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in Self-Management and Crisis Management

Brahma Kumaris, Rajayoga Education & Research Foundation, India
Dibrugarh University Assam, India


I First Year
Course 1.1 Principles of Management
Course 1.2 Managerial Economics
Course 1.3 Organisational Behaviour
Course 1.4 Managing the Self
Course 1.5 Values for Managerial Performance
Course 1.6 Healthy Lifestyle for Managers
Course 1.7 Synthesis of Spirituality
Course 1.8 Crisis management
II Second Year
Course 2.1 Human Resource Management
Course 2.2 Marketing Management
Course 2.3 Financial Management
Course 2.4 Self Managing Leadership (SML)
Course 2.5 Spirituality for Managerial Excellence
Course 2.6 Stress management & Anger management
Course 2.7 Dissertation on Specialisation with Viva-Voce

Objectives: To give a broader understanding of the management concepts and

techniques as a first step towards developing, executing talents of the would be
managers. The teaching method consists mainly of case studies and group discussions.

Unit-I: The development of management

Development of management thought-free scientific management era-human
relation era - social sciences era - management sciences era - contribution of F.W.Taylor,
Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo, Mary Parker Follet, Rensis Likert, McGregor, Herbert A. Simon,
Peter F. Drucker.Definitions of administration and management - Basic Principles and
process of management. Planning - Distinguishing between operational and strategic
planning - types of plans - grouping of various types of plans - Steps in planning.

Unit-II: Policy making

Importance of policies - Types of policies - Principles of policy making -Policy
formulation and Administration - Basic areas of Policy making. Organisational theory -
Formal organisation - Informal organisation -Identificaion of informal groups - Sociogram
influence charts - Benefits of sound organisation structure.Departmentation -
Organisation Charts and manuals.

Unit-III: Authority
Relationship - Line authority - Staff authority - Line organisation - Pure line and
Departmental line organisation - Staff relationships - line and staff organisation -
functional organisation - Committee organisation. Definition of Authority - Components
of authority - Rational authority - Traditional authority - Charismatic authority - Limits of
authority - Delegation of authority - Centralisation and Decentralisation. Staffing
Function - Nature and purpose of staffing - importance of staffing - Components of

Unit-IV: The direction function

Leadership styles and functions.Motivation - Need want satisfaction chain - Theories
of Motivation - Pattern concept theory - Achievement Expectation Theory - XY theory -
Maslows Theory - Alderier's ERG Theory - Interaction Theory - Importance of Financial and
Non- Financial Incentives. Communication - Types and forms of communication - Process
of communication - Communication Network - Barriers to effective communication -
Suggestions to maintain effective communication.
Unit-V: Decision Making Process
Common sense approach - Scientific approach - OR Method - Rational, Humanistic,
Positive - procrastinative - negative and integrative approaches. Co-ordination - Need for
co-ordination - Types of Interdependence - Co- ordination - Pooled, Sequential and
reciprocal interdependence - Principles of co-ordination - Approaches to achieving
effective co-ordination - problem of co-ordination. Concept of Control - Importance of
Control - Span of Control - An integrated Control System.

Unit-VI: Management by objectives (MBO)

Hierarchy of objectives/Qualitative and Quantitative objectives - Process of MBO -
Management by Exception. Supervision - Position of a Supervisor - Function and Qualities
of a Good Supervisor - Role of a Supervisory Key man - Man in the Middle Marginal man -
Human Relations specialist - Essential requirements of effective supervision - Rensis liket
studies of supervisor - effectiveness. Social responsibility of business.

1. Harold Koontz, Cyril Odonnell and Melitrich ., “Management”, McGraw Hill
publications. Tokyo.
2. Henri Fayol. ,” General and Industrial Management”, Pitman Paperbacks.
1. McFatland ., “Management” Collier MacMillan Publications, London.
2. Sripati Ranganadha.,” Industrial Management and Marketing Research”, Meert
Meenakshi Prakashan. (1979)
3. Rabert M. Fulner .,” The New Management”, MacMillan Publications New Yorks.
Objectives: This course gives students an understanding of the concepts and tools
needed for economic decision making in private organisations operating in competitive
markets. At the end of the course, students should be able to link real business decisions
to theoretical models.

Unit-I: The scope and Method of Managerial Economics

Its relation to other branches of learning- The Place of Managerial Economics.

Unit-II: Demand Analysis and Forecasting

Meaning, Characteristics and Determinants of Demand, Demand Functions, Demand
Elasticities - Income, Price, and Cost, Elasticity of demand - Demand Forecasting and
Forecasting methods.

Unit-III: Cost Analysis and Production

Cost concepts, Distinction between accounting cost and economics costs.
Determinants of cost. Cost-output relationship. Returns to scale concept, Break - Even

Unit-IV: Market Structure and Pricing

Various forms of Market Structure. Equilibrium of a firm. Perfect competition.
Monopolistic market. Oligopolistic market; Pricing of products under different Market
Structure, Price Discrimination. Techniques of Pricing. Factors affecting Pricing Decision.
Joint Product Pricing.

Unit-V: Profit Management

The Concept of Profit. Nature and Measurement of Profits. Profit Maximization. Profit
Planning and control.

Unit-VI: National Income

Definition, Measurement - National Income and Economic Welfare Business Cycle.

1) Moti Paul S. Gupta,” Managerial Economics”, Tata McGraw HillPub., New Delhi,
2) Varshney, R.L.Maheswari, K.L “ Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand & sons.New

3) Peterson&Lewis, ”Managerial Economics”,4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India(p)Ltd.,
New Delhi,2003
4) Natarajan,B., and S.K.Nagarajan,” Developing Analytical skills-cases in Management”
Shroff Publishers,Mumbai,1st edition,2007
5) Mehta, ”Managerial Economics” Sultan and Chand, New Delhi,2000
Objectives: Understanding the individual differences in behaviour, complexities of
human motivation, most preferred Leadership styles, reasons for group formation,
managing employee change, organisational development process, and quality of work
life are some of the areas given thrust in this course.

Unit – I: Understanding Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour -Meaning - Importance - Historical Development of
Organisation Behaviour - Organisation as a Social System - Socio Technical System - Open
system - Factors influencing Organisational Behaviour - Environmental Factors,
constraints over organisation & managerial performance.

Unit – II: Understanding Individual

Nature of man - Similarities and differences among individuals - Models of man -
Personality - Stages of personality development - Determinants of personality - Learning
- Perception - . Factors Influencing Perception - Perceptual Distortion .- values - Attitudes
- Attitude formation - Role Behaviour - Status - Sources arid Problems of Status.

Unit – III: Understanding groups

: Meaning of group and group dynamics - Reasons for the formation of groups-
Characteristics of groups - Theories of Group Dynamics-- Types of Groups in
Organisations - Group Cohesiveness - Factors Influencing Group Cohesiveness - Group
decision Making process -r- Small group behaviour.

Unit – IV: Leadership & Motivation

Leadership Concept - Characteristics - Leadership Styles - Managerial grid -
Leadership Continuum - Leadership Effectiveness - Motivation - Concept and importance
- Motivators - Financial & Non-Financial - Theories of Motivation.

Unit – V: Management of change

Meaning - Importance - Resistance to change -Causes - Dealing with Resistance to
change - Concepts of Social change & Organisational change - Factors contributing to
organisational change - Introducing change in large organisations - Change agents -
Organisational development - Meaning & process.

Unit – VI: Organisational Culture

Conflict & Effectiveness Organisational Culture -
Concepts between organisational culture and organisations climate - Factors
influencing organisational climate - Morale - Concepts - Factors influencing morale -
Organisational conflict - Causes & types - Managing conflict - Organisational Effectiveness
- Indicators of Organisational Effectiveness - Achieving Organisational Effectiveness.
1. Rao, VSP and Narayanan, P.S. "Organisation Theory and Behaviour" Konark
Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Delhi, 1987.
2. Fred Luthans,” Organisational Behaviour”, McGraw Hill,Singapore,2008
3. Prasad, L.M. "Organisational Theory and Behaviour" Sultan Chand and Sons,New
4. Sekaran,Uma "Organisational Behaviour - Text and Cases" Tata McGraw Hill
Publishers Ltd., New Delhi ..
5. Steven Robbins and Seema Sanghvi,”Organisational Behaviour”,Pearson
Management" Tata McGraw Hill Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, 1988

Objectives: This course gives students an understanding of the concepts and tools needed
for understanding and working on the “Self”. It is useful for harnessing the immense
powers hidden “with in” the self and these are the secret tools for self-change. The
powers again emerge in the self as it withdraws from body consciousness activity and

Unit-I: Understanding the Self-M.I.S

Anatomy of the self-The mind-The intellect-The sub-conscious mind-Consciousness- The cyclic
process with in the self- States of awareness-Innate and acquired qualities of the self- Powers to act.

Unit-II: Process of thinking

Thinking process-Developing thought pattern-Transforming thought pattern-External influences
on thoughts-The power and effects of thoughts-Principles of positive thinking-Benefits of positive
thinking- Methods to change thinking-Steps to change cycle of thinking.

Unit-III: Powers of the self

Power to withdraw- Power to pack up and let go- Power to love or tolerate- Power to
accommodate- Power to discriminate-Power to decide-Power to face-Power to co-operate- Pro-
activities of powers-Interactivities of powers.

Unit-IV: Managing interferences

Perceptional Challenges-Attitudinal Challenges-Experience Challenges-Habituation Challenges-
Mental positioning-Mental limits-Mental assumptions-Associated memories

Unit -V: Development of life skills

Communication skills-Body language-Verbal and Non-verbal-Team building-Nurturing
relationships-Purpose of living-Time managing skills-Time wasters and time killers-3Qs-conflict

Unit- VI: Relationship Management

Significance-Levels of relationships-harmony in relations-Role of self esteem-Factors affecting
relationships-Preventing measures-relationships with family, Friends and colleagues-Relationship with
nature and environment-Relationship with the supreme

1. Brahma Kumaris, The Spiritual powers of the soul, Literature department, 1998
Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Pandav Bhawan, Mount Abu, Rajasthan
2. B.K.Chandra Shekhar, “Science of Mind Simplified”,Diamond Pocket Books(p) Ltd, New Delhi 110

1. BK. Jayanti, “The Art of Thinking”, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University,
Londan NW 10 2HH
2. Brahma Kumaris, “Inner Beauty”, Literature department, Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa
Vidyalaya, Pandav Bhawan Mount abu,Rajasthan,2000
3. Brahma Kumaris, “NEW BEGINNINGS”, Literature department, Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa
Vidyalaya, Pandav Bhawan Mount abu,Rajasthan,1996
Objectives: This course will teach the students that the Spiritual values
are an expression of the self and as such tend to be revealed in our attitude, consciousness
and the way we live. Our character is defined by our values. Becoming aware of the
inclusion of values in our way of life and our relationships and interactions with others, is a
primary focus of spiritual life
Unit- I: Ethical values
What it means?- Signs of success-Reflection points- quotable quotes-Purity- Honesty- Integrity-
Fairness- Compassion-Trust- Truth

Unit- II; Family values

What it means?- Signs of success-Reflection points- quotable quotes-Love- Caring- Patience-
Forgiveness- Faith-Empathy- Harmony

Unit- III: Professional values

What it means? - Signs of success-Reflection points- quotable quotes-Competence—Discipline—

Unit- IV: Social Values

What it means? - Signs of success-Reflection points- quotable quotes-Simplicity—Flexibility—

Unit- V: Cultural values

What it means? - Signs of success-Reflection points- quotable quotes- Acceptance—Protection—
Tolerance-- Non- violence—Generosity—Sincerity—Obedience

Unit- VI: Spiritual values

What it means? - Signs of success-Reflection points- quotable quotes- Introspection—Peace—
Courage-- Self authority-- Self Sovereignty—Dedication-- Self actualization
1. Diane G.Tillman and Pilar Quera Colomina(2003), “LVEP- Educators Training Guide”, Sterling
Publishers (P))Ltd, New Delhi, 110 020
2. Diane .Tillman (2000),” Living Values Activities for young Adults”, Sterling Publishers (P)Ltd, New
Delhi, 110 020
1. Ruth Thompson, “Making Virtue A Reality”, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Londan,
NW 10 2HH
2. V.O.C. College of Education, “National conference on Ethics and Human Value”s(UGC
Sponsored), Thoothukudi,628 008(TN),Souveni,2007
3. Brahma kumaris World Spiritual University, “Retreat magazine” Londan NW 10 2HH Issue nos
Objective: In order to reap the richest fruits from Meditation some recommended lifestyle practices,
which are proven to help. None of them are compulsory but they are time tested. Meditation is used
to empower the self to release any unhealthy eating habits and achieve freedom from any addiction. If
we become stronger and our sense of spirituality deepens, we will find that adopting these practices
becomes quite natural.

Unit-I: Diet and Nutrition

Eating Patterns, Rest and Energy-Satwic, Rajeshic and tamasic foods- vegetarian diet- Prepare
food and offer to God-

Unit-II: Moderate exercises

Moderate is sufficient-Regular is vital.

Unit-III: Regular Study/learning attitude

Nourishment-Both mind and Intellect-churning Knowledge-Foundation on Faith-Checking the
Unit-IV: Authentic Lifestyle
Self respect the foundation of purity-The effect of food on quality of thoughts- Spiritual love-Good

Unit-V: Meditation Practice

What is meditation-Types of meditation-Rajyoga meditation-Five fold impact of Rajyoga
Meditation -steps of Rajyoga Meditation- Research studies on Meditation-Benefits of Rajyoga
Unit -VI: Selfless service
Moving Forward-Share spiritual knowledge- Service through mind-serving the elements of
1. BK Jagdish Chander , “Applied Spiritual Knowledge”, Literature department, Brahma Kumaris
Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Delhi,2000
2. BK Jagdish Chander, “Building a Value-Based, Peaceful and Prosperous Society”, Literature
department, Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Delhi.2001
1. BK Jagdish Chander,. “ A Kaleidoscopic View of
Issues,Ideas,Events,Intentions,Attitudes,Individuals and Institutions”, Literature
department,Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya,Delhi,2000
2. BK Jagdish Chander Hassija, “The Eternal World drama”, Literature department, Brahma
Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Delhi,1985
3. BK. Jayanti, “ Practical Meditation”, Brahma kumaris World Spiritual University, Londan NW 10

Objective: This course aims at gaining insight about the spirituality. Spiritual process is not
logical or linear but associative and re-iterative. Further we learn spirituality by going more
subtly in to what we already know. Like the under currents of the sea ,barely seen but
certainly felt, much of spiritual growth goes on subtly underneath the surface and for this
reason sometimes it is difficult to describe.

Unit-I: Life’s Journey-Pathways to happiness


Unit-II: Spirituality in Everyday Life

Free from Tension-Free from fear-Forgive and Forget-Protection from Negativities-Emotional
Stability-Honesty in relationships- meaning and purpose of living

Unit-III: The missing connection

Concepts, Nature & Identity of God-Form or Image-Attributes-Relationships-Purpose and
benefits-Power and Acts-Meditation – Transmitter and receiver.

Unit-IV: The Timeless Dimension

Sir Isaac Newton-Einstein view-The Cycle of Time-The Beginning-Morning-Afternoon-Evening-
Night-The end-Dawn-Going Home-The Cycle continues.

Unit-V: Exercises for Practice

Quiet reflection-Feeling of alienation-Trust the process-Self awareness-Visualize the Divine- think
attributes of God-Develop relationship-Select a Quality-Turn your attention-Letting Go-Stand back and
observe-Reflect on original Qualities-Practice Introversion-Being an Observer-Practice soul
consciousness-Surrender to God-Create Good wishes

Unit-VI: The Arts of Life

The art of Administration-Communication-Dealing with others-Developing-Keeping other’s
contented-Keeping secrets-Leadership-Learning and teaching-Organizing-Reforming-Refreshing-
remaining Happy-Serving-Thinking and creating-Winning friends and Work and Leisure

1. B.K.Jayanti “Practical Meditation” Spiritual yoga for the mind- Sterling Publishing Co., Inc New
York 10016,2003
2. Nikki de Carteret” Soul Power” The transformation that happens when you know
Alresford,Hants SO24 9A,UKU

3. Ken O’Donnell ”Pathways to Higher Consciousness” Eternity ink Leichhardt NSW 2040
4. Jim Ryan “ Meditation the 13 pathways to happiness” John Hunt Publishing Ltd., Ropley, hants.
5. Brahma Kumaris, “ The Spiritual Powers of the soul” Eternity ink Leichhardt NSW 2040

Objective: This deals with the process by which we have to deal with a major event that threatens
to harm every one. It consists of Methods used to respond to both the reality and perception of crises,
establishing metrics to define what scenarios constitute a crisis and should consequently trigger the
necessary response mechanisms and Communication that occurs within the response phase of
emergency management scenarios.

Unit-I: The nature and types of crisis

Unexpected situation- urgent Decisions- Time is short- Specific threats - Urgent demands -loss of
control- Pressures build - Routine become difficult- Reputation suffers- Communications are difficult-
Natural disaster-Technological crises-Confrontation-Malevolence-Crisis of skewed management -value-
Crisis of deception -Crisis of management misconduct

Unit-II: Crisis planning

Assess risks-Produce plans-Define roles and responsibilities-Appoint crisis management team-
Draw up communication plan-Promote crisis-ready culture-Publish plans and conduct training-Test,
review and practise

Unit-III: Risk assessment and Risk management

Perception of risk-Identification-Determine the risk-Identify ways to reduce the risk- -Prioritize risk
reduction as a strategy-Avoid risk-Reduce the negative effects of risk-accepting the consequences.

Unit-IV: Communication and Crisis leadership

Communication of risk- poor public grasp of risk and risk statistics-Confusion between
relative/absolute/reference/ attributable risk-Variable perception/tolerance of different kinds of risk-
Fantasy of a ‘safe drug’

Unit-V: Models and theories of crisis management

Antecedent conditions-Intrinsic and Perceived crisis-Immature crisis response-Mature crisis
management-Review and Feedback-Chaos theory-Decision theory-Structural & functional theory-
Diffusion of innovation theory

Unit-VI: Disaster management

Types of disasters-Natural and manmade- Prevention and mitigation- Prepare for disasters-
Respond to disasters.

1. “International conference on Combating challenges of CLIMATE CHANGE”, Vigyan Bhawan,
New Delhi Souvenir (Engineers & Scientists Wing) R.E & R.F and Brahma kumaris,2009
2. “Disaster management” R.E&R.F Scientists and Engineers wing, Academy for a better world,
Brahma kumaris, Mount Abu, Rajasthan,2008
3. BK. Jayanti, “Spirituality in Daily Life”, Brahma kumaris World Spiritual University, Londan NW
10 2HH,2007
4. Indian Psychiatric Society’s “ Spirituality and Mental Health: Reflections of the past, Applications
in the Present and projections for the Future, Task force(2008-2009) in association with Medical
Wing, R.E & R.F, Mount Abu
5. Mohini Punjabi, “The Story of Immortality—A Return to Self- Sovereignty”, Brahma kumaris
World Spiritual Organization(USA) NY11021,2008

This course aims at gaining insight about the multidimensionality and
complexities involved in understanding individual behaviour in organisations.
Thrust is given on HR planning, policies, procurement, selection, strategies of
retention, compensation, mobility, grievance handing and employee separations.

Unit-I: Nature and Scope of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Human Resource Management: Meaning - Nature - Scope objectives - Personnel
Management Vs HRM - Importance of HRM - problems of HRM-HRM as a profession.
Functions of HRM – Classification of HRM-Functions Managerial Functions and Operative
functions- organisation of HRM Department - Qualities and qualification of personnel/Human
Resource managers. Environmental influences of HRM - Influence of external and internal
environmental factors of HRM.

Unit-II: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection

Human Resource Planning - Meaning - Need and importance- Objectives -
Problems - Process - Responsibility - Meaning - Factors Influencing Recruitment-
Recruitment: Policy - Problem in Recruitment - Organisation for Recruitmeut
Sources of Recruitment - Recruitment Practices in India. Selection - Meaning - Factors
affecting selection decisions - selection Policy - Steps in selectionTechniques of Selection -
Application Blanks - Psychological Tests - Objectives - Uses - Limitations - Interviews - Types -
Process - Guidelines for Effective interviews - Limitations of Interview Techniques. Placement
- Meaning and Principles -Placement Policy -introduction. Introduction - Meaning and

Unit-III: Job Analysis, Description, Evaluation, Design

Job- Analysis - Meaning of Job and job Analysis - Purpose - Uses - Contents - Steps
in Job Analysis=- Techniques of .Job Analysis.Job Description - Purpose - Contents - Uses -
Limitations- Guidelines for Job Description-Job Specifications. Job' Evaluation - Meaning -
Objectives - Procedure - Uses – Limitations. Job Evaluation Methods: Ranking Method,
Grading Method, Point System - Factor Comparison Method, Market Pricing Method, Job
Pricing Methods - Essentials of Job Evaluation- Job Design - Meaning - Approaches to
Designing Jobs - Job Simplifications, Job Enlargement, Job Rotation and Job Enrichment.

Unit-IV: Development of Human Resources

Meaning of training, development and - education - Training: Need and Importance -
Objectives - Types - Steps in Training programme - Organisation of Training Programmes -
Evaluation of Training Programmes-Concept of management Development Programmes -
Essentials of Management Development - Programmes. Techniques of Training and
Development -Lecture method Group 'Discussions - Conferences and Seminars, Case
Studies, Role Playing, Business Games, Sensitivity training, Job Rotation, Coaching,
Understanding, Multiple Management, Programme Instruction. Training and
Development in India - Need - Training Courses - Training Institutes - Problems -
Government policy.
Unit V:Transfer, Promotion, Discipline and Compensation
Transfers - Objectives - Transfer Policy. Promotion - PUrpose- promotion policy -
Demotion. Discipline - Meaning ..' Positive 'and Negative Aspects of Discipline - Causes of
indiscipline - Disciplinary Procedure - Maintaining discipline - Compensation: Objectives
of Compensation Functions - Principles - Factors Influencing Wage and Salary
Administration .: Executive Compensation Plans. Benefits and Employee Service -Fringe
Benefits - Coverage of Fringe Benefits - Fringe Benefits in India - Employee Services,

Unit-VI: Performance Appraisal

Meaning - Need and Importance - Objectives - Problems in Performance Appraisal-
Factors - Influencing Performance Appraisal- Responsibility for Appraisal - Techniques of
Performance Appraisal - Traditional Techniques - Straight Ranking Method - Paired
Comparison Method - Man- to-Man Comparison method - Grating Method - Linear Rating
Method - Forced Choice Description Method - Free Essay Method - Critical Incident
Method - Group Appraisal Method - Field Review Method. Modern Techniques of
Performance Appraisal - Appraisal by. MBO -
Assessment Centre method -Human Assets Accounting Method - Behaviourally Archored
Rating Scales. Quality of Working life: Meaning, - Issues in Quality of Working Life -
Measuring Quality of. Working Life - obstacles to Quality of Working Life.Programmes
Quality 'Circles - Techniques - How to Make Quality Circles Effective.

1. Yodar, Dale.,” Personnel Management and Industrial Relations”, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi.
2. Jucions, M.T.” Personal Management”, Richard D.Irwin.
3. Flippo E.E.” Personnel Management”, McGraw Hill Kogahusha, New Delhi.
4. Robbins, Stephen. P.” The Management of Human Resources”, Prentice Hall Inc;
Engle Wood Cliffs, New Jersey.
S. Memoria, C.B.” Personnel Management”, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.

This course is designed with an aim of teaching the students about the
fundamental concepts involved in developing marketing strategies. Making the
students to understand the significance of segmentation, marketing mix elements and
consumer protection would greatly help to have a bird's eye view of the subject.

Unit-I: Marketing
Definition - Importance - Concepts in Marketing, Marketing Tasks (Conventional &
Stimulational Marketing, Maintenance' Marketing, Synchro Marketing) Marketing
Concepts - Traditional and Modern Concepts - Marketing Environment, Marketing
Strategies - Kinds of Marketing Strategies.

Unit-II: Market Segmentation

Bases for Segmenting Consumer and industrial Market - Market Targetting and
Product Positioning. Consumer Behaviour - Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour.
Marketing Mix Concept - Sales Forecasting - Techniques and Criteria.

Unit-III: Product
Meaning -Classification of Goods - Product Planning and
Development-Product Life Cycle - New Product Development - Innovation - Product
Obsolescence - Elimination - Product Related Strategies - Branding, Packing, Labeling,
Warranting, Trade Mark - Copy Right Patents.

Unit-IV: Pricing
Meaning and Objectives, Pricing Policies and Strategies Pricing
Methods. Promotion - Promotion Mix - Purpose of Promotion- Promotion Strategy -
Sales Promotion - Advertising -Uses of Advertising - Kinds of Advertising Budget- Sales
Management - Salesmanship Qualities - Effectiveness Selling - Sales Process.

Unit-V: Distribution
Selection of channel of distribution - wholesalers and retailers - their function and
importance - Transport - their role and importance in distribution network. Ware
housing decisions. Management of physical distribution - Marketing Research and
Information -Management research - objectives and process.

Unit-VI: Consumerism
Problem of consumer protection - Government and Marketing - ISI, AGMARK, Public
Distribution of essential commodities. The Indian Marketing Environment - Ethics in

1. Philip Kotler.,” Marketing”, Prentice Hall.
2. William J Stanton.,” Fundamentals of Marketing”, McGraw Hill, Tokyo.
3. E.Jerome Me Carthy.,” Marketing Management”, Richard D Iraan, Nernz.
4. V.S. Ramaswamy and Namakumari., “Marketing Management”, - Mad.ldn.
5. Victor P.Bue., ”Marketing Management”, McGraw Hill.

Objectives: Finance is concerned with everything that takes place in the conduct of the
business. Obviously this subject seeks to develop and acquaint the study with the various
concepts, techniques, methods of planning, forecasting, raising effective utilisation and
appraisal and to develop and increase the decision making ability in the area of finance.

Unit-I: Finance Functions

Meaning - Definition and Scope of Finance function - goals of financial
management- executive functions and Incidental functions-Profit maximisation and
wealth maximisation.

Unit-II: Sources of Short Term Financing

The management of working capital-Net working capital alternative definition –
Financing--mix - basic approaches–the Hedging approach the Conservative approach - a
Trade off between the two-the aggressive approach. Management of Cash and Marketable
Security-Importance of cash and liquidity - motives for holding cash - objectives of cash
management - cash balance deciding factors - cash management strategies-
determination of cash cycle - cash turn over - Minimum operating cash - stretching the
accounts receivables - combined operation of management strategies - working capital
control- working capital gap - banking policy.Receivables Management-Objectives- cost -
benefits credit policies - credit terms - collection policies. Inventory Management-
Objectives of inventory-inventory management techniques - cost benefit. Intermediate
Term Financing-Nature - purpose - raising of term loans and other sources of finance.

Unit-III: Sources of Long Term Financing

Long term financing - Nature of long tern financing common stock - preferred stock
- debt financing secured and unsecured debts repurchase of shares - rights issue
procedure-under writing shares. Rights Issues-Meaning - rights issue procedure - pricing
the rights issue under Writing of rights - dilution of market price rights - market price

Unit-IV: Dividend Policy Decision

Internal financing - dividend and retained earnings - relevance and irrelevance of
dividend - M.M. Hypothesis- Walters Model Cost of retained earnings - dividend
practices - factors affecting dividend policy - dividend payou t ratio - stock dividend and
stock splits - issue of bonus shares and its procedure.

Unit-V: Leasing
Characteristics of leasing - Leasing as a source of financing - types of leasing -
Leasing arrangement advantages and disadvantages.Expansion. and Contraction -Mergers
and Acquisitions - Failure-Re-organisation and Liquidation.

Unit-VI: Financing Decisions

The cost of capital and capital structure - the cost of specific sources of capital - the
cost of retained earnings measurement of the overall cost of common stock - cost of
preferred stock - the cost of capital.Valuation of Shares-Concept of going concern value –
asset approach to valuation earnings
approach - market price approach.

1. Van Horne, James C.,” Financial Management and Policy”, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.,
1973, New Delhi.
2. Weston J Fred and E.F. Brigham.,” Managerial Finance “,Hinsdale, Dryden Press.

3. Solomon Ezra.,” Measuring a Company's Cost of Capital “,Journal of Business, 28
(October, 1955) pp. 210-252.
4. Pandy, I.M.,” Capital Structure and the Cost of Capital “,Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 1980.
5. Kuchhal S.C.,” Financial Management”, Chaitanyual Publishing House and Row
Publishers, 1976.

Objectives: The course is aimed at acquiring the student with the various components
involved in Self managing Leadership process. The process of change can be understood
in its correct perspective and know how to move from concrete things to abstract things
by a process of step by step thinking and deliberating. The principle message this gives is
“If you always think what you have always thought; you will always do what you have
always done.” ” If you always do what you have always done; you will always get what
you have always got.”

Unit-I: Facts & Insights

Major challenges-Coping with change-Transformational change-The key to stability-SWOT
analysis- Emotional stability-Right frame of mind-Spiritual wisdom-Innate and Acquired self-The higher
self-The power and effects of thoughts—Interferences-Quality from inside out-Keys to self

Unit-II: Purpose & Values

Centre of living- Various perspectives- Higher purpose-Fulfillment in life-Understanding the
meaning and Importance-Role of intuition-Basis for motivation-Values important in life-usage of
values-Living the values

Unit-III: Vision & Barriers

Value based mental image-personal logo-Create our own script-Secret of taking charge-
exploring inner powers-Identifying the blocks and Barriers-Live practically-know your enemy-
Identifying the root cause-Change in attitude and perception

Unit-IV: KRAs & Strategies

Process of change- Balanced life style-Strategic thinking- clear goal setting- - SMART- Need of
Focusing- Strategies align with values-

Unit-V: Action plan & Implementation

Purpose of Action plan-Focused and concentrated-Action steps-Quality of life-Role of Meditation-
Research studies-monitoring-Timing-Response-ability and Non-violent communication

Unit-VI: Usefulness of Planning model

Personal life- Family life- Professional life- Social life-sustainable development-Aiming and
achieving excellence-Sustenance of excellence-self actualization.
1. Brain Bacon and Marc Fourcade, “Self managing Leadership” Ahmedabad management
2. B.K.Usha, “Self managing Leadership” Literature department, Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya
Vishwa Vidyalaya, Pandav Bhawan Mount Abu, Rajasthan

3. BK. Jayanti, “Spirituality in Daily Life”, Brahma kumaris World Spiritual University, Londan NW
10 2HH,2007
4. Indian Psychiatric Society’s “ Spirituality and Mental Health: Reflections of the past, Applications
in the Present and projections for the Future, Task force(2008-2009) in association with Medical
Wing, R.E & R.F, Mount Abu
5. Mohini Punjabi, “The Story of Immortality—A Return to Self- Sovereignty”, Brahma kumaris
World Spiritual Organization(USA) NY11021,2008
COURSE 2.5: SPIRITUALITY FOR Managerial Excellence

Objective: The purpose of this course is to help the students to develop an awareness of
their inner peace, powers and potentials and a moral compass for living and to teach
practical spiritual skills and tools for expressing their potential

Unit-I: Strategies for performance

Power of Problem Solving and Analytical Techniques- Brainstorming - Generating Options -
Critical Path Analysis - Planning and Scheduling Complex Tasks-Decision Trees - Powerful Quantitative
Analysis of Decision Impact-Force Field Analysis - Analysis of all Pressures For and Against Change-PMI -
A Powerful Enhancement to Pros and Cons -SWOT Analysis - Analyzing your Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and threats.

Unit-II: Perception
Revelation of perception-Visual perception-Auditory perception- Internal Factors influencing
Perceptional mechanism-External factors influencing Perceptional mechanism –Wheel of perception

Unit- III: Consciousness

What is consciousness- Religious perspectives- scientific perspectives-Spiritual perspectives-Vies of
philosophers-Some systems of Psychology.

Unit-IV: Self Image &Self Motivation

Effect on thoughts- External influences on thoughts-Roots of low Self esteem-3 steps to a good self
Image-Motivating factors- Criticism for motivation-Signs of De motivators-Laws of motivation-Skills for
motivation-Wheel of motivation-Principles of Motivational Leader

Unit-V: Cosmic Laws & Spiritual Laws

Law of cause and effect-Law of perfect Justice-Law of Entropy-Law of nag entropy-Law of equal
return-The Laws of Time-Law of Manifestation

Unit- VI: Balancing acts of Life

Responsible & care free-Firmness & Flexible-Economical &Generous-Correction & Forgiveness-
Lawful & Loveable-Ambitious & Contentment.

1. Surendran. G, (2010), “Secrets of Success”, Sapna Book House(P)Ltd, Bangalore 560 009
2. “Yoga Experimentation: Practical guidelines” Part I, II & III, Academy for a better world, Brahma
kumaris, Mount Abu, Rajasthan

1. “World Congress on Clinical and Preventive cardiology 2007”, World Public Conference on 3D
heart care 2007, 28-30 September, 2007 Souvenir, Brahma Kumaris, Shantivan, Abu, India
2. Brahma Kumaris(2000), “A Hand-Book of Godly Raja Yoga “ , Literature department, Brahma
Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Pandav Bhawan Mount abu,Rajasthan
3. Brahma kumaris and R.E & R.F (Engineers & Scientists Wing),(2007),” National conference on
Excellence in Life”, at Thoothukudi (TN), Souvenir

Objective: This course throws light on right perspective towards stress and Anger most dreaded
disease today. It is nothing but relates to an imbalance between demands made on us and our
capabilities to meet these demands. Such an imbalance can and does lead to physical, physiological
and mental consequences.

Unit-I: Causes, Signs & Symptoms of stress

Eight Illusions of stress-Events, situations & Circumstances –Family and at Work place- What most
people do?- Mental signs-Physical signs-Behavioral signs- Stress on Health perspective, Professional
perspective and Management perspectives

Unit- II: Levels, Effects &Vicious cycle of stress

Physical-Emotional-Mental and Spiritual levels-Types of stress- Occupational stress-Psycho
somatic stress-Sympathetic and Parasympathetic effects- Thinking-Feelings-Performance –Behavior

Unit-III: Tips to conquer stress

Steps to conquerstress- Messenger- Choosing- Avoid complaining& blaming-Look for advantages- one at
a time-Don’t Compare yourself with others- Positive attitude-Forgive& Forget-Give &Take happiness-Render
Service-Practice Meditation-stress management skills –Detachment- Filtering-Controlling- Non-absorbing-

Unit- IV: Traits & Effects of Anger

Forms and derivatives of anger- Anger what it means?-Causes and Reactions to Anger-Research
studies on anger- Negative feelings-aggressiveness-cynicism-Physical signs-mental signs-effect on

Unit-V: Preventive & Curative measures & Guiding principles

Relaxation techniques-Rajyoga meditation-Understanding cosmic laws and spiritual laws - Self
analysis-Attitudinal change-spiritual outlook-value adoption-Balanced life style-enhancing mental
powers-managing inter personal relationships- Guidelines to overcome anger.

Unit-VI: Healthy ways to manage Stress and Anger

Practicing – self analysis-introspection-positive thinking-Contemplation-Power of acceptance-
attitudinal change- -Role of Meditation/spirituality-Inner journey-Communication with the supreme-
Practice of higher consciousness-Preperation-Contemplation-Absorption-Experience-Transformation-
Physiological effects of Meditation
1. Mike George, “Learn to Find Inner Peace”, Dunan Baird Publishers Ltd, LondonW1T3QH,2003
2. Mike George,” Learn to Relax”, Brahma kumaris World Spiritual University, Londan NW 10

3. Mike George, “In the Light of MEDITATION”, Dunan Baird Publishers Ltd ,LondonW1T3QH,2004
4. Promod Batra, “Simple ways to manage STRESS”, Think inc, New Delhi,2000
5. Paul Skye, ”Off-loading STRESS at work place” Pustak Mahal, Delhi 110006,1999

2.7. Dissertation on Specialisation with Viva-Voce

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