempo di minueto. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar

Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El cambao
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected and harmonized by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella [cuatro or gtr]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto – Aire de contradanza
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan song in the style of a contradanza. Five
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El carite
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Diversión from eastern Venezuela. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Niños cantores de Margarita. Grabaciones Margarita. LP.
(no date).
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El cazador
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: T. Silcher
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Vigoroso
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 0’45’’
Other Information: Homophonic children’s song. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El cucú
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Switzerland
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Homophonic children’s song. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El frutero
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Cruz Felipe Iriarte
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 300 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

El manguito
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folklore from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 6/8 (3/4)
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El niño malcriado
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 3/4 and 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None

Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El palagar
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Francisco Carreño
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major (short introduction in E minor)
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 300 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Christmas diversión from eastern Venezuela
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El pavo
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 120 ]
Difficulty: E

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: La música de nuestr@s niñ@s. General Director, Alberto
Grau. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
FD33620001151, FD33620001152. CD.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El pavo
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: Solo, sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 120 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1978
Publisher: La Electricidad de Caracas
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Celis, Mariangelina, ed. Renacer Navideño. Caracas: La
Electricidad de Caracas, 1978.

El periquito
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Aquiles Nazoa
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro [ = 120 ] (short and slower introduction)
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue from Barinas State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El periquito
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Aquiles Nazoa
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro [ = 120 ] (short and slower introduction)
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue from Barinas State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

El Rey Herodes
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Catalonia
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Ab major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Catalan
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Traditional Christmas song. Three verses. A translation
into Spanish is included
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El rorro
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Mexico
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Christmas lullaby. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar

Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El sebucán
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 300 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Diversión from eastern Venezuela. Six verses. It is sung
usually accompanying a traditional dance called Sebucán.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

El señor Don Gato

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella [pf, or gtr, or cuatro]

Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 2/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Very simple children’s song. Seven verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

En la mano traigo
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Traditional children’s song. Four verses
Date of Composition:
Date of Publication:1998
Fundación Polar
Niños cantores de Margarita. Grabaciones Margarita. LP.
(no date).
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Espléndida noche
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Ricardo Pérez. Harmonized by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr

Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 100 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 6’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Fulía de Cumaná
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 70 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Slow fulía from Venezuela
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Guinand, María. Movimiento Coral Venezolano. Una
Retrospectiva. LF-172200090022. CD-Rom.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y


Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola

Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

Gesù bambin e’ nato

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional song from Italy
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Ab major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante
Difficulty: E
Language: Italian
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Homophonic children’s song
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La brillante estrella
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Francisco Carreño
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo from Ciudad Bolívar, Bolívar
State. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La brisa
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, ss[aa]a

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante expresivo
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: February 10, 1986
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La burriquita
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folklore from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 300 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan diversión from Nueva Esparta State. Three
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La cabrita
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Manuel Felipe Rugeles
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: SA, sat[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Alegre [ = 135 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information:Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1956
Date of Publication:1967
Publisher:Dirección de Cultura de la Universidad Central de
Venezuela (Central University of Venezuela)
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Madrigales y Canciones Corales. Caracas: Dirección de

Cultura de la Universidad Central de Venezuela,


Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works

of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

La culebra
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folklore from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

[cuatro, perc]
D major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information:Venezuelan guasa from Sucre State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1998
Fundación Polar
Niños cantores de Margarita. Grabaciones Margarita. LP.
(no date).
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La culebra
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folklore from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: stb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan guasa from Sucre State.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

La florista
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Franz Anton Hoffmeister
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Homophonic children’s song. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La jornada
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 300 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Six verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La lora
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan guasa
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La mariposa
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 0’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan Christmas diversión from Sucre State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La mariposa
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: A, ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 90 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan Christmas diversión from Sucre State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar

Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La Mónica Pérez
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folklore from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

[cuatro, perc]
D minor
Initial Key:
3/4 (6/8)
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information:Venezuelan joropo. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1998
Fundación Polar
Niños cantores de Margarita. Grabaciones Margarita. LP.
(no date).
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La perla insomne
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Efraín Subero
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][ss][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante calmo

Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: February 26, 1996
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: Al Coro de niños de Valencia, con gran amor
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

La sirena
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 285 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Diversión from eastern Venezuela. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Las estrellas del cielo

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Modesta Bor
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo from Juangriego, Nueva Esparta
State. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Niños cantores de Margarita. Grabaciones Margarita. LP.
(no date).
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Segundo Ygnacio Ramos
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato = 90
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: June, 1964
Date of Publication: 2005
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:

Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Los ecos
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Rafael Isaza. Harmonized by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Secular song with religious references. Joyful and
polyphonic. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Los gallos
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Fernando Paz Castillo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 2/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Madrigal

Date of Composition: 1960

Date of Publication: 2005
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Luna del malecón

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Efraín Subero
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][ss][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect:[ = 80 ]
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: February, 1996
Date of Publication: 2005
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: Al Coro de niños de la ULA, con un afecto
muy especial
Source: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Modesta Bor
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: Solo, ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 9/8 *

Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante con moto (un poco rubato)

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 6’45’’
Other Information: Traditional song from Nueva Esparta State. The choir
imitates accompanying instruments during the entire
piece, while the soloist sings the original melody. Five
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Maquiní Surcí
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: s[ss]a

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Traditional children’s song
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

María moñitos
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

A cappella [pf, or gtr, or cuatro]

D major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information:Traditional children’s song
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1998
Fundación Polar
Niños cantores de Margarita. Grabaciones Margarita. LP.
(no date).
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

María Pancha
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folklore from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 345 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue from Nueva Esparta State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript

Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

Mariposa del aire

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Federico García Lorca
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante expresivo
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1960
Date of Publication: 2005
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Mi Teresa (vesrion 1)
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected and harmonized by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’

Other Information: Venezuelan guasa. Four verses

Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Mi Teresa (vesrion 2)
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected and harmonized by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss]sa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan guasa. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Niño lindo
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela. Harmonized by Vicente
Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SS, ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 80 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Noche de paz
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Franz Gruber
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Larghetto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Slow Christmas song. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Noches larenses
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Juan Ramón Barrios
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andantino
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Traditional Venezuelan song from Lara State.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Nosotros, pobres pastores

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Estefanía Tovar
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None

Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Oye y verás (version 1)

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Fernando Rodríguez. The author of the music is
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 130 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Oye y verás (version 2)

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Fernando Rodríguez. The author of the music is
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4 and 6/8

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 130 ]

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Pajarito chino
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Juana de Ibarbourou. Music by Luis Pedro
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Based on a pentatonic scale. It hints D minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 0’30’’
Other Information: Under the title the following phrase is included: De
“Canciones de Natacha” (From “Canciones de Natacha”).
It is not clear if this refers to the song or only to the text.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Palomita blanca
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andantino
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Simple children’s song in which the bottom two voices
hum accompanying the top voice. It could also be done
with a two-part choir and a soloist. Six verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Parranda margariteña
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Eduardo Serrano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 125 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 197?
Date of Publication: Manuscript

Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.


Playas de San Luis

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Eduardo Serrano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato [ = 140 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

Polo margariteño
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 165 ]

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan polo from Nueva Esparta State. Each section
of the choir has a solo line, to be sung by the entire section
while the rest of the choir sings the accompanying
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Polo margariteño
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folkloric song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: SATB, satb

[cuatro, perc]
G major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Allegro moderato
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information:Venezuelan polo from Nueva Esparta State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:Manuscript
Tierra, País y Patria. Coral Consolidado, dir. Alberto
Grau. Fundación Banco Consolidado. SD
28293729. CD. 1993.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

Por darle gloria a Guzmán

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SA, ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Marcial
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Martial character. The choir appears to be imitating a
marching band while the soloists sing the melodic
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Niños cantores de Margarita. Grabaciones Margarita. LP.
(no date).
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Federico García Lorca
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1957

Date of Publication: 2005

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: Al Maestro Vicente Emilio Sojo
Source: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Riqui ran
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella [gtr or cuatro]

Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 90 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Short and simple children’s song. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Sancocho’e güesito
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected and harmonized by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: Solo, s[ss]a

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 2/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 90 ]

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Traditional song stylistically similar to a Venezuelan
guasa or merengue.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Se acerca la navidad
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Blanca Estrella de Méscoli
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 300 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 0’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Si de noche ves que brillan

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected and harmonized by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan song from the nineteenth century. Three
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Si vas de prisa
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Juan Ramón Jiménez
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: s[ss]a

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: June 28-29, 1982
Date of Publication: 2005
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A mi hija Lena, con gran afecto
Source: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Sin vinos, ni hallacas

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Fernando Rodríguez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Alegre
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Three verses
Date of Composition: 1972
Date of Publication: 1978
Publisher: La Electricidad de Caracas
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Celis, Mariangelina, ed. Renacer Navideño. Caracas: La
Electricidad de Caracas, 1978.

Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works

of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Sobre tus cholitas

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Francisco Arredondo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4

[ = 125 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:Manuscript
Recording:Aguinaldos tradicionales. Schola Cantorum de Caracas
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17298693. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Manuscript

Sois la prometida
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected and harmonized by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SA, ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 90 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Sombra en los médanos

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: José Rafael Sánchez López
Type of Choir: Tr

Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 140 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Sublime ideal
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected and harmonized by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes

Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Tal vez mañana me vaya

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4 and 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Madrigal. Two verses. The third time is hummed.
Date of Composition: 1960
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Una paloma blanca

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela. Harmonized by Vicente
Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Slow children’s song. Three verses

Date of Composition: No date

Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Ya viene la vieja
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Spain
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella [gtr or cuatro]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 0’45’’
Other Information: Simple Spanish Christmas song. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Yo invento
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano. Music by Rafael Salazar
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella [pf, or gtr, or cuatro]

Initial Key: F major

Initial Meter: 2/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Also known as Marcha de la creatividad. Homophonic
children’s song. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1998
Publisher: Fundación Polar
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor.
Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes
Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Unexamined scores:
During this research, the author has not been able to have access to the original

score nor a copy of the following titles. The information presented for each one has been

collected from other printed sources listed for each song.

Al niño Jesús
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Liliana S. Bor
Type of Choir: Mx
Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Recording: Coral de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad
Central de Venezuela. Coral de la Facultad de
Ciencias de la Universidad Central de Venezuela,
dir. Eduardo Arias. Universidad Central de
Venezuela. 4D431. CD.
Source: Coral de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad
Central de Venezuela. Coral de la Facultad de
Ciencias de la Universidad Central de Venezuela,
dir. Eduardo Arias. Universidad Central de
Venezuela. 4D431. CD.

Aquí te amo
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Pablo Neruda
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]
Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1993
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón de la ULA
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Bajaste del cielo con luz primorosa

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Luis Mariano Rivera
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb
Instrumentation: A cappella [cuatro, perc]
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1996
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón de la ULA
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Balada de la luna, luna

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Federico García Lorca
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: 1954
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works

of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of

Cincinnati, 2006.

Barco de la media noche

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Augusto González Castro
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1982
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Aquiles Nazoa
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: 1956
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Canción lejana
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Unknown
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Date of Composition: 1950-53
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Canto de paz
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Carlos Augusto León
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1969
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Con esta parrandita

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Unknown
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb
Instrumentation: A cappella [cuatro, perc]
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1986
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

En atisbo de azules
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Francisco López Granados
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1996
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Coro de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UCV
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Es la mañana llena
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Pablo Neruda
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Date of Composition: 1996
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Espectro sonoro
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Unknown
Type of Choir: Mx
Language: Spanish
Date of Composition: 1995
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Himno a la Facultad de Centros Universitarios

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text:Text by Aníbal Castillo
Type of Choir:Mx
Voices and Range: Solo, satb
Language: Spanish
Other Information:Intitutional anthem
Date of Composition: 1965
Additional Remarks: Composition award from the Central University of
Venezuela (UCV) in 1965
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Himno al Instituto Universitario de Tecnología

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Ernesto Luis Rodríguez
Type of Choir: Mx

Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Institutional anthem
Date of Composition: 1988
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Himno del Concejo Venezolano del Niño

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Modesta Bor
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Institutional anthem
Date of Composition: No date
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

La negra Atilia
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text:Pablo Camacaro
Type of Choir:Mx
Instrumentation:[cuatro, perc]
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information:Venezuelan guasa
Recording:Coral de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad
Central de Venezuela. Coral de la Facultad de
Ciencias de la Universidad Central de Venezuela,
dir. Eduardo Arias. Universidad Central de
Venezuela. 4D431. CD.
Source: Coral de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad
Central de Venezuela. Coral de la Facultad de
Ciencias de la Universidad Central de Venezuela,
dir. Eduardo Arias. Universidad Central de
Venezuela. 4D431. CD.

Los tres reyes magos

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb
Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1986
Recording: Coral de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad
Central de Venezuela. Coral de la Facultad de
Ciencias de la Universidad Central de Venezuela,
dir. Eduardo Arias. Universidad Central de
Venezuela. 4D431. CD.
Source: Coral de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad
Central de Venezuela. Coral de la Facultad de
Ciencias de la Universidad Central de Venezuela,
dir. Eduardo Arias. Universidad Central de
Venezuela. 4D431. CD.

Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works

of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Manchas sonoras: I. Planos de luz

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Nonsensical syllables
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: ssaattbb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Chords built on the intervals of seconds, fourths and fifths
Language: Nonsensical syllables
Date of Composition: 1975
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a la Schola Cantorum de Caracas
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Manchas sonoras: II. Requiebros

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Nonsensical syllables
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: ssaattbb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Initially, harmony revolves around B
Initial Meter: 5/8 *
Language: Nonsensical syllables
Other Information: Incorporates percussive vocal effects
Date of Composition: 1975
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a la Schola Cantorum de Caracas
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Manchas sonoras: III. Esquinces rítmicos

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Nonsensical syllables
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: ssaattbb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Nonsensical syllables
Other Information: Incorporates percussive vocal effects
Date of Composition: 1975
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a la Schola Cantorum de Caracas
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Unknown
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Para mi corazón basta tu pecho

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Pablo Neruda
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa]t[bb]
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish

Other Information: Madrigal

Date of Composition: 1991
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón de la ULA
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Pescador de anclas
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Eloy Blanco
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss]at[bb]
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1962
Recording: Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música coral
latinoamericana s. XX.. Schola Cantorum de
Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297296. CD. 1997.

Guinand, María. Movimiento Coral Venezolano. Una

Retrospectiva. LF-172200090022. CD-Rom.
Additional Remarks: Written in Moscow, Russia. Dedicated: A Vicente Emilio
Source: Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música coral
latinoamericana s. XX.. Schola Cantorum de
Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297296. CD. 1997.

Guinand, María. Movimiento Coral Venezolano. Una

Retrospectiva. LF-172200090022. CD-Rom.

Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works

of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Por un camino arenoso

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Efraín Subero
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]
Instrumentation: A cappella [cuatro, perc]

Language: Spanish
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1986
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón de la ULA
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Prisma sonoro
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Nonsensical syllables
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: ssaattbb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Nonsensical syllables
Other Information: Incorporates percussion vocal effects and whistling
Date of Composition: 1980-81
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Regreso al mar
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Eloy Blanco
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]
Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1962
Recording: Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música coral
latinoamericana s. XX.. Schola Cantorum de
Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297296. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: Written in Moscow, Russia. Dedicated: A Vicente Emilio
Source: Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música coral
latinoamericana s. XX.. Schola Cantorum de
Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297296. CD. 1997.

Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works

of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Son venezolano
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Nicolás Guillén
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: A, ssaattbb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Incorporates percussion vocal effects
Date of Composition: 1986
Additional Remarks: “José Angel Montero” National Prize, Cuba, 1986
Source: Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works
of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.

Velero mundo
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Francisco Lares Granados
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1969
Recording: Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música coral
latinoamericana s. XX.. Schola Cantorum de
Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297296. CD. 1997.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y

Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Source: Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música coral
latinoamericana s. XX.. Schola Cantorum de
Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297296. CD. 1997.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y

Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297301. CD. 1997.

Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works

of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay, University of
Cincinnati, 2006.
Carrillo, Cesar Alejandro (b. 1957)
César Alejandro Carrillo was born in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1957. At an early

age he received his first musical influences through his involvement in traditional music

ensembles, where he sang both as a soloist and as a back-up singer, and learned to play

many traditional instruments such as cuatro, charango (traditional small guitar with ten

strings from the Andes region), guitar, recorder, and various percussion instruments. In

1976, Carrillo started his formal music studies at the Escuela Superior de Música José

Ángel Lamas, where he decided to focus on the disciplines of choral conducting and

composition. In 1979 Carrillo met Modesta Bor, who invited him to participate in her

counterpoint class. Her influence was decisive in Carrillo’s career up until her death in


In 1982, Carrillo studied choral conducting with Alberto Grau and Michel

Esutache. He conducted numerous choral ensembles and attended multiple national and

international festivals and choral competitions, receiving many prizes and recognitions.

In 1983 he founded the Ensamble 9, a vocal group which focused on choral repertoire

from the popular and folkloric traditions, working with it for over eight years. This

ensemble became the lab choir for him and his compositional process, as well as for

many other composers. Later, in 1991, Ensamble 9 ceased to function, and Carrillo

founded Cantarte Coro de Cámara (Cantarte Chamber Choir), which focused on a

cappella choral music. With this choir he toured extensively and won numerous national

and international awards. In 1992 he was invited to become the assistant conductor of

the prestigious Orfeón Universitario de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (Central

University of Venezuela Choir), becoming the principal conductor in 1999.


Carrillo has taught in numerous conservatories and music schools. In 1997 he

graduated from the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Musicales IUDEM (College of

Musical Studies) in Caracas with a Bachelor in Music in choral conducting, becoming a

teacher in that institution shortly after. He has been invited to be an adjudicator,

clinician, and guest conductor in numerous choral events in North and South America,

Europe, and Asia. Carrillo has an extensive catalog of compositions and arrangements,

some of which have been published by Santa Barbara Music Publishing and Earthsongs.

His compositional output has received numerous recognitions and awards,

distinguishing him as one of the most important Venezuelan choral composers.87

Stylistically, Carrillo generally uses harmonies filled with extended chords and

complex harmonic progressions with a masterful application of voice leading principles.

The structure of his works is usually simple and intimately tied to the nuances of the


Choral Works:
A dormir, niñito
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Halida Figueira de Valero. Music by Juan Carlos
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 6/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 62
Difficulty: E

Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música popular Venezolana de César Alejandro
Carrillo. (Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002). xiii-xvi.

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Lullaby
Date of Composition: 1982
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

A ti te cantamos
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Ricardo Pérez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo (Christmas song)
Date of Composition: 1996
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a ti, Cantarte
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

A tu regreso
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Henry Martínez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt][bb]

A cappella
A major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 4’26’’
Other Information:Venezuelan danza
Date of Composition: 1994
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Música Popular de Venezuela y Cuba. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1001.
CD. 2000.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Cantarte Coro de Cámara. First prize in the
Concurso de Arreglos Corales Modesta Bor [“Modesta
Bor” Choral Arranging Contest] in 1994.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Traditional aguinaldo (Venezuelan Christmas song)
Date of Composition: 1992
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Also published in: Tercer Cuaderno de Música Coral
Navideña. Caracas: Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 1995.

Recording: Cantos Navideños, Vol 2. Orfeón Universitario y

Estudiantina Universitaria de la UCV, dir. César
Alejandro Carrillo. CD. (no date).
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón Universitario de la UCV
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Al niño Jesús llanero

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Simón Díaz
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt][bb]

[cuatro, perc]
E minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo (Christmas song). Four verses.
Date of Composition: 1995
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Also published in: IV Cuaderno de Música Coral Navideña.
Caracas: Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 1996.
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a mi querido Cantarte
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Alumbra, cocuyito
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Hernán Gamboa. Music by Ivan Pérez Rossi
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: T, [ss][aa]tb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]


G major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo (Christmas song). Four verses.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Ofrenda a un niño. Ilan Chester, Orfeón Universitario de la
UCV, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CD. 1999.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón Universitario de la UCV
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Ave Maria
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the traditional Catholic prayer
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

A cappella
G minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information:Slow motet
Date of Composition: 1983
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a mi madre. Winner of the Premio Municipal de
Composición [County Composition Award] in 1984.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Ave Maria
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the traditional Catholic prayer.
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssaa

A capella
C major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Andante tranquilo
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information:Slow and calm homophonic motet.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication:1999
Two editions: Earthsongs (1999) and Fundación Vicente
Emilio Sojo (2002)
Recording: CD Sampler Earthsongs Music. Oregon Repertory Singers,
dir. Gilbert Seeley. CD. 2001.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a mi hijo Simón Odoardo
Source: Carrillo, César Alejandro. Ave Maria. Corvallis: Earthsongs,

Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música

popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Camino invisible
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Luisa Barazarte
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt]b

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’

Other Information: Dance-like melody that could be accompanied with cuatro.

Date of Composition: 1979
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo.
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Eduardo Serrano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss]a[tt][bb]

[cuatro, perc]
A minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information:Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1996
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Serenata Guayanesa. 25 años de amistad. Orfeón
Universitario de la UCV y Serenata Guayanesa, dir.
Raúl Delgado Estévez. Sonográfica. 10455. CD.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón Universitario de la UCV
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Canción de cuna
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andantino
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Introduction comprised of ascending and descending
arpeggios. Lullaby with two verses.
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A mis hijos Ezequiel y Gabriel. Third prize at the
Concurso de Obras Corales de Seguros Caracas [Choral
Composition Contest of the Caracas Insurance Company] in
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Otilio Galíndez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt]b

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Also published in: Otilio Galíndez cantando en coros.
Caracas: Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 1995.

Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Canto de ordeño
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Antonio Estévez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt]b

[cuatro, perc]
E minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information:Venezuelan tonada
Date of Composition: 1998
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Tonadas. Coral Banco Mercantil, dir. María Adela Alvarado
and Amanda Soriano Leal. Fundación Banco
Mercantil. FD2522000538. CD. 1999.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a la Coral Banco Mercantil
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Otilio Galíndez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 6/8

Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’29’’
Other Information:Venezuelan danza
Date of Composition: 1997
Date of Publication:2002
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Música Popular de Venezuela y Cuba. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1001.
CD. 2000.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Cantarte Coro de Cámara
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Casta paloma
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Alejandro Vargas
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: S, satb

[cuatro, perc]
D major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo (Christmas song). Four verses.
Date of Composition: 1988
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Also published in: Segundo Cuaderno de Música Coral
Navideña. Caracas: Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 1990.
Recording: Coral INTEVEP. Coral INTEVEP, dir. Raúl Delgado
Estévez. CD. (no date).
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Cantamundo
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Chucho y Ceferina
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Conny Méndez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Aldemaro Romero
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 52
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan tonada
Date of Composition: 1981
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Cimarrón. Quinteto Vinicio Adames, dir. Jorge Páez. CD.

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Creo que te quiero

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Luis Laguna
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 105 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Luis Laguna. Music by Henry Martínez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: M

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: 1981 (revised in 1998)
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Crux fidelis
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text belongs to a larger work by Saint Venantius Honorius
Clementianus Fortunatus (c530-c609) entitled Pange Lingua
[Sing, my Tongue].
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: S, [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 54
Difficulty: M
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Motet. Generally homophonic and with interesting harmonic
Date of Composition: 1991
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: América Sacra. Coro de Cámara Exaudi, dir. María Felicia
Pérez. Jade. 198479. CD. 2001.

Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de

Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Winner of the Premio Nacional de Composición [National
Composition Award] in 1991.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Cual diminuta gota de mar

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: B major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 60
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Madrigal. Harmonic language uses many extended chords
and modulates often.
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Xiomara David
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

De corazón
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Ilan Chester
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Some rhythmic challenges.
Date of Composition: 1992
Date of Publication: 2002

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Fusión Mágica. Orfeón Universitario de la UCV y El
Cuarteto, dir. Raúl Delgado Estévez. CD. 1993.

Un mundo mejor. Ilan Chester, Orfeón Universitario de la

UCV, dir. Raúl Delgado Estévez. Sony. 1011286.
CD. 1992.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón Universitario de la UCV
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

De los cielos y del mar

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Rubén Darío
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: stab

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante espressivo
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Short madrigal comprised of three sections (slow—fast—
slow). Some challenges in the harmonic structures.
Date of Composition: 1993
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: First prize in the Concurso de Obras Corales de la
Fundación Calcaño [Choral Composition Contest of the
Calcaño Foundation] in 1993.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

El afinador de gallos
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Henry Martínez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: 1984
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Quinteto Cantaclaro
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

El alcaraván
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Simón Díaz
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 12/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Libremente
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan tonada
Date of Composition: 1997
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Cantarte Coro de Cámara
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: SAA, [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
A minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Adagio con espressione
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’30’’
Other Information: Slow madrigal with multiple modulations.
Date of Composition: 1992
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: in memoriam Liliana Noce. Received an
Honorable Mention in the Concurso de Obras Corales
promovido por la Coral Venezuela en su 50 Aniversario
[Choral Composition Contest promoted by Coral
Venezuela] in 1993.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Fernando Paz Castillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Lento
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Slow madrigal
Date of Composition: 1996

Date of Publication: 2002

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Laura Morales. Second prize in the Concurso
de Obras Corales con motivo del 21º Aniversario de la
Coral Fundación Banco de Venezuela [Choral Composition
Contest celebrating the 21st Anniversary of Coral
Fundación Banco de Venezuela] in 1996.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Epitafio para un caballero andante

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A capella
Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andantino
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Short song
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Has crecido en la tarde como la lluvia

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Adolfredo Brizuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

A cappella
F minor
Initial Key:
4/4 *
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information:Slow madrigal. Harmonic language uses extended chords.
Date of Composition: 1982
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Winner of the Premio Nacional de Composición [National
Composition Award] in 1982.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Himno del Instituto Nacional de Obras Sanitarias

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro marziale
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Institutional anthem of the National Institute of Water and
Date of Composition: 1988
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None

Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música

popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Himno del Instituto Universitario de Mercadotecnia

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Eb major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Marcial
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: Institutional anthem of the Marketing Technical Institute in
Caracas, Venezuela. Three verses and a refrain.
Date of Composition: 1988
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Himno del Municipio Chacao

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Ernesto Luis Rodríguez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish

Approximate Duration: 5’15’’

Other Information: Institutional anthem of Chacao county in Caracas,
Venezuela. Four verses and a refrain.
Date of Composition: 1994
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Federico Núñez Corona
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante profundo
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1986
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Modesta Bor y a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

La llegada de los reyes

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

[cuatro, perc]
E minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information:Traditional aguinaldo. Two verses
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Also published in: Primer Cuaderno de Música Coral
Navideña. Caracas: Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 1989.
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

La negra Dorotea
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Cruz Felipe Iriarte
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: Bb major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Coral UDO Anzoátegui. Coral UDO Anzoátegui, dir. Rafael
Silveira. CD. 1996.

Mi Puerto Viejo. Coral del Banco del Caribe, dir. Luis


Gilberto Aristiguieta. BVC1. CD. 1995.

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Los hijos de la noche

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Eduardo Serrano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: 1984 (revised in 1994)
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Mi merengue
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Luis Laguna
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: M

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: 1981
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Cimarrón. Quinteto Vinicio Adames, dir. Jorge Páez. CD.

Dejando huella. Música de Venezuela y Latinoamérica

Ensamble Brahms de Caracas. CD. (no date).

El blanco y el negro pintaron así. Hexacorde Grupo Vocal,

dir. Jerry de los Ríos. CD. 1998.

Música Popular de Venezuela y Cuba. Cantarte Coro de

Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1001.
CD. 2000.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Mi niño no me quiere
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Aldemaro Romero
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F# major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Lullaby
Date of Composition: 1997
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Cantarte Coro de Cámara
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música

popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Mi querencia
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Simón Díaz
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

[cuatro, perc]
E minor
Initial Key:
6/8 *
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 4’30’’
Other Information:Venezuelan tonada
Date of Composition: 1998
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Tonadas. Coral Banco Mercantil, dir. María Adela Alvarado
and Amanda Soriano Leal. Fundación Banco
Mercantil. FD2522000538. CD. 1999.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a la Coral Banco Mercantil
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Missa sine nomine. 1. Kyrie

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the Eucharistic celebration in the Latin liturgical
rites of the Roman Catholic Church.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 62
Difficulty: M

Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 22’00’’ (complete mass)
Other Information: Uses fugato entrances and a harmonic language that is more
conservative than that used in his madrigals.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: in memoriam Modesta Bor. Winner of the
Premio Municipal de Composición [County Composition
Award] in 2000.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Missa sine nomine. 2. Gloria

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the Eucharistic celebration in the Latin liturgical
rites of the Roman Catholic Church.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 88
Difficulty: M
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 22’00’’ (complete mass)
Other Information: Energetic character and mostly homophonic texture.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo (2002)

Earthsongs (2006) (S-257)

Recording: Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: in memoriam Modesta Bor. Winner of the
Premio Municipal de Composición [County Composition

Award] in 2000.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Carrillo, César Alejandro. Gloria. Corvallis: Earthsongs,


Missa sine nomine. 3. Credo

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the Eucharistic celebration in the Latin liturgical
rites of the Roman Catholic Church.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 3/2 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 50
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 22’00’’ (complete mass)
Other Information:Faster tempo with mostly a homophonic texture.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication:2002
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: in memoriam Modesta Bor. Winner of the
Premio Municipal de Composición [County Composition
Award] in 2000.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Missa sine nomine. 4. Sanctus

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the Eucharistic celebration in the Latin liturgical
rites of the Roman Catholic Church.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 72
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 22’00’’ (complete mass)
Other Information:Short movement with mostly homophonic texture.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication:2002
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: in memoriam Modesta Bor. Winner of the
Premio Municipal de Composición [County Composition
Award] in 2000.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Missa sine nomine. 5. Benedictus

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the Eucharistic celebration in the Latin liturgical
rites of the Roman Catholic Church.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 78
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 22’00’’ (complete mass)
Other Information: Short movement that uses much of the same music as the
Sanctus that precedes it.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: in memoriam Modesta Bor. Winner of the
Premio Municipal de Composición [County Composition
Award] in 2000.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Missa sine nomine. 6. Agnus Dei

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the Eucharistic celebration in the Latin liturgical
rites of the Roman Catholic Church.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F minor
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 48
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 22’00’’ (complete mass)
Other Information:Quiet and intimate setting of the Agnus Dei.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication:2002
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: in memoriam Modesta Bor. Winner of the
Premio Municipal de Composición [County Composition
Award] in 2000.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Monte Avila
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Enriqueta Arvelo Larriva
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt]b

Instrumentation: A cappella
A major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante calmo
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1991
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Winner of the first prize at the Concurso de Obras Corales
de Procter & Gamble [Procter & Gamble Award for Choral
Compositions] in 1991.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Luis Laguna
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Eb major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Lullaby
Date of Composition: 1984
Date of Publication: 2002

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

No quiero este silencio

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Raúl Domínguez C.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Bb major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 85 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Short madrigal. Harmonic language uses extended chords
and some modulation.
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Noche de paz
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Joseph Mohr. Music by Franz Grüber
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 6/8

Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information:Spanish version of Silent Night with some reharmonizations.
Date of Composition: 1979
Date of Publication:1997
Publisher:Santa Barbara Music Publishing (SBMP 184)
Also published in: IV Cuaderno de Música Coral Navideña.
Caracas: Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 1996.
Recording: An OSU Christmas. Oklahoma State University Concert
Chorale & Chamber Choir, dir. Jerry McCoy. OSU-
CC092197. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Carrillo, César Alejandro. Noche de Paz. Santa Barbara:
Santa Barbara Music Publishing, 1997.

O magnum mysterium
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text comes from the responsorial chant from the Catholic
Matins of Christmas.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa]tb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Eb minor
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Adagio e devoto
Difficulty: E
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Slow, homophonic motet.
Date of Composition: 2000
Date of Publication: 2000
Publisher: Earthsongs (2000) (S-142)

Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo (2002)

Recording: CD Sampler Earthsongs Music. Oregon Repertory Singers,
dir. Gilbert Seeley. CD. 2001.

Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de

Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón Universitario de la ULA.

Source: Carrillo, César Alejandro. O Magnum Mysterium. Corvallis:
Earthsongs, 2000.

Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música

popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Oiga, compae
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo, based on a popular Venezuelan
song by Manuel Briceño.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation:A cappella
B minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:Lento y nostálgico
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: Challenging piece, both rhythmically and harmonically. It is
structured as a prelude and fugue.
Date of Composition: 1996
Date of Publication: 2000
Publisher: Earthsongs (2000) (S-124)

Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo (2002)

Recording: Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.

Exaudi. Cantos y Ritmos Americanos. Coro de Cámara

Exaudi, dir. María Felicia Pérez. Unicornio. 8015.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Modesta Bor, mi maestra. Winner of the
Premio Municipal de Composición [County Composition
Award] in 1998.
Source: Carrillo, César Alejandro. Oiga, compae. Corvallis:
Earthsongs, 2000.

Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música


popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Partamos a Belén
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation:[cuatro, perc]
A minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:Allegro moderato
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Traditional aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Also published in: Primer Cuaderno de Música Coral
Navideña. Caracas: Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 1989.
Recording: Cantos Navideños, Vol 2. Orfeón Universitario y
Estudiantina Universitaria de la UCV, dir. César
Alejandro Carrillo. CD. (no date).

Coral INTEVEP. Coral INTEVEP, dir. Raúl Delgado

Estévez. CD. (no date).

Tierra, País y Patria. Coral Consolidado, dir. Alberto Grau.

Fundación Banco Consolidado. SD 28293729. CD.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Enrique Hidalgo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: 1982
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Rafael Izaza
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt]b

[cuatro, perc]
E minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1990
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Also published in: Segundo Cuaderno de Música Coral
Navideña. Caracas: Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 1990.
Recording: Cantos Navideños, Vol 2. Orfeón Universitario y
Estudiantina Universitaria de la UCV, dir. César
Alejandro Carrillo. CD. (no date).
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música

popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

¡Que gran tradición!

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Jerry de los Ríos
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt]b

[cuatro, perc]
E major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1987
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Also published in: IV Cuaderno de Música Coral Navideña.
Caracas: Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 1996.
Recording: Cantos Navideños, Vol 2. Orfeón Universitario y
Estudiantina Universitaria de la UCV, dir. César
Alejandro Carrillo. CD. (no date).
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

¿Quieres contar mis estrellas?

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Miguel Delgado Estévez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Rabo de nube
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Silvio Rodríguez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa]t[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 75 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Slow and melodic song
Date of Composition: 1989
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Cánteme. Schola Cantorum Coralina, dir. Alina Orraca.
Unicornio. 8014. CD. 2002.

Canticum Merú en Vivo. Cantos de los Saltos. Canticum

Merú, dir. Irma Conchita Iorio. Corporación
Venezolana de Guayana. FD2102002120. CD.

Música Popular de Venezuela y Cuba. Cantarte Coro de

Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1001.
CD. 2000.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Regina mundi
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante
Difficulty: M
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 3’45’’
Other Information: Slow motet. Harmonic language offers some challenge.
Date of Composition: 1986
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: América Sacra. Coro de Cámara Exaudi, dir. María Felicia
Pérez. Jade. 198479. CD. 2001.

Cantatas, Canciones, y Villancicos del Nuevo Mundo. Coro

de Cámara Exaudi, dir. María Felicia Pérez.
Repsol/UNESCO. CD. 2000.

Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de

Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Heidi Arcila
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Manuel Graterol Santander. Music by Rodrigo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa]tb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G minor

Initial Meter: 6/8 and 3/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan danza
Date of Composition: 1995
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Salve regina
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text comes from one of four Marian antiphons sung at
different seasons with in the Christian liturgical calendar.
Type of Choir: Ma
Voices and Range: ttbb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 52
Difficulty: E
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Slow motet. Generally homophonic.
Date of Composition: 1990
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Voces Oscuras Antonio Estévez
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Salve regina
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text comes from one of four Marian antiphons sung at
different seasons with in the Christian liturgical calendar.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 52
Difficulty: M
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Slow and short motet. Generally homophonic.
Date of Composition: 1991
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: América Sacra. Coro de Cámara Exaudi, dir. María Felicia
Pérez. Jade. 198479. CD. 2001.

Cantatas, Canciones, y Villancicos del Nuevo Mundo. Coro

de Cámara Exaudi, dir. María Felicia Pérez.
Repsol/UNESCO. CD. 2000.

Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de

Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002.
CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Winner of the Premio Municipal de Composición [County
Composition Award].
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

San Juan to’ lo tiene

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Eduardo Serrano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]


E major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information:Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: 1986
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Música Popular de Venezuela y Cuba. Cantarte Coro de
Cámara, dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1001.
CD. 2000.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Sin tu mirada
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Otilio Galíndez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt][bb]

[cuatro, perc]
Eb minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information:Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1982
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Also published in: Otilio Galíndez cantando en coros..
Caracas: Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 1995.
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Suite popular Venezolana. 1. Danza

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx.
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt]b

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 84
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish.
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: It overlaps a 3/4 meter in the basses with a 6/8 meter in the
rest of the ensemble, which is typical in many Venezuelan
dances such as the Joropo. It is also harmonically
challenging for it appears to be in constant modulation.
Date of Composition: 2002
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9. Winner of the first prize in the
Concurso de Obras Corales de Seguros Caracas [Choral
Composition Award of the Caracas Insurance Company] in
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Suite popular Venezolana. 2. Galope

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt]b

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 162
Difficulty: E

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: There is no text. The composer uses nonsense syllables to
imitate the sounds of the traditional Venezuelan harp of the
Date of Composition: 2002
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Suite popular Venezolana. 3. Frailejón

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 73
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Slower song that only uses nonsense syllables as text. It uses
some extended chords as part of the harmonic language
Date of Composition: 2002
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Laura Morales
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Suite popular Venezolana. 4. 5/8

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx.

Voices and Range: s[aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 252
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Interesting and challenging harmonic language. The 5/8
meter adds an additional rhythmic difficulty.
Date of Composition: 2002
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9. Winner of the first prize in the
Concurso de Obras Corales de Seguros Caracas [Choral
Composition Award of the Caracas Insurance Company] in
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Suite popular Venezolana. 5. Joropo porfiao

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 198
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information:Upbeat joropo dance. There is no text. The composer uses
nonsense syllables to imitate the sounds of the traditional
Venezuelan harp of the plains.
Date of Composition: 2002

Date of Publication: 2002

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Tres cantos de Salomón. 1. ¿Quién es ésta que se muestra

como el alba?
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from Cantar de los Cantares
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: SAT, s[aa][tt][bbb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andantino
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 14’30’’ (all three songs)
Other Information: Slow madrigal. It starts with a chant-like alto solo. The
second half of the song starts with a fast fugato and ends
with a slower, imitative section.
Date of Composition: 1987
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de Cámara,
dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002. CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Winner of the Premio Municipal de Composición [County
Composition Award] in 1988.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Tres cantos de Salomón. 2. Mi amado es blanco y rubio

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from Cantar de los Cantares
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: SAA, [sss][aaa]t[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Ab major
Initial Meter: 2/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Leggero
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 14’30’’ (all three songs)
Other Information: It starts with a female solo trio that will appear again later
on. The harmonic language is filled with extended chords.
Tempo changes several times.
Date of Composition: 1987
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de Cámara,
dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002. CD. 2002.
Additional Remarks: Winner of the Premio Municipal de Composición [County
Composition Award] in 1988.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Tres cantos de Salomón. 3. Levántate, amiga mía, y ven

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from Cantar de los Cantares
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: SB, [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 14’30’’ (all three songs)
Other Information: Slow madrigal. Starts with a chant-like bass solo. It uses
imitative entrances in several places.
Date of Composition: 1987
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de Cámara,

dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CCC1002. CD. 2002.

Additional Remarks: Winner of the Premio Municipal de Composición [County
Composition Award] in 1988.
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Vaqueros del viento

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Upbeat song. Extensive use of contrapuctal imitation.
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 60

Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Slow, short song with interesting harmonic progressions and
extended chords.
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: 2002
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Zobeida Urbina
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Y ni ná, ni ná
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Otilio Galíndez. Music by Efraín Arteaga
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt]b

[cuatro, perc]
D major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information:Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication:2002
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Also published in: Otilio Galíndez cantando en coros.
Caracas: Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 1996.
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Unexamined scores:
Ojeda88 reports some additional titles that are not published in his monograph and

that have not been available during the course of this study. These works are included

below, and have not been added in the general index.

A Víctor
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Otilio Galíndez. Music by Roberto Todd
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: 1979
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johann Sebastian Bach
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: None
Date of Composition: 1984
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Aire de guaguansol
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johann Sebastian Bach
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: None
Date of Composition: 1998
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Coro de Cámara Exaudi
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música popular Venezolana de César Alejandro
Carrillo. (Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002). xxiv-xxxvi.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Ilan Chester
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: 1992
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón Universitario de la UCV
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Antonio Lauro
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Heitor Villa-Lobos
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: From Bachianas Brasileiras #5
Date of Composition: 1989
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Ave María
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Bach - Gounod
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: None
Date of Composition: 1987
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música

popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Ave María
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anton Bruckner
Type of Choir: Ma
Other Information: Motet
Date of Composition: 1990
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Voces Oscuras Antonio Estévez
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Ave María
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Franz Schubert
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: None
Date of Composition: 1984
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johann Sebastian Bach
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: From Suite in E major for Violin
Date of Composition: 1989
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Canción con todos

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Armando Tejada Gómez. Music by César Isella
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Argentinean song
Date of Composition: 1983

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9

Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Canción para dormir a un negrito

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Emilio Ballagas. Music by Modesta Bor
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: 1982
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Canço del lladre

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Spain
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Catalan song
Date of Composition: 1983
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Canto de octubre
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Astor Piazzolla
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Cafetín de Buenos Aires

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Enrique Santos Discépolo. Music by Mariano

Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1986
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Antonio Lauro
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Casta paloma
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Alejandro Vargas
Type of Choir: Ma
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1990
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Voces Oscuras Antonio Estévez
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Ché, bandoneón
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Homero Manzi. Music by Aníbal Troilo
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Ciudad Bolívar
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: José Sifontes
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1996
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a la Coral del Banco del Caribe
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Cuando te beso
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Juan Luis Guerra
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Song from the Dominican Republic
Date of Composition: 1993
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón Universitario de la UCV
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Cuando voy al trabajo

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Victor Jara
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Chilean song
Date of Composition: 1980
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

El cant dell’s aucells

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Spain
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Catalan song
Date of Composition: 1982
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a la Coral Juvenil Vinicio Adames
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

El marabino
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Antonio Lauro
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

El niño
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Antonio Lauro
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

El rey de las flores

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Silvio Rodríguez
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Cuban song
Date of Composition: 1983
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

El santiguao
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folklore from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Other Information: Folkloric song
Date of Composition: 1983
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a la Coral Infantil Flor Roffé de Estévez
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música

popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Foi Aruba
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Abram Capello
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Song from Curaçao
Date of Composition: 1988
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johann Sebastian Bach
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: From Sonata #1 for violin
Date of Composition: 1986
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johann Sebastian Bach
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: From Suite #2 for lute
Date of Composition: 1987
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Fuga 9
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Astor Piazzolla
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1980

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9

Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Fuga IX
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johann Sebastian Bach
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: From The Art of Fugue
Date of Composition: 1983
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Gaudeamus igitur
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text from De Brevitate Vitae by Seneca. Music from
unknown author
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Graduation anthem
Date of Composition: 1989
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johann Sebastian Bach
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Suite from Germany
Date of Composition: 1981
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Gavotta en rondó
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johann Sebastian Bach
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: None
Date of Composition: 1989
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

La dama de la ciudad
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Frank Quintero
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: 1992
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: al Orfeón Universitario de la UCV
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

La muerte del ángel

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Astor Piazzolla
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1984
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

La negra
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Antonio Lauro
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

La última curda
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Cátulo Castillo. Music by Aníbal Troilo
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1984
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Milton Ordóñez
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: 1981
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Los besos no se guardan

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Cacho Tirao. Music by Acho Manzi
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Argentinean song
Date of Composition: 1979
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Los mareados
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Enrique Calícamo. Music by Juan Carlos Cobián
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Venezuela
Date of Composition: 1987
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música

popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Lunita de lejos
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Eduardo Carrasco
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Baguala from Chile
Date of Composition: 1986
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

María Luisa
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Antonio Lauro
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1986
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Milonga de andar lejos

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Daniel Viglietti
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Milonga from Uruguay
Date of Composition: 1979
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Milonga del ángel

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Astor Piazzolla
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Milonga para Argentina
Date of Composition: 1987

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9

Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Antonio Lauro
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Noche de paz
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Joseph Mohr. Music by Franz Grüber
Type of Choir: Ma
Other Information: Christmas song from Austria
Date of Composition: 1990
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Voces Oscuras Antonio Estévez
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Enrique Cadícamo. Music by Juan Carlos Cobián
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1988
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Partamos a Belén
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: César Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Ma

Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo

Date of Composition: 1990
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Voces Oscuras Antonio Estévez
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Antonio Lauro
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: 1983
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Gaspar Sanz
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Spanish song
Date of Composition: 1989
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Homero Expósito. Music by Domingo Federico
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1988
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Pie Iesu
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Gabriel Fauré
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: From Requiem, Op. 48
Date of Composition: 1984
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Preludio I
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johann Sebastian Bach
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: From Book I of The Well Tempered Clavier
Date of Composition: 1983
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Preludio XXII
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johann Sebastian Bach
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: From Book I of The Well Tempered Clavier
Date of Composition: 1981
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Preludio XXIV
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Johann Sebastian Bach
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: From Book II of The Well Tempered Clavier
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

¿Quieres contar mis estrellas?

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Miguel Delgado Estévez
Type of Choir: Ma
Other Information: Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: 1990
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Voces Oscuras Antonio Estévez
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Resurrección del ángel

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Astor Piazzolla
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1984
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Retrato em branco e preto

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Chico Buarque. Music by Antonio Carlos Jobim
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Bossanova from Brasil
Date of Composition: 1981
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Silvio Rodríguez
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Cuban song
Date of Composition: 1982
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música

popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Romance del diablo

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Astor Piazzolla
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Seis por derecho

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Antonio Lauro
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo
Date of Composition: 1986
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Si a mí me hubieran dicho
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Nicolás Guillén. Music by Beatriz Corona
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Cuban song
Date of Composition: 1996
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Cantarte Coro de Cámara
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Sin palabras
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Enrique Santos Discépolo. Music by Mariano
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina

Date of Composition: 1988

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Sintiéndote mía
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: René Touzet
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Bolero from Cuba
Date of Composition: 1981
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Só por amor
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Baden Powell
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Bossanova from Brasil
Date of Composition: 1986
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Homero Manzi. Music by Aníbal Troilo
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1988
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Swing low, sweet chariot

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous

Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Negro spiritual from the United States of America
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

The way we were

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Marvin Hamlisch. Music by Alan Bergman and
Marilyn Bergman
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Song from the United States of America
Date of Composition: 1981
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Tun tun
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Tr
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1988
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Un canto a la vida
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Ilan Chester
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan Song
Date of Composition: 2001
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Vals venezolano No. 4

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Antonio Lauro
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: 1985
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Vida, vida
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Francisco Céspedes
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Cuban song
Date of Composition: 2001
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Cantarte Coro de Cámara
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Alfredo Le Pera. Music by Carlos Gardel
Type of Choir: Mx
Other Information: Tango from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1988
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Ensamble 9
Source: Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música
popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.
Estévez, Antonio (1916-1988)
Antonio Estévez was born in Calabozo, Guárico State. He started his studies in

Calabozo, where he also played for the Band of Calabozo. Later he traveled to Caracas

where he studied in the José Angel Lamas school of music. He studied composition,

oboe, and clarinet. In Caracas he was a member of the Banda Marcial, and was the

oboist for the Orquesta Sinfónica Venezuela. In 1938 he started an important work

copying the colonial music contained in the archives of the Escuela de Música y

Declamación in Caracas, a task that provided him with understanding of Venezuelan

music of the past.89 In 1945 he traveled to the United States under a government

scholarship, where he studied composition and orchestral conducting at Columbia

University.90 He then studied orchestra conducting in Tanglewood, Massachusetts, under

Sergio Koussevitsky and Leonard Bernstein, and composition with Aaron Copland.91 In

1947 he studied composition with Norman Dello Joio and Vittorio Giannini at Julliard.92

Estévez was the founder conductor of the Orfeón Universitario de la Universidad

Central de Venezuela (Central University’s Choir), principal conductor for the Orquesta

Sinfónica Venezuela, musical advisor for the Education Ministry, founder director of the

Estudio de Fonología Musical (Musical Phonology Institute), and teacher of harmony,

instrumentation, and orchestration in the Escuela Superior de Música (Superior School

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”
Antonio Estévez, Canciones Corales, (Caracas: Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y
Estudios Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984).
Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”


of Music). His compositions have been published by the French editing house Max

Eschig and recorded by the labels SAM, Cruz del Sur, and Deutsche Gramophon.93

Stylistically, Estévez uses many nationalistic resources in his compositions. One

of the most important influences is the Venezuelan plains, a geographic area that

provides him with many poetic lyrics and programmatic ideas, as well as traditional

genres such as the tonada and the joropo. His use of harmony tends to be impressionistic

and intimately related to the text.

Choral Works:
A través del discreto clarooscuro
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Francisco Lazo Martí
Type of Choir: Ma
Voices and Range: T, [tt][bbbb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/2 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Muy lento = 58
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Nationalistic madrigal
Date of Composition: 1961
Date of Publication: 1984
Publisher: Ediciones del Congreso de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto
Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios
Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Antonio Estévez, Canciones Corales, (Caracas: Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y
Estudios Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984).

Al Nacimiento de Cristo Nuestro Señor

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Don Luis de Góngora .
Type of Choir: Mx and Tr (children’s choir)
Voices and Range: C: [sss]
Mx: AT, [ss][aa][tt][bb]


Instrumentation: rattle, bells, tri, Chinese carillon

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 6/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante lento = 76 (after a chant introduction)
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 6’30’’
Other Information: Nationalistic madrigal. Initial section is chant-like.
Date of Composition: 1976
Date of Publication: 1984
Publisher: Ediciones del Congreso de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto
Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios
Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Ave Maria
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the traditional Catholic prayer
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][ss][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F major

4/4 *
Initial Meter:
Andante lento
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information:Motet
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1990
Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.
Recording: Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.

Canción de la molinera
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Alejandro Casona
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Con alegría = 126
Difficulty: H
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Nationalistic madrigal
Date of Composition: 1942
Date of Publication: 1984 and 2005
Publisher: Ediciones del Congreso de la República

Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo.

Recording: Canciones y madrigales de la Escuela de Santa Capilla.
Coro de la UDO Anzoátegui, Coro Polifónico
Rafael Suárez, and Orfeón Universitario de la
UCV, dir. Rafael Silveira, María Colón de
Cabrera, and César Alejandro Carrillo. Fundación

Vicente Emilio Sojo. FD1582005408. CD. 2005.

Additional Remarks: None
Source: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto

Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios
Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Cantata criolla. Florentino el que cantó con el Diablo.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba: "Florentino, el que
cantó con el Diablo."
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: TB, [sss][aaa][ttt][bbb]

Instrumentation: *2*2*2*2—4331—marac, fuete, tam-tam, 2piatti, 2tri,

3templeblks (D, E, A), tmp, xyl, cel, 2campanelli, bd,
tamburo, pf, 2hp, str
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Lento e cadencioso = 76
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 40’00’’
Other Information:Nationalism
Date of Composition: 1954
Date of Publication:1987
Publisher:Ediciones del Congreso de la República
Recording:La Cantata Criolla / Choros No. 10. Simón Bolívar
Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela, dir. Eduardo
Mata. Dorian. DIS-80101. CD. 1992.
Additional Remarks: Winner of the Vicente Emilio Sojo award in 1954.
Source: Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto
Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios
Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Luis Barrios Cruz
Type of Choir: Ma
Voices and Range: t[bb][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/2 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Lento e calmo = 60
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Nationalistic madrigal.
Date of Composition: 1938
Date of Publication: 1984, 1990, and 2005
Publisher: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto

Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios
Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral

Venezolana I. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.
Recording: Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana I. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto

Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios
Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral

Venezolana I. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.

Fresas maduritas
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Julio Morales Lara
Type of Choir: U
Voices and Range: u

F major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Allegretto gracioso
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information:Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: 1938
Date of Publication:1990
Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.
Recording: Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la

Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

La sombra salió del monte

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Luis Barrios Cruz
Type of Choir: Ma
Voices and Range: [tt]b[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/2 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Lento e cadencioso = 66
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Nationalistic madrigal
Date of Composition: 1961

Date of Publication: 1984 and 1990

Publisher: Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto
Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios
Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral

Venezolana I. Caracas: Fundación de los Trabajadores de
Lagoven, 1990.
Recording: Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana I. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto
Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios
Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral

Venezolana I. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.

Los gallos
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Fernando Paz Castillo
Type of Choir: U
Voices and Range: u

A minor
Initial Key:
3/2 *
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information:Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: 1938
Date of Publication:1990
Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.
Recording: Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.
Additional Remarks: None

Source: Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral

Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la

Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

Mata del ánima sola

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: T, sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4 and 6/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Movido = 112 (after an introduction marked: un poco
ad libitum)
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’40’’
Other Information: Nationalistic madrigal
Date of Composition: 1961
Date of Publication: 1984
Publisher: Ediciones del Congreso de la República
Recording: Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand.
Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Earthsongs. CD.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música coral

latinoamericana s. XX.. Schola Cantorum de
Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297296. CD. 1997.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y

Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto
Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios

Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Tilingo, tilingo
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Popular verses
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

A cappella
F major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information:Venezuelan song
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1990
Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.
Recording: Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral
Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los
Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.

Tres canciones corales: I. Arrunango

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Héctor G. Villalobos
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: S, [sss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D dorian
Initial Meter: 6/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Teneramente calmo = 72

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Nationalistic madrigal
Date of Composition: 1954
Date of Publication: 1984
Publisher: Ediciones del Congreso de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Winner of the Premio Oficial de Música Vocal [Official
Award for Vocal Music] in 1954.
Source: Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto
Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios
Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Tres canciones corales: II. Tonada llanera

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: Whistle, AT, sat[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 3/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Muy lento = 63 (after an introduction marked: Un poco
ad libitum)
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Nationalistic madrigal
Date of Composition: 1954
Date of Publication: 1984
Publisher: Ediciones del Congreso de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Winner of the Premio Oficial de Música Vocal [Official
Award for Vocal Music] in 1954.
Source: Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto
Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios
Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Tres canciones corales: III. Habladurías

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Manuel Rodríguez Cárdenas
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: T, [ss][aa][tt][bbb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 5/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect:Con alegría jacarandosa = 315
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’30’’
Other Information: Nationalism. Joropo
Date of Composition: 1954
Date of Publication: 1984
Publisher: Ediciones del Congreso de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Winner of the Premio Oficial de Música Vocal [Official
Award for Vocal Music] in 1954.
Source: Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto
Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios
Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

Unexamined scores:
During this research, the author has not been able to have access to the original

score nor a copy of the following titles. The information presented for each one has been

collected from other printed sources listed for each song.

Ave Regina Coelorum

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Language: Latin
Other Information: Sacred

Date of Composition: No Date

Date of Publication:Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Manuscript located in the archives of “José Angel Lamas”
school of music.
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

Ave María
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Sacred text
Type of Choir: Mx, Tr (women’s choir), and Tr (children’s choir)
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Latin
Other Information: Motet
Date of Composition: 1984
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Last composition by Estévez
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

Azul y verde
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Irma de Sola
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Secular
Date of Composition: 1938
Recording: Not available
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

Canción de la juventud venezolana

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by José Tadeo Arreaza Calatrava
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Secular
Date of Composition: 1941

Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: Winner of the Concurso del Ministerio de Educación
[Ministry of Education Contest] in 1941.
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

Cuatro Canciones
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Winner of the Premio Oficial de Música Vocal [Official
Award for Vocal Music] in 1951.
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

El jazminero estrellado
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jacinto Fombona Pachano
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Secular
Date of Composition: 1938
Recording: Not available
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

El Mampulorio
Date of Composition: 1943
Recording: Not available
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

El ordeñador
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Secular
Date of Composition: 1955
Recording: Not available

Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la

Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

En pos de la vida
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Language: Spanish
Date of Composition: 1944
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Based on a composition by Shostakovich
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

La rauda novia del aire

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jacinto Fombona Pachano
Instrumentation: orch
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Secular
Date of Composition: 1944
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Manuscript located in the archives of “José Angel Lamas”
school of music. Composition written as a final project to
obtain his degree in composition. Winner of the Premio
Oficial de Música [Official Music Award] in 1955.
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

La Sirena
Date of Composition: 1943
Recording: Not available
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

Oligarcas temblad
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Secular
Date of Composition: 1944
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Based on the song Canción de la Guerra Federal [Song of
the Federal War].
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Luis Eladio Guevara
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Secular
Date of Composition: 1938
Recording: Not available
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Israel Peña
Instrumentation: A cappella
Language: Spanish
Other Information: Secular
Date of Composition: 1943
Recording: Not available
Source: Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la
Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación Bigott,
1998. s.v. “Estévez Aponte, Antonio.”
Grau, Alberto (b. 1937)
Alberto Grau was born in Spain in 1937 and relocated to Venezuela at an early

age. A distinguished composer, conductor, and teacher, Grau has earned a place of honor

among the most prominent contemporary Venezuelan musicians. He is best known for

his work as a choral conductor; however, as a composer he has become one of the leading

figures in Latin America. Many of Grau’s works have been published by Earthsongs

(USA), N.J.Kjos (USA), A Coeur Joie (France), Oxford University Press (England),

GGM editores (Venezuela), Carus Verlag (Germany), and he continually receives many

commissions from choirs all over the world. Earthsongs not only offers some of his

music, but also distributes all the music published by GGM editores. His most recent

work is his book on choral conducting The Making of a Conductor, published by GGM

editores, sponsored by the Andean Corporation Bank, CAF, which is soon to be

published in English.

In 1967 he founded the Schola Cantorum de Caracas and won First Prize in the

1974 Guido D’Arezzo International Competition in Italy. Since then he has attended

many important international congresses and festivals with his choirs, such as ACDA

conventions, Europa Cantat and America Cantat Festivals, and many World Choral

Symposia. He has also been invited to serve as a guest conductor, adjudicator, and

professor of choral music in Europe, the United States, Latin America and Asia.

More than thirty recordings provide evidence of Alberto Grau’s fine musicianship

and extensive knowledge of international and Latin American choral repertoire. He is the

founder and honorary director of the Schola Cantorum de Venezuela and the Orfeón

Universitario Simón Bolívar, and he is a member of the Board of Directors of the


Fundación del Estado para las Orquestas Infantiles y Juveniles de Venezuela

(FESNOJIV). At present he conducts the Ave Fénix chamber choir in Caracas, and is

artistic advisor of the Pequeños Cantores de la Schola / Construir Cantando (Little

Singers of the Schola / Building while Singing) and of the Project of Social Action for

Music of CAF. For more than 30 years he was professor of Choral Conducting in

establishments such as the Musical Institute and the Simón Bolívar University in Caracas,

and he has been director of choral-symphonic productions of FESNOJIV.

Grau has studied with Venezuela’s most gifted teachers: Vicente Emilio Sojo,

Angel Sauce, Juan Bautista Plaza and Gonzalo Castellanos. He has won the José Angel

Montero National Competition Award in Venezuela three times: in 1967 for his Triptych

for Low Voice & Piano, in 1983 with Dies Irae for Mixed Chorus, and in 1987 with his

Pater Noster for Mixed Chorus. His Ballet La Doncella for mixed choir, narrator and

chamber ensemble was awarded first prize in the 1978 International Day for Choral

Singing competition in Barcelona, Spain; and his Opereta Ecológica won the

Composition Prize from the Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias, Spain, in 1999. He

received a commission from the Sixth World Choral Symposium in Minneapolis in 2002,

resulting in his Confitemini Domino.

In his earlier years, Grau’s choral compositions were characterized by dense and

complex harmonies and the use of some extended compositional techniques such as

glides, whispers, spoken text, and clusters. As in the case of many Venezuelan choral

composers, this compositional output was complemented with numerous arrangements of

popular and traditional Latin American tunes that were simpler in construction. In the

latter part of the 1980s he began to incorporate eurhythmics in his works, which would

quickly become one of his stylistic signatures. For over a decade, Grau has been writing

music that fuses four fundamental elements: 1) his initial European-based complex

harmonic constructions, 2) the rich and occasionally complex rhythmic textures from

Latin America and the Caribbean, 3) rhythmic motives that derive from the natural

prosodic accentuation of the text, and 4) eurhythmic patterns of body movements and

body percussion. Altogether, Grau’s music has quickly transcended national borders and

is recognized as a fundamental part of the a cappella choral repertoire.

Choral Works:

A heart cry from the west

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by D. Carroll. Music by P. Sheenan
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, [ss][ss]a

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Legato e dolce, circa = 58
Difficulty: M
Language: English
Approximate Duration: 4’45’’
Other Information: Traditional folksong from Newfoundland, Canada
Date of Composition: 2005
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

A heart cry from the west

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by D. Carroll. Music by P. Sheenan
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: S, [ss][aa][tt]b

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Legato e dolce, circa = 58
Difficulty: M
Language: English
Approximate Duration: 4’45’’
Other Information: Traditional folksong from Newfoundland, Canada
Date of Composition: 2005
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

A la y cui cui
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: s[aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella [cuatro]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro = 100
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Traditional pasodoble from Caracas
Date of Composition: 2004
Date of Publication: 2004
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available. The Schola Juvenil of Venezuela is
currently working on a cd production that contains this
work, but has not yet been released.

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A mis panas del Ave Fénix

Source: Grau, Alberto. A la y cui cui. Caracas: GGM editores,

A un panal de rica miel

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from a fable by Félix María Samaniego
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: Solo, [ss][aa][tt]

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 90 ]
Difficulty: H
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
whispering and gliding; and eurhythmics.
Date of Composition: 2006
Date of Publication: 2006
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-275)
Recording: Not available. The Schola Juvenil of Venezuela is
currently working on a cd production that contains this
work, but has not yet been released.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la Schola Juvenil de Venezuela
Source: Grau, Alberto. A un panal de rica miel. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2006.

¡Allegria, Allegria!
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: From Cantigas de Santa María by Alfonso X “El Sabio,”
Rey de Castilla y León
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 6/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2003
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A mis panas del Ave Fénix
Source: Grau, Alberto. ¡Allegria, Allegria! Caracas: GGM
editores, 2004.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Isabel Aretz
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: s[ss][aa]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 60 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’30’’
Other Information: Traditional Christmas song from Falcón State, Venezuela.
Date of Composition: 1988
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-510)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,
versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

Cantoría Alberto Grau. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María

Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
nb 90-4229. CD. 1990.

Latinoamericana XXI. Cantoría Alberto Grau and Schola

Cantorum de Caracas, dir. María Guinand, Alberto
Grau, Ana María Raga, Pablo Morales, and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. FD7122007651. CD. 2007.

Additional Remarks: None

Source: Grau, Alberto. Ananaynanay. Caracas: GGM editores,

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Isabel Aretz
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sab

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
[ = 60 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’30’’
Other Information:Traditional Christmas song from Falcón State, Venezuela.
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication:2006
Oxford University Press
Recording:Tierra, País y Patria. Coral Consolidado, dir. Alberto
Grau. Fundación Banco Consolidado. SD
28293729. CD. 1993.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Arriba cosmonauta
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: s

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 60
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish

Approximate Duration: 2’30’’

Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-523)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A los Pequeños Cantores de Telcel
Source: Grau, Alberto. Arriba cosmonauta. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

¡Ay San Antón!

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Bello
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, s[ss]a

Instrumentation: [pf, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro salsea’o = 112 (after a chant-like introduction
marked: Andantino – al estilo gregoriano)
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: The solo is a chant style line. When the choir starts the
rhythm is in Salsa style. Upbeat. Includes sections with
Date of Composition: 1994
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-520)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces
femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Cantos de la Tierra. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases.


Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD

17220011202. CD. 2001.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la pequeña Oriana
Source: Grau, Alberto. Ay, San Antón. Caracas: GGM editores,

Bésame mucho
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Consuelo Velásquez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 4/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro = 80
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Bolero
Date of Composition: 2004
Date of Publication: 2004
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,
versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XXI. Cantoría Alberto Grau and Schola

Cantorum de Caracas, dir. María Guinand, Alberto
Grau, Ana María Raga, Pablo Morales, and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. FD7122007651. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: To the Korean National Chorus
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: The text is derived from phonetic transformations of a
popular Catalan melody which is used by the author to
start the song.
Type of Choir: Mx

Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 12/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto = 95
Difficulty: H
Language: Catalan
Approximate Duration: 6’00’’
Other Information: Contains extended compositional techniques such as
multi-meter, overtones, highest possible pitch, glides, and
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2001
Editor: Earthsongs (S-166)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. I. Voces
mixtas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007655. CD. 2007.

World Youth Choir 2001. World Youth Choir, dir. Anton

Armstrong, Felipe Izcaray, Stephen Zegree and
Michele Weir. IFCM. HOD 070360. CD. 2001.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: To the victims of the rain and floods.
December, 1999. Commissioned by the Orfeón
Universitario Simón Bolívar
Source: Grau, Alberto. Bin-Nam-Ma. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 2001.

Brujas y hadas
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 66
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics.

Date of Composition: 2001

Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-516)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Brujas y hadas. Caracas: GGM editores,

Canción del nuevo mundo

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Ernesto Mayz Vallenilla
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 12/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Institutional anthem for the Simón Bolívar University in
Caracas. There is a later version with orchestral
Date of Composition: 1972
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Canto al Nuevo Mundo. Orfeón Universitario Simón
Bolívar, dir. María Guinand and Maibel Troia.
Equinoccio. FD.17297298. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Canciones de cuna: Canción de Cuna

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Gabriela Mistral
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: Solo, sat[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
[ = 60 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information:Slow lullaby
Date of Composition: 1966
Date of Publication:1993
Earthsongs (S-39)
Recording:Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand.
Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Earthsongs. CD.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Beatriz (Beatriz Grau is Alberto Grau’s first
Source: Grau, Alberto. Canciones de cuna. Corvallis: Earthsongs,

Solé y Sempere, Emilio, ed. Alberto Grau.Obra Coral.

Caracas: Lagoven.

Canciones de cuna: Duermete apegado a mí

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Gabriela Mistral
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 75 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’

Other Information: Slow lullaby

Date of Composition: 1965
Date of Publication:1993
Editor:Earthsongs (S-39)
Recording: Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand.
Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Earthsongs. CD.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Rocío (Rocío Asuaje, first member of the
Schola Cantorum to have a child)
Source: Grau, Alberto. Canciones de cuna. Corvallis: Earthsongs,

Solé y Sempere, Emilio, ed. Alberto Grau.Obra Coral.

Caracas: Lagoven.

Cantad coros del mundo

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Daniel Salas
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: ST, [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
A minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Serenamente
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4/4
Other Information: Relatively simple and rhythmically free song.
Date of Composition: 1990
Date of Publication: 2003
GGM editores
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Oscar Armao, compañero cantor de ahora y
Source: Grau, Alberto. Cantad coros del mundo. Sing choirs of the
world. Caracas: GGM editores, 2003.

Cantemos alegres
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular Christmas song from Venezuela. Compiled by
Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: Solo, sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: = circa 100
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1968.
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Aguinaldos tradicionales. Schola Cantorum de Caracas
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17298693. CD. 1998.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,

versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Caracolitos chicos
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Fragments of verses by Federico García Lorca
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SA, [ss][ss][aa][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 2/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Enérgico = circa 72
Difficulty: H

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 6’00’’
Other Information: Difficult composition with much body eurhythmics. The
harmonic language is also challenging. It has meter
changes throughout the piece.
Date of Composition: 2002
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-511)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces
femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XXI. Cantoría Alberto Grau and Schola

Cantorum de Caracas, dir. María Guinand, Alberto
Grau, Ana María Raga, Pablo Morales, and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. FD7122007651. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: Commissioned by the San Francisco Girls Choir
Source: Grau, Alberto. Caracolitos Chicos. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Otilio Galíndez
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][ss][aaaa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 6/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 60 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Serenade from Venezuela
Date of Composition: 1989
Date of Publication: 2000
Editor: Ediciones Schola Cantorum de Caracas
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,
versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

Canticum Merú en Vivo. Cantos de los Saltos. Canticum

Merú, dir. Irma Conchita Iorio. Corporación
Venezolana de Guayana. FD2102002120. CD.

Cantoría Alberto Grau. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María

Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
nb 90-4229. CD. 1990.

Cantoría Alberto Grau. Antología veinte años. Cantoría

Alberto Grau, dir. María Guinand. Fundación
Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297302. CD.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Caramba. Caracas: Ediciones Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, 2000.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Otilio Galíndez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

A cappella
C minor
Initial Key:
6/8 *
Initial Meter:
Amoroso y siempre dulce
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information:Serenade from Venezuela
Date of Composition: 1989
Date of Publication:1999
Canto al Nuevo Mundo. Orfeón Universitario Simón
Bolívar, dir. María Guinand and Maibel Troia.
Equinoccio. FD.17297298. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Caramba. San Diego: Neil A. Kjos Music
Company, 1999.

Cinco canciones infantiles basadas en la poesía popular

El San Pedro: I.- Si San Pedro se muriera
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Based on the Venezuelan popular poem El San Pedro
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 6/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 112
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Upbeat. Includes sections with eurhythmics. At the end
the author incorporated warm-up and eurhythmic
exercises based on the song.
Date of Composition: 1996
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-505)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

Cruje-Silba. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases and

María Leticia González. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD 172-991281. CD. 1999.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la Cantoría Juvenil de la Schola Cantorum
de Caracas
Source: Grau, Alberto. I. Si San Pedro se muriera. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

Cinco canciones infantiles basadas en la poesía popular

El San Pedro: II.- El San Pedro milagroso
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Based on the Venezuelan popular poem El San Pedro
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SA, s

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G minor

Initial Meter: 8/8

Initial Tempo or Affect: = 68
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Slow. Includes sections with eurhythmics. At the end the
author incorporated warm-up and eurhythmic exercises
based on the song.
Date of Composition: 1996
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-506)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

Cruje-Silba. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases and

María Leticia González. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD 172-991281. CD. 1999.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la Cantoría Juvenil de la Schola Cantorum
de Caracas
Source: Grau, Alberto. II. El San Pedro milagroso. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

Cinco canciones infantiles basadas en la poesía popular

El San Pedro: III.- Ponte el gorro Peruchito
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Based on the Venezuelan popular poem El San Pedro
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 8/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 100
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Upbeat and humorous. Includes sections with
eurhythmics. At the end the author incorporated warm-up
and eurhythmic exercises based on the song.
Date of Composition: 1996
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-507)

Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música

para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

Cruje-Silba. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases and

María Leticia González. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD 172-991281. CD. 1999.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la Cantoría Juvenil de la Schola Cantorum
de Caracas
Source: Grau, Alberto. III. Ponte el gorro Peruchito. Caracas:
GGM editores, 2002.

Cinco canciones infantiles basadas en la poesía popular

El San Pedro: IV.- El San Pedro de mi tierra
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Based on the Venezuelan popular poem El San Pedro
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: s[aa]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 74
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Slow and in a way melancholic. Includes sections with
eurhythmics. At the end the author incorporated warm-up
and eurhythmic exercises based on the song.
Date of Composition: 1996
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-508)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

Cruje-Silba. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases and

María Leticia González. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD 172-991281. CD. 1999.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la Cantoría Juvenil de la Schola Cantorum
de Caracas
Source: Grau, Alberto. IV. El San Pedro de mi tierra. Caracas:
GGM editores, 2002.

Cinco canciones infantiles basadas en la poesía popular

El San Pedro: V.- El San Pedro juega chapas
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Based on the Venezuelan popular poem El San Pedro
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 88
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Upbeat and percussive. Includes sections with
eurhythmics. At the end the author incorporated warm-up
and eurhythmic exercises based on the song.
Date of Composition: 1996
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-509)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

Cruje-Silba. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases and

María Leticia González. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD 172-991281. CD. 1999.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la Cantoría Juvenil de la Schola Cantorum
de Caracas
Source: Grau, Alberto. V. El San Pedro juega chapas. Caracas:
GGM editores, 2002.

Como busca el tierno infante

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Alberto Grau
Type of Choir: Mx + Tr (children’s choir)
Voices and Range: Solo (or children’s choir), satb


Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: = ca. 132
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan danza from Zulia State.
Date of Composition: 2006
Date of Publication: 2006
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A los coros de las Empresas Polar
Source: Grau, Alberto. Como busca el tierno infante. Caracas:
GGM editores, 2006.

Como compongo poco

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Alberto Grau
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssaa

Instrumentation: A cappella. Some latin percussion could be used in the

middle section
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 7/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 250
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 6’15’’
Other Information: The composer uses extended compositional techniques
such as talking, imitation of percussion instruments, and
glides. Includes sections with eurhythmics.
Date of Composition: 1996
Date of Publication: 1996
Editor: Earthsongs (W-44)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces
femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.

Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Cantoría Alberto Grau. Antología veinte años. Cantoría

Alberto Grau, dir. María Guinand. Fundación
Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297302. CD.

Cantos de la Tierra. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases.

Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD
17220011202. CD. 2001.

Latinoamericana XX. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María

Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297297. CD. 1997.

Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Earthsongs. CD.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la CAG (Cantoría Alberto Grau)
Source: Grau, Alberto. Como compongo poco, yo ’toy loco.
Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1996.

Como tú
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Rubén Darío
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ssss][ssss][aaaa][aaaa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect:Andantino, dolcemente. Circa = 92
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: Challenging upbeat song. The composer uses many of the
rhythms from Latin percussion instruments and sets them
in the voices creating intricate rhythmic textures. It ends
with 16-note clusters.
Date of Composition: 1988
Date of Publication: 1996
Editor: Earthsongs (W-41)

Recording: Alberto Grau. Composiciones Corales. Schola Cantorum

de Caracas, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. Alberto Grau and
María Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. CP 171 92559. CD. 1992.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces

femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Cantoría Alberto Grau. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María

Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
nb 90-4229. CD. 1990.

Cantoría Alberto Grau. Antología veinte años. Cantoría

Alberto Grau, dir. María Guinand. Fundación
Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297302. CD.

Crossroads. San Francisco Girls Chorus, dir. Sharon J.

Paul. San Francisco Girls Chorus. SFGC 0001.
CD. 2000.

Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Earthsongs. CD.

Ness – Grau. Schola Cantorum de Caracas, Cantoría

Alberto Grau, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar,
dir. Alberto Grau and María Guinand. Fundación
Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FC 17296313. CD.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: Para que la cante mi querida Cantoría,
dedicado a su mascota Mercedes Teresa. Commissioned
by the Cantoría Alberto Grau
Source: Grau, Alberto. Como tu. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1996.

Solé y Sempere, Emilio, ed. Alberto Grau.Obra Coral.

Caracas: Lagoven.

Confitemi Domino
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Psalm 33
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: SS, [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Hinting towards G minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = circa 80
Difficulty: H
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 7’30’’
Other Information: Challenging harmonic language. Use of extended
compositional techniques such as whispering and glides.
Date of Composition: 2001
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-167)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. I. Voces
mixtas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007655. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XXI. Cantoría Alberto Grau and Schola

Cantorum de Caracas, dir. María Guinand, Alberto
Grau, Ana María Raga, Pablo Morales, and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. FD7122007651. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Trina, in memoriam. Commissioned by the
VI World Symposium for Choral Music in Minneapolis,
Source: Grau, Alberto. Confitemini Domino. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Bello
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, sa

Instrumentation: [pf, perc]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto = 72
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish

Approximate Duration: 4’30’’

Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1994
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-518)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces
femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Cantos de la Tierra. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases.

Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD
17220011202. CD. 2001.

Cruje-Silba. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases and

María Leticia González. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD 172-991281. CD. 1999.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A los Pequeños Cantores de la Schola
Cantorum de Caracas – Nivel III
Source: Grau, Alberto. Cruje - Silba. Caracas: GGM editores,

Cuatro piezas para coros infantiles en idioma Euskera:

I.- Anai Txiki Berri Bat
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: A cappella [pf, gtr]

Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 8/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro = circa 168
Difficulty: M
Language: Euskera (Basque)
Approximate Duration: 3’45’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1998
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Tulumpé! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola, Colegio
Humboldt, dir. María Leticia González Lozada.
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD1722002458. CD.

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A mi nieto Santiago

Source: Composer

Cuatro piezas para coros infantiles en idioma Euskera:

II.- Kirio Mirio
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss]a

Instrumentation: A cappella or with pf (The piano accompaniment is only

written in the first two staves and the author suggests to
repeat the same rhythmic pattern changing according to
the harmony that is written) [gtr].
Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 6/8
[ = 85 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Euskera (Basque)
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information:Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1998
Date of Publication:2002
GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-527)
Recording:Tulumpé! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola, Colegio
Humboldt, dir. María Leticia González Lozada.
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD1722002458. CD.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Cuatro Piezas para Coros Infantiles en
Idioma Euskera.. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

Cuatro piezas para coros infantiles en idioma Euskera:

III.- Tirtiricu Tarrapatari Tulumpe
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: A cappella [pf, gtr]


Initial Key: E minor

Initial Meter: 9/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = circa 208
Language: Euskera (Basque)
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information:Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1998
Date of Publication:2002
GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-526)
Recording:Tulumpé! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola, Colegio
Humboldt, dir. María Leticia González Lozada.
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD1722002458. CD.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Cuatro Piezas para Coros Infantiles en
Idioma Euskera.. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

Cuatro piezas para coros infantiles en idioma Euskera:

IV.- Elefantea Nun Da?
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss]a

Instrumentation: A cappella [pf, gtr]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 4/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto = 160
Difficulty: M
Language: Euskera (Basque)
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1998
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

Tulumpé! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola, Colegio

Humboldt, dir. María Leticia González Lozada.
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.

FD1722002458. CD.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: s

Instrumentation: pf (optional). [cuatro, gtr, or any other instrument that

could offer a rhythmic and harmonic support].
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 100
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Upbeat. Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-524)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Cumpleaños. Caracas: GGM editores,

Da que Deus m’amou

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: From Cantigas de Santa María by Alfonso X “El Sabio,”
Rey de Castilla y León
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss]a[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 12/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 65 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Old Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Simple song. The sopranos sing the molodic line while the
rest of the choir accompanies with neutral syllables.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la María, sancta ma non troppo
Source: Composer

Dale como es
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Adalberto Alvarez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt]b

Instrumentation: [pf, perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 4/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 120
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’45’’
Other Information: Songo rhythm (Cuban popular rhythm). Very upbeat song
Date of Composition: 1998
Date of Publication: 2001
Editor: Earthsongs (S-144)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,
versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XXI. Cantoría Alberto Grau and Schola

Cantorum de Caracas, dir. María Guinand, Alberto

Grau, Ana María Raga, Pablo Morales, and Luimar

Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. FD7122007651. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Dale como es. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 2001.

Dies Irae
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Thirteenth century Latin hymn thought to be written by
Thomas of Celano.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: SAT, [ssss][aaaa][tttt][bbbb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Contemporary harmonic language starting with a B
Initial Meter: 5/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante quejumbroso (dolent) = 80
Difficulty: H
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 6’45’’
Other Information: Complex motet that contains some extended
compositional techniques such as glides, clusters,
approximate pitches, and whispering.
Date of Composition: 1983
Date of Publication: Not available
Editor: Escuela de Canto Coral Lagoven
Recording: Alberto Grau. Composiciones Corales. Schola Cantorum
de Caracas, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. Alberto Grau and
María Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. CP 171 92559. CD. 1992.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. I. Voces

mixtas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007655. CD. 2007.

Ness – Grau. Schola Cantorum de Caracas, Cantoría

Alberto Grau, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar,
dir. Alberto Grau and María Guinand. Fundación
Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FC 17296313. CD.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y


Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola

Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a mi querida Schola. Winner of the José Angel
Montero National Music Prize in 1983.
Source: Solé y Sempere, Emilio, ed. Alberto Grau.Obra Coral.
Caracas: Lagoven.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Thirteenth century Roman Catholic sequence attributed to
Innocent III and Jacopone da Todi
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, [ss][ss]a

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = circa 56 (after short inroduction marked: Lento ad
Difficulty: H
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: Slow motet that uses gliding from note to note as a
compositional technique, and has many metric changes.
Includes sections with eurhythmics.
Date of Composition: 1998
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Clelia
Source: Composer

Doxa Patri
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Collected by Bucut Dulpa
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Sempre dolce = ca. 60
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information:Slow processional song
Date of Composition: 1995
Date of Publication:Manuscript
Recording:Canto al Nuevo Mundo. Orfeón Universitario Simón
Bolívar, dir. María Guinand and Maibel Troia.
Equinoccio. FD.17297298. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Juán de la Encina
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

E minor
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:
Ritmo de chacarera
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information:Rhythm of Chacarera from Argentina
Date of Composition: 1993
Date of Publication:Manuscript
Tierra, País y Patria. Coral Consolidado, dir. Alberto
Grau. Fundación Banco Consolidado. SD
28293729. CD. 1993.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la Coral Banco Consolidado
Source: Composer

El barquito
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Based on the Venezuelan popular song El barquito
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, [ss][aa]

Instrumentation: [gtr, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 60
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Upbeat variations on the popular theme. Includes sections
with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1996
Date of Publication: 1996
Editor: Earthsongs (W-42)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

Cantos de la Tierra. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases.

Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD
17220011202. CD. 2001.

Cruje-Silba. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases and

María Leticia González. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD 172-991281. CD. 1999.

Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Earthsongs. CD.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Flor, mi compinche!
Source: Grau, Alberto. El Barquito. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1996.

El burro flautista
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Tomás de Iriarte
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SA, [ss]a

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = circa 80
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Includes some extended compositional techniques such as
glides, spoken sections, and whistling, and in includes
eurhythmics throughout. It includes performance
instructions, especially for the eurhythmic sections.
Date of Composition: 2005
Date of Publication: 2005
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-274)
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: Al Maestro y amigo Simón Galindo y a su
magnífico Coro de Niñas “Juventud Unida”
Source: Grau, Alberto. El burro flautista. Caracas: GGM editores,

El cant dell´s aucells

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Catalonia
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: S, s[aa]t[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect:[ = 50 ]
Language: Catalan
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Slow and melancholic. The soloist sings the melody while
the choir accompanies with a neutral vowel. There is a
later version with orchestral accompaniment.
Date of Composition: 1970
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript

Recording: Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música polifónica

universal. Antología 30 años. Schola Cantorum de
Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

El cant del pinsa

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Josep Carner
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Circa = 74
Difficulty: M
Language: Catalan
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 2000
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: Al Cor Madrigal
Source: Composer

El gallo
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular Christmas song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 315 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish

Approximate Duration: 2’30’’

Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1974
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Aguinaldos tradicionales. Schola Cantorum de Caracas
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17298693. CD. 1998.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,

versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

El gavilán
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 195 ] (after a short and slow introduction marked:
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo. Upbeat song. Some rhythmic
Date of Composition: 1974
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,
versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y

Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,

Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.

FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

El gavilán
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][bb]

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Allegro = 180 (after a short introduction marked:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Moderato = 60)
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo. Upbeat song. Some rhythmic
complexities and some extended compositional techniques
are used.
Date of Composition: 2005
Date of Publication: 2005
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available. The Schola Juvenil of Venezuela is
currently working on a cd production that contains this
work, but has not yet been released.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. El gavilán. Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

El riu i el mar
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Salvador Albert
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: F major

Initial Meter: 5/8

Initial Tempo or Affect: Circa = 132
Difficulty: M
Language: Catalan
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics. Uses extended
compositional techniques towards the end of the piece.
Date of Composition: 2000
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: Al Cor Madrigal
Source: Composer

El seu cor bat com el nostre

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jean Dauby. Translation from the original French
into Catalan by María Martorell
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 2/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Dolcemente = 72
Difficulty: M
Language: Catalan
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 2000
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: GGM editores (distributed by Earthsongs)
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A María Martorell
Source: Composer

Fecit Potentiam
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the Magnificat, canticle appointed to be sung at
Vespers in the Roman Rite.
Type of Choir: Mx

Voices and Range: STBB, ssaattbb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 5/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante = circa 90
Difficulty: H
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 8’00’’
Other Information: Challenging composition that uses many extended
compositional techniques and eurhythmics. There are
numerous meter changes throughout. It includes
performance instructions for the eurhythmic sections.
Date of Composition: 2008
Date of Publication: 2008
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Commissioned by the Koerner Composer Residency
Program, Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto.
Premiered at the Soundstreams University Voices, 2008.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Fecit Potentiam. Caracas: GGM editores,

Felíz navidad
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: José Feliciano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: Solo, satb

Instrumentation: [pf, elec bass, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 125 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: Christmas song
Date of Composition: 1990
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Tierra, País y Patria. Coral Consolidado, dir. Alberto

Grau. Fundación Banco Consolidado. SD

28293729. CD. 1993.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Fiat Mundus Iustus

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Alberto Grau
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: s[ss][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 8/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = circa 100
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1989
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: The initials (FMI) are the same as the “Fondo Monetario
Internacional” (International Monetary Fund). Given the
translation of the text (“may a fairer world be created”),
the intention of the author was to create a sort of hymn
against the economic oppression of the FMI.
Source: Composer

Fiat Mundus Iustus

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Alberto Grau
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][ss][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 8/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = circa 100

Difficulty: E
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1989
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: The initials (FMI) are the same as the “Fondo Monetario
Internacional” (International Monetary Fund). Given the
translation of the text (“may a fairer world be created”),
the intention of the author was to create a sort of hymn
against the economic oppression of the FMI.
Source: Composer

Fiat Mundus Iustus

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Alberto Grau
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 8/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = circa 100
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1989
Date of Publication: No date
Editor:Escuela de canto coral Lagoven
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: The initials (FMI) are the same as the “Fondo Monetario
Internacional” (International Monetary Fund). Given the
translation of the text (“may a fairer world be created”),
the intention of the author was to create a sort of hymn
against the economic oppression of the FMI.
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Ricardo Fábrega and Colaco Cortéz
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = ca. 120
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Upbeat song with some rhythmic complexities
Date of Composition: 2007
Date of Publication: 2007
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-273)
Recording: None
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Kathy Romey
Source: Grau, Alberto. Guararé. Caracas: GGM editores, 2007.

Hermana lluvia
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Alberto Grau
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: 3 Soloists, [ss]s[aa]attbb

Instrumentation:A cappella
F minor
Initial Key:
3/4 *
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:Lentamente
Approximate Duration: 8’30’’
Other Information: Challenging composition that uses many extended
compositional techniques and eurhythmics. There are
numerous meter changes throughout. It includes
performance instructions for the eurhythmic sections. First
section imitates the rain falling.
Date of Composition: 2002
Date of Publication: 2003

Editor: GGM editores

Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Commissioned by the Singapore Youth Choir for their
40th Anniversary.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Hermana lluvia. Caracas: GGM editores,

I’se the b’y

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folksong from Canada
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss]sa

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: Gb major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro. Circa = 100
Difficulty: E
Language: English
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Upbeat song. Includes some eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 2005
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

I’se the b’y

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folksong from Canada
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro. Circa = 100
Difficulty: E
Language: English

Approximate Duration: 1’30’’

Other Information: Upbeat song. Includes some eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 2005
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Junda junda, San Antón

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Bello
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss]sa

Instrumentation: [pf or gtr, perc]

Initial Key: Eb major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 72
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Upbeat song. Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1994
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor:GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-521)
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A los Pequeños Contores de Altagracia con
afecto y admiración
Source: Grau, Alberto. Junda Junda, San Antón. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

Kasar Mie La Gaji

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: “Kasar mie la gaji” is a phrase from the African Sahel
which means: “The Earth is tired”
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssaa

Instrumentation: A cappella

Initial Key: D minor

Initial Meter: 8/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante. Molto legato = 80
Difficulty: H
Language: African Sahel
Approximate Duration: 5’30’’
Other Information: The song contains some extended compositional
techniques such as whispering, glides, among others.
Includes sections with eurhythmics.
Date of Composition: 1998
Date of Publication: 1998
Editor: Earthsongs (W-33)
Recording: Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand.
Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Earthsongs. CD.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Maria
Source: Grau, Alberto. Kasar Mie La Gaji. Corvallis: Earthsongs,

Kasar Mie La Gaji

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: “Kasar mie la gaji” is a phrase from the African Sahel
which means: “The Earth is tired”
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 8/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante. Molto legato = 80
Difficulty: H
Language: African Sahel
Approximate Duration: 5’30’’
Other Information: The song contains some extended compositional
techniques such as whispering, glides, among others.
Includes sections with eurhythmics.
Date of Composition: 1990
Date of Publication: 1991
Editor: Editions A Coeur Joie (also distributed by Earthsongs, W-
Recording: Alberto Grau. Composiciones Corales. Schola Cantorum
de Caracas, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. Alberto Grau and

María Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de

Caracas. CP 171 92559. CD. 1992.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. I. Voces

mixtas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007655. CD. 2007.

Canto al Nuevo Mundo. Orfeón Universitario Simón

Bolívar, dir. María Guinand and Maibel Troia.
Equinoccio. FD.17297298. CD. 1997.

Guinand, María. Movimiento Coral Venezolano. Una

Retrospectiva. LF-172200090022. CD-Rom.

Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Earthsongs. CD.

Ness – Grau. Schola Cantorum de Caracas, Cantoría

Alberto Grau, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar,
dir. Alberto Grau and María Guinand. Fundación
Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FC 17296313. CD.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y

Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Maria
Source: Grau, Alberto. Kasar Mie La Gaji. Corvallis: Earthsongs,

Solé y Sempere, Emilio, ed. Alberto Grau.Obra Coral.

Caracas: Lagoven.

La cucaracha
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Based on the popular Mexican song “La cucaracha” with
additional text by Alberto Grau
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [pf, perc]


Initial Key: G minor

Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 100
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Upbeat and humorous song with eurhythmic sections
Date of Composition: 1996
Date of Publication: 1996
Editor: Earthsongs (W-43)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

Cantos de la Tierra. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases.

Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD
17220011202. CD. 2001.

Cruje-Silba. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases and

María Leticia González. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD 172-991281. CD. 1999.

Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Earthsongs. CD.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a las chiripitas de la Pre Cantoría Juvenil
Source: Grau, Alberto. La cucaracha. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1996.

La doncella
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Salvador de Madariaga
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: Narrator, ssa

Instrumentation: fl/pic, ob, cl Bb, bn, tp Bb, tbn, tuba, tmp, small dr, sd,
tambn, cym, clave, güiro, cowbell, bd, tri, 2tam-tam,
glock, vib, conga, bongo, elec gtr, elec bass, pf, cel, str
Initial Key: F#-C tritone (possibly hinting F# diminished)
Initial Meter: 10/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro = 120
Difficulty: H
Language: Spanish

Approximate Duration: 29’00’’

Other Information: Contains extended compositional techniques such as
glides, whispering, whistling, talking, clusters, and
eurhythmic elements. It uses mixed meter throughout.
Date of Composition: 1977-1978
Date of Publication: 1988
Editor: Ediciones de la Contraloría General de la República
Recording: Alberto Grau. Composiciones Corales. Schola Cantorum
de Caracas, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. Alberto Grau and
María Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. CP 171 92559. CD. 1992.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Isabel. Winner of the first prize in the
Concurso XV Día Internacional del Canto Coral in 1978
in Barcelona, Spain.
Source: Grau, Alberto. La Doncella. Caracas: Ediciones de la
Contraloría General de la República, 1988.

La doncella
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Salvador de Madariaga
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: Narrator, [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: fl/pic, ob, cl Bb, bn, tp Bb, tbn, tuba, tmp, small dr, sd,
tambn, cym, clave, guiro, cowbell, bd, tri, 2tam-tam,
glock, vib, elec gtr, elec bass, pf, cel, vc, db
Initial Key: F#-C tritone (possibly hinting F# diminished)
Initial Meter: 10/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro = 120
Difficulty: H
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 29’00’’
Other Information: Contains extended compositional techniques such as
glides, whispering, whistling, talking, clusters, and
eurhythmic elements. It uses mixed meter throughout.
Date of Composition: 1977-1978
Date of Publication: 1988
Editor: Ediciones de la Contraloría General de la República
Recording: Alberto Grau. Composiciones Corales. Schola Cantorum
de Caracas, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. Alberto Grau and
María Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de

Caracas. CP 171 92559. CD. 1992.

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Isabel. Winner of the first prize in the
Concurso XV Día Internacional del Canto Coral in 1978
in Barcelona, Spain.
Source: Grau, Alberto. La Doncella. Caracas: Ediciones de la
Contraloría General de la República, 1988.

La flor de la miel
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Manuel Felipe Rugeles
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: A, [ss][ss][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 12/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Muy dulce = 58
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Slow lullaby that characterizes for creating chords by
holding the notes of the melody
Date of Composition: 1983
Date of Publication: 1994
Editor: Earthsongs (S-47)
Recording: Alberto Grau. Composiciones Corales. Schola Cantorum
de Caracas, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. Alberto Grau and
María Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. CP 171 92559. CD. 1992.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces

femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Cantoría Alberto Grau. Antología veinte años. Cantoría

Alberto Grau, dir. María Guinand. Fundación
Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297302. CD.

Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Earthsongs. CD.

Ness – Grau. Schola Cantorum de Caracas, Cantoría

Alberto Grau, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar,
dir. Alberto Grau and María Guinand. Fundación
Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FC 17296313. CD.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A María y su pequeño tesoro (Alberto Grau
composed this song for the birth of his son Luis Alfredo)
Source: Grau, Alberto. La Flor de la Miel. Corvallis: Earthsongs,

Solé y Sempere, Emilio, ed. Alberto Grau.Obra Coral.

Caracas: Lagoven.

La muerte del ángel

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Astor Piazzolla. Original arrangement by Liliana
Cangiano. Harmonization and adaptation for treble voices
by Alberto Grau.
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SA, [ss][ss][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/8 *
[ = 110 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Nonsensical syllables
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information:Challenging arrangement of an Argentinean tango
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication:Manuscript
Recording:Cantos de la Tierra, Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. CD.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: Dedicado a Mercedes Teresa y a la Cantoría
Juvenil de la Schola Cantorum de Caracas
Source: Composer

La otra orilla
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, sa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, pf or gtr, perc]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 200 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 2004
Date of Publication: 2004
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la Cantoría Juvenil, Núcleo Teresiano
Source: Grau, Alberto. La otra orilla. Caracas: GGM editores,

La restinga (La arestinga)

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Otilio Galíndez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: T, satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 12/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 315 ]
Difficulty: M

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Traditional song from Nueva Esparta State
Date of Composition: 1974
Date of Publication: 2005
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,
versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y

Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. La Restinga. Caracas: GGM editores,

La ronda que nunca se acaba

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: pf [perc]
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 72
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Upbeat. Includes sections with eurhythmics. It also
includes some whispering and talking parts.
Date of Composition: 2004
Date of Publication: 2004
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola


Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,

Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Ana María Raga y Elisenda Carrasco
Source: Grau, Alberto. La ronda que nunca se acaba. Caracas:
GGM editores, 2004.

Las cuatro tablas

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: s

Instrumentation: pf (optional) [cuatro or gtr]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Alegre
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Upbeat. Includes sections with eurhythmics, and there are
segments that are spoken.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Los capitanes de la comida

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: s

Instrumentation: pf (optional) [cuatro or gtr]

Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 80
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Upbeat. Includes sections with eurhythmics, and there are
segments that are spoken
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-522)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Los Capitanes de la Comida. Caracas:
GGM editores, 2002.

Los duendes: I.- Yo todo es tinieblas

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Bello
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss]saa (both alto parts only perform sound effects)

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Temeroso = 72
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’45’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
gliding and whispering. It also offers eurhythmic and

warm-up exercises based on the musical material of the

Date of Composition: 1993
Date of Publication: 1996
Editor: Escuela de Canto Coral Lagoven
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces
femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XX. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María

Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297297. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: Written as a tribute to Andrés Bello and premiered on his
National Day (November 29th) in 1994, at the Casa de
Bello in Caracas, Venezuela.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Los Duendes. Caracas: Escuela de Canto
Coral Lagoven, 1996.

Los duendes: II.- Son los duendes que ya salen

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Bello
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssaa (both alto parts only perform sound effects)

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 9/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 60
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
gliding and whispering. It also offers eurhythmic and
warm-up exercises based on the musical material of the
Date of Composition: 1993
Date of Publication: 1996
Editor: Escuela de Canto Coral Lagoven
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces
femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XX. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María


Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.

FD17297297. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: Written as a tribute to Andrés Bello and premiered on his
National Day (November 29th) in 1994, at the Casa de
Bello in Caracas, Venezuela.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Los Duendes. Caracas: Escuela de Canto
Coral Lagoven, 1996.

Los duendes: III.- ¡Que batahola!

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Bello
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][ss][aa]a

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 100
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
gliding and whispering. It also offers eurhythmic and
warm-up exercises based on the musical material of the
Date of Composition: 1993
Date of Publication: 1996
Editor: Escuela de Canto Coral Lagoven
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces
femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XX. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María

Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297297. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: Written as a tribute to Andrés Bello and premiered on his
National Day (November 29th) in 1994, at the Casa de
Bello in Caracas, Venezuela.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Los Duendes. Caracas: Escuela de Canto
Coral Lagoven, 1996.

Los duendes: IV.- ¿Fantasmas acaso?

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Bello
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: Narrator, ssaa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 72
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
gliding and whispering. It also offers eurhythmic and
warm-up exercises based on the musical material of the
Date of Composition: 1993
Date of Publication: 1996
Editor: Escuela de Canto Coral Lagoven
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces
femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XX. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María

Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297297. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: Written as a tribute to Andrés Bello and premiered on his
National Day (November 29th) in 1994, at the Casa de
Bello in Caracas, Venezuela.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Los Duendes. Caracas: Escuela de Canto
Coral Lagoven, 1996.

Los duendes: V.- Echemos el cerrojo

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Bello
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][ss]aa (the second alto part only performs sound

Instrumentation: perc

Initial Key: E minor

Initial Meter: 9/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 180
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
gliding and whispering; and eurhythmics. It also offers
eurhythmic and warm-up exercises based on the musical
material of the song.
Date of Composition: 1993
Date of Publication: 1996
Editor: Escuela de Canto Coral Lagoven
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces
femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XX. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María

Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297297. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: Written as a tribute to Andrés Bello and premiered on his
National Day (November 29th) in 1994, at the Casa de
Bello in Caracas, Venezuela.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Los Duendes. Caracas: Escuela de Canto
Coral Lagoven, 1996.

Magnificat - Gloria
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the Magnificat, canticle appointed to be sung at
Vespers in the Roman Rite. Also from Gloria Patri, also
referred to as the Minor Doxology.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: SB, [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 5/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto = ca. 92
Difficulty: H
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 8’00’’
Other Information: Challenging composition that uses many extended

compositional techniques and eurhythmics. There are

numerous meter changes throughout. It includes
performance instructions for the eurhythmic sections. The
author adds a note at the bottom of the first page allowing
the possibility of performing the work with some or none
of the eurhythmic movement.
Date of Composition: 2007
Date of Publication: 2007
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-310)
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A mi María
Source: Grau, Alberto. Magnificat - Gloria. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2007.

Marcha de la creatividad
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss]a

Instrumentation: pf (optional) [cuatro or gtr]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto = 72
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-525)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Marcha de la Creatividad. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

Mariposita de primavera
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Miguel Matamoros
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][ss][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Dolcemente
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’ 30’’
Other Information: Habanera madrigal
Date of Composition: 2001
Date of Publication: 2003
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la Cantoría Juvenil de la Schola Cantorum
Source: Grau, Alberto. Mariposita de primavera. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2003.

Mariposita de primavera
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Miguel Matamoros
Type of Choir: Ma
Voices and Range: [tt][bb]b

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 50
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’ 30’’
Other Information: Habanera madrigal
Date of Composition: 2001
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-514)
Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A mi buen amigo y colega Thrasos Cavouras

Source: Grau, Alberto. Mariposita de primavera. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: s

Instrumentation: pf [perc]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’48’’
Other Information: This song is an upbeat and humorous aguinaldo which
includes sections with eurhythmics.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Mata del ánima sola

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba. Music by Antonio
Estévez. Treble voice version arranged by Alberto Grau
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, ssaa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 6/8 and 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Ad libitum
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’45’’
Other Information: Upbeat song in the style of joropo (traditional dance from
the Venezuelan plains which combines 3/4 and 6/8 meter),
with a slower section in the middle. Rhythmically
Date of Composition: 2000
Date of Publication: 2000
Editor: Earthsongs
Recording: Latinoamericana XXI. Cantoría Alberto Grau and Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, dir. María Guinand, Alberto
Grau, Ana María Raga, Pablo Morales, and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. FD7122007651. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Mata del Anima Sola. Corvallis: Earthongs,

Mi barquito de papel
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Carlos Izquierdo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: [pf or gtr]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 80
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics. It has a rap section in
the middle
Date of Composition: 1993
Date of Publication: Manuscript

Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A los Pequeños Cantores de la Schola
Cantorum de Caracas
Source: Composer

Mi patria es el mundo. Ojo globo.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Based on texts by Mahatma Gandhi and Lucio Anneo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [sss][aa][tt][bb] and Narrator

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Revolves around the note G
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Lentamente = 60
Difficulty: H
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 10’00’’
Other Information: Challenging composition that includes lots of eurhythmics
and diverse extended compositional techniques. It
contains a section at the beginning with numerous
explanations relating to the performing of the
contemporary notations, and many preparatory exercises
based on the musical material in the song.
Date of Composition: 2002
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-201)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. I. Voces
mixtas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007655. CD. 2007.

World Youth Choir 2003. World Youth Choir, dir. Grete

Pedersen, María Guinand, and Johannes Prinz.
IFCM. WYC 080164. CD. 2004.
Additional Remarks: Commissioned by Central Bucks High School
Source: Grau, Alberto. Mi patria es el mundo. Ojo globo. Caracas:
GGM editores, 2002.

Niño lindo
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional Venezuelan song
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: Solo(high voice), satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro or gtr, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Aguinaldos tradicionales. Schola Cantorum de Caracas
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17298693. CD. 1998.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,

versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y

Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Niño venturoso
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Rogelio Caraballo. Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: Solo, satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto = 300
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Aguinaldos tradicionales. Schola Cantorum de Caracas
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17298693. CD. 1998.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,

versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y

Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Opereta ecológica: I.- Acto del viento

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][aa] (the introduction is split into three parts for a brief

Instrumentation: pf, elec bass [perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 6/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro = 152 (after an aleatoric introduction)
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’

Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as

whispering and gliding; and eurhythmics. Participation
from the audience is expected.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-501)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.

Cantos de la Tierra. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases.

Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD
17220011202. CD. 2001.

Tulumpé! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola, Colegio

Humboldt, dir. María Leticia González Lozada.
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD1722002458. CD.
Additional Remarks: First prize in the V Certamen Internacional de los Premios
a la Composición y Expresión del Gobierno de Canarias
in 1999.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Opereta Ecológica. 1. Acto del viento.
Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

Opereta ecológica: I.- Acto del viento

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa]t (the introduction refers to the treble version)

Instrumentation: pf, elec bass [perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 6/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro = 152 (after an aleatoric introduction)
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’

Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as

whispering and gliding; and eurhythmics. Participation
from the audience is expected.
Date of Composition: 2006
Date of Publication: 2005
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available. The Schola Juvenil of Venezuela is
currently working on a cd production that contains this
work, but has not yet been released.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Opereta Ecológica. 1. Acto del viento.
Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

Opereta ecológica: II.- Acto del río

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SS, s[aa] (there is a short section towards the beginning of
the piece that is split into three parts)

Instrumentation: pf, elec bass [perc]

Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 5/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Circa = 120
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
whispering and gliding; and eurhythmics.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-502)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.

Cantos de la Tierra. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases.


Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD

17220011202. CD. 2001.
Additional Remarks: First prize in the V Certamen Internacional de los Premios
a la Composición y Expresión del Gobierno de Canarias
in 1999.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Opereta Ecológica. 2. Acto del río.
Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

Opereta ecológica: II.- Acto del río

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: S, s[aa]t (there is an aleatoric part that refers to the treble
version. Also, in addition to the soprano solo, there is a
very brief solo trio)

Instrumentation: pf, elec bass [perc]

Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 5/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Circa = 120
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
whispering and gliding; and eurhythmics.
Date of Composition: 2006
Date of Publication: 2005
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available. The Schola Juvenil of Venezuela is
currently working on a cd production that contains this
work, but has not yet been released.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Opereta Ecológica. 2. Acto del río.
Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

Opereta ecológica: III.- Acto del arbol

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: pf, elec bass [perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 4/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 140
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’45’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
whispering and gliding; and eurhythmics. It contains some
rhythmic complexities.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-503)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.

Cantos de la Tierra. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases.

Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD
17220011202. CD. 2001.

Tulumpé! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola, Colegio

Humboldt, dir. María Leticia González Lozada.
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD1722002458. CD.
Additional Remarks: First prize in the V Certamen Internacional de los Premios
a la Composición y Expresión del Gobierno de Canarias
in 1999.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Opereta Ecológica. 3. Acto del arbol.
Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

Opereta ecológica: III.- Acto del arbol

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat

Instrumentation: pf, elec bass [perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 4/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 140
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’45’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
whispering and gliding; and eurhythmics. It contains some
rhythmic complexities.
Date of Composition: 2006
Date of Publication: 2005
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available. The Schola Juvenil of Venezuela is
currently working on a cd production that contains this
work, but has not yet been released.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Opereta Ecológica. 3. Acto del arbol.
Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

Opereta ecológica: IV.- Acto del mar

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, s[aa]

Instrumentation: pf, elec bass [perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect:Andantino = 72
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 6’15’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
whispering and gliding; and eurhythmics. Participation
from the audience is expected.
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-504)

Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música

para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.

Cantos de la Tierra. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases.

Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD
17220011202. CD. 2001.
Additional Remarks: First prize in the V Certamen Internacional de los Premios
a la Composición y Expresión del Gobierno de Canarias
in 1999.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Opereta Ecológica. 4. Acto del mar.
Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

Opereta ecológica: IV.- Acto del mar

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: S, s[aa]t

Instrumentation: pf, elec bass [perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andantino = 72
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 6’15’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
whispering and gliding; and eurhythmics. Participation
from the audience is expected.
Date of Composition: 2006
Date of Publication: 2005
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available. The Schola Juvenil of Venezuela is
currently working on a cd production that contains this
work, but has not yet been released.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Opereta Ecológica. 4. Acto del mar.

Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

Paraguas de navidad
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: Rapper, SS, [ss][aa]t

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 130 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 6’45’’
Other Information: Extensive sections where the choir imitates percussion
instruments with Latin rhythms, and spoken parts
accompanying the rap solo.
Date of Composition: 2005
Date of Publication: 2005
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Paraguas de Navidad. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2005.

Pata Pa’ca
Arrangement / Composition: Composition (together with Cristian Grases)
Original Music and Text: Based on poetic fragments by Federico García Lorca and
nonsense syllables by Alberto Grau
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: Solo, [ss]s[aa]

Instrumentation: pf, elec bass

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 5/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect:
= 160
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 7’00’’
Other Information: There are two short soprano solos. Uses eurhythmics
throughout the piece
Date of Composition: 2002
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces
femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XXI. Cantoría Alberto Grau and Schola

Cantorum de Caracas, dir. María Guinand, Alberto
Grau, Ana María Raga, Pablo Morales, and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. FD7122007651. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: Commissioned by Songbridge 2002. Espoo, Finland.
Written for the Cantoría Juvenil de la Schola to be sung at
their 2002 concert tour to Helsinki, Finland. Dedicated: A
la “Patota” de la Cantoría Juvenil de la Schola Cantorum
de Caracas.
Source: Grau, Alberto and Cristian Grases. Pata Pa’ca. Caracas:
GGM editores, 2002.

Pater Noster
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Two versions of this Catholic prayer occur in the New
Testament: the first in the Gospel of Matthew 6:9–13, and
the other in the Gospel of Luke 11:2–4
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt]b

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D minor

Initial Meter: 9/8 *

Initial Tempo or Affect:Circa = 160 (Dolce e Místico)
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Frequent meter changes and a challenging harmonic
language. It contains some short sections using whispering
and taking.
Date of Composition: 1986
Date of Publication: 1991
Editor: Editions A Coeur Joie (1999)

Escuela de Canto Coral Lagoven (no date)

Recording: Alberto Grau. Composiciones Corales. Schola Cantorum
de Caracas, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar
and Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. Alberto Grau and
María Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. CP 171 92559. CD. 1992.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. I. Voces

mixtas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007655. CD. 2007.

Ness – Grau. Schola Cantorum de Caracas, Cantoría

Alberto Grau, Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar,
dir. Alberto Grau and María Guinand. Fundación
Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FC 17296313. CD.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y

Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: Al Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar.
Winner of the José Angel Montero National Music Prize
in 1986.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Pater Noster. Lyon: Editions A Coeur Joie,

Solé y Sempere, Emilio, ed. Alberto Grau.Obra Coral.

Caracas: Lagoven.

Pensando en ti
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement

Original Music and Text: Text by Raúl Otero R. Music by Nicolás Menacho
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: a cappella [perc]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 60 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Taquirari from eastern Bolivia
Date of Composition: 2006
Date of Publication: 2006
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Maruja
Source: Grau, Alberto. Pensando en ti. Caracas: GGM editores,

Pierda quien pierda

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Eduaro Manzo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: Narrator, S, [ss][ss]a

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D dorian
Initial Meter: 2/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Enérgico = 60
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish and Latin
Approximate Duration: 5’30’’
Other Information: Uses eurhythmics throughout the entire song. Short solo
Date of Composition: 2003
Date of Publication: 2003
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la siempre anhelada PAZ
Source: Grau, Alberto. Pierda quien pierda. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2003.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Sections of the poem Nanas de la cebolla by Miguel
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][aa]

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 8/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 180
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Upbeat and humorous song. Includes sections with
Date of Composition: 1998
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: Para Bea. Canción de cuna para NO dormir a
mi primer nieto
Source: Composer

Rossinyol que vas a França

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from Catalonia
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: Solo, sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Dolcemente = ca. [ 60 ] (there is a mistake in the score
Initial Tempo or Affect: and the value of the tempo marking is absent)
Difficulty: E
Language: Catalan

Approximate Duration: 2’00’’

Other Information: The part for the soloist is the only one that sings the text.
The choir accompanies with a hum. It has four verses.
Date of Composition: 1973
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Rumex Crispus
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Based on Basque mythology
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss]saa

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 4/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Mágico = circa 100
Difficulty: H
Language: Basque
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Challenging composition for youth treble choirs that uses
many extended compositional techniques and
eurhythmics. There are numerous meter changes
throughout. It includes performance instructions,
especially for the eurhythmic sections.
Date of Composition: 2006
Date of Publication: 2005
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces
femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: Commissioned by the Basque children´s and youth choir
Gaudeamus Korala on the occasion of its participation in
the World Choir Games held in China in 2006.
Source: Grau, Alberto. Rumex Crispus. Caracas: GGM editores,

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement

Original Music and Text: Popular song from Venezuela

Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss]atb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 6/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 60 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Very short and simple song. It is slow and reverent, and it
is sung with a hum until the last three bars where the text
“salve, salve regina, salve” is sung.
Date of Composition: 2000
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Salve al celeste sol sonoro

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Rubén Darío
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: SAB, ssaattb[bb] (There is a short section for a mixed

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 6/8 *
Allegretto, Dolcemente = circa 112
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 6’15’’
Other Information:Challenging composition that uses many extended
compositional techniques and eurhythmics. There are
numerous meter changes throughout. It includes
performance instructions for the eurhythmic sections.
Date of Composition: 2008

Date of Publication: 2008

Editor: GGM editores
Recording: World sun songs. Youth Choir Kamer, dir. Maris Sirmais.
Youth Choir Kamer. CD. No date.
Additional Remarks: Commissioned by Riga Youth Choir Kamer
Source: Grau, Alberto. Salve al celeste sol sonoro. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2008.

San antón chiquitín

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Bello
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Includes extended compositional techniques such as
whispering and talking, and sections with eurhythmics.
Date of Composition: 1994
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-519)
Recording: Cruje-Silba. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases and
María Leticia González. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD 172-991281. CD. 1999.

Guinand, María. Movimiento Coral Venezolano. Una

Retrospectiva. LF-172200090022. CD-Rom.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A mi hermano Jaques, el campanero
Source: Grau, Alberto. San Antón, chiquitín. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

Si acaso algún vecino

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular Christmas song from Venezuela. Compiled by
Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: Solo, satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,
versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y

Latinoamericana. Antología 30 años, Schola
Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297301. CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Si en este momento te duermes, querube!

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SA, sa

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 80
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Very lyric lullaby. Probably originally conceived as a solo

Date of Composition: 1999

Date of Publication: 2005
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música
para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola

Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de Venezuela,
Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Mirtha y su querubín. Marzo/1999
Source: Composer

Son de la loma
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Miguel Matamoros
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][ss][aa]

Instrumentation: A cappella [pf, perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Cuban son. It could be performed with any combination of
Date of Composition: 1990
Date of Publication: 2005
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Latinoamericana XX, Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María
Guinand, Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
CD. 1997.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Son de la loma. Caracas: GGM editores,

Son de la loma
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement

Original Music and Text: Miguel Matamoros

Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss]atb

Instrumentation: A cappella [pf, perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Cuban son. It could be performed with any combination of
instruments. At the end there is an improvisational section
from a singer and/or an instrumentalist. There is a short
spoken section in the women’s parts.
Date of Composition: 1990
Date of Publication: 2003
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,
versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XXI. Cantoría Alberto Grau and Schola

Cantorum de Caracas, dir. María Guinand, Alberto
Grau, Ana María Raga, Pablo Morales, and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. FD7122007651. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Son de la loma. Caracas: GGM editores,

Stabat Mater
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Thirteenth century Roman Catholic sequence attributed to
Innocent III and Jacopone da Todi
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella

Initial Key: A minor

Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Quejumbroso (Plaintive) = 100
Difficulty: H
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 11’15’’
Other Information: Very challenging composition that uses many extended
compositional techniques and eurhythmics. There are
numerous meter changes throughout. It includes
performance instructions.
Date of Composition: 1998
Date of Publication: 1999
Editor: Earthsongs (S-101)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. I. Voces
mixtas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007655. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A José Antonio Abreu
Source: Grau, Alberto. Stabat Mater. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1999.

Su corazón bate como el nuestro

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jean Dauby, translated into Spanish by Alberto
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: [ss][aa]

Instrumentation: [pf, or gtr, or cuatro]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 2/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect:Dolcemente = 72
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 2001
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor:GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-517)
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A María Martorell. Spanish version of El seu
cor bat com el nostre
Source: Grau, Alberto. Su corazón bate como el nuestro. Caracas:
GGM editores, 2002.

Todo este campo es mío

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Simón Díaz
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Calmo y lánguido = circa 72
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Slow and lyric song
Date of Composition: 1999
Date of Publication: 2002
Editor: GGM editores (Earthsongs, S-513)
Recording: Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos,
versiones corales y composiciones sobre temas
populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

Latinoamericana XXI. Cantoría Alberto Grau and Schola

Cantorum de Caracas, dir. María Guinand, Alberto
Grau, Ana María Raga, Pablo Morales, and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. FD7122007651. CD. 2007.
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A mi gran hermano Simón
Source: Grau, Alberto. Todo este campo es mío. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

Tunda funda hunda

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Bello
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SA, [ss][aa]

Instrumentation: pf (other harmonic accompanying instrument optional)


Initial Key: C minor

Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Misterioso = circa 80
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Upbeat song. Includes eurhythmics throughout.
Date of Composition: 2007
Date of Publication: 2007
Editor: GGM editores
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Grau, Alberto. Tunda funda hunda. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2007.

Vou Veri Vou

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Popular poetry from the Balearic islands
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SA, [ss]a

Instrumentation: [pf or gtr]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Dolcemente. Circa =60
Difficulty: E
Language: Catalan
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Includes sections with eurhythmics
Date of Composition: 2000
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A Lucía de su Yayo
Source: Composer

Unexamined scores:
Grau has provided a catalog of works which contains additional titles that were

not available at the time of this research, and thus are not included above. These works

have not been added in the general index.

A ti te cantamos
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Acudid, cantaremos todos

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1973
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Adeste fideles
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: John Francis Wade
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1970
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Aguinaldo de los reyes

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement

Original Music and Text: Collected by Francisco Carreño

Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1976
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Al son de los arroyuelos

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Joseph Marin
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Amunt i amunt
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Magí Morera
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1977
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Aria triste
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Juan R. Jiménez
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1967
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Zoltán Kodály
Type of Choir: Mx

Date of Composition: 1973

Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Cantemos, cantemos
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Como sucedió
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by María Ramos
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1993
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a María
Source: Composer

Corre, corre hijito

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous from Spain
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1970
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Cruz del Avila

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Juan B. Díaz
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1980
Date of Publication: Manuscript

Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Deror yikra
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1983
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Despierta América
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Alberto Grau
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1991
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Dichosos mortales
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: R. Izaza
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

El pajarillo
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1972
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None

Source: Composer

El Señor nos construya la casa

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Sacred text
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1995
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

En tus manos
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Espléndida noche
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Ricardo Pérez
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Estrella de mar
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1983
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1971
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Himno de la ULA
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Alberto Grau
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Himno de la UNA
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Victor J. Higuera
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1981
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Himno de la UNELLEZ
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Oscar Pinongelli
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1977
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Himno nacional de Catalunya

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1972
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Himno nacional de Hungría

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Klosey Ferec
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1982
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Hoy es tu día
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1985
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Jerusalem de oro
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1983
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

La batalla
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Son de Tamunangue from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1972
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

La cabra mocha
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1976
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

La jornada
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

La mort de l’escolá
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Jacinto Verdaguer
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1983
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

La mort de l’escolá
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Jacinto Verdaguer
Type of Choir: Mx and orch
Date of Composition: 1991
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Pedro Parmenio
Source: Composer

Maracaibo en la noche
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Jesús Reyes
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1973
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

María natividad
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Pedro M. Layatorres
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1976
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Navajivan, mi campamento
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Maruja Lizarraga
Type of Choir: Tr
Date of Composition: 1983
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Niñito chiquito
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Efraín Subero
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1976
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a mi hija Beatriz
Source: Composer

Niñito Jesús
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Liliana Mayz
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1976
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a mis dos “trocitos” Bea y Gonzalo
Source: Composer

Noche de paz
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Josef Mohr. Music by Franz Grüber
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1970
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Padre nuestro
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Sacred text
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1995
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: a Luis Alfredo
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Ana Mercedes de Rugeles
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1973
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Por la tierra un ángel iba

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Isabel Aretz and Luis Felipe Ramón y Rivera
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1976
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Precioso querube
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Que barahunda
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Andrés Bello
Type of Choir: Tr
Date of Composition: 2007
Date of Publication: 2007
Editor: GGM editores
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Que pase, que pase

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Jesús Rosas Marcano
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1993
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: George Gershwin (From Porgy and Bess)
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1972
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Toquemos los instrumentos

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Isabel Aretz and Luis Felipe Ramón y Rivera
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1976
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Triste navidad
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1992
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Tú eres el orgullo de nuestro pueblo

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Sacred text
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1995
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Tun tun
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Venid, venid
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: R. Izaza
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1968
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Virolai de la verge de Montserrat

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Jacinto Verdaguer
Type of Choir: Tr
Date of Composition: 1984
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Virolai de la verge de Montserrat

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Jacinto Verdaguer
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1973
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Yirbiu semahot
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Date of Composition: 1983
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Editor: Manuscript
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer
Izarra, Adina (b. 1959)

Adina Izarra is a Venezuelan composer born in Caracas. She studied under

Alfredo del Mónaco (Caracas) and Vic Hoyland (England). Izarra lives in Caracas and

teaches at Simón Bolívar University as a full professor. Her works include solo, chamber,

and orchestral music, as well as music for theatre. A few of these compositions have

represented Venezuela at the ISCM (International Society of Contemporary Music)

World Music Days: Pitangus Sulphuratus in Oslo, Norway 1990, VOJM for voice and

electronics in 1997 in Seoul, Korea, Retratos de Macondo in Romania in 1999 and

Estudio sobre la cadencia Landini for solo piano in Ljubljana in 2003.

Her works have been performed and recorded by Venezuelan artists such as

Marisela González, Luis Julio Toro, Rubén Riera, and Elena Riú. Other European and

American performers and festivals have also included Izarra’s works in their concerts:

Manuela Wiesler (under BIS Gramophone), Carnegie Hall (Sonidos de la Américas),

Santa Fé Festival, National Flute Association (New York, USA, 1996), Carnegie Mellon

Contemporary Music Ensemble (Pittsburgh, USA), Festival de Mujeres Compositoras

(Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1995), Ensemble from the Institute fur Neue Musik (Freiburg,

Germany), the Neos Ensemble, the Festival Cervantino, City of México International

New Music Foro, and the Uppsala Chamber Orchestra.

Izarra was a member of the executive committee of the International Society for

Contemporary Music (ISCM) between 1999 and 2001, and in 2002 she was elected

member of Colegio de Compositores Latinoamericanos de Música de Arte (School of

Latin-American Composers of Music and Art).


Choral Works:
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Euripides. Text adapted by Javier Vidal.
Type of Choir: Ma and Tr (children’s choir)
Voices and Range: BBBc(ssa)tbb

Instrumentation: ob, cl Bb, bn, hn F, tp Bb, db

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 6/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Movement 1 – (no marking)
Movement 2 – Recitativo
Movement 3 – Como un gemido
Movement 4 - = ca. 80
Movement 5 – Pesado, sempre tenuto
Movement 6 – (no marking)
Movement 7 – (no marking)
Movement 8 – (no marking)
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 30'00''
Other Information: 8 movements. In one movement the male choir splits into
a double choir. The children’s choir only sings 6
Date of Composition: 1993
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Original recording made with Grupo Theja is lost.
Additional Remarks: Winner of the Premio Municipal de Teatro, mención:
Musicalización [County Theater Award, category: Music]
in 1994.
Source: Composer
Mendoza, Emilio (b. 1953)
Emilio Mendoza is a Venezuelan composer dedicated to higher education and

musicological research. He studied composition at the Universidad Metropolitana

(Metropolitan University) in Caracas with Yannis Ioannidis, and guitar at the Juan

Manuel Olivares School of Music with Flaminia de DeSoula. Later he studied

composition at the Robert Schumann Institut Musikhochschule (Robert Schuman

Institute College of Music) in Düsseldorf, Germany, under Günther Becker. Afterwards

he studied African percussion and dance in Krokobitey, Ghana, Western Africa. He

received his Doctoral Degree in composition at Catholic University of America, in

Washington, D.C.94

Mendoza plays classical, electric, and folkloric guitar; cuatro; bandola; and Latin

percussion. He has played in numerous folkloric, jazz, and rock ensembles, producing

recordings with some of them. He has been chair of the Sound Division of the National

Library in Caracas, co-founder and director of ODILA (Orchestra of Latin American

Instruments), and president of the FUNDEF (Ethnomusicology and Folklore

Foundation). He has taught at New York State University; at the Institut für Musik und

Musikpädagogik (Music and Music Pedagogy Institute) at the University of Postdam,

Germany; at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV); and currently serves as a

professor at the Simón Bolívar University in Caracas, Venezuela.95

He is a founding member and past president of the Sociedad Venezolana de

Música Contemporánea (Venezuelan Contemporary Music Society), founding member

Emilio Mendoza, “Emilio Mendoza,” Simón Bolívar University,
(accessed February 17, 2009).


and first president of the Asociación Internacional para el Estudio de Música Popular,

Capítulo Venezuela (International Association for the Study of Popular Music,

Venezuelan Chapter), and a member of the executive committee of ISCM (International

Society for Contemporary Music) from 2004 to 2008.96

His music combines traditional and folkloric elements (traditional instrumentation

and rhythmic complexities), popular and jazz elements (especially in the use of the

harmony), and academic tendencies. It has been performed internationally and at the

ISCM world conference in seven occasions. Among many awards, he has won the

Gaudeamus Award in composition in the Netherlands and the National Music Prize in

Venezuela. His works have been published in Germany, United States of America,

Uruguay, and Venezuela by the following publishers: Ediciones Tacuabé, FUNVES,

SVMC, Plymouth Music, Society of Composers Incorporated, and Bys Music.97

Choral Works:
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Nonsensical sounds (ss, sh, gh, r)
Type of Choir: Mx (it can also be performed with recorded sounds or
synthesized sounds)
Voices and Range: Two groups (group A divided in five sub-groups
distributed on stage from left to right, representing the
stereo sound; and group B evenly distributed on stage,
representing the mono sound) producing unvoiced
fricative (ss [s], sh [ʃ], gh [Ҫ]) and tap (r [r]) sounds
Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: No pitch
Initial Meter: 4/4


Initial Tempo or Affect: = 60

Difficulty: H
Language: Nonsensical sounds
Approximate Duration: 9'15''
Other Information: It uses spatial content material that happen from the center
of the choir or to the center of the choir, or from side to
side. It is rhythmically quite simple to read.
Date of Composition: 1977 (revised in 2007)
Date of Publication: 1977
Publisher: Nomos (currently Breitkopf & Härtel)
Recording: First recording was made at the Robert Schumann Institut,
Düsseldorf, in 1978 by the Neue Musik Ensemble directed
by Alfredo Rugeles. This recording has not been

Mundos – Emilio Mendoza. ArteMus, 1998.

Additional Remarks: Composed in the Formentera Island (Balearic Islands)
Source: Composer
Sauce, Angel (1911-1995)
Angel Sauce was a Venezuelan composer, violinist, conductor and pedagogue. He

was born in Caracas, on August 2, 1911, and died in Caracas, on December 26, 1995. He

studied music in the José Angel Lamas School of Music, where he graduated as a

composer in 1944. In 1945 he received a scholarship from the municipality of New York

and traveled to Columbia University, where he completed postgraduate studies in

composition, choral conducting, and orchestral conducting.98

In 1930 he was invited by his mentor Vicente Emilio Sojo to help found the

Venezuela Symphony Orchestra as a violinist; in 1947 he was made principal conductor,

a position he carried out for more than 12 years. He also founded numerous orchestral

ensembles in the capital city. Sauce was an important advocate of choral music in

Venezuela, establishing many ensembles, among which the following stand out: Orfeón

Juan Manuel Olivares (today known as Coral Venezuela), the Coral de la Electricidad de

Caracas (Caracas Electric Company), Coral de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

(Andrés Bello Catholic University), the Latino Choir of New York, and the blind

people’s choir of the Venezuelan Institute for the Blind. With these ensembles he

supported and developed choral music in the country, including his pioneering choral-

symphonic concerts. He also founded the Conservatorio Nacional Juan José Landaeta

(Juan José Landaeta National Conservatory), which he directed for over thirty years.99

Sauce was a versatile composer, writing music for orchestra, choir, chamber

ensembles, and soloists. Among his more relevant works are: Cantata Reina Jéhova, for

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Angel Sauce.”


soloist, choir and orchestra, which received the National Music Award in 1949;

Concierto para violín y orquesta (violin Concerto); Cecilia Mujica and Romance del Rey

Miguel, symphonic ballets that use native instruments; Sonata para violín y piano; and

Canción de libertad, for soloist, choir and orchestra. In 1982 he received the National

Music Award for his life-long achievements as a musician.100

Sauce was a fervent advocate of Venezuelan traditions and folklore, following the

footsteps of his mentor Sojo. He used many of the melodies collected by Sojo as the basis

for his arrangements and compositions;101 he wrote these to be performed by his

numerous ensembles, not only preserving and disseminating this rich musical heritage,

but also teaching generations of musicians and non-musicians an appreciation of their

cultural roots.

Choral Works:
A la gloria de Andrés Bello
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Manuel Rodríguez Cárdenas
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: E

Vicente E Guevara, Obra Coral de Angel Sauce. (Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo,
1999), xi.

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Anthem
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

A la nana en noche plácida

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Spain
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: T, satb

Instrumentation: str orch

Initial Key: F minor
Initial Meter: 3/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: Spanish Christmas song
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not avalable
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

A la sombra de un cují
Arrangement / Composition: Arragement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: T, satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]


Initial Key: E minor

Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 125 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan pasaje. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

A mi jardinero
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Angel Sauce
Type of Choir: U
Voices and Range: Solo, [uuu] (it is common practice that occasionally the
choir sings one of the solo verses, which explains the
triple division in the solo line)

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 100 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Adelante Venezuela
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Román E. González
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 180 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo. (There is no fine in the score, so we
assumed the entire song is sung twice according to
common practice)
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Adeste fideles
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Francis Wade
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: str orch

Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 85 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Christmas song. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Not avalable

Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Adiós a Ocumare
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Gregorio José Timotes. Music by Angel M.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals (There is no fine in the score, so we
assumed the ending to be at measure 34 according to
common practice)
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Alma cumanesa
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: José Antonio López
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 3/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 190 ]

Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan golpe y estribillo. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Alma llanera
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Rafael Bolívar Coronado. Music by Pedro Elías
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro con spirito
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1993
Publisher: Earthsongs (1993) (S-37)

Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo (1999).

Recording: Guinand, María. Movimiento Coral Venezolano. Una
Retrospectiva. LF-172200090022. CD-Rom.

Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Earthsongs. CD.
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Gutiérrez, Pedro. Alma Llanera. Corvallis: Earthsongs,

Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Ave María ¡que muchacho!

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: S, ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 3/4 and 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Movido = 228
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan golpe. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1987
Publisher: Contraloría General de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Sauce, Angel and Adda E. Sauce. 17 Canciones
Venezolanas. Caracas: Contraloría General de la
República, 1987.

Ave María ¡que muchacho!

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: B, satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 228 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan golpe. Six verses

Date of Composition: No date

Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Blando suspiro
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Henrique León
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: T, sat[bb]

Instrumentation: 3 gtr, db
Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 85 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Short song
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not avalable
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Brisas del Torbes

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Luis Felipe Ramón y Rivera
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 105 ]

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan bambuco from Táchira State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Brumas del mar

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Balbino García
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 130 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Canción de cuna
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular Spanish song from the Basque region.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Bb major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Homophonic lullaby
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Canción de la niebla
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Israel Peña
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: A cappella
G major
Initial Key:
Initial Meter:3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1941
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Premiered by Orfeón Lamas in 1941 under de direction of
Antonio Estévez.
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Cancioncilla sevillana
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Federico García Lorca
Type of Choir: Ma
Voices and Range: tbb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4
[ = 75 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information:Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1956
Date of Publication:1999 and 2005
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo. (Guevara’s book states
that it is also published by Fundación José Angel Lamas
in Segundo Cuaderno de Canciones Corales, in 1956)
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Canta (version 1)
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: B, [ss]a[tt][bb] (asuming that the baritone line from
measure 12 to measure 21 is just a simple division of the
bass section.)

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/2 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Alegre
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish

Approximate Duration: 2’30’’

Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Canta (version 2)
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Con alegría
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: Para el Orfeón Lamas
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Cantemos alegres con este pastor

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Angel Sauce
Type of Choir: U
Voices and Range: Solo, u

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1939
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Canto a San Benito

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Based on a folkloric theme from Mérida State. Collected
by Isabel Aretz.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss]at[bb]

Instrumentation: marac, dr
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Tranquilo – misterioso - ritual
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: In the spirit of a ritual or godly adoration.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Como el rocío
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: S, satb

Instrumentation: str orch

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 55 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Coral litúrgico
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Based on 1812 Overture by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The
texts were probably created by Angel Sauce.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: orch (parts are not included in this edition)

Initial Key: Eb major
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 45 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information: It is mentioned that the arrangement is supposed to be
used in addition to Tchaikovsky’s original orchestral
music. This explains the absence of orchestral parts in
Guevara’s edition.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the Eucharistic celebration in the Latin
liturgical rites of the Roman Catholic Church.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 2/1
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 85 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 5’30’’

Other Information: Motet

Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Don Ramón
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto = 84
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Traditional Venezuelan song. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1987
Publisher: Contraloría General de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Sauce, Angel and Adda E. Sauce. 17 Canciones
Venezolanas. Caracas: Contraloría General de la
República, 1987.

El ausente
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Félix Cardona Moreno. Music by Alfredo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]


Initial Key: D minor

Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 160 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El manguito
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Tiempo de Joropo = 252
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuean joropo. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1987
Publisher: Contraloría General de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Sauce, Angel and Adda E. Sauce. 17 Canciones
Venezolanas. Caracas: Contraloría General de la
República, 1987.

El manguito
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx

Voices and Range: sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 205 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuean joropo. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El mare mare
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El muñeco de la ciudad
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Adrián Pérez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 120 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El niño malcriado
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: stb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 160 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Simple and short song. Four verses.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None

Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El San Pedro
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore of Guatire. Collected by Vicente
Emilio Sojo.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: B, satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 90 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’45’’
Other Information: Five verse song in which the Baritone soloist and choir
alternate the text, and the choir accompanies the soloist
with nonsensical syllables that imitate traditional
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Song and dance from the estates in Guarenas and Guatire.
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El totumo de Guarenas
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Benito Canónico
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss]atb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 190 ]

Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan golpe. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

En esta tumba oscura

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Giuseppe Carpani. Music by Ludwig van
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: B, satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Ab major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 45 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: The choir accompanies the soloist both humming and
singing the text. Homophonic texture.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Fuga real a 4 voces

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Angel Sauce
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect:[ = 160 ]
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Fugue with some difficulties
Date of Composition: 1939
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Probably composed as a final project of Sauce’s
counterpoint studies.
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Gaudeamos igitur
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text from De Brevitate Vitae by Seneca. Music from
unknown author
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Graduation anthem
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Gavilán Cua
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Angel Sauce
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: TB, [ss]at[bb]

Instrumentation: pf, cuatro, and marac

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 210 ]
Difficulty: H
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan golpe
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Napoleón Lucena
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: ST, satb

Instrumentation: bandolín, pf
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 90 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan bambuco from Lara State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None

Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Himno al Nazareno
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Monsignor Dr. Ramón J. Lizardi
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 8’30’’
Other Information: Anthem for the Nazarene Society of the San Juan Bautista
Church. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Dedicated: A la Sociedad del Nazareno de la Parroquia
San Juan Bautista
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Himno de la Juventud Deportista A. T. C.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by H. N. A. (no information was found as to what
name these initials stand for)
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 100 ]
Difficulty: E

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Institutional anthem for the Altamira Tennis Club
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Himno de la Unión Hispano-América Oceánica

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 90 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Institutional anthem for the Spanish-American Oceanic
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Himno de la Unión Republicana Democrática

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Antonio Arraiz
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Institutional anthem for the Democratic Republican
Union. Five verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Himno de la Universidad José María Vargas

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by José Manuel M.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’15’’
Other Information: Institutional anthem of the José María Vargas University.
Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Himno de los juramentados de la E.M.E. de la C.V.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect:[ = 110 ]
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Institutional anthem
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: No information has been gathered in regards to the
meaning of the initials E.M.E. and C.V.
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Himno del Colegio de Médicos

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Angel Sauce
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Bb major
Initial Meter: 3/2
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Institutional anthem for the Medicine Labor Union
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Himno del Liceo Carlos Soublette

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Oscar Pirrangelli
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Institutional anthem of the Carlos Soublette High School.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Manuel Rodríguez Cárdenas
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Tranquilo
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’

Other Information: Slow and short song of praise

Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Justicia de rey
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Angel Sauce
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 90 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: 1939
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La burriquita
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional song from eastern Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Traditional Venezuelan song. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1987
Publisher: Contraloría General de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Sauce, Angel and Adda E. Sauce. 17 Canciones
Venezolanas. Caracas: Contraloría General de la
República, 1987.

La burriquita
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Popular song from eastern Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: [ss]a[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue with three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La creación
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: George Frideric Handel
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: ssatb

Instrumentation: str orch

Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Longer arrangement based on Handel’s masterwok.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La guerra de los Vargas

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional Venezuelan song from Lara State
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: SA, ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4 and 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Movido = 240
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan golpe. Three verses. It uses some vocal effects
imitating gun shots
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1987
Publisher: Contraloría General de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Sauce, Angel and Adda E. Sauce. 17 Canciones
Venezolanas. Caracas: Contraloría General de la
República, 1987.

La lora
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Ma
Voices and Range: tbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan guasa
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La lora
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan guasa. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None

Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La Mónica Pérez
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 3/4 and 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Tiempo de joropo = 228
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1987
Publisher: Contraloría General de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Sauce, Angel and Adda E. Sauce. 17 Canciones
Venezolanas. Caracas: Contraloría General de la
República, 1987.

La Mónica Pérez
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 228 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo. Four verses

Date of Composition: None

Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La partida
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Guanipa. Music by Espín
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 130 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La perica
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Lino Gallardo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4 and 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Alegre

Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La prenda del alma

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Payares
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: B, satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 105 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Polyphonic song
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Las flores que me diste

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: 3 gtr, db
Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegro moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan valse. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Los ecos
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Rafael Izaza
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Allegretto
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional song from eastern Venezuela
Type of Choir: Tr

Voices and Range: ssa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Movido = 116
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1987
Publisher: Contraloría General de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Sauce, Angel and Adda E. Sauce. 17 Canciones
Venezolanas. Caracas: Contraloría General de la
República, 1987.

Margarita es una lágrima

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Based on a Venezuelan folkloric tune from Nueva Esparta
State. Collected by Francisco Carreño and Inocente
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: ST, satb

Instrumentation: pf
Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Moderato
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’45’’
Other Information: The first two verses are sung by the soloists, and the choir
sings the last verse and all the refrains.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None

Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Mi Teresa
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: T, [ss]atb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan guasa. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Mujer divina
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro or gtr]

Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 50 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Serenade

Date of Composition: No date

Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Nació Jesús
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Angel Sauce
Type of Choir: U
Voices and Range: Solo, u

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1939
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Niño Divino
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Angel Sauce
Type of Choir: U
Voices and Range: Solo, [uuuu] (it is common practice that occasionally the
choir sings one of the solo verses, which explains the
triple division in the solo line)

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G minor

Initial Meter: 2/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 100 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. The solo part does not have a set
text. It is unclear if the text is missing or if this melody is
intended to be hummed.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

No más silencio
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: T, satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro or gtr]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 105 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

No vayas a misa, Elisa

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 105 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan guasa. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Noche de paz
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Joseph Mohr. Music by Franz Grüber
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 75 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Christmas song. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None

Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Noche de paz
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Joseph Mohr. Music by Franz Grüber
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: str orch

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: Tranquilo
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Christmas song
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Noches larenses
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Juan Ramón Barrios
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 100 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: In general the women’s sections sing alternating with the

men’s sections.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Padre nuestro
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Two versions of this Catholic prayer occur in the New
Testament: the first in the Gospel of Matthew 6:9–13, and
the other in the Gospel of Luke 11:2–4.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Dodecaphonic
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: Andante
Difficulty: H
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: Over 5’00’’ (It calls for a repetition [D. S. al fine], but the
segno could not be located.)
Other Information: Motet. Uses some extended compositional techniques
such as whispering and talking.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Por un capricho
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: José Reyna
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Quisiera ser
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: T, sat[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 75 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Simple song. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Rosa gentil
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Miller and Blanco
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: sa

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: Tiempo de vals
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1987
Publisher: Contraloría General de la República
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Sauce, Angel and Adda E. Sauce. 17 Canciones
Venezolanas. Caracas: Contraloría General de la
República, 1987.

San José bendito

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Angel Sauce
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1941(?)
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available

Additional Remarks: None

Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Sombra en los médanos

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Rafael Sánchez López
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt]b

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 140 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Tantum ergo
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text from the opening words of the last two verses of
Pange Lingua written by St Thomas Aquinas.
Type of Choir: Ma
Voices and Range: tbb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 75 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Latin
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’

Other Information: Short motet

Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Tarde del trópico

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Text by Rubén Darío
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/2
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 65 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Madrigal
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999 and 2005
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas:
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2005.

Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Toy contento
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Billo Frómeta
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: C minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 190 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not avalable
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Una paloma blanca

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Simple song. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Vamos pastorcitos
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Angel Sauce
Type of Choir: U
Voices and Range: Solo, [uuu] (it is common practice that occasionally the
choir sings one of the solo verses, which explains the
triple division in the solo line)

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 100 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: 1939
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: B, sat[bb]

Instrumentation: 3 gtr, db
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 90 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Slow song. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Guevara, Vicente, ed. Obra coral de Angel Sauce.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.
Suárez, Rafael (1929-1971)
Rafael Suárez was born in Nueva Esparta State, Venezuela. When he was fifteen

years old he was sent to Caracas to study music at the Juan Manuel Olivares School of

Music and at the José Angel Lamas Superior School of Music, under important musicians

such as Vicente Emilio Sojo, Juan Bautista Plaza, Angel Sauce, and Antonio José Ramos.

He graduated in 1952 and traveled to Italy to study orchestral conducting at the famous

Santa Cecilia Academy in Rome, Italy.102

The death of his father in 1956 brought him back to Caracas, where he became

involved in choral life as the assistant director for the Coral Venezuela, at the time

conducted by Angel Sauce. He proceeded to develop an important career in this area,

founding and conducting numerous ensembles, of which Quinteto Contrapunto is the

most relevant.103

Quinteto Contrapunto began as an experiment. During his studies in Italy, Suárez

wrote a series of vocal arrangements of Venezuelan folk pieces. After showing them to

some of his choir friends, they decided to formally work together as a group, starting in

1962. In a few months the group was widely known for its unique style that blended

popular music and its richness in rhythms, melodies, and folklore, with the technique and

compositional resources of the academic music. Later they became widely known in

Latin America and Europe.104

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Suárez Mujica, Rafael.”
Miguel Astor, Arreglos corales de Rafael Suárez. (Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo,
1999), ix.


Choral Works:
A adorar al niño
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Vicente Emilio Sojo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 135 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan Christmas song from Táchira State. Three
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Aguinaldos. Vol 3. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor.
Mono 025. LP. 1965.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Aguinaldo carupanero
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 120 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’

Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Four verses

Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Aguinaldos. Vol 3. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor.
Mono 025. LP. 1965.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Aguinaldo de El Callao
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore from El Callao
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 5/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 330 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Aguinaldos. Vol 3. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor.
Mono 025. LP. 1965.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Domingo Mendoza. Music by Lorenzo Rodríguez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 3/4
[ = 140 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information:Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316.
LP. 1970.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Amalia Rosa
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Tino Carrasco
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 200 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan golpe from Lara State. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 1. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 010. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Brisas del Torbes

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Luis Felipe Ramón y Rivera
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
[ = 105 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information:Venezuelan bambuco
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Eduardo Serrano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 125 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Canchunchú florido
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Luis Mariano Rivera
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Merengue from eastern Venezuela. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.

Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Canción de cuna
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan traditional
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

G major
Initial Key:
2/4 *
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information:Lullaby. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316.
LP. 1970.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Canción de la parima
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: A major

Initial Meter: 6/8 *

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 85 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Serenade. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Cándida María
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 200 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish

Approximate Duration: 2’15’’

Other Information: Venezuelan joropo
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 1. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 010. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Cantos de mi tierra
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: L. Armas and M. Ramírez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 85 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan bambuco from the andean region.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316.
LP. 1970.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Carnaval llanero
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 190 ]
Difficulty: H
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Casta paloma
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Alejandro Vargas
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 6/8
[ = 120 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’00’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo from Guayana. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Aguinaldos. Vol 3. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor.
Mono 025. LP. 1965.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Como llora una estrella

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Alejandro Carrillo
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: G minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 120 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Corrido de los pájaros

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folkloric melody from Barinas State collected by Alberto
Arvelo Torrealba, who also wrote the text.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 190 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Traditional Venezuelan song. Six verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 1. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 010. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Crepúsculo coriano
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Rafael Sánchez López
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan valse. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Agustín Lara
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sattb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 85 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information: Cuban son
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

De oriente venimos
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Ventura Gómez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb (there is one brief moment in which sopranos and
altos whistle)

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 6/8
[ = 100 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Aguinaldos. Vol 3. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor.
Mono 025. LP. 1965.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Diversión margariteña
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Traditional Venezuelan song from Nueva Esparta State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El ángel Gabriel
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
[ = 85 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Aguinaldos. Vol 3. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor.
Mono 025. LP. 1965.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El campo está florido

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Telésforo Jaimes
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El gabán
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: B minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 200 ]
Difficulty: H
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan pasaje
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316.
LP. 1970.

Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble

Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El gallo
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 5/8
[ = 315 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’30’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo from Cumaná. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Aguinaldos. Vol 3. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor.
Mono 025. LP. 1965.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El guapo
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Angel Guanipa
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 170 ]
Difficulty: M

Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo from Caracas
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316.
LP. 1970.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El morrocoy
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: F major
Initial Meter: 5/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 300 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Traditional song from Nueva Esparta State. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,

Polygram. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

El pequén
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Folklore from Chile
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 6/8
[ = 75 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information:Tonada from Chile with two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316.
LP. 1970.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Flor de loto
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Juan de Dios Galavís
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 3/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 130 ]

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 1. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 010. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Gaita margariteña
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect:[ = 95 ]
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue from Nueva Esparta State. Two
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. Vol 1. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 010. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: L. C. Sánchez
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 6/8
[ = 90 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information:Venezuelan danza from Zulia State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316.
LP. 1970.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Juan José
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Guillermo Teruel
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sattb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue from Caracas
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316.
LP. 1970.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La bella del tamunangue

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 120 ]

Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Traditional Venezuelan song. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La blanca paloma
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Traditional from Venezuela
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo
Date of Composition: No date

Date of Publication: 1999

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La cachúa
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
[ = 120 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information:Diversión from eastern Venezuela. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316.
LP. 1970.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La caldereta
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Francisco Lagonell
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: G major

Initial Meter: 2/4

Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan guasa
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La catuarera
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by José Tomás Arismendi. Music by Claudio Fermín
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 105 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish

Approximate Duration: 2’45’’

Other Information: Merengue from eastern Venezuela. Two verses. Original
song written in 1890
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La chaparrita
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 200 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan golpe from Lara State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,

Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La guachafita
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Ma
Voices and Range: tbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 3/4
[ = 180 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information:Venezuelan joropo
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La pascua es hermosa
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Luis Mariano Rivera
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A major
Initial Meter: 6/8
[ = 115 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information:Venezuelan aguinaldo. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Aguinaldos. Vol 3. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor.
Mono 025. LP. 1965.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La puerca
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Collected by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 200 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan golpe from Lara State with three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo

Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 1. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 010. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La reina
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Amable Torres
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: C major
Initial Meter: 4/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 140 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’45’’
Other Information: Venezuelan contradanza
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

La ruperta
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Francisco Pacheco
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 135 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 4’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Los hijos de la noche

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Eduardo Serrano
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
[ = 115 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information:Venezuelan merengue
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 140 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 1’45’’
Other Information: Traditional song from central Venezuela. Three verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP.


Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Rafael Rincón González
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 90 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan danza from Zulia State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 1. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 010. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Maracaibo en la noche
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Jesús Reyes
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 70 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan danza from Zulia State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sa[tt][bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]

Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Traditional song from eastern Venezuela. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

María tolete
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 130 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Traditional Venezuelan song. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date

Date of Publication: 1999

Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Noches larenses
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Juan Ramón Barrios
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: E major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 80 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’45’’
Other Information: Slow serenade
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.

Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP.

Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Pájaro tilín
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 115 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’15’’
Other Information: Traditional Venezuelan song from Nueva Esparta State.
Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 1. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 010. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.

Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Playa grande
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Tano Acosta and Cheché Acosta
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sat[bb]

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 130 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan vals from Carúpano. Two verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Polo margariteño
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D minor

Initial Meter: 3/4

[ = 135 ]
Initial Tempo or Affect:
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 5’00’’
Other Information:Traditional Venezuelan polo from Nueva Esparta State
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication:1999
Publisher:Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording:Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Préstame tu máquina
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Anonymous
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: sattb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: G major
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 110 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’00’’
Other Information: Venezuelan merengue from Caracas
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316.
LP. 1970.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,

Polygram. CD. 1998.

Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: D major
Initial Meter: 3/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 225 ]
Difficulty: H
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’15’’
Other Information: Venezuelan joropo
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Guinand, María. Movimiento Coral Venezolano. Una
Retrospectiva. LF-172200090022. CD-Rom.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Río Manzanares
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx

Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 105 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Traditional song from the Venezuelan plains. Four verses
Date of Composition: No dates
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Sebucán margariteño
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Venezuelan folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 105 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 2’30’’
Other Information: Traditional Venezuelan song from Nueva Esparta State,
usually accompanied with a traditional dance called

Date of Composition: No date

Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 1. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 010. LP.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de

Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Guaranúo folklore
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: at

Instrumentation: [cuatro]
Initial Key: E minor
Initial Meter: 6/8
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 75 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Indigenous dialect
Approximate Duration: 1’00’’
Other Information: Indigenous song.
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 1. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.

Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 010. LP.


Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Sonográfica. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Si buscas a Dios
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Text by Magdaleno Alcalá. Music by Arturo León
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satb

Instrumentation: [cuatro, perc]

Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 100 ]
Difficulty: E
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Venezuelan aguinaldo. Four verses
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Son de la loma
Arrangement / Composition: Arrangement
Original Music and Text: Miguel Matamoros
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: satbb

Instrumentation: [gtr, perc]


Initial Key: A major

Initial Meter: 2/4
Initial Tempo or Affect: [ = 95 ]
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’30’’
Other Information: Popular song from Cuba
Date of Composition: No date
Date of Publication: 1999
Publisher: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo
Recording: Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de
Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir.
Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316.
LP. 1970.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de

Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos. Quinteto
Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas,
Polygram. CD. 1998.
Additional Remarks: Written for Quinteto Contrapunto vocal ensemble
Source: Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez.
Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 1999.
Teruel, Ricardo (b. 1959)
Ricardo Teruel was born in Caracas in 1959. He studied electronic engineering at

the Simón Bolívar University in Caracas, though he pursued this career for only a short

time. He started his piano studies in 1963 with several teachers, and graduated from the

Juan Manuel Olivares School of Music in 1976. In the same school he also studied

composition with Yannis Ioannidis and twentieth century techniques with Raúl Delgado


Teruel worked for the Phonology Division of the National Library, was one of the

piano accompanist for Danzahoy, a dance ensemble of the Centro Latinoamericano de

Danza (Latin American Dance Center), and taught electro-acoustic music at the Instituto

de Fonología de la Orquesta Juvenil (Youth Orchestra’s Phonology Institute), becoming

its president in 1988. He has created radio programs on electro acoustic music, and was

part of the group Ipso Facto from 1985 until 1990 together with Beatriz Bilbao and

Edgar Saume. He has lectured and performed his own music with piano and electro

acoustic equipment. Teruel was a member of the Sociedad de Música Contemporánea

(Contemporary Music Society) from 1976 until 1978, and he is currently a member of

the Sociedad de Música Electroacústica (Electro Acoustic Music Society).106

Teruel has four distinct periods in terms of his compositional output: the first one

occurred during his time as an advanced student in which his works gravitated to Bartók

and Stravinsky. Between 1977 and 1978, his second period was more rebellious and

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 1998. s.v. “Bor, Modesta.”


aggressive, centered on the power of the text and the communication with the audience.

During this time he developed his connection with electro-acoustic music ideas, surely

encouraged by his engineering studies. During his third period he “returned to music,”

and decided to compose every day, creating pieces for various forces other than the

piano and his small group of friends. During his fourth and last period, which starts in

the mid-1980’s, compositional technique is simply used in the process of

communication, validating any musical style: academic, popular, or from different

cultures.107 His musical output has earned nineteen awards both nationally and


Choral Works:
El andariego
Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Tomás Linden
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: ST, [ss][aa][tt][bb]

Instrumentation: Eh, vl
Initial Key: G mixolydian
Initial Meter: 12/8 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 112
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 3’00’’
Other Information: Contemporary piece with some harmonic complexities.
According to the composer, it has never been performed.
Date of Composition: April, 1996
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None

Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: From Melmoth el errabundo by Charles Maturin,
translated by Francisco Torres Oliver.
Type of Choir: Mx
Voices and Range: T, satb

Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: A minor
Initial Meter: 4/4 *
Initial Tempo or Affect: = 56
Difficulty: H
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: 10’00’’
Other Information: Contemporary madrigal with some harmonic
complexities. Has been performed only twice, and
recorded once. This recording has been lost.
Date of Composition: December, 1986
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Ricardo Teruel
Type of Choir:Mx
Voices and Range: The choir speaks the text
Instrumentation:A cappella
Spoken words
Initial Key:
There is no set meter
Initial Meter:
Initial Tempo or Affect:(Aleatoric music)
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: Variable (Aleatoric music). The author suggests that each
ensemble and/or conductor could create its own text.
Other Information: Contemporary piece that suggests using the choir as a
typing machine. According to the composer, it has never
been performed.

Date of Composition: Marzo, 1981

Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer

Arrangement / Composition: Composition
Original Music and Text: Ricardo Teruel
Type of Choir: Tr
Voices and Range: The choir speaks the text. There are no pre-determined
Instrumentation: A cappella
Initial Key: Spoken words
Initial Meter: There is no set metric
Initial Tempo or Affect: (Aleatoric music)
Difficulty: M
Language: Spanish
Approximate Duration: Variable (Aleatoric music)
Other Information: It offers a succession of actions, and requires the
children’s choir to be placed surrounding the audience.
According to the composer, it has never been performed.
Date of Composition: 1977
Date of Publication: Manuscript
Publisher: Manuscript
Recording: Not available
Additional Remarks: None
Source: Composer



with accompaniment:
Title (difficulty) Author

A mi jardinero (E) Sauce, Angel

Cantemos alegres con este pastor (E) Sauce, Angel
Fresas maduritas (E) Estévez, Antonio
Los gallos (E) Estévez, Antonio
Nació Jesús (E) Sauce, Angel
Niño divino (E) Sauce, Angel
Vamos pastorcitos (E) Sauce, Angel

Treble voices (unison)

with accompaniment:
Title (difficulty) Author

Arriba cosmonauta (M) Grau, Alberto

Cumpleaños (E) Grau, Alberto
Las cuatro tablas (M) Grau, Alberto
Los capitanes de la comida (M) Grau, Alberto
Marranidad (E) Grau, Alberto

Treble voices (two parts)

a cappella:
Title (difficulty) Author

El seu cor bat com el nostre (M) Grau, Alberto

with accompaniment:
Brujas y hadas (M) Grau, Alberto
Canto aragüeño (E) Bor, Modesta
Cinco canciones infantiles basadas en Grau, Alberto
la poesía popular El San Pedro:I.- Si
San Pedro se muriera (M)
Cinco canciones infantiles basadas en Grau, Alberto
la poesía popular El San Pedro: II.- El
San Pedro milagroso (M)
Cinco canciones infantiles basadas en Grau, Alberto
la poesía popular El San Pedro: III.-
Ponte el gorro Peruchito (M)
Cinco canciones infantiles basadas en Grau, Alberto
la poesía popular El San Pedro: IV.- El
San Pedro de mi tierra (M)

Title (difficulty) Author

Cinco canciones infantiles basadas en Grau, Alberto

la poesía popular El San Pedro: V.- El
San Pedro juega chapas (M)
Cruje-Silba (M) Grau, Alberto
Cuatro piezas para coros infantiles en Grau, Alberto
idioma Euskera: I.- Anai Txiki Berri Bat
Cuatro piezas para coros infantiles en Grau, Alberto
idioma Euskera: II.- Kirio Mirio (E)
Cuatro piezas para coros infantiles en Grau, Alberto
idioma Euskera: III.- Tirtiricu
Tarrapatari Tulumpe (M)
Cuatro piezas para coros infantiles en Grau, Alberto
idioma Euskera: IV.- Elefantea Nun
Da? (M)
El barquito (M) Grau, Alberto
El burro flautista (M) Grau, Alberto
El riu i el mar (M) Grau, Alberto
La otra orilla (M) Grau, Alberto
La ronda que nunca se acaba (M) Grau, Alberto
Marcha de la creatividad (E) Grau, Alberto
Mi barquito de papel (E) Grau, Alberto
Opereta ecológica: I.- Acto del viento Grau, Alberto
Opereta ecológica: II.- Acto del río (M) Grau, Alberto
Opereta ecológica: III.- Acto del árbol Grau, Alberto
Opereta ecológica: IV.- Acto del mar Grau, Alberto
Ríete! (E) Grau, Alberto
Rosa gentil (E) Sauce, Angel
Si en este momento te duermes, Grau, Alberto
querube! (E)
Su corazón bate como el nuestro (M) Grau, Alberto
Tunda funda hunda (M) Grau, Alberto
Vou Veri Vou (E) Grau, Alberto

Treble voices (three parts)

a cappella:
Title (difficulty) Author

A una niña (E) Bor, Modesta

Abril (E) Bor, Modesta
Adeste Fideles (E) Bor, Modesta
Arbol de canción (E) Bor, Modesta
Arroz con coco (E) Bor, Modesta
Ave Maria (E) Estévez, Antonio
Campana sobre campana (E) Bor, Modesta

Title (difficulty) Author

Canción de cuna (Eb major) (E) Bor, Modesta

Canción de cuna (G minor) (E) Bor, Modesta
Canción para la niña desvelada (E) Bor, Modesta
Canción popular rusa (D minor) (E) Bor, Modesta
Canción popular rusa (E minor) (E) Bor, Modesta
Cantar del muchacho de piel de noche Bor, Modesta
Canto para cazar tigüitigües (E) Bor, Modesta
Caramba (M) Grau, Alberto
Coplas de cuna (M) Bor, Modesta
Dindirindin (E) Bor, Modesta
Dolorosa (H) Grau, Alberto
Don Ramón (E) Bor, Modesta
Don Ramón (with soloist) (E) Bor, Modesta
Don Ramón (E) Sauce, Angel
Duerme, niño mío (E) Bor, Modesta
El cazador (E) Bor, Modesta
El cucú (E) Bor, Modesta
El Rey Herodes (E) Bor, Modesta
El rorro (E) Bor, Modesta
Fiat Mundus Iustus (Children´s) (E) Grau, Alberto
Fiat Mundus Iustus (Women´s) (E) Grau, Alberto
Gesù bambin e’ nato (E) Bor, Modesta
La flor de la miel (M) Grau, Alberto
La florista (E) Bor, Modesta
La muerte del ángel (M) Grau, Alberto
La perla insomne (M) Bor, Modesta
Los ecos (M) Bor, Modesta
Los gallos (E) Bor, Modesta
Luna del malecón (M) Bor, Modesta
Malagueña (E) Bor, Modesta
Maquiní surcí (E) Bor, Modesta
Mariposa del aire (E) Bor, Modesta
Mariposita de primavera (E) Grau, Alberto
Noche de paz (E) Bor, Modesta
Pajarito chino (E) Bor, Modesta
Palomita blanca (E) Bor, Modesta
Pierda quien pierda (M) Grau, Alberto
Por darle gloria a Guzmán (E) Bor, Modesta
Ribereñas (E) Bor, Modesta
San Antón chiquitín (M) Grau, Alberto
Si de noche ves que brillan (E) Bor, Modesta
Si vas de prisa (E) Bor, Modesta
Tal vez mañana me vaya (E) Bor, Modesta
Tilingo, tilingo (E) Estévez, Antonio
Una paloma blanca (E) Bor, Modesta

Title (difficulty) Author

with accompaniment:
A heart cry from the west (M) Grau, Alberto
Adiós a Ocumare (E) Bor, Modesta
Adoremos a Dios (M) Bor, Modesta
Aguinaldo margariteño (E) Bor, Modesta
Aguinaldo oriental (E) Bor, Modesta
Al llegar aquí (E) Bor, Modesta
Alé limón (E) Bor, Modesta
Ananaynanay (M) Grau, Alberto
Ave María ¡que muchacho! (E) Sauce, Angel
¡Ay San Antón! (M) Grau, Alberto
Bandera tricolor (E) Bor, Modesta
Canquin cuesca (E) Bor, Modesta
Canto aragüeño (E) Bor, Modesta
Canto de pilón (E) Bor, Modesta
De contento (E) Bor, Modesta
Doñana (E) Bor, Modesta
El aragüato (version 1) (E) Bor, Modesta
El aragüato (version 2) (E) Bor, Modesta
El baile (E) Bor, Modesta
El cambao (E) Bor, Modesta
El cant del pinsa (M) Grau, Alberto
El carite (M) Bor, Modesta
El manguito (E) Bor, Modesta
El manguito (M) Sauce, Angel
El niño malcriado (E) Bor, Modesta
El palagar (M) Bor, Modesta
El pavo (E) Bor, Modesta
El periquito (E) Bor, Modesta
El sebucán (E) Bor, Modesta
El señor Don Gato (E) Bor, Modesta
En la mano traigo (E) Bor, Modesta
Espléndida noche (E) Bor, Modesta
I’se the b’y (E) Grau, Alberto
Junda junda, San Antón (M) Grau, Alberto
La brillante estrella (E) Bor, Modesta
La burriquita (E) Bor, Modesta
La burriquita (E) Sauce, Angel
La cucaracha (M) Grau, Alberto
La culebra (E) Bor, Modesta
La doncella (H) Grau, Alberto
La guerra de los Vargas (E) Sauce, Angel
La jornada (E) Bor, Modesta
La lora (E) Bor, Modesta
La mariposa (E) Bor, Modesta
La mariposa (with soloist) (E) Bor, Modesta
La Mónica Pérez (E) Bor, Modesta
La Mónica Pérez (E) Sauce, Angel
La sirena (M) Bor, Modesta

Title (difficulty) Author

Las estrellas del cielo (E) Bor, Modesta

Maremare (E) Sauce, Angel
María Moñitos (E) Bor, Modesta
Mi Teresa (version 1) (E) Bor, Modesta
Mi Teresa (version 2) (E) Bor, Modesta
Niño lindo (E) Bor, Modesta
Noches larenses (E) Bor, Modesta
Nosotros, pobres pastores (E) Bor, Modesta
Oye y verás (version 1) (E) Bor, Modesta
Oye y verás (version 2) (E) Bor, Modesta
Pata Pa’ca (M) Grau, Alberto and
Grases, Cristian
Polo margariteño (E) Bor, Modesta
Riqui ran (E) Bor, Modesta
Sancocho e’ güesito (E) Bor, Modesta
Se acerca la navidad (E) Bor, Modesta
Son de la loma (M) Grau, Alberto
Sois la prometida (E) Bor, Modesta
Sombra en los médanos (E) Bor, Modesta
Sublime ideal (E) Bor, Modesta
Ya viene la vieja (E) Bor, Modesta
Yo invento (E) Bor, Modesta

Treble voices (four or more parts)

a cappella:
Title (difficulty) Author

Ave Maria (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro

Caracolitos chicos (H) Grau, Alberto
Como compongo poco (M) Grau, Alberto
Como tu (H) Grau, Alberto
Kasar Mie La Gaji (H) Grau, Alberto
La brisa (M) Bor, Modesta
Los duendes: I.- Yo todo es tinieblas Grau, Alberto
Los duendes: II.- Son los duendes que Grau, Alberto
ya salen (M)
Los duendes: III.- ¡Que batahola! (M) Grau, Alberto
Los duendes: IV.- ¿Fantasmas acaso? Grau, Alberto
Los duendes: V.- Echemos el cerrojo Grau, Alberto
Mata del ánima sola (M) Grau, Alberto
Opusnón (M) Teruel, Ricardo

Title (difficulty) Author

with accompaniment:
Rumex crispus (H) Grau, Alberto

Male voices (two parts)

a cappella:
Title (difficulty) Author

A través del discreto clarooscuro (M) Estévez, Antonio

Male voices (three parts)

a cappella:
Title (difficulty) Author

Cancioncilla sevillana (E) Sauce, Angel

Despertar (M) Estévez, Antonio
Le sombra salió del monte (M) Estévez, Antonio
Mariposita de primavera (E) Grau, Alberto
Tantum ergo (E) Sauce, Angel

with accompaniment:
La guachafita (E) Suárez, Rafael
La lora (E) Sauce, Angel

Male voices (four or more parts)

a cappella:
Title (difficulty) Author

Salve regina (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro

Mixed voices
a cappella:
Title (difficulty) Author

A dormir, niñito (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro

A la gloria de Andrés Bello (E) Sauce, Angel
A tu regreso (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
¡Allegria, allegria! (E) Grau, Alberto
Arco iris (E) Bor, Modesta
Ave Maria (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Basta, basta, basta (M) Bor, Modesta
Bin-Nam-Ma (H) Grau, Alberto

Title (difficulty) Author

Camino invisible (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro

Canción de cuna (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Canción de cuna (E) Sauce, Angel
Canción de la molinera (H) Estévez, Antonio
Canción de la niebla (M) Sauce, Angel
Canción del nuevo mundo (E) Grau, Alberto
Canciones de cuna: Canción de cuna Grau, Alberto
Canciones de cuna: Duermete apegado Grau, Alberto
a mí (E)
Canta (version 1) (M) Sauce, Angel
Canta (version 2) (M) Sauce, Angel
Cantad coros del mundo (E) Grau, Alberto
Canto a la vida (E) Bor, Modesta
Caramba (M) Grau, Alberto
Confitemini Domino (H) Grau, Alberto
Credo (E) Sauce, Angel
Crux fidelis (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Cual diminuta gota de mar (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Da que Deus m’amou (E) Grau, Alberto
De corazón (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
De los cielos y del mar (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Dies Irae (H) Grau, Alberto
Doxa Patri (M) Grau, Alberto
El cant dell´s aucells (E) Grau, Alberto
Elegía (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
En esta tumba oscura (E) Sauce, Angel
Encuentro (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Epitafio para un caballero andante (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Fecit Potentiam (H) Grau, Alberto
Fiat Mundus Iustus (E) Grau, Alberto
Fuga real a 4 voces (H) Sauce, Angel
Gaudeamos igitur (E) Sauce, Angel
Guararé (M) Grau, Alberto
Has crecido en la tarde como la lluvia Carrillo, César Alejandro
Hermana lluvia (H) Grau, Alberto
Himno de la Unión Hispano-América Sauce, Angel
Oceánica (E)
Himno de la Unión Republicana Sauce, Angel
Democrática (E)
Himno de la Universidad José María Sauce, Angel
Vargas (E)
Himno de los juramentados de la Sauce, Angel
E.M.E. de la C.V. (E)
Himno del Colegio de Médicos (E) Sauce, Angel
Himno del Instituto Nacional de Obras Carrillo, César Alejandro
Sanitarias (E)

Title (difficulty) Author

Himno del Instituto Universitario de Carrillo, César Alejandro

Mercadotecnia (E)
Himno del Liceo Carlos Soublette (E) Sauce, Angel
Himno del Municipio Chacao (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Justicia de rey (M) Sauce, Angel
Kasar Mie La Gaji (H) Grau, Alberto
La cabrita (M) Bor, Modesta
La prenda del alma (M) Sauce, Angel
Locerita (E) Bor, Modesta
Magnificat – Gloria (H) Grau, Alberto
Mata del ánima sola (M) Estévez, Antonio
Mi niño no me quiere (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Mi patria es el mundo. Ojo globo (H) Grau, Alberto
Missa sine nomine. 1. Kyrie (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Missa sine nomine. 2. Gloria (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Missa sine nomine. 3. Credo (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Missa sine nomine. 4. Sanctus (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Missa sine nomine. 5. Benedictus (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Missa sine nomine. 6. Agnus Dei (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Monte Avila (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Nathalia (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
No quiero este silencio (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Noche de paz (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Noche de paz (E) Sauce, Angel
O magnum mysterium (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Oiga, compae (H) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Padre nuestro (H) Sauce, Angel
Pater noster (H) Grau, Alberto
Quisiera ser (E) Sauce, Angel
Rabo de nube (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Regina mundi (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Rossinyol que vas a França (E) Grau, Alberto
Salve (E) Grau, Alberto
Salve al celeste sol sonoro (H) Grau, Alberto
Salve regina (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Stabat Mater (H) Grau, Alberto
Suite popular Venezolana. 1. Danza (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Suite popular Venezolana. 2. Galope Carrillo, César Alejandro
Suite popular Venezolana. 3. Frailejón Carrillo, César Alejandro
Suite popular Venezolana. 4. 5/8 (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Suite popular Venezolana. 5. Joropo Carrillo, César Alejandro
porfiao (M)
Susurro (H) Mendoza, Emilio
Tarde del trópico (E) Sauce, Angel
Tres canciones corales. 1. Arrunango Estévez, Antonio

Title (difficulty) Author

Tres canciones corales. 2. Tonada Estévez, Antonio

llanera (M)
Tres canciones corales. 3. Habladurías Estévez, Antonio
Tres cantos de Salomón. 1. ¿Quién es Carrillo, César Alejandro
ésta que se muestra como el alba? (M)
Tres cantos de Salomón. 2. Mi amado Carrillo, César Alejandro
es blanco y rubio (M)
Tres cantos de Salomón. 3. Levántate, Carrillo, César Alejandro
amiga mía, y ven (M)
Una paloma blanca (E) Sauce, Angel
Vaqueros del viento (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Vespertino (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro

with accompaniment:
A adorar al niño (E) Suárez, Rafael
A heart cry from the west (M) Grau, Alberto
A la nana en noche plácida (E) Sauce, Angel
A la sombra de un cují (E) Sauce, Angel
A la y cui cui (M) Grau, Alberto
A ti te cantamos (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
A un panal de rica miel (H) Grau, Alberto
Abranme la puerta (E) Bor, Modesta
Adelante Venezuela (E) Sauce, Angel
Adeste fideles (E) Sauce, Angel
Adiós a Ocumare (M) Sauce, Angel
Adoremos a Dios (M) Bor, Modesta
Aguinaldo (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Aguinaldo carupanero (E) Suárez, Rafael
Aguinaldo de El Callao (E) Suárez, Rafael
Aguinaldo margariteño (E) Bor, Modesta
Aguinaldo oriental (E) Bor, Modesta
Ahora (M) Bor, Modesta
Al llegar aquí (E) Bor, Modesta
Al nacimiento de Cristo nuestro Señor Estévez, Antonio
Al niño Jesús llanero (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Alba (M) Suárez, Rafael
Alma cumanesa (M) Sauce, Angel
Alma llanera (M) Sauce, Angel
Alumbra cocuyito (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Amalia Rosa (M) Suárez, Rafael
Ananaynanay (M) Grau, Alberto
Ave María ¡que muchacho! (E) Sauce, Angel
Bésame mucho (M) Grau, Alberto
Blando suspiro (E) Sauce, Angel
Brisas del Torbes (E) Sauce, Angel
Brisas del Torbes (E) Suárez, Rafael
Brumas del mar (E) Sauce, Angel

Title (difficulty) Author

Camurí (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro

Camurí (M) Suárez, Rafael
Canchunchú florido (E) Suárez, Rafael
Canción de cuna (E) Suárez, Rafael
Canción de la parima (M) Suárez, Rafael
Candelaria (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Cándida María (E) Suárez, Rafael
Cantata criolla (M) Estévez, Antonio
Cantemos alegres (E) Grau, Alberto
Canto de ordeño (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Canto a San Benito (M) Sauce, Angel
Cantos de mi tierra (M) Suárez, Rafael
Caramba (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Carnaval llanero (H) Suárez, Rafael
Casta paloma (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Casta paloma (E) Suárez, Rafael
Chucho y Ceferina (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Cimarrón (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Como busca el tierno infante (E) Grau, Alberto
Como el rocío (E) Sauce, Angel
Como llora una estrella (E) Suárez, Rafael
Coplas (E) Sauce, Angel
Coral litúrgico (E) Sauce, Angel
Corrido de los pájaros (M) Suárez, Rafael
Creo que te quiero (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Crepúsculo coriano (M) Suárez, Rafael
Criollísima (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Cumbancha (M) Suárez, Rafael
Dale como es (M) Grau, Alberto
De oriente venimos (E) Suárez, Rafael
Diversión margariteña (E) Suárez, Rafael
El (E) Grau, Alberto
El afinador de gallos (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
El alcaraván (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
El andariego (M) Teruel, Ricardo
El ángel Gabriel (E) Suárez, Rafael
El ausente (E) Sauce, Angel
El campo está florido (E) Suárez, Rafael
El frutero (M) Bor, Modesta
El gabán (H) Suárez, Rafael
El gallo (E) Grau, Alberto
El gallo (E) Suárez, Rafael
El gavilán (satb) (M) Grau, Alberto
El gavilán (sab) (E) Grau, Alberto
El guapo (M) Suárez, Rafael
El manguito (M) Sauce, Angel
El mare mare (E) Sauce, Angel
El morrocoy (E) Suárez, Rafael
El muñeco de la ciudad (M) Sauce, Angel

Title (difficulty) Author

El niño malcriado (E) Sauce, Angel

El pavo (E) Bor, Modesta
El pequén (E) Suárez, Rafael
El periquito (E) Bor, Modesta
El San Pedro (E) Sauce, Angel
El totumo de Guarenas (M) Sauce, Angel
Felíz navidad (E) Grau, Alberto
Flor de loto (E) Suárez, Rafael
Fulía de Cumaná (M) Bor, Modesta
Gaita margariteña (E) Suárez, Rafael
Gavilán Cua (H) Sauce, Angel
Hendrina (M) Sauce, Angel
Himno al Nazareno (E) Sauce, Angel
Himno de la Juventud Deportista A. T. Sauce, Angel
C. (E)
Imprevisiblemente (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Inconcebible (H) Teruel, Ricardo
Inquietud (E) Suárez, Rafael
Invocación (E) Sauce, Angel
Juan José (M) Suárez, Rafael
La bella del tamunangue (M) Suárez, Rafael
La blanca paloma (E) Suárez, Rafael
La burriquita (E) Sauce, Angel
La cachúa (M) Suárez, Rafael
La caldereta (E) Suárez, Rafael
La catuarera (E) Suárez, Rafael
La chaparrita (M) Suárez, Rafael
La creación (M) Sauce, Angel
La culebra (E) Bor, Modesta
La doncella (H) Grau, Alberto
La llegada de los reyes (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
La lora (E) Sauce, Angel
La Mónica Pérez (E) Sauce, Angel
La negra Dorotea (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
La partida (M) Sauce, Angel
La pascua es hermosa (E) Suárez, Rafael
La perica (M) Sauce, Angel
La puerca (M) Suárez, Rafael
La reina (E) Suárez, Rafael
La restinga (M) Grau, Alberto
La ruperta (E) Suárez, Rafael
Las flores que me diste (E) Sauce, Angel
Litúrgicamente (E) Teruel, Ricardo
Los ecos (E) Sauce, Angel
Los hijos de la noche (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Los hijos de la noche (E) Suárez, Rafael
Malembe (E) Suárez, Rafael
Maracaibera (E) Suárez, Rafael
Maracaibo en la noche (E) Suárez, Rafael

Title (difficulty) Author

Mare-mare (E) Suárez, Rafael

Margarita es una lágrima (E) Sauce, Angel
María Pancha (M) Bor, Modesta
María tolete (M) Suárez, Rafael
Mi merengue (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Mi querencia (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Mi Teresa (E) Sauce, Angel
Mujer divina (E) Sauce, Angel
Niño lindo (E) Grau, Alberto
Niño venturoso (E) Grau, Alberto
No más silencio (E) Sauce, Angel
No vayas a misa, Elisa (E) Sauce, Angel
Noche de paz (E) Sauce, Angel
Noches larenses (E) Sauce, Angel
Noches larenses (E) Suárez, Rafael
Opereta ecológica: I.- Acto del viento Grau, Alberto
Opereta ecológica: II.- Acto del río (M) Grau, Alberto
Opereta ecológica: III.- Acto del árbol Grau, Alberto
Opereta ecológica: IV.- Acto del mar Grau, Alberto
Pájaro tilín (M) Suárez, Rafael
Paraguas de navidad (M) Grau, Alberto
Parranda margariteña (M) Bor, Modesta
Partamos a Belén (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Pensando en ti (E) Grau, Alberto
Playa grande (E) Suárez, Rafael
Playas de San Luis (M) Bor, Modesta
Polo margariteño (E) Bor, Modesta
Polo margariteño (M) Suárez, Rafael
Por un capricho (E) Sauce, Angel
Presagio (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Préstame tu máquina (E) Suárez, Rafael
Purísima (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
¡Que gran tradición! (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
¿Quieres contar mis estrellas? (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Quirpa (H) Suárez, Rafael
Río Manzanares (E) Suárez, Rafael
Romance (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
San José bendito (E) Sauce, Angel
San Juan to’ lo tiene (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Sebucán margariteño (E) Suárez, Rafael
Setoconao (E) Suárez, Rafael
Si acaso algún vecino (E) Grau, Alberto
Si buscas a Dios (E) Suárez, Rafael
Sin tu mirada (E) Carrillo, César Alejandro
Sin vinos, ni hallacas (E) Bor, Modesta
Sobre tus cholitas (E) Bor, Modesta

Title (difficulty) Author

Sombra en los médanos (M) Sauce, Angel

Son de la loma (M) Grau, Alberto
Son de la loma (M) Suárez, Rafael
Todo este campo es mío (M) Grau, Alberto
Toy contento (E) Sauce, Angel
Troyanas (M) Izarra, Adina
Voraz (E) Sauce, Angel
Y ni ná, ni ná (M) Carrillo, César Alejandro



The following is a short list of titles from each composer that constitutes a representative

sample of their work:

Modesta Bor: Cesar Alejandro Carrillo:

Al llegar aquí De corazón
Arco iris Missa sine nomine
Basta, basta, basta Oiga, compae
Cantar del muchacho de piel de Partamos a Belén
Coplas de cuna Rabo de nube
El periquito San Juán to’ lo tiene
Fulía de Cumaná Suite popular venezolana
Polo margariteño Tres cantos de Salomón

Emilio Mendoza: Adina Izarra:

Susurro Troyanas

Angel Sauce: Rafael Suárez

Alma llanera Amalia Rosa
Canto a San Benito Cándida María
Credo Carnaval llanero
Fuga real El campo está florido
Gavilán Cua El gabán
Justicia de rey Juan José
Padre nuestro La chaparrita
Sombra en los médanos Quirpa

Alberto Grau: Antonio Estévez:

Bin Nam Ma Canción de la molinera
Caracolitos chicos Cantata criolla
Como tu Despertar
Dale como es La sombra salió del monte
Dies Irae Mata del ánima sola
El gavilán Tres canciones corales. III.
Kasar mie la gají Habladurías
La doncella Tonada llanera
La flor de la miel
Mi patria es el mundo – Ojo globo Ricardo Teruel:
Opereta ecológica El andariego
Salve al celeste sol sonoro Inconvebible



Source Contact Information

Editions A Coeur Joie Address: 24 avenue Joannès Masset. BP 9151. F-69263 Lyon,
ph: +33 (0) / Fax: +33 (0)
Email: [email protected]
Web page:

Earthsongs Address: 220 nw 29th street. Corvallis, Oregon 97330. USA

ph: 541.758.5760 / fax: 541.754.5887
Email: [email protected]
Web page:

Fundación Polar Address: Segunda avenida, Los Cortijos de Lourdes, edificio

Fundación Empresas Polar, 1º piso. Apartado postal 70934. Los
Ruices. Zona postal: 1071-A. Caracas.
ph: (58) 212.202.7530 / (58) 212.202.7535 / fax: (58)
Email: [email protected]
Web page:

Fundación Schola Address: Final Av. Panteón, Edificio de la Biblioteca Nacional,

Cantorum de Caracas Foro Libertador, Sotano 1. Caracas, Venezuela.
ph: (58) 212.564.6362 / (58) 212.564.6923 / fax: (58)
Web page:

Fundación Vicente Address: Av. Araure, Quinta Mery, Chuao. Caracas 1060,
Emilio Sojo Venezuela
ph: (58) 212.991.7601 / (58) 212.993.7008 / fax: (58)
Email: [email protected]
Web page:

GGM Editores Contact via Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas

ph: (58) 212.284.4066 / fax: (58) 212.261.0124
Email: [email protected]

For direct contact with the composers, contact the author at:
Cristian Grases Email: [email protected]
Web page:

Historical and cultural background:

Aharonián,C. “El Compositor Y Su Entorno En Latinoamérica.” Revista Musical Chilena
55 (July - December 2001): 77-82.

———. “An Approach to Compositional Trends in Latin America.” Leonardo Music

Journal 10 (2000): 3-5.

Béhague, Gerard. Music in Latin America: An Introduction. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,


Bethell, Leslie, ed. A Cultural History of Latin America. Literature, Music and the Visual
Arts in the 19th and 20th Centuries. New York: Cambridge, 1998.

Claro-Valdés, Samuel. “La Música en Hispanoamérica Durante la Era Virreinal.” In

Imágenes de la Música Iberoamericana, edited by Enrique Franco, 11-18.
Santander: Fundación Isaac Albéniz, 1992.

Estrada, J. “Raices Y Tradicion En La Musica Nueva De Mexico Y De America Latina.”

Latin American Music Review/Revista De Música Latinoamericana 3 (1982):

Falk, Marc Frederick. “The Secular Choral Music of Juan Bautista Plaza (1898-1965):
The Music and Text of Venezuelan Nationalism.” DMA essay, University of
Iowa, 2006.

Mayer-Serra, Otto. Música y Músicos de Latinoamérica. Mexico, D.F.: Atlante, 1947.

Parra, Cira. “A Conductor’s Guide to Select Choral Works of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay,
University of Cincinnati, 2006.

Peñín, J. and Walter Guido, eds. Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Caracas:

Fundación Bigott, 1998.

Plaza, Juan Bautista and Conchita Rexach. “Music in Caracas during the Colonial Period
(1770-1811).” The Musical Quarterly 29, no. 2 (April 1943): 198-213.

Schechter, John M., ed. Music in Latin American Culture. Regional Traditions. United
States of America: Schirmer, 1999.

Tortolero, Numa. “Compositores Venezolanos: desde la época colonial.” Numa

(accessed September 25, 2007).


Publications, published lists, surveys and/or compilations,

writings on composers:
Aretz, Isabel and Norman Fraser. “Juan Bautista Plaza.” Journal of the International Folk
Music Council 18 (1966): 80-81.

Béhague, Gerard. “Boundaries and Borders in the Study of Latin America: A Conceptual
Re-Mapping.” Latin American Music Review/Revista De Música
Latinoamericana 21, no. 1 (Spring-Summer, 2000): 16-20

———. “Latin American Music: An Annotated Bibliography of Recent Publications.”

Anuario Interamericano de Investigación Musical 11 (1975): 190-218.

———. “Recent Latin American Publications.” Notes, 2nd series, 26, no. 1 (1975): 77-78.

Castillo Didier, Miguel. “Cayetano Carreño (1774-1836): En Torno a su Cuna y su Obra.

A Robert Stevenson, ofrenda de Admiración.” Latin American Music Review –
Revista de Música Latinoamericana 11, no. 1 (Spring – Summer, 1990): 36 -

De La Vega, A. “Latin American Composers in the United States.” Latin American

Music Review/Revista De Música Latinoamericana 1 (1980): 162-75.

Falk, Marc Frederick. “The Secular Choral Music of Juan Bautista Plaza (1898-1965):
The Music and Text of Venezuelan Nationalism.” DMA essay, University of
Iowa, 2006.

Ficher, Miguel, Martha Furman Schleifer, and John M. Furman, eds. Latin American
Classical Composers: A Biographical Dictionary. Lanham: The Scarecrow
Press, 2002.

Girard, Sharon. “Cayetano Carreño: Identity amid a Musical Galaxy (Some New Data
From Previously Unknown Sources).” Latin American Music Review – Revista
de Música Latinoamericana 1, no. 1 (Spring – Summer, 1980): 18-33.

Mcintyre, J. “Twentieth-Century Latin American Choral Music: An Introductory

Survey.” Choral Journal 33 (1993): 27-36.

Milanca Guzman, Mario. Reynaldo Hahn, Caraqueño. Contribución a la Bibliografía

Caraqueña de Reynaldo Hahn Echenagucia. Caracas: Academia Nacional de la
Historia, 1989.

Moore, Robin. “Directory of Latin American and Caribbean Music Theses and
Dissertations since 1988.” Latin American Music Review – Revista de Música
Latinoamericana 14, no. 1 (Spring – Summer, 1993): 145-171.

Pardo-Tovar, Andrés. “Juan Bautista Plaza (Caracas, July 19, 1898; Caracas, January 1,
1965).” Anuario 1 (1965): 13-14.

Parra, Cira. “A Conductor´s Guide to Select Choral Works of Modesta Bor.” DMA essay,
University of Cincinnati, 2006.

Spicer Tiemstra, Suzanne. The Choral Music of Latin America - A Guide to Compositions
and Research. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992.

Spurgeon, Debra. “Choral Music from La Belle Epoque: Reynaldo Hahn’s Douze
Rondels.” Choral Journal 45, no. 10 (May 2005): 9-16.

Strimple, Nick. Choral Music in the Twentieth Century. Pompton Plains: Amadeus, 2005.

Unión Panamericana. Compositores de América – Composers of the Americas. Vol. 9.

Washington D.C., 1963.

———. Compositores de América – Composers of the Americas. Vol. 14. Washington

D.C., 1968.

———. Compositores de América – Composers of the Americas. Vol. 17. Washington

D.C., 1971.

———. Compositores de América – Composers of the Americas. Vol. 20. Washington

D.C., 1993.

Wachsmuth, Karen. Hungarian Choral Music. A Bibliography of Twentieth-Century.

Monograph No. 13. Lawton: American Choral Director’s Association, 2002.

Manuscripts and published scores:

Aretz, Isabel. Ananaynanay. Arrangement by Alberto Grau. Caracas: GGM editores,

Arteaga, Efraín, ed. La Escuela de Santa Capilla. Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio
Sojo, 2005.

Astor, Miguel, ed. Arreglos Corales de Rafael Suárez. Caracas: Fundación Vicente
Emilio Sojo, 1999.

Capriles, Irina and Elizabeth Monascal, ed. Modesta Bor. Caracas: Fundación Polar,
Fondo de Aportes Mixtos a las Artes, 1998.

Carrillo, César Alejandro. Ave Maria. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1999.


———. Noche de Paz. Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara Music Publishing, 1997.

———. O Mágnum Mysterium. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 2000.

Celis, Mariangelina, ed. Renacer Navideño. Caracas: La Electricidad de Caracas, 1978.

———. Retablo Navideño. Caracas: La Electricidad de Caracas.

Contraloría General de la República. Canciones Corales 1967-1988. Caracas: Ediciones

de la Contraloría General de la República.

Díaz, Simón. Todo Este Campo es Mío. Arrangement by Alberto Grau. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

Estévez, Antonio. Canciones Corales. Caracas: Instituto Latinoamericano de

Investigaciones y Estudios Musicales “Vicente Emilio Sojo”, 1984.

———. Cantata Criolla. Lyon: A Coeur Joie, 1993.

———. Mata del Anima Sola. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 2002.

Galíndez, Otilio. Caramba. Arranged for SATB by Alberto Grau. San Diego: Kjos, 1999.

———. Caramba. Arranged for SSA by Alberto Grau. Caracas: Fundación Schola
Cantorum, 2000.

Grases, Cristian. La Paloma. Walton Music, 1994.

———. Los Dos Gavilanes. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 2001.

———. Maria Pancha. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1998.

Grau, Alberto. A la y cui cui. Caracas: GGM editores, 2004.

———. A un panal de rica miel. Caracas: GGM editores, 2006.

———. ¡Allegria, Allegria!. Caracas: GGM editores, 2003.

———. Arriba Cosmonauta! Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Ay, San Antón. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Bin-Nam-Ma. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 2001.

———. Brujas y Hadas. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.


———. Canciones de Cuna. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1993.

———. Cantad coros del mundo. Caracas: GGM editores, 2003.

———. Caracolitos Chicos. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Cinco Canciones Infantiles Basadas en la Pesía Popular El San Pedro. Caracas:
GGM editores, 2002.

———. Como busca el tierno infante. Caracas: GGM editores, 2006.

———. Como Compongo Poco. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1996.

———. Confitemini Domino. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Cruje-Silba. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Cuatro Piezas para Coros Infantiles en Idioma Euskera.. Caracas: GGM
editores, 2002.

———. Cumpleaños. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Dale como es. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 2001

———. Dies Irae. Lyon: Editions A Coeur Joie, 1985.

———. El Barquito. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1996.

———. El burro flautista. Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

———. Su Corazón Bate como el Nuestro. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. El gavilán. Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

———. Elefantea Nun Da?. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Fecit Potentiam. Caracas: GGM editores, 2008.

———. Fiat Mundos Iustus. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Guararé. Caracas: GGM editores, 2007.

———. Hermana lluvia. Caracas: GGM editores, 2003.

———. Junda, Junda, San Antón. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.


———. Kasar Mie La Gaji. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1991.

———. Kirio Mirio. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. La Cucaracha. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1996.

———. La Doncella. Caracas: Ediciones de la Contraloría General de la República,


———. La Flor de la Miel. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1994.

———. La Otra Orilla. Caracas: GGM editores, 2004.

———. La Restinga. Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

———. La Ronda que Nunca se Acaba. Caracas: GGM editores, 2004.

———. Las Cuatro Tablas. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Los Capitanes de la Comida. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Los Duendes. Caracas: Escuela de Canto Coral Lagoven, 1996.

———. Magnificat - Gloria. Caracas: GGM editores, 2007.

———. Marcha de la Creatividad. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Mariposita de Primavera. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Mariposita de Primavera. Caracas: GGM editores, 2003.

———. Mi Barquito de Papel. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Mi Patria es el Mundo. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Opereta Ecológica. Islas Canarias: Viceconsejería de Cultura y Deportes, 2004.

———. Opereta Ecológica. 1. Acto del viento. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Opereta Ecológica. 2. Acto del río. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Opereta Ecológica. 3. Acto del arbol. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Opereta Ecológica. 4. Acto del mar. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Opereta Ecológica. 1. Acto del viento. Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

———. Opereta Ecológica. 2. Acto del río. Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

———. Opereta Ecológica. 3. Acto del arbol. Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

———. Opereta Ecológica. 4. Acto del mar. Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

———. Pater Noster. Lyon: Editions A Coeur Joie, 1991.

———. Pensando en ti. Caracas: GGM editores, 2006.

———. Pierda quien pierda. Caracas: GGM editores, 2003.

———. Ríete!. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

———. Rumex Crispus. Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

———. Salve al celeste sol sonoro. Caracas: GGM editores, 2008.

———. Si en este Momento te Duermes, Querube!. Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

———. Son de la loma. Caracas: GGM editores, 2003.

———. Son de la loma. Caracas: GGM editores, 2005.

———. Stabat Mater. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1999.

———. Tunda funda hunda. Caracas: GGM editores, 2007.

Grau, Alberto and Cristian Grases. Pata Pa’ca. Caracas: GGM editores, 2002.

Gutiérrez, Pedro. Alma Llanera. Corvallis: Earthsongs, 1993.

Guevara, Vicente E. ed. Obra Coral de Angel Sauce. Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio
Sojo, 1999.

Madrigales y Canciones Corales. Caracas: Dirección de Cultura de la Universidad

Central de Venezuela, 1967.

Monascal, Elizabeth, ed. Menciones. Caracas: Fundación Polar, Fondo de Aportes Mixtos
a las Artes, 1998.

Músicos Contemporános Venezolanos. Colección de himnos y canciones sobre poemas

de Sonia Sgambatti. Caracas: Consejo Nacional de la Cultura, 1996.

Ojeda Tovar, Roberto, ed. Obra coral y arreglos de música popular Venezolana de César
Alejandro Carrillo. Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, 2002.

Rodriguez, José Luis, ed. Antología de la Música Coral Venezolana I. Caracas:

Fundación de los Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.

———. Antología de la Música Coral Venezolana II. Caracas: Fundación de los

Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.

———. Antología de la Música Coral Venezolana III. Caracas: Fundación de los

Trabajadores de Lagoven, 1990.

Sauce, Angel and Adda E. Sauce. 17 Canciones Venezolanas. Caracas: Contraloría

General de la República, 1987.

Solé y Sempere, Emilio, ed. Alberto Grau. Obra Coral. Caracas: Lagoven.

Aguinaldos tradicionales. Schola Cantorum de Caracas and Cantoría Alberto Grau,
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD17298693. CD. 1998.

Alberto Grau. Composiciones Corales. Schola Cantorum de Caracas, Orfeón

Universitario Simón Bolívar and Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. Alberto Grau and
María Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. CP 171 92559. CD.

América Sacra. Coro de Cámara Exaudi, dir. María Felicia Pérez. Jade. 198479. CD.

An OSU Christmas. Oklahoma State University Concert Chorale & Chamber Choir, dir.
Jerry McCoy. OSU-CC092197. CD. 1997.

Antología de Aguinaldos Venezolanos. Niños Cantores de Villa de Cura, dir. Francisco

Pacheco. San Pablo. FD 56299876. CD. 1999.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. I. Voces mixtas. Ed. Alberto Grau and María
Guinand. Various artists. FD7122007655. CD. 2007.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. II. Voces femeninas. Ed. Alberto Grau and
María Guinand. Various artists. FD7122007654. CD. 2007.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. III. Música para niños. Ed. Alberto Grau and
María Guinand. Various artists. FD7122007653. CD. 2007.

Antología de obras corales. Alberto Grau. IV. Arreglos, versiones corales y

composiciones sobre temas populares. Ed. Alberto Grau and María Guinand.
Various artists. FD7122007652. CD. 2007.

¡Arriba Cosmonauta! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola Cantorum and Schola Juvenil de

Venezuela, Coordinated by Ana María Raga and Luimar Arismendi. Fundación
Schola Cantorum de Caracas. fd2522006791. CD. 2006.

Canciones y madrigales de la Escuela de Santa Capilla. Coro de la UDO Anzoátegui,

Coro Polifónico Rafael Suárez, and Orfeón Universitario de la UCV, dir. Rafael
Silveira, María Colón de Cabrera, and César Alejandro Carrillo. Fundación
Vicente Emilio Sojo. FD1582005408. CD. 2005.

Cantatas, Canciones, y Villancicos del Nuevo Mundo. Coro de Cámara Exaudi, dir.
María Felicia Pérez. Repsol/UNESCO. CD. 2000.

Cánteme. Schola Cantorum Coralina, dir. Alina Orraca. Unicornio. 8014. CD. 2002.

Canticum Merú en Vivo. Cantos de los Saltos. Canticum Merú, dir. Irma Conchita Iorio.
Corporación Venezolana de Guayana. FD2102002120. CD.

Canto al Nuevo Mundo. Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar, dir. María Guinand and
Maibel Troia. Equinoccio. FD.17297298. CD. 1997.

Cantoría Alberto Grau. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María Guinand. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. nb 90-4229. CD. 1990.

Cantoría Alberto Grau. Antología veinte años. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María
Guinand. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297302. CD. 1997.

Cantos de la Tierra. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases. Fundación Schola Cantorum
de Caracas. FD 17220011202. CD. 2001.

Cantos Navideños, Vol 2. Orfeón Universitario y Estudiantina Universitaria de la UCV,

dir. César Alejandro Carrillo. CD. (no date).

Caribe. Ensamble Caribe, dir. Amanda Soriano and María Adela Alvarado. Fundación
Festival Caribe. FD 2522000290. CD. 1999.

Carrillo, Missa sine nomine et al.. Cantarte Coro de Cámara, dir. César Alejandro
Carrillo. CCC1002. CD. 2002.

Cimarrón. Quinteto Vinicio Adames, dir. Jorge Páez. CD. 1998.


Concierto Entre Voces. Entre Voces, dir. Francisco Zapata. Entre Voces. CD. 1997.

Coral de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Coral de la

Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, dir. Eduardo
Arias. Universidad Central de Venezuela. 4D431. CD.

Coral INTEVEP. Coral INTEVEP, dir. Raúl Delgado Estévez. CD. (no date).

Coral UDO Anzoátegui. Coral UDO Anzoátegui, dir. Rafael Silveira. CD. 1996.

Crossroads. San Francisco Girls Chorus, dir. Sharon J. Paul. San Francisco Girls Chorus.
SFGC 0001. CD. 2000.

Cruje-Silba. Cantoría Juvenil, dir. Cristian Grases and María Leticia González.
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD 172-991281. CD. 1999.

Dejando huella. Música de Venezuela y Latinoamérica Ensamble Brahms de Caracas.

CD. (no date).

El blanco y el negro pintaron así. Hexacorde Grupo Vocal, dir. Jerry de los Ríos. CD.

Encuentros. Coro de Niños de la ULA, dir. Argenis Rivera. Universidad de los Andes.
FDO742001442. CD.

Entrevoces. Entre Voces dir. Francisco Zapata. Entre Voces. FD252991297. CD. 1999.

Exaudi Chamber Choir from Cuba. Exaudi, dir. María Felicia Pérez. Prophone PCD 019.
CD. 1994.

Exaudi. Cantos y Ritmos Americanos. Coro de Cámara Exaudi, dir. María Felicia Pérez.
Unicornio. 8015. CD. 2002.

Familias Unidas en la Tradición de Belén. La Acerita, dir. Clarisa Weil de Egloff. Grupo
IMSA. ISBN: 980-07-2343-9. CD.

Fusión Mágica. Orfeón Universitario de la UCV y El Cuarteto, dir. Raúl Delgado

Estévez. CD. 1993.

Guinand, María. Movimiento Coral Venezolano. Una Retrospectiva. LF-172200090022.


Imaginerías de la navidad. La celebración de la natividad.. Coral Mercantil, dir. Amanda

Soriano and María Adela Alvarado. Fundación Mercantil. FD9552005771. CD.

Inicios. Coral Fundación Polar, dir. María Guinand. Fundación Polar. ISBN-
FD17297299. CD. 1997.

La Cantata Criolla / Choros No. 10. Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela,
dir. Eduardo Mata. Dorian. DIS-80101. CD. 1992.

La música de nuestr@s niñ@s. General Director, Alberto Grau. Bolivarian Republic of

Venezuela. FD33620001151, FD33620001152. CD.

Latinoamericana XX. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María Guinand. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297297. CD. 1997.

Latinoamericana XXI. Cantoría Alberto Grau and Schola Cantorum de Caracas, dir.
María Guinand, Alberto Grau, Ana María Raga, Pablo Morales, and Luimar
Arismendi. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD7122007651. CD. 2007.

Mi Puerto Viejo. Coral del Banco del Caribe, dir. Luis Gilberto Aristiguieta. BVC1. CD.

Música Coral Latinoamericana s. XX. Schola Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau.
Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297296. CD. 1997.

Música de Latinoamérica. Produced by María Guinand. Schola Cantorum de Caracas and

Earthsongs. CD. 1998.

Música Popular de Venezuela y Cuba. Cantarte Coro de Cámara, dir. César Alejandro
Carrillo. CCC1001. CD. 2000.

Ness – Grau. Schola Cantorum de Caracas, Cantoría Alberto Grau, Orfeón Universitario
Simón Bolívar, dir. Alberto Grau and María Guinand. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FC 17296313. CD. 1996.

Nuevos Aguinaldos Venezolanos del Siglo XIX. Conjunto de Aguinaldos, dir. Miguel
Astor. Miguel Astor and Juan Francisco Sans. CD. 1996.

Ofrenda a un niño. Ilan Chester, Orfeón Universitario de la UCV, dir. César Alejandro
Carrillo. CD. 1999.

Plaza / Villa-Lobos. Cantoría Alberto Grau, dir. María Guinand. Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. CD 171 92560. CD. 1992.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de Venezuela. Vol 1. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 010. LP. 1962.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de Venezuela. Vol 2. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 014. LP. 1963.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Aguinaldos. Vol 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez.

Caracas, Polydor. Mono 025. LP. 1965.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de Venezuela. Vol 4. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polydor. Mono 033. LP. 1966.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de Venezuela. Vol 5. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Vida Records. LPV-3316. LP. 1970.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Música popular y folklórica de Venezuela. 32 grandes éxitos.

Quinteto Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Polygram. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Collection vol. 1 & 4. Quinteto Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez.
Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 1998.

Quinteto Contrapunto. Serie lo máximo. 22 éxitos de Quinteto Contrapunto. Quinteto

Contrapunto, dir. Rafael Suárez. Caracas, Sonográfica. CD. 2003.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música coral latinoamericana s. XX.. Schola Cantorum de

Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas.
FD17297296. CD. 1997.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música polifónica universal. Antología 30 años. Schola

Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau. Fundación Schola Cantorum de
Caracas. FD17297301. CD. 1997.

Schola Cantorum de Caracas. Música Venezolana y Latinoamericana. Antología 30

años, Schola Cantorum de Caracas, dir. Alberto Grau, Fundación Schola
Cantorum de Caracas. FD17297301. CD. 1997.

Serenata Guayanesa. 25 años de amistad. Orfeón Universitario de la UCV y Serenata

Guayanesa, dir. Raúl Delgado Estévez. Sonográfica. 10455. CD. 1996.

Tierra, País y Patria. Coral Consolidado, dir. Alberto Grau. Fundación Banco
Consolidado. SD 28293729. CD. 1993.

Tonadas. Coral Banco Mercantil, dir. María Adela Alvarado and Amanda Soriano Leal.
Fundación Banco Mercantil. FD2522000538. CD. 1999.

Tulumpé! Pequeños Cantores de la Schola, Colegio Humboldt, dir. María Leticia

González Lozada. Fundación Schola Cantorum de Caracas. FD1722002458.

World sun songs. Youth Choir Kamer, dir. Maris Sirmais. Youth Choir Kamer. CD. No

World Youth Choir 2001. World Youth Choir, dir. Anton Armstrong, Felipe Izcaray,
Stephen Zegree and Michele Weir. IFCM. HOD 070360. CD. 2001.

World Youth Choir 2003. World Youth Choir, dir. Grete Pedersen, María Guinand, and
Johannes Prinz. IFCM. WYC 080164. CD. 2004.

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