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Joseph’s College of Rodriguez

139 J.P Rizal Ave. Balite Rodriguez Rizal



JOSEPH’S COLLEGE OF RODRIGUEZ”, prepared and submitted by Dave L.
Rivera, Janine Carla D. Anastacio, John Romeo D. Anastacio II, and Joseph Rene
C. Ng has been approved and accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements
for subject practical research 1.



Approved in partial fulfillment for requirments for the Practical Research 1

with a grade of ___


Mrs. Sally M. Sagaban

Member of the Panel

Mr. Paul L. Viñas

Member of the Panel

Accepted and approved as partial requirments for the subject Practical

Research 1.

Sr. Eterna A. Manangan SFIC


Academic Excellence for Social Transformation in the Service of God and

St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez

139 J.P Rizal Ave. Balite Rodriguez Rizal


First and foremost, Thanks to almighty God, for all the blessings throughout
our research and for helping us for finally complete this research successfully.

The researchers would like to aspire their weighty gratitude, appreciation,

and acknowledgement to all the people who have inspired them to conduct and
finish the study. This study was made possible through the help and assistance of
several people.
We would like to highly thank and appreciativeness to our former research
instructor, Arnel Asprer RN, MAN, MAEd, PhD. For the initial guidance and
constant supervision for us. And to our current research instructor, Roberto P.
Caluma EdD. For giving us the opportunity to complete the study. Their teachings,
motivation, and discipline really inspired us, as a researchers. It is an honor for us
to learn a lot of under their instruction. Lastly, we are really grateful for their

We would like also to give thanks to our approachable respondents for their
cooperation, and time for giving us the opportunity to get the necessary data
needed by the researchers.

We would like also to give thanks to our parents for their cooperation,
understanding, prayers and support for letting us finish this research. And for
educating and supporting us in all the things we do. And for our brothers and
sisters, and teachers in St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez, Thank you.

All of us the researchers wants to give thanks to each of the member for
working as a group, for not giving up, and for all the hard works.

We give thanks to our school, St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez for letting
us to conduct this study. Thanks to our SFIC Sr. Marivic Galamay the president,
and Sr. Eterna Manangan the principal, for supporting us to do this research work.

Thanks to all the people who have supported to complete this research.
May the Almighty God bless us all.

Academic Excellence for Social Transformation in the Service of God and

St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez

139 J.P Rizal Ave. Balite Rodriguez Rizal


This wonderful art of knowledge is dedicated to:

Trealsonin, Angeline Perez, and to our parents who

guided us throughout this process.

And a special thanks to our Almighty God who was

there from the beginning until the end.

-The Researchers

Academic Excellence for Social Transformation in the Service of God and

St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez

139 J.P Rizal Ave. Balite Rodriguez Rizal


This study is a qualitative type of research. The study gave about the accounts of

students and school officials on how well prepared they are in a disaster that might occur.

A grand tour of questions and interviews were formulated in this study to determine if the

participants and as well as the institution are well prepared and informed in terms of

disaster and risk management.

The participants of the study are the students and school officials of St. Joseph’s

College of Rodriguez. The fifteen (15) participants are chosen according to their purpose

in this study.

The investigator utilized an interview protocol. The interview was conducted with

the participants of this study on an agreed time and the research ethics was strictly

observed. The researchers secure consent, ensuring the cooperation of the respondents in

the proposed study. During the interview, it was recorded using a recording device to

ensure the narration of the participants is well taken and to capture and transcribe all the

details of the conversation.

The researchers formulated meaning out of themes that emerged. Among the themes,

three formulated meanings were derived: A.) Preparation of the school in terms of

Facilities; B.) Preparation of the school in terms of Management; and C.) Suggestions

offered by the Participants of the study.

Academic Excellence for Social Transformation in the Service of God and

St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez

139 J.P Rizal Ave. Balite Rodriguez Rizal

Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, the following are recommendations

are hereby given: A.) The management may recheck the facilities to address the problems

left unsolved. B.) The facilities should have a larger space for the growing population of

the school. C.) The students should participate and take the drills seriously. D.) The teachers

who are tasked to execute the preparations must undergo a special training more often. E.)

The management should organize drills and exercises more often. F.) To achieve a positive

result, the future researchers may seek for more research participants and conduct a study

in a wider scope.

Academic Excellence for Social Transformation in the Service of God and

St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez

139 J.P Rizal Ave. Balite Rodriguez Rizal


Cover Page

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgement iii

Dedication iv


Table of Contents

Chapter I The Problem and Its Background


Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem


Scope and Limitation

Conceptual Framework

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms

Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Study

Academic Excellence for Social Transformation in the Service of God and

St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez

139 J.P Rizal Ave. Balite Rodriguez Rizal

Different types of Disaster

Preparations and Preventions

Chapter III Methods of Researches

Research Design

Research Locale

Participants of the Study

Data Collection Method

Chapter IV Presentation, Interpretation and Explication of Data

Presentation of Data

Data Analysis

Chapter V Summary of Findings, Conclusions and


Summary of Findings





Interview Guide

Letter to the Participants

Letter to Conduct the Study

Interview Protocol


Curriculum Vitae

Academic Excellence for Social Transformation in the Service of God and

St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez

139 J.P Rizal Ave. Balite Rodriguez Rizal

Academic Excellence for Social Transformation in the Service of God and


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