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International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment (2017) 6, 69–80

Gulf Organisation for Research and Development

International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment


Original Article/Research

Driving lean and green project outcomes using BIM: A

qualitative comparative analysis
Ritu Ahuja a,⇑, Anil Sawhney a, Mohammed Arif b
RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University, 201303 Noida, India
School of the Built Environment, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT, UK

Received 1 June 2016; accepted 29 October 2016


Driven by a plethora of external and internal influences, the construction industry has independently embraced lean principles and
green initiatives. Prima facie significant synergies have been reported between these two paradigms. It is foreseen that when tapped
and adopted in unison, these paradigms may yield additional benefits for the construction projects. This synergy is investigated in this
research. Further this study identifies and proposes Building Information Modelling (BIM) as an enabler for gaining lean and green pro-
ject outcomes. The study uses crisp set qualitative comparative analysis (csQCA) method for exploring the causal combinations of dif-
ferent BIM capabilities and asserts that causal combinations of four BIM capabilities: MEP system modelling, energy and environment
analysis, constructability analysis and structural analysis, when implemented on construction projects can lead to lean and green out-
comes. With the help of sixteen cases it is shown that adoption of BIM leads to improved project outcomes especially ones targeting
lean and green aspects.
Ó 2016 The Gulf Organisation for Research and Development. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Building Information Modelling (BIM); Lean; Green; Crisp set qualitative comparative analysis (csQCA); BIM capabilities, project outcomes

1. Introduction and background managed in terms of not only budgets and schedules, but
also the quality and environmental impacts (Formoso
Today most of the construction work is carried out in et al., 2002; Howell and Ballard, 1998), as the construction
the form of complex projects and hence, good project man- industry is facing urgent pressure with regard to profitabil-
agement practices are considered highly important (Maylor ity, environmental management and sustainability
et al., 2008). Construction projects need to be expertly (Planning Commission Government of India, 2013;
Wang, 2014). Given the current conditions and the overall
status of the sector, it is clear that business as usual is not
⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Construction, RICS School of
tenable and hence, it is important that the industry
Built Environment, Amity University, Noida 201303, India. Fax: +91 120 embraces an agenda for change and continuous improve-
667 3050.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. Ahuja), [email protected]
ment. Inherent challenges such as excessive material and
(A. Sawhney), [email protected] (M. Arif). process waste, over reliance on resources, energy usage
Peer review under responsibility of The Gulf Organisation for Research and carbon footprint are being addressed globally in order
and Development.
2212-6090/Ó 2016 The Gulf Organisation for Research and Development. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
70 R. Ahuja et al. / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 69–80

to meet the needs of the economy (WCED, 1987; UNEP, research investigated how green principles and lean princi-
2010). There is an urgent need to address the environmen- ples are interlinked, determine benefits to projects when
tal challenges comprising of depletion and deterioration of they are considered in a conjoint fashion and how they
natural resources to accelerate achievement of sustainable could be integrated into a single model. It is envisioned
development goals (MoEF, 2011). by the authors that combining lean and green methods is
The built environment sector in particular is a major not only possible, but this also provides avenues to gain
contributor of carbon emissions leading to climate change superior results on construction projects.
(Allu and Ebohon, 2015). For example, the construction
sector in India accounts for nearly 24% of the total direct 2. Problem statement
and indirect emissions of CO2, and is the highest consumer
of natural resources and energy in comparison to other sec- Lean is a production management-based approach to
tors (Parikh et al., 2009). Energy efficiency and use of project delivery (Howell and Ballard, 1999) which empha-
renewable energy; resource conservation; recycling; and sizes on changing the traditional project delivery and work
minimization of waste are of utmost importance. The to minimize waste and to achieve maximum value. Simi-
design, construction, operation and end-of-life processes larly, green practices focus on energy efficiency and conser-
embraced by the sector must continue to evolve for becom- vation of natural resources, thus encouraging the profound
ing highly efficient and sustainable. Not only is it important changes in concepts of design and management processes
to deliver assets that are resource efficient and sustainable to reduce the overall environmental impact of buildings
(through green principles) but also the delivery process (Chau et al., 2010). The existing literature claims lean
must itself become highly efficient (through lean and green as compatible initiatives with their shared aim
principles). of waste identification, waste reduction, resource optimiza-
To deliver assets that are resource efficient and sustain- tion and process improvement (Al-aomar and Weriakat,
able, the industry has embraced green principles. These 2012; Bergmiller and Mccright, 2009; EPA, 2007). At the
principles, mostly used in the design stage of a project, same time it is also reported that combined benefits of lean
allow project team members to create assets that are envi- and green implementation can help to overcome the exist-
ronmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout ing challenges faced by the construction industry. While
the lifecycle of the asset. With low additional building cost, the lean implementation leads to enhanced sustainability
the adoption of passive design strategies and re-usable, by reporting green benefits of shortened lead times,
recycled material into new construction helps to reduce improved quality and reduced material waste (Luo et al.,
the environmental impacts of building activities signifi- 2005); and reduced carbon emission and improved value
cantly (Chen et al., 2015; Coelho and de Brito, 2012). Cer- chain (Peng and Pheng, 2011), the application of green
tified green buildings decrease operating costs by 8 to 9 principles in construction industry on the other hand, help
percent (Braham, 2007) with the productivity and health to improve the cooperation and coordination amongst all
cost savings representing 70 percent of all savings in whole parties involved in a project (Shen et al., 2007); cost saving
life cycle costs (Kats, 2003). on projects (Saggin et al., 2015); and minimization of waste
In the built environment sector a separate school of throughout the lifecycle of construction projects (Yeheyis
thought has emerged that focusses on eradicating the waste et al., 2013). Overall, although a fairly robust body of liter-
and inefficiencies that exist in the design and construction ature exists on the synergies and combined benefits of lean
processes themselves. Encapsulated as the lean paradigm and green, there is still a gap in practice, with construction
in construction, it strives to overcome the current chal- industry embracing both the initiatives separately (Ahuja
lenges and inefficiencies in the project delivery process that et al., 2014; Bae and Kim, 2008; Sawhney and Ahuja,
are well understood and documented (Assaf and Al-Hejji, 2015). Additionally, limited research has been done to look
2006; Ballard, 2000; KPMG, 2013; Odeh and Battaineh, at mechanisms that allow both, lean and green improve-
2002). The traditional project delivery system consisting ments on projects simultaneously.
of multiple tasks assigned to different agencies involved
in a project, increases the likelihood of waste generation. 3. BIM as a mechanism to achieve lean and green benefits
This has also led to many problems such as cost overruns,
schedule delays, poor quality, inadequate safety, disputes A study by Spence and Mulligan (1995) stated that
and litigation. With the lean construction movement, a nations must proceed towards sustainable development
new project delivery system called as Lean Project Delivery by embracing new technologies which are less resource-
System (LPDS) was introduced as a method to reduce intensive and less environmentally damaging. Advanced
waste, to improve productivity and to maximize efficiency information and communication technologies, and in par-
through all project phases including planning, design and ticular Building Information Modelling (BIM) is playing
construction (Ballard and Zabelle, 2000). a crucial role facilitating the development of green build-
The industry has progressed on the two paradigms: lean ings (Zuo and Zhao, 2014). With a variety of software sys-
principles and green initiatives independently without real- tems, BIM is transforming the way AEC projects are
izing the inter-linkages between the two agendas. This designed, engineered, built and managed (Autodesk,
R. Ahuja et al. / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 69–80 71

2016; Eastman et al., 2008). Also, at the same time, it has

Idenfy Lean Project Idenfy Green Project
been reported that BIM provides an effective platform for Outcomes from Literature Outcomes from Literature
implementing lean principles (Mahalingam et al., 2015;
Sacks et al., 2010). Although lean, green and BIM have
their respective benefits and capabilities to address the
Idenfy Overlapping Lean-
problems faced by construction industry today, an amalga- Green Project Outcomes
mation of these paradigms is now needed.
BIM is a technological innovation that can provide a
platform for systemic improvement in the construction sec- Develop a csQCA based Case
tor. The use of BIM throughout the lifecycle of built envi- Analysis Framework
(Condions and Outcomes)
ronment projects can enhance the lean and green benefits.
In recent years, BIM is considered as one of the most valu-
able developments as it holds the potential to reduce efforts
on production-oriented tasks and automate the unwanted Idenfy Case Study Projects
tasks, thus increasing the process efficiency (Mahalingam
et al., 2015). Various industry reports such as the Smart
Market report (McGraw Hill Construction, 2009) have
Conduct Case Analysis
suggested that adoption of BIM leads to a wide range of (interview based)
lean benefits that includes improved productivity,
enhanced quality, increased opportunities for new busi-
nesses and overall better project outcomes. Various
researchers (Arayici et al., 2011; Nader et al., 2013; csQCA Analysis and Findings
Navendren et al., 2014; Ramilo and Embi, 2014) underline
that BIM adoption leads to efficiency gains, elimination of Figure 1. Flow diagram showing research process.
waste and value generation. The study by Dave et al. (2013)
explains how BIM contributes directly to lean goals of
waste reduction, improved flow and reduction in overall obtaining lean and green benefits. First, there is a discus-
time with the application of clash detection, visualization sion on the literature related to lean and green for identify-
and collaborative planning on projects. Simultaneously, ing the project outcomes. Second, an overlap between the
many researchers have also asserted a strong relationship lean and green project outcomes is discussed. Third, the
between BIM and green by confirming the green benefits study identifies the conditions, outcomes and formulates
achieved through BIM implementation on construction the hypotheses for this study to develop a crisp set Quanti-
projects. A research by Azhar et al. (2010) showed that tative Comparative Analysis (csQCA) based case analysis
BIM helps in performing complex building performance framework. Next, relevant case studies are identified to
analyses to ensure an optimized building design. The study analyse and validate the framework using csQCA. The data
by Love et al. (2011) depicted that BIM can significantly for this study are collected from industry experts through
reduce the degree of rework and improve the performance semi-structured interviews. Finally, the results of the data
of the projects. Furthermore, Bryde et al. (2013) stated cost analysis are presented and study concludes with a discus-
reduction and control, significant time savings as the most sion of the study.
frequent benefits of using BIM in construction industry.
Motivated by this background, this research seeks to inves- 4.1. Hypotheses formulation
tigate the proposition that BIM promotes green and lean
project outcomes in synergistic fashion. According to a study by Sawhney (2014) it was found
that the architectural firms, structural engineering consul-
4. Research approach tants, mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) consul-
tants, construction management consultants and
The study adopts a qualitative research approach. Fig. 1 contractors are the top five organization types that are
shows the overall research framework adopted by the implementing BIM on their projects in India. Hence, for
authors. This study explores the connection between this study BIM capabilities related to these organization
BIM, lean and green. The research builds on the data types were chosen and following hypotheses related to
resulting from semi-structured interviews and focus groups MEP System Modelling, Energy & Environment Analysis,
conducted with four architectural firms in India which are Structural Analysis and Constructability Analysis were
currently using BIM on their projects. Various questions formulated.
pertaining to the lean and green benefit of BIM usage on One of the most commonly used BIM capabilities within
projects were asked which were captured through note- Indian construction sector is MEP system modelling with
taking on an excel sheet. The results of this analysis suggest 81% of the respondents reporting that usage of BIM leads
that MEP system modelling is a critical antecedent for to better MEP coordination (Sawhney, 2014). Autodesk
72 R. Ahuja et al. / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 69–80

(2006) defines MEP modelling as an effective solution for visualization as the important benefits of using BIM in
engineers to create MEP systems more accurately and structural engineering. Applying BIM in structural engi-
easily with the help of available software. The report by neering leads to greater efficiency, improved quality, better
Sullivan (2007) stated that MEP coordination using BIM design flexibility, more effective collaboration (Bernstein,
and design-review technology can not only improve 2006). In addition to this, BIM based structural analysis
designs, system efficiency, job site scheduling and opera- allows for a methodological structural documentation,
tional safety, but also provides the ability to identify, visu- constructible modelling, improved changed management,
alize and resolve conflicts amongst various building thus reducing cost, minimizing delays and rework
systems. Another research in China, indicated that MEP (Autodesk, 2007; Tekla). Thus, we hypothesize that:
coordination helped to reduce the cost of the project and
H3. Performing BIM-based structural analysis on con-
number of change orders (Yung et al., 2014). The study
struction projects helps to achieve lean and green
by Haiyan et al. (2011) demonstrated how the use of
BIM and MEP systems helped to improve employee pro-
ductivity, reduce waste and pollution and thus diminished Construction Industries Research and Information
the overall impact of the built environment on human Association (CIRIA) defines constructability as the ability
health and the natural environment Thus, this study to use the collaborative design efforts during the construc-
hypothesizes that: tion phase and helping the contractors to determine and
implement construction activities easily and smoothly
H1. Use of BIM-based MEP System modelling on con-
(CIRIA, 1983). Further, Yang et al. (2013) has reported
struction projects contributes to lean and green project
that BIM as a significant and effective tool for analysing
constructability of designs before construction starts,
Azhar et al. (2010) asserted cost savings as one of the avoiding the reworks and construction mistakes. Another
realized benefits of BIM-based building performance anal- study by Tauriainen et al. (2015) asserted that an under-
yses with a project in the US. Another study by Schlueter standing of constructability analysis leads to improved pro-
and Thesseling (2009) revealed that utilizing BIM for ductivity and performance on the site. Smith (2014) stated
energy performance assessment allowed for a more inte- that the main purpose of constructability review is to
grated view of buildings during the early design stages review the entire construction processes from start to end
which ultimately helps to achieve efficient designs for the in the pre-construction or early design phase. And, further
buildings. A whitepaper released by Autodesk stated that added that constructability review helps to identify and
with the use of BIM solutions, the implementation of sus- resolve various types of issues before the actual construc-
tainable design practices is easier as it enabled the archi- tion starts, thus helping to minimize errors, delays and cost
tects and engineers to visualize, simulate, and analyse overruns. Hence, we hypothesize that:
building performance earlier in the design process more
H4. BIM-based constructability analysis contributes to
accurately (Autodesk, 2010). Another study further stated
lean and green outcomes
that BIM solutions and integrated analysis tools helped
to meet the sustainability and energy efficiency goals by
assessing the building performance and evaluating design 5. Identification of lean and green benefits
alternatives to reduce operational costs, conserve energy,
reduce water consumption, and improve building air qual- An extensive literature review and continuous discus-
ity (Moakher and Pimplikar, 2012). Hence, this study sions with the industry experts helped in the identification
hypothesizes that: of lean and green benefits for this study. These benefits
were categorized under the three pillars of sustainability:
H2. BIM-based Energy and Environment Analysis at
Economic, Social and Environmental. Past research and
design stage of the projects lead to lean and green
documented case studies depicted that there are several
lean benefits that are achieved as a result of applying green
Several reports document the benefits of using BIM for principles to construction projects. The study by Saggin
structural analysis and how it helps the structural engineers et al. (2015) presented the benefits of implementing green
and other building industry professionals to create consis- principles by comparing the cost of initial investments in
tent, coordinated design models. Additionally it is also sustainability and the reduced cost due to reduction of
reported that the use of BIM for structural analysis can materials’ waste on a residential project. Similarly, a study
further help the project participants in visualizing, simulat- by Shen et al. (2007) reported a framework of sustainability
ing, and analysing project performance and cost through- which helped improve the cooperation and coordination
out the entire project lifecycle (Autodesk, 2012). amongst all parties. Another study by Yeheyis et al.
Performing structural analysis helps project teams to detect (2013) proposed a conceptual waste management frame-
coordination problems earlier in the project and thus, help- work for implementing sustainable and comprehensive
ing achieve more predictable outcomes. Hunt (2013) strategy by maximizing the 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle)
reported improvements in productivity, coordination and and minimizing the disposal of construction waste
R. Ahuja et al. / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 69–80 73

throughout the lifecycle of construction projects. The lean for this research is that it is systematic which means that
benefits as reported have been shown in Table 1. QCA successfully uses a formal logic to compare cases,
Interchangeably, the studies also presented various to explore causal diversity, and reduces the wealth of case
green benefits of applying lean principles to construction information to achieve parsimony through minimization
projects. A study by Huovila and Koskela (1998) reported by using Boolean logic.
that the lean principle of flow and value help to meet the
sustainability objectives of minimizing resource depletion, 6.1. Introduction to csQCA
minimizing pollution and, matching business and environ-
mental excellence. Peng and Pheng (2011) while identifying QCA constitutes two configurational approaches each
the contribution of the lean concepts to achieve sustainabil- grounded in set theory. One approach uses crisp-sets
ity in precast concrete factories, reported that by using (dichotomous variables) to analyse cases. The other
appropriate lean principles, the precast concrete industry approach uses fuzzy-sets. Although the use of fuzzy-sets
can move closer towards achieving sustainability. Another has been increasing over the last few years, the use of crisp
paper by AlSehaimi et al. (2013) evaluated the effectiveness sets and the csQCA as outlined by Ragin (1987) is still used
of implementing the Last Planner System (LPS) in the in a majority of empirical applications (Rihoux et al.,
Saudi construction industry and reported its green benefits 2013). For this research csQCA has been used and the var-
as improved construction planning, enhanced site manage- ious steps involved in performing csQCA as stated by Marx
ment and, better communication and coordination. The et al. (2013) are shown in Fig. 2 below.
green benefits of applying lean principles to construction
projects under the social, economic and environmental 6.2. Data collection
aspects have been mentioned in Table 2.
Based on the above information and interactions with The data collection was done with the help of semi-
ten industry experts, the synergies between the two para- structured interviews as conducted with experts from four
digms were used in determining ten combined lean and leading architectural organizations in India to obtain rele-
green outcomes on construction projects as shown in vant case studies. The selected architectural organizations
Table 3 below. have been successfully contributing to the development of
the Indian AEC sector for more than 15 years and working
6. Research method: qualitative comparative analysis extensively on the building projects. It involved various
interview sessions and discussions with the BIM experts
QCA as proposed by Ragin (1987) is a configurational in these organizations who were professionally qualified
research approach which combines the strengths of qualita- as architects, civil engineers and held above 10 years of
tive (case-oriented) and quantitative (variable-oriented) experience in the industry. As a result, sixteen cases were
research methods. Additionally, QCA analysis is capable examined where BIM capabilities were adopted on the con-
of systematically examining the similarities and differences struction projects. The total number of cases was found
between a set of comparable cases to identify the structural acceptable for conducting this study with a threshold of
conditions that lead to an outcome. Since the adoption of 5% (Marx et al., 2013). These cases were a mix of residen-
BIM in India is still in experimentation stage and BIM tial and commercial building projects mainly in their con-
has not been explored to its full potential, csQCA is consid- struction phase. In addition to this, the data were
ered more appropriate than fsQCA. One of the major collected with an emphasis on lean and green outcomes
advantages of QCA is that it has the potential to identify obtained as a result of BIM usage on the projects. Each
equifinality or multiple conjunctural causation, i.e., in case was assessed with the presence and absence of condi-
other words, QCA allows to assess complex causation tions and benefits gained through their implementation.
between different combinations of causal conditions gener-
ating the same outcome. With its ability to identify combi- 6.3. Variables: identification of conditions
nations of necessary and sufficient condition(s), QCA has
now gained a wider acceptance across different research The outcome under study was a dichotomous variable:
disciplines. Another reason for using QCA as a technique whether the organization achieved lean and green (L-G)
Table 1
Lean benefits of applying green principles to construction projects.
Economic Social Environment
Improved productivity Health, safety and conducive working environment Waste minimization and elimination
Client satisfaction Building effective channels of communication Design for whole-life costs
Minimizing defects Participation in decision-making Preservation of Resources
Lower project costs Loyalty amongst stakeholders
Shorter and more predictable completion time
Delivering services that provide best value
Increased performance
74 R. Ahuja et al. / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 69–80

Table 2
Green benefits of lean implementation on construction projects.
Economic Social Environment
Increased productivity Improvement in health and safety Reduction in waste
Optimization of resources Increased organisational communication and integration Improved process flow
Reduction in over ordering of materials Client satisfaction Reduction in material usage
Reduced costs and lead time Increased levels of organizational commitment
Less variability and improved predictability Increased employee morale and commitment
Construction project value enhancement Information transparency
Improvement in quality Standardization of work practices

Table 3
Similarities between lean and green outcomes: Performance measures.
P1 – Reduced Rework P4 – Cost Saving P7 – Waste Reduction P10 – Safe Workplace
P2 – Value Engineering P5 – Faster Construction P8 – Lead Time Reduction
P3 – Enhanced Trust P6 – Resource Optimization P9 – Material Saving

larly, a binary value of 0 was assigned to the case for the

Step 1: Idenfy the outcome that needs to be invesgated
presence of four or less than four lean and green perfor-
mance measures. The antecedents or conditions comprised
of the following variables:
Step 2: Define the research populaon and select the cases for analysis
 BIM-based MEP system modelling (MEP), assigned a
value of 1 if the organization adopts MEP system mod-
Step 3: Define each condion and outcome as a binary condion elling on the project, and 0 otherwise
 BIM-based Energy and Environment Analysis (E&EA),
assigned a value of 1 if the organization uses energy and
Step 4: Code each condion for each case forming an interpreve data
environment analysis on the project, and 0 otherwise
 BIM-based Constructability Analysis (CA), assigned a
value of 1 if the organization uses constructability anal-
ysis on the project, and 0 otherwise
 BIM-based Structural Analysis (SA), assigned a value of
1 if the organization uses structural analysis on the pro-
Step 5: Develop a truth table
ject, and 0 otherwise

The different lean and green performance measures as

Step 6: Generate the most parsimonious explanaon on the basis of the found in each case have been documented in Table 4.
minimizaon procedure As a result, after computing the values for all the sixteen
case studies, a crisp set interpretive data matrix table was
obtained as shown in Table 5. Cases are grouped in an
order intended to make the table ultimately easier to
Step 7: Analyse the presence of necessary condions (or configuraons of read/interpret.

7. Analysis

This section consisted of developing the truth table,

Step 8: Interpret the resulng explanatory models
analysis of the presence of necessary and sufficient condi-
tions (or configurations of conditions); and interpretation
Figure 2. Steps for performing csQCA.
of the resulting explanatory models.

outcome. QCA provides the freedom of defining the 7.1. Formulation of truth Table of ‘Lean-Green outcome’ and
threshold between absence and presence for each condition BIM configurations
and the outcome theoretically based on case knowledge
(Sehring et al., 2013). For this research, a binary value of The truth table as shown in Table 6 represents a rela-
1 was assigned to the specific case if five or more than five tionship between the cases, conditions and outcomes. Each
lean and green performance measures were present. Simi- row of the truth table represented one of the logically pos-
R. Ahuja et al. / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 69–80 75

Table 4
Case-wise lean and green performance measures.
Cases Condition Performance measure
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
Commercial 1 MEP U U U U U
Commercial 2 MEP U U U U U U U U U
Commercial 3 MEP U U U U U U U U U
Commercial 4 MEP U U U U U
Commercial 5 MEP U U U U U
Residential 1 MEP U U U U U
Residential 2 MEP U U U U
Commercial 6 MEP U U U U U U U U U U
Residential 3 MEP No performance measure reported
Commercial 7 MEP No performance measure reported
Residential 4 MEP No performance measure reported
Residential 5 MEP U U U U U
Residential 6 MEP U U U
Commercial 8 MEP U U U
Residential 7 MEP U U U
(continued on next page)
76 R. Ahuja et al. / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 69–80

Table 4 (continued)
Cases Condition Performance measure
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
Residential 8 MEP No performance measure reported
Note: MEP = MEP System modelling; E& EA = Energy and environmental analysis; CA = Constructability Analysis; SA = Structural Analysis;
P1 = Reduced Rework; P2 = Value Engineering; P3 = Enhanced Trust; P4 = Cost Saving; P5 = Faster Construction; P6 = Resource Optimization;
P7 = Waste Reduction; P8 = Lead Time Reduction; P9 = Material Saving; P10 = Safe Workplace.

Table 5 India where BIM is still in its experimentation stage and

Interpretive data matrix table of ‘Lean-Green outcome’ and BIM the full potential of BIM yet needs to be explored
capabilities. (Sawhney, 2014). The truth table sorted cases by the com-
S. no. Case ID MEP E&EA CA SA L-G binations of causal conditions they exhibited and allowed
1 Commercial 1 1 1 1 1 1 all logically possible combinations of conditions to be con-
2 Commercial 2 1 1 0 1 1 sidered. This was generated with the help of a computer
3 Commercial 3 1 1 0 1 1 software, Tosmana (Cronqvist, 2011) which is
4 Commercial 4 1 0 1 0 1 deemed as a useful tool for Small-N analysis.
5 Commercial 5 1 0 1 0 1
6 Residential 1 1 0 1 1 1
7 Residential 2 1 0 1 1 1 7.2. Identification of QCA solution formula
8 Commercial 6 1 1 1 1 1
9 Residential 3 1 0 0 0 0 The truth table is the most important aspect of QCA
10 Commercial 7 1 0 0 0 0
analysis which contains the most significant information
11 Residential 4 0 0 0 0 0
12 Residential 5 1 1 1 1 1 regarding the relevant cases. The solution formula consists
13 Residential 6 1 0 0 0 0 of the outcome and the causal conditions which are repre-
14 Commercial 8 1 1 0 0 1 sented in letters that are linked with Boolean operators.
15 Residential 7 1 1 0 0 1 The three basic Boolean operators are logical OR (+), log-
16 Residential 8 1 0 0 0 0
ical AND (*), and logical NOT (where negation is custom-
arily denoted in QCA by replacing an upper case letter with
a lower case letter). After generating the truth table, further
Table 6 analysis not only helped to define the necessary conditions,
Truth Table of ‘Lean-Green outcome’ and BIM configurations.
but also generated the most parsimonious solution
S. no. MEP E&EA CA SA L-G Cases amongst all the possible combinations of the conditions
1 1 1 1 1 1 Commercial 1, leading to the outcome. The analysis revealed three suffi-
Commercial 6, cient antecedent combinations of BIM capabilities leading
Residential 5
2 1 1 0 1 1 Commercial 2,
to lean and green outcomes as illustrated in Fig. 3.
Commercial 3 The solution formula depicts that there are three suffi-
3 1 0 1 0 1 Commercial 4, cient paths leading to lean and green outcomes: use of
Commercial 5 MEP system modelling (MEP) AND use of energy and
4 1 0 1 1 1 Residential 1, environment analysis (E&EA) at design stage AND per-
Residential 2
5 1 0 0 0 0 Residential 3,
forming structural analysis (SA) on construction projects
Commercial 7, OR use of MEP system modelling (MEP) AND use of
Residential 6, energy and environment analysis (E&EA) at design stage
Residential 8 AND absence of an understanding regarding con-
6 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 4 structability analysis (ca) OR use of MEP system modelling
7 1 1 0 0 1 Commercial 8,
Residential 7

sible combinations of the conditions leading to the same
outcome. Despite having sixteen case studies in the data MEP* E&EA*ca L-G
set, the truth table reveals that limited diversity exists, that
is, not all logically possible combinations between the con-
ditions, MEP system modelling, energy & environment MEP*e&ea*CA

analysis, constructability analysis and structural analysis

are empirically observed. This is true for the country like Figure 3. BIM capabilities solution formula.
R. Ahuja et al. / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 69–80 77

(MEP) AND absence of use of energy and environment

analysis (e&ea) AND having a clear understanding of con-
N = 16

N = 16

N = 16

N = 16
structability analysis (CA).




7.3. Measures of Fit: Set-theoretic consistency and coverage

MEP*E&EA*SA or MEP*E&EA*ca or
The two key parameters for assessing the fit of QCA
results to the underlying data are consistency and coverage
(Ragin, 2006). In a crisp-set relation, the measure of consis-
tency with sufficiency is the proportion of cases with a
given cause or combination of causes which also display

the outcome (Grofman and Schneider, 2009; Ragin, 2006;




Rihoux and Meur, 2009). Hence, for the combination

MEP*E&EA*SA, five out of five cases displaying causal
Note: MEP = MEP System modelling; E& EA = Energy and environmental analysis; CA = Constructability Analysis; SA = Structural Analysis combination exhibit the outcome, therefore the proportion
consistency is 5/5 = 1.00. Similarly, for the combination of



MEP*E&EA*ca, four out of four cases displaying causal

Not MEP*E&EA*SA or MEP*E&EA*ca or

combination present the outcome, therefore the proportion

consistency is 1.00. Again, for the third casual combination
of MEP*e&ea*CA, four out of four cases display the out-
come, hence, the proportion consistency is 1.00. The results
in a more familiar cross-tab format are presented in Table 7
A direct measure of set-theoretic coverage for crisp sets

Not MEP*E&EA*ca

Not MEP*e&ea*CA

is a clear indicator of the empirical importance of a causal


combination (Ragin, 2006). The assessments of ‘raw’ cov-

erage and ‘unique’ coverage suggest that combinations of
conditions are highly consistent subsets of the outcome.
It is further stated that it is reasonable to calculate cover-






age only after establishing that a set relation is consistent.

Since, for this study, all the three causal combinations
(a) Cross-Tab showing MEP*E&EA*SA as a sufficient condition for lean and green outcome

(b) Cross-Tab showing MEP*E&EA*ca as a sufficient condition for lean and green outcome

(c) Cross-Tab showing MEP*e&ea*CA as a sufficient condition for lean and green outcome

(d) Cross-Tab showing MEP*E&EA*SA or MEP*E&EA*ca or MEP*e&ea*CA as a sufficient

are found to be perfectly consistent, hence, the coverage

calculations for all the three combinations have been dis-
cussed. Table 5 shows a total of eleven cases that display
the presence of L-G outcome. The solution formula MEP*-
E&EA* SA + MEP* E&EA*ca + MEP*e&ea*CA covers
all eleven of them. Hence, the solution coverage, namely,
the overall coverage of all sufficient conjunctions com-
bined, is 11/11 = 1.00. In this, MEP * E&EA* SA alone
covers five out of eleven cases (rows 1 and 2) and its raw
coverage, thus is 5/11 = 0.45. Similarly, MEP* E&EA*ca
Sufficiency conditions with L-G as the outcome variable.

alone covers four out of eleven cases (rows 2 and 7) and

its raw coverage, thus is 4/11 = 0.36. In addition to this,
the causal combination MEP*e&ea*CA alone covers four
out of eleven cases (rows 3 & 4) and its raw coverage, thus
condition for lean and green outcome

is 4/11 = 0.36.
For calculating the unique coverage of each of the com-
binations, similar template as provided by regression anal-
ysis is followed which involves calculation by subtraction.
Thus, the unique coverage of MEP * E&EA* SA, that is,
all the cases covered by MEP * E&EA* SA alone, is calcu-
lated by subtracting the sum of raw coverage of MEP*
E&EA*ca and MEP*e&ea*CA (0.36 + 0.36) from the solu-
tion coverage (1.00). Hence, unique coverage of MEP *
E&EA* SA is (1 – 0.72) = 0.28. Similarly, the unique cov-
No L-G

No L-G

No L-G

No L-G
Table 7

erage of other causal combinations of conditions are calcu-





lated resulting in unique coverage of MEP*

78 R. Ahuja et al. / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 69–80

Table 8
Crisp set QCA analysis results.
Causal configuration Raw coverage Unique coverage Consistency
* *
MEP E&EA SA 0.45 0.28 1.00
MEP* E&EA*ca 0.36 0.19 1.00
MEP*e&ea*CA 0.36 0.19 1.00
Solution coverage: 1.00
Solution consistency: 1.00

E&EA*ca = 0.19 and for MEP*e&ea*CA = 0.19 respec- It was also reported that MEP system modelling is a
tively. The collective results of this study have been sum- necessary condition, as it is a part of all observed solutions
marized in the Table 8 below: leading to the outcome. These results are consistent with
The solution set of antecedent combinations presents the previous findings where implementation of MEP sys-
coverage and consistency as 1.00. Consequently, this solu- tem modelling on construction projects has resulted in lean
tion explains 100% possibility of obtaining lean and green and green benefits of cost, time and material savings;
results on implementation of BIM capabilities. reduced rework and value engineering (Khanzode et al.,
2008; Mcintosh et al., 2015). Hence, the hypothesis stating
8. Research findings that use of BIM-based MEP system modelling on construc-
tion projects contributes to lean and green project out-
It is found that all the three causal combinations depict comes (H1) is accepted. Similarly, the results are in
perfect consistency (in general, consistency scores should congruence with the previous findings where use of energy
be as close to 1.0 (perfect consistency) as possible (Ragin, and environmental analysis (H2) at design stage of the pro-
2006)) which further asserts that an integral connection jects helps to achieve efficient design solutions (Azhar et al.,
exists between the causal combinations of BIM capabilities 2010). In addition to this, the existing literature also depicts
and the outcome: lean and green. These results are in con- that successful implementation of BIM-based structural
gruence with the existing studies showing connections analysis on construction projects (H3) has resulted in
between BIM and lean; BIM and green (Ahankoob et al., improved productivity, greater efficiency, better design flex-
2012; Gerber et al., 2010; Rahman et al., 2013; Wong ibility and improved coordination (Bernstein, 2006; Hunt,
and Fan, 2013). 2013). Further, the findings of this study also confirm that
With respect to the raw coverage, the causal combina- BIM-based constructability analysis contributes to lean
tion of MEP*E&EA*SA which shows the raw coverage of and green outcomes (H4) through reported reduced
0.45 explains that there is a 45% possibility of the project rework, minimized errors, improved productivity and per-
to attain lean and green outcomes by using BIM on pro- formance (Smith, 2014; Tauriainen et al., 2015; Yang et al.,
jects. In addition, this causal combination alone depicts a 2013).
unique coverage of 0.28 which explains that there is a
28% possibility of attaining lean and green outcomes when 9. Conclusion
a combination of MEP System modelling, energy and envi-
ronmental analysis and structural analysis are used on any The question that ‘‘can BIM promote lean and green
construction project. Similarly, both the remaining causal project outcomes?” has been answered in this research.
combinations i.e., MEP*e&ea*CA and MEP*E&EA*ca This study confirms that use of BIM helps in achieving lean
show the raw coverage of 0.36 which explains that there and green outcomes on construction projects. Although the
is 36% possibility of the project to gain lean and green out- findings result from analysing a sample of small size from
comes with implementation and combination of these BIM architectural firms only, these findings are useful for the
capabilities on construction projects. Along with this, the construction sector which is trying to overcome various
analysis further revealed that both these combinations environmental, poor project delivery and low productivity
show a unique coverage of 0.19 which means that if either related challenges. The study also suggests that the AEC
of these combinations of BIM capabilities are used on the firms should consider adopting BIM on projects for obtain-
construction projects, there is 19% possibility of attaining ing desired results.
lean and green outcomes.
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