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Ashtonium's Revised Blood Hunter v1.

The Blood Hunter Table
Level Proficiency Bonus Crimson Rite Damage Die Features Blood Curses Known
1st +2 1d4 Hunter's Bane, Crimson Rite -
2nd +2 1d4 Fighting Style, Blood Curses 2
3rd +2 1d4 Blood Hunter Order 2
4th +2 1d4 Ability Score Improvement 2
5th +3 1d6 Extra Attack 3
6th +3 1d6 Dark Velocity 3
7th +3 1d6 Order Feature, Empowered Rites 3
8th +3 1d6 Ability Score Improvement 3
9th +4 1d6 Hardened Soul 4
10th +4 1d6 Grim Psychometry 4
11th +4 1d8 Order Feature, Revoke Wound 4
12th +4 1d8 Ability Score Improvement 4
13th +5 1d8 - 5
14th +5 1d8 Ichorous Vigour 5
15th +5 1d8 Order Feature 5
16th +5 1d8 Ability Score Improvement 5
17th +6 1d10 Enduring Form 6
18th +6 1d10 Order Feature 6
19th +6 1d10 Ability Score Improvement 6
20th +6 1d10 Sanguine Mastery 7

Class Features (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) hand crossbow and
As a blood hunter, you gain the following class features. 20 bolts
(a) studded leather armor or (b) scale mail armor
Hit Points an explorer’s pack
Hit Dice: 1d10 per blood hunter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier Hunter's Bane
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution Beginning at 1st level, you have survived the imbibing of the
modifier per archivist level after 1st Hunter’s Bane, a poisonous alchemical concoction that alters
your life’s blood, forever binding you to the darkness and
Proficiencies honing your senses against it.
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons Fey, Fiends, and Undead, as well as on Intelligence checks to
Tools: Alchemist’s supplies recall information about them. If you are actively tracking one
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom of these creature types, you cannot be surprised by any
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Arcana, creatures of that type. You can only be tracking one type of
Insight, Investigation, and Survival creature at a time.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
(a) a martial weapon or (b) two simple weapons

Crimson Rite
At 1st level, you learn to invoke a rite of
blood magic within your weapon through means
of your occult life force. Choose to learn one rite from
the Primal Rites list below.
As a bonus action, you imbue a single weapon with the
elemental energy of a known rite, this effect lasts for 1
minute or until you are incapacitated. While active, attacks
from this weapon deal an additional 1d4 rite damage of the
chosen elemental type. The rite damage die changes as you
gain blood hunter levels, as shown in the crimson rite
damage die column of the blood hunter table.
Crimson rites can be used on multiple weapons. Most
weapons can only be subject to a single rite at any given time.
Each end of a polearm or quarterstaff is treated as a separate Shadar-Kai art by WingBuffet
weapon for the purposes of this feature. A rite can be allowed
to fade at any time (no action required).
You gain access to an additional Primal Rite at 6th level
and 11th level. You may learn an Esoteric Rite at 14th level.
Primal Rites Blood Curses
Choose from the following: The time you spend cutting through your
Rite of the Flame (fire damage), Rite of the Frozen (cold foes in battle furthers your understanding of the
damage), Rite of the Storm (lightning damage). natural order. You gain the knowledge of how to further
channel your vital essence in order to curse and manipulate
Esoteric Rites your enemies.
Choose from the following: At 2nd level, you gain two blood curses of your choice,
Rite of the Roar (thunder damage), Rite of the Oracle primeval abilities that allow you to control the life force of
(psychic damage), Rite of the Arcane (force damage). yourself, and others. When you gain certain blood hunter
levels, you gain additional curses of your choice, as shown in
Fighting Style the Blood Curses Known column of the Blood Hunter table.
At 2nd level, you adopt a style of fighting as your specialty. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can
Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting choose one of the curses you know and replace it with
Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose another curse that you could learn at that level.
again. The Blood Curse options are listed at the end of class
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged Blood Hunter Order
weapons. At 3rd level, you commit to an order of blood hunter martial
Dueling focus. Choose Order of the Ghostslayer, Order of the Lycan,
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no or Order of the Vampyr, all detailed at the end of the class
other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that description. The order you choose grants you features at 3rd
weapon. level, and again at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th level.
Great Weapon Fighting Ability Score Improvement
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and
make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two- 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. using this feature.
Two-Weapon Fighting Extra Attack
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Dark Velocity
Upon reaching 6th level, you beckon the surrounding
shadows to grant you unnatural dominance on the battlefield.
You gain darkvision out to 60 feet, if you already have
darkvision, extend it out an additional 30 feet.

Blood Altar by Feng Zhu
Ichorous Vigour
At 14th level, your Crimson Rite damage ignores damage
Additionally, whilst in dim light or darkness, all attacks of resistances, if a creature is immune to the damage of your
opportunity have disadvantage against you, and you can use Crimson Rite, they instead are resistant.
your bonus action to move half your speed. Additionally, if you are reduced to 0 hit points while a
Crimson Rite is active, you can choose to drop to 1 hit point
Empowered Rites instead. You can use this ability once per long rest.
At level 7, any weapons you imbue with a Crimson Rite are
considered magic for the purpose of overcoming resistance Enduring Form
and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. This At 17th level, your exposure to forbidden magics and the
includes the Lycan and Vampyr's unarmed strikes. essence of death itself has halted your mortal clock. You no
longer age naturally or magically, making you immortal to the
Hardened Soul ravages of time.
When you reach 9th level, you can no longer become
frightened, and you have advantage on saving throws against Sanguine Mastery
the charmed condition. Upon becoming 20th level, your ability to harness your pain,
and the pain of your foes, is perfected. When you are below
Grim Psychometry half your maximum hit points, all of your Crimson Rite
When you reach 10th level, you gain the ability to meditate on damage rolls are maximized.
any object, person, creature or artifact and discern lingering In addition, you add your Constitution saving throw
evils or wicked pasts that surround them. modifier to Death saving throws. If this increases the roll
You can cast the legend lore spell once per day. While this above 20, treat it as if you had rolled a 20.
spell details use on any legendary or unique item or person,
your use of this spell grants you greater knowledge when Blood Hunter Orders
specifically used on items created from evil, or for sinister
and impure purposes. There are a handful of secretive orders of blood hunters that
guard their cryptic techniques and blasphemous rituals. One
Revoke Wound must adhere to one of these orders to even be granted access
At 11th level, your empowered physiology allows you to strike to the Hunter’s Bane rite that starts their journey, and only
back against deadlier enemies. When a creature lands a once they’ve proven their ability will the secrets of the order
critical hit on you, you can spend your reaction to negate the begin to be revealed. Some even wait a few years before they
critical hit and immediately make an attack against that are sure they want to continue down this cursed path. Either
creature with a weapon that bears your Crimson Rite. or, it’s within these small, enigmatic sects that the real power
of a blood hunter is learned.
Mollymauk Art by Jeremy Ruihley

Hallowed Veins
Beginning at 7th level, your study of the undead lends you
superior defenses against them. You cannot be charmed,
frightened, or possessed by undead creatures.
Additionally, whenever you are subjected to an attack from
a creature that reduces your maximum hit points, you can
use your reaction to half the damage dealt and suffer a hit
point maximum reduction of the same amount.
Supernal Surge
Upon reaching 11th level, your connection to the spirit world
grows even stronger, allowing you to make swift and deadly
strikes against your enemies. When you activate your
Spectral Step feature, you gain the following benefits until
Order of the Ghostslayer the end of your turn:
The Order of the Ghostslayer is the oldest and most driven of You can attack three times when you take the Attack
the orders, having rediscovered the secrets of blood magic action instead of twice.
and refined them for combat against the scourge of undeath. Any attack you make against undead creatures has
Ghostslayers seek out and study the moment of death, advantage during this turn. If your Rite of the Dawn is
obsessing over the mysteries of the transition. Some will sit active when dealing damage against them, you roll an
with the terminally diseased to closely witness their passing, additional die of radiant damage.
while others go so far as to deliberately have a near-death
experience, allowing them to tune their body and senses to Your speed cannot be reduced by physical or magical
the ethereal realms beyond. means.
Rite of the Dawn You can now use this ability twice per short rest.
When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn the esoteric
rite Rite of the Dawn (detailed below). Gravesight
Rite of the Dawn. Your rite damage is radiant type. At 15th level, you can see through magical darkness up to 30
If you hit an Undead creature with the Rite of the Dawn, it feet, as well as see invisible creatures and objects within 30
suffers additional radiant damage equal to your Wisdom feet of you.
At 11th level, any creature you hit with your Rite of the Vengeful Spirit
Dawn suffers additional radiant damage equal to your Upon reaching 18th level, you learn to project your spirit to
Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). fight on while on the edge of death. Whenever your hit points
Spectral Step drop to 0, you can choose to let your soul emerge from your
Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to briefly step into the body to fight on. Your body remains unconscious and subject
ethereal plane. At the start of your turn, you can choose to to death saving throws per normal. At the beginning of your
gain a spectral quality, whilst in this form you can move next turn, you manifest a spirit form in your space that picks
through other creatures and nonmagical objects as if they up your weapons and continues fighting on, acting on your
were difficult terrain, and you are resistant to bludgeoning, turn and every one of your subsequent turns under your
piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. control. Your spirit form has your physical attributes and
If you end your turn inside an object, you take 1d10 force armor class, as well as your weapons and ammunition, and
damage. If you are inside an object when you are no longer can move through other creatures and objects as if they were
spectral, you are immediately shunted to the nearest difficult terrain. This form is immune to cold, necrotic, and
unoccupied space that you can occupy and take force damage non-magical weapon damage. Your spirit form has access to
equal to twice the number of feet you moved. all of your abilities, and automatically imbues your weaponry
This form lasts until the end of your turn. You can activate with your Crimson Rites the moment they are picked up.
this ability once per short rest. If your spirit form takes any damage, if you die, or you
regain any hit points, your spirit form vanishes. Once your
spirit form vanishes, it drops your weapons in its space.


Feral Might. You gain a bonus to melee damage rolls equal
Order of the Lycan to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). You also have
Of the many terrible curses that plague the realm, few are as advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
ancient or as feared as Lycanthropy. Passed through blood, Resilient Hide. You have resistance to bludgeoning,
this affliction seeds a host with the savage strength and piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons
hunger for violence of a wild beast. Those that shun the curse that aren’t silvered. While you are not wearing heavy armor,
spend their lives burying their wild, bestial urges deep inside. you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.
However, the power of a rising full moon makes the curse too Predatory Strikes. Your unarmed strikes are considered a
strong to resist, and the host transforms into a terrifying single weapon in regards to your crimson rite feature. You
animal-humanoid hybrid controlled by murderous impulse. can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and
Those that embrace the dark Nature of their curse learn to damage rolIs of your unarmed strikes. When you use the
harness their bestial gifts, but also succumb to the evil, Attack action with an unarmed strike, you can make another
vicious temperament that drives the beast within. unarmed strike as a bonus action.
The Order of the Lycan is a proud order of blood hunters Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 slashing damage. This die
who undergo “The Taming”, a ceremonial inflicting of increases to 1d8 at 11th level, and 1d10 at 18th level.
lycanthropy from a senior member. These hunters then use Cursed Weakness. You have vulnerability to damage from
their abilities to harness the power of the monster they silvered weapons.
harbor without losing themselves to it. Through intense Bloodlust. Your vulnerability to silvered weaponry leaves
honing of one’s own willpower, combined with the secrets of you and your allies endangered to the archaic ferocity that
the order’s blood magic rituals, members learn to control and lies within you. Whenever you take damage from a silvered
unleash their hybrid form for short periods of time. Enhanced weapon, you must make a Constitution saving throw to
physical prowess, unnatural resilience, and razor sharp claws maintain control. The DC equals 10, or half of the total
make these warriors a terrible foe to any evil that crosses damage taken from the attack, whichever is higher. On a
their path. Yet, no training is perfect, and without care and failed save, you must move directly towards the nearest
complete focus, even the greatest of blood hunters can creature to you and use the Attack action against that
temporarily lose themselves to the bloodlust. creature. If there is more than one possible target, the DM
chooses the target. You then regain control for the remainder
Heightened Senses of your turn.
Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you If you are under an effect that prevents you from
begin to adopt the improved abilities of a natural predator. concentrating (like the Barbarian’s rage feature), you
You gain advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) checks that automatically fail this saving throw.
rely on hearing or smell. Stalker's Prowess
Hybrid Transformation At 7th level, your speed increases by 10 feet, you can add 10
Upon choosing this archetype at 3rd level, you begin to learn feet to your long jump distance and 3 feet to your high jump
to control the lycanthropic curse that now lives in your blood. distance. In addition, your hybrid form gains the Improved
As an action, you can transform into your Hybrid form. This Predatory Strikes feature.
form lasts for 10 minutes. You can speak, use equipment, and Improved Predatory Strikes. You gain a bonus to melee
wear armour in this form. You can revert to your normal form attack rolls made with your unarmed strikes equal to half of
earlier by using an action on your turn. You automatically your proficiency bonus (rounded down).
revert to your normal form if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 Iron Volition
hit points, or die. Beginning at 11th level, you’ve honed your bloodstream to
The benefits of this form replace the rules for Lycanthropy douse your animalistic weaknesses. While in your Hybrid
within the Monster Manual. form, you are no longer vulnerable to damage from silvered
You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses weapons. In addition, your hybrid form gains the Pack Hunter
when you finish a short or long rest. While you are feature.
transformed, you gain the following features: Pack Hunter. You have advantage on an attack roll against
a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the
Tundra Painting by wwSketch creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. Advanced Transformation
Starting at 15th level, you learn to unleash and control more
of the beast within. Your hybrid transformation now lasts for
up to 1 hour.
In addition, your hybrid form gains the Lycan Regeneration
Lycan Regeneration. At the start of each of your turns, you
regain hit points equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier
(minimum of 1) if you have no more than half of your hit
points left. You don't gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points
or have taken damage from silvered weapons since the end of
your last turn.
Hybrid Transformation Mastery Vital Strike
At 18th level, you have wrestled your inner predator and Upon reaching 7th level, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit
mastered it. You can now use your hybrid transformation points, you regain hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier +
feature three times between rests. half your Blood Hunter level (rounded down).
You also gain the Unbreakable Hide feature whilst in your
hybrid form. Lastly, you gain the Echoing Doom feature. Flit
Unbreakable Hide. While not wearing heavy armour, you At 11th level, you gain the ability to traverse the air as your
gain a +2 bonus to your AC. progenitors once did. When you use a bonus action to activate
Echoing Howl. As an action, you howl at any number of your Crimson Rite, you can choose to grant yourself a flying
creatures within 30 feet of you, chilling their blood and speed equal to your walking speed. This movement lasts for 1
stunning them with fear. Any of the target creatures that can minute or until the Crimsom Rite ends, at which point you
hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become begin falling if you are not stood on solid ground.
frightened of you until the end of your next turn. If they fail You can use this ability once per short rest.
their saving throw by 5 or more, they are stunned until the
end of your next turn instead. A creature that succeeds on Vampiric Expertise
this saving throw is immune to this blood curse for the next Upon reaching 15th level, you gain a charge of Vitality
24 hours. whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points using a
You can use this ability once per short rest. weapon that bears your Rite of the Dark. Your Vitality pool
allows you to possess a number of charges equal to your
Order of the Vampyr Wisdom modifier + 1. When you make an attack roll, ability
check, or saving throw, you can choose to expend one of
The legend of Vampires has been passed down through the these charges and add a d8 to your roll. You can do this after
generations for as long as mortals have feared the dark. you roll but before you know the result of the roll.
While some believe these tales to be nonsense, only the Additionally, when you make an attack roll against an
bravest of adventurers willing to delve into the darkest of enemy you can choose to expend all your charges of Vitality
catacombs know the truth. Vampires strive to keep their and force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw.
efforts hidden from the greater public, which allows them to On a failure, the target takes additional necrotic damage
enact their plots without attention. equal to a d8 per charge, they gain a level of exhaustion, and
The Order of the Vampyr is a coven of blood hunters that age 1d10 years. On a success, they take half damage and
hunt down and eradicate any that carry the vampiric gene, suffer no other conditions. This ability has no effect on
using the abilities that vampires possess in order to do so. undead or constructs.
Through a powerful blood ritual, they drive their bodies to the
brink of death and enter a fringe state, never dead but no
longer completely alive. Their blood remains untainted with
necromantic energy whilst able to mirror the powers of
The members of this order like to restrict themselves to the
shadows as well, as time goes on they may find themselves
falling to the same vices as their foes. Some retain their
mortality for as long as they live, whilst others succumb to the
power that awaits in undeath.
Rite of the Dark
When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn the esoteric
rite Rite of the Dark (detailed below).
Rite of the Dark. Your rite damage type is necrotic.
Fangs. Your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you
can use to make unarmed strikes. You can use Dexterity
instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolIs of your
unarmed strikes.
This attack deals 1d6 piercing damage and can be imbued
with your crimson rite feature. This attacks damage die
increases to 1d8 at 11th level, and 1d10 at 18th level.
Dark Restoration
At 3rd level, your biology has been altered due to its new state
of undeath. As a bonus action you can cause a necrotic burst
of energy to repair your wounds. You regain a number of hit Dracula's Castle by Josh Black
points equal to 1d8 + your Blood Hunter level, any creatures
within 10 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw
or take the same number as necrotic damage, taking half on a
You can use this ability once per short rest.
Vampire Art by
Once you have expended all your charges of Vitality to make
this attack, you can still regain them but cannot expend them
again in any way until after a long rest.
Cut the Heel
Immortal Design Your control of blood and the strength of ichor allows you to
At level 18, your powers have reached their unnatural limit. control the vitality of others. As an action you can reach out to
You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed, a creature within 30 feet of you, they must make a
whenever you activate your Flit ability, you instead gain Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they lose all damage
advantage on Dexterity saving throws whilst you have a resistances until the start of your next turn, any damage
Crimson Rite active. immunities become resistances during this time.
Additionally, whenever you are targeted by an attack roll, or You can invoke this curse once per short rest.
are forced to make a saving throw by a creature you can see
within 60 feet of you, you can use your reaction to stun the Ears of Totality
creature with your mental prowess. The creature must make You can understand - but not speak - all languages you can
a Wisdom saving throw or become stunned until the start of hear.
their next turn as you infiltrate their mind, their attack or spell
is wasted. The creature automatically saves if they are Elemental Endurance
immune to being charmed or frightened. Your body allows you to suffer at the hands of the natural
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your world. You gain the ability to use your reaction when taking
Wisdom modifier (minimum of once) per day. acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage to cast the
absorb elements spell.
You can invoke this curse a number of times equal to your
Blood Curses Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per day.
If a blood curse has prerequisites, you must meet them to
learn it. You can learn the curse at the same time that you Fending Impulse
meet its prerequisites. The blood curses are presented in When an enemy casts a spell that requires a Dexterity saving
alphabetical order. throw, you can use your reaction to force your body to move
with inhuman physical prowess. You can choose to gain a
Archaic Brand bonus to the initial saving throw against that spell equal to
As a bonus action, you can mark an enemy within 60 feet of your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) before rolling the
you. Until the end of your turn, all crimson rite damage you initial saving throw.
deal to the target is doubled. You can invoke this curse a number of times equal to your
You can invoke this curse a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per long rest.
Wisdom modifier (minimum of once) per short rest.
Bewitched Vision Pre-requisite: 7th level
When an enemy within 30 feet of you makes a weapon attack, As a bonus action, you can bolster the power of your being
you can use your reaction to attempt to blind the attacker. and grant yourself proficiency in a saving throw of your
The creature must make a Constitution saving throw, on a choice. This resilience lasts for 1 minute.
failure they are blinded until the start of their next turn. You You can invoke this curse once per day.
can invoke this curse once per short rest.
Fortify Inspired by:
Crimson Puppet DmSilverbass' Hunter Class, the Demon Slayer subclass has a
The moment a creature falls unconscious or dies within 30 Hunter's Technique with this same name and similar feature.
feet of you, you can use your reaction to give that creature a
final act of aggression. That creature immediately makes a
single weapon attack against a target of your choice within its Gift of Solace
attack range. After the attack, the creature returns to being You can use your action to touch a living creature that has 0
unconscious or dead. hit points and revive it. The creature becomes stable,
You can invoke this curse once per short rest. similarly to the spare the dying cantrip.
Hateful Pace Mortal Purgation
Pre-requisite: 11th level, Order of the Lycan Pre-requisite: 3rd level
Whenever you take the Attack option on your turn while in As an action, you can touch one willing creature and end
your Hybrid form, you can attack three times instead of twice. one disease or condition afflicting it similarly to the lesser
restoration spell.
Hypnotic Veil You can invoke this curse once per short rest.
Pre-requisite: 15th level, Order of the Vampyr
As an action, you can target a humanoid you can see within Pact of Hatred
30 feet of you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw As a bonus action, you can link to a creature within 30 feet of
or be charmed by you for the next 24 hours, or until a remove you for up to a minute, forcing them to share in the pain
curse spell is cast on it, the charmed condition is removed inflicted upon you. The next time you are damaged with an
from it, or you use this feature again. A creature that attack by an enemy creature, the curse deals necrotic damage
succeeds on this saving throw is immune to its effects for the to the cursed creature equal to half of the damage you
next 24 hours. suffered. This curse then ends.
At the end of the 24 hours, the creature is no longer You can invoke this curse a number of times equal to your
charmed but is unaware they were charmed at all, and Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per day.
considers any actions they took while under your command
as ones they themselves decided to partake in. Pierced Mind
You can invoke this curse once per day. Pre-requisite: 8th level
You gain the ability to forcefully tap into the mind of a
Ideal Physique creature and sift through its memories.
You gain proficiency with the Acrobatics and Athletics skills. You can use an action to force a creature you touch to make
an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, you gain all of the
Life Drinker creatures memories from the past 24 hours and the creature
Pre-requisite: 3rd level, Order of the Vampyr is stunned until the end of your next turn. On a success, you
Whenever you make a Bite attack whilst your Rite of the and the target take 3d6 psychic damage.
Dark is active, you regain hit points equal to the necrotic Once you invoke this curse, you cannot do so until after
damage dealt. your next long rest.
Additionally, you crit with your Bite attack on a roll of 19-
20. Scarlet Binding
You can focus your attention on the vitals that run through
Lifegiver the veins of your enemies. As a bonus action, you can attempt
Pre-requisite: 5th level, Order of the Ghostslayer to bind an enemy no more than one size larger than you, that
You gain the ability to cast the life transference spell once you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on
per short rest. a Strength saving throw, on a failure they are paralysed until
the end of your next turn.
Lycanthropic Longevity You can invoke this curse a number of times equal to your
Pre-requisite: 5th level, Order of the Lycan Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per day.
Whenever you regain hit points while in your hybrid form,
you can open your form to the magic that mends you. Treat Scarlet Prison
any dice rolled to determine the hit points you regain as Pre-requisite: 15th level
having rolled their maximum value for you. As an action, you can target a beast, giant, or monstrosity
This feature does not activate if you have taken damage and force them to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure,
from a silvered weapon since the end of your last turn. they are paralysed until the end of their next turn.
You must finish a long rest before you can use this curse on
Mastery of Form the same creature again.
Your blood contains the power to produce its own oxygen at
will, you can hold your breath for a duration equal to your
Constitution modifier x 10 minutes.

Battle Mage Art by

Shelter of Virtue
Pre-requisite: 11th level, Order of the Ghostslayer
Once per day, you can use an action to activate a barrier of
pure energy around yourself, the barrier has a 10-foot radius
and moves with you. Whilst active, undead creatures cannot
move or reach through the barrier, if you move so that an
undead creature is forced into the barrier, this curse ends.
This curse lasts for 1 minute.
Smoke Stride
Pre-requisite: 7th level, Order of the Vampyr
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can choose to
take form as a wispy fog or a swarm of bats as you push your
vitality beyond its normal limits.
During this time you are still considered unconscious and
must make death saving throws. However, you have a flying
speed of 20ft., you do not provoke opportunity attacks when
you move, and you do not immediately fail Dexterity saving
throws. This transformation lasts until you are dead or regain
1 hit point.
You can invoke this curse once per long rest.
Rite of Sundering
Pre-requisite: 5th level
When an enemy casts a spell within 60 feet of you that
requires a spell attack roll and targets you, you can use your
reaction to rend the spell from the air, imposing disadvantage
on the spell attack roll.
You can invoke this curse once per short rest.
Touch of the Foul
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack that bears your
Crimson Rite, you can choose to infect the creature with
impurity, they are poisoned for 1 minute.
An affected creature can make a Constitution saving throw
at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a
You can invoke this curse a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per long rest.
Voice of the Forgotten
Pre-requisite: 9th level, Order of the Ghostslayer
Your connection to the great beyond makes you a medium
for those that have fallen. You gain the ability to cast the
speak with dead spell at will.

Sybilla Surana by

Blood Hunter Changelog
Blood Hunter Sanguine Mastery - Level 20
The player now deals maximum Crimson Rite damage once
Hunter's Bane - Level 1 they are below half their maximum HP, rather than lower
Removed the level 11 additional ability that allows the user to than 1/4 of their max HP.
suffer damage in order to gain advantage on Insight and Additionally, players can now add their Constitution saving
Intimidation checks. throw modifier to their Death saving throws.
Crimson Rite - Level 2 Order of the Ghostslayer
Activating a Crimson Rite no longer does damage to the
player nor does it reduce their hit point maximum. Spectral Step - Level 3
The Crimson Rite now lasts for 1 minute or incapacitated The level 11 ability 'Supernal Surge' has been split into two
instead of until a short rest or if the weapon leaves your grip. parts, at level 3 you can gain resistance to nonmagical
Swapped necrotic damage Rite for a force damage Rite, as weapon damage and move through enemies and objects once
Order of the Vampyr gets a necrotic damage Rite at 3rd level. per short rest.
Blood Curses - Level 2 Hallowed Veins - Level 7
Ability name changed from Blood Maledict to Blood Curse. The player is now immune to being charmed, frightened and
Removed the ability to Amplify blood curses. possessed by undead creatures.
Additionally, Blood Curses no longer have singular use, Additionally, you can use your reaction to become resistant
each Blood Curse has a unique amount of uses per day. to maximum hit point reductions from attacks.
Blood Hunter Order - Level 3 Supernal Surge - Level 11
Removed the Profane Soul and Mutant subclasses. This ability is now activated as a free action similarly to
Added the Vampyr subclass. action surge, but must be activated at the start of your turn.
The ability lasts for one turn instead of two.
Dark Velocity - Level 6 Weapon attacks that bear the Rite of the Dawn deal an
This feature is now gained at level 6 rather than level 14. additional damage die when used against undead creatures.
Darkvision distance has been doubled. Can now be activated twice per short rest.
Player can now use a bonus action to move half their speed
in dim light or darkness, rather than an extra 10ft. of speed. Vengeful Spirit - Level 18
The player's spirit does not need to spend a bonus action to
Empowered Rites - Level 7 activate their Crimson Rite when picking up their weapons.
Moved this level 7 feature from the Lycan subclass, all Blood
Hunters can use their Crimson Rite to make a weapon Order of the Lycan
magical, this is also for the Lycan's claws and Vampyr's fangs. Hybrid Transformation - Level 3
Hardened Soul - Level 9 The Bloodlust feature only triggers when the player takes
This feature is now gained at level 9 rather than level 14. damage from silvered weapons.
Advantage applies to all saves against the charmed Stalker's Prowess - Level 7
condition, not just magic effects. The 'Beastly Precision' feature is now gained at level 7 rather
Grim Psychometry - Level 10 than level 11, it has also been renamed to 'Improved
This feature is now gained at level 10 instead of level 9. Predatory Strikes'.
Rather than roll for information, the player can now take Iron Volition - Level 11
the time to cast legend lore once per day and automatically This feature is now gained at level 11 rather than level 15.
receive the information. Removed the Bloodlust buff.
Revoke Wound - Level 11 The player is no longer vulnerable to damage dealt by
Added this level 11 feature that allows the player to negate a silvered weapons.
critical hit and attack the attacker as a reaction. Advanced Transformation - Level 15
Ichorous Vigour - Level 14 This feature is now gained at level 15 rather than level 11.
Added this level 14 ability that ignores resistances when You do not regain hit points if you have taken damage from
dealing Crimson Rite damage, immunity is now resistant. silvered weaponry since the end of your last turn.
The player can also now cancel unconsciousness once per Hybrid Transformation Mastery - Lvl 18
day if a Crimson Rite is active. Added the Unbreakable Hide feature.
Enduring Form - Level 17 Blood Curse of the Howl has been renamed to Echoing
Stole this level 17 ability from Matt Mercer's Witch Hunter. Howl, and is no longer a Blood Curse. It can be used once per
short rest.


Blood Curse Changelog
Renamed Blood Curses Blood Curse of the Eyeless
Blood Curse of Binding => Scarlet Binding (3rd) Renamed to Bewitched Vision.
Blood Curse of Mutual Suffering => Pact of Hatred
Instead of disadvantage on one attack, the target is blinded
Blood Curse of Purgation => Mortal Purgation (3rd)
until the start of their next turn.
Blood Curse of Spell Sunder => Rite of Sundering (5th) Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet
Blood Curse of the Eyeless => Bewitched Vision Renamed to Crimson Puppet.
Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet => Crimson Puppet No changes.
Blood Curse of the Fending Rite => Fending Impulse
Blood Curse of the Marked => Archaic Brand Blood Curse of the Fending Rite
Renamed to Fending Impulse.
No changes.
New Blood Curses Blood Curse of the Marked
Cut the Heel Renamed to Archaic Brand.
Ears of Totality No changes.
Elemental Endurance
Fortify (7th)
Gift of Solace There are 26 Blood Curses altogether in this Revision.
Hateful Pace (11th, Lycan) The original version has 8.
Hypnotic Veil (15th, Vampyr)
Ideal Physique 18 of the Blood Curses are not linked to a subclass.
Life Drinker (3rd, Vampyr) 3 of the Blood Curses can only be learned by the
Lifegiver (5th, Ghostslayer) Ghostslayer Order.
Lycanthropic Longevity (5th, Lycan)
2 of the Blood Curses can only be learned by the
Mastery of Form
Lycan Order.
Pierced Mind (8th)
Scarlet Prison (15th) 3 of the Blood Curses can only be learned by the
Shelter of Virtue (11th, Ghostslayer)
Vampyr Order.
Smoke Stride (7th, Vampyr) 12 of the Blood Curses are not attached to a specific level.
Touch of the Foul
Voice of the Forgotten (9th, Ghostslayer)
3 of the Blood Curses are gained at level 3.
3 of the Blood Curses are gained at level 5.
Changes to Original Curses 2 of the Blood Curses is gained at level 7.
Blood Curse of Binding 1 of the Blood Curses is gained at level 8.
Renamed to Scarlet Binding. 1 of the Blood Curses is gained at level 9.
The target is fully paralysed instead of just a speed
reduction. 2 of the Blood Curses are gained at level 11.
Blood Curse of Mutual Suffering 2 of the Blood Curses is gained at level 15.
Renamed to Pact of Hatred. 9 of the Blood Curses do not have a limit on the number of
The player no longer has to take damage from only the times they can be invoked per day or are in permanent
cursed creature in order to deal damage to them, any damage effect.
source from an enemy creature triggers this Curse.
1 of the Blood Curses can be invoked a number of
Blood Curse of Purgation times equal to your Wisdom modifier per short rest.
Renamed to Mortal Purgation. 5 of the Blood Curses can be invoked a number of
The player now ends an effect on the target rather than times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest.
allowing them to re-roll.
6 of the Blood Curses can be invoked once per
Blood Curse of Spell Sunder short rest.
Renamed to Sundering Blood.
No changes. 5 of the Blood Curses can be invoked once per long


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