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No. L- 23139 December 17, 1966

FACTS : Sometime in November 1962, four cases of rotary drill parts were shipped from
abroad on S.S “Leoville”, consigned to the petitioner, Mobil Philippines Exploration
Inc. Manila. April 10, 1963, in Port of Manila, the objects were shipped and was
discharged to custody of the defendant, Custom’s Arrastre Service, the unit of the
Bureau of Customs then handling Arrastre operations therein. The Customs
Arrastre Service later delivered to the broker of the consignee three (3) cases only
of the shipment.
The Court of First Instance of Manila, dismissed the suit filed by the
petitioner, sought to recover from the Customs Arrastre Service and the Bureau of
Customs the value of the undelivered cases in the amount of P18, 493.37, on the
ground that the defendants are not suable.

ISSUE: Whether or not the Customs Arrastre Service and Bureau of Customs, possessing
proprietary and governmental functions, respectively, are immuned from suit.

HELD: The Supreme Court answered this querry AFFIRMATIVE. Deriving from the
Constitutional guarantee that the State may not be sued without its consent.
It is given that the Arrastre Service, which has non- governmental function, is
undertaken as an incident to its government function, there is no waiver thereby
of the sovereign immunity from suit extended to such government entity.

Clearly, although said arrastre function may be deemed proprietary, it is a

necessary incident of the primary and governmental function of the Bureau of
Customs, so that engaging in the same does not necessarily render said Bureau
liable from suit. For otherwise, it could not perform its governmental function
without necessarily exposing itself to suit. Sovereign immunity, granted as to the
end, should not be denied as to the necessary means to that end. Time and again,
we have held the defendants absolved to the suit.

“Unincorporated agencies will lie in suit, however, no suit without

consent when the act was a necessary incident to its governmental

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