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World Journal of Chemical Education, 2018, Vol. 6, No.

3, 134-144
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©Science and Education Publishing

The Analgesic Metamizole (Dipyrone) and Its Related

Products Antipyrine, 4-Aminoantipyrine and
4-Methylaminoantipyrine. Part 1: Mass Spectrometric
and Electrochemical Detection
Achim Habekost*

Department of Chemistry, University of Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg, Germany

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract A drastic increase in the consumption of pharmaceuticals has resulted in a high load of pharmaceuticals
in wastewater. Many pharmaceuticals are non-biodegradable and are resistant to conventional wastewater treatments.
For this reason there is an obvious need to first detect these substances and, second, to detoxify them. Metamizole is
a typical representative of an analgesic non-steroidal. In this first part, a rapid, sensitive, and inexpensive detection
method with different commercial screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) were used to quantitatively detect metamizole.
(Spectro-)Electrochemical methods such as cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL),
and amperometry (AM) are discussed in detail and the sensitivities of the electrochemical methods are compared to
the sensitivity of conventional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry detection (GC-MSD). The limit of detection
(LOD) is 1 mol/L for GCMS and 5 to 50 mol/L for electrochemical detection depending on the method used.
Keywords: metamizole (dipyrone), 4-aminoantipyrine, 4-methylaminoantipyrine, electrochemical detection, mass
spectrometric detection
Cite This Article: Achim Habekost, “The Analgesic Metamizole (Dipyrone) and Its Related Products
Antipyrine, 4-Aminoantipyrine and 4-Methylaminoantipyrine. Part 1: Mass Spectrometric and Electrochemical
Detection.” World Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 6, no. 3 (2018): 134-144. doi: 10.12691/wjce-6-3-6.

detergents and organic compounds such as alcohols,

acetone and phenols. The occurrence of pharmaceuticals
1. Introduction in hospital effluent has been intensively investigated by
Thomas [3], Gomez [4], Kümmerer [1] and Verlicchi et al. [5].
Pharmaceuticals, personal care products and endocrine As an example, Verlicchi et al. [5] analysed more than
active substances have been recognised as being important 50 inflammatory substances, antibiotics, barbiturates,
topics in environmental chemistry [1]. Several thousand beta-blockers, diuretics, psychiatric drugs and cytostatics
active ingredients are used for drugs in an even greater in the effluent of two hospitals in the north of Italy.
number of products. In Germany alone, about 50,000 Kümmerer [1] distinguished between different uses of
drugs are registered for human use with 2700 accounting the substances. Of the substances used in veterinary
for 90% of the total consumption. These drugs contain medicine and in farming for improving nutrient uptake,
about 900 different active substances. In addition, in antibiotics, such as tetracycline, and hormone products are
Europe, half of the antibiotics used are for veterinary the most important chemical group. Other important
purposes [1]. The drastic increase in the consumption substances are cytostatic agents, which carry a high risk
of pharmaceuticals has resulted in a high load of potential for the environment because these substances are
pharmaceuticals in wastewater. Many pharmaceuticals are highly toxic to healthy people.
non-biodegradable and are resistant to conventional In this paper, we investigated metamizole, assuming it
wastewater treatments (i.e. biological degradation). to be a significant representative of diversely used
Feldmann et al. [2] detected a considerable amount of pharmaceuticals. Metamizole (dipyrone or Novalgin®) is a
pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment. These non-opioid analgesic with a high potential. The analgesic
authors distinguish between two sources of discharge: effect is attributed to the inhibition of cyclooxygenase
(1) wastewater from private households and (2) medical (COX) and the disabling of prostaglandin synthesis [6].
facility effluents, e.g., from hospitals. The pharmaceuticals Because metamizole can cause an allergic response and
from these different sources differ in occurrence and rhinoconjunctivitis (a disease of the nasal mucosa), as well
composition. as agranulocytosis (a reduction of granulocytes) [6],
A wide range of concentrations of hazardous substances metamizole has been withdrawn from the market in some
is present in hospital effluent. Hospital wastewater countries. However, metamizole is still widely available
consists of disinfectants, sterilizers, radioactive markers, and used in countries such as Germany, Spain and France [2].
World Journal of Chemical Education 135

Metamizole is a prodrug, which hydrolyses to toxicity of the harmful substances, are also important
4-methylaminoantipyrine and then into many other metabolites. topics in this declaration. Therefore, chemical education
These metabolites are known to be non-biodegradable plays a pivotal role in revealing how water security is
[7]. Gyenge-Szabo et al. [8] determined the main important for the survival of humanity.
metabolites to be 4-aminoantipyrine, 4-acetylaminoantipyrine, It is generally agreed that analytical chemistry courses
4-formylaminoantipyrine and 4-methylaminoantipyrine. are an important component of college and school curricula.
These were found in communal wastewater that was In first-year courses, typical preparatory chemistry combined
collected; after reversed-phase solid phase extraction, the with qualitative and quantitative courses dominate the
probes were analysed with a Micromass Q-TOF instrument. laboratory work. In advanced courses, electrochemical and
The limit of detection (LOD) was in the microgram per litre photometric investigations are conducted. Final analytical
range. Zhang et al. [9] investigated 4-methylaminoantipyrine, courses intend to encourage interest in analytical
4-formylaminoantipyrine and 4-acetylaminoantipyrine in chemistry. Some topics handle complex apparatus, such as
goat tissues using liquid chromatography-tandem mass mass spectrometers and NMR spectrometers, AAS, HPLC,
spectrometry and found values ranging from 0.4 to 6 g/kg. potentiostats, etc. This is done by solving chemical
In environmental chemistry, there is an obvious need to problems, e.g., determining the LOD of the different
first detect these substances and then to detoxify them. In analytical methods.
this paper, several analytical procedures will be discussed In a chemical sense, the analytical chemistry of harmful
and compared regarding the speed of the tests and the and threatening substances and their detoxification is a
LOD. The elaborate and expensive gas chromatography-mass great challenge for chemical education both in university
spectrometry (GC-MS) technique, operating in different and in (high) school. However, the elaborate apparatus
modes (scan and selected ion monitoring SIM mode), is and the analytical methods used suggest that the topic is
compared to a rapid, sensitive and inexpensive electrochemical suitable for university-level lessons [13].
detection method employing different commercial We would like to summarise the didactic reasons
screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) (i.e. single-walled carbon for presenting the unusual method electrogenerated
nanotubes SWCNT, graphite and Au SPE). The chemiluminescence (ECL) to an audience of chemistry
electrochemical detection technique can operate on students. ECL is not only an aesthetic technique but also a
site and can identify contaminated probes very relatively new and sound electrochemical method. The
quickly. Spectroelectrochemical methods such as cyclic goals of using ECL are the following:
voltammetry (CV), electrogenerated chemiluminescence - to demonstrate that ECL correlates to CV predictions,
(ECL) and amperometry (AM) are discussed in detail and - to investigate electrochemical instruments (potentiostat,
the sensitivities of these methods are compared to the light detection), and
sensitivity of the different modes of GC-MS detection. - to use ECL in analytical techniques—in particular,
to investigate pharmaceutical substances such as
metamizole. We refer the reader to a review on this
2. Pedagogical Objectives subject [14].

In general, students are interested in securing a healthy

earth for future generations. Chemistry students have a 3. Experimental
unique opportunity to work in the field of green chemistry.
Following Anatas and Warner [10], Hjeresen et al. [11] Chemicals and materials: Ttris(2,2’-bipyridyl)ruthenium
listed twelve principles of green chemistry. In our context, (II) chloride (Sigma, 34967), DL-proline (Sigma-Aldrich,
three of these principles that are considered the most 171824), buffer (boric acid / sodium hydroxide mixture,
important are the following: Prevention: It is better to pH 10) (Roth, Germany), metamizole (Caelo, Hilden,
prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it has Germany, 2486).
been created. Design for Degradation: Chemical products UV-VIS: photometer (Perkin Elmer, Lambda XLS+)
should be designed so that at the end of their function they GC-MS: GC: Hewlett-Packard 6890 with an HP-5
break down into innocuous degradation products and do column. Temperature profile: start temperature 100°C,
not persist in the environment. Real-Time Analysis for 2 min isotherm temperature ramp 15°C/min; end temperature:
Pollution Prevention: Analytical methodologies need to 270°C, 2 min isotherm. MS: Hewlett-Packard 5973;
be developed further to allow for real-time, in-process injection: 1 L.
monitoring and control prior to the formation of hazardous Electrochemistry: potentiostat (Stat 400, DropSens),
substances. screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) (DRP-220 Au-AT, Au as
Hill et al. [12] give a review of sustainable-oriented the working electrode, Au as the counter electrode, Ag as
chemistry education. They emphasized that sustainable the pseudoreference electrode; DRP 110: graphite as the
development is essential to sustainable natural resource working electrode; DRP-SWCNT; DRP-CNT-Au: carbon
management. With regard to the UN declaration of 2011 nanotubes decorated with gold nanoparticles). All SPEs
as the International Year of Chemistry, the authors were from DropSens.
established a roadmap for the future of chemistry and Amperometry: HPLC pump (Knauer HPLC pump 64),
chemistry education. Among other topics, the preservation Rheodyn injection valve, 10 L loop, electrochemical
of water quality is one of the main factors in sustainable HPLC cell (DRP HPLCELL, DropSens).
development. Some of the principles of green chemistry, Electrogenerated chemiluminescence: ECLSTAT
i.e. safety and quality control and the reduction of the (potentiostat + ECL-cell (DropSens)).
136 World Journal of Chemical Education

4. Results According to Bacil et al. [15], the spectra represent three

→ transitions, which are common to all phenazones
(see Table 1). The absorption band  is attributed to the
4.1 Photometric Characterisation of
transition in unsaturation on the antipyrine ring.  is
Antipyrine, 4-aminoantipyrine, ascribed to the transition of the aromatic ring and 
4-methylaminoantipyrine and corresponds to the transition in the amide carbonyl moiety
Metamizole [15]. In antipyrine,  is the n → * transition. Table 1
gives a summary of the absorption wavelengths of the four
The UV-VIS spectra of antipyrine, 4-aminoantipyrine,
4-methylaminoantipyrine and metamizole are very similar.

Figure 1. UV spectra of antipyrine (top left), 4-aminoantipyrine (top right), methylaminoantipyrine (bottom left) and metamizole (bottom right). See
also Table 1

Table 1. Structure and wavelengths of the bands in the UV-VIS spectrum

Substance Structure [nm] [nm] [nm] [nm]

antipyrine 204 220 241 263

4-aminoantipyrine 202 209 248 281

methylaminoantipyrine 201 206 240 268

metamizole 208 220 230 263

World Journal of Chemical Education 137

4.2. Mass Spectrometric Characterisation In addition, metamizole undergoes thermal decomposition

of Antipyrine, 4-aminoantipyrine, by cleavage of the sulfonate and methanesulfonate groups,
forming dimethylaminopyrine and methylaminopyrine
4-methylaminoantipyrine and [16,19]. Isaacs et al. [16] could identify metamizole
Metamizole without decomposition by electrospray-MS and 1H-NMR
in DMSO-d6 as the solvent.
Aminoantipyrine-like molecules differ only by the
In this article, however, we have not considered these
substituents at the carbon atom in position 4 on the
subtleties. Figure 2 shows the electron impact EI-mass spectrum
pyrazolone moiety. Metamizole presents a methylamino-
of antipyrine (Figure 2 a), 4-aminoantipyrine (Figure 2 b),
N-methanesulfonate group that dissociates by hydrolysing,
methylaminoantipyrine (Figure 2 c) and metamizole
forming methylaminoantipyrine and dimethylaminoantipyrine
(Figure 2 d). All substances were dissolved in methanol
[16]. The hydrolytic and pharmacokinetics of metamizole
and were injected into the GC-MS (and not directly into
can be mechanistically characterised as a retro-Mannich
the mass spectrometer). Therefore, the substances,
reaction. The resulting methylantipyrine has 85%
especially metamizole, could have undergone thermal
bioavailability after oral administration and takes 1-2 h to
achieve maximal systemic concentrations [17].

Figure 2. EI-mass spectra. a) antipyrine;b): 4-aminoantipyrine; c) methylaminoantipyrine; d) metamizole (dimethylaminoantipyrine)

138 World Journal of Chemical Education

Figure 3. GC-MS of a mixture of aminoantipyrine, methylaminoantipyrine and metamizole. The substance at about 14 min could not be identified

Figure 4. EI-MS of the substance at the 14-min retention time

World Journal of Chemical Education 139

Injecting a mixture of aminoantipyrine, methylaminoantipyrine substance is quite similar to that of methylaminoantipyrine

and metamizole into the GC-MS resulted in but the fragment distribution is different (Figure 4).
dimethylaminoantipyrine and another substance with a The concentration dependence of metamizole (measured
high yield that could not be unequivocally identified (see by the thermal decomposition product dimethylaminoantipyrine
the question mark in Figure 3). The mass spectrum of this at 10.6 min) is shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6.

Figure 5. Concentration dependence of dimethylaminoantipyrine, the thermal decomposition product of metamizole, in the range of 55 mol/L–
500 mol/L. Insert: 55 mol/L–100 mol/L

In the SIM mode the LOD is about fifty times lower than in the scan mode (selected mass: 231 amu).

Figure 6. Concentration dependence of dimethylaminoantipyrine. The curve shows a linear dependence between 55 and 500 mol/L

The calculated LOD is 50 mol/L * 1 L = 50 pmol or 15.6 ng (with molecular weight of metamizole = 313 g/mol).
140 World Journal of Chemical Education

Table 2. Masses and structures of the main fragments of the four 4.3. Electrochemical Characterisation via
antipyrine derivatives [18]
Cyclic Voltammetry
Substance Mass / atomic mass unit amu
Antipyrine (188 amu) 188, 96, 77, 56 Several electrochemical investigations of metamizole have
Aminoantipyrine (203 amu) 203, 147, 121, 106, 84, 56 been carried out with different types of electrodes, including
Methylaminoantipyrine (215 amu) 217, 203, 123, 98, 83, 56
glassy carbon electrodes [20] and carbon paste electrodes
[21]. Metal electrodes as platinum were used by Basaez et
Metamizole (311 amu) 231, 216, 123, 98, 83, 56
al. [22] while Munoz [23] used gold electrodes. Dadamos
Mass / amu Structure et al. [19] modified a carbon paste electrode with nickel-
doped potassium strontium niobate. This electrode exhibits
reversible behaviour, high conductivity and durability. In
231 addition, the electrode promotes the oxidation of dipyrone
by first oxidising niobium(IV) to niobium(V) at the electrode
surface. The niobium(V) then undergoes a reduction by
dipyrone back to niobium(IV). Baranowska et al. [24]
used a hanging mercury drop and a graphite electrode for
216 / 215 differential pulse voltammetry for the simultaneous detection
of different drugs (paracetamol, furosemide, dipyrone,
dexamethasone, and cefazolin) in spiked urine samples.
We used different SPEs to determine the best current
response and electrochemical resolution. The scanning
203 electron microscope image (SEM) of the Au SPE used is
shown in Figure 7. Figure 8 shows the best result with an
At about 0.4 V and 0.6 V, the enamine moiety
(–C=C-N-, see the circle in the structure)

123 unknown

oxidizes and forms an iminium radical cation. In the
82 C4H6NO reversed scan, a small cathodic peak can be observed at
0.25 V. The voltage difference between the anodic and
cathodic peak is about 150 mV. Therefore, the redox
reaction is quasi-reversible.
77 After Bacic et al. [15], the oxidized metamizole can
subsequently react (dimerize) at 0.4 V (EC mechanism). This
was demonstrated when the reverse scan was started at different
voltages. When it was started at 0.5 V, the oxidation peak
56 CH2=N=CH-CH3 is more pronounced (see dotted line in Figure 9).

Figure 7. SEM of the Au SPE (kindly from DropSens)

World Journal of Chemical Education 141

Figure 8. Cyclic voltammogram (CV) of metamizole with gold as the working electrode

Figure 9. CV of metamizole with different voltage ranges

The oxidation process at 0.8 V is common to all antipyrines. Therefore, the most plausible oxidation possibility is the
nitrogen adjacent to the phenyl ring [15].

Figure 10 shows the CVs of antipyrine and the three derivatives with a single-walled carbon nanotube working
electrode (note the slight voltage shift compared to the working electrode used above).
142 World Journal of Chemical Education

Figure 10. CVs of the four antipyrine derivates at pH 10. Thick line: metamizole; thin line: antipyrine; dotted line: 4-aminoantipyrine; dashed line:

4.4. Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence given by Miao [25], Kapturwicz [26], Hercules [27],
(ECL) Richter [28], Parveen [29] and Bard [30].
The ECL system used is a combination of [Ru(bpy)3]2+
Since the 1960s, the ECL technique has become and proline (as co-reactant), which produces one of
increasingly attractive in analytical chemistry. ECL the most intense ECLs [14]. In addition, this system
involves the generation of an excited state of the has excellent water solubility and is less toxic than
commonly used and intensively investigated tris(2,2’- tripropylamine, one of the most common co-reactants in
bipyridyl)ruthenium (II) [Ru(bpy)3]2+ on an electrode ECL studies. The ECL is quenched by adding metamizole.
surface. First, the [Ru(bpy)3]2+ is oxidized; then, it Quenching can be used to quantitatively determine
undergoes an electron-transfer reaction with a co-reactant. metamizole. Figure 11 shows the ECL quenching at three
During the latter process, an excited state is created that different metamizole concentrations (1 mmol/L, 0.5 mmol/L
subsequently decays and emits light. Reviews of ECL are and 0.1 mmol/L).

Figure 11. Cyclic voltammograms and electrogenerates curves. Solid lines: cyclic voltammograms; dotted lines: ECL of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ / proline with
(concentrations from 1 mmol, 0.5 mmol and 0.1 mmol (13)) and without (4) metamizole. Working electrode: Au 220 AT
World Journal of Chemical Education 143

Figure 12. Amperometric detection of metamizole at pH 10. Injection volume: 10 L. Three different concentrations—1 mmol/L, 90 mol/L and
8 mol/L—injected three times. LOD = 8*10-11 mol = 25 ng

4.5. Amperometric Detection inside the electrochemical HPLC cell and the injection of
the aqueous metamizole solution (pH 10) was done via a
A simple, rapid and low-cost method to quantify Rheodyne valve (injection volume 10 L). The pumping
metamizole is amperometric detection (AM). In association speed was 2 mL/min. The current was recorded as 0.25 V
with flow injection analysis (FIA), AM provides a fast at three different metamizole concentrations (1 mmol/L,
analysis [23]. Perez-Ruiz [31] used a glassy carbon 90 mol/L and 8 mol/L). All solutions were injected
electrode for amperometric detection and measured the three times. Figure 12 shows the amperometric curves.
LOD as a function of flow rate and coil length between The LOD is about 5 mol/L (signal to noise ratio 3:1).
1 and 10 g/mL.
Burcinova et al. [32] determined antipyrine and
4-aminoantipyrine in urine with HPLC and amperometry 5. Discussion
detection (carbon fibre array as working electrode). The
authors concluded that photometric detection is more This paper has described mass spectrometry and three
sensitive than amperometric detection. However, photometric (spectro)electrochemical methods for identifying metamizole:
detection requires pre-concentration of urine samples by CV, ECL and AM. We have shown that these methods
extraction. have different LODs and that the ECL signal has the
In our own AM measurements, we tested two electrodes: disadvantage of having poor reproducibility. The
SWCNT SPE and Au SPE. No difference was observed electrodes used had to be cleaned before each
between these electrodes but practicability was better for measurement to assure that the electrode had no ageing
the latter. This was ascribed to the better cleaning procedure: effect through passivation.
the gold electrode is rinsed with concentrated nitric acid Table 3 compares the LODs and gives a final appraisal
and then with distilled water. The electrode was installed of the methods used.
Table 3. Summary of the methods used

Method LOD Estimation

Expensive, low limit of detection (especially in the SIM
50 g/L (1 L injection) in the scan mode), convenient method for simultaneous detection of a
mass spectrometry
mode and 1 g/L in the SIM mode. wide range of substances.
Disadvantage: metamizole decomposes by thermal heating.
CV no LOD measured Easy to use for identifying the electrochemical reactions.
Information about quenching the chemiluminescence of
ECL 100 g/L (10 L onto the electrode)
[Ru(bpy)3]2+/proline; comparably low reproducibility.
AM 5 g/L (10 L injection) Easy to use, appropriate method in combination with HPLC.
144 World Journal of Chemical Education

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