IAT-I Solution of 10TE751 Operating Systems September 2016

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1st Internals Solution

1. a) What is O.S.? What are the common tasks performed by O.S. and when they are performed? (7M)

An operating system (OS) is different things to different users. Each user's view is called
an abstract view because it emphasizes features that are important from the viewer‘s
perspective, ignoring all other features. An operating system implements an abstract view by
acting as an intermediary between the user and the computer system. This arrangement not
only permits an operating system to provide several functionalities at the same time, but also
to change and evolve with time.

Common Tasks Performed by Operating Systems

Task When performed

Construct a list of resources during booting
Maintain information for security while registering new users
Verify identity of a user at login time
Initiate execution of programs at user commands
Maintain authorization information when a user specifies which
Collaborators can access what programs
or data.
Perform resource allocation when requested by users or programs
Maintain current status of resources during resource allocation/deallocation
Maintain current status of programs continually during OS operation
and perform scheduling

b) Explain turnaround time in batch processing system (3M)

A batch of jobs was first recorded on a magnetic tape, using a less powerful and cheap computer. The batch
processing system processed these jobs from the tape, which was faster than processing them from cards, and
wrote their results on another magnetic tape. These were later printed and released to users. Figure 1.2 shows
the factors that make up the turnaround time of a job.
2. a) Explain the resource preemption, resource allocation strategies of an O.S. (5M)

The Resource Allocation function implements resources sharing by the users of a computer system. Basically it
performs binding of a set of resources with the requesting program-that is it associates resources with a
program. The related functions implement protection of users sharing a set of resources against mutual

Resource Preemption: The scheduling technique used by a time-sharing kernel is called round-robin
scheduling with time-slicing. It works as follows The kernel maintains a scheduling queue of processes that
wish to use the CPU; it always schedules the process at the head of the queue. The kernel uses the notion of a
time slice to avoid this situation. We use the notation δ for the time slice.

Time Slice: The largest amount of CPU time any time-shared process can consume when scheduled to execute
on the CPU. If the time slice elapses before the process completes servicing of a subrequest, the kernel preempts
the process, moves it to the end of the scheduling queue, and schedules another process. The preempted process
would be rescheduled when it reaches the head of the queue once again.
Resource Allocation & Related Functions:

The resource allocation function allocates resources for use by a user’s computation. Resources can be divided
into two types:

1. System Provided Resources – like CPU, memory and IO devices

2. User created Resources – like files etc.

Resource allocation depends on whether a resource is a system resource or a user created resource.

There are two popular strategies for resource allocation

Partitioning of resources:. Using resource partition approach, OS decides priori what resources should be
allocated to a user computation. This is known as static allocation as the allocation is made before the execution
of the program starts.

Allocation from a pool: Using pool allocation approach, OS maintains a common pool & allocates resources
from this pool on a need basis. This is called dynamic allocation because it takes place during the execution of
program. It can lead to better utilization of resources because the allocation is made when a program
request a resource. An OS can use a resource table as a central data structure for resource allocation. The table
contains an entry for each resource unit in the system. The entry contains the name or address of the resource
unit and its present system i.e whether it is free or allocated to some program. When a program raises a request
for a resource, the resource should be allocated to it if it is presently free.

In the partition resource allocation approach, the OS decides on the resources to be allocated to a program based
on the number of the program in the system. For Example, an OS may decide that a program can be allocated 1
MB of memory, 200 disk blocks and a monitor. Such a collection of resources is referred to as a partition. The
resource table can have an entry for each resource partition. When a new program is to be started, an available
partition is allocated to it.

b) Explain the benefits/features of distributed operating systems. (5M)

3. a) Explain the kernel based operating system with a structure of time sharing system. (6M)

Figure below shows an abstract view of a kernel-based OS. The kernel is the core of the OS; it provides a set of
functions and services to support various OS functionalities. The rest of the OS is organized as a set of
nonkernel routines, which implement operations on processes and resources that are of interest to users, and a
user interface.

A system call may be made by the user interface to implement a user command, by a process to invoke a
service in the kernel, or by a nonkernel routine to invoke a function of the kernel. For example, when a user
issues a command to execute the program stored in some file, say file alpha, the user interface makes a system
call, and the interrupt servicing routine invokes a nonkernel routine to set up execution of the program. The
nonkernel routine would make system calls to allocate memory for the program‘s execution, open file alpha,
and load its contents into the allocated memory area, followed by another system call to initiate operation of the
process that represents execution of the program. If a process wishes to create a child process to execute the
program in file alpha, it, too, would make a system call and identical actions would follow. The historical
motivations for the kernel-based OS structure were portability of the OS and convenience in the design and
coding of nonkernel routines.

The scheduling technique used by a time-sharing kernel is called round-robin scheduling with time-slicing. It
works as follows: The kernel maintains a scheduling queue of processes that wish to use the CPU; it always
schedules the process at the head of the queue. When a scheduled process completes servicing of a subrequest,
or starts an I/O operation, the kernel removes it from the queue and schedules another process. Such a process
would be added at the end of the queue when it receives a new subrequest, or when its I/O operation completes.
This arrangement ensures that all processes would suffer comparable delays before getting to use the CPU.
However, response times of processes would degrade if a process consumes too much CPU time in servicing its
subrequest. The kernel uses the notion of a time slice to avoid this situation. We use the notation δ for the time
Time Slice The largest amount of CPU time any time-shared process can consume when scheduled to execute
on the CPU. If the time slice elapses before the process completes servicing of a subrequest, the kernel
preempts the process, moves it to the end of the scheduling queue, and schedules another process. The
preempted process would be rescheduled when it reaches the head of the queue once again.

b) Explain the functions of an O.S. (4M)

4 a) Explain the following: (6M)

i) System generation

System generation was widely used during 1960’s and 1970’s. A supervisor was generated using software
called the system generation program. The advantage of this approach was that the supervisors were not
individually designed, implemented and maintained. Only the supervisor generation program had to be

Steps to generate the supervisor:

The description of the supervisor is given as input to the system generation program. This program constructs a
supervisor which matches the description.

System generation does not construct the supervisor; instead it selects some code modules from the ready
library. All these modules are compiled and linked together to form the supervisor.

System generation


System generation
Description of supervisor program Generated supervisor

ii) Configuration tools

A configuration tool takes the input from system administrator about the configuration of hardware during
installing O.S. and then prepares an appropriate version of the supervisor. This version is written on the disk
and the minimal version of supervisor copied from the distribution tape is deleted from the disk. After this is
done, the system admin is prompted to reboot the system so that the generated supervisor assumes control of the

iii) Dynamic configuration of supervisor

Supervisor configuration approaches (both System generation and Configuration tools) both needs predefined
and corresponding options must be specified during supervisor generation. The main difficulty with both the
option is, it may be impossible to use a new kind of I/O device simply because the supervisor does not know
how to perform I/O on it.
This difficulty is solved by using device drivers, where it can be added to it at any time during system operation.
To enable this, the device handler and the supervisor must integrate together dynamical linking. After linking
the device handler is stored in a library and is loaded from this library when needed.

b) Explain with a figure the working of a two layered O.S. Structure. (4M)

The simulator, which is a program, executes on the bare machine and mimics a more powerful machine that has
many features desired by the OS. This new ―machine‖ is called an extended machine, and its simulator is
called the extended machine software. Figure below illustrates a two-layered OS. The extended machine
provides operations like context save, dispatching, swapping, and I/O initiation. The operating system layer is
located on top of the extended machine layer. This arrangement considerably simplifies the coding and testing
of OS modules by separating the algorithm of a function from the implementation of its primitive operations. It
is now easier to test, debug, and modify an OS module than in a monolithic OS. We say that the lower layer
provides an abstraction that is the extended machine. We call the operating system layer the top layer of the
OS. The layered structures of operating systems have been evolved in various ways—using different
abstractions and a different number of layers.

5. a) Define process. List the different fields of a process control block. (5M)

A program is a passive entity that does not perform any actions by itself; it has to be executed if the actions it
calls for are to take place. A process is an execution of a program. It actually performs the actions specified in a
program. An operating system shares the CPU among processes. This is how it gets user programs to execute.

Process Control Block (PCB) The process control block (PCB) of a process contains three kinds of information
concerning the process—identification information such as the process id, id of its parent process, and id of the
user who created it; process state information such as its state, and the contents of the PSW and the general-
purpose registers (GPRs); and information that is useful in controlling its operation, such as its priority, and its
interaction with other processes. It also contains a pointer field that is used by the kernel to form PCB lists for
scheduling, e.g., a list of ready processes. Table below describes the fields of the PCB data structure.

b) Explain the four fundamental states of a process with state transition diagram. (5M)
6. a) With a diagram, explain the relationship between threads and processes. Discuss its advantages. (6 M)

Figure below illustrates the relationship between threads and processes. In the abstract view of Figure (a),
process Pi has three threads, which are represented by wavy lines inside the circle representing process Pi .
Figure (b) shows an implementation arrangement. Process Pi has a context and a PCB. Each thread of Pi is an
execution of a program, so it has its own stack and a thread control block (TCB), which is analogous to the PCB
and stores the following information:

1. Thread scheduling information—thread id, priority and state.

2. CPU state, i.e., contents of the PSW and GPRs.

3. Pointer to PCB of parent process.

4. TCB pointer, which is used to make lists of TCBs for scheduling.

b) List and explain the events, occur during the operations of O.S. (4M)
Event Handling: The following events occur during the operation of an OS:

1. Process creation event: A new process is created.

2. Process termination event: A process completes its operation.
3. Timer event: The timer interrupt occurs.
4. Resource request event: Process makes a resource request.
5. Resource release event: A process releases a resource.
6. I/O initiation request event: Process wishes to initiate an I/O operation.
7. I/O completion event: An I/O operation completes.
8. Message send event: A message is sent by one process to another.
9. Message receive event: A message is received by a process.
10. Signal send event: A signal is sent by one process to another.
11. Signal receive event: A signal is received by a process.
12. A program interrupt: The current instruction in the running process malfunctions.
13. A hardware malfunction event: A unit in the computer‘s hardware malfunctions.
7. a) Explain virtual machine operating system(VMOS). What are the advantages of using virtual machines? (6M)

The VM OS creates several virtual machines. Each virtual machine is allocated to one user, who can use any
OS of his own choice on the virtual machine and run his programs under this OS. This way user of the computer
system can use different operating systems at the same time.

Each of these operating systems a guest OS and call the virtual machine OS the host OS. The computer used by
the VM OS is called the host machine. A virtual machine is a virtual resource. Let us consider a virtual machine
that has the same architecture as the host machine; i.e., it has a virtual CPU capable of executing the same
instructions, and similar memory and I/O devices. It may, however, differ from the host machine in terms of
some elements of its configuration like memory size and I/O devices. Because of the identical architectures of
the virtual and host machines, no semantic gap exists between them, so operation of a virtual machine does not
introduce any performance, software intervention is also not needed to run a guest OS on a virtual machine.

Virtual machines are employed for diverse purposes:

• To use an existing server for a new application that requires use of a different operating system.
This is called workload consolidation; it reduces the hardware and operational cost of computing
by reducing the number of servers needed in an organization.

• To provide security and reliability for applications that use the same host and the same OS. This
benefit arises from the fact that virtual machines of different applications cannot access each
other‘s resources.

• To test a modified OS (or a new version of application code) on a server concurrently with
production runs of that OS.

• To provide disaster management capabilities by transferring a virtual machine from a server that
has to shut down because of an emergency to another server available on the network.

b) Explain the goals of an O.S. (4M)

• Efficient use: Ensure efficient use of a computer‘s resources.

• User convenience: Provide convenient methods of using a computer system.

• Non-interference: Prevent interference in the activities of its users.

1 Efficient Use

An operating system must ensure efficient use of the fundamental computer system resources of memory, CPU,
and I/O devices such as disks and printers. Poor efficiency can result if a program does not use a resource
allocated to it, e.g., if memory or I/O devices allocated to a program remain idle. Such a situation may have a
snowballing effect: Since the resource is allocated to a program, it is denied to other programs that need it.
These programs cannot execute, hence resources allocated to them also remain idle. In addition, the OS itself
consumes some CPU and memory resources during its own operation, and this consumption of resources
constitutes an overhead that also reduces the resources available to user programs. To achieve good efficiency,
the OS must minimize the waste of resources by programs and also minimize its own overhead. Efficient use of
resources can be obtained by monitoring use of resources and performing corrective actions when necessary.

2 User Convenience

In the early days of computing, user convenience was synonymous with bare necessity—the mere ability to
execute a program written in a higher level language was considered adequate. Experience with early operating
systems led to demands for better service, which in those days meant only fast response to a user request. Other
facets of user convenience evolved with the use of computers in new fields. Early operating systems had
command-line interfaces, which required a user to type in a command and specify values of its parameters.
Users needed substantial training to learn use of the commands, which was acceptable because most users were
scientists or computer professionals. However, simpler interfaces were needed to facilitate use of computers by
new classes of users. Hence graphical user interfaces (GUIs) were evolved. These interfaces used icons on a
screen to represent programs and files and interpreted mouse clicks on the icons and associated menus as
commands concerning them.

3. Non-interference

A computer user can face different kinds of interference in his computational activities. Execution of his
program can be disrupted by actions of other persons, or the OS services which he wishes to use can be
disrupted in a similar manner. The OS prevents such interference by allocating resources for exclusive use of
programs and OS services, and preventing illegal accesses to resources. Another form of interference concerns
programs and data stored in user files. A computer user may collaborate with some other users in the
development or use of a computer application, so he may wish to share some of his files with them. Attempts by
any other person to access his files are illegal and constitute interference. To prevent this form of interference,
an OS has to know which files of a user can be accessed by which persons. It is achieved through the act of
authorization, whereby a user specifies which collaborators can access what files. The OS uses this information
to prevent illegal accesses to files.

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