People vs. Espinoza

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ESPINOZA  It is unrebutted that Lucresio's house is located at least three (3) fathoms away from the
G.R. No. 104596 | Puno | November 23, 1993 | Object Evidence scene of the crime. Moreover, the place was illuminated by the moon.
o People vs. Jacolo, et al.: Where conditions of visibility are favorable, and the
DOCTRINE: The failure of the prosecution to present the "bolos" which were used in the witness does not appear to be biased, his assertion as to the identity of the
commission of the crime did not weaken the evidence against accused-appellants. The Court malefactor should normally be accepted.
noted that there was no showing that the "bolos" were recovered from the scene of the crime. o In addition, Lucresio testified in detail how the accused-appellants, taking
It is not remote that these "bolos" were disposed by the assailants to conceal the instruments advantage of their superior strength, hacked to death the victim.
of the crime. But even without the "bolos" as evidence, there can be no doubt that the victim  The trial court correctly gave great weight to the testimony of Lucresio Croda. The
died due to hacking by means of "bolos" on the part of accused-appellants Victor and Rogelio probability that he committed a mistake as to the identity of the appellants whom he had
Espinoza. known for 6 years is nil. The credible testimony of a lone witness can provide a rational
basis for conviction. It is the quality and not the quantity of witnesses that counts in
FACTS: assessing their credence.
 Accused-appellants were charged with and convicted of Murder by the Regional Trial  In an attempt to discredit Lucresio as a witness, accused-appellants assert that he did
Court (Branch 9) of Malaybalay, Bukidnon, for hacking to death a certain Renato Salvar. not volunteer as a witness immediately after the crime was discovered that same fateful
 Aug. 30, 1988: At around 7 PM, prosecution witness Lucresio Croda was in the living evening. According to Lucresio, after witnessing the incident he rushed back to his
room of his house near the crossing of Kisawi and Anlawagan, Barangay Payad, house for fear of his life and opted to attend to his wife who had just given birth.
Pangatucan (sic), Bukidnon, when he heard cries for help. o The Court took judicial notice of the fact that people usually shy away from
 As he went down the stairs, he saw the appellants drag the victim away from the road any involvement in criminal cases due to its inconvenience, if not the danger
towards his house. At a distance of approximately three fathoms (dipa) from his house, it poses to their lives. The fact, therefore, that it takes them a long time to
he positively recognized the victim as Renato Salvar. decide whether or not to testify should not necessarily erode their credibility.
o He also witnessed the accused-appellant Rogelio and Victor Espinoza hack o In this case, Lucresio had just witnessed a gruesome, hacking incident.
the victim several times with their long bolos while appellant Magbarit (sic) Lucresio's initial hesitation to report the crime to the authorities due to the
held back the victim who was lying on his back. Overcome with fear, he shocking experience should not be counted against his credibility.
rushed back to his house. He then assisted his wife who nearly fainted after  The failure of the prosecution to present the "bolos" which were used in the
witnessing the incident. commission of the crime did not weaken the evidence against accused-
 Prosecution witness Charlito Guevarra (sic) (Charlito Gualderama) testified that on the appellants. The Court noted that there was no showing that the "bolos" were
night of the incident, he was watching the coronation ceremonies of the fiesta queen at recovered from the scene of the crime. It is not remote that these "bolos" were
the barrio hall when he received information from his brother, Raul, about a hacking disposed by the assailants to conceal the instruments of the crime. But even
incident that took place at the crossing of Anlawagan and Kisawi. without the "bolos" as evidence, there can be no doubt that the victim died due
o He immediately went to the place and there saw Renato Salvar, seriously to hacking by means of "bolos" on the part of accused-appellants Victor and
wounded and lying on his back. Rogelio Espinoza.
o He testified that he was squatting when he saw Renato Salvar. He went near o Lucresio testified that he saw Rogelio Espinoza using a long bolo. When
him and asked who was responsible for his condition. Salvar answered, “I asked how long, he indicated a length of two feet. He also testified that Victor
was betrayed by Rogelio Espinosa (sic), Victor Espinosa (sic) and Julian Espinoza also hacked the victim using also a long bolo of the same length.
Magbaril.” o It cannot also be doubted that the numerous wounds suffered by the victim
 Simplicio Salvar, Jr. who also proceeded at the crossing of Anlawagan and Kisawi after were due to hacking by means of sharp bladed instruments.
being informed that his brother, Renato Salvar was the victim of an attack, was able to  Appellant's participation in the merciless killing of Renato Salvar is further buttressed by
talk to the latter who was then still conscious and coherent in speech. The victim the fact that before the victim died, he disclosed to witnesses CHARLITO
identified the 3 accused-appellants as his assailants. GUALDERAMA AND SIMPLICIO SALVAR, JR. the name of his assailants.
o Utterances made immediately after a startling occurrence and before the
DEFENSE declarant had an opportunity to fabricate a false statement can be considered
 On the other hand, all three accused interposed the defense of alibi. as part of the res gestae pursuant to Section 42 of the Revised Rules of
 Victor Espinoza and his brother Rogelio Espinoza alleged that they were both in the Evidence.
house of Julian Magbaril earlier in the evening where they took their supper at
approximately 7:30 PM. At around 8:30 PM, both left to return to their respective houses.
 The other accused, Julian Magbaril, testified that he was in his house on the night of GUILTY BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT OF MURDER.
the incident. He testified that at around 7:30 PM, the other two accused, Victor and RECLUSION PERPETUA. PAY 50K INDEMNITY.
Rogelio Espinosa, and another guests (sic) Basilio Deconlay were in his house in
connection with the payment of his fighting cocks, the Espinoza brothers bought from
Deconlay. They all ate supper together. Afterwards, at around 8:30 PM, Victor and
Rogelio Espinoza left for their respective homes while Basilio Deconlay stayed
overnight in Julian Magbaril's house.


 Eyewitness Lucresio Croda, positively identified Rogelio Espinoza, Victor Espinoza and
Julian Magbaril as the assailants of Renato Salvar.

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