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Date: JULY 10, 2018
Grade: Grade 12
Semester: 1st Semester
Content: 21st-Century Literature from the region where the school is based in relation to the
Literature of other regions in various genres and forms in consideration of:
1. Various dimensions of Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to
Content Standards: The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of
21st-Century Philippine Literature from the regions.
Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st-
century Philippine literature from the regions through:
1. A written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in
terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived
from research; and
2. An adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Learning Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an
adaptation of these require from the learner the ability to:
1. Identify representative texts and authors from each region (ex. Engage
in oral history research with focus on key personalities from the
students’ region/province/town.
Code: EN12Lit-Ib-22
I. Objective:
K- Identify significant literary elements
Identify how tone is related to literary style and how both help create a unique
meaning in the essay.
S- Respond critically to the essay and consequently articulate this response through a
five minute skit reenacting the aftermath of the Mt. Pinatubo eruption.
A- Value the contributions of local writers to the development of regional literary

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Philippine Literature: Writing in the Regions
Materials: printed copies of the lesson/topic and writing and oral
activities, board, chalk
Reference: 21st-century literature from the Philippines and the World Teacher’s Manual and
Value Focus: Appreciation of the significance of the essay

III. Developmental Activities:

a. Pre-activity:
Checking of attendance
Submission of assignments/outputs/projects (if there is/are)

A. Recop of the past discussion
B. Diagnose students’ knowledge by administering a Diagnostic Test.
Identify the word being described in each statement.
_____1. It refers to the collection of interrelated conditions in which something occurs.
_____2. It is a unique way of expressing oneself.
_____3. It refers to the attitude being conveyed by the language used by the writer.
_____4. It is a funny or amusing quality that is used in literary writing.
_____5. It refers to the division in a written work where an action occurs without a break in
Answer Key:
1. Context
2. Style
3. Tone
4. Humor
5. Scene

b. Lesson Proper:
A. Group activity:
Activate students’ prior knowledge by doing the activity on the work text. ( see “Trackback”p. 18)
Make students interview family members or friends who were alive during the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. Let
them create a video presentation that includes pictures of this catastrophe. Tell them to show the video
presentation in class.

Process the activity by asking the following questions:

a. What did you discover in the sharing?

b. Was the essay easy or hard to understand?
c. What part of the essay did you find confusing? Explain your answer.

B. For reinforcement, ask the students to do the following activities:

The dominant tone of the writer is humorous and casual, but he changes from one incident to another. Tell the
students to give at least five incidents in the essay, and identify the tone that the speaker has in narrating each
Incident Tone of the author

C. Tell the students to explain the style of the writer by describing how the writer used words and
sentences to deliver his message and commenting on the use of anecdotes in the essay.
Style of the writer

Process the activity by asking the following questions:

a. What did you discover in the activity?
b. How did the style of the writer contribute to the over-all meaning of the text?
c. Did you appreciate the author’s style? Explain your answer.

1. What did you discover in the activity?
2. What do you feel about the information?

1. What is the relevance of this information to the 21st century youth?
2. What do you think will be one of the ways to value the contributions of local writers to the development
of regional literary traditions?
3. How important to you are the contributions of our local writers to the development of regional literary
It is common among essay writers to sound humorous in their essays. This strategy connects the writer to the
experiences of the common reader. Humor enhances the over-all quality of an essay. In a grid, tell the students
to list down five parts of the essay that they found humorous. In each part, let them explain why that particular
part seems to be funny.

Humor in the essay

Part of the essay Explanation

IV. Assessment:
Directions: Write the word that is being described in each statement.
1. It is a funny or amusing quality that is used in literary writing.
2. It refers to the division in a written work where an action occurs without a break in
3. It refers to the collection of interrelated conditions in which something occurs.
4. It is a unique way of expressing oneself.
5. It refers to the attitude being conveyed by the language used by the writer.

Answer key:
1. Humor
2. scene
3. context
4. style
5. tone

V. Assignment:
Identify your realizations about the contributions of local writers to development of regional literary
traditions based from the discussion. Write in a 1 whole sheet of paper. At least 500 words.

Content/substance: 10
Organization of ideas: 10
Total: 20

VI. Remarks:


Prepared By:
Venrey Senm S. Ecang, LPT, MAEd
21 -Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Teacher

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