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With the growth of Confucianism and the development of urban Chinese culture, the

ecstatic and religious nature of shamanism began to decline in China.

‘Shinto’ was introduced to differentiate the native belief from the new foreign religions.

Local Shinto followers acknowledged that the numerous buddhas and bodhisattvas
were revelations of the kami.

Buddhists reversed this notion and considered kami as Japanese revelations of these
celestial beings.

There came a fusion or syncretism between Shintoism and Buddhism and for 10
centuries they lived side by side in Japan while serving the spiritual needs of the people.

Japan developed a unique form of Buddhism taking its fullest meditative form under
Zen. (Hopfe 1983).


World religions can be regarded along the lines of their exclusivity or non-exclusivity.

Exclusive religions are oftentimes monotheistic with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
as examples.

Meanwhile, non-exclusive religions are often polytheistic in nature. Examples of

non-exclusive religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shintoism.

On Monotheism and Universality

Monotheism or the belief in one God is an ancient idea that predated the establishment
of Abrahamic religions.

Christianity has somewhat differed based on its concept of the trinitarian creed in
contrast to the unitarian creed.

Judaism and Islam affirm the presence of one god. (Unitarian)

Christianity acknowledges one God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. God having three persons could also mean three persons and one substance as
forwarded by the Church Father Tertullian (c. 155 – 240 C.E.). (Trinitarian)

The basic principles of the Muslim faith are reflected in the “Five Pillars of Islam.” The
first pillar as the profession of the Muslim faith succinctly states that “there is no God but
Allah is eternal, creator, omnipotent, infinitely good, merciful, but harsh on those who
oppose his will (Jomier 1999).

Both Christianity and Islam are considered universalizing religions because they
attempt to operate on a global scale and are not inextricably linked to any nation,
ethnicity, or place as opposed to ethnic religions that attract one group of people
residing in one locality.

Judaism can be considered an ethnic religion because it draws members from a

specific group of people from a definite locality with most of its practices and rituals
performed continuously throughout generations. Hinduism, Confucianism, or Daoism
are also ethnic religions.

On the Concept of Dharma

Majority of Indians are Hindus.

Buddhism, which originated in India, has been absorbed into the Hindu worldview.

The concept of dharma is integral in religions that emerged in India, including

Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.

In Hinduism, dharma could mean duty, righteousness, and ethics.

Dharma is also found in one’s caste in the present life and toward another life that could
lead to liberation from the cycle of rebirth (Coogan 2005)

For Buddhism, dharma means cosmic law and order, or the teachings of the Buddha
and the truth of the way things are.

For the Theravada sect, dharma is sometimes used to indicate all the factors of

As the Buddha himself explained, “This Dharma that I have attained is profound, hard to
see and hard to understand, peaceful and sublime, unattainable by mere reasoning,
subtle, to be experienced by the wise.”

Dharmic religions do not compel their adherents to profess their devotion to be a

believer or a practitioner. For the followers of dharmic religions, meditational and yoga
rituals lead to right behavior and ultimate understanding of the universe.

Hindus believe in the trimurti or the three forms of god

Buddhists do not believe in the existence of any god.

On Nature and Ancestors

Apart from Confucianism, lesser deities are also apparent in Daoism with the presence
of atmospheric gods, gods of locality, and functional gods.

In Shintoism, divinities are closely linked to nature and natural forces. The sacred Mount
Fuji, an abode of Japanese gods, is surrounded by temples and shrines. It is one of the
three holy mountains along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku.

The establishment of an ideal human society is also key to Confucian followers. Central
to this objective concerns family relations as emphasized in the concept of filial piety
being the major pillar of Confucian ethics. Confucius outlined the five basic social
relationships: (1) ruler and subjects, (2) father and son, (3) husband and wife, (4) older
and younger brothers, and (5) friends or members of a community (Perry 1989).

Daoism promotes harmonious relationship between humankind and nature.

Appropriateness of one’s behavior is also integral in the Daoist teachings.

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