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G.R. No. 148311.

March 31, 2005




May an illegitimate child, upon adoption by her natural father, use the surname of her natural
mother as her middle name? This is the issue raised in the instant case.


On August 31, 2000, Honorato B. Catindig, herein petitioner, filed a petition1 to adopt his minor
illegitimate child Stephanie Nathy Astorga Garcia. He alleged therein, among others, that
Stephanie was born on June 26, 1994;2that her mother is Gemma Astorga Garcia; that Stephanie
has been using her mother’s middle name and surname; and that he is now a widower and qualified
to be her adopting parent. He prayed that Stephanie’s middle name Astorga be changed to "Garcia,"
her mother’s surname, and that her surname "Garcia" be changed to "Catindig," his surname.

The trial court found the petition to be meritorious, the same is GRANTED. Henceforth, Stephanie
Nathy Astorga Garcia is hereby freed from all obligations of obedience and maintenance with
respect to her natural mother, and for civil purposes, shall henceforth be the petitioner’s legitimate
child and legal heir. Pursuant to Article 189 of the Family Code of the Philippines, the minor shall be

The petitioner filed a motion for clarification and/or reconsideration5 praying that Stephanie should be
allowed to use the surname of her natural mother (GARCIA) as her middle name.

However, the trial court denied petitioner’s motion for reconsideration holding that there is no law or
jurisprudence allowing an adopted child to use the surname of his biological mother as his middle

ISSUE: WON an illegitimate child may use the surname of her mother as her middle name when she
is subsequently adopted by her natural father.

The Republic, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), agrees with petitioner that
Stephanie should be permitted to use, as her middle name, the surname of her natural mother for
the following reasons:

First, it is necessary to preserve and maintain Stephanie’s filiation with her natural mother because
under Article 189 of the Family Code, she remains to be an intestate heir of the latter.

Second, there is no law expressly prohibiting Stephanie to use the surname of her natural mother as
her middle name. What the law does not prohibit, it allows.

Last, it is customary for every Filipino to have a middle name, which is ordinarily the surname of the
mother. This custom has been recognized by the Civil Code and Family Code. In fact, the Family
Law Committees agreed that "the initial or surname of the mother should immediately precede the
surname of the father so that the second name, if any, will be before the surname of the mother."7
RULING: We find merit in the petition.

4. Liberal Construction of Adoption Statutes In Favor Of Adoption –

It is a settled rule that adoption statutes, being humane and salutary, should be liberally construed to
carry out the beneficent purposes of adoption.25 The interests and welfare of the adopted child are of
primary and paramount consideration,26 hence, every reasonable intendment should be sustained to
promote and fulfill these noble and compassionate objectives of the law.27

Lastly, Art. 10 of the New Civil Code provides that:

"In case of doubt in the interpretation or application of laws, it is presumed that the lawmaking body
intended right and justice to prevail."

This provision, according to the Code Commission, "is necessary so that it may tip the scales in
favor of right and justice when the law is doubtful or obscure. It will strengthen the determination of
the courts to avoid an injustice which may apparently be authorized by some way of interpreting the

Hence, since there is no law prohibiting an illegitimate child adopted by her natural father, like
Stephanie, to use, as middle name her mother’s surname, we find no reason why she should not be
allowed to do so.

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed Decision is partly MODIFIED in the sense
that Stephanie should be allowed to use her mother’s surname "GARCIA" as her middle name.

Let the corresponding entry of her correct and complete name be entered in the decree of adoption.

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