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Non-specific low back pain

Chris Maher, Martin Underwood, Rachelle Buchbinder

Lancet 2017; 389: 736–47 Non-specific low back pain affects people of all ages and is a leading contributor to disease burden worldwide.
Published Online Management guidelines endorse triage to identify the rare cases of low back pain that are caused by medically serious
October 10, 2016 pathology, and so require diagnostic work-up or specialist referral, or both. Because non-specific low back pain does
not have a known pathoanatomical cause, treatment focuses on reducing pain and its consequences. Management
consists of education and reassurance, analgesic medicines, non-pharmacological therapies, and timely review. The
Musculoskeletal Division,
The George Institute for Global clinical course of low back pain is often favourable, thus many patients require little if any formal medical care. Two
Health, Sydney Medical School, treatment strategies are currently used, a stepped approach beginning with more simple care that is progressed if the
University of Sydney, patient does not respond, and the use of simple risk prediction methods to individualise the amount and type of care
Camperdown, NSW, Australia
provided. The overuse of imaging, opioids, and surgery remains a widespread problem.
(Prof C Maher PhD); Warwick
Clinical Trials Unit, Warwick
Medical School, University of Introduction 28% (Poland, Lithuania, and Russia) to 51% (Czech
Warwick, Coventry, UK Low back pain is a symptom rather than a disease. Like Republic). Low back pain in childhood predicts low back
(Prof M Underwood MD); and
Monash Department of Clinical
other symptoms, such as headache and dizziness, it can pain in adult life. A study of 10 000 Danish twins reported
Epidemiology, Cabrini Hospital, have many causes. The most common form of low back that those who had low back pain in adolescence were
and Department of pain is non-specific low back pain. This term is used twice as likely to have it as adults (odds ratio [OR] 2·0
Epidemiology and Preventive when the pathoanatomical cause of the pain cannot [95% CI 1·7–2·4]).6
Medicine, School of Public
Health and Preventive
be determined. We analysed data regarding risk factors for developing
Medicine, Monash University, low back pain that were derived from systematic reviews
Melbourne, VIC, Australia Epidemiology, risk factors, and costs of cohort studies. A review of lifting at work identified
(Prof R Buchbinder PhD) In a 2008 review of the worldwide prevalence of low back that both the weight of the load (OR 1·11 [95% CI
Correspondence to: pain, which included 165 studies from 54 countries, the 1·05–1·18] per 10 kg lifted) and the number of lifts
Prof Chris Maher, Musculoskeletal
mean point prevalence was estimated to be 18·3%, and (OR 1·09 [1·03–1·15] per ten lifts per day) increased risk.7
Division, The George Institute for
Global Health, Sydney Medical 1-month prevalence 30·8%.1 Low back pain was more In terms of lifestyle factors, smoking (OR 1·30
School, University of Sydney, common in female than male individuals and in those [1·16–1·45]),8 obesity (OR 1·53 [1·22–1·92]),9 and
PO Box M201, Missenden Road, aged 40–69 years than in other age groups. Prevalence depressive symptoms (OR 1·59 [1·26–2·01])10 all
NSW 2050, Australia
was greater in high-income countries (median 30·3% increased the risk of developing low back pain. These [IQR 16·9–46·6]) than middle-income (21·4% risk factors increased the odds of back pain by only a
[10·6–38·6]) or low-income (18·2% [0·8–21·7]) countries, modest amount.
but there was no difference in prevalence between rural Comparison of estimates of the total, direct (health
and urban areas. The study reported a positive correlation care), and indirect (lost production and lost household
between a country’s human development index and productivity) costs of low back pain between different
overall mean prevalence of low back pain (r=0·088; countries is difficult. Even studies estimating costs for
p<0·001). the same country and year come to widely different
Low back pain is the leading cause of years lived with estimates—for example, two estimates of the indirect
disability in both developed and developing countries, costs in the USA for 1996 were US$18·5 billion and
and sixth in terms of overall disease burden (disability- US$28·2 billion.11 Low back pain is a major contributor
adjusted life-years).2,3 Many people with low back pain do to health-care costs; typically, indirect costs are much
not seek care; a review of ten population-based studies higher than direct costs. An Australian estimate of the
(13 486 people) reported a pooled prevalence of care- total cost in 2001 was AUS$9 billion, with only
seeking of 58% (95% CI 32–83).4 Care-seeking is more
common in women, and in individuals with previous low
back pain, poor general health, and with more disabling Search strategy and selection criteria
or more painful episodes.4 We searched the Cochrane Library and PubMed for reports
The long-held belief that childhood low back pain is published in English from database inception until Feb 13,
rare has been dispelled during the past decade. A study 2016, with the term “low back pain” and each heading in our
of 402 406 adolescents from 28 countries found that Seminar (eg, “differential diagnosis”). Additionally, we
37·0% (95% CI 36·8–37·1) reported low back pain identified current clinical guidelines, searched our existing
monthly or more frequently.5 Low back pain was slightly records for relevant publications, and examined the reference
more common in girls than boys (38·9% vs 35·0%). lists of studies retrieved by the searches. We gave particular
Prevalence increased with age, ranging from 27·4% emphasis to clinical guidelines and systematic reviews over
(95% CI 27·2–27·7) in 11-year-olds, to 37·0% (36·7–37·2) primary studies. Radicular pain (sciatica) is not discussed in
in 13-year-olds, to 46·7% (46·5–47·0) in 15-year-olds. this Seminar.
Across the 28 countries, prevalence ranged from around

736 Vol 389 February 18, 2017


AUS$1 billion of this amount accounted for by direct worsening established episodes.24 Findings from a US
health-care costs.12 study of 1·82 million emergency department presen-
For the individual, low back pain can have profound tations for low back pain showed that 81% of episodes
economic effects. People with the disorder accumulate began at home, with lifting the most commonly cited
less wealth than those without the problem.13 This effect cause.25 Ethnic origin strongly determined incidence
increases with the addition of comorbidities.13 Low back (presentations per 1000 person-years: 2·10 in Native
pain is the leading chronic health problem forcing older Americans, 1·38 in African-Americans, 1·23 in white
workers to retire prematurely, and forcing more people people, 0·40 in Hispanic people, and 0·20 in east
out of the workplace than heart disease, diabetes, Asians). The peak incidence rates were for people in
hypertension, neoplasm, respiratory disease, and asthma their late 20s and those in their late 90s. By contrast, in
combined.14 Older people who retire early because of low Scottish general practice, consultations are much more
back pain have substantially less total wealth and income- common in middle age than early adulthood, with a
producing assets—about 87% less than those who further slight increase in old age (≥75 years).26 At all ages,
remain in full-time employment.15 female individuals consult more frequently than male
Several systematic syntheses of qualitative research individuals. Older people have greater physical disability
describe the experience of living with low back pain. as a consequence of their low back pain than have
Froud and colleagues16 (42 studies) suggest that patients’ younger people.27
main concerns are the need to seek diagnosis, treatment,
and cure as well as reassurance of the absence of Differential diagnosis
pathological abnormality; concerns about regaining Low back pain is a symptom that accompanies several
previous levels of health, physical and emotional stability, diseases. The diagnosis of non-specific low back pain
and engaging in meaningful activities; meeting social implies no known pathoanatomical cause. Triage aims to
expectations and obligations; and wanting to be believed exclude those cases in which the pain arises from either
and have their experiences validated. MacNeela and co- problems beyond the lumbar spine (eg, leaking aortic
workers17 (38 studies) identified four themes: the aneurysm); specific disorders affecting the lumbar
undermining influence of pain, its disempowering spine (eg, epidural abscess, compression fracture,
impact, unsatisfying relationships with health-care spondyloarthropathy, malignancy, cauda equina syn-
professionals, and learning to live with the pain. Bunzli drome); or radicular pain, radiculopathy, or spinal canal
and colleagues18 (18 studies) conceptualised the stenosis. Remaining cases are non-specific low back
experience of low back pain as “suspended wellness”, pain. Several lumbar structures are plausible sources of
“suspended self”, and “suspended future”. Snelgrove pain (eg, the intervertebral disc, the facet joints), but
and colleagues19 (28 studies) identified the effect on clinical tests do not reliably attribute the pain to those
oneself, relationships with others (family and friends, structures.28
health professionals, and organisation of care), and Most low back pain is non-specific (commonly cited as
coping strategies as important themes. 90%).29 Deyo and Weinstein30 estimated that of patients
with low back pain in primary care, about 4% would
Clinical presentation, signs, and symptoms have a compression fracture, 3% would have spinal
In a study of 1172 consecutive patients with acute low stenosis, 2% would have visceral disease, 0·7% a
back pain attending Australian primary care (family tumour or metastasis, and 0·01% an infection. In the
doctor, physiotherapist, or chiropractor), most (76%) previously mentioned Australian study (1172 patients
reported having a previous episode.20 Most patients had with acute low back pain in primary care), fewer than
moderate to very severe pain intensity (80%) that caused 1% of patients had specific causes for their pain.31 Only
moderate to extreme interference with daily function 11 cases of serious disease were identified: eight patients
(76%). Patients reported problems being able to cope with osteoporotic fractures, two with inflammatory
with their pain and were worried about the risk of arthritis, and one with cauda equina syndrome. A Dutch
persistence. A third (36%) were already taking medication primary care study of 669 people (aged >55 years) with
for the disorder. Although most patients were working back pain identified 33 cases of fracture and four cases
before the episode (76%), claims for compensation were of spinal malignancy.32 Once osteoporotic fractures,
uncommon (14%). which largely affect older people, are excluded, specific
Acute low back pain can be triggered by physical factors causes of low back pain are very uncommon in primary
(eg, lifting awkwardly) or psychosocial factors (eg, being care, but are more common in secondary and tertiary
fatigued or tired), or by a combination of the two (eg, settings. In a Cochrane diagnostic review (14 studies),
being distracted while lifting).21 However, about a third of the median prevalence of fracture in patients presenting
patients with an acute episode cannot recall a trigger.22 with low back pain was 3·6% in primary care and 6·5%
New episodes are more likely to begin early in the in secondary and tertiary care.33
morning.21 The weather does not affect low back pain, Red flags (eg, night pain, unexplained weight loss)
neither increasing the risk of a new episode23 nor have been promoted to identify patients who require Vol 389 February 18, 2017 737


further diagnostic work-up for serious disorders. There factors for cancer, risk factors for spinal infection or
are many possible red flags. Although these are worthy of cauda equina syndrome, or severe neurological deficits.36
elicitation as part of the clinical assessment, taken alone By contrast, these guidelines advise deferral of imaging
few have useful diagnostic accuracy. A Cochrane review pending a trial of therapy when there are weaker risk
concluded that only one of 24 red flags for malignancy factors for cancer or risk factors for spondyloarthritis,
had acceptable diagnostic accuracy.34 The problems with vertebral compression fracture, radiculopathy, or spinal
false positives are well illustrated in an Australian study, stenosis (table 1).
in which 80% of patients with acute low back pain had at Findings from a systematic review (12 studies) did not
least one red flag present, yet fewer than 1% had a show consistent associations between MRI findings and
medically serious disease.31 Part of the problem is future episodes of low back pain.46 Although guidelines
considering a single clinical feature in isolation. A more discourage routine imaging for non-specific low back
useful approach is to rely on a combination of clinical pain,47 this approach remains common. In Australian48
features to identify individuals who require further and US primary care,49 about a quarter of patients
diagnostic work-up.35 presenting with a new episode of low back pain undergo
imaging. In a US emergency department setting, a third
Diagnostic investigations of patients received imaging,50 compared with more than
Diagnostic investigations have no role in the management a half of patients in an Italian emergency department.51
of non-specific low back pain. Although diagnoses based Attempts to establish what proportion of imaging
on lumbar structures (discogenic low back pain, facet procedures were not indicated range from 54% for a US
joint pain, sacroiliac joint pain) remain popular in some health insurer,52 to 47% at four Iranian radiology clinics,53
settings, the available clinical tests for these conditions to 31% in the US Veterans Health Administration.54 Both
have insufficient accuracy.28 patients’55,56 and clinicians’57,58 erroneous beliefs that
Diagnostic investigations have a role when the clinician imaging is essential in the management of low back pain
suspects a specific disease process that would be are potential drivers of unnecessary imaging.
managed differently from non-specific low back pain. Indiscriminate imaging is costly (and time-consuming),
The threshold for triggering investigations should reflect can cause unnecessary exposure to radiation, and might
both the consequence of missing or delaying the be harmful. A systematic review39 of six randomised
diagnosis and the clinician’s assessment of the likelihood controlled trials established that imaging does not
of a more serious disease being present. The American improve clinical outcomes. Observational studies have
College of Physicians’ guideline for diagnostic imaging linked liberal imaging with greater work absence, and
suggests immediate imaging when there are major risk greater use of other health services including injections

Alerting clinical features Initial diagnostic work-up

Cancer NICE guidance advises investigation for myeloma in people aged 60 years or older with persistent bone pain (particularly For strong suspicion of cancer: FBC, ESR, CRP; MRI43
back pain) or unexplained fracture and investigation for pancreatic cancer in people aged 60 years or older with back pain For lower suspicion of cancer defer work-up until a trial of
and weight loss.41 The most common causes of bony metastases are breast, lung, and prostate cancer. Together, these therapy has been completed
cancers account for 68% of bony metastases,42 including spine. Other tumours, including renal and gastric cancer, can also
metastasise to the spine and spinal metastases can be the first presentation of cancer. We were unable to find good
epidemiological data for the incidence of new-onset spinal metastases after apparently successful treatment for cancer
Vertebral infection New onset of low back pain with fever and history of intravenous drug use or recent infection, immunosuppression, FBC, ESR, CRP; MRI43
recent spinal procedure or fever/chills in addition to pain with rest or at night. Consider spinal tuberculosis in endemic Urgent referral for specialist care
areas or in migrants from these areas
Cauda equina New bowel or bladder dysfunction, saddle anaesthesia, persistent or increasing lower motor neuron weakness MRI and CT
syndrome Urgent referral to spine surgeon
Vertebral History of osteoporosis, use of glucocorticoids, significant trauma, or older age (>65 years for women or >75 years for men) Radiography (if negative result and there is continuing
compression fracture clinical suspicion consider MRI)43
Axial Consider axial spondyloarthritis in patients with chronic back pain (duration ≥3 months) with back pain onset before 45 years For strong suspicion of axial spondyloarthritis refer to a
spondyloarthritis of age if one or more of the following are present: (1) inflammatory back pain*; (2) peripheral manifestations (in particular rheumatologist. If unsure, defer work-up until a trial of
arthritis, enthesitis, and/or dactylitis); (3) extra-articular manifestation (psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and/or uveitis); therapy has been completed. If no response, and suspicion
(4) positive family history of spondyloarthritis; and (5) good response to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs remains, refer to a rheumatologist
Radicular pain or Back pain with leg pain in an L4, L5, or S1 nerve root distribution, positive result on straight leg raise or crossed straight Defer work-up until a trial of therapy has been completed;
radiculopathy leg raise test. The sensitivity and specificity of these tests is mixed.44 Sensory loss, weakness, or reduced reflex consider MRI in patients who are candidates for surgery
(previously called (ie, evidence of radiculopathy)
Spinal canal stenosis Bilateral buttock, thigh, or leg pain; older age; pseudoclaudication Defer work-up until a trial of therapy has been completed;
consider MRI in patients who are candidates for surgery

NICE=National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. FBC=full blood count. ESR=erythrocyte sedimentation rate. CRP=C-reactive protein. *At least four of (1) age at onset 40 years or younger; (2) insidious
onset; (3) improvement with exercise; (4) no improvement with rest; and (5) pain at night (with improvement upon getting up).45

Table 1: Identification of specific disorders that can present as low back pain37–40

738 Vol 389 February 18, 2017


and surgery.59,60 Imaging can detect incidental findings 72% of patients with acute low back pain had completely
that could be viewed by a clinician as targets for therapy recovered by 12 months,65 whereas 42% of those with
or a cause for concern by the patient. For example, a persistent low back pain66 recovered within 12 months. Of
review of 33 studies (3310 patients) reported that the those presenting with acute pain who recovered, 33%
prevalence of disc bulge in asymptomatic people was (95% CI 28–38) had a recurrence within the next
30% in 20-year-olds, 60% in 50-year-olds, and increased 12 months.67 This pattern of results suggests that we might
to 84% in 80-year-olds.61 have overestimated the good prognosis for patients with
acute low back pain and underestimated the potential for
Prevention improvement in people with persistent low back pain.
There are popular interventions to prevent low back Another view of the course of low back pain comes
pain that are based around limiting exposure to risk from studies that characterised the prognoses of
factors. Examples of interventions that aim to reduce individual patients by studying their trajectories of pain
excessive loading of the spine include use of lifting over time. A secondary analysis of the PACE trial34
devices in workplaces, braces to support the spine, and (1585 patients) identified five clusters of pain trajectories
ergonomic office furniture. Few trials have investigated during a 12-week period for patients receiving first-line
such strategies; most prevention interventions have care for acute low back pain; 36% had rapid recovery,
only face validity. 34% improved more slowly but recovered by 12 weeks,
A 2016 review (21 studies, 30 850 patients) concluded 14% had incomplete recovery by 12 weeks, 11% had
that exercise alone or in combination with education is fluctuating pain, and 5% had persistent high pain during
effective for preventing low back pain, whereas other the 12-week period.
interventions, including education alone, back belts, and A range of biological, psychological, societal, and work
shoe insoles, do not seem to prevent low back pain.62 factors are linked to poor outcomes. A review of
Although some caution is required because the trials are 17 systematic reviews of the prognosis of low back pain
typically quite small, the size of the protective effect for (162 primary studies) reported that the following factors
interventions found effective was large. For example, were consistently associated with poor outcome: higher
exercise and education reduced the risk of an episode of disability, presence of sciatica, older age, poor general
low back pain in the next year by 45%, whereas exercise health, increased psychological or psychosocial distress,
alone reduced the risk by 35%. The programmes did not negative cognitive characteristics, poor relationships
just focus on back-specific exercises, but also included with colleagues, heavy physical work demands, and
exercises for the upper and lower limbs plus exercises to presence of compensation.68
improve aerobic fitness, strength, flexibility, and skill or
coordination. The exercise programmes required a Acute management
substantial commitment in time from participants. For Table 2 summarises the evidence from systematic reviews
example, the exercise programme investigated by Soukup about the effects of treatments for acute low back pain on
and colleagues63 required participants to complete short-term pain outcomes. When possible, we relied on
20 group sessions of exercises and education over Cochrane reviews. By definition, non-specific low back
13 weeks. pain does not have a known pathoanatomical cause. There
are, therefore, no specific treatments that can be provided
Clinical course for non-specific low back pain. Instead, management
The clinical courses of acute and persistent low back pain focuses on reducing pain and its consequences, including
are typically presented as being completely different. A any associated disability. Although there are some slight
common view is that most cases of acute low back pain differences between clinical practice guidelines from
recover completely within 4–6 weeks but persistent low various countries,47 the advice for management is quite
back pain has a very poor prognosis with recovery similar. The main components of management consist of
unlikely. This simple portrayal of the course of low back education and reassurance, analgesic medicines,
pain needs reconsideration. non-pharmacological therapies, and timely review based
A systematic review (24 studies, 4994 patients) on individual patient needs, likely prognosis, treatment
summarised the clinical course of low back pain with prescribed, and remaining concerns about serious
pooled mean pain scores expressed on a 0 (no pain) pathological abnormality.
to 100 (worst possible pain) scale.64 For 15 cohorts with Following clinical assessment, the clinician should
acute pain, the pooled mean pain score was 52 (95% CI explain to the patient that a medically serious cause for his
48–57) at baseline, 23 (21–25) at 6 weeks, 12 (9–15) at or her low back pain is highly unlikely, and there is no
26 weeks, and six (3–10) at 52 weeks, whereas for six current need for any tests or imaging. This discussion is
cohorts with persistent pain the pooled mean pain score important because many patients expect imaging to be
was 51 (44–59), 33 (29–38), 26 (20–33), and 23 (16–30) at done and some also worry that their low back pain is a
the same timepoints. A study of patients presenting to sign of something serious.55 Patients can be provided with
primary care clinics in Sydney, Australia, reported that an explanation as to why imaging is unhelpful in Vol 389 February 18, 2017 739


Notably, education was more effective when provided by

Effect Quality
of a medical doctor than by a nurse or physiotherapist.85
evidence Traditionally, bed rest was advised for low back pain.
Education and reassurance The contemporary view is that in most cases it should be
Bed rest vs staying active69 0·4 (–3·2 to 4·0) Low avoided. The patient should remain as active as possible
Heat vs sham70 –32·2 (–38·7 to –25·2) Very low* and either continue or gradually resume their normal
Pharmacological therapies (vs placebo)
activity levels, and if possible remain at work. The patient
Paracetamol71 –0·5 (–2·9 to 1·9) High
should also be encouraged to use simple self-care options
NSAIDs72 –8·4 (–12·7 to –4·1) High*
to relieve pain such as use of a hot pack.70
Clinical practice guidelines traditionally endorsed the
Muscle relaxants73 –21·3 (–29·0 to –13·5) High
WHO analgesic ladder,47 beginning with simpler options
Opioids74 No trials Very low
before moving to more powerful analgesics. However,
Non-pharmacological therapies
paracetamol is ineffective for acute low back pain71 and
Manual therapy vs inert interventions75 –12·0 (–20·0 to –4·0) Low
no trials have assessed the efficacy of opioids for acute
Manual therapy vs all other –1·5 (–4·9 to 1·8) Low
treatments75 pain.74,86 Although there is evidence of effectiveness of
Massage vs inactive control76 –20·5 (–37·0 to –12·8) Very low
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)87 and
Exercise vs no treatment, sham, or 0·6 (–11·5 to 12·7) High*
muscle relaxants,73,87 any potential benefits should be
placebo77 weighed against the risk of harm. A 2015 trial
Exercise vs other conservative –0·3 (–5·1 to 4·2 High* (323 patients) reported similar outcomes in patients
treatment77 receiving naproxen plus placebo, naproxen plus
Acupuncture vs placebo78 –10·6 (–25·3 to 4·1) Moderate cyclobenzaprine (a muscle relaxant), or naproxen plus
oxycodone and paracetamol.88 Because of the paucity of
Data taken from systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials. Treatment
effects are weighted mean differences with 95% CI for 0–100 point pain scale at evidence on opioid effectiveness, and concerns that the
short-term follow-up. Negative effects represent greater pain reduction. Effects in use of opioids for low back pain generates serious
standardised mean differences were transformed presuming an SD of 20. avoidable harms,89 their use is questionable. However,
Quality of evidence is the GRADE rating on a scale from very low to high.
NSAIDs=non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. *Our GRADE rating because
surveys show that the use of opioids is high—eg, they
none originally provided. are prescribed to 45% of patients presenting with low
back pain at emergency departments in the USA.90 The
Table 2: Effects of interventions for acute low back pain on short-term
pain outcomes
2016 UK National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence (NICE) draft guideline for management of
low back pain91 moves away from the traditional analgesic
identifying the cause of non-specific low back pain ladder and advises only two options: oral NSAIDs at the
(ie, degenerative changes are commonly present and lowest effective dose for the shortest time possible and
increase with age irrespective of the presence of low back the use of a weak opioid (with or without paracetamol) if
pain), and advised that it is unlikely to alter the immediate the patient does not tolerate or respond to an NSAID.
management of their problem. The next step is to educate Non-pharmacological therapies for acute low back pain
the patient about the problem, its cause(s), and likely include treatments such as manual therapy, exercise,
outcome, explain that little or no medical treatment is massage, and acupuncture. Guidelines vary in their
required for most patients, and outline what the patient recommendations for these therapies. One approach is
can do to promote recovery. Identifying and addressing to only consider these therapies for patients who do not
any misconceptions the patient might have,79,80 either by respond to first-line care (education, reassurance, and
providing the patient with the opportunity to ask questions analgesic medicines). The rationale for this approach is
or by probing questions, is important, because that the clinical course of acute pain when patients
misconceptions about low back pain are quite common55,81 receive good-quality first-line care is favourable: about
and could adversely affect outcome. These misconceptions 50% of patients recover completely in 2–3 weeks.92
can include fear avoidance beliefs, which are more Although not associated with substantial harms,
common in those who seek care,82 and patient expectations providing non-pharmacological therapies to all patients
of poor recovery.83 is unnecessary and wasteful of health-care resources.
Patient education can be effective for outcomes such as A recent development of this approach is to use brief
return to work and global impression of recovery.84 risk prediction methods such as the short-form Örebro
Although education might seem simple, many patients Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire93 and the
do not receive any education for their low back pain from Keele STarT Back Screening Tool94,95 to identify patients
their family doctor.48 A systematic review (14 trials, with an increased likelihood of delayed recovery and to
4872 participants) concluded that patient education in intervene with these patients from day one, rather than
primary care does provide long-term reassurance—ie, waiting for failure of first-line care. These methods can
reduces the fears and concerns of the patient and reduces also help the clinician to better understand the reasons
subsequent primary care visits for low back pain.85 for a potentially poor prognosis and so target

740 Vol 389 February 18, 2017


interventions accordingly. For example, the short-form

Effect Quality of
Örebro questionnaire includes ten items to assess pain, evidence
function, recovery expectations, psychological distress,
Pharmacological therapies (vs placebo)
and fear of pain or movement.
Paracetamol71 0·0 (–9·7 to 9·7) Very low
NSAIDS96 –3·3 (–5·3 to –1·3) Low
Long-term management
Skeletal muscle relaxants73 –4 (–8·6 to 0·6) Very low
No treatments can cure persistent low back pain, but
Tricyclic antidepressants97 –0·80 (–5·0 to 3·4) High*
interventions are available that reduce pain and disability,
Benzodiazepines73 No trials Very low
and address the consequences of long-term pain (table 3).
Opioids74 –8·6 (10·4 to –6·6) Moderate
Many patients and clinicians find this position hard to
Non-pharmacological therapies
accept, which provides a fertile ground for people with
vested interests to market non-evidence-based treatments Manual therapy vs ineffective, sham, or inert control98 –6·07 (–11·52 to –0·62) Very low

that purport to cure persistent back pain. Part of the Manual therapy vs effective interventions98 –3·04 (–5·98 to –0·10) Very low
challenge of managing persistent low back pain is to Massage vs inactive controls76† –15·0 (–18·0 to –12·0) Low
guide patients away from the wide array of centres and Massage vs active controls76† –7·4 (–12·4 to 2·6) Low
therapists making false promises. Exercise vs no treatment, sham, or placebo77 –8·58 (–18·46 to –1·29) High*
The effects of chronic pain on patients varies Exercise vs other conservative treatment77 –4·47 (–7·41 to –1·53) High*
substantially, from those who experience minimal Acupuncture vs placebo78 –11·1 (–23·3 to 1·1) Moderate
disruption to their life through to people who are severely Acupuncture vs no treatment78 –11·9 (–21·7 to –0·21) Moderate
disabled and for whom participation in work, social, and Ultrasound vs placebo99 –7·1 (–18·0 to 3·8) Low
family roles is severely restricted. For some patients, TENS vs placebo100 –2·3 (–9·6 to 5·0) Moderate*
dependence on prescribed medication, alcohol, or other Cognitive behavioural therapy vs waiting list control101 –12·0 (–19·4 to –4·4) Moderate*
drugs, and psychological distress complicate their Behavioural treatment vs usual care101 –5·18 (–9·79 to –0·57) Moderate*
presentation. When the effect of the pain becomes Behavioural treatment vs other treatments (exercise)101 –2·31 (–6·33 to 1·70) Moderate*
broader, and the health and social problems to be Multidisciplinary treatment vs usual care102 –11·0 (–7·4 to –0·8) Moderate
managed more complex, team-based care is usually Multidisciplinary treatment vs physical treatments102 –6·0 (–10·8 to –1·2) Moderate
required. By comparison with management of acute low Radiofrequency denervation facet joint vs placebo103‡ –14·7 (–22·8 to–6·7) Low
back pain, the management of persistent low back pain Radiofrequency denervation disc vs placebo103 –4·1 (–15·4 to 7·2) Low
has greater emphasis on non-pharmacological therapies Radiofrequency denervation SIJ vs placebo103 –21·2 (–54·5 to 12·1) Low
and greater consideration of management of co-
morbidities such as depression.104 Data taken from systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials. Treatment effects are weighted mean differences
with 95% CI for 0–100 point pain scale at short-term follow-up; negative effects represent greater pain reduction.
The messages for education and reassurance are much Effects in standardised mean differences were transformed presuming an SD of 20. Quality of evidence is the GRADE
the same as for acute low back pain—ie, provide advice rating on a scale from very low to high. NSAIDs=non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. TENS=transcutaneous
and information to explain the nature and likely course electrical nerve stimulation. SIJ=sacroiliac joints. *Our GRADE rating because none originally provided. †The Cochrane
review of massage merged subacute and persistent low back pain trials.76 ‡Although the Cochrane review of
of low back pain, promote self-management, and radiofrequency denervation reported a short-term effect for facet joint pain, the investigators emphasised the lack of
encourage the patient to be as physically active as possible high-quality evidence.103
and remain at work. However, the evidence base for
Table 3: Effects of interventions for persistent low back pain on short-term pain outcomes
these guideline recommendations is quite limited.
The WHO pain ladder is, in our view, inappropriately
proposed for persistent low back pain.40,105,106 Systematic persistent low back pain: (1) discuss harms and benefits
reviews support the effectiveness of NSAIDS96 and with the patient; (2) keep the dose as low as possible and
opioids for patients with chronic low back pain,107 but not consider intermittent prescription; (3) begin with a short
paracetamol,71 muscle relaxants,73 tricyclic anti- trial and discontinue if treatment goals are not met; and
depressants,97 or neuromodulators such as gabapentin or (4) use a pain contract to establish expectations. The 2016
pregabalin.87,108 The 2016 NICE draft guideline91 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
completely dispenses with the notion of an analgesic guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain advises
ladder, and endorses use of oral NSAIDs only. The that “non-pharmacologic therapy and non-opioid
guideline explicitly advises against opioids for chronic pharmacologic therapy are preferred for chronic pain”
low back pain, arguing that their effect on pain and and that “if opioids are used, they should be combined
function is too small to be clinically important. However, with non-pharmacologic therapy and non-opioid
this advice seems inconsistent with the endorsement of pharmacologic therapy”.109
other therapies with similarly small effect sizes, such as Leading authorities in the low back pain specialty have
exercise and manual therapy. warned that opioids have been prescribed too freely for
A 2015 review of opioids for persistent low back pain low back pain and with insufficient care.89 A 2013
provides some guidance for prescribing opioids to Cochrane review that assessed the efficacy of opioids in
patients with this condition,89 but the principles apply adults with chronic low back pain reported evidence of
equally for any pain medicine used with patients with short-term effectiveness but identified no randomised Vol 389 February 18, 2017 741


Panel: Non-pharmacological interventions for persistent non-specific low back pain

• Manual therapy includes high velocity thrust techniques • Injections are not a recommended treatment in either the
(manipulation, adjustment) and lower velocity oscillatory ACP/APS guideline or the 2016 NICE draft guideline.40,91
techniques (mobilisation). A 2011 Cochrane review98 reported • Radiofrequency neurotomy is endorsed for low back pain
effectiveness of manual therapy. The 2016 UK National thought to arise from the facet joints in the 2016 NICE draft
Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) draft guideline91 guideline,91 but a 2015 Cochrane review103 does not support
for management of low back pain recommends manual this procedure for pain thought to arise from facet joint, disc,
therapy only when provided as part of a multimodal package. or sacroiliac joint on the grounds that high-quality evidence
• Massage has mixed support. Although it is endorsed in the is absent (four very low quality trials, 160 patients). A 2016
guideline from the American College of Physicians and the Dutch trial122 (251 patients) showed that the addition of
American Pain Society (ACP/APS),40 a 2015 Cochrane review radiofrequency neurotomy to an exercise programme was
update dismissed this therapy for chronic low back pain.76 not effective or cost-effective for patients with low back pain
The 2016 NICE draft guideline91 recommends massage only thought to arise from the facet joints.
when provided as part of a multimodal package. • Epidural steroid injections have a small short-term effect in
• Return to work programmes are endorsed in the 2016 NICE people with radicular pain and no benefit for spinal
draft guideline.91 stenosis,123 but are not indicated for non-specific low back
• Exercise includes approaches that follow exercise physiology pain as indicated in the recommendations of the 2016 NICE
principles, traditional mind-body exercises (eg, Tai Chi, draft guideline.91
yoga112), styles that emphasise precise control of movement • Prolotherapy (injection of irritating solutions into ligaments)
and bodily awareness (eg, pilates,113 motor control exercise,114 has not proved effective.124
Alexander technique115,116), and approaches that incorporate • Antibiotic prescription for low back pain accompanied by
psychological principles (eg, graded exposure, graded modic changes is controversial. This strategy has support
activity117). A 2005 Cochrane review supports effectiveness.77 from one trial,125 but the trial and its rationale have been
The 2016 NICE draft guideline recommends group exercise,91 challenged.126 The 2016 NICE draft guideline did not offer a
but there is evidence that this format is less effective than recommendation for or against use of antibiotics in patients
individually supervised programmes.118 with low back pain.91
• Acupuncture has mixed support. Although a 2005 Cochrane • Spinal cord stimulators or intrathecal pumps have not had
review reported that acupuncture is effective in the short their efficacy investigated.
term,119 and this conclusion was supported by a 2015 • Referral for an opinion about surgery is often considered
review,120 the 2016 NICE draft guideline91 reverses its earlier for those who do not respond to conservative care, but the
endorsement of this intervention in the 2009 guideline.105 logic of this approach is questionable because most
• Cognitive behavioural therapy has evidence from a Cochrane surgical interventions used for chronic low back pain are
review that it is effective in the short term.101 The extended either known to be ineffective or have not been clinically
follow-up of the BEST trial121 showed a long-term benefit. assessed. Spinal fusion is commonly used in patients with
The 2016 NICE draft guideline advises that psychological persistent low back pain but does not provide better
therapies should only be used as part of multimodal outcomes than conservative care.127 The 2016 NICE draft
treatment packages.91 guideline advises against disc replacement and
• Multidisciplinary treatment is endorsed in the ACP/APS recommends spinal fusion only be done within a
guideline40 and the 2016 NICE draft guideline91 (where it is randomised controlled trial.91
called combined physical and psychological therapy). A 2014
Cochrane review102 showed that the treatment is effective for
reducing pain, disability, and improving work status.

controlled trials investigating long-term use.107,110 This the potential for tolerance (the patient is less sensitive to
discrepancy is an important evidence gap because about opioids) and hyperalgesia (the patient becomes more
half the people taking opioids long term have persistent sensitive to pain stimuli).89
low back pain.89 Contrary to popular opinion, opioids Non-pharmacological treatments are emphasised over
have only modest effects on pain in patients with chronic pharmacological interventions in the management of
low back pain and no benefit on function; furthermore, persistent non-specific low back pain. A broader range of
about 50% of patients do not tolerate the medicine.86 non-pharmacological therapies are endorsed, but these
Findings from observational studies89,110 suggest that vary by endorsing body. For example, the guideline from
opioid analgesics are associated with harms such as the American College of Physicians and the American Pain
overdose deaths and dependence, and increased risk for Society40 endorses manual therapy, exercise therapy,
other health problems such as falls, fractures, depression, massage, acupuncture, yoga, cognitive behavioural therapy,
and sexual dysfunction.111 With long-term use, there is and intensive interdisciplinary treatment, whereas the 2016

742 Vol 389 February 18, 2017


NICE draft guideline91 endorses self-management, exercise, barriers to clinician adherence to low back pain
manual therapy, psychological therapies, combined guidelines reported that clinicians believe that guidelines
physical and psychological programmes, return-to-work constrain professional practice, popular clinical practices
programmes, and radiofrequency denervation. Several supersede the guidelines, and imaging can be used to
non-pharmacological therapies are not endorsed in the manage consultations.58 Patient expectations, re-
2016 NICE draft guideline,91 such as electrotherapies (eg, imbursement schedules, and access to care might also
ultrasound and electrical stimulation), traction, belts or contribute to gaps between evidence and practice.
corsets, foot orthotics, and rocker sole shoes. A brief Patients’ perceptions seem to indicate poor content
summary of the evidence for non-pharmacological knowledge, methodological understanding, and trust in
interventions for persistent low back pain is provided in the how guidelines are developed. Few implementation trials
panel and table 3. have been done,138 and the published trials have shown
disappointing results.139 Another strategy that has yielded
Controversies and uncertainties mixed results is use of public health approaches such as
Although low back pain occurs in both children and mass media campaigns that aim to shift low back pain
older people, we have a limited understanding of how to beliefs of the whole population.140,141
manage the problem in these groups because they are Probably the greatest outstanding research priority
usually excluded from studies of interventions. draws from the question that clinicians face every day
A systematic review of the management of low back pain from their patients: what is causing my low back pain? A
in children and adolescents identified only 15 trials,128 but key limitation of existing management of non-specific
a search of CENTRAL on March 18, 2016, across all age low back pain is that it is only possible to use generic
groups, identified 5354 trials. Many trials exclude treatments to address the pain and its consequences.
workers, people with comorbidities, individuals on Although this approach works to some degree, the effect
compensation, or immigrants who do not speak the sizes for treatments are at best modest. The identification
language of the country; this evidence gap is important of low back pain phenotypes with either an identified
because these patient groups tend to have a worse pathoanatomical basis, or defined through clinical
prognosis when they have low back pain.65 reasoning, will probably open up new approaches to
A belief that individualised treatment will yield better management that directly target the cause of the low
outcomes is widespread in the clinical back pain back pain and its consequent disability. This
community.129 Most of the studies that have claimed to understanding has the potential to help the many people
provide evidence of treatment effect modification are with disabling low back pain worldwide.
flawed,130–132 and the small number of robust studies Contributors
either await replication or have not had their results All authors contributed equally to the Seminar.
replicated.133 One of the challenges in this area is that Declaration of interests
claims of a subgroup effect are more credible if they have CM is chief investigator or associate investigator on multiple previous and
a biological rationale,134 which is challenging for non- current research grants from government research agencies from
Australia (eg, NHMRC), Brazil (eg, FAPESP), and the Netherlands
specific low back pain. (eg, ZonMW). For the past 10 years his salary has been covered by
The use of injection and ablation techniques that target research fellowships from Australia’s National Health and Medical
putative structural causes of non-specific low back pain Research Council and the Australian Research Council. His research has
polarises the clinical community and this controversy is also received funding from philanthropy (eg, Arthritis Australia) and
government agencies (eg, NSW WorkCover). He has received travel
well illustrated by the conflict between the Cochrane expenses for speaking at conferences from the professional associations
review103 and the 2016 NICE draft guideline.91 The hosting the conferences, and has received honoraria for talks from
detractors dismiss the validity of the tests used to identify professional associations and industry hosting the talks, honoraria for
the anatomical structure that is the “pain generator”, and reviewing grants from government grant agencies, and honoraria for
marking theses from the relevant university. CM has received
point to the disappointing trial results.38,103,135 The supplementary industry funding for two investigator-initiated NHMRC-
proponents counter that the negative studies should be funded trials. The first trial had co-funding from GlaxoSmithKline. Pfizer
ignored because they result from poor clinical care and provided the study medicine for the second trial, PRECISE, at no cost, but
argue that the positive studies show the potential of the provided no other funding. MU is Chair of the NICE accreditation
advisory committee for which he receives an honorarium. He was chair of
treatments when applied to the right patients by skilled the guideline development group that produced the 2009 NICE back pain
treatment providers.136,137 guidelines. He is chief investigator or co-investigator on multiple previous
and current research grants from the UK National Institute for Health
Research. He has completed trials of manual therapy, group exercise, and
Outstanding research questions a cognitive behavioural approach as treatments for low back pain. Current
A major issue is how best to close the large gaps between grants include HTA Project 11/31/01, which is testing the feasibility of
evidence and practice that persist in the management of running a trial comparing intra-articular facet joint injections with best
low back pain. The many attempts worldwide to influence usual care. He is an editor of the NIHR journal series for which he
receives a fee. RB is chief investigator or associate investigator on multiple
clinical practice and improve uptake of evidence into
previous and current research grants from government research agencies
routine management have yielded disappointing results. from Australia (eg, NHMRC, ARC), and overseas (eg, ZonMW in the
A systematic review of 17 qualitative studies investigating Netherlands and PCORI in the USA). Her research has also received Vol 389 February 18, 2017 743


funding from philanthropy (eg, Arthritis Australia) and government 22 Parreira Pdo C, Maher CG, Latimer J, et al. Can patients identify
agencies (eg, NSW WorkCover). She has been funded by research what triggers their back pain? Secondary analysis of a case-crossover
fellowships from NHMRC since 2005. She has received travel expenses study. Pain 2015; 156: 1913–19.
for speaking at conferences from the professional organisations hosting 23 Steffens D, Maher CG, Li Q, et al. Effect of weather on back pain:
the conferences. She chaired the back pain expert group for the 2010 results from a case-crossover study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken)
Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors (GBD) Study. 2014; 66: 1867–72.
She was appointed to the Australian Medical Services Advisory Committee 24 Duong V, Maher CG, Steffens D, Li Q, Hancock MJ. Does weather
in May, 2016. affect daily pain intensity levels in patients with acute low back
pain? A prospective cohort study. Rheumatol Int 2016; 36: 679–84.
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