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Academic year 2018-19


Guided by :
Name of the students:
1) Omkar Digambar Sonone
2) Surendra Sharad Some
3) Gajanan Namde Suryawanshi
4) Kunal Laxmansingh Thakur
5) Avinash Jagananath Tompe
Government Polytechnic, Nanded.
Mechanical Engineering Department

Academic Year (2018-19)


Micro project proposal

(For 1st to 4th Semester)

Title of Micro-project: Sections of Solids

1. Brief Introduction:
Some times the objects are so complicated that, it becomes very
difficult to visualize the object with the help of its front view and top
view Some objects are hollow. Their internal details are not visible with
the help of simple front view and top view. In such cases the object is
cut by some imaginary cutting plane to understand internal details of
that object First let us know the types of cutting planes. The action of
cutting is called sectioning a solid & the plane of cutting is called section

2. Aim of the Micro-project

-Obtaining information about Section of solids.

-learning construction about Section of solids.

3. Resources Required

Sr. Name of Specification Qty Remarks

No. Resource/material
1. Paper Length 10m. and height 10m. 2 -
2. Glue - 1 -
3. Water color - 1 -
4. Cutter - 1 -

Sr. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of

No. Start finish responsible
date date team member
1. Collect the information
2. Purchase the material
3. Make the model
4. Typing
5. Spiral binding
6. Making front page
Government Polytechnic, Nanded
Mechanical Engineering Department
Academic Year (2018-19)
Micro project proposal
(For 1st to 4th Semester)
Title of Micro-project : Section of Solids
1. Brief Introduction :
 In the orthographic views, the visible edges and faces of a solid
are indicated by continuous lines, while its invisible features are
indicated by dotted lines.
 If the invisible features of an object is complex there will be a
network of dotted lines in the orthographic views. Such a network
of dotted lines creates difficulty in reading the orthographic
 In such cases the solid is imagined to be cut apart by planes so as
to expose its invisible features. This imaginary process of cutting
the solid is called sectioning.
 But in this chapter, the purpose of sectioning a solid is different
from what is explained above. In this chapter sectioning of a solid
is done to achieve various surfaces of different shapes and sizes.
 Study of sectioning various solids at different angles with respect
to axes of solids or bases of solids, is very important. Knowledge
of shapes and sizes of cut surfaces of a solid after sectioning is
essential for design and fabrication engineers.
Section planes and its Representation :
 The imaginary plane which cuts the solid is called the cutting
plane or section plane. After the solid is cut, the portion of the
solid that lies between the section plane and the observer is
assumed to be removed and view of the remaining portion of the
solid is projected on the principal planes of projection.
 View of the retained part of the solid is known as sectional view.

Representation of section planes :

A section plane is conventionally represented by a chain line thickened
at the ends and thin elsewhere with the arrow head resting on the thick
ends which indicates the direction of an observer.

Types of Section Planes :

Section planes or cutting planes are generally perpendicular planes.

Since section planes are perpendicular planes, they are usually
represented by their traces.

Section planes may be perpendicular to one of the principal planes and

either parallel, inclined or perpendicular to the other principal plane.

Depending upon the position of the section plane with respect to

principal planes, there are five different types of section planes.

i. Section plane perpendicular to V.P. and parallel to H.P.

ii. Section plane perpendicular to V.P. and inclined to H.P.
iii. Section plane perpendicular to H.P and parallel to V.P.
iv. Section plane perpendicular to H.P. and inclined to V.P.
v. Section plane perpendicular to both H.P. and V.P.
1. Section Plane Perpendicular to V.P. and Parallel to H.P :

 This type of section plane is also known as horizontal cutting

plane. When a section plane is perpendicular to V.P. and parallel
to H.P. as shown in Fig. , its projection on V.P. will be a line.
 When the section plane is extended it will meet the V.P. along a
line coinciding with its projection on V.P., which will be the
vertical trace, denoted by V.T., of the section plane on V.P.
 Since the section plane is parallel to H.P., there will be no trace on
H.P. as shown in Fig.
 Vertical trace of the cutting plane is used as cutting plane line.
 Cutting plane line is drawn in the F.V. parallel to the XY line. T.V.
will be sectional view along with section in true shape as shown in
2. Section Plane Perpendicular to V.P. and Inclined to H.P. :

 This type of section plane is also known as auxiliary inclined plane

(AIP). When a section plane is perpendicular to V.P. and inclined
to H.P. at angle Ө as shown in Fig. its projection on V.P. will be a
line inclined at Ө to the XY line.
 When the section plane is extended towards V.P., the projection
of the section plane on V.P. and the vertical trace V.T. will
 The horizontal trace H.T. of the section plane will be a line on H.P
perpendicular to the XY line as shown in Fig.
 Vertical trace of the cutting plane is used as cutting plane line.
 Cutting plane line is drawn in the F.V. inclined to XY at an angle Ө.
T.V. will be sectional view, along with the apparent section, not
showing the true shape of section as shown in Fig.
3. Section Plane Perpendicular to H.P. and parallel to V.P. :

 This type of section plane is also known as vertical cutting plane.

When a section plane is perpendicular to H.P. and parallel to V.P.
as shown in Fig. its projection on H.P. will be a line.
 When the section plane is extended it will meet the H.P. along a
line coinciding with its projection on H.P., which will b the
horizontal trace, denoted by H.T., of the section plane on H.P
 Since the section plane is parallel to V.P. there will be no trace on
V.P. as shown in Fig.
 Horizontal trace of the cutting plane is used as cutting plane line.
 Cutting plane line is drawn in the T.V. parallel to the XY line. F.V.
will be sectional view along with section in true shape as shown in
4. Section Plane Perpendicular to H.P. and Inclined to V.P.:

 This type of section plane is also known as auxiliary vertical Plane

(AVP). When a section plane is perpendicular to H.P. and inclined
to V.P. at angle Ø as shown in shown in Fig. its projection on H.P.
will be a line inclined at Ø to the XY line.
 When the section plane is extended towards H.P., the projection
of the section plane on H.P. and the horizontal trace H.T. will
 The vertical trace V.T. of the section plane will be a line on V.P.
perpendicular to the XY line as shown in Fig.
 Horizontal trace of the cutting plane is used as cutting plane line.
 Cutting plane line is drawn in the T.V. inclined to XY at an angle Ø
F.V. will be sectional view, along with the apparent section, not
showing the true shape of section as shown in Fig.
5. Section Plane Perpendicular to Both H.P. and V.P. :

 When a section plane is perpendicular to both H.P. and V.P. as

shown in Fig. its projection on both H.P. and V.P. will be line
 These lines also represent the horizontal trace H.T. and the
vertical trace V.T. respectively as shown in Fig.
 Both horizontal and vertical traces of the cutting plane are used as
cutting plane lines.
 Cutting plane lines are drawn in the T.V. and F.V., both
perpendicular to the XY line. S.V. will be sectional view along with
section in true shape as shown in Fig.
2. Aim of the micro-project

-Obtaining information about section of solids

-learning construction about Section of solids.

3. Course Outcomes

Obtained information about section of solids

Know the application of section of solids

Know about application of section of solid

4. Procedure Followed

Purchase the material which is necessary in making of the model.

Collect all the information of section of solids. After that we make the
model step by step in 3-4 days. Type the information of section of
solids. Make the front page of micro project.

Sr. Name of Specification Qty Remarks

No. Resource/material
1. Paper Length 10m. and height 10m. 2 -
2. Glue - 1 -
3. Water color - 1 -
4. Cutter - 1 -
7. Skill Developed/learning outcomes of this Micro-Project

1. Imagination of object is made simpler with the help of section of

solids 2. Get knowledge of shapes and sizes of cut surfaces of a solid
after sectioning which is essential for design and fabrication engineers.

Date of Submission :

Name and signature of the lecturer

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