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Managing Competencies with Software

Competency-based selection, development and retention programs can provide huge benefits to organizations who can implement
them properly.

But traditionally competencies were often reserved for large organizations: the cost of developing accurate, customized competencies,
combined with the sheer resources needed to implement them into broader talent management strategies were major barriers to entry.

Today, that’s all changed. Developments in cloud-based software (like HRSG’s CompetencyCore) have made competencies accessible
to mid-sized and smaller organizations.

Let’s explore how:

Competencies Competency: Client Focus

Throughout the Definition: Providing service excellence to internal and/or external clients.

Employee Lifecycle Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Dispatch diagnostic competency
assessments to determine an
individual’s competency
Competencies are useful in and proficiency level.

of themselves, but their true value Behavioral Behavioral

Looks for ways to add
Behavioral Behavioral
value beyond clients’
comes in mapping them to the jobs Indicator 1 Indicator 1
immediate requests.
Indicator 1 Indicator 1 Dispatch in-depth job-specific
competency assessments to assess
in your organization so that they an individual’s effectiveness at a
Addresses the
can be used throughout the full Behavioral Behavioral unidentified, underlying Behavioral Behavioral specific proficiency level.

lifecycle of an employee: selection, Indicator 2 Indicator 2 and long-term client

Indicator 2 Indicator 2
Include competencies at the
development and retention. required level of proficiency on
Enhances client service Job Descriptions to describe the
Behavioral Behavioral Behavioral Behavioral behaviors required for successful
Let’s take a look at a sample Indicator 3 Indicator 3
delivery systems and
Indicator 3 Indicator 3 performance in a job.
competency. Here are all the
ways that competencies can feed Behavioral
Anticipates clients'
upcoming needs and
Interview candidates against the
Indicator 4 specific competencies and behavioral
into your talent management concerns. indicators mapped to a job.
strategy — if you have the right
software in place:
Help chart an employee’s path for growth by articulating competency
progression as it relates to job requirements.
The Benefits of a Competency Management Software System

Ease of access and sharability: The days of flipping through binders of competencies are long gone. With intuitive,
easy-to-use software like HRSG’s CompetencyCore, it’s never been easier for HR professionals and teams to access and
manage competencies.

Build a solid foundation for HR processes: Using competencies as the foundation to develop measurable and objective HR
programs was often unrealistic for most HR professionals. Looking for solutions that automatically build HR applications,
like interview guides or assessments from competencies allow HR professionals to truly benefit from a competency-driven
approach without the heavy lift.

Regular updates: As the world of work evolves, so do the skills and behaviors that define success. Within a software
environment, those changes can be easily rolled out, so that your organization stays ahead of the curve.

Automation of time-consuming tasks: The ultimate objective of any technology is to save time. Today, HR professionals
have access to technology like never before to accelerate processes like competency profiling activities. Systems like
HRSG’s CompetencyCore give you access to hundreds of pre-built competency profiles and the tools to quickly and
easily validate those profiles with your employees.

Off-the-shelf, battle-tested competencies: One of the major obstacles to competencies in the past has been the cost of
competency development. Any solid competency management software system will include access to a base set of
off-the-shelf competencies, proven to be effective in organizations like yours.
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