Shangrila Survey Questions

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1. What is the recruitment procedure in Shangrila?
2. What type of training do you give to your employees? For example training given to
employees within the organization by watching their superior managers and asking from
them or you prefer to send them outside the organization for training to make them more
versatile. What type of job orientation you do?
3. How do you respond to economic pressures?
4. How do you practice ethics in your organizational culture?
5. The Assets employed in Shangrila mostly depends on current assets or fixed assets?
6. What points of parity you have to make competition tough for new rivalry?
7. What type of market research do you perform? Primary research or secondary research
and the methods used in each of them?
8. In which scenarios you have diversified your pricing strategy?
9. Do you think to diversify in some other market opportunities as well? You opt tochoose
Brand extension or not?
10. What sort of events and occasions you sponsor?
11. What variations you bring in your regular services to increase customer satisfaction?
12. Do you encounter any promotional offer for some specific time periods like discounts,
gifts or competition tickets, etc.?
13. What basis you use for inventory valuation in your organization? Perpetual (daily basis)
or Periodic (at the end of each month)?
14. Recently, have you introduced any new technology or any appropriate techniques that has
specifically reduced your operating expense?

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