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Diesel dewaxing

Better diesel yield.

Key benefits
High performance dewaxing with MIDW™ catalyst
technology and services. Higher performance
• Better low temperature
• Increased unit flexibility

Higher yields
• Paraffins are isomerized instead of
ExxonMobil’s MIDW™ catalyst Growing commercial deployment • MIDW catalyst grades are tailored to
Currently, over 10 MIDW units are operating meeting refineries’ specific cold flow
technology and services provide
around the world, with more than five under specifications.
high yields of low cloud point diesel. design. While many MIDW units are located • Integration with complementary technologies $ Lower operating costs
• Higher capacities
The process uses a proprietary in colder climates (Russia, North America, to make clean, high quality diesel.
• Flexible process configurations
Northern Europe), where there is a clear need • Combined with ExxonMobil’s process
catalyst that converts waxy paraffins • Lower reactor temperatures
for winter diesel, there are units in the Middle technology, MIDW catalyst can provide
to higher performance molecules, East, India, and Singapore that produce Euro refiners with powerful dewaxing in winter
as compared with older V diesel for export. The ability to retrofit an mode while dialing back performance in
technologies that rely on cracking. existing unit with MIDW technology to summer mode, reducing giveaway.
capture significant value makes this one of
This results in a much higher diesel the most attractive fuels technologies in the
Typical yield and cloud point reduction tradeoff

yield, particularly for deep

300ºF+ (150ºC+) yield, Wt-%

world today. MIDW technology

reductions in cloud point.

Flexible, adaptable applications
• Various grades of MIDW catalyst exist to suit
unique refinery needs: catalysts for sweet or
sour drop-in applications, as well as technology
catalysts for standalone dewaxing reactors.
0 10 20 30 40 50
Cloud point reduction, ºC
Continuous innovation About us Example processing schemes
The success of MIDW™ technology is based ExxonMobil helps refiners and petrochemical
HDT reactor HDT reactor
on continuous innovation at ExxonMobil. manufacturers increase capacity, lower costs,
New materials and processes generated by improve margins, reduce emissions and
ExxonMobil catalyst and process technology operate safe, reliable and efficient facilities. MIDW reactor
groups are then further refined and rigorously Along with a commitment to helping to High activity High activity
HDT beds HDT beds
tested for commercial applicability by process implement best practices and to achieve better Quench
engineering experts, who also provide the results, we provide cutting-edge proprietary
technical support for unit commissioning. catalysts and license advantaged process
The most recent improvement featured the technologies for refining, gas and chemical MIDW MIDW
introduction of a base metal MIDW catalyst needs. catalyst bed catalyst bed
designed specifically for sour environments.

MIDW catalyst technology services

include: Winter Optional R2 bypass
• Initial non-confidential consultations Not to scale.
• Development of proposal
• Basic engineering package, including basic
design specification and operating guide
• Engineering support during front-end
engineering design and engineering,
procurement and construction stages
• Technology transfer, training, catalyst loading
and start-up support
• Unit monitoring support

MIDW technology is backed by forty years of

ExxonMobil innovation in diesel dewaxing.

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