IC5 L1 WQ U3to4

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Name: _________________________

Units 3–4 QUIZ Date: _________________________

Score: _________________________

A ► Ann and Ben are talking in a clothing store. Listen and check (P) the correct answers. (4 POINTS)

1. Ben prefers the 3. The green sweaters are made of

£ green sweaters. £ wool.
£ red sweaters. £ silk.
£ blue sweaters. £ cotton.
2. The blue sweaters are 4. Ben’s size is
£ $25. £ large.
£ $29. £ medium.
£ $41. £ small.

B Circle the correct word. (3 POINTS)

1. I really like those (cotton / plastic / leather) socks.

2. Your (plastic / silk / rubber) tie is beautiful.
3. This (gold / cotton / wool) necklace is perfect for me. But it’s $3,000!

C Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those. (4 POINTS)

1. How much is _____________ watch? I can’t find a price tag.

2. Look at _____________ black jeans over there! Aren’t they stylish?
3. I like _____________ gold earrings. They look great on me!
4. Excuse me. I like _____________ scarf. Can I see it, please?

D Complete each sentence with the correct form of the adjective. Add than if necessary. (4 POINTS)

nicer than
Example: That purple T-shirt is _____________ the pink one. (nice)

1. Are these boots _____________ the ones over there? (large)

2. Silk is _____________ cotton. (expensive)
3. Which dress is _____________ , the red one or the green one? (pretty)
4. Leather jackets are usually _____________ wool ones. (good)

E Circle the correct word. (3 POINTS)

1. Tom Hanks is my favorite actor. I like (him / it / you) a lot.

2. Music videos are boring. Do you like (her / them / us)?
3. My favorite TV show is Doctor Who. What do you think of (her / it / me)?

Interchange Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 3–4 Quiz 1
F Complete the sentences with do, does, what, or would. (4 POINTS)

1. A: _____________ you like to see a movie tonight?

B: Sure. What time does it start?
2. A: _____________ you like horror movies?
B: No, not really.
3. A: What kinds of music _____________ Ricardo like?
B: Rock and classical, I think.
4. A: _____________ does Dana play?
B: She plays the piano.

G Read the article. Then check (P) the correct answers. (3 POINTS)

Audrey Tautou
Audrey Tautou is a French actress. She has
fans around the world. Here are some
interesting things about Audrey’s life
and career.
Audrey is born in Beaumont, France.
1980s and 1990s
Audrey acts in plays (especially comedies) 2003–present
in high school. After that she goes to acting
Audrey acts in many movies, including
school. She wins two different acting awards –
The Spanish Apartment, and He Loves Me,
one in 1998 and one in 1999.
He Loves Me Not. She also acts in Dirty Pretty
2000–2002 Things. This is the first time she speaks English
Audrey acts in many movies, including Voyous in a movie. After this movie, she speaks
Voyelle (2000). Then she plays a young woman English in other movies, such as Coco Before
called Amélie in a movie of the same name. Chanel (2009). In this movie, she plays Coco
Amélie (2001) is in French, but the movie is a Chanel, a famous French clothing designer.
big international hit. Audrey becomes popular
in many countries, including the United States.

1. In high school, Audrey Tautou acts 3. In Coco Before Chanel, Audrey speaks
£ in plays. £ English.
£ on television. £ French.
£ in movies. £ Spanish.
2. Many Americans like the movie
£ Voyous Voyelle.
£ Amélie.
£ The Spanish Apartment.

Interchange Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 3–4 Quiz 2

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