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1. Zoozle GmBH is a German multinational company headquartered at Berlin.

It operates an
internet search engine in the url (hereinafter called ‘The
Website’).When a user enters a query into the search toolbox, the website generates an
‘organic search list’ of hyperlinks that it deems most relevant to the query. These
hyperlinks are of various 3rd party websites that contain the query or words similar to the
query. The hyperlinks are highlighted in blue and are arranged in order of relevance. The
order of relevance is determined by algorithms written into Zoozle’s source code and has
no human interface in its determination. The website is considered one of the most
effective and efficient internet search engine websites and is hugely popular, with almost
sixty percent of the internet users around the world preferring to use for
their internet queries. In India, the website is even more popular, with more than eighty
percent of Indian internet users accessing the website on a daily basis.

2. When Zoozle GmBH first began operating the search engine in the year 2003, it was a
non-profit entity and relied solely on voluntary contributions from its users. However, due
to rising costs as well as ambitious plans to expand the scope, utility and outreach of the
website, in the year 2011, Zoozle GmBH developed a scheme of advertising through
which businesses or persons may advertise on its search engine. This scheme of
advertising was called ‘AdVerba’. A person, who wishes to advertise on AdVerba, can
buy ‘keywords’ of his/her choice through an online auction amongst prospective buyers.
Keywords can be bought for specific regions only. A keyword is a word which when
typed into the website’s search tool as a query, triggers in addition to the organic search
list, results termed as ‘suggested posts’. The highest bidder for the keyword decides what
web links to place in the suggested posts. The bidder usually places his own website’s link
as the suggested post. The purchaser of the keyword can also place a small description
below the actual link. The suggested posts appear above the ‘organic search list’ and are
distinguishable from the search list as they are shaded in a light yellow color and the
words “Sponsored Ads” appear alongside them.
3. Mr. Arvind Kejru Murgwala established a fast food restaurant called ‘Murgwala’s Best
Butter Chicken’ (hereinafter MBBC) in Delhi in the year 1959 at Connaught Place.
MBBC soon became a very popular restaurant amongst the people of Delhi. Today, the
restaurant is a chain with over twenty five outlets within Delhi. In order to maintain
quality as well as out of respect for the wishes of Mr. Arvind Murgwala, the chain has
never been expanded outside Delhi, though his sons Arnob Murgwala and Arnab
Murgwala were always keen to do so. Arvind Murgwala passed away in the year 1988
and a dispute broke out between his sons Arnob Murgwala and his younger brother Arnab
Murgwala as to the division of assets. In the end it was agreed between the brothers that
Arnob would have full ownership of MBBC and Arnab would have two bungalows which
the father had left behind located in Golf Links, Delhi. They accordingly entered into an
Agreement dated 01.01.1989 wherein Arnab relinquished all claims over MBBC and
Arnob relinquished all rights and claims over the two properties. Accordingly, the
business (MBBC) was taken over by Arnob in 1989. The Trade Mark that MBBC uses in
the course of trade is reproduced in Annexure– I. Although this is the mark MBBC had
been using since its inception in 1959, the mark was only registered by the Registrar of
Trade Marks in the year 1993 on Arnob’s application.

4. In the year 2008, Arnob created a website for his business with the URL This website allows prospective consumers to view the
menu online and place orders for home delivery. Arnob also guaranteed that orders
placed on his website would be delivered within thirty minutes or less and extensively
advertised his business along with the website’s URL in the mass media as well as
hoardings in several places across the city. The Company’s financial statements for the
Assessment Year 2012-13 recorded advertisement expenditure as Rs. 1,00,00,000/-

5. Mr. Arnab Murgwala moved to Kolkata in the year 1990. He decided to start a restaurant
of his own and founded ‘Arnab’s Butter Chicken’ (ABC) in the year 1990. This restaurant
too has a website of its own with the URL where
customers can place orders for home delivery. ABC has been moderately successful

commercially and operates three branches within Kolkata. In the year 2007, Arnab
opened an outlet of ABC in Delhi at Karol Bagh and it runs with moderate success. Arnab
obtained registration of the Trade Mark used by ABC in the year 2000. The mark is
reproduced in Annexure – II.

6. In the year 2012, Arnab decided to use Zoozle’s AdVerba to advertise his website. He bid
for and successfully purchased around fifty keywords including the words ‘Best’, ‘Tasty’,
‘Butter’,‘ Chicken’, ‘Murgwala’ and ‘Arnab’ for use within Delhi and Kolkata. He also
bought mis-spelt versions of these keywords such as ‘Cchicken’, ‘Buter’ and ‘Arnob’
because internet users often tend to misspell search terms. As a result, when a user types
these three words in combination into the Zoozle search bar, the search result page would
contain a suggested post with the link to Arnab’s website (
placed above the organic search results. Arnab also added the description ‘Better than the
Best Butter Chicken’ under the link.

7. Arnob soon noticed this and felt that there was a chance that consumers who were
searching for his website could be misled into the website of Arnab which was placed in
the ‘Suggested Posts’ area of the search results page. He feared that once they enter the
website of Arnab, they would just place an order there, thereby causing him a loss of
customers. On 06.06.2012, he wrote to the head office of Zoozle GmBH at Berlin and
asked them to remove the keywords ‘Best’, ‘Butter’ and ‘Chicken’ claiming that these
were his registered trademarks and it was an infringement of the marks to sell them to
Arnab as keywords. He attached a copy of his trademark registration. In reply, Zoozle
GmBH stated that one of the terms of their AdVerba Agreement was that trademarks
cannot be used as keywords and whenever a trade mark proprietor makes a complaint that
a Keyword being sold is a registered trademark in a jurisdiction, Zoozle GmBH, pursuant
to their own investigation, suspends the use of the keyword.

8. Subsequently though, on 01.07.2012, Zoozle GmBH wrote to Arnob stating that in the
opinion of their legal advisors, the keywords sold to Arnab were not the trademarks of
Arnob as on their own these words are part of the commons of the English language and

in any case Arnob’s mark has to be viewed as a whole and trademark law offers no
protection to parts of a mark.

9. Arnob subsequently approached the Delhi High Court in C.S.(O.S.) No. 343/2012 seeking
permanent injunction restraining Zoozle GmBH from using the words contained in his
trade mark as keywords and C.S.(O.S.) No. 344/2012 against Arnab Murgwala (1st
Defendant) and Zoozle GmBH (2nd Defendant) claiming infringement of his trademark
and action for passing off. He also claimed that as per the terms of the

10. Agreement of 0 1.01.1989, the mark ‘Murgwala’ and the goodwill associated with it
belonged exclusively to him and the actions of the 1st Defendant in using that of keywords
to advertise is an infringement of the trade mark of the Plaintiff.

11. At the same time, Arnob also decided to file an Information listed as Case No. 88/2012
in November, 2012 before the Competition Commission of India (C.C.I.) under Section
19 of the Competition Act, 2002, alleging that the Adverba Advertisements Scheme is an
abuse of dominant position by Zoozle GmBH and that it enters into anti-competitive
agreements with the users of the programme due to the discriminatory practices which are
adopted by the Company in the running of the Adverba Advertisement scheme resulting
in denial of market access and restriction of provision of services as well as the violation
of the intellectual property rights which had taken place in the particular case of the
Informer, i.e., Arnob Murgwala.

12. In reply to the Suit, the 1st Defendant took the stand that the impugned keywords are only
descriptive, generic or laudatory and that they ought not to have been registered as trade
marks in the first place and counter sued for revocation of the mark’s registration. The 2nd
Defendant also stated that he had a right to trade in his own name and therefore the use of
the keyword ‘Murgwala’ does not infringe the trademark of the Plaintiff.

13. The 2nd Defendant adopted the above arguments and also took the stand that it is merely a
search engine and performs the function of a directory. They claimed that such use of the
words was not ‘use in the course of trade’ and therefore no action for infringement arose.

14. Meanwhile on 18.01.2013, the C.C.I. found that there was no contravention of the
provisions of section 3 or Section 4 of the Competition Act, 2002 and accordingly, the
matter was directed to be closed under the provisions of Section 26(6) of the Act. Arnob
Murgwala immediately appealed against the decision of the C.C.I. in the Competition
Appellate Tribunal (COMPAT).

15. On 15.01.2014, Delhi High Court heard both matters together and found in favour of the
Defendants through common judgment dated 15.01.2014. The Plaintiff’s appealed before
the Division Bench of the Delhi High Court and the Appeal was dismissed at the
admission stage itself. At the same time, the Competition Appellate Tribunal, vide its
Order dated 16.01.2014, affirmed the Order of the C.C.I. dated 18.01.2013.

16. The Plaintiff-Appellant then appealed before the Supreme Court of India. Zoozle GmBH
also preferred to file a Statutory Appeal against the Order of the COMPAT dated
16.01.2014. On the Statutory Appeal coming up before the Hon’ble Supreme Court, It
was prayed by the Counsel for Zoozle GmBH that the Appeal may be tagged along with
the Petitions/Appeals filed by the Plaintiff/Appellant/Petitioners against the Judgement of
the Hon’ble Delhi High Court as they relate to the same issue in substance. The
Petitions/Appeals as well as the Statutory Appeal have been admitted and are listed for
final hearing.



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