Defend Your Life

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Modern Crobran is one of rare Self Defense Systems that offering you a real stuff for
defending your lives. Modern Crobran is devised in such manner, which enables
you to fight under fear, shock, stress, under conditions when you are out of your
normal state of mind, under violence just happening upon you and enables you to
win all that. Crobran encompass psychology of fear, adrenal stress and psychology
of violence, tactics, attack dynamics, special mental training and right on target
strong and realistic training.

Very first movements of Crobran warm up sessions are already realistic fighting
drills. Every motion you make in Crobran training is devised for you to win a fight.
Crobran is a winner and survival game.

By these combinations you get right tools for any situation that you might encounter.
You might ask yourself: “How is this possible? ”I’m small, weak, I’m afraid, I don’t
believe this, muggers, thugs and criminals are stronger, crazy, killers etc…Crobran
have a cure for all of these negative thoughts and tools how to turn them into
positive aggressive action thinking. No other system can offer you that. How?

Well, It is possible because Modern Crobran was born in the middle of bloody war,
and all Crobran fighters survived that war using Crobran knowledge. Crobran was
further developed from anti-crime, anti-terrorist activities and developed in real
street fights against bad asses of all kind. Against armed assaults of all kind, even
against running motor saw armed attackers and all Crobran fighters survived to tale
the tale. Crobran was used in anti-crime and anti-terrorist activities and all of
Crobran fighters survived and won their fights. All worse case scenarios real
experience’s was and still are used to make Crobran. SO yes, it is possible. How?
You have to try it, you have to sweat for it, you have to train hard, real fu….g hard,
and results will come real fast, faster than you can believe.

Now, my dear friends, Crobran is not almighty, but sometimes I get reports form
peoples saying:”Mr. Gordan just by reading your articles or books, or sayings I
managed to survive real attack on my life, or to save other lives. Imagine what will
happened when you start to use those words in real hard training of body, mind and
soul…you will become one mean machine, but smart one, with sense of dignity,
power, security, respect and self-respect.

I can give you all of that if you bear with me and my teachings and trainings. Next to
come is series of articles about attacks, fear, mental power management and lot
more, which will help you in your training and life.

Respect to you all!

Gordan, Founder of Crobran.

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