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Lorenza Liwanag vs.

Court of Appeals and Pedro Castillo

GR no. L-61425, March 28, 1983
Plana, J.
Liwanag, owner of a house under a verbal lease to private respondent Pedro Castillo with rental payable on
month to month basis, filed an ejectment suit with the Municipal court of Mandaluyong, against the latter on the
ground that the leased property was to be used by the lessor’s son. The suit was predicated on Section 5 (c) of
Batas Pambansa 25 which allows ejectment. The Municipal Court sustained the plaintiff and ordered ejectment. Also,
this was affirmed by the Court of the First Instance. However, the court of Appeals, on appeal, reversed the decision
on the ground that Liwanag had several apartment units, one of which had been vacated by her son and was
therefore available for occupancy by Rafael.
Whether or not the Batas Pambansa 25 authorize ejectment even if the lessor offers to make available to
the tenant a substitute dwelling under the same terms and conditions of occupancy.

No, Batas Pambansa is clear. It does not authorize even if the lessor offers to make available to the tenant
a substitute dwelling under the same terms and conditions of occupancy. Not only is it necessary that the lessor
needs the leased premises for his own use or for the use of an immediate member of his family as a residential unit;
its is furthermore required that such owner or immediate member (is) not the owner of any other available residential

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