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This is to verify that current work entitled effects of black magic in India and Pakistan (A
CRITICAL AND ANALYTICAL STUDY) is the original work of Ali nawaz Reg. No. SP19-
This thesis is the result of my very hard struggle and there is no copied material in my project,
which is the outcome of work done in partnership except where specifically indicated in the text.
It has not been earlier submitted, in part or whole, to any university of institution for any degree,
diploma, or other qualification.


Firstly, I would modestly dedicate this thesis to my beloved Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH), who showed us the real objectives of worldly life and life hereafter, to my treasured
and exceptional teachers, to my beloved country Pakistan, to my second home; Comsat
University ISLAMABAD to my dearest mother and other family members, to all my fellow and
besties who encouraged, motivate and assisted me throughout and finally to all the people who
love me.

Topic: Effects of black magic in India and Pakistan


Definition of black magic

Magic derived from evil forces, as distinct from good or
benign forces, or magic performed with the intention of doing harm.

Names of black magic:

black magic is known all over the world and because of this it is known
by many different names such as magic spells, hex, sorcery, sihr, witchcraft, voodoo and curses.

What is black magic?

Black magic is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of evil spirits and even the devil
himself. Black magic oriented in the spirit world. If someone has mastered the art of black magic
they are able to perform sorcery. These black magicians will follow an intricate system of
sorcery for several weeks or even months. During these periods they invoke the spirits from the
underworld. During these periods they invoke the spirits from the underworld; they perform
rituals and sometimes even do animal and human sacrifices to bind their spells with the
underground world. After using these techniques, they are in touch with those evil spirits.
Sometimes they are even able to command these spirits as they wish.
History of black magic

Magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels: HARUT and MARUT, but
neither of these two angels taught anyone till they have said “we are only for trial, so disbelieve
not”. And from these people learn by which they cause separation between man and his
wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by ALLAH’S leave.

How black magic is used:

 Black magicians may use these spirits to access information from anyone. These pieces
of information may be used to inflict harm to the individual.
 Black magicians may use spirits to mentally torture and physically harm people. These
are the people driven by jealousy, anger and hate who pay black magicians to inflict
harm to their relatives, friends, and colleagues.
 Black magicians can even be hired by professionals like lawyers to win cases.
Politicians and business man have at times hired black magicians to defeat their
competitors. It is also a common practice in the movie, music and modeling industries.

How black magic spells are done:

There are many ways for a black magic to be done but the
most common is making the victim eat or drink food or beverage that has been previously bound
with black magic. Photographs of the victim can be used to invoke a black magic curse. If a
black magician obtains a photo of u or something you own or possess- for instance a piece of
clothing or jewelry—these items could be used against you. Some black magicians can even
create a liquid spell which may be spilled over a piece of land or an object to create a black
magic curse.


come to us,” BA Jigar Bangali, a well-known magician said while talking to Pakistan Today,
adding “we only take money from them and arrange the ingredients ourselves since laymen
cannot obtain them.”

He said Masan (a difficult spell to cast) and a flying pot were the most difficult spells to cast. He
aforesaid spells like Mirgi (epilepsy) fits, Seher Al Mahfloj (paralysis) and Sehar

Kabos (feels sleepy-eyed all the time) area unit simple to perform.

“Masan is the spell that is performed on kids and ash left from a burnt Hindu dead body is put in
some food for the kids to eat,” he said, adding that blood from A bird of night sitting on AN oak
on a dark night was mixed in Masan to create it effective. He said Masan was not easily available
in Pakistan so it was smuggled from India. He said after eating Masan, kids’ health started to
deteriorate and eventually they die. He said usually females come to them for seeking revenge
against their husbands’ second wives children or children of their enemies

Black magic symptoms:

Keep in mind that most black magic spells are done for specific purposes and therefore there are
endless symptoms black magic can manifest. The effect is felt differently from individual to
individual according to their life situations, their overall health and their mental state. If you are
experiencing any of the following you may need the services of a spiritual healer for a cure of
black magic.

 Unexplained extreme weight loss or gain

 Terrible headaches
 Blindness
 Eyes turning gray
 Inability to sleep, insomnia or over sleeping
 Depression
 Feeling negative energy weighing down on them
 Very bad breath
 Seizures
 Excessive tears
 Unexplained irritability, anger and emotional imbalance
 Unexplained infertility
 One or more episode of miscarriage
 Inability to menstruate in women or menstruating more than normal
 Unexplained impotence
 Very bad body odor
 Occurrence of nightmares
 Acting angry and nightmares
 Forgetting incidents and moments of life
 Changes in voice
 Change in appearance
 Indulging in alcohol, drugs, violence.

There are just some of the possible symptoms of black magic.

Black magic spells and curses can be tailored specifically to an area in a person’s life. Here are a

few examples of how black magic can affect your life:

 Excessive unexplained bad luck
 Unreasonable fear to go out or leave home
 Ruined a marriage or other relationships
 Never maintain a happy relationship
 To struggle and have nothing work in life
 To be affected with financial loss
 To give up everything own he owns such as home or business for no reason at all
 To become a victim of frequent accidents
 To have paranoia
 To destroy his/her or someone’s else career
 T leave the country for no reason
 To control someone’s mind for sex
 To affect his health
 Always be in a worry state
 In an unhappy state
 Never succeed in life
 Difficult troubles overcomes upon you

 The victim of a black magic might experience supernatural symptoms as

 Hearing strange whispering voices
 Feeling someone next to them while they sleep
 Hearing someone other name
 Facing paranormal activities
 Bad dreams of being raped or sexually abused
 Observing shadows around him
 Hear the knocking of door

Symptoms of demonic possession

 Laughter without any reason

 Changes in voices
 Drinking massive amount of water
 Bad breath
 Changes in features
 Change in skin or excessive pimples
 Becoming angry or starting a fight for no reason
 Very sensitive to smells
 Washing hands and body excessively
 Smelling his/her body parts all the time
 Feeling blackouts
 Fortune teller and being adamant that what they say is accurate

Which countries are most affected by black magic?

Almost the black magic is done in all the countries but in India it is done in a very fast
rate. But in our country Pakistan this immoral activity is also done. Many of the under
developing countries do this practice. This illegal practice is done rapidly in these
countries. People have awareness about it.

Why black magic is done

There is a question in the mind why black magic is done? Black magic is done for wrong
purposes. Black magic spoils other persons. It can affect other persons mind and body.
Other person life spoils due to black magic. His senses changes and for some time he lost
his senses. People use black magic to spoil other people’s life. Where Jelcy, business
matters, love matters and others winning situations there is a black magic. A person’s life
totally changed due to black magic. Black magic affects its internal body. Depressions,
anger, frustration come over the man.

“black magic is not a myth. It is a totally unscientific and

emotional form of magic, but it does get results of an extremely

temporary nature”

Victims of black magic

The people who are depressed with life fall easy prey to bad habits and immoral activities
like black magic. The people who are deceived by everyone and cannot get their rights in
their life they go to the line of this bad activity. Frustrated people who are dissatisfied
from their life do black magic and they did not fear from this thing. People do black
magic for the sake of gaining profit from others and they harm others.

Social challenges regarding black magic

This thing causes great harms in our society. It destroys our social norms. it is destroying our
society day by day. Most families are most addicted in this activity. People who cannot tolerate
the family burdens take support of this thing. Every person who cannot get their right achieve
right by this way. And they do not feel reluctant to avoid from this activity. Where there is black
magic people behave unethically to other people. Black magic is a curse to every society. A
black magic society called ignorant society. People faces are changed due to this activity.

“Black woman is art; a perfect expression of pain, struggle, strength and beauty.”

“Black girls create magic, so that makes me magical”(Stephanie lahart)

Many social challenges are describes as follows

 It destroys the society progress and there is a curse of Allah on that society.
 Mystical power can eat away the health and souls of their victims, attack people cause
misfortune and make life uncomfortable.
 This curse destroys the society’s welfare. Black magic destroys the family’s unity. They
quarreled with one another. People keep a bad idea about others.
 In the society to show off someone who has a good repute people use black magic.
 In the society to get their rights by unfair means people use this shortcut to get more

Good magic
Good magic is accepted and esteemed used mainly by specialist such as used for the
medicines of men, diviners and rainmakers. These practitioners use their knowledge or
tap into this power for the benefit of their community. Examples of beneficial use of
magic power are to neutralizing or destroying evil power or witchcraft.
Mystical power may be transmitted through charms, amulets, medical portions,
rags, feathers or cutting on the body. This power can be used to protect homesteads,
families, fields, cattle and other property.

Moral challenges regarding black magic

There are some moral values in our society like our faith on Allah, faith on the last book
and on the holy prophet. But people have forgotten all these values. They are faithless
people. Their conscience has been dead. They have a will to win the world. They get the
world by unfair means.
 When there is some black magic in the society people behavior changed.
 A person does not have a true faith on Allah and his prophet and they think that
someone who can get their rights is the god for them and they made them their
 The peer solved their problems with black magic and their conscience dead.
 To make life easy and comfortable people use black magic and their moral values

Political challenges regarding black magic

Politics like black magic requires suspension of disbelief by the masses to cast its spell.
When the two forces combine, much confusion ensues as appears evident from the
situations in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
Black magic is a tool to confer power to a class of priests, higher and lower.
The modern form of black magic serves its own class of politicians, big and small.
The government, judges make strict laws against this step. This thing is a great challenge
for all of us. Many of the peers they are disbelievers, government has to take action
against them.
 Many of the terrorist use black magic to hire someone who can obey their orders.
 They use the term brain washing and teach wrong things to children. All these things are
the kinds of black magic.

Solutions of black magic in the light of Islamic

There are many solutions which can remove black magic from our
 We should teach proper guiding to the newly born children about religious perspective.
 We have to remove all the people from our country which do black magic without any
 We should be broadminded and follow the true teachings of Islam and teach those
subjects in schools, colleges and universities.
 If we follow the teachings of SUNNAH of holy prophet then we never go to this way.
 We should follow our beloved DEEN and the teachings of Quran
 Government has to make strict laws according to Islamic way and there is a pressure for
the implementation of these rules.
 People use black magic to gain their rights. If government will give all the rules to the
citizen then no one will use this activity.

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