Government vs. Phil. Sugar Estates

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SUGAR ESTATES  The "capital" was to be returned as soon as the land was sold and apparently, from
G.R. No. 11789 | Johnson, J. | April 2, 1918 | Hybrid Securities clause "décima," there were to be no profits until this "capital" was returned. The
defendant was not to receive anything for the use of said sum until after the capital had
FACTS been fully repaid, which is not consistent with the idea of a loan.
 This is an action in the nature of quo warranto brought by the Attorney-General on behalf  It is not impossible to provide that the capital be repaid first but the usual method is to
of the Government of the PH Islands for the purpose of having the charter of defendant pay the interest first. In the present instance after sufficient land had been sold to repay
corporation declared forfeited. the capital the remaining land unsold represented the profit between the defendant and
 The complaint alleged that: the Tayabas Land Company in the proportion of 25 to 75.
o Defendant was a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Philippine  The remaining land, under the agreement, must be sold at a profit and the result
islands. It had continuously misused its corporate authority, franchises, must be therefore a profit upon the profit. The remaining land was not necessary to
and privileges and had assumed privileges and franchises not granted, guarantee the repayment of the original loan because the original loan had already been
i.e. that it had engaged in the business of buying and selling real estate. paid.
o May 31, 1913: It entered into a contract with The Tayabas Land Company  Under the contract, even though the 25 per cent of the profit were turned over to the
for the purpose of engaging in the business of purchasing lands along defendant, if The Tayabas Land Company reinvested its share of the profits and
the right of way of the Manila Railroad Company through the Province continued the business, the defendant would still be entitled to a profit on that
of Tayabas with a view to reselling the same to the Manila Railroad Company investment.
at a profit.  The defendant at least has an equitable interest in the land itself; it has in fact an
o Plaintiff contended that this amounted to a contribution by the defendant equitable title to 25 per cent of all the remaining land.
to the capital of The Tayabas Land Company.
 The defendant admitted having entered into the contract and alleged that The Tayabas ISSUE: W/N DEFENDANT IS INDIRECTLY CONDUCTING THE BUSINESS OF BUYING AND
Land Company was an ordinary partnership and not a corporation. SELLING REAL ESTATE – YES
o It also contended that the contract entered into between the defendant and  Whether or not the relationship between the corporations was a copartnership or
The Tayabas Land Company by virtue of which the defendant delivered to "cuentas en participación" is of little importance, if under such relation, the defendant
the latter P304,459.42 amounted to a loan. as a party to such relation, actually engaged in the business of "holding and owing" real
 CFI MANILA: It ordered the defendant to abstain in the future from engaging in the estate which was "unnecessary to carry out the purposes for which it was created."
business of buying and selling lands and to pay costs of the action.
ISSUE #1: W/N THE CONTRACT WAS A LOAN – NO  When abuses and violations constitute or threaten a substantial injury to the public or
such as to amount to a violation of the fundamental conditions of the contract (charter)
THE CONTRACT IS A PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT by which the franchises were granted and thus defeat the purpose of the grant, then the
 FIRST: There was no period fixed in the contract for the repayment of the money, power of the courts should be exercised for the protection of the people.
except that the first returns from the sale of the land was to be devoted to the payment  In this case, the purpose of the contract was to sell the land to the Railroad Company
of the capital. There was no date fixed for this payment. at a profit, that is, at an increased price, thus directly increasing the burden of people
 SECOND: The entire amount of the "credit" was not to be turned over at once but by additional taxation.
was to be used by The Tayabas Land Company as it was needed.
 THIRD: The return on the capital was not by a fixed rate of interest but 25 per cent of
the profits earned by The Tayabas Land Company. FRANCHISE WITHDRAWN AND ANNULLED.
 FOURTH: The defendant corporation agreed to pay 25 per cent if all the general DISALLOWED TO DO BUSINESS UNLESS IT SEPARATED ABSOLUTELY WITH TAYABAS
expenditure necessary for the development of the business of Tayabas Land Company. LAND COMPANY.
 FIFTH: The consent of the defendant was necessary when The Tayabas Land
Company desired to sell the land at a price under P0.50 per square meter but was not
required if the selling price was over that amount.
 SIXTH: The defendant acted as the treasurer of the enterprise. It paid out the money as
it was needed for the purchase of land and received the proceeds of the sale of land as
well as acting as the depositary of the deeds, covering the land.

The lower court found that the contract entered into was that of "cuentas en participación" and
that the proper judgment was an order prohibiting a continuance of this relationship.

 It is difficult to understand how this contract can be considered a loan. There was no
date fixed for the return of the money and there was no fixed return to be made
for the use of the money.
 The return was dependent solely upon the profits of the business. It is possible
for the defendant to receive a return from the business even after all the "capital"
has been returned.

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