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Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis

Max Welling
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
10 King’s College Road
Toronto, M5S 3G5 Canada
[email protected]


This is a note to explain kCCA.

1 Canonical Correlation Analysis

Imagine you are given 2 copies of a corpus of documents, one written in English, the other
written in German. You may consider an arbitrary representation of the documents, but for
definiteness we will use the “vector space” representation where there is an entry for every
possible word in the vocabulary and a document is represented by count values for every
word, i.e. if the word “the appeared 12 times and the first word in the vocabulary we have
X1 (doc) = 12 etc.
Let’s say we are interested in extracting low dimensional representations for each docu-
ment. If we had only one language, we could consider running PCA to extract directions in
word space that carry most of the variance. This has the ability to infer semantic relations
between the words such as synonymy, because if words tend to co-occur often in docu-
ments, i.e. they are highly correlated, they tend to be combined into a single dimension in
the new space. These spaces can often be interpreted as topic spaces.
If we have two translations, we can try to find projections of each representation sepa-
rately such that the projections are maximally correlated. Hopefully, this implies that they
represent the same topic in two different languages. In this way we can extract language
independent topics.
Let x be a document in English and y a document in German. Consider the projections:
u = aT x and v = bT y. Also assume that the data have zero mean. We now consider the
following objective,
ρ= p (1)
E[u2 ]E[v 2 ]
We want to maximize this objective, because this would maximize the correlation between
the univariates u and v. Note that we divided by the standard deviation of the projections
to remove scale dependence.
This exposition is very similar to the Fisher discriminant analysis story and I encourage
you to reread that. For instance, there you can find how to generalize to cases where the
data is not centered. We also introduced the following “trick”. Since we can rescale a and
b without changing the problem, we can constrain them to be equal to 1. This then allows
us to write the problem as,
maximizea,b ρ = E[uv]
subject to E[u2 ] = 1
E[v 2 ] = 1 (2)
Or, if we construct a Lagrangian and write out the expectations we find,
X 1 X 1 X
mina,b maxλ1 ,λ2 aT xi yiT b− λ1 ( aT xi xTi a−N )− λ2 ( bT yi yiT b−N ) (3)
2 i
2 i
where we have multiplied by N. Let’s take derivatives wrt to a and b to see what the KKT
equations tell us,
xi yiT b − λ1 xi xTi a = 0 (4)
i i
yi xTi a − λ2 yi yiT b = 0 (5)
i i

First notice that if we multiply the first equation with aT and the second with bT and
subtract P
the two, while using
P the Tconstraints, weP arriveT at λ1 = λ2 = λ. Next, rename
Sxy = i xi yi , Sx = i xi xi and Sy = i yi yi . We define the following larger
matrices: SD is the block diagonal matrix with Sx and Sy on the diagonal and zeros on the
off-diagonal blocks. Also, we define SO to be the off-diagonal matrix with Sxy on the off
diagonal. Finally we define c = [a, b]. The two equations can then we written jointly as,
1 1 1 1
−1 −1 2
SO c = λSD c ⇒ SD SO c = λc ⇒ SO2 SD SO (SO2 c) = λ(SO2 c) (6)
which is again an regular eigenvalue equation for c0 = SO c 2

2 Kernel CCA
As usual, the starting point to map the data-cases to feature vectors Φ(xi ) and Ψ(yi ).When
the dimensionality of the space is larger than the number of data-cases in the training-set,
then the solution must lie in the span of data-cases, i.e.
a= αi Φ(xi ) b = βi Ψ(yi ) (7)
i i
Using this equation in the Lagrangian we get,
1 1
L = αT Kx Ky β − λ(αT Kx2 α − N ) − λ(β T Ky2 β − N ) (8)
2 2
where α is a vector in a different
P N -dimensional space than e.g. a which lives in a D-
dimensional space, and Kx = i Φ(xi )T Φ(xi ) and similarly for Ky .
Taking derivatives w.r.t. α and β we find,
Kx Ky β = λKx2 α (9)
Ky Kx α = λKy2 β (10)
Let’s try to solve these equations by assuming that Kx is full rank (which is typically the
case). We get, α = λ−1 Kx−1 Ky β and hence, Ky2 β = λ2 Ky2 β which always has a solution
for λ = 1. By recalling that,
1 X T 1 X T
ρ= a Sxy b = λa Sx a = λ (11)
N i N i
we observe that this represents the solution with maximal correlation and hence the pre-
ferred one. This is a typical case of over-fitting emphasizes again the need to regularize
in kernel methods. This can be done by adding a diagonal term to the constraints in the
Lagrangian (or equivalently to the denominator of the original objective), leading to the
1 1
L = αT Kx Ky β − λ(αT Kx2 α + η||α||2 − N ) − λ(β T Ky2 β + η||β||2 − N ) (12)
2 2
One can see that this acts as a quadratic penalty on the norm of α and β. The resulting
equations are,
Kx Ky β = λ(Kx2 + ηI)α (13)
Ky Kx α = λ(Ky2 + ηI)β (14)
Analogues to the primal problem, we will define big matrices, KD which contains (Kx2 +
ηI) and (Ky2 + ηI) as blocks on the diagonal and zeros at the blocks off the diagonal, and
the matrix KO which has the matrices Kx Ky on the right-upper off diagonal block and
Ky Kx at the left-lower off-diagonal block. Also, we define γ = [α, β]. This leads to the
1 1 1 1
−1 −1
KO γ = λKD γ ⇒ KD KO γ = λγ ⇒ KO2 KD KO2 (KO2 γ) = λ(KO2 γ) (15)
which is again a regular eigenvalue equation. Note that the regularization also moved the
smallest eigenvalue away from zero, and hence made the inverse more numerically stable.
The value for η needs to be chosen using cross-validation or some other measure. Solving
the equations using this larger eigen-value problem is actually not quite necessary, and
more efficient methods exist (see book).
The solutions are not expected to be sparse, because eigen-vectors are not expected to be
sparse. One would have to replace L2 norm penalties with L1 norm penalties to obtain

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