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Calculation of orifice plate hole diameter :

To calculate , we require accurate values of Since all three quantities are

functions of d , an iterative calculation is required . The following steps are
followed up :

1) The input data are required; D

M max =Maximum mass flow rate (Kg S-1)
Pmax =Upstream pressure (Pa)
1 =fluid density at upstream conditions (Kg m-3)
 =Dynamic viscosity (Pa S)
 =Sp. Heat ratio
 =Machining tolerance (m)
D =Pipe diameter (m)
i =fluid index : for liquid i  0 for gas i  1
j =Tappings index : j  0 for corner , j  1 for flange , j  2 for
( D  D / 2)
2) Calculation of Reynolds Number uses
. .
M MAX /( D 2 / 4), Re  4 M MAX /(D ) and pipe diameter .

3) The values of d , D,  and Re must be checked against the

conditions of validity of the ‘Stolz equation’ . An initial approximate check
that Re is greater than 104 is followed by a final accurate check once 
is established .

4) There is no need in calculating d more accurately than the tolerance to

which the hole can be machined . This provides a criterion for either
continuing or concluding the calculation . Thus if d n 1 , d n are respectively
the (n-1) th and nth guesses for d , then :

If d n  d n 1   continue calculation
If d n  d n 1   conclude calculation

5) Since final values of C ,  and E will be close to the initial guesses , the
calculation should require no more than about 6 iterations .

6) Since Venturi and Dall tubs are sold in standard sizes , a different approach
is required . An approximate calculation will give the most suitable size , then
an accurate calculation (P) MAX is carried out for the size chosen .

limits ?
D within
limits ?

D within
limits ?

within 2
limits ?

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