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IBM Software Education

Business Analytics

Hamilton County
Department of Education
Achieving record school graduation rates and helping
students progress with predictive analytics

Professional development can be a chore. It can also be an inspiration,

providing new skills and perspectives that can transform an
organization’s performance. Either way, it requires both employees
The need and coaches to devote significant time and effort to the development
With limited funds available, public process.
schools must invest their professional
development dollars wisely. How could
Hamilton County decide which activities Hamilton County Department of Education (HCDE) wanted to know
would most benefit its teachers – and its where its professional development dollars – and its teachers’ valuable
students? time – would best be invested. The answer came from analytics, and the
The solution results are helping the County raise teaching standards, drive student
By extending its highly successful progress and performance, and achieve record-high graduation rates.
analytics program, the County used
data-mining and text analytics to assess
different types of teacher training against Top of the class for analytics
subsequent student progress and As the fifth-largest K-12 school system in the state of Tennessee,
performance. HCDE oversees 79 schools. HCDE’s 6,700 employees work towards a
The benefit common goal – helping all 43,000 students in the District of Hamilton
Improved teaching methods contributed County succeed by reaching graduation and moving into post-
to a record-high 84.5 percent graduation secondary education, the workforce, or alternative training.
rate in 2013. The County was also rated in
the top 5 percent for performance and the
top 10 percent for progress, state-wide. Over the past five years, HCDE has enthusiastically adopted IBM
analytics technologies, which it uses to track student performance and
provide teachers, social workers and administrators with the insight

Public schools are busy places, and teachers are busy

people. “There’s not much time for professional
development, so you have to make it count.
Predictive analytics has shown us how we can
focus on the types of training that make the biggest
difference in the classroom,” says Dr Kirk Kelly,
Director, Accountability and Testing, Hamilton
County Department of Education.
IBM Software Education
Business Analytics

they need to predict when students are at risk of underperforming or

dropping out, and proactively intervene. (For more detail on HCDE’s
Solution components
success in these areas, please visit
• IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence Dr Kirk Kelly, Director, Accountability and Testing, Hamilton County
• IBM SPSS® Collaboration and
Deployment Services
Department of Education, comments: “Since we began with analytics,
• IBM SPSS Data Collection we have seen a rise in graduation rates of 13.6 percentage points.
• IBM SPSS Modeler
• IBM SPSS Statistics “But we’re not done yet. We see analytics as an ongoing journey, and
• Esri Maps for IBM Cognos
we’re constantly working to introduce new capabilities. The first phase
was predictive modeling of student performance. Then we moved on
to giving all 3,600 teachers and administrators access to that student
performance data via dashboards on their iPads or Android tablets. And
now we’re using text analytics and data-mining techniques to look at
professional development too.”

Who should teach the teachers?

With limited time and budget available for teachers’ professional
development, HCDE knew that it was crucial to hire the best coaches
and focus on the most effective training activities.

“We had to find a way to measure the value of different types of

training, and we realized that a combination of our existing analytics
tools and some new techniques could give us what we needed,”
says Dr Kelly. “We already had a sophisticated method of assessing
improvements in student performance at a classroom level – a metric
we call ‘growth’. By looking at changes in growth following different
types of training, we would be able to see which methods worked – and
which did not.”

HCDE performed text analytics on the training notes written by the

professional development coaches and classified training activities
into different categories. By logging the amount of time teachers
spent on each category, it derived a detailed picture of the influence
that different types of training had on each class. And by comparing
these results with growth rates – which map the change in a class’s
performance on a bell-shaped curve – the County gained insight into
which types of training were most effective in promoting growth.

“The study revealed that instructional behavior is the most important

focus for teacher training, because it has by far the greatest influence on
how well students perform,” says Dr Kelly. “Aligning teaching practices
with the latest research about how children learn is vital, and we are
now making it our primary focus for professional development.”

IBM Software Education
Business Analytics

A+ for progress and performance

These enhancements in teacher training, combined with HCDE’s
“We’re so proud of what existing analytics-led approach to continuous improvement, have
we have achieved – contributed to a record year for the County. It is now rated in the top
not just in the past five percent of Tennessee school systems for performance (which is a
measure of overall student attainment), and in the top ten percent for
12 months, but over the progress (which is based on overall growth rate).
last five years. Analytics
has played a major part “Schools that reach the top five percent for either performance or
progress are designated by the State of Tennessee as ‘Reward Schools’,”
in our success, and we’re explains Dr Kelly. “Last year we had six Reward Schools in Hamilton;
keen to continue that this year we have 14, which makes us the fastest-growing county in the
trend by introducing new State.”
and innovative types of HCDE also achieved a 1.8-point improvement in graduation rate this
analysis.” year, taking it to a record 84.5 percent – the highest in the County’s
— Dr Kirk Kelly, Director, Accountability and
Testing, Hamilton County Department of “We’re so proud of what we have achieved – not just in the past
12 months, but over the last five years,” comments Dr Kelly. “Analytics
has played a major part in our success, and we’re keen to continue that
trend by introducing new and innovative types of analysis.

“Our next project is to introduce location analytics, which will open

up many possibilities. For example, we have a lot of hills here in
Hamilton, and we’re not well equipped to handle snow. We want
to combine mapping technology with data from the Department of
Transportation to look at road closures and make better decisions about
whether schools need to be closed. We also foresee benefits for zoning
schools, to make sure we’re treating students fairly when we change the
boundaries between schools.

He concludes: “It’s an exciting time to work in educational analytics.

We’re looking forward to building on our partnership with IBM and
pushing the boundaries for analytics in the public school sector.”

About IBM Business Analytics
IBM Business Analytics software delivers data-driven insights that
help organizations work smarter and outperform their peers. This
comprehensive portfolio includes solutions for business intelligence,
predictive analytics and decision management, performance
management, and risk management. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2014

IBM Corporation
Business Analytics solutions enable companies to identify and visualize Software Group
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trends and patterns in areas, such as customer analytics, that can have a Somers, NY 10589
profound effect on business performance. They can compare scenarios,
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anticipate potential threats and opportunities, better plan, budget and
April 2014
forecast resources, balance risks against expected returns and work to
meet regulatory requirements. By making analytics widely available, IBM, the IBM logo,, Cognos and SPSS are trademarks
of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many
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