Creating A Retail Store in AX 2012 Retail: Liam Breslin Senior Consultant For Junction Solutions

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Creating a Retail Store in AX 2012 Retail

Hi there,

I hope everyone is ready for a new AX filled week, and that you had a good
weekend. This week I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I wanted to take the time
and share with you the steps necessary to create a retail store in AX 2012 Retail.

The creation of a retail store requires many steps and some planning. I would like to
extend my gratitude to Liam Breslin for his knowledge on this topic. He is a Senior
Consultant for Junction Solutions and he specializes in Retail. You can contact him on
his LinkedIn profile for any questions you might have about AX 2012 Retail.

So, let’s go to the good stuff now and let’s create retail store in Microsoft Dynamics
AX 2012

1- Go to Retail > Common > Organization

2- Click the Organization Hierarchy tab button to create a new organization


3- When the new window opens, click New and assign a name to the new
organization hierarchy (i.e. Retail Store).
4- Then click the Assign Purpose button to open the Organization hierarchy purposes
window. In here we need to link the Organization Hierarchy you just created in step
3 with the organizational chart portion of AX. To accomplish this, click
the Add button to add a newAssigned Category. Once you have created the assigned
category, click the Set as Defaultbutton. This will set your configuration as the
default one to carry on later on the process.
5- When step 4 has been completed, click the Retail Assortment menu on the left
and follow the same process you executed in step 4.

6- When finished you should see the following

7- Then go to Organization Hierarchy and click the Organization Hierarchy view.
When the Hierarchy Designer opens, click the Edit button.
8- Click the Insert button and choose Legal Entity

9- The legal Entity (i.e. CEU) will appear in the Retail Store designer.

10- Click as Save as Draft. On the Save Changes windows choose “Save as draft”
and click OK.
11- Then you to Retail > Common > Retail Channels > Retail Stores

12- Click New Retail Store and fill the required fields.
13- Go to the miscellaneous fast tab and make sure you have your payment
methods. On this, for some reason in my environment, the Credit Card Payment
method needed to be setup to 2 and not 02.

14- If all goes OK, you should see the following.

15- Now, go back to Hierarchies to add your new Retail Store to it under your
organization. For this, click the Edit button and choose “Keep working on this draft”
and click OK.

16- Click the Insert button and choose Retail Channel.

17- From the Retail Channel window choose your new retail store, and click OK.
18- If all is ok, you should see something similar to the picture below.

19- Save your new model as draft again.

20- In order to make the model “official” within AX, we need to publish it. Do this by
clickingPublish and Close the Viewer.

21- Select the effective date when you want this model to be active and click
the Publishbutton.
22- You should see the following message.

Once you have created your retail store(s), then you can create assortments and
assign them to products and/or product groups to be publish into the retail channels.
The assortment(s) will then be transferred to the AXRetailPOS database through an

I will cover this portion in one of my next post.

Until then!

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