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TCS India Policy – Health Insurance

 2008

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Document Release Notice

This policy on Health Insurance, Version 21 is published for use in Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
with effect from 01 April, 2018.

This document is subject to TCS Document Control Procedure.

Softcopy of the latest version of this document is available in MyHR in Knowmax.

This document was revised/updated on 13 April 2018.

Approved and Authorised By: Dr. Ritu Anand (Deputy Global HR Head, TCS)

TCS Confidential 2
Applicability ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Introduction - Health Insurance Scheme................................................................................................. 5
Provisions ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1. Benefits/ Entitlements and Coverage: ..................................................................................... 5
2. Enrollments under HIS: ........................................................................................................... 8
3. Deletion from HIS .................................................................................................................... 9
4. Premium: ............................................................................................................................... 10
Claim Procedure ................................................................................................................................... 11
Terms & Conditions............................................................................................................................... 14
Defined Benefits .................................................................................................................................... 14
1. Maternity Benefits ................................................................................................................. 14
2. Cataract Treatment ............................................................................................................... 15
3. Joint Replacement ................................................................................................................ 16
4. Hysterectomy Expenses ....................................................................................................... 16
5. Cancer Care: ......................................................................................................................... 16
6. Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis ............................................................................................. 16
7. Cochlear Implants ................................................................................................................. 16
8. Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea ................................................................................ 16
10. Treatment of obesity or conditions arising thereof (including morbid obesity) .................. 16
11. Stem Cell Therapy ............................................................................................................ 17
12. DIVYAANG Benefit ........................................................................................................... 17
13. Treatment outside India .................................................................................................... 17
14. Alternative System of Medicines ....................................................................................... 17
15. Continuous Period of Medical care ................................................................................... 18
Exclusions ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Appendix A: Coverage and Scenarios related to enrolment .......................................................... 21
Appendix B: Schedule of Indemnities and % of Sum Insured ....................................................... 25
1. Sum assured in case of Permanent Total Disablement ........................................................ 25
2. Sum assured in case of Permanent Partial Disablement ..................................................... 25
Appendix C: Commonly used terminologies ................................................................................... 27
1. Domiciliary Treatment ........................................................................................................... 27
2. Hospitalisation ....................................................................................................................... 27
3. Hospital/Nursing Home: ........................................................................................................ 27
4. Inpatient Care: ....................................................................................................................... 28
5. Day care centre: .................................................................................................................... 28
6. Medically Necessary Treatment: ........................................................................................... 29

TCS Confidential 3
7. Reasonable Charges: ........................................................................................................... 29
8. Unproven/Experimental treatment: ....................................................................................... 29
9. Alternative treatments: .......................................................................................................... 29
10. Active Line of Treatment: .................................................................................................. 29
11. Congenital Anomaly: ......................................................................................................... 29
12. Internal Congenital Anomaly: ............................................................................................ 30
13. External Congenital Anomaly: ........................................................................................... 30
14. Pre-hospitalisation Medical Expenses: ............................................................................. 30
15. Post-hospitalisation Medical Expenses: ............................................................................ 30
16. Medical expenses: ............................................................................................................ 30
17. Medical Advice: ................................................................................................................. 30
18. Room Category: ................................................................................................................ 30
Appendix D: List of Day Care Procedures where Hospitalisation benefits are applicable ......... 32
Revision List ........................................................................................................................................ 36

TCS Confidential 4

This policy is applicable to:

- Full Time Employees of TCS India and TCS eServe International (HIS coverage will continue till the
time of employment).

- ACE Interns, Global Interns & BPOS

This policy is not applicable to:

- Business Associates, Academic Interns & Contract Consultants

Introduction - Health Insurance Scheme

For TCS, the health and wellbeing of all employees and their family is paramount. Hence, TCS provides
them with easy access to best-in-class medical facilities through a comprehensive Health Insurance

Family in this context implies spouse, children, parents and parents-in-law only. TCS has tied up with
the Insurance Company to offer a comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme (HIS) to its employees.
Insurance Company has in turn appointed a Third Party Administrator (TPA) to facilitate the claim
processing, settlements and hospitalisation process for the employees and their beneficiaries.

TCS reviews the scheme and its provisions from time to time. Hence, the scheme is subject to a
revision, which may result in a corresponding change in the entitlements, the extent of coverage, the
premium amount payable, beneficiaries who can be covered, etc.
Note: Period to be considered for payment of premium and coverage to employees and their
beneficiaries is the financial year from April to March.


1. Benefits/ Entitlements and Coverage:

Employees and their enrolled beneficiaries are eligible for Domiciliary and Hospitalisation covers as per
the default plan applicable. These benefits are extended on payment of applicable premium as per the

There are various Health plans namely Gold, Gold Plus, Platinum & Platinum Plus. Employees can view
coverage and premium details of the default health plan and the next higher plan that they may upgrade
to, if needed, via the path below:

Ultimatix  Employee Services  Employee Self Service  Global ESS  Benefits and Taxes
 Health Insurance Scheme  Beneficiary Details

Note - Employees who are covered under ESIC are eligible for a floater cover of Rs 5 lacs per family
per annum under TCS HIS plan. Such employees may avail benefits under ESIC or TCS HIS. For more
details, you may connect with your location HR.

Domiciliary Cover: This is a provision to enable employees and their beneficiaries to cover the cost of
any domiciliary treatment (including dental treatments).

TCS Confidential 5
a. Base Cover: This is a provision to cover the cost incurred on hospitalisation treatments up to
a specified limit.

The Domiciliary and Base cover limit is defined for each insured person per annum. Hence,
unused sum of one beneficiary cannot be used towards treatment of other beneficiaries.

b. Floater Cover: This benefit covers the hospitalisation expenses incurred over and above the
basic hospitalisation cover limit. All employees are covered under the Floater Cover and will
continue to be covered throughout their tenure in TCS. This cover is also extended to all
beneficiaries enrolled under HIS.

The Floater Cover is a family floater i.e. the coverage is defined on a per family basis. Hence,
in case a part of the Floater Cover is utilised by any beneficiary, the remaining balance can be
utilised by the same/other beneficiary, if there is a need.

c. Personal Accident Insurance: This is applicable only to active employees at no additional


Benefits are applicable in case of Accidental injury leading to Permanent Total Disablement
(PTD) or Permanent Partial Disablement (PPD).It is also applicable in case of Permanent Total
Disablement (PTD) arising out any disease / ailment / illness.

Event Amount Limit (In Rs.)

Permanent Minimum of Rs. 11 lakhs or 6 times of employee’s annual

Total Disability compensation whichever is higher subject to maximum of Rs. 20 Crore

Permanent 6 times employee’s annual compensation subject to a maximum of Rs.

Partial 20 Crore (This is based on a percentage defined under Appendix B:
Disability Schedule of Indemnities and % of Sum Insured

d. Critical Illness – LWP Benefit Cover: This is applicable in case of below scenarios :

- When employees who are on Leave Without Pay for Medical reasons and suffering from
tertiary / critical illness as defined below (Refer List of Tertiary/ Critical illness), such
benefit can be provided. This request is reviewed only post a hospitalisation claim has been
made. The benefit can be availed only once during his/her tenure with the organization and
can be provided for a maximum period of 52 weeks only.

- When employees suffer any bodily injury caused due to accidents / occupational hazards
arising out of and in course of employment and are on Leave Without Pay, such benefit
can be provided.

List of Tertiary/ Critical illness:

Cancer Nephritis of any etiology plus bacterial renal failure requiring kidney transplantation and
dialysis, Cerebral or vascular strokes, Open and closed heart surgery, Malignant diseases
confirmed by histopathological reports, Viral encephalitis, Brain surgery, Liver cirrhosis
associated with hepatitis B\C, Compound\multiple fracture of femur, Intra cranial injury, Coma,
Spinal injury resulting in Paraplegia, Cerebral haemorrhage, Third degree burns, Major organ
transplant and Multiple Sclerosis.

TCS Confidential 6
Amount payable as Weekly Benefit is:

Computed based on 66% of employee’s monthly compensation / number of weeks in a month

Rs. 40,000/- per week payable on monthly basis, whichever is lower.

The amount is credited in the salary account of the employee by the end of every month. This
amount will be calculated on a prorata basis.

e. Hospitalisation Cash Benefit (applicable only for the employee and not for beneficiaries):
This is applicable only in case the employee is hospitalised for more than 5 consecutive days.
Starting from the 6th day, he/she will be eligible for Hospital Cash @ Rs.1, 000/- per day until
the time he/she gets discharged. Employee need not apply for this benefit but will be payable
by default post the verification of necessary documents.This is applicable only if hospitalisation
expenses are payable and length of stay is justified with necessary documentary evidences.

f. Trauma Care Support (applicable only for the employee and not for beneficiaries): In
case the employee is hospitalised owing to a Personal Accident and post discharge from the
hospital continues to be on leave for recuperation, the trauma care expenses would be payable
from the day the employee exhausts all the available paid leaves and if he/she continues to be
on LWP. Employee will be eligible for Trauma care expenses of Rs.5, 000 per week upto a max
of Rs.60, 000 and is applicable only if Base and Floater covers are not fully exhausted.

Employee need not apply for these benefits but will be payable by default post the verification
of the necessary documents.

Note: Wherever, both Trauma Care and LWP Financial Assistance is applicable, only one
benefit will be extended (whichever is more beneficial to the employee)

g. Ambulance expenses:

a. Air Ambulance: These expenses are payable upto a limit of Rs. 1,00,000 per event and Rs.
20,00,000 during the Financial Year. Air Ambulance is payable subject to the below conditions:

- Medical condition of the patient is very critical and requires emergency Hospitalization for

- When the patient is based out of a remote location and / or Other modes of transport are
inadvisable as per the treating doctor.

- Transportation by Air Ambulance is to the nearest Healthcare facility where patient can be

b. Road Ambulance: These expenses are payable upto a limit of Rs. 2,000 per family during
the Financial Year. Road Ambulance is payable to shift the insured person to the nearest
Healthcare facility and/or from one Healthcare facility to another for better treatment/diagnosis.

h. Cancer Benefit:

- The employee and beneficiary will be eligible for a monetary benefit of Rs 25, 000/- over
and above the sum insured.

- This request is reviewed post a hospitalisation claim.

TCS Confidential 7
- The benefit can be availed only once during the entire tenure with the organization.

2. Enrollments under HIS:

An employee is automatically covered under a default HIS plan at the start of the enrolment period.
Employees will have the option to upgrade their plan to the immediate next higher plan, if needed.
However this choice will be available only during the enrolment period. No changes will be permitted
during the course of the year.

a. Employees have the flexibility to choose higher plan by paying the applicable additional
premium plus Tax. Under no circumstances will an employee be allowed to downgrade his/her
plan throughout the tenure.

b. New Joinees will be covered by their default plan and will have the option to choose the
immediate next higher plan, if needed, only during subsequent enrolment period.

c. There is also a provision to cover beneficiaries i.e. the employee’s Spouse, Children and
Parents/Parents in-law. However, all beneficiaries have to be explicitly enrolled within 90 days
from date of joining/ date of marriage / birth date to cover them under the HIS Scheme.

d. The path to add/delete beneficiaries is as follows:

Ultimatix  Employee Services  Employee Self Service  Global ESS  Benefits and
Taxes  Health Insurance Scheme  Beneficiary Details

e. For employees who want to add their Spouse on marriage, they should first update their marital
status via Ultimatix  Employee Services  Employee Self Services  Global ESS 
My Profile  About  Basic Details. Without this update, the option to add the
Spouse/Parents-in-Law will not be available under the ‘HIS Beneficiary details’ link. Details for
spouse should be added/updated within 90 days from date of marriage / joining. However, if
the employee does not enrol his spouse within 90 days from date of Marriage, he/she can add
them during the subsequent window period in the next financial year.

f. All employees have the option to cover parents OR parents-in-law OR a combination of each
upto a maximum of two, i.e. they can cover 1 Parent and 1 Parent-in-law. If he/she chooses not
to include parents / parents in law within the permitted enrollment period, he/she can add them
only during the subsequent enrolment window. For any new addition of parents / parents–in-
law as beneficiaries, pre-existing ailments or disease/ailments/conditions other than those
defined under ‘List of Tertiary/ Critical illness’ will not be covered in the first year of enrolment.
However this will not be applicable to beneficiaries added within 90 days from date of joining or
marriage. If the employee deletes beneficiaries anytime through his/her tenure, it will not be
possible to enrol them back under the policy later as continuity of coverage needs to be
maintained in case of Insurance. While deleting the beneficiaries, the employee will have to
select the appropriate reason for deletion.

g. In case of a life changing event (marriage / death of insured beneficiary) if an employee wants
to replace the insured beneficiaries he/she may write to [email protected] for such
changes. In such case, it is recommended to add new beneficiaries only in the beginning of the
next financial year, as the coverage will be effective only next financial year onwards. Also,
employee will not get another opportunity to enroll his/her deleted parents/parent-in-law in
future except in the event of demise.

h. Expiry of personal/official insurance coverage of parents/parents-in-law exiting their own

business will not be considered as an acceptable situation warranting an addition of

TCS Confidential 8
parents/parents-in-law in the scheme, as employees can cover their parents/parents-in-law
even if they are working or if they have any personal/official mediclaim/insurance policy.

i. Children cannot be enrolled, if they are employed/married/more than 25 years of age. For
existing enrollments, employees should delete such records, else these records will be purged
at the start of the next financial year.

j. In case of addition of a new born child, employee will have the option to enrol the child within
90 days from date of birth. An unnamed child can be enrolled as ‘baby of <mother’s / father’s
name>’. After the baby is named, the employee can edit/update the child’s actual name within
the 90 day window from date of birth.

k. Any other relative (such as brothers, sisters of the employee/Spouse, grandparents,

sister/brother-in-law, etc.) whether beneficiaries or otherwise cannot be covered by the HIS
under any situation.

l. Retired employees may choose to continue the HIS cover post retirement, for self and spouse,
on payment of applicable premium. The revised retirement benefits would be applicable from
the next financial year. For the year of the retirement the current benefits will apply.

m. Employees are required to declare details of relatives upon first login in GESS to avoid dual
enrollments in the policy.

n. An employee whose spouse is also a TCSer should ensure that; both of them do not enrol each
other and the same beneficiaries (parents/children) for HIS coverage. Such dual coverage is
not permitted under any circumstances.

o. Addition of beneficiaries in Ultimatix  Employee Services  Employee Self Services 

Global ESS  My Profile  Family Details or any other link apart from HIS Beneficiary link
is not adequate for coverage of beneficiaries under HIS. There is a separate link viz.‘India HIS
Beneficiary details’ under GESS to enrol the beneficiaries. Similarly, overseas employees have
to specifically enroll their beneficiaries under TCS India Health Insurance Scheme.

p. The 90-days timeframe to update beneficiaries may not be applicable during the last quarter of
the financial year as the HIS beneficiary addition link will remain closed post March payroll
freeze. All employees who join TCS in the last quarter of the financial year are advised to enroll
their beneficiaries at the earliest after joining, in order to avail the HIS coverage effective from
the date of joining.

q. The benefits under HIS can only be availed after the beneficiaries are enrolled in the system.
The exception to this will be in case of cashless hospitalisation of the new born child soon after
birth. (If cashless is availed for new born child soon after birth, then employee should ensure
that the child is enrolled within 90 days from date of birth, failing which, the cashless expenses
can be recovered from the employee). Modifications made under GESS in Ultimatix in the ‘HIS
Beneficiary Details’ link will reflect in the TCS Health Insurance Portal within 15 to 20 days.

Refer to Appendix A: Coverage and Scenarios related to enrolment for further details

3. Deletion from HIS

a. Employee continues to be covered year on year throughout his or her tenure in TCS. The cover
ends only when the employee separates from TCS.

TCS Confidential 9
b. Beneficiaries who are covered will continue to remain covered throughout the employee’s
tenure in TCS, unless :

- the employee explicitly deletes them during the permitted window period at the beginning
of the financial year.

- the employee separates from TCS. In this case, the date of release/ date of intimation of
separation, whichever is later, is considered as the last day of coverage for the employee
and the enrolled beneficiaries.

Note: TCS reserves the rights to recover the amount if an employee has availed cashless
facility for self or for beneficiaries post release from TCS. Same may be adjusted or recovered
in through the FFS of the employee

Hospitalisation or domiciliary claims, if any, need to be raised in the system on or before the
last working day in the company. No claims will be accepted after release from the company.

4. Premium:
The total Premium amount is split between Base Cover and Floater Cover Premium as per the
applicable default plan.

a. Base Cover Premium towards basic hospitalisation and domiciliary cover for employee,
spouse and 3 children is borne by TCS. Premium for parents / parents-in-law / remaining
children, if enrolled, will be borne by employee, as applicable. Such premium for parents’
category will be based on the age of the beneficiary.

b. Floater Cover Premium is paid by employee.

In case the employee opts to upgrade to a higher plan, the additional premium between the existing
default plan and the new plan will be borne by the employee.
For complete details refer to Global GESS via the path:

Ultimatix  Applications  Employee Services  Employee Self Service  Global ESS 

Benefits & Taxes  Health Insurance Scheme  Beneficiary Details

Base Premium for Parents/Parents-in-law will be prorated for new joinees and for employees
getting married during the financial year.

Premium that is paid for employee and beneficiaries is for the entire financial year. There will be no
refund / stoppage of premium recovery in any scenario including the following:

- Employee separates anytime during the financial year

- Death of an insured person

- Marriage/Divorce

- Deletion on account of dual enrollment

- Children no longer eligible for coverage

- Birth of a child

TCS Confidential 10
- Beginning or cessation of the employment of the insured beneficiary

- Cessation of Insurance cover as provided by the employer of the insured beneficiary


1. The premium, as applicable and payable by the employee, is deducted through the employee’s

2. GST is applicable to all the premium amounts.

3. Premium paid by the employee qualifies for tax benefits as per relevant applicable taxation laws
in the country.

For Employees proceeding on Leave Without Pay (LWP):

- The employee and beneficiaries who are covered (as of LWP start date) will continue to be
covered for the entire duration of the LWP. The applicable premium for LWP period will be
deducted after the employee reports back to work and the payroll processing starts. In case,
the employee fails to report back to work then the applicable premium will be recovered through
their full and final settlement (FFS)

- In case the employee resigns while on LWP or prior to reporting back, HIS coverage will
continue till the date of resignation. Outstanding premium if any, will be recovered through their
full and final settlement.

Claim Procedure
With a view to ensure a hassle free experience, employees are required to provide prior intimation to
the TPA (at least 72 hours in advance), in case of a hospitalization, except in case of an emergency.
This is applicable for both cashless and reimbursement mode. Such intimation must be provided
through our Health Insurance portal accessible via the below path or through the MediBuddy Mobile
App which can be downloaded on Android and iOS.

Ultimatix  Employee Services  Health & Wellness  TCS Health Insurance Portal  Cashless
 Intimate e-Cashless

1. Reimbursement of Claims

a. Employees must opt for hospitals which are part of the network list and avail the cashless
facility. Prior intimation of at least 72 hours is mandatory to avail cashless facility, except in
case of emergencies / accidents. The list of network hospitals can be accessed through the
Health Insurance Portal or through MediBuddy Mobile App. 10% deduction on the admissible
amount will apply in case of requests for reimbursements for hospitalisation in a network

b. In case of Hospitalization in a non-network hospital, an advance notice of Hospitalization is

mandatory (except in case of emergencies / accidents). Only in case advance intimation of at
least 72 hours is not provided, 10% deduction on the admissible amount will apply.

c. Employees can pre-intimate hospitalisation details either through Health Insurance portal on
Ultimatix or through Medibuddy Mobile App. The details for the same will be released shortly.

TCS Confidential 11
d. Employees can register their Domiciliary or Hospitalisation claims through the TCS Health
Insurance Portal. To access the TCS Health Insurance Portal, employee needs to log in
Ultimatix and access the below link:

Ultimatix  Employee Services  Health & Wellness  TCS Health Insurance Portal.

e. Claim guidelines updated on the TCS Health Insurance portal should be referred to before
submission of a claim.

f. All reimbursement claims should be raised against the appropriate heads of Domiciliary or
Hospitalisation in the portal within 90 days from the date of incurring the expense (in case of
domiciliary claims) or within 90 days from the date of discharge (in case of hospitalisation

g. Claim documents must be submitted within 24 hours from the date of registration of claims. The
Submission date should be accordingly mentioned in the claim form.

h. All claims to be entered through TCS Health Insurance Portal only. No claims will be accepted

i. Associate should retain scanned or photo copies of all the documents, so that the same can be
produced if/ when required.

j. Insurer reserves the right to reject claims raised after the mentioned timeline. Concerns related
to claims processing should be raised within 30 days from date of approval/rejection of the
claim. No queries raised beyond this period will be taken up.

k. Insurance company or TPA is not liable to return the submitted claim documents under any
circumstances. This is applicable even for the claims, which are rejected by the Insurance

2. Cashless Facility

The Insurance Company/TPA has empanelled specific Hospitals through which a cashless facility
can be provided to the employee and the enrolled beneficiaries. i.e. the patient can undergo
treatment at the hospital without making a direct payment to the hospital. The payment (up to the
entitlement limit) is made from the Insurance Company to the Hospital through the TPA.

10% deduction on the bill amount will apply in case of requests for reimbursements and/or cases
where the employee opts for hospitals outside the network list.

For more details, please refer the cashless procedure available on TCS Health Insurance

Type of cashless Hospitalisation:

a. Planned Cashless Hospitalisation:

The insured person seeks cashless hospitalisation through planned admission (that is, with
prior intimation to the insurance company and approval). In such cases, it is mandatory to
intimate the TPA about the details of the hospitalization at least 72 hours in advance. This will
enable the TPA to ensure a smooth and hassle free admission process for the patient. Process
to be followed for the same is updated on the Health Insurance portal.

TCS Confidential 12
b. Emergency Cashless Hospitalisation:

The insured person is admitted due to a medical emergency at a very short notice and requires
urgent treatment (i.e. requests needs to be given highest priority and approvals need to be
obtained immediately).

Note: While availing cashless facility employee/patient may need to pay the deposit amount as
per the hospital policy/requirement. Employee may claim the same as reimbursement on
submission of the original deposit receipt or request hospital to refund the deposit amount once
the cashless is settled by TPA.

3. Domiciliary Hospitalisation

If the medical condition legitimately requires Hospitalisation but the condition of the patient is so
serious that he/she cannot be moved to the Hospital OR there is no accommodation available in
the Hospital, then treatment may be carried out at home.

Illustration - The condition of a patient with a heart problem may, in the opinion of the attending
physician be such that, the patient could not be moved to a hospital without causing harm to his/her

- Claims in respect of such medical conditions will be considered under the 'Hospitalisation'
category of HIS, provided the period of treatment is for 3 consecutive days or more.

- Any claim under this head should always be accompanied by a certificate from the attending
specialist or physician which certifies that the treatment given is tantamount to Hospitalisation
treatment (and not domiciliary treatment).

- The following ailments shall not be covered under the domiciliary Hospitalisation benefits:

1) Asthma 2) Bronchitis 3) Chronic Nephritis & Nephrotic Syndrome 4) Diarrhoea & all types of
dysenteries including gastro-enteritis 5) Diabetes Mellitus & Insipid us 6) Epilepsy 7)
Hypertension 8) Influenza, Cough & Cold 9) All Psychiatric & Psychosomatic Disorders 10)
Pyrexia of Unknown Origin 11) Tonsillitis & Upper Respiratory Tract Infection including laryngitis
& Pharyngitis 12) Arthritis, Gout & Rheumatism 13) Peritoneal Dialysis

4. Dental Treatment

The expenses towards dental treatment or surgery does not include any of the cosmetic surgeries
including crowns, dental implants, artificial dentures, braces, bridges, orthodontics, prognathism,
retrognathism, etc. Major dental surgeries such as maxillo facial surgery or any life threatening
surgeries are covered under Hospitalisation only if necessitated by accident and/or hospitalisation
is for more than 24 hours. However, cosmetic surgeries and tooth implants are not covered under
the scheme.

Expenses for extraction, fillings, medicines, consultation fees, root canal expenses and x-ray
charges are only reimbursed under Domiciliary Dental Coverage.

Case summary (date wise treatment details) or x-ray films are mandatory to process any dental


TCS Confidential 13
i. Employees should refer to the contact matrix before initiating any queries via an email to
Corporate HIS. Refer to Contact Matrix and address for Claim Submission available
on the TCS Health Insurance Portal Homepage

ii. The 90 days’ timeframe to raise claims may not be applicable during the last quarter of the
financial year as the HIS claim reimbursement link will be closed on 30ht April every year.
All employees who have claims in the last quarter of the financial year are advised to raise
claims before 30th April.
iii. For hospitalisation that begins in March and extends to April:
Any hospitalisation that starts (date of admission) on or before 31st March and continues
beyond that, including post hospitalisation, will come under the purview of that particular
financial year limits only (Year in which patient is admitted in the Hospital). For all such
hospitalisation claims, associates are required to raise the claim with an approximate
amount (as per the estimation given by the concerned doctor/hospital).

Terms & Conditions

a. TCS/Insurance Company solely act as facilitators for the disbursement/administration of the

insurance benefits. TCS/Insurance Company undertakes no responsibility in the respect of any
eventuality/mishap during the course of the treatment of insured person at any of the hospitals
empanelled by the Insurance Company.

b. TCS understands the sensitivity of personal information and medical records. TCS and the
Insurance Company undertake to secure the confidentiality of all medical records, conditions and
treatment of an insured person from unauthorised disclosure & misuse.

c. The Insurance Company shall not be liable to make any payment under the HIS in respect of any
claim, if such a claim is found to be in any manner fraudulent and supported by any fraudulent
statement or device whether by the insured or by any other person on their behalf. TCS/The
Insurance Company views such cases very seriously and stern action will be taken against the
employee, which may also lead to termination of employment with TCS OR debarment from
applying for any claims under the policy for a period of not less than 5 years.

d. The Insurance Company shall not be liable for settlement of claims for any treatment taken from
the de-listed/black-listed Hospitals/Clinic/Medical Professionals. The list of such hospitals is
available under the Health Insurance Portal.

Defined Benefits
Defined Benefits are applicable to all employees including employees at onsite (Defined limit or
Hospitalisation limit whichever is lesser). The defined limits are inclusive of related complications and
expenses incurred one month prior & post the hospitalisation.

1. Maternity Benefits

- Maternity expense / treatment shall include the following Medical treatment Expenses:

a. Medical Expenses for a delivery (including complicated deliveries and caesarean

sections) incurred during Hospitalisation;

b. The lawful medical termination of pregnancy during the Policy Period limited to two
deliveries or terminations or either during the lifetime of the Insured Person;

c. Pre-natal and post-natal Medical Expenses for delivery or termination.

TCS Confidential 14
d. Any complications arising during the course of pregnancy and prior / post delivery

- Maternity related expenses including medicine expenses, doctor’s consultation fees, routine
check-ups and diagnostic tests conducted during the maternity period will not be covered under
domiciliary under HIS.

- The total amount payable for any maternity related hospitalisation resulting in normal delivery/
instrumental delivery (forceps/ vacuum/etc.) will be limited to Rs 50,000/- for the entire maternity
related hospitalisation episode.

- The total amount payable for the maternity related hospitalisation resulting in C-section delivery
will be limited to Rs. 75,000/- for the entire maternity related hospitalisation episode.

- The overall limit as mentioned against each of the delivery types is inclusive of pre-
hospitalisation and post hospitalisation expenses, pertaining to one month prior and post-

- The above limits on hospitalisation expenses exclude the expenses incurred on the new born

- New born baby expenses –The Hospitalisation expenses of the new born child will be covered
only if the child is suffering from any ailment/illness/disease/condition which requires in-patient
treatment in the Hospital subject to addition of child under HIS within the stipulated period.
Hospitalisation expenses for routine check-up/tests/screening and vaccination charges, etc. of
the baby are not admissible. Well Baby Care expenses (if any) may be considered only within
the Maternity limit of Rs. 50,000/- or Rs. 75,000/- depending upon the mode of delivery and
subject to the Insurance company review and decision.

- The overall limit for maternity benefits is valid even in case of multiple Child birth (twins/triplets)
or complications related to maternity.

- An employee can avail Maternity benefits for the birth of first two children only, irrespective of
whether earlier maternity benefits where claimed through this policy.

- Surgical intervention for treatment of Infertility and / or IVF, irrespective of the gender of the
beneficiary is admissible subject to a maximum limit of Rs 1,00,000.

- Only 2 episodes of treatments towards Infertility / IVF procedures may be claimed throughout
the employee’s tenure.

- Non-surgical intervention (Intra Uterine Insemination) or. Medical Management for treatment
for infertility is admissible under Domiciliary limit.

- Sterility/ family planning treatments are not admissible.

2. Cataract Treatment

- An upper limit on Hospitalisation expenses (including Floater Cover) has been defined at Rs
30,000 towards correction of cataract in a single eye. This is inclusive of all the expenses
incurred towards correction of cataract including the lens charges and pre and post
hospitalisation expenses, (if any) pertaining to one month prior and post hospitalisation.

TCS Confidential 15
3. Joint Replacement

- The upper limit for Single Joint Replacement is Rs. 2,50,000 and Rs. 4,00,000 for Bilateral Joint
Replacement. The limits are inclusive of pre and post hospitalisation expenses, (if any)
pertaining to one month prior and post hospitalisation.

- There should be a minimum gap of one month between two single joint replacements.

4. Hysterectomy Expenses

- The upper limit for Hysterectomy expenses including pre and post hospitalisation expenses, if
any pertaining to one month prior and post hospitalisation has been capped at Rs. 75,000 per
beneficiary in a policy year.

- Hysterectomy includes Hysterectomy with or without Salpingo-oopherectomy.

5. Cancer Care:

- Conventional/Parenteral chemotherapy or Radiotherapy is covered under the purview of the


- Other therapies including Oral/Targeted/Hormonal Chemotherapy are also covered subject to

a maximum limit of the Base Sum insured per year in case of an employee and Rs. 60,000 per
year in case of other beneficiaries/Family.

6. Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

- OPD/Daycare Medical expenses incurred for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis for the
Employee are payable subject to maximum limit of Rs 2,50,000 per annum.

7. Cochlear Implants

- Hospitalisation expenses for Cochlear implantation are payable subject to 50% of actual
expenses or 50% of the Base sum insured plus Floater sum insured whichever is less.

8. Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

- These expenses will be payable upto 50% of the actual expenses. However, this medical
condition has to be confirmed by Polysomnography test and should be certified by the treating
doctor that the employee needs to use CPAP or BiPAP machine.

- Repair, Replacement and Maintenance charges for the Instruments are not admissible under
the policy.

9. These expenses will be payable only if the employee is using a CPAP or BiPAP machine and only
once during his / her tenure with the organisation

10. Treatment of obesity or conditions arising thereof (including morbid obesity)

- These expenses are covered under the purview of the policy.

- Bariatric surgery for treatment for Morbid Obesity where BMI is more than 35 with severe
medical conditions or BMI of more than 40 are admitted.

TCS Confidential 16
- This is applicable for Employees only and not for other beneficiaries.

11. Stem Cell Therapy

- The treatment with Stem cell Therapy is applicable for employees only and is payable upto a
maximum limit of 50% of the Base Sum Insured per employee.

- This provision is available only to those employees where the treating Doctor has certified that
the Stem Cell Therapy is recommended for treatment of an illness other than Hematologic

12. DIVYAANG Benefit

- This benefit is provided to differently abled Children of the employees and is payable upto Rs
10,000/- per annum per child.

- The reimbursement is towards any medical expenses incurred for the differently abled child
upto the age of 25 years.

- Employee can claim this amount by raising a request under the Hospitalization category.

13. Treatment outside India

- Hospitalisation treatment taken outside India by insured persons who travel out of India on
official work is covered under the Basic HIS Policy. The hospitalisation expenses incurred
outside India may be claimed by employees. Refer to Provisions - Benefits / Entitlements
and Coverage section for Base Cover limit.

- the expenses on domiciliary treatment incurred outside India will not be covered under the HIS

- In case the employee is covered by Overseas Mediclaim Policy (OMP), benefits should be first
availed against the OMP and only then claimed under the HIS subject to maximum limit per
insured person per annum

- In case the employee is not covered by an OMP, the employee may claim benefits under the
Basic HIS policy.

- The process for raising claims for treatment taken outside India will be the same as followed
for hospitalisations in India

- In case of expenses which are incurred outside India and for which the settlement under OMP
is pending, employees should raise the claim for an amount upto the Base Cover limit under
India HIS within 90 days from the date of discharge and thereafter submit the documents once
they have the bills to support the same or when the settlement is complete. Relaxation of
additional 60 days will be given only for document submission in such scenarios.

- The claim amount should be in equivalent Indian Rupees only and a settlement will be done in
equivalent Indian Rupees only.

14. Alternative System of Medicines

- Expenses incurred for Ayurvedic/Homeopathic/Unani treatment are payable up to a maximum

limit of 25% of the Basic Sum Insured provided the treatment for illness/disease/injury, is

TCS Confidential 17
administered by a Registered practioner and taken in a Government recognized
hospital/institute and /or accredited by Quality Council Of India / National Accreditation Board
on Health. Only the cost of medicines is reimbursed & not the expenses incurred on special
diets, such as fruit juices, milk, ghee, etc.

- Siddha, Panchakarma, Patanjali, Acupuncture, Hypnosis, Health Spa, Naturopathy, Herbal /

rehabilitation treatments, health rejuvenation procedures& related expenses are not payable.

- Expenses payable for each family for the above methods of treatment will be limited to 10% of
the floater sum insured for the family.

15. Continuous Period of Medical care

- “Period of Medical care” shall be deemed to mean the period commencing on the first day on
which an insured person is under the care of a Medical Practitioner for the treatment of any
particular medical condition while the policy is in force and terminating on the expiry of 45 days
from the day the insured person resumes normal work or activities. In case the insured person
is hospitalised twice during the Period of Medical Care for the same ailment/medical condition,
any claims for treatment availed during this period can be claimed as one request.

- In case the medical condition/treatment had commenced prior to the date of insurance, for the
purpose of reimbursement, the medical condition shall be deemed to commence from the first
day of coverage.

Illustration - If the date of cover is with effect from 01 June and the insured person has been
undergoing treatment for a medical condition prior to 01 June, all the expenses relating to the
medical condition will be covered w.e.f. 01 June.

- A certificate from the attending Medical Practitioner will have to be submitted certifying that the
member had recovered from the medical condition and is fit to resume normal work or activities
and stating the date thereof.
For details on treatments and expenses related to it refer to Appendix C: Commonly
used terminologies


There are certain exclusions in HIS due to which NO benefits are payable. This list of exclusions
(enumerated below) is only indicative and not exhaustive.

a. Expenses towards Health Check-ups, correction of eye sight, cost of spectacles, contact lens,
cost of braces, cost of scaling of teeth, hearing aid, Nebulizer, beauty treatment, external
congenital defects/diseases/anomalies i.e. the defects/conditions/anomalies which are visible
at the time of birth; and anaemia, etc. are not covered by this policy.

b. Lasik/Laser surgery and advanced surface ablation surgery are not covered under domiciliary
or Hospitalisation.

c. Vaccination, Inoculation, Baby Check-up charges (MMR/BCG/Polio/Anti Typhoid) Circumcision

(other than on medical grounds), Strictures, Change of Life (beauty treatment of any
description) cosmetic or aesthetic treatment, Hair Loss/Alopecia and its treatment, Weight Loss/
Height Gain treatment, Acne/ Pimples Treatment, , Plastic Surgery other than as may be
necessitated due to accidental injuries.

TCS Confidential 18
d. Depression in case of beneficiaries, Convalescence (which expression shall also cover general
debility “run down” condition and general “over haul”) or Rest Cure, Rehabilitation, Venereal
Disease, Insanity, Intentional self-injury, Intemperance or disease or condition or accident
arising out of the use of intoxicating drugs or liquor or alcohol or any disease directly or indirectly
due to any one or more of them. Use of tobacco leading to cancer.

e. Insanity/ anxiety / mental Illness and their treatments are not payable for beneficiaries.

f. Health routine check-up examination / Master Check-up unless necessary positive existence
for treatment of any medical condition.

g. Expenses incurred at Hospital or Nursing Home primarily for evaluation / diagnostic purposes
which is not followed by ’Active line of treatment’ for the ailment during the hospitalised period.
Refer to the definition of ’Active line of treatment’ in the section on Hospitalisation.

h. Weakness related treatments are not payable.

i. Extra amount paid directly by the associate to consultant / surgeon etc. over and above
hospitalisation expenses (wherein consultant / surgeon charges are already included in the
hospital bill) will not be reimbursed.

j. Injury, disease or illness directly or indirectly due to or arising from ionising radiation or
contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the
combustion of nuclear fuel (solely for the purpose of this exclusion, combustion shall include
any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission), War, Invasion, Act of Foreign Enemy, Hostilities
or Warlike Operation (whether war be declared or not), Riot or Civil Commotion or Breach of
Law or hunting.

k. Bodily injury / sickness / disablement due to wilful or deliberate exposure to danger (except to
save a human life), intentional self-inflicted injuries, attempted suicide and arising out of non-
adherence to any medical advice or bodily injury sustained as a result of participating in any
criminal act, Breach of Law, injury sustained whilst or as a result of participating in any
hazardous sport or hunting. Steeple chasing, Polo or winter sports or riding or driving in races,
employment in Military, Naval or Air Services or engaging in Aviation or Ballooning or entering
into, travelling in or leaving any aircraft or balloon.

l. Nutritional Supplements, Expenses on vitamins and tonics, etc. unless forming part of treatment
for injury or disease as certified by the attending physician.

m. Genetic disorders like Colour Blindness, Sickle Cell anaemia, Haemophilia, Down Syndrome,
etc. and stem cell implantation or associated surgeries.

n. Treatment of obesity or conditions arising thereof (excluding morbid obesity) and any other
weight control program services or supplies etc. even if associated with thyroid problem

o. Instruments, CAPD procedure and all related expenses, for treatment of Dialysis, external
equipment or prosthetic devices , ambulatory devices like walker, crutches, Belts, collars, Caps,
Splints, Slings, Stockings, diabetic foot wear etc.

p. Experimental and unproven treatment, not recognized by the Indian Medical Council.

q. Treatment of Age related Macular Degeneration (AMRD), Rotational Frequency Quantum

Magnetic Resonance therapy (RFQMR), External Enhanced Counter Pulsation (EECP) therapy

TCS Confidential 19
r. Robotic surgeries, Cyberknife surgeries are not payable unless there is no other alternative

s. Procedures and treatments usually done in outpatient department are not payable under the
policy even if converted to day-care surgery/procedure or as in- patient in the Hospital for more
than 24 hours. Example: administration of Intravitreal/intravenous injections, Remicade,
Herceptin, Zoledronic, Rituximab, Avastin Injections and any other preventive injections or
vaccinations, etc.

t. Non-Medical expenses such as Telephone, Television, Ayah, Private Nursing, diet charges,
baby food, cosmetics, tissue paper, diapers, sanitary pads, toiletry items and similar expenses.

u. Maternity and maternity related expenses are not payable for more than first two living children.

v. Expenses incurred towards abortion, voluntary termination of pregnancy and related

complications are not payable.

w. Check up and diagnostic tests done during maternity period.

x. Diagnostic, X-ray or Laboratory examination not consistent with or incidental to the diagnosis
of positive existence and treatment of any ailment, sickness or injury for which confinement at
a hospital or nursing home is required

This exclusion shall not apply to injury resulting from an accident to a fully licensed standard
type of aircraft operated by a recognised airline on a fully regular scheduled air route in which
the insured person is travelling as a bonafide passenger.

In case of Hospitalisation, the following services are considered as non-medical items and will
not be reimbursed.
Note: This list of non-medical items (enumerated below) is only indicative and not exhaustive
- Registration/Admission Fees.

- Telephone charges.

- Visitor’s charges, attendant’s charges, ambulance charges.

- Service charges, surcharge and/or any other Charges like Medico Legal Charges (MLC),
Medical Record Charges etc.

- Diet charges, which are not part of the administered treatment. Non-medical expenses such
as Equipment, Television, Ayah, Private Nursing, baby food, cosmetics, tissue paper,
diapers, sanitary pads, toiletry items and similar expenses.

TCS Confidential 20
Appendix A: Coverage and Scenarios related to enrolment
Coverage for family members is subject to the following conditions:

Family Member Condition

Spouse - Should be legally married to the employee

- In case employed in another organisation, the employee may claim

HIS benefits subject to the following:

i. In case the Spouse does not get medical benefits/insurance

cover from that organisation, he/she may claim benefits under
this scheme.

ii. In case medical benefits/insurance cover is provided by that

organisation, he/she must first recover the expenses from that
organisation to every extent possible. After the sum insured is
exhausted from HIS of the other organisation, the employee may
claim for the remaining amount under TCS HIS.

- An employee whose spouse is also a TCSer should ensure that;

both of them do not enrol each other and the same beneficiaries
(parents/children) for HIS coverage. Such enrolment is considered
as dual coverage which is not permitted under any circumstances.

Children - Includes Legally adopted Children

- Includes Children of the Spouse from previous marriage

- Children should be unmarried. Married Children or those who get

married subsequently cease to be eligible for coverage from the
date of marriage.

- Children should be less than 25 years of age.

- Should not be gainfully employed for wages or profit in any service,

business or profession.

- Children are covered on an “ALL OR NONE” basis. ‘ALL OR NONE”

means that in case the employee has more than three children, TCS
will pay the entire premium for the first three children provided the
employee covers the remaining children and pays the cost of
premium for the remaining children. In case the employee does not
cover the remaining children, TCS will also not cover the first three

Parents/Parents- - All employees have the option to cover Parents OR Parents-in-law

in-law OR a combination of each upto a maximum of two, i.e. they can
cover 1 Parent and 1 Parent-in-law.

TCS Confidential 21

i. As applicable in the case of Spouse, enrollment of the same set of beneficiaries by an

employee and any other relative, who is also a TCSer, will also be considered as dual
coverage under HIS and is not permitted under any circumstances.

ii. In case of TCSer spouse, who may need to be enrolled post separation from TCS,
employee should contact [email protected] within 15 calendar days from date of
separation for further advice.

iii. In case of multiple Child birth, all Children need to be considered separately under
dependent coverage. Premium of first 3 children will be borne by TCS.

Scenarios related to enrolment

Existing Scenarios Process for Enrolment

New Employee is single Employee will be automatically covered for self w.e.f the date
Joinee on the date of joining of joining.
and continues to
remain single during Employee has a provision to enrol Parents and Children (in
the financial year. case, employee is a single parent).

There would be no option to enrol Spouse, Parents-in-law.

Parents and/or children should be enrolled within first 90 days

from date of joining TCS to get benefit of the cover w.e.f from
date of joining. If he/she chooses not to include the details of
parents within the permitted enrollment period, he/she can add
them only during the subsequent enrolment period. For any
new addition of parents / parents–in- law as beneficiaries, pre-
existing ailments or disease/ailments/conditions other than
those defined under ‘List of Tertiary/ Critical illness’ will not be
covered in the first year of enrolment. However this will not be
applicable to beneficiaries added within 90 days from date of
joining or marriage. If children are not enrolled within 90 days
from date of joining, he/she can add them during the
subsequent window period.

Employee is single For Self, Parents and Children

on date of joining and
gets married Employee will be automatically covered for self w.e.f the date
subsequently during of joining.
the financial year
Employee has a provision to enrol Parents and/or Children (in
case, employee is a single parent).

TCS Confidential 22
Existing Scenarios Process for Enrolment

Parents and/or children should be enrolled within first 90 days

from date of joining to get benefit of the cover w.e.f from date of
joining. If not enrolled within 90 days then details of Parents can
be enrolled during the subsequent enrolment period. For any
new addition of parents / parents–in- law as beneficiaries, pre-
existing ailments or disease/ailments/conditions other than
those defined under ‘List of Tertiary/ Critical illness’ will not be
covered in the first year of enrolment. However this will not be
applicable to beneficiaries added within 90 days from date of
joining or marriage.

If the employee does not enroll his children within 90 days from
date of joining, he/she can add them during the subsequent
window period.

Spouse, Parents-in-law and Children of spouse (from earlier

marriage) should be enrolled within first 90 days from date of
marriage to get benefit of the cover w.e.f from date of marriage
with the employee.

Parents-in-law can be enrolled only if employee’s parents are

not already enrolled.

If parents-in-law are not enrolled within the first 90 days from

date of marriage, they can be enrolled during the subsequent
enrolment period. For any new addition of parents / parents–in-
law as beneficiaries, pre-existing ailments or
disease/ailments/conditions other than those defined under
‘List of Tertiary/ Critical illness’ will not be covered in the first
year of enrolment. However this will not be applicable to
beneficiaries added within 90 days from date of joining or
marriage. If spouse and children are not enrolled within 90 days
from date of marriage, he/she can add them during the
subsequent window period.

New Employee is married Employee will be automatically covered w.e.f the date of joining.
Joinee on date of joining
Employee has a provision to enrol spouse, parents OR parents-
in-law and children.

Spouse, parents OR parents-in-law and children should be

enrolled within first 90 days from date of joining to get benefit of
the cover w.e.f from date of joining.

If parents/ parents-in-law are not enrolled within first 90 days

from date of joining, then they can be enrolled only during the

TCS Confidential 23
Existing Scenarios Process for Enrolment

subsequent enrolment period. For any new addition of parents

/ parents–in- law as beneficiaries, pre-existing ailments or
disease/ailments/conditions other than those defined under
‘List of Tertiary/ Critical illness’ will not be covered in the first
year of enrolment. However this will not be applicable to
beneficiaries added within 90 days from date of joining or

If spouse and children are not enrolled within 90 days from date
of joining, he/she can add them during the subsequent window

Existing Status change for an Spouse, parents-in-law and children of spouse (from his/her
Employee existing employee earlier marriage) should be enrolled within first 90 days of date
(that is, employee of marriage to get benefit of the cover w.e.f from date of
gets married during marriage. If not enrolled within 90 days, they can be enrolled
the financial year) only during the subsequent enrolment period. For any new
addition of parents / parents–in- law as beneficiaries, pre-
existing ailments or disease/ailments/conditions other than
those defined under ‘List of Tertiary/ Critical illness’ will not be
covered in the first year of enrolment. However this will not be
applicable to beneficiaries added within 90 days from date of
joining or marriage.

If spouse and children are not enrolled within 90 days from date
of joining, he/she can add them during the subsequent window

Life changing event New-born child or adopted child should be enrolled within first
for an existing 90 days of date of birth/date of adoption to get benefit of the
employee (child is cover w.e.f from date of birth/adoption as applicable.
born or child is
adopted during the If child is not enrolled within 90 days, he/she can add them
financial year) during the subsequent window period.

TCS Confidential 24
Appendix B: Schedule of Indemnities and % of Sum
1. Sum assured in case of Permanent Total Disablement

% of Sum Insured

1. Permanent Total Disability Loss of two limbs, two eyes or

one limb and one eye

2. Permanent Partial Disability Loss of one limb or one eye 50

3. Permanent Total Disablement from injuries other than those

named above (PTD)

4. Permanent Partial Disablement (PPD) as per percentage of

Sum Insured as shown below.

2. Sum assured in case of Permanent Partial Disablement

As percentage of
Parts Lost
Sum Insured

1. Loss of toes all 20

i. great both phalanges 5

ii. great one phalanx 2

iii. other than great, if more than one toe-lost, each 1

2. Loss of hearing both ears 75

3. Loss of hearing one ear 30

4. Loss of four fingers and thumb of one hand 40

5. Loss of four fingers 35

6. Loss of thumb-both phalanges one phalanx 25

7. Loss of index finger three phalanges or two phalanges or

one phalanx

TCS Confidential 25
As percentage of
Parts Lost
Sum Insured

8. Loss of middle finger three phalanges or two phalanges or

one phalanx

9. Loss of ring finger three phalanges or two phalanges or one


10. Loss of little finger three phalanges or two phalanges or one


11. Loss of metacarpals first or second (additional) or third,

fourth or fifth (additional)

Percentage as
assessed by the Panel
12. Any other Permanent Partial Disablement
Doctor of the
Insurance Company.

TCS Confidential 26
Appendix C: Commonly used terminologies
1. Domiciliary Treatment

- Domiciliary treatment benefits are applicable only when the insured person undergoes
treatment at a dispensary or in a hospital, as an outpatient.

- Domiciliary treatment includes pharmacy cost, consulting fees of the doctor, investigatory
tests, etc.

2. Hospitalisation

Means admission in a Hospital/Nursing Home for a minimum period of 24 consecutive hours

for in-patient Care except for specified procedures/ treatments, where such admission could be
for a period of less than 24 consecutive hours.


i. To avail/claim hospitalisation benefits (for self) employee should apply for necessary
leave for the hospitalisation period. Employees should first exhaust their Sick leave and
in case of insufficient leave balance, Casual leave and Earned vacation followed by
LWP may be availed. Claim processing team may request for the leave records of an
employee to conclude the hospitalisation claims.

ii. If hospitalisation start date (i.e. date of admission) is prior to coverage start date, then
entire hospitalisation episode is not covered under the policy. (Pre/post expenses are
also not covered).

3. Hospital/Nursing Home:

A hospital/Nursing Home means any institution established for in- patient care and day care
treatment of sickness and / or injuries and which has been registered as a hospital with the
local authorities, wherever applicable, and is under the supervision of a registered and qualified
medical practitioner AND must comply with all minimum criteria as under:

- Has at least 10 in-patient beds, in those towns having a population of less than 10,00,000
and 15 in-patient beds in all other places;

- Has qualified nursing staff under its employment round the clock;

- Has qualified medical practitioner (s) in charge round the clock;

- Has a fully equipped operation theatre of its own where surgical procedures are carried out

- Maintains daily records of patients and will make these accessible to the Insurance
Company’s /TPA's authorized personnel.

The term ‘Hospital/Nursing Home’ shall not include an establishment which is a Clinic,
Remodeling Clinics, place of rest (Rest Home) and / or recuperation (Recuperation
Home/Centre), a place for the aged persons, a rehabilitation centre for drug addicts or
alcoholics, detoxification Centres, sanatoriums, Home for mentally disturbed, a hotel or a
similar place.

TCS Confidential 27
4. Inpatient Care:

Inpatient care means treatment for which the insured person has to stay in a hospital for more
than 24 hours for a covered event.

5. Day care centre:

A day care centre means any institution established for day care treatment of sickness and / or
injuries or a medical set-up within a hospital and which has been registered with the local
authorities, wherever applicable, and is under the supervision of a registered and qualified
medical practitioner and must comply with all minimum criteria as under:

- Has qualified nursing staff under its employment

- Has qualified medical practitioner (s) in charge

- Has a fully equipped operation theatre of its own where surgical procedures are carried out

- Maintains daily records of patients and will make these accessible to the Insurance
Company’s /TPA authorized personnel.

- For Day Care Centres, the minimum beds shall be overlooked but the operation theatre is
fully equipped and functioning with advanced technology and infrastructure for surgical
operation required in respect of the procedures listed, Day Care Nursing Staff are fully
qualified and the doctor performing the surgery or procedure as well as post-operative
attending doctors should be fully qualified for specific surgery or procedure.


- The above definition of Hospital/ Nursing Home may not be applicable for Ayurvedic /
Homeopathic / Unani procedures which may not require the typical set up of a Hospital/
Nursing Home. However, the expenses incurred for these methods of treatment may
be covered under the Hospitalisation benefits subject to a review on a case-to-case

- Incase of Ayurvedic / Homeopathy / Unani treatment, the Insurer shall be liable only
when the treatment is taken as in patient in a Government Hospital / Medical College

Day Care Treatment/Procedures:

Day-Care Treatment/Procedure refers to medical treatment and or surgical procedure

which is

i. undertaken under General or Local Anaesthesia in a Hospital/Day Care Centre in less than
24 hours because of technical advancement and

ii. which would have otherwise required a hospitalisation of more than 24 hours. Treatment
normally taken on outpatient basis i.e. OPD in Hospitals/Day Care Centres is not included
under the scope of Day care Procedure.

OPD treatment:

TCS Confidential 28
OPD treatment is one in which the Insured visits a clinic / hospital or associated facility like
a consultation room for diagnosis and treatment based on the advice of a Medical
Practitioner. The Insured is not admitted as a day care or in-patient.
Typically, day-care procedures are not covered under hospitalisation benefits since
Hospitalisation benefits are applicable only if the insured person is admitted as in-patient
to a hospital for a minimum of 24 hours. However, there are a few Day-care procedures
specified by the insurance provider which may not require 24 hours of in-patient
hospitalisation but which are being covered under Hospitalisation benefit due to
advancement in medical technology i.e. surgical intervention.
Refer to Appendix D: List of Day Care Procedures where Hospitalisation benefits are

6. Medically Necessary Treatment:

Medically necessary treatment is defined as any treatment, tests, medication, or stay in hospital
or part of a stay in hospital which
- Is required for the medical management of the illness or injury suffered by the insured;
- Must not exceed the level of care necessary to provide safe, adequate and appropriate
medical care in scope, duration, or intensity;
- Must have been prescribed by a medical practitioner,
- Must conform to the professional standards widely accepted in international medical
practice or by the medical community in India.

7. Reasonable Charges:

Reasonable charges means the charges for services or supplies, which are the standard
charges for the specific provider and consistent with the prevailing charges in the geographical
area for identical or similar services, taking into account the nature of the illness / injury involved.

8. Unproven/Experimental treatment:

Unproven/Experimental treatment is treatment, including drug Experimental therapy, which is

not based on established medical practice in India, is treatment experimental or unproven.

9. Alternative treatments:

Alternative treatments are forms of treatments other than treatment "Allopathy" or "modem
medicine" and includes Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy in the Indian context.

10. Active Line of Treatment:

Treatment that is directed immediately to the cure of the disease or injury is called ‘Active Line
of Treatment’. If admission to a hospital is mainly for diagnosis of an ailment which can be
carried out as outpatient or for a routine evaluation of the patient and the treatment involves
few oral medications only, it will not be covered under Hospitalisation benefits.

11. Congenital Anomaly:

Congenital Anomaly refers to a condition(s) which is present since birth, and which is abnormal
with reference to form, structure or position.

TCS Confidential 29
12. Internal Congenital Anomaly:

Internal Congenital Anomaly is not in the visible and accessible parts of the body is called
Internal Congenital Anomaly. This is covered under the purview of the policy, subject to the
review of the necessary supporting documents and the medical condition of the patient.

13. External Congenital Anomaly:

External Congenital Anomaly which is in the visible and accessible parts of the body is called
External Congenital Anomaly. Such anomalies which are life threatening and non-cosmetic in
nature are covered under the purview of the policy, subject to the review of the necessary
supporting documents and the medical condition of the patient.

14. Pre-hospitalisation Medical Expenses:

Medical Expenses incurred immediately before the Insured Person is hospitalized, provided
- Such Medical Expenses are incurred for the same condition for which the
- Insured Person’s Hospitalisation was required, and
- The In-patient Hospitalisation claim for such Hospitalisation is admissible by the Insurance

15. Post-hospitalisation Medical Expenses:

Medical Expenses incurred immediately after the Insured Person is hospitalised, provided that:
- Such Medical Expenses are incurred for the same condition for which the Insured Person’s
Hospitalisation was required, and
- The In-patient Hospitalisation claim for such Hospitalisation is admissible by the Insurance

16. Medical expenses:

Medical Expenses means those expenses that an Insured Person has necessarily and actually
incurred for medical treatment on account of Illness or Accident on the advice of a Medical
Practitioner, as long as these are no more than would have been payable if the Insured Person
had not been insured and no more than other hospitals or doctors in the same locality would
have charged for the same medical treatment.

17. Medical Advice:

Any consultation or advice from a Medical Practitioner including the issue of any prescription
or repeat prescription.
‘Hospitalisation’ claim for the same medical reason will cover medical expenses for the duration
of hospitalisation as well as for a period of up to 30 days prior to admission to a hospital (pre
hospitalisation), and up to 60 days from the date of discharge from the hospital (post
hospitalisation) for employee, spouse and children. For parents / parents–in-law, post
hospitalisation expenses will be covered for a period of up to 30 days from the date of discharge.

18. Room Category:

Employees on Gold Plan are eligible for double occupancy (twin sharing) AC room.
Parents/Parents-in-law will be eligble for double occupancy (twin sharing) AC room across all

TCS Confidential 30
health plans, except Platinum Plus where Parents/Parents-in-law will be eligible for Single
Private AC room.

In case the employee chooses a room which is higher than his / her eligibility, the additional
charges for the room and other related items will have to be borne by the employee.

Hospitals where the room categories are termed differently, room tariffs based on your default
plan or opted plan in case of an upgrade will be taken into consideration for cashless

The Insurance Company through the TPA provides a Cashless Hospitalisation facility at specific
hospitals (empanelled by the TPA). An Insured person who is hospitalised at any of the
empanelled hospital can avail this facility.

Note: The list of hospitals made available by the TPA is not exhaustive and is amended from
time to time. This list is available on TCS Health Insurance Portal home page.

TCS Confidential 31
Appendix D: List of Day Care Procedures where
Hospitalisation benefits are applicable

1. Adenoidectomy

2. Appendectomy

3. Anti-Rabies Vaccination

4. Coronary angiography

5. Coronary angioplasty

6. Dilatation & Curettage

7. ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)

8. ESWL ( Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy)

9. Excision of Cyst/granuloma/lump

10. Following Eye Surgeries:

a. Cataract Surgery (Extra Capsular Cataract Excision or Phacoemulsification + Intra Ocular


b. Corrective Surgery for blepharoptosis when not congenital/cosmetic

c. Corrective Surgery for entropion / ectropion

d. Dacryocystorhinostomy [DCR]

e. Excision involving one-fourth or more of lid margin, full-thickness

f. Excision of lacrimal sac and passage

g. Excision of major lesion of eyelid, full-thickness

h. Manipulation of lacrimal passage

i. Operations for pterygium

j. Operations of canthus and epicanthus when done for adhesions due to chronic Infections

k. Removal of a deeply embedded foreign body from the conjunctiva with incision

l. Removal of a deeply embedded foreign body from the cornea with incision

m. Removal of a foreign body from the lens of the eye

n. Removal of a foreign body from the posterior chamber of the eye

TCS Confidential 32
o. Repair of canaliculus and punctum

p. Repair of corneal laceration or wound with conjunctival flap

q. Repair of post-operative wound dehiscence of cornea

r. Penetrating or Non-Penetrating Surgery for treatment of Glaucoma

11. Pacemaker insertion

12. Turbinectomy/turbinoplasty

13. Excision of pilonidal sinus

14. Therapeutic endoscopic surgeries

15. Conisation of the uterine cervix

16. Medically necessary Circumcision

17. Excision or other destruction of Bartholin's gland (cyst)

18. Nephrotomy

19. Oopherectomy

20. Urethrotomy

21. PCNL(percutaneous nephrolithotomy)

22. Reduction of dislocation under General Anaesthesia

23. Transcatherter Placement of Intravascular Shunts

24. Incision Of The Breast, lump excision

25. Vitrectomy

26. Thyriodectomy

27. Vocal cord Surgery

28. Stapedotomy

29. Tympanoplasty & revision tympanoplasty

30. Arthroscopic Knee Aspiration if Proved Therapeutic

31. Perianal abscess Incision & Drainage

32. DJ stent insertion

33. FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery)

TCS Confidential 33
34. Fissurectomy / Fistulectomy

35. Fracture/dislocation excluding hairline fracture

36. Haemo dialysis

37. Hydrocelectomy

38. Hysterectomy

39. Inguinal/ventral/ umbilical/femoral hernia repair

40. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

41. Lithotripsy

42. Liver aspiration

43. Mastoidectomy

44. Parenteral chemotherapy

45. Haemorrhoidectomy

46. Polypectomy

47. Following Prostate Surgeries

a. TUMT(Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy

b. TUNA(Transurethral Needle Ablation)

c. Laser Prostatectomy

d. TURP( transurethral Resection of Prostate)

e. Transurethral Electro-Vaporization of the Prostate(TUEVAP)

48. Radiotherapy

49. Sclerotherapy

50. Septoplasty

51. Surgery for Sinusitis

52. Varicose Vein Ligation

53. Tonsillectomy

54. Surgical treatment of a varicocele and a hydrocele of the spermatic cord

55. Retinal Surgeries

TCS Confidential 34
56. Ossiculoplasty

57. Ascitic/pleural therapeutic tapping

58. Therapeutic Arthroscopy

59. Mastectomy

60. Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

61. Cystoscopic removal of urinary stones / DJ stents

62. AV Malformations (Non cosmetic only)

63. Orchidectomy

64. Cystoscopic fulguration of tumour

65. Amputation of penis

66. Creation of Lumbar Subarachnoid Shunt

67. Radical Prostatectomy

68. Lasik Surgery (non-cosmetic)

69. Orchidopexy (non-congenital)

70. Nephrectomy

71. Palatal Surgery

72. Stapedectomy & revision of stapedectomy

73. Myringotomy

Or any other surgeries / procedures agreed by the TPA and the Company which require less
than 24 hours Hospitalization and for which prior approval from TPA is mandatory

Note: Procedures / treatments usually done in outpatient department are not payable under
the Policy even if converted as an in-patient in the Hospital for more than 24 hours.

TCS Confidential 35
Revision List
Document Policy
Policy Rationale
Release Revision Section Change revision/
Revisi Effective for
/Revision Description No. type Document
on No. date change
Date revision

Non network hospitals -

21.0 01 April 13 April Advance intimation of Claim Review of Modify Policy
2018 2018 atleast 72 hours is Procedure the policy Revision
required. If not and
provided, 10% scheme
deduction on
admissible amount will
Network Hospitals -
Cashless facility must
be availed for which
prior intimation is
required. 10%
deduction will apply in
case of reimbursement
from network hospital.

No deductions will apply

in case of emergencies
/ accidents.

21.0 01 April 13 April Single room facility for Appendix C Review of Add Policy
2018 2018 parents will be provided  the policy Revision
to employees holding Commonly and
the Platinum Plus Plan. used scheme
For all other plans, twin- Terminologi
sharing room for es  Room
parents will be retained. Category

21.0 01 April 13 April Employees can view Provisions Policy Delete Document
2018 2018 coverage and premium  Benefits, review Revision
details of their default Entitlements
health plan and the next & Coverage
higher plan they can opt
for via GESS.

20.0 01 April 04 April Enrollment section Enrollments For Add Policy

2018 2018 detailed to specify that under HIS additional Revision
at the start of enrolment clarity
period, employee will be
re-tagged to the default
plan and will have the
flexibility to choose the
immediate next higher
plan, if needed.

TCS Confidential 36
Document Policy
Policy Rationale
Release Revision Section Change revision/
Revisi Effective for
/Revision Description No. type Document
on No. date change
Date revision

20.0 01 April 04 April Specified that an Claim Review of Add Policy

2018 2018 advance intimation of Procedure the policy Revision
Hospitalization is and
mandatory (except in scheme
case of emergencies).
Employees must opt for
hospitals which are part
of the network list and
avail the cashless
facility. A percentage
deduction on the bill
amount will apply in
case of requests for
reimbursements and/or
for hospitals which are
not a part of the network

20.0 01 April 04 April Parents/Parents-in-law Appendix C Review of Add Policy

2018 2018 will be eligible for  the policy Revision
double occupancy (twin Commonly and
sharing) AC room used scheme
across all health plans Terminologi
es  Room

20.0 01 April 04 April No Liability on the Terms and Explicitly Modify Document
2018 2018 Insurance company for Conditions mentione Revision
settlement of claims for d in the
any treatment taken policy to
from the Black-listed provide
Hospitals/Clinic/Medica clarity.
l Professionals.

19.0 01 Apr 20 Oct Benefit in case of Provisions -> In line with Modify Policy
2017 2017 Accidental Injury Benefits/Enti Legal Revision
leading to Permanent tlements & statute
Total Disability revised Coverage
from minimum of 10
lakhs to 11 lakhs

TCS Confidential 37
Document Policy
Policy Rationale
Release Revision Section Change revision/
Revisi Effective for
/Revision Description No. type Document
on No. date change
Date revision

19.0 01 Apr 20 Oct Updated the Provisions -> For Add Policy
2017 2017 Ambulance Expenses Benefits/Enti additional Revision
section to bifurcate Air tlements & clarity
and Road Ambulance Coverage
and the respective

19.0 01 Apr 20 Oct For any new addition of All Sections Review of Add Policy
2017 2017 parents/parents-in-law where the policy Revision
as beneficiaries, applicable and
specified that any scheme
(other than those
defined under
Tertiary/Critical Illness)
will not be covered in
the first year of
enrolment. Clarified that
this will not be
applicable to
beneficiaries added
within 90 days from
date of joining or

19.0 01 Apr 20 Oct Specified that IUI or any Defined Document Add Document
2017 2017 medical treatment for Benefits -> ation of Revision
infertility is admissible Maternity existing
only under domiciliary Benefits practice
limit. Sterility or family
planning treatments are
not admissible.

19.0 01 Apr 20 Oct Cancer care section Defined Review of Add Policy
2017 2017 updated to include Benefits -> the policy Revision
Radiotherapy. Limit for Cancer Care and
other therapies revised scheme
from 1 lakh per year to
the Base sum insured
per year in case of the

TCS Confidential 38
Document Policy
Policy Rationale
Release Revision Section Change revision/
Revisi Effective for
/Revision Description No. type Document
on No. date change
Date revision

19.0 01 Apr 20 Oct Clarified that expenses Defined Review of Add Policy
2017 2017 for treatment of Sleep Benefits -> the policy Revision
Apnea would be Treatment of and
payable only if the Obstructive scheme
employee is using a Sleep Apnea

19.0 01 Apr 20 Oct Benefit in case of Stem Defined Review of Modify Policy
2017 2017 Cell therapy revised Benefits -> the policy Revision
from 1 lakh per year to Stem Cell and
50% of the Base sum Therapy scheme
insured per year for the

19.0 01 Apr 20 Oct Defined a maximum Defined Review of Add Policy

2017 2017 limit of 25% of the Base Benefits -> the policy Revision
sum insured for Alternative and
treatment under system of scheme
alternative system of Medicines

19.0 01 Apr 20 Oct Inclusion of Floater Provisions -> Document Modify Document
2017 2017 cover for ESIC Benefits/Enti ation of Revision
associates. Clarified tlements & existing
that ESIC associates Coverage practise
may avail benefits
under ESIC or HIS.

18.0 01 Apr 06 Apr Revised insurance Provisions Review of Modify Policy

2017 2017 cover & benefits. Option the policy Revision
to choose a higher plan. and

Specified that pre-

18.0 01 Apr 06 Apr intimation is required Procedure Review of Add Policy
2017 2017 in case of a planned the policy Revision
hospitalization. and

TCS Confidential 39
Document Policy
Policy Rationale
Release Revision Section Change revision/
Revisi Effective for
/Revision Description No. type Document
on No. date change
Date revision

18.0 01 Apr 06 Apr Basic Hospitalisation Provisions Policy Modify Policy

2017 2017 renamed to Base Cover review Revision
and Higher
Hospitalisation cover
renamed to Floater

18.0 01 Apr 06 Apr Medical Advice section Appendix C Review of Add Policy
2017 2017 updated on room the policy Revision
category details. and

18.0 01 Apr 06 Apr Parents/parents-in-law Provisions – Review of Modify Policy

2017 2017 can be enrolled in Enrollments the policy Revision
subsequent enrollment under HIS and
period. However for scheme
such new additions no
pre-existing ailments
covered in first year of

18.0 01 Apr 06 Apr Peritoneal dialysis Procedure Review of Add Policy

2017 2017 added to the list of not the policy Revision
covered ailments under and
the domiciliary scheme
Hospitalisation benefits.

17.0 01 Apr 12 Aug Pro - rated basic Appendix A Policy Modify Policy
2016 2016 premium amounts table review Revision
for Parents and
Parents- in-law based
on the quarter in which
the employee joins or
gets married.

17.0 01 Jun 12 Aug Renamed LWP Provisions Policy Modify Policy

2016 2016 financial assistance to review Revision
Critical Illness – LWP
Benefit Cover.

TCS Confidential 40
Document Policy
Policy Rationale
Release Revision Section Change revision/
Revisi Effective for
/Revision Description No. type Document
on No. date change
Date revision

17.0 01 Jun 12 Aug The weekly amount Provisions Policy Modify Policy
2016 2016 payable through Critical review Revision
Illness – LWP Benefit
Cover revised.

17.0 01 Apr 12 Aug Cancer Benefit Provisions Policy Modify Policy

2016 2016 introduced. review Revision

16.0 01 Apr 01 Apr C5 & equivalent grades Throughout Review of Modify Policy
2016 2016 moved to higher the the policy Revision
category for benefits document and
and coverage. scheme

16.0 01 Apr 01 Apr Revised insurance Provisions Review of Modify Policy

2016 2016 cover & benefits. the policy Revision
16.0 01 Apr 01 Apr Enrolment of Provisions – Review of Modify Policy
2016 2016 Parents/parents-in-law Enrollments the policy Revision
to be allowed once in 3 under HIS and
years. scheme

16.0 01 Apr 01 Apr Children above 25 Provisions – Review of Add Policy

2016 2016 years not eligible for Enrollment the policy Revision
enrolment. under HIS and

16.0 01 Apr 01 Apr Air Ambulance Provisions - Review of Add Policy

2016 2016 Expenses benefit Benefits / the policy Revision
added. Entitlement and
and scheme

TCS Confidential 41
Document Policy
Policy Rationale
Release Revision Section Change revision/
Revisi Effective for
/Revision Description No. type Document
on No. date change
Date revision

16.0 01 Apr 01 Apr Defined Benefits Defined Review of Add / Policy

2016 2016 section updated with Benefits the policy Modify Revision
Cancer Care, Daycare and
Medical Expenses, scheme
Cochlear Implants,
Treatment for
Obstructive Sleep
apnea, Treatment of
obesity, Stem cell
benefit. Additional
updates also made to
other existing sections.

16.0 01 Apr 01 Apr Updated Upper limits Provisions & Review of Modify Policy
2016 2016 for Permanent Total / Defined the policy Revision
Partial Disability and Limits and
Joint Replacement scheme

TCS Confidential 42

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