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Torts and Damages

INSTRUCTIONS. Choose the best answer.

I. MCQ. Choose the BEST answer. c. Yes, since the liability is not based on negligence.
d. No, because the iguana escaped due to fortuitous event.
1. Alex bought a canned good from a store, ate it, and
suffered from poisoning caused by a noxious substance 6. Local governments have the power to abate a:
found in it. Which of the following defenses will hold in
favor of the manufacturer of the canned good? a. Nuisance per se
b. Nuisance per accidens
a. The expiry date was clearly printed on the can, still the c. Public Nuisance
store sold and Alex bought it. d. Private Nuisance
b. Alex must have detected the noxious substance by smell,
yet he still ate it. 7. Gina owned a bare and simple swimming pool in her
c. The manufacturer had no transaction with Alex. garden. Donna, a 7-year old child, surreptitiously entered
d. The manufacturer enjoys the presumption of safeness of the garden and accidentally fell into the pool. Is Gina
its canning procedure. liable for the injuries that Donna sustained premised on
the principle of attractive nuisance?
2. In the award of this kind of damages, no proof of loss
is necessary: a. No, Donna was 7 years old and knew the dangers that
the pool offered.
a. nominal damages b. Yes, Gina had the duty to prevent children from coming
b. temperate damages near it.
c. liquidated damages c. No, since the pool had no enticing decorations that
d. exemplary damages would attract Donna.
d. Yes, Gina did not cover the swimming pool while not in
3. Minda rode a bus on her way to the hospital for a pre- use.
natal check up. Unfortunately, the bus met an accident
due to the gross negligence of the driver. As a 8. The defendant is liable even without fault under:
consequence, Minda suffered an abortion. May she
recover actual damages for the death of her unborn a. vicarious liability
child? b. special torts
c. strict liability torts
a. Yes, since the foetus is already regarded as a child from d. nuisance
conception, though unborn.
b. No, since the bus driver would not have known that the 9. While the district gradually becomes a trading or
accident would result in Minda’s abortion. manufacturing area, a resident cannot prohibit the
c. Yes, Minda believed in her heart that she lost a child. businesses in his neighborhood, except if:
d. No, since birth determines personality, the accident did
not result in the death of a person. a. they interfered with his personal satisfaction
b. they produced ordinary annoyances
4. Moral damages are recoverable in the following cases, c. they created incidental discomforts
except: d. they surpassed customary inconveniences

a. seduction 10. The parties may agree to reduce or increase the 30-
b. quasi-delict day period within which to correct any imperfection in
c. malicious prosecution the quality of the product but such shall not be less than 7
d. slander days nor more than ___ days.

5. Shiela owned a pet iguana which she keeps in a man- a. 180

made pond enclosed by a fence situated in her residential b. 140
lot. A typhoon knocked down the fence of the pond and c. 160
the iguana crawled out of the gate. Lorena, a neighbor d. 120
who was passing by, started throwing stones at the
iguana, drawing the iguana to move toward her. Lorena 11. Which of the following does not constitute abuse of
panicked and ran but tripped on something and suffered rights but is actionable:
a broken leg. Is Shiela, as possessor of the animal, liable
for Lorena's injuries? a. humiliating a gate crasher while asking him to leave
b. disconnecting unpaid utility services without notice
a. Yes, even if the iguana escaped. c. seducing a 19-year old woman
b. No, because Lorena acted negligently. d. breach of promise to marry

“It is wiser to find out than to suppose.” –Mark Twain

“Few minds wear out, most rust out.” –Christian Nextell Bovee
“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” –Robert H. Schuller
“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” –Francis of Assisi
Torts and Damages

INSTRUCTIONS. Choose the best answer.

12. The employee injured a third person while driving the II. ESSAY. Answer the questions directly and concisely
company-issued vehicle in traveling to work. Is the using at most five sentences. Do not repeat the question.
employer vicariously liable?

a. Yes, because the employee acted within the scope of 1.

employment. A owns a burned-out building which collapsed
b. No, because the employee drove the vehicle for personal and destroyed the nearby shop of B who suffered physical
use. injuries. Aggrieved, B filed against A an action for
c. Yes, because the employee continues in the service of damages. In defense, A claimed that B has the last clear
employer until he reaches home. chance to avoid the incident after warning him to relocate
d. No, because traveling to work is a personal concern of the shop. Is A liable for B’s injuries?
the employee.

13. After rendering some overtime work in Makati, the 2.

employee went to a restaurant in Tagaytay to eat dinner X owns an apartment which he leased to Y. Later,
using a company-issued vehicle. At around 2am the in order to force Y to leave the premises, X stopped making
following day, the employee injured a third person while repairs and disconnected the water and electricity services.
driving on his way home. Is the employer vicariously Due to difficulty of living in the apartment, Y suffered a
liable? nervous breakdown. Y sued X for damages. Is X liable for
actual, moral and exemplary damages?
a. Yes, because there was benefit to the employer.
b. No, because the employee left the direct route from his
work. 3.
c. Yes, because the employee acted within the scope of A hired the services of B to construct a day care
employment. center with a total contract price of one million pesos
d. No, because the employee drove the vehicle for personal which he intends to donate in favor of a charity foundation.
use outside working hours. After finishing about 93% of the structure, B suddenly
ceased operations and failed to complete the project.
14. Are the biological parents vicariously liable if their Considering the substantial services rendered, B filed a
minor child undergoing the process of adoption case against A to reocover the entire contract price.
committed a tort? Aggrieved, A refused to pay and countered that the
unfounded suit damaged his reputation as a philanthropist.
a. Yes, if tort happened after trial custody. Is A entitled to moral damages and attorney's fees?
b. No, if tort happened before the trial custody.
c. Yes, if tort happened before completion of trial custody.
d. No, if tort happened before decree of adoption. 4.
X and Y maintain an amorous relationship for
15. The State is vicariously liable for acts done through a almost two months. Later, X discovered that Y is an
special agent who is a: exhibitionist and a womamizer. X sued Y for damages
because of his immorality and dishonesty. Is Y liable for
a. Public official commissioned to perform a special task moral damages?
foreign to his usual governmental function.
b. Private individual commissioned to perform a non-
governmental function. 5.
c. Public official commissioned to perform a non- A obtained a loan from B secured by a promissory
governmental function. note due on December 25, 2018 but without any stipulation
d. Private individual commissioned to perform a special on the payment of interest. Meantime, A and B had a
task foreign to his usual governmental functions. heated exchange of words. Out of spite, A deliberately
defaulted in paying the debt forcing B to file an action for
sum of money. Can B claim actual, moral, nominal and
temperate damages?

--Nothing Follows--

“It is wiser to find out than to suppose.” –Mark Twain

“Few minds wear out, most rust out.” –Christian Nextell Bovee
“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” –Robert H. Schuller
“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” –Francis of Assisi

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