Defence Diplomacy - An

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Lech DRAB, PhD

[email protected]
Faculty of National Security
War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland


“Defence diplomacy” is a relatively new term, created in response to post-Cold War needs
to name new tasks and international functions completed by the armed forces and the
leadership of the Ministries of National Defence. However, it should not be understood as a
kind of traditional “military plus diplomacy”. The lack of a universally recognised definition
of “defence diplomacy” means that states try to adapt its content to the needs of their own
security policy. In Poland, the term “defence diplomacy” appears in journalism, but there is
no precise reference to it in the documents concerning foreign and security policy. The main
goal of defence diplomacy is the co-formation and implementation of the state security
policy, and its task - to create stable, long-term international relations in the field of defence.
Conceptualisation of the concept is a starting point for understanding its role as one of the
most important instruments of foreign policy and the security of contemporary states.

Keywords: foreign policy, military diplomacy, defence diplomacy


Contemporary diplomacy surveys are notable for the complexity of the definitional
approaches and the width of the analytical field. Beata Surmacz, a Polish researcher,
aptly notices that the concept of “diplomacy” in the public discourse is generally

© 2018 Lech Drab, published by War Studies University, Poland

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
Lech Drab Security and Defence Quarterly 2018; 20(3)

understood in an intuitive way, while the attempt at analytical conceptualisation

shows its complexity (Surmacz 2015, p. 25). Paul Sharp claims that it is “an
ambiguous term that can be the carrier of many different meanings”. The matter is
further complicated by the modern ‘so-called’ paradigmatic debates in the science
of international relations. Generally speaking, they relate to an extended circle
of these relations and the scope of their subjectivity, understood primarily as
awareness of their own interests, the ability to act on behalf of their collectiveness
and the effects of this measure in scale in relations with other international actors.
Within this process, these changes must also affect diplomacy as a (foreign) policy
tool of countries and its related instruments developed - with specific consequences
- by other “international” players (See more: Gałganek 2013, pp. 13–48).

According to Peter Marshall, at least some basic meanings can be distinguished

in which the concept of diplomacy is used. First, as a synonym of foreign policy
or the manner of conducting this (instrumental) policy. Secondly, as a regulatory
process in international relations through negotiations or other measures of
a peaceful nature. Thirdly, as a team of people employed in foreign services.
Finally, the term specifies the talent or skills of professional diplomats (Nicolson
1988, pp. 4-5, Berridge 1995, p. 1 and Mcinnes 1998, p. 823).

The area of diplomacy is systematically expanding. Apart from strictly political

issues, contemporary diplomacy concentrates on the problems of trade,
economic, scientific or military contacts. The main objective of the analysis is
to focus on the role of defence diplomacy in shaping and implementing security
policy. I have addressed this problem in two aspects - the first is the evolution of
defence diplomacy as a tool and, the second, its role in the process of shaping and
implementing security policy.

The genesis of the term “defence diplomacy” is closely related to the post-Cold
War change in understanding international security and related national security
policies. The demilitarisation of this sphere of international relations on the one
hand was characteristic of it, and on the other, a broader perception of the roles of
the armed forces, going beyond their offensive, defensive or deterrent roles (See

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more: Kupiecki 2017). In the British reality1 (Labor’s Strategic Defence Review
1998, p. 823) from the end of the twentieth century, military strength guaranteed
the achievement of immediate military goals, or “winning battles”. However, it
showed weakness as a policy tool. After the end of the Cold War, its role had to
be extended to secure peace, using various instruments related to the operation
of the army, its command structures, or the civilian political factor that could
oversee them. This was also connected with the prospect of strengthening the role
of diplomacy and its specialisation as a mechanism of international prevention
and shaping international security. Within this framework, defence diplomacy
was recognised as an effective crisis prevention instrument.

“Defence diplomacy” is a relatively new term with its roots strongly associated
with the needs of a new political language describing the cooperation of states
and international organisations after the end of the Cold War. Although it is
quite widely used in political debate and science, it lacks a universally-recognised
definition. Different countries try to give it content, usually strictly adapted to
the needs of their own security policy. The growing role of defence diplomacy,
as a tool for the implementation of the foreign policy of the state, also results in
displacing and replacing the hitherto widely used term “military diplomacy” as
a term inherently narrow in meaning and in no way either in the objectives or the
potential of the former.

First attempts to define the concept of defence diplomacy

British political scientists, Andrew Cottey and Anthony Forster, rightly believe,
however, that sources of defence diplomacy should be sought in military diplomacy
(Cottey and Forstey 2004, pp.7-15). Following the definition of Berndt von Staden,
the former foreign minister of the Federal Republic of Germany, the military

1 After the victorious parliamentary elections in 1997 in Great Britain, the Labor Party
wrote a Strategic Defence Review. The review, initiated on May 28, 1997 by then defence
minister George Robertson, ended with the publication in July 1998 of a White Paper (The
Strategic Defense Review - White Paper). The purpose of the review was to be found in the
answer to the question of how the foreign policy assumptions affect defence in the context
of the mission and structure of the armed forces.

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diplomacy “relates to the issues of military missions, as well as the participation of

military representatives in disarmament negotiations and arms control.” Military
diplomacy could therefore be understood as a specific set of tasks only for military
representatives, defence attachés, or other military representatives in the course
of their peace missions and operations and for international military cooperation.
In contrast, in the opinion of the British, military diplomacy referred only to the
tasks and role of military attaché (United Kingdom Ministry of Defence 2000,
p. 2). Also, from the traditional perspective represented in Poland by Julian
Sutor, military diplomacy is the activity of the Ministry of National Defence in
the sphere of security and defence of the state in the international arena (Sutor
2005, p. 105), that is the implementation of tasks by the Ministry of Defence only
outside the state, not taking into account, for example, the role of armed forces,
military education or the cooperation of defence industries. Therefore, it implies
the existence of wider tasks carried out for the security and defence of states by
its specialist foreign apparatus. The concept of military diplomacy (maintaining
its integrity within the above-mentioned area of issues and types of work) had to
become part of a more capacious concept - defence diplomacy. In fact, it is easier
to say today which areas of cooperation cannot be included in defence diplomacy,
rather than to calculate them precisely. Defence diplomacy is in fact susceptible to
adaptation to the conditions of action, expanding in a way, along with the change
of the paradigm of contemporary international relations, its range of impacts and
their necessary forms. It is focused on minimising hostility and building trust
between states. However, in contrast to classical military diplomacy, it defines
as many needs as possible opportunities, supported by the achievements of
civilisations that make exchange of information and interpersonal contacts

As I mentioned earlier, the first attempts to define the concept of defence

diplomacy were taken by the British, introducing this concept to the “Strategic
Defence Review” (SPO), announced by the Defense Ministry in 1998. Britain
defines defence diplomacy as a peaceful use of defences in order to achieve
positive results in the development of bilateral and multilateral relations with
a given country / countries (Dodd and Oakes 1998, p. 22). In their opinion,
defence diplomacy does not include military operations, but promotes forms of
cooperation such as: exchange of personnel, ships and aircraft, high-level visits
and senior commanders, bilateral meetings and dialogue, training and exercises,

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regional defence forums, military assistance, confidence-building measures and

non-proliferation. Its main purpose is to build and maintain trust and help in the
development of democratic armed forces. It makes a significant contribution to
the prevention and resolution of conflicts (Ministry of Defence, London 2011, p. 7).

Martin Edmonds and Greg Mills, researchers from South Africa, described it very
broadly as “any use of armed forces (except warfare) to achieve national goals”
(Edmonds and Mills 1998, p. 106). This characteristic corresponds to a narrower
definition of defence diplomacy, proposed by Anton du Plessis (director of the
South African Institute for Security Research) pointing to “peaceful use of military
personnel, including military attachés, to prevent conflicts” (Plessis 2008, p. 75).
The South African “school of defence diplomacy” narrows the meaning of this
concept in its deliberations. Edmonds and Mills consider the role of armed forces
as their “centre of gravity”, while du Plessis points to the involvement of military
personnel, including military attachés. These differences may indicate a strictly
utilitarian approach to defence diplomacy or the lack of a broader view of its role
and importance as an instrument of state security policy. The latter could provide
a general character of the definition.

A. Cottey and A. Forster, Irish and British researchers, proposed an expanding

definition of defence diplomacy in 2004 as “peaceful (non-confrontational) use
of armed forces and related infrastructure (primarily defence ministries) as
a foreign policy and security tool” (Cottey and Forster 2004, p. 6). This approach
to the matter thus extends its scope of meaning, taking into account both the
peaceful use of armed forces, the role of the Ministry of Defence, and the use of
defence attachés to prevent conflicts. Tan See Seng and Bhubhindar Singh from
Singapore went much further on this issue, pointing to the leading role of the
managerial staff of the defence department and the armed forces. They defined
defence diplomacy as “joint and coordinated application of peaceful initiatives
of cooperation between the defence and armed forces’ leadership to build trust,
counteract crises and resolve conflicts” (Seng Tan and Singh 2012, pp. 221-231).
They also distinguished two functions of defence diplomacy: pragmatic and
transformational. The first, in their opinion, focuses on maintaining the existing
state of cooperation and security, between two or more countries in the selected
region. The second is focused on the implementation of tasks related to solving
the crisis and returning to balance, security and cooperation. In Tan See Seng’s

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opinion, defence diplomacy should be conducted on many levels (Singh and Seng
Tan 2011, p. 2). The first one is the involvement and personal actions of political
leaders, ministers, heads of defence / heads of general staffs, and headquarters
and strategic staffs. The second level is military academies, educational, analytical
and R & D centres as well as those associated with the Ministry of Defence think
tank. Level three is representatives of civil non-governmental organisations (civil
society) (Seng Tan 2005, p. 41-55). The Singaporean authors, in contrast to the
South African and Irish researchers cited above, focused on the role of the head
staff of the Ministry of Defence and the armed forces, without indicating tasks for
the armed forces, international organisations and defence attachés in this area.

One of the latest proposals for the definition of defence diplomacy can be found
in the Spanish Ministry of Defence’s documents, which describes it as “a diverse
international activity based on dialogue and cooperation, implemented bilaterally
by the defence ministry with allies, partners and other friendly countries to
support the achievement of goals of defence policy and Spanish foreign policy”
(Ministerio de Defensa, Madrid 2012, p. 18). This understanding of the role and
function of defence diplomacy, however, excludes the importance of multilateral
relations or the joint implementation of tasks within international organisations.
Thus, it eliminates an important area of international cooperation, limiting itself
only to the efforts made by its own defence department.

Defence diplomacy plays an important role in shaping and implementing

security policy in many countries. It is a specialised instrument of their foreign
policy and occupies a permanent place in the system of cooperation between
states and international organisations. In Poland, however, the term “defence
diplomacy” appears mainly in journalism. As a subject of scientific research, it
occurs to a limited extent. There is also no direct and precise reference to defence
diplomacy in foreign and security policy documents. Often, this term is used
interchangeably with the concept of “military diplomacy”, referring mainly to
the military sphere and military personnel serving the diplomatic missions of
the Republic of Poland, Permanent Representations of the Republic of Poland
in international organisations, Polish Military Representations on NATO and
EU Military Committees and delegations at the strategic commands of these

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Critical evaluation of the definition of defence diplomacy presented by other

countries and the analysis of tasks performed within this framework may suggest to
native researchers a search for the concept of defence diplomacy. Its starting point
must be the assessment of defence potential, budgetary capacity, participation and
implementation of tasks in international organisations (especially NATO and the
EU), the ambitions of the state and its strategic objectives, but also the state of the
international environment, relations with allies and other neighbours. Currently,
however, this is not only a “military diplomacy plus”, but also other goals, a wider
spectrum of activities, constant adaptation to new conditions and the historical
continuity of some tasks do not change the idea of the continuous expansion of
the concept of defence diplomacy.

In this perspective, a working definition of Polish defence diplomacy useful for

Poland could be proposed as: diverse international peaceful activity based on
dialogue and cooperation, implemented in bilateral, multilateral and international
security organisations by the national defence ministry and institutions and forces
subordinate to it. Armed forces with allies, partners and other friendly countries to
support the achievement of the objectives of Polish foreign and security policy.

The suggested (proprietary) proposal also includes the possibility of peaceful

use of the armed forces of the Republic of Poland, use of civil and military
personnel of the Ministry of National Defence and Armed Forces of the Republic
of Poland2 and joint implementation of tasks under multilateral cooperation3. It
also takes into account the possibility of engaging other institutions subordinate
to the Ministry of National Defence, including military education and think-
tanks, research and R & D centres related to the Ministry of Defence. It does
not exclude the cooperation of defence industries and the transfer of knowledge,
skills, equipment and military equipment in the framework of cooperation
between states. However, the definition given above should only be treated as an
initial proposal in the ongoing debate. This is not only determined by the need
to examine in detail its constituent elements in terms of usefulness as a tool of

2 There are no references to this kind of activities in the definition of defense diplomacy
presented by researchers from South Africa.
3 This area of cooperation was neglected by the Spaniards in their definition.

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diplomacy, but also the necessity to maintain openness, taking into account the
matter of continually expanding and updating potentially half of the impacts of
defence diplomacy.

The role, goals and tasks of defence diplomacy

The term “defence diplomacy”, shaped after the end of the Cold War, was motivated
by the political need to name the expanding roles of structures subject to the
jurisdiction of the ministries of national defence and to point out their goals in
the new “demilitarised” international environment. Its pedigree comes from the
world of politics, not science. However, there have been attempts to scientifically
recognise this terminology proposal, which, however, did not bring a universally
recognised definition of defence diplomacy, although the concept is quite
commonly used in the “scientific circuit” and diplomatic practice. Researchers from
the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Indonesia, South Africa and other countries
are trying to define defence diplomacy considering the specific conditions or
the security situation of their countries. Such definitions - they directly reflect
national needs - do not cover all areas of defence diplomacy, or even without such
ambitions. Therefore, excessive utilitarianism and the emergence of new areas of
cooperation within defence diplomacy, a complicated and diverse security situation
in different regions, implementation of tasks within regional organisations and
cultural considerations are just some of the problems that further complicate the
development and reconciliation of the general definition of defence diplomacy. In
literature on the subject, there is also no attempt to agree such a definition. On
the other hand, there is a general understanding that defence diplomacy directly
contributes to strengthening confidence and understanding in international
relations. There is, however, far-reaching agreement on the general objective
of defence diplomacy4 as an instrument of support for the implementation of
national interests and for its foreign and security policy. It is generally accepted
that defence diplomacy:

4 More on the goals of defense diplomacy see: Winger (2014), Fris (2013).

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• is focused on minimising hostility and building trust between states (in this
sense, it is "anchored" in the general tasks of diplomacy);
• in the context of regional and global involvement of states, with the help of
"peaceful use of military personnel to prevent conflicts" it is to create stable and
long-lasting cooperation and to promote transparency in the field of defence;
• can serve the implementation of common supranational goals;
• is designed to influence the change of the position of partners;
• should support the implementation of legal regulations on broad security
• maintains a dialogue with partners, which may be the goal of state actions, as
well as an instrument leading to the implementation of its specific interests.
As a result, it directly contributes to strengthening trust and understanding in
international relations.

Defence diplomacy operates within the framework of international law5,

regulations and customs in force, in diplomacy as well as national law (List of
valid documents for defence attaché, Drab and Sochan 2016). The latter shapes
specific structural solutions, defines the principles of cooperation with other
state institutions, especially with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and sets goals
and tasks. The activities of defence diplomacy, as an instrument of foreign policy
and state security, contribute to the development of military cooperation and
building correct relations between states. In this area, in particular, it activates
the resources of the Ministry of National Defence, including the armed forces.
However, it does not independently create an external defence policy, but is only
the defence minister’s tool for achieving its political goals. The detailed tasks
of defence diplomacy, as an instrument of foreign policy and state security, can
• promoting bilateral or multilateral cooperation in the field of military relations,
security and defence. This is implemented through appointing and accepting
defence attachés in the capitals of states, military and civilian representatives

5 The basic act of international law regulating this area of law is the Vienna Convention
on Diplomatic Relations of 1961. It covers the issues of establishing diplomatic relations,
diplomatic functions, the rank of heads of diplomatic missions, as well as diplomatic privileges
and immunities. Apart from the Vienna Convention, which is a multilateral international
agreement, states sometimes contain bilateral diplomatic conventions that develop, supplement
or modify the legal norms contained in the Vienna Convention of 1961.

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in the armed forces and defence ministries, the "personal diplomacy" of

commanders, managers of defence departments, as well as various ad hoc
• preparation, negotiation and signing of contracts and agreements in the field of
• "handling" bilateral and multilateral meetings at various levels, including
substantive military advice;
• supporting partners in reforming the security sector and developing their
capacity to participate in military operations;
• conducting training and education in schools and military academies for
military and civilian employees of the Ministry of Defence;
• supplying military equipment and materials;
• military counselling for international needs;
• planning, organisation and implementation of bilateral and multilateral military
• organising visits, aircraft, ships and other military equipment in friendly
• logistic assistance in crisis and humanitarian operations caused by natural
phenomena and catastrophes;
• supporting efforts to build the military infrastructure necessary for the
organisation of cooperation and mutual defence;
• promoting democratic civilian control over the armed forces;
• support for compliance with agreements in the field of arms control and
disarmament, confidence building measures and control of special facilities.

Defence diplomacy has a permanent place in the system of cooperation between

countries and international organisations, and its functional scope is not limited
to the "niche" areas of diplomacy or the narrow "industry" specialisation of people
performing tasks related to it. It may be applied in a coordinated manner in crisis
situations and peaceful cooperation with other states, in order to shape and
implement state policy. It is the field of diplomacy which, in the sphere of tangible
and intangible assets, also includes support for the armed forces of other countries
through consultancy, training or transfer of military equipment and weapons,
technical cooperation and defence industries, conducting so-called defence and
strategic dialogue, cooperation within military education, exercises involving
military resources, as well as peace and humanitarian missions and operations. It

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is difficult, therefore, to disagree with the assessment of the Australian, Nicholas

Floyd, that “defence diplomacy should be closely integrated with the planning and
implementation of international policy” (Floyd 2010, p. 7).

Areas and instruments of defence diplomacy

Defence diplomacy is a broader concept than military diplomacy because

it incorporates the objectives and tasks of the latter, extending them to issues
related to building trust, preventing crises and conflict resolution, defence
dialogue, developing bilateral and multilateral cooperation (within international
organisations), and also the use of armed forces in international missions and
operations. Contemporary understanding of the concept of defence diplomacy
is therefore characterised by a multitude of meanings and related international
activity, based on dialogue and cooperation, implemented by defence ministries.
Its main goal is to shape and implement the state security policy, and the task,
to create stable, long-term relations and cooperation that foster transparency
in the field of defence, strengthen trust and achieve common goals. One of the
most important instruments of defence diplomacy is to maintain a dialogue with
partners as a communication tool and confidence-building measure.

The implementation of tasks within the framework of defence diplomacy covers

a wide range of activities of both the civilian and military staff of the Ministry of
Defence. It is implemented at various levels, and each operation of the subordinated
entity is closely related and depends on the results of the arrangements at a higher
level. The main areas of defence diplomacy are:
• bilateral and multilateral cooperation - established and maintained at a high
level by both civilian and military representatives;
• education and military training;
• military exercises;
• military missions and operations;
• intelligence cooperation and exchange of information on the military-political
situation and other events related to the issues of security and the state of the
armed forces of other states;
• cooperation within international security organisations and alliances;

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• activities related to arms control, disarmament and confidence-building

• legal and legislative cooperation;
• cooperation in the field of defence industries;
• military assistance and support for the armed forces of other countries;
• historical military cooperation and patriotic education.

These are currently the main areas of bilateral and multilateral cooperation
implemented as part of defence diplomacy. Some of them, depending on the
security situation and the development of the international situation, take on
special importance in crisis situations (e.g. ad hoc organised disarmament
conferences), missions and military operations and assistance in liquidating the
consequences of disasters. Areas of cooperation within the framework of defence
diplomacy are not a closed collection; new initiatives are constantly emerging, in
which the role and tasks of diplomats in uniform are constantly growing.

One of the most important instruments of defence diplomacy is the armed forces
as a policy instrument with broad applications that go beyond their fighting and
deterrent roles. They play an important role in direct international cooperation
carried out between countries, as part of international alliances and specialist
organizations operating in the field of security. Diplomacy has taken on growing
significance for the personal commanders at the strategic level. The changing
security situation in the world as well as the multiplicity and dynamics of
threats additionally reinforces the role and importance of the armed forces as an
instrument of defence diplomacy. A. Cottey and A. Forster (2004, p. 27), as cited
earlier, believe that apart from the armed forces, the most important instruments
of defence diplomacy include:
• bilateral and multilateral contacts between the highest civilian and military
representatives of defence ministries;
• appointing and maintaining defence attachés in other countries;
• developing and agreeing bilateral international agreements in the field of
military cooperation;
• training and education of soldiers and civilian employees of the Ministry of
• transfer of expertise and consultancy in the field of democratic and civilian
control over the armed forces;

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• maintaining regular contacts between military personnel, military units and

warships visiting ports;
• the location of military and civilian personnel in partner countries, both at
defence ministries and in military units;
• deployment of training teams;
• supplying equipment, armaments and other military materials;
• participation in bilateral and multilateral military exercises and training.

This multitude of fields of activity and instruments of defence diplomacy makes

it difficult to talk about a universal defence model that is compatible with every
contemporary state. Their specific conditions, financial capabilities, defence and
scientific potential, the size of the armed forces, security situation, location, size,
ambitions, participation in international security organisations, relations with
neighbours and many other factors make each of them operate in priority areas
for themselves, flexibly and rationally, using the available tools.

The effective defence system in the sense of the system, which functionally
serves to strengthen the international position of the state, is an instrument
of its foreign and security policy and an element of the anti-crisis system. It
stabilises international relations, increases their transparency, and thus reduces
the risk of an armed conflict. The contemporary "diplomat in uniform" is not
only a contractor of tasks. The essence of his contemporary mission is to expand
the state's knowledge of the international situation, as well as to participate in the
creation of its security policy. There is, however, no contradiction between these
roles - that is, the executive and co-creator of this policy. The importance of the
latter is also growing systematically.


Contemporary defence diplomacy is art and craft shaped by tradition and the current
needs of foreign and security policy. It is described as a practice of conducting
negotiations, requiring the use of such means, methods and instruments that do
not increase hostility and, at the same time, is implemented under international
law. The main task of defence diplomacy is to shape military relations between
states. Contemporary defence diplomacy is undergoing a continuous adaptive

Lech Drab Security and Defence Quarterly 2018; 20(3)

evolution to the changing conditions of operation and broadening its scope of

meaning. Therefore, conceptual arrangement must be a “boundary condition”
of understanding its contemporary roles and the possibilities of creative support of
the state’s foreign policy by structures subordinate to the Ministry of National
Defence. In this task, an important role is played by scientific research.


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