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Presbyterian Charismatic Communion

Number 47
2629 N.W . 39th Expressway, Suite 2B, Oklahoma City, OK 73112 March-April, 1978

p CC MA N I F Es Ts CO N C E R N F O R H O MO S E X U A L Is suE
For the past 18 months . the Presby- We offer the avowed homosexual the
terian Charismatic Communion has urged conviction, based on our own experience
prayer and fasting for the issue coming of God, that God's mercy and strength are
before the 190th General Assembly of the more than enough to liberate an .individual
United Presbyterian Church and eventually from this or any other sin he or ·she may
facing the General Assembly of the Pres- have.
byterian Church in the U.S.
In.vesting time, talent, treasures
PCC has, through its Board and many and personnel, PCC has undertaken to pre-
of its members, stated its views unequi vo- vent the ordination of self-affirming
cally on the homosexual issue. One year and unrepentant homosexuals as ministers,

Task Force to Study Homosexuality holds public hearing in Philadelphia

before the Majority Report for the Task ruling elders and deacons on the one hand
Force to Study Homosexuality was fi na 1- and to communicate a message of healing
i zed, the PCC Board of Directors issued for the homosexual on the other. To this
a statement in which it declared that no end PCC has undertaken to subsidize a
Presbytery of the United Presbyterian $12,000 publishing venture with a booklet
Church, U.S.A., should ordain an avowed ed Heal ing for the Homosexual/'

homosex ual to the professional ministry. which is · being mailed to every prdained
The Board relied upon Scriptures, the UPCUSA and PCUS minister within the U.S.
Confessions, the law of love as propounded
and practiced by Lord Jesus, and the main- EVANGELICAL COALITION
tenance of the peace, unity and purity
within the Church. This statement, which A further effort has been exerted by
was adopted on January 9, 1977, was con- PCC in cooperation with the Presbyterian
cluded with these words: (continued on page 2)
Lay Colllllit.tee and Presbyterians United WE CALL the Sessions of Churches to
For Biblical Concerns in forming the Evan- take positive action by writing to
gelical Coalition in order to address the the Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of
Presbyterians at the grassroots concerning which they are a member declaring op-
their Scriptural responsibilities as position to the ordination of self-
Christians as they relate to one another affirming practicing homosexuals with
within the Church. The following joint supporting reasons, sending copies to '
statement hqs been issued: the Office of the Stated Clerk of the
United Presbyterian Church, 4 7 5 River-
A CALL TO THE side Drive, New York, NY, 10027, and
UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, U.S.A. to the Evangelical Coalition, 1727 De-
From the Evangelical Coalition lancey Place, Philadelphia, PA, 19103.
WE CALL congregations and Presbyteries
to minister compassionately and con-
structively to homosexuals and all
persons desirous of healing and whole-
ness, considering carefully the in-
WE CALL upon the United Presbyterian sights from all related disciplines
Church to reaffirm its commitment to along with the clear testimony of
the Scriptures which clearly set forth Scripture.
God's order in creation, the unique-
ness of male and female, and His plan WE CALL upon concerned members of the
for marriage between the sexes. Church to observe a DAY OF FASTING &
PRAYER on the first Friday of each •
WE CALL upon the Church to oppose any month to pray for the 190th G.A. and
position which condones homosexual its commissioners; for reformation
activity by the ordination of self- and spiritual renewal in the Church.
affirmed and unrepentant homosexuals
and/ or allows for the possibility of WE AFFIRM the Reformed position that
such ordination by the Presbyteries no new light received now or in the
of the United Presbyterian Church. In future will ever compromise the clear
so doing we call attention to the fact teaching of Scripture.
that the Scriptures, the Confessions
of our Church and the 1970 and 1976 WE PLEDGE our allegiance to the au-
General Assemblies have all declared thority of Scripture on this and every
the practice of homosexuality to be controversial issue, and plead for a
sinful. fresh outpouring of God's Spirit on
our beloved Church.
WE CALL all commissioners to the 190th
General Assembly to take definitive
action, based on the authority of the
Dr. William P. Showalter, PCC Board
Scriptures, in opposing the ordina-
member and Senior Minister of Parkminster
tion of self - affirmed practicing
Pr~sbyterian Church, Rochester, New York,
hqs been serving as PCC's principal rep-
resentative with the Evangelical Coali-
WE CALL upon the General Assembly to
tion. He meets on a regular basis with
reject any action which allows for
leaders from both the Lay Committee and
PUBC to pray and to plan. •
the possibility of such ordination and
to endorse any action which, on solid
scriptural . and historic grounds, op- CHICAGO PLAN
poses the ordination of self-affirmed
homosexuals and unequivocally affirms Without representing the PCC per se,
that the practice of homosexuality is any number of PCC clergy and lay members
a sin. (continued - page 3)

2 March-April, 1978
are working with an even more inclusive us to oppose their ordination, for we
group of Presbyterian churchpersons who want them restored to what the Lord would
have formed the Chicago Plan which is the have them to be. He quoted the Episcopal
most comprehensive strategy yet implemen- House of Bishops as having said: 11 We dare
ted to represent the voice of the majority not condone what the Lord wants to redeem."
of Presbyterians on any single issue.
Since the Chicago Plan espouses the
Minority Report of the Task Force to Study
Homosexuality, three of the five Minority
Members were on hand to provide input.
Dr. Richard Lovelace provided some his-
torical and theological background and
suggested some beneficial results arising
from the homosexual controversy. For one
thing the Church has been re-awakened.
For another, there has been a re-examina-
ti on of basic Reformation tenets which has
illuminated some important doctrines and
attitudes such as repentance, redemption,
the dynamic of Holy Spirit power. It has
Orientation Seminar for Chicago Plan actually strengthened Evangelicalism.
The 300 - pl us laity and clergy who
crowded into a ballroom at the O'Hare
Hilton Hotel in Chicago on Monday, Febru-
ary 13, hailed from more than 100 presby-
teries. There were at le~st three dozen
PCC clergy present with almost half that
many laity.
In the keynote address, Three Minority Members of Task Force.
Dr. Ernest Lewis, First Left to Right: Dr. Richard Lovelace, Dr.
Presbyterian Church of Ev- Donald Williams and Dr. Ahmes Overton.
anston, Illinois, emphasized
that the Chicago Plan sup- Dr. Don Williams masterfully gave a
porters were not in conten- critique of the 150-page Background Paper
tion with 475 Riverside and the 30-page Task Force Policy State-
Drive or threatening to ment and Recommendations (Majority Report)
scuttle the Major Mission in which he pointed ()Uta refusal in these
Funding. Although the ap- documents to evaluate the real origin of
proach would be biblical, homosexuality and to come to grips with
theological and ecclesias- God's true ere a ti ve purpose for human sex-
tical, the style or attitude Rev. Ernest uality. Dr. Ahmes Overton undertook to
could be as important as Lewis highlight some of the current medical,
the approach. He warned psychological, biological, sociological
that an overki 11 or an over reaction could data, theories and conclusions pertaining
produce more damage and division than the to homosexuality. He observed that there
Task Force Majority Report. Dr. Lewis seems to be many conflicts and much i ncon-
went on to say that we could well be at a c l us i veness among the scientific disci-
holy moment in which our love and maturity plines. Dr. Overton did note that there
are being tested. is enough evidence to show that homosex-
uals can change their life style when
He continued by declaring that it is properly motivated.
our love for the homosexuals which cause (continued - page 4)

PCC Newsletter 3
The one-day seminar for the Chicago Love in Action, which ministry continues
Plan was appropriately concluded by to expand with more and more former homo-
Brother Frank Worthen, a liberated fonner sexuals assisting.
homosexual, whose testimony bore witness
to those assembled that Jesus. Christ by This ministry seeks to he 1p the homo -
the power of the Holy Spirit can alter sexual to change his or her life style so
the life style of a repentant homosexual. as to conform more and more to the image
Following the death of his father, Brother of Christ through repentance, forgiveness,
Frank was led into homosexuality while in and redemptive love. Should one wish to
his early teens by his own pastor who him- contact this group, write: Love In Action,
self was a homosexual. This was after Box 2655, San Rafael, CA, 95902.
Frank had become a Christian.
[Members of the Evangelical Coalition,
For more than twenty-five years, including PCC, have expressed concern over
Brother Frank engaged in homosexual be- the nebulous organization of the Chicago
havior. In his early forties, he testi- Plan but will work with it as the Lord
fies to a renewing and powerful encounter directs. However, the present efforts of
with Lord Jesus which led to his being PCC are with the Evangelical Coalition in
freed of the sin of homosexuality. To endeavoring to present to the Church a
his surprise, the Lord led him into a biblical and Reform~d view of homosexu-
ministry to homosexuals. It is called ality. -- Editor]


March 3 May 5
April 7 June 2 THE


ING FOR THE HOMOSEXUAL" AND FOR THE Postage and handling included
INITIAL COST Address orders and make
checks payable to:
NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINE, covering any 2629 N.~J. 39th Expwy.,Suite 2B
news pertaining to the above Oklahoma City, OK 73112

4 March-April, 1978
has chosen to redeem and sanctify these
particular persons within the fra mework
Homosexuality and the Clergy of their homosexual condition.··

A Presbyterian task force proposes a policy of toleration n a strong ~issent, the minority report

ver 20 centuries. all branches of agreement only went so far. A conserva-

reJects the idea that ·'the Holy Spmt
in our experience what Hehas
0 Christianity barred openly commit-
ted homosexuals from the clergy and from
tive minority , consisting of Lovelace and
two other theologians, an expert in eth-
clearly said in the whole fabric of Scrip-
ture ... It considers the male-female dis-
lay offices. Virtually all major U.S. ics and a local pastor, filed a 19-page re- tinction part of God 's design to make
churches still do. But the increasingly or- port. It urges the forthcoming General As- human life coherent. concluding that ho-
ganized and vocal campaign by homosex- sembly to interpret the church constitu- mosexuals have a "distorted or insuffi-
uals to be treated just like everyone else tion as banning practicing homosexuals cient belief in who they are." Even though
poses particular problems for Christian from the clergy and the lay offices of el- all Christians sin in various ways , the mi-
churches. Their creed commands broth- der and deacon, though accepting homo- nority felt that the church ca nnot afford
erhood and forgiveness , but it also oblig- sexuals who remain celibate. to condone a practice that the Bible so
es them to oefend specific standards of After considerable research . both clearly rejects: " Neither laypersons nor
conduct based on the Bible. sides concluded that most homosexuality ministers are free to adopt a life-style of
This week an official task force desig- is not the result of conscious choice and continuing. conscious. habitual and un-
nated to study the problem is proposing
that the 2.6 million-member United Pres-
byterian Church become the first denom-
ination to adopt a policy of toleration. The
gist of its findi.ngs: there is no reason in Reprinted by permission from TIME, The Weekly
principle to deny ordination to a "self-
affirming pra..:ticing homosexual Chris- Newsmagazine; Copyright Time Inc. 1978.
tian," even one who is ·'open to" or in-
volved in " full companionship or partner-
ship with a person of the same sex.·· The This article expresses clearly and accurately the
new proposal would make it possible for
any local congregation to employ a homo- homosexual issue which is before the 190th General
sexual if it wished . The church's various Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.
presbyteries (regional associations) must Permission was not obtained to reprint the photo-
approve all clergy hiring. and would be
free to accept homosexuals, or reject graphs [appeared in this space] of Minority Report
them, without any constraint from the na- spokesman theologian Richard Lovelace and Liberal
tional denomination . Task Force Chairperson Virginia Davidson, who were
The proposal is certain to produce a said to have "dramatically different views of the
fire storm of argument among the not-so-
United Presbyterians across the country. Bible and human behavior." - Editor.
The final decision will rest with the
church's annual General Assembly sched-
uled for May 16-24 in San Diego. What
happens there is likely to influence the
separate Southern Presbyterian church that it stems more from an unexplained restricted sin in any area of their lives."
and the four U .S. Protestant churches complex of psychosocial forces than from Homosexual ordination, they agreed.
(with 16 million members among them) heredity. The liberal side relied heavily would "set in motion both within the
that have also begun to address the on psychological theory, while conserva- church and in society serious contradic-
question. tives pointed out that sc ientific findings tions to the will of Christ."
The task force was chaired by Roch- are fluid and conflicting. Finally, howev- No one knows which point of view
ester, N .Y. , Laywoman Virginia David- er, both the majority and minority sides will prevail among the 650 delegates who
son, wife of a retired Kodak executive and staked their case on the Bible. The two go to San Diego. Some conservatives are
mother of four. The members, selected to passages that drew most attention were already talking a bout an emergency meet-
represent various views in the church, in- the condemnation of homosexual rela- ing this summer and the possibility of
cluded an openly homosexual young tions in Leviticus 18:22 (repeated in 20: withholding money from the denomina-
alumnus of Yale Divinity School and His- 13) and St. Paul's teaching in Romans tion or even of schism, if the liberal pol-
torical Theologian Richard Lovelace, an 1 :18-32 that homosexua l acts are sinful. icy passes. Liberals believe the church can
articulate conservative from Gordon- Disagreement about how to interpret no longer ignore the fact of homosexuality
Conwell Theological Seminary in Massa- them was the logical outcome of two gen- and the anguish of those homosexuals
chusetts. With typical Presbyterian thor- eral views of the Scripture that exist in who are Christian believers. For conser-
oughness, they prepared a 198-page report the theologically divided church. vatives. including the growing Evangel-
that examines psychological data, social Like many modern Bible scholars, the ical forces and many adherents of the
currents and especially the 13 Bible pas- liberal majority decided that these verses waning neo-orthodox theology, the pol-
sages that deal with homosexuality. merely express the opinions of the Jew- icy on homosexuality is crucial in ways
The task force reached an agreement ish priestly writers and Paul , who were that go far beyond the question of wheth-
that secular society should forbid job dis- "conditioned by time and place." Con- er homosexuals are permitted to join the
crimination against homosexuals and re- sequently, their logic runs, such teachings clergy. Since the Bible is so explicit. they
peal laws that regulate the private sexual are not direct revelation from God and wonder if the church will have any bib-
behavior of consenting adults. It urges the modern Christians are free to change their lical basis for imposing any restrictions
church to work against "homophobia," views. If homosexuals evidence Christian on human behavior if it votes moral ac-
the fear and loathing of homosexuals. But virtues, "we are led to believe that God ceptance ofactive homosexuality .

PCC Newsletter 5
This Newsletter is published under the auspices of the
T I ME L Y TAP ES Presbyterian Charismatic Communion, Inc. , and is scheduled
to be issued bi-monthly. All rights reserved. Material in
"A Call to Holiness" this publication is not to be used without permis s ion . All
correspondence regarding the PCC Newsletter including pub-
By the Rev. Robert C. Whitaker lication and subscription should be addressed to 2629 N.W .
39th Expressway , Suite 2B, Oklahoma City, OK 73112 . Tele-
Speaks to holiness and to homosexu- phone: ( 405) 946-1427 .
ality among other moral issues. Editor: Brick Bradford
Layout: Joan Danel y
Order from and make check payable to: Printing : Betsy Crum, Nancy Richards
Circulation : Elaine Keller, Julie Danely
Ptesbyfetian Chatisrnalic Communion Subscriptions : Sylvia Potts
2629 N.W. 39th Expressway - Suite 2B
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112 International Representatives :
John A. Mackay
Marcel Pradervand
Cost $3.00 Catherine Marshall
J. Rodman Williams
* * * * * Thomas A. Smai 1
James H. Brown
"The Ordination of Horrosexuals in Members of the Board of Directors :
Charles C. Beatty , President
the Presbyterian Church: An Ex- Leonard E. LeSourd, Vice-President
amination and Evaluation of the Douglas Lowry, Secretary
Tom Kelly
Majority and Minari ty Positions Jeanne Linquist
in the Task Force." Earl W. Morey , Jr.
French B. O' Shields
By Dr. Richard F. Lovelace. 90 min. Thomas David Parham
William P. Showalter
Order from and make check payable to: Robert C. Whita ker
Dean H. Wolf
Sanders Christian Foundation David W. Wurth
Brick Bradford, Ex-officio, General Secretary
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Treasu r er : Da vid W. Wurth
South Hamilton, MA 01982 Assistant Treasurer: Marjorie L. Bradford
Tape Coordinator : Douglas C. Hall
Cost $4. 00
Members of the Communion shall be "clergy and laity who
are in the Presbyte r ian and Reformed tradition and who are
interested in mutua 1 fe 11 owshi p, encouragement, and edifi
cation concerning the work and gifts of the Holy Spirit
within the Body of Christ . Membership in the Communion
P CC S E RV I CE S F OR YOU shall be subject to approval and annual review of the
Boa rd of Directors."
Bi-monthly Newsletter MEMBERSHIP/ SUBSCRIPTION CONTRIBUTION : A minimum contribu-
Conferences &Seminars tion of ten ($10.00) assure s you of receiving the bi-monthly
Presbyterian Cha r ismati c Communion Newsletter for one year,
Di rectory of Prayer Groups a Di rectory of Pre sbyte r ian - l ed Praise and Prayer Groups,
Tape Minis try use of the PCC Tape Lending Library , conference brochures,
Resource Persons plus other material and services from time to time.
Dove Songs PLEASE USE THE ENCLOSED FORM to send us names of persons
Plus Other Services eligible to be members of the Presbyterian Charismatic
COVENANT TO PRAY : Unite with us in praying for a greater
YOUR SERVICE TO P CC spiritual renewal throughout the Church Universal. Pray
with us that more persons of faith, courage and love will
work with us to bring renewal to those in the Presbyterian
Prayer and Financial Support and Reformed t r adition all for the glory of the Father,
Son and Hol y Spirit.
(Minimum contribution of
$10.00 per annum.)

For more information write to: Presbyterian Charismafic Communior-i

2629 N.W. 39th Expressway - Suite 2B
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112

6 March-April, 1978

Lantana, Florida - - The PCC Board and sisters in need, whether financial,
of Directors met at the Cenacle Retreat physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
Center on February 2, 3 and 4 for its He felt the budget should reflect this
regular semi -annual meeting. Ruling concern.
Elder Chuck Beatty from Houston, presi-
dent, kept the Board moving through a Bill Showalter reported on the coop-
rather heavy agenda. eration arising among PCC, the Presbyte-
rian Lay Committee and Presbyterians
. A primary concern of the Board was United for Biblical Concerns as these
to keep the ministry of PCC relevant to three groups are endeavoring to influence
the needs of the Church by maintaining a as many Presbyterians as possible to re-
clear vision of what the Church should be main faithful to God and His Word concern-
about and by emphasizing servanthood ing the sinfulness of homosexuality. They
among its PCC members. have fonned the Evangelical Coalition to
seek to accomplish
David Parham was their mission to min-
assigned to write the ister redemption and
first in a series of reconciliation to the
articles on P~esby- homosexual and to the
terian churches en- homophobic by relying
gaged in servanthood upon the power of the
ministries. To maxi- Holy Spirit and to
mize the efforts and proclaim to the Church
efficiency of PCC in the need for re-
its ministry, Doug pentance, forgiveness
Lowry was given the and holiness through
res pons i bi lity of as- Jesus Christ.
sisting _ the Board to
follow proven plan- Leona rd LeSourd
ning processes which PCC Board Meeting at the Cenacle informed the Board of
include vision, ~val- the progress on the
uation and implementation. PCC booklet "Healing for the Homosexual 11

and mentioned that the preceding three

Brick Bradford was urged to select days were given by Bill Showalter, Brick
some of the conferees at both Montreat in Bradford, Bob Whitaker and himself for
May and Pittsburgh in June to meet with last minute writing and editing of the
several of the Board members after each manuscript. The hope was expressed that
conference for input into how PCC may be the booklet would be ready for actual
of greater service to the Church, partic- distribution by March 10.
ularly at the grassroots.
Jeanne Linquist remains in charge of
After Assistant Treasurer Marjorie any future revision of Dove Songs, the
Bradford had submitted the annual finan- PCC songbook, and wi 11 seek suggestions
cial report, Treasurer David Wurth pre- from members concerning changes or im-
sented the 1978 Budget. It amounted to provements. One of the Board members,
$180,000 as compared to the $122,208.68 Earl Morey, was unable to attend because
expended during 1977 on budgeted items. of heavy snows in the Richmond, Virginia,
area. The other missing Board member,
Pointing out that the Lord continues Tom Kelly, had resigned earlier because
to bless PCC in so many ways, French of heavy demands upon his time by his
O'Shields suggested that the Board be business and by his local ministry in the
more alert as to how it can help brothers (continued - page 9)

PCC Newsletter 7
MARCH 31 - APRIL l (Fri - Sat) -- PCC RE- JUNE 5 - 8 (Mon-Thurs) -- 7TH INTERNATIONAL
Speaker: Dr . Donald M. \~illiams, Speakers: Rev. Everett (Terry) Full am
Minority ~ember of the Task Force Dr. Jerry R. Kirk
to Study Homosexuality Dr. Earl ~I. l~orey, Jr.
Contact: The Rev. Robert C. Whitaker Dr. J. Christy ~!ilson, Jr.
618 Galer Place Bible Teacher: Catherine Marshall
Glendale, CA 91206 Workshop Leaders: Fullam, Kirk, Morey,
213/243-9108 Wilson, plus Leonard LeSourd, French
0 Shields, Jack Chisholm, Bill Ven-

APRIL 14 - 16 ( Fri - Sun) -- PCC REGIONAL able, Bill Lawrence, Barbara Pursey
fOR IOWA, KNOX KNOLLS PRESBYTERIAN CAMP, Contact: PCC Offices in Oklahoma City
GUTHRIE CENTER (Outside Des Moines)
Registration Deadline : May 15, 1978
Speaker: The Rev. Robert C. Whitaker
Conference Coordinators:
Ors. Derek and Barbara Pursey
Ames, IA 50010 [From Kansas City Conference, 1977}
MAY 12 - 13 (Fri-Sat) -- PCC REGIONAL FOR Catherine Marshall Bible Studies: .,
RIAN CHURCH, OAKLAND (Downtown), CA 2. The Secret of Christian Growth
Speaker: The Rev. James H. Brown 3. The Eternal Giver
Thomas A. Smail, PCC International Rep-
~egistrars: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hare resentative from England, Series:
1089 Ridge Drive
Concord, CA 94518 l. The Spirit & Eventfulness of God
415/685-7385 2. The Spirit & the Person of Christ
3. The Spirit ap Creator of Koinonia
MAY 25 - 28 (Thurs-Sun) -- EAST COAST NA- J. Rodman Williams• Address:
God's Mighty Acts

NORTH CAROLINA Sanctified by the Spirit

Speakers: Dr. Matthew McGowan Plus Tapes of Presbyterian Workshops

The Rev. Bob Whitaker led by the following: Joseph Bishop,
The Rev. Dick Little Bill Brown, Peter Marshall, Bill &
Dr. Douglas Lowry Carol Showalter
Rev. Jirrrnie Hollandsworth
Bible Teacher: The Rev. Horace Hilton Order from and make checks payable to:
Workshop Leaders: McGowan, Whitaker,
Little, Lowry, Hollandsworth, plus Ptesbytetian CMrisrnafic Cornrnunion
Jonathan & Linda Jaberg, Frank &
Bobbie Kinney, Ben Sheldon 2629 N.W. 39th Expressway - Suite 2B
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112 .
Contact: PCC Offices in Oklahoma City
Registration Deadline: May 15, 1978

8 March-Apri1, 1978
PCC BOARD - continued from page 7
Seattle Area. The Board wil1 nominate
Mrs. Barbara Pursey from Ames, Iowa, to
replace Tom at the Annual PCC Corporation
Meeting in Pittsburgh on June 5.
Friday evening Dean Wolf shared some
of the pri nci pl es fo 11 owed by Faith United
Presbyterian Church, Aurora, Colorado, in
its phenomenal growth from some 800 mem-
bers to more than 2,700 members within a
five or six year period. Small groups
have played an important part in the life
of the congregation. Love of the Lord
and l eve for one another have been Board Members with their hostess, Cath-
central. erine Marshall LeSourd (2nd from left)


An Administrative Com- prosecution and the defense. The Commis-

mission of Hanover Presby- sion spent twelve hours in deliberation
tery "voted unanimously on its decision.
against dissolving the pas-
toral relations between Earl The prosecution brought seventy-five
W. Morey, Jr. and the St. different charges against Dr. Morey ar-
Giles' Presbyterian Church ranged under three headings as follows:
in Richmond, Virginia. 11 (a) failure to bean example to the flock;
(b) failure to be prudent and wise; (c)
In its report dated January 18, 1978, failure to be in subjection to his broth-
the Commission stated that the "evidence ers and sisters in the Lord. Nineteen
presented against Dr. Morey did not es- charges were dismissed during the hearing
tablish weakness of character or conduct and forty-five charges were dismissed by
or lack of integrity, to justify the dis- the Commission either "because the evi-
solution of the pastoral relations." dence submitted did not sustain the
charge", or there was not "sufficient
The Administrative Commission ap- evidence required to establish a charge."
pointed in July, 1977, to hear charges No charge under the "failure to be an ex-
against Dr. Morey consisted of six minis- ample to the flock" was sustained.
ters and six elders and was ably and
fairly chaired by F. Wellford Hobbie, Dr. Morey was admonished for failure
Professor of Homiletics at Union Semi- to exercise prudence and wisdom in two
nary. Rev. Wi1liam Boyce, the chairperson different requests for money from an En-
of the Commission on the Minister and dowment Fund, and for accepting joint
Dr. Willi am Todd, Pastor of Grace Covenant, responsibility with the Church Treasurer
drew up the indictment and prosecuted the for disbursing the Deacon's Fund money
case. Dr. John Newton Thomas, Professor and countersigning all checks. This in-
Emeritus of Theology of Union Seminary, cluded designating Deacon's Fund money to
and Elder William Wirth of St. Giles' benevolent causes, rather than just to
served as counsel for Dr. Morey. needy individuals.
In December, 1977, the hearing con- He was admonished for having been
sumed thirty-two hours of testimony and absent from two key Presbytery meetings
arguments by over fifty witnesses for the (continued - page 10)

PCC Newsletter 9
EARL MOREY - continued

even though he had been excused in both dozen members in St. Giles', who had been
instances in order to .fulfill teaching opposing him because of his interest in
missions at Montreat and in Brazil. the charismatic renewal during the past
five or six years. It became apparent
during the course of the hearing that
There were several admonitions aris- Earl Morey had the overwhelming support
ing from his adding another 11 charismatic 11 of the Session, the Diaconate and the
to the staff; to seemingly giving more Congregation.
credence to Jamie Buckingham's book Risky
Living than to the Presbytery's paper on
The Charismatic Movement" by giving away The Administrative Commission also
copies of the former to the Elders and recommended 11 that all members who have
the Deacons who wished to read it but felt estranged and dissatisfied now seek
failing to conduct a serious study of the to become reconciled with Dr. Morey and
latter. the leadership of St. Giles' Church; that
they refrain from dwelling on past griev-
Dr. Morey was instructed to under- ances and seek to enter fully into th~
take reconciliation with the two or three life of the congregation.''

January 27 - 28
Clearwater, Florida -- Capitalizing even fuller with Brick Bradford speaking
upon having three PCC Board members avai 1- for 20 minutes on "Renewal -- What's It
abl e who had come to Florida to work on All About Today", followed bya50-minute
the PCC homosexual booklet and to attend address by Bob Whitaker on A Call to 11

A PCC Board Meeting, the leadership of Holiness11

and climaxed by a 50-mi nute

the Third Annual Central Florida Confer- testimony by Delores Winder on her amaz-
ence on the Holy Spirit undertook to make ing healing. The ministry of healing
it their best. followed.

L. to R. -- Bob Whitaker, Delores Winder, L. to R. -- Eric Sutton, John Emory, Steve

Carol & Bill Showalter, Brick Bradford, Dennis, Linda Jaberg, Song Leader. Dottie
Ben Griffith, Conference Coordinator Skinner, pianist, is not seen.

The Conference began at 2:00 p.m. on More worship and more workshops took
Friday afternoon and continued through place on Saturday morning before Bill
Saturday afternoon and was held in Trinity and Carol Showalter addressed the con-
Presbyterian Church in Clearwater. Wor- ferees on the subject 0ur Daily Walk in

ship, workshops and small groups filled the Spirit". They emphasized our utter
the first afternoon. Friday evening was (continued - page 11)

10 March-April, 1978
dependence upon Lord Jesus. Small group Mention should be made of the fine re-
sharing followed the lunch break. Work- sponse to the workshop sessions, particu-
shops followed climaxed by the Holy Com- larly Bob Whitaker's "Inner Healing", the
munion Service with a 20-minute medita- Showa lters "Chris ti an Family, and
1 11
tion by Brick Bradford on "Sharing What l ores Winder's "Healing". Even the youth
We Receive." Pastors Jey Deifell and and children had their own workshops.

Saturday Afternoon Communion Service Three members of Local Planning Committee

L. to R. -- Rev. Jonathan Jaberg, Ben
Kirk Hammond administered the Sacrament. Griffith, Rev. Jerry Bustle

February l 0-11
Aurora, Colorado -- Some 300 confer- "Christian Marriage" -- Norman and Lorna
ees attended the Third Annual PCC Confer- Huebl; "Inner Healing" -- Bob Whitaker.
ence on the Holy Spirit for the Rocky
Mountain area despite the weather and Saturday afternoon · was cone l uded
road conditions. Even though Jack with a meaningful Communion Service in
Rankin, Conference Coordinator, said the which the Rev. Dan Hiett, Pastor of First
numbers did not meet his expectations, Presbyterian Church of Littleton, Colo-
the content exceeded his fondest dreams. rado, brought the message and the Rev.
He wrote, The conference was a beautiful
Mark Moore, Associate Pastor of Faith
experience." Church, administered the Sacrament.
It was held at Faith United Presby- Bob Whitaker gave an unforgettable
terian Church in Aurora beginning on message on Saturday evening sharing some
Friday evening and continuing through Sat- of the progressive healing which has oc-
urday evening. The guest speaker was the curred in the life of his eleven-year-old
Rev. Bob Whitaker, PCC Western Regional adopted son Sammy, who had experienced
Representative, who gave the keynote ad- deep emotional injury in the womb of his
dress "A Call to Holiness" on Friday unwed mother. Bob concluded with a strong
night. The Rev. James Dixon, Christian appeal for Christians to remain open to
Education Director for Faith Church shared the gifts of the Holy Spirit which the
as the Saturday morning speaker. Spirit would have them share with the
Discovery groups were offered both community of believers.
Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon.
These included the following: "Minister- The conference was blessed with the
ing to the Lord"--Rex Paulsen; "The Fruit musical ministry of John and Barbara
of the Spirit" -- Bob Beltz; "Lessons in Wells of Greeley, Colorado, and of Jim
the Holy Spirit" --Jim May; "Need For A May, member of Bear Creek Presbyterian
Committed Relationship" -- Frank Meyer; Church in the Denver Area.

PCC Newsletter 11
December 28-30 February 17- 18
Davidson, N.C. -- This past December Lyons, Kansas -- Dick and Mary Ann
a three-day conference was held on the O'Hanlon, conference coordinators, re-
campus of Davidson College, a Presbyterian ported that the 98 registered conferees
school, to draw together students who felt that braving the wintry weather was
were in the Presbyterian Church with an worth it to attend this year's rec Re-
evangelical or charismatic background. gional which was held at First Presbyte-
rian Church in Lyons.
It was sponsored by a student group Bob Whitaker was well received as he
called the Davidson Christian Fellowship. spoke first on "Called to Holiness" on
Bob Cathey, Bill Lindner, Rob Shearer and Friday evening and as he concentrated on
Bob Morrison, who are all pre-ministerial "Inner Healing" in two Saturday sessions.
students, did much of the preliminary Saturday afternoon the Rev. Francis E.
planning. As the Presbyterian Outlook Spear led the workshop on "The Baptism in
and the Presbyterian Journal observed, the Holy Spirit" and Duwayne R. Hintz had
most of the adult leadership came from the workshop on "The Fruit of the Spirit-
the Covenant Fellowship of Presbyterians -Love11.
and the Presbyterian Charismatic Commu-
nion. For example, PCC Board member Dr. Chaplain Lloyd Muilenburg and his
French B. O'Shields, Jr., was one of the wife Margo provided the worship leadership.
leaders and is the pas tor of Bi 11 Lindner,
a PCC lay member. February 20-24
The conference theme was "The Lord sI
Church -- Our part in Her Renewal". Bill LED BY DR. ALBERT CURRY WINN
Lindner wrote the following to the PCC
headquarters: Louisville, Kentucky -- More than 30
"I was truly encouraged by the open- pastors took part in a biblical, theolog-
ness and reliance on what has occurred
ical and personal examination of the work
through the charismatic renewal: the em-
of the Holy Spirit within the Church. A
phasis was more on building on what has
5-day seminar was held on the campus of
been done and continuing on to maturity
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Semi-
in Christ than anything else. The whole
nary to seek to understand more fully the
atmosphere of the conference revolved
movement of the Holy Spirit today.
around serious commitment to Biblical re- Dr. Winn, former President of and
newal in our lives and our churches and Professor of Doctrinal Theology at LPTS
an equally serious commitment to the PCUS and chairperson of the committee which
as the Body of Christ to which we have wrote the new PCUS Declaration of Faith,
been especially called to minister within." has become increasingly interested in the
A wide range of subjects were covered Person and Work of the Holy Spirit.
ranging from evangelism to sexuality. One of our PCC clergy members from
There was a desire to wrestle with the the Washington, D. C. area wrote: "One of
tough issues facing the Church with the the fringe benefits of this course was
idea of avoiding some of the errors which the opportunity for.those of us with neo-
have arisen in the past . Recognizing the pentecostal experiences to talk with oth-
temptation to leave the Presbyterian ers whose experience is different. As
Church, the students were challenged the days went by we were able to develop
to work from within to renew and to enough trust to overcome many barriers
strengthen. and prejudices. I am convinced that we
There are already plans to have a need more such study events where pastors
similar conference next December in hopes can feel 'safe' to come and discuss their
of reaching even more of the students. mutual problems and questions."

12 March-April, 1978
February 17-18 He is already booked the first week
EASTERN KENTUCKY PCC REGIONAL HELD and the lastweekwithseveral invitations
in between. Contact the PCC Headquarters
Pikeville, Kentucky -- A small but in Oklahoma City if your church or con-
hearty group of conferees heard Brick ference would like to be considered among
Bradford, general secretary of PCC, speak those scheduling him.
four :ti mes in less than 24-hours in a PCC Mr. Smail, who received his deg ree
Regional Conference held in two locations; in Systematic Theology from New College,
namely, the First Presbyterian Church and Edinburgh, Scotland, is a Reformed minis-
the Holiday Inn. ter. He is General Secretary of the Foun-
tain Trust in England and Editor of Renewal
and its new supplement Theological Renewal.
He pastored churches in both Scotland and
Northern Ireland from 1953 through 1971.
He authored the book Reflected Glory : The
Spirit i_Q_ Christ and Christians.


Since resigning as pastor of East
Dennis Community Church on Cape Cod, MA,
Peter John Marshall has been accepting an
increasing number of speaking engagements.
He is a graduate of Princeton Theological
L. to R. - Alan McCraine, Brick Bradford, Semi nary and served the East Dennis Church
Ben Sheldon, Host Pastor, Tim Jes sen from 1967 through 1977. He co-authored
with David Manuel a book on the spiritual
Brick's Friday evening address was foundations of America , entitled The Light
entitled Empowered for Mission.
Satur- 11
and The Glory.
day he spoke on What Is Happening in the

His present address is as fol l ows :

Charismatic Renewal Today The Gifts of

3002 Westwood Lane

the Spirit, and The Fruits of the
11 11

Boynton Beach, Florida 33435

Actually, he spoke four more
times before leaving Pikeville on Monday.
The Rev. Ben Sheldon served as con- NEW COVENANT CHURCH SEEKS MINISTE R. OF
ference coordinator ably assisted by Mr. CHRISTIAN COUNSELING AND TEACHING
and Mrs. Charlie Deaton. Ben is the pas- The Board of Elders of New Covenant
tor of First Presbyterian Church, Pike- Church (UPCUSA) is now actively seeking a
ville. Alan McCraine, pastor of First Spirit-filled person interested in a full
Presbyterian Church, Pineville, KY, and time position of co-pastoring in the min-
Tim Jessen, pastor of Buckhorn Presbyte- istry of Christian counseling and teach -
rian Church, Buckhorn, KY, led the worship. ing. Such a position is intended to de-
velop into the establishment of The Chris-
• MI S C E L L A N Y tian Institute for Healing which will be
an integral part of New Covenant Church.
If you are interested in such a posi-
The Rev. Thomas A. Smail, who many tion or know someone else who is, contact:
considered as one of the best speakers in The Rev. George R. Callahan, Pastor
Kansas City last summer will be on a New Covenant Church
speaking tour of the U.S. and Canada be- 529 East Sample Road
ginning on October 16 and continuing Pompano Beach, Florida 33064
through November 19. Telephone: 305/781-3170 or 781-3171

PCC Newsletter 13
BOOK REVIEWS have been more fully developed is the one
entitled "Love That Lasts--A Reconcili ng
THE HOMOSEXUAL CRISIS IN THE MAINLINE Community." An important note is struck
CHURCH by Rev. Jerry R. Kirk in suggesting that 11 an extensive, well-
Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1978, 191 pages, planned small group support system is
$3.95 paperback necessary throughout the 1oca l church for II

all Christians including homosexuals. The11

Early in his book, Jerry Kirk, sen- church must become a 11 hea ling coITJTiuni ty.
ior pastor of College Hill Presbyterian
Church of Cincinnati, Ohio, accurately This is a book worth reading and
observes that many Christians "are look- hence worth buying, for it does offer a
ing for a clear word about homosexuality clear word on the homosexual crisis.
as it relates to God's truth. They want -- Btu.c.k. BJr..a.dnoJtd, Re.vieweJL
a balanced word, a word that brings to-
gether the whole view of the Scripture;
they want hope as well as judgment, love 3D [Diet, Discipline and Discipleship]
and healing as well as a call for repen- by Carol Showalter
tance. What they are looking for is not Rock Harbor Press, 1977, 144 pages, $5 .95
only God's evaluation of homosexuality hardback
(or of homosexual acts as sin), but how the
gospel and the power of God can intervene PCC Newsletter readers will marvel
with compassion and bring new life to the at how the Lord has led another PCC mem-
homosexual." ber into a national ministry, for this is
The author then undertakes to pro- what has happened to Carol Showalter, wife
vide this clear word. He does so admir- of Dr. William P. Showalter, senior pas -
ably and with an evangelical pastor's tor of Parkminster Presbyterian Church ,
heart which has been softened through the Rochester, New York .
healing processes of the Lord who removed As Director of Diet, Discipline, Di-
an admittedly longstanding deep - seated scipleship, Inc., 2710 Chili Avenue ,
homophobia. Rochester, NY, 14624, Carol shares in an
Jerry Kirk emphasizes that when it arresting way how it all began in October ,
comes to the bottom line in this whole 1972, when she was about to rejoin Weight
homosexual crisis it is God's rights and Watchers after gaining back much of the
not the gay's rights which are at stake-- weight that she had fought so hard to lose .
11especially His authority and man's ac-
countability." Kirk elaborates by saying This Christian counterpart to the
that God has the right to ca 11 us to moral national Weight Watchers Program not only
purity and integrity, to deny self and to has led to weight loss but also has help ed
become holy as He is holy, to live a life hundreds, perhaps thousands, by now , in
of obedience to Him, to emulate Jesus other needed areas of self-discipline in
Christ. life . The Lord revealed to Carol and has
confirmed over and over again that Chris-
The author devotes whole chapters to tians need one another for strength and
the basic resources including the Scrip- encouragement whether in dieting or other
ture, The Confessions, medical and psy- undertakings.
chol ogical research. He observes in the
latter research there is a conspicuous The principles found in this book
absence of the effects that may be wrought have been practiced affectively in a va-
by the motivating, empowering, sanctifying riety of sma 11 · group experiences. The
life of the Holy Spirit to assist the author discovered, however, it is extreme-
homosexual to alter his/ her lifestyle ly important to keep Jesus Christ at the
when that person's life is submitted to center and to rely heavily upon His Spirit
the Lordship of Jesus Christ. as His lifestyle of love is shared with
one another.
A chapter which offers a number of
helpful insights but which possibly could
14 March-April, 1978
By MM. Leona Fnaneeli Choy

[The author of this article is a graduate of Wheaton College, former missionary with
her husband Theodore Choy to Hong Kong and Singapore, shares a ministry with her husband
among Chinese university students in North America, and writes professionally. She is
a member of Upper Octorara United Presbyterian Church in Parkesburg, PA., where she re-
ceived the baptism in the Holy Spirit and a simultaneous healing four years ago. She
is a member of PCC.J

I have returned from "Ju,dlng the with believers in other lands , "We Me
manning wlnd6" -- 33,000 miles of them! one ..[n the Sp,,[Ju,;t"
and will continue to
touch each other by words and intercession.
"Io I Ju,de the moJtYL,i,ng w,fod6 ( flying
by 747 jet?) to the o~heJ.,t oeean, even The purpose of my trip was re-expo-
thene Yowi hand w.l.U gu,,{_de me, YouJL sure to Asia after many years absence, to
.6Uength w.l.U .6uppont me ... You ehcvvt. the focus ' on God's work and workers in the
path ahead 06 me." (Ps. 139 Living Bible) broad scene of six countries. My eyes and
ears and heart took many
Christmas Eve [1977) memory photos which time
brought me back from a 14 cannot erase. More speci-
week trip to Asia: Singapore, fically, it was a writing-
Philippines, Hong Kong, Tai- research trip to follow the
wan, Thailand, Japan and Wind of the Holy Spirit as
Hawaii. Though I traveled He is moving in Asia as well
alone, I was undergirded by as in the Western world to
the strongest prayer support renew His Church in these
that I ever experienced. Six last days before the Lord's
Christian groups laid hands coming again. I saw this
on me in prayer and sent me at the grass roots level
off as part of their mission- and through dialogue with
ary outreach with specific leadership in mainline de-
words from the Lord - each nominations and their mis-
of which came to pass in sionary extensions, Catho-
detail! lic churches and indigenous
ministries throughout Asia .
Several dozen individ-
ual friends took over defi- I interviewed people
nite aspects of my journey Leona Choy recently returned from Main-
as they prayed for my safety, A Temple in Taiwan land China ... I investigated
my seatmates, food to agree the revival in mountain
with me, my contacts with missionaries, tribes of Taiwan •.. and did an in - depth
with writers, and various specifics -- in- study of a large Japanese indigenous
deed , the Lord "eh~ed my path" at every Christian church ... I participated in a
point. One friend got up at 5:00 every historic Seminar of Chinese Church leaders
morning as her covenant to pray for me. from all Asia with Western missionaries
Others told of flash prayers at unusual to discuss cooperation in evangelizing
times on my behalf which the Lord laid on Chinese worldwide ... and a brief chat with
their hearts. What the Lord actually the most gracious Mrs. Billy Graham in
brought to pass at those II oantheJ.,t oeean.6 II Singapore . •. I joined a 3-day prayer re-
will take me many typewriter hours to ex- treat in the mountains with missionaries
press. I just praise the Lord! from about 8 countries, felt their burden
and heard the words of the Lord through
My life has been permanently enriched them.
and changed by many close new friendships (continued - page 16)

PCC Newsletter 15
MISSION TO ASIA - continuecl
I visited believers in thatched roof way while careening along in a decrepit
open huts with earth floors and water bus which took mountain curves on two
buffalo grazing nearby .... I had precious wheels •... or the diamond-like lights of
midnight conversations about Jesus while Hong Kong set in the dark velvet of the
sitting on Japanese tatami mats in shoji night as you cross the harbor by ferry ...
screened homes ... I was thrilled to address or the acrid smell of incense in a musty
a praising _group of over 1000 Catholic idol-cluttered Buddhist temple, visiting
Christians in a Convent courtyard in the Shinto shrines, magnificent centuries old
Philippines .... I was humbled by the many palaces and gardens ... and wearing out two
who requested me to pray for their healing pair of shoes--always walking!
after I spoke at a Singapore Anglical
Cathedral ... the people phoning for prayer I planned to do research for books
and counselling in my hotel room ... break- and articles I already had underway but
fast, lunch and dinner appointments with as I listened to thrilling firsthand ac-
church leaders, seminary faculty and counts of the Lord's work in and through
Christians in high places -- bishops, contemporary Asian Christians, which the
deans, canons, priests, missionaries, ed- Western world ought to know, my briefcase
itors, publishers and directors of para- bulged with new stories and book prospec-
church ministries. tuses. Three and one-half months is all
too brief--1 don't want to be the kind
The Lord had many surprises -- I ex- of writer who stays in a place for a day
pected a low profile writing trip but the or two and writes a book about it -- but I
Lord thrust me out to speak in over 40 believe I have felt the spiritual pulse
meetings, conferences. I can't deny that of the work of God's Spirit in a place
I was often at the point of exhaustion through His people. Now must come the
physically and mentally but the Lord kept prayerful sorting out of data and impres-
renewing me -- often when I was groggy sions and the discipline of articulating
from jet-lag, weak from tummy trouble, "that which I have seen and heard" to de-
drenched with perspiration in the tropic clare it orally, as God gives opportunity,
weather and totally unprepared in the and in print. FoJt .t.h,u., I Mk. you.Jr. c.on.-
natural, I would be called upon to speak. tin.u.e.d p!ta.!Je.M .
Without doubt, I give God all the glory! Le.on.a. Choy
Box 46, R. V. #2, Pa.Jta.fue., PA, 77562
An unexpected invitation came from
the Billy Graham Ass'n. to teach in their
School of Christian Writing in Bangkok, LLOYD WAKEMAN VISITS FAR EAST
Thailand. I alternated lee turing with the
Editor [Roger C. Palms] of Decision maga- A Presbyterian elder and PCC lay
zine -- a tremendous learning experience. member from Columbia, Missouri, Lloyd
In other countries I was asked to lead Wakeman, accompanied 23 others on a FGBMFI
mini-Christian writing seminars with staff air lift to Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and
of publications and Christian schools. the Philippines in January of 1978.
I had my first experience to speak Among the highlights for Mr. Wakeman •
without shoes on in the several Asian were the following: Preaching in the Su
countries where the custom is to leave Chieh and the Suao Presbyterian Churches
them at the door .... I rode strange buses in Taiwan; an opportunity to share a brief
when I didn't know the language or the testimony along with two others to 120 in-
currency and actually arrived at most ap- mates incarcerated in a county prison also
pointments not more than one hour late ... in Taiwan--119 responded to an invitation
r" won't forget the noisy wall-to-wall to receive Jesus Christ into their lives;
people shoving you roughly along Hong addressing a Roman Catholic charismatic
Kong streets day or night ...• nor watching prayer meeting numbering 1200 persons in
the rice being harvested in the age-old Tacloban City, Philippines.

16 March-April, 1978
By C. Lynn Bailey

[The author of this article is the Director of Music for the New Covenant Church
(UPCUSA), 529 East Sample ~oad, Pompano Beach, Florida, 33064. Actually, this article
came in the form of a letter dated February 8, 1978. We do hope its contents will
provoke a response. Editor]
There really needs to be available Houston, Texas. The musician, George
help to congregations in the area of musi- Mims, is, like myself, a graduate of
cal balance. Too many groups tend to Union Seminary, New York. We spent quite
throw out some of the great music of the a bit of time lamenting the fact that the
Church and replace it with choruses and spiritual aspect of church music was so
"gospel" music. We are finding in our lacking in our profession. We both felt
own musical life that the Holy Spirit a deep need to be in contact with our
teaches us through Handel's Messiah as colleagues who had received the Holy
well as through choruses like "This is Spirit and were into the spiritual side
the Day." of church music. ·
It would be helpful to have resource
people available to work with congrega- I don't pretend to have the answers
tions and choirs, teaching the balance of for all of this, but I am willing to offer
all kinds of music that the Holy Spirit my services in any way that would be
has inspired -- from Bach to Gaither. Un- helpful. I do offer my office as a source
fortunately, many groups tend to throw of contact for charismatic musicians.
Bach out with the bathwater when renewal Perhaps a notice in the PCC Newsletter
begins. L had the very sad news that one would get us some names and addresses
of my colleagues quit his job because his with which to begin.
Lutheran congregatibn was undergoing re-
newal, and the pastor wanted nothing but Also, perhaps there could be a "shar-
gospel music. · ing" column in the Newsletter each issue
Last May I spent some time at the where new ideas about music in the charis-
Church of the Red.eemer (Episcopal), mati.c church could be passed on.


Letter from RONALD E. MINOR, pastor of First United Presbyterian Church, Cambridge, MA:
"What a -6Ulr.:pw e. to 6-i.nd the. aJr..:Uc1e. on ouJt c.hUJtc.h on the. 6Mnt page. -i.n the. PCC
NeJAJ-6le..tteJL. 1.t ha-6 be.e.n a ·Jr_e_a.f.. to me. and .to oUJt pe.ople. who have. -6 e.e.n U.
1 veJr..y much youJt w.illingne.-6-6 .to c.Me. 60){_ U6 -i.n th-i.-6 way and .to -6p){ the.
neJAJ-6 a6 what God -i.-6 doing -i.n di 66eJr..e.n.t pM.t-6 a 6 H-i.-6 bady. A numb eJr.. o 6 the. pe.o ple. heJr..e.
have. wanted a c.o py 60){_ .the.m6 e.lvu . . . TheJr..e. '-6 obv-i.ol.L-6ly a g){ new ,i.n.te_Jr_e.-6.t -i.n .the.
Wo){_k. a 6 PCC both .tMough .the. New-6le..tte.){_, _ and PCC '-6 le.ade.M h-i.p -i.n .the. whole.
homo-6 e.xuat -i.-6-6 ue. "
Letter from DENNIS J. BENNETT, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Seattle, WA:
"1 jl.L-6.t want Ito c.omme.nd you ma-6.t he.M.t-i..e.y 60){_ yoUJt an-6We_Jr_ [see PCC Newsletter,
Jan.-Feb., 1978, pp. 20-22] .to .the. Rev. Alex WyUe. who -i.-6 .the. P){_uby.te.Jua.Yr.
ChuJtc.h oveJL .the. -i.-6-6ue. 06 'wa..teJL bapwm.' 1 .thought you handled U veJr..y well. Th,u,
-6ee.m6 to be. a majo){_ .tMge.dy .that .the. pat,.to){_ 06 a P){_e.-6by.twa.n ChuJtc.h moving -i.n .the.
poWe_Jr_ 06 .the. Sp,i_}{_,i_,t -6hould be. -60 by .the. a.nabapru.t .te.aclung .that -i.-6 -60 ){_,i_6e
today .that he. would ac..tua.ll.y le.ave. h-i.-6 Wo){_k. and h-i.-6 c.ommun-i.on oveJL .the. ,W-6ue. a 6 wa.teJL
(COMMENTS continued - page 18)

PCC Newsletter 17
Letter from DENNIS J. BENNETT - continued
"I that ouJt .6p,iJi,.U;uai. e.nemy U6e..6 :t.fwi tool 06 doctJr.,lnai. Mgwne.n:t. ave.It .6u.c..h
thlng.6 a6 me.thod6 06 ba.pwm M a. we.a.pan,i.n.6:t. the. wo1tk 06 the. Sp).Jr.ft . I no:t.e.d
in Cha.!t.le..6 G. F,lnne.y'.6 a.u.tobiog1ta.phy he. me.ntion.6 how the. ,ll.)lJu.e. 06 '' .6:t.oppe.d
h,ll.) Jte.v,lvai. ,ln, Ne.w Yoltk.. . • I:t.' .6 a.n ,lnte.1te..o:tlng, and I Jte.c.omme.nd
you. look U u.p ,ln F..i.nne.y'.6 a.u.tob..i.og1ta.phy. A:t. any Jta.:t.e., tha.nk..6 601t youJt wo1td6."
Letter from JOHN McINTIRE, Winchester, Virginia:
"YoWt .la6:t. :wo ,[/.).6u.e..6 06 the. PCC Ne.w.6.le.tte.Jt have. be.e.n! My plta,i.l.)e. to
the. Lo1td 601t H,ll.) U6e. 06 PCC. I mU6t a.dmll I had a.bout u.p hope. 601t a.n
and .6 tM ng move. by PC C ..i.n the. :tJLa.d).:tlo nai. Plt..e..6 b y:t.e.Jt..i.a.n ChWtc..h • now that yo Wt
i.>ta.nd ).,,.,6 bung 6e.U the. c..huJtc..h, you. may be. ab.le. :t.o on a. move. a.mong
the. e..lde.M who Me. not yet awaJte. o6 a. Uv,lng Lo1td.
"YouJt 06 V1t... WilUa.m1.i' 'God'.6 M,lghty Aw' ).,,.,6 hope.6u.Uy one. 06 the. be..6:t.
tool-6 we. may to ·blt.,,lng th,i_,,6 e.nlighte.nme.n:t. :t.o both m.ln,ll.):t.e.Jt and e..lde.Jt a.Uke.. I
be. p1ta.y,lng will you. 601t o 6 the. 61tuLt!"
Letter from DR. RONALD KYDD, president of Central Pentecostal College, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, Canada:
"Let me. jU6:t. .6a.y in pM.6ing how I a.pplt..e.uate.d the. that the. mo.6:t. 1t..e.c.e.n:t.
PCC NeJIJ6.le.tte.Jt c.onta)_ne.d on homo.6e.xu.a.Llty. I a.m not ,lnvo.lve.d wlth youJt de.nom.lna.:tlon,
but 1 a.m ve.Jty p.le.Me.d to .6e.e. the. PCC ta.Ung a. .6ta.nd on the. qu.uilon :t.ha.t U ).,,.,6. You. wlU
6,i.nd a. dona.:tlon to he..lp w,lth the. c.o.6:t6 06 ",lng 601t.. the."
Letter from DR. AND MRS. CLYDE E. STAUFFER, both ordained Deacons in Northminster Pres-
byterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio:
"We. a.1t..e. a. c.opy 06 a. wh..i.c..h the. two 06 U6 w1t..o:t.e. :t.o M!t... WilUa.m
Thomp.6on, S:t.a.te.d Cle.1th. 06 the. Un.Ue.d,,lan Chu.1t..c.h. We. thought you. mlgh:t. be. e.n- to know that at.he.Jr. me.mbe.M 06 :t.he. PCC ca.1t..e. a.bout :t.he. Re.polt..:t. 06 the. Ta6k
Fo1t..c.e. on Homo.6e.xu.a.U:t.y to at .le.eui:t. make. vie.w6 known. · ·
"We. Me. .6Wte the. 1t..e.p1te..oe.nta.:tlve..6 06 PCC will be. bU6y be.twe.e.n now and ne.x:t. May
wo1tUng 601t.. the. 06 th,i_,,6 1te.p0Jt:t. to the. We. will p!ta.y
that the. .6 ove.Jt :t.h,ll.) ma.:t.:t.e.Jt w.lU be. done. ..i.n .6 u.c.h a. way that the. a.bili,;ty o 6 the.
ChuJtch to m,ln,ll.):t.e.Jt to homo.6 e.xu.a.l-6 will not be. I nde.e.d, .th,i_,,6 may be. the. in-; God will U6e. to ope.n the. 06 the. Un.Ue.d P1t..e..6by:t.e.Jt,lan ChWtc.h :t.o the. powe.Jt, :t.o U ,ln the. Holy Sp,lJt,[:t., We. may be. .6 e.ung the. e.nd 06 the. .6 e.n.6e. 06 powe.Jt-
.le..6.6 ne..6.6 p! :t.oda.y ,ln the. UPC at"
Letter from the Rev. HIPOLITO MELENDEZ~ pastor of Mision Presbiteriana Hispano de
Mid Bronx, Bronx, New York:
"Th,[!.) ).,,.,6 a. .6holt..:t. note. :t.o .6hMe. will you. my joy 601t .60 many b.le..6.6,lng.6 ouJt Lo1td ha6
.6ha.1te.d wlth U6. Afmo.6:t. Sunday we. ne.w pe.op.le. ,ln; U ).,,.,6 e.xu:tlng :t.o
no:t.,lc.e. how 6a,i.th6u..l au.It Lo1td ).,,.,6 :t.o H,ll.) p!tom.l.6 e.-6.
"Thank you. 601t you.It da.:t.e.d Janu.a.1t..y 6th '78; U i.6 good to know that .6ome.body
w e. ,[I.) c.o 6alt oWt m.ln,ll.) :t.Jtlj he.Jte. ,ln :t.he. Blt..o nx Me.a.; thank you. 6oIt yo Wt c.o mml:t.:t.e.d
wo1t..d6, :t.ha.t you. will pJta.y fio1t.. U6; th).,,6 ).,,.,6 that we. 1te.a.Uy .6inc.e. ofi au.It,ll.):t.,lc. wo1tk ).,,.,6 bung c.ond.u.c:t.e.d ou.:t6ide. • • • The. ,,lon I Jte.-
c.uve. youJt ofifi,lc.e. hM be.e.n 06 he..lp 601t me.. I plt..a.y that th).,,6 m.ln,ll.) ofi the.
PCC c.ontinu.e.-6 to be. a. b.le.-6.6,lng. 11 (COMMENTS continued - page 19)

18 March-April, 1978
Letter from the REV. J. KENNETH NEWTON, pastor of John Knox United Reformed Church,
West Denton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England:
"Jean and I have jw.,t Jtetwr.ned home ante.It a week. in VenmMk.. M you wel.i. know
neall1.y alt the in Venma!tk. Me Luthenan, and we Welte invited to a National..
ChallMmatic. Luthenan Conne1tenc.e held 601t th!tee da.y-6 at Sonde.1tb.01tg, whic.h ..l-6 in South
Jute.and, to -6peak. on the Heai....lng M..ln..l-6t.Jty. They ai..-60 aManged SeJtvic.e-6 in the big in the c.en.t.Jte on Sonde.1tbo1tg eveny evening 06 the week. made it a 6a,Ur,i_lJ
heavy p1tog1tamme but th..l-6 did not Jtea11.y matte.It M it p!toved to be a .tltemendow., week..
"I am encl.o-6ing a photo-c.opy 06 the 6Jtont page 06 one on wt F!t..lday' ,6 daillj n~W.6-
papeM with the headUne-- 'The Sic.k. Alte Healed With the Help o 6 the Holy Sp..l! on God'.
What a th!t..lll to Jtead good new-6 on the 61tont page 06 a -6ec.ulM neWJ.>papeJt ..ln-6tead 06
c.Jt..lme, violenc.e, unJte-6t and wait. AppMenfty at.hen national neW-6papeM c.M!t..led
,6,imil.M ac.c.ou.n:U 06 the Senvic.e-6 and 06 the mi..ghty wo1tk...lng 06 the "

Letter from MRS. JOHN (MARIAN) SMARTT, Director of Christian Education, Lookout
Mountain Pr~sbyterian Church, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee:
"The ..l-6 ble-6-tiing ou.Jt He hM Jta..lf.ied up a -tit.Jtong c.oJte on c.ommi..tted
Ch/t..l,t,tian adulu, who have c.ome into the Kingdom th!tough the c.hallMmatic. Jtenewai.. and
th!tough the mi..n..l-6t.Jty 06 the -ti.tltong p!teac.h..lng and teac.h..lng 06 ou.Jt pcu,toM.
"We Me united in Chwt a.6 ou.Jt Head and united in thought. We had a
veJty -ti u.c.c.eM 6ul Fe-6 ti val o 6 Faith moJte than two a.nd a. hal 6 yea.Jt6 ago led btj Bob Fenn
and Andy Jumpe!t . 1te-6ulting in the live-6 on membe!t6 and 066,lc.eM being c.hanged. Sinc.e
then God ha.6 led w., M a into the M..ln..l-6.tlty 06 La.y Renewai..--go..lng on m..lMion.6 to
at.hen with ou.Jt pMtoM, c.001td..lnatoM and la.y lea.deM alt 61tom ou.Jt own !
. . . We'.1te 601t the to bw.,t w., wide open!"
Letter from MABEL V. DARBY, Colorado Springs, Colorado:
"I w..lf.ih to inqLU.Jte what J.ita.nd the Communion ..lf.i p!tepMed to take in the event that
Gene.Ital M-tiembl!j endoMe-6 alt leave-ti to individual p!teJ.ibyte!t..le-ti the dewion M to oJt-
cuun..lng homo-tiexua.lf.i. I gatheJt 61tom Mlicl.e-6 in A. V. that the TMk. Fo.1tc.e -6eem6
to lea.n veny 6a.vo.1ta.bly in that d..l!tec.tion. --

"It -tiee.m6 to me they Me c.ompletely igno!t,lng the w..lf.idom on God. The an-6We!t ..lf.i
ve!tlj cl.eM and plain. No -tiuc.h Ta.6k. Fo.1tc.e -tihould eve.It been nec.e-6-6MIJ a.nd the ex-
penditu.Jte o6 alt tho-6 e tho w., and6 o 6 dolia.M . Th..lf.i ..lf.i going to mea.n :the loM o 6 maYUJ
moJte thoU6and6 06 membeM."
[On February 28, 1978, FCC Newsletter Editor Brick Bradford replied to Mabel Darby's
letter as follows:]

"In reply to your letter dated February 3 concerning PCC's plans should either the
General Assembly endorse or leave .it to the presbyteries concerning the decision on or-
daining self-affirming, pra~t~ci~g ~9mosexuals, we have formalized none.
"Our reason is that we are determined to defeat this action and believe that it
can be defeated. We are praying and fasting and working diligently to influence as
many as possible to uphold the biblical position on the sin of homosexuality but to min-
ister to the homosexual. This is why we are sending our PCC booklet to every ordained
Presbyterian minister in the United States. It is entitled "Healing for the Homosexual."
We shali be sending this to all of you PCC members within the next ten days.

PCC Newsletter 19



RI CHARD K, ADAMS, has been pas tor
of Trinity Presbyterian Church of
Spring Valley, California, for the
past 12 years and has experienced
the charismatic renewal within this
congregation for the last 8 years.
He serves on the General Council of
San Diego Presbytery and has been an
active presbyter for years.


Sponsored by
Presbyerian Charismatic Communion
With the Cooperation of Local Pastors

Time: 3:00 until 5:00 p.m. - May 21 (Sunday)

326 Broadway
San Diego, California

.. 'I

Pass it on! FOR
Pl ease help circulat e "Healing for the
Homosexual" to places w here it ca n do
th e most good. Su gges tion s :
Your pastors
Church leaders
Prayer and study groups
Churches in your community
o Christian organizations
o Government leaders
o Libraries
o Civic groups
o Schools


2-24 COPIES: .75 each
25 OR MORE: .50 each
Postage and handling included
Address orders and make
checks payable to:

2629 NW 39th Expwy. Suite 2B
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

a guidebook for pastors

a helpful tool for concerned lay persons
a a lifeline for the homosexual
Pr-esbyter-ian Charismatic Communion
MAY 2 5 - 28 , l 9 78
Thursday Friday Morning Saturday Sunday
Evening Evening Bible Study Evening Evening

Matt Bob Horace Dick Jimmie
McGowan Whitaker Hilton Little Hollandsworth


Jim Hollandsworth Matt McGowan Jon & Linda Japerg Dick Little
Doug Lowry Bob Whitaker Frank & Bobbie Kinney Ben Sheldon

JUNE 5 - 8, 1978
Monday Tuesday Morning Wednesday Thursday
Evening Evening Bible Study Evening Evening

Full am
Marsha 11
Morey Wilson
J. Christy


Jack Chisholm Leonard LeSourd Terry Fullam French O'Shields
Jerry Kirk Earl Morey Bill Lawrence Barbara Pursey
Christy Wi l son Bill Venable

For Information and Registration Forms

Ptesbytetiari Charisrnalic Cornrnuriiori
for the above Conferences, Write:
2629 N .W. 39th Expressway - Suite 2B
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: MAY 15, 1978 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112

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