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Student teacher: Gladys O.

Salvo Course: BEEd - Generalist

Cooperating teacher: Yeldez E. Dela Peña Date: 3/7/18
Cooperating school: Maranding Central Elementary School Time:

A detailed lesson plan in mathematics 1

I. Learning Objectives
Cognitive: Measure an object using non-standard measurements.
Psychomotor: Compare the length of an object from short to shorter to shortest using
non-standard measurement.
Affective: appreciate the importance of non-standard measurement in our daily lives.

II. Subject matter:

A. Topic: Short, Shorter and Shortest
B. References: Web
C. Materials: Pictures, Visual Ads
D. Values Integration: Appreciate the importance of non-standard measurement.
E. Teaching Strategy:

III. Learning Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s activity
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Collecting and checking of
Class get your assignment pass it
forward without making any noise or

2. Drill
Who wants to play a game?
We Teacher !
We are going to play treasure hunting.
There are different pictures in different
sizes hidden under your chairs and
I want you to find all the treasures and
paste it on the board. The first one who
can post the pictures will receive a star
from me.
Game start now.

Okay very good!

You have found all treasures hidden.
But before we proceed.

3. Review
Class, who can recall what was our
topic last meeting?

Okay Liezel Mae.

(pupils Raises hands)

Our topic last meeting was Long, Longer,

Yes, our topic last meeting was about Longest.
Long, Longer, Longest.
Let us have a short review, answer the

(The teacher call names to answer the


Directions: identify the ff. paste the

correct answer

1. __________

2. __________ 1. Long
2. Longest
3. Longer

3. __________



Yes its correct !

Clap your hands.

4. Motivation

Everybody stand up.

Let us sing the song “Finger family”
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are
you? Daddy finger, daddy finger, where
Here I am, here I am are you?
How do you do? Here I am, here I am
Mommy finger, mommy finger, where How do you do?
are you? Mommy finger, mommy finger,
Here I am, here I am where are you?
How do you do? Here I am, here I am
Brother finger, brother finger, where are How do you do?
you? Brother finger, brother finger, where
Here I am, here I am are you?
How do you do? Here I am, here I am
Sister finger, sister finger, where are How do you do?
you? Sister finger, sister finger, where are
Here I am, here I am you?
How do you do? Here I am, here I am
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you? How do you do?
Here I am, here I am Baby finger, baby finger, where are
How do you do? you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?
Very good children !

Class look at your hand, look at the

What’s the difference between middle
finger and point finger?
Describe it, compare the two.
Ashley Maris.

the middle finger is long while the

point finger is short.
Yes, the middle finger is long while the
point finger is short.
Very good Ashley Maris.

Now look at your ring finger compare

the height to the point finger.
What do you see? Ian.

ring finger is shorter than the point finger.

Correct the ring finger is shorter than
the point finger.

the thumb is the shortest.

Look at all your fingers.
What can you say about the thumb
compare to all the fingers?

Very good the thumb is the shortest.

B. Developmental Activity
1. Presentation of the topic
So this morning, let us study about
short, shorter and shortest.

We are going to compare things based

on its height.

Class are you ready to learn our new

lesson this morning?

Then fasten your seatbelt , Yes teacher !

Coz we are going to study about Short,
Shorter, and Shortest.

2. Discussion

Class do you see all of these treasure’s

you have found earlier?

Do you noticed that there materials are Yes, Teacher.

not long nor not tall creatures?

Very good!
These are short, shorter and shortest
materials creature/materials’ as we can
First we will identify which are the
short ones.
These two are short because the candle
is no longer long and the dog is short
compare to other four legged animal
like the cow.

Next we have shorter.

As we have seen they have lesser

height than the first two, in short they
are shorter.

Lastly we have the shortest.

These two are shortest.
As we can see they are the shortest in
size among the four.


Let us have a practice.

Look here.
What do these pencils in common?

Yes jhunje?
They are all short teacher.
Yes, All these pencils are short in size.
But when you closely look at them they
differ from each other.
Look at this,
Lets call it pencil A , when you see it

Its short teacher.

Very good.
You see a short pencil.
But when pencil A is beside Pencil B.
What do you see Fatima?

Pencil A is Shorter teacher.

Very good !
Pencil A is shorter than pencil B.
But when you place them together.
What do you notice to pencil A?
Reuel ?

Pencil A is the shortest.

Very good!
Pencil A is going to be the shortest
among all.
I have another example here.
Look at here .. what do you see?

A flower

Yes a flower when we see a flower how

do we describe its length?

Yes very good it is short. The flower is the short.

Very Good,
Flower B is the short one.

Comparing flower A to flower B.

Which is shorter ?

A B Flower B is shorter.

Very Good.
Flower C is shorter than Flower B.

Now lets add flower C

Which is the shortest?

Flower C is the Shortest among all.

Very Good !
Flower C is the Shortest among all.

Class look at here.

We have Hansel , Ashley , and Airich.
What do notice on their hairs?
Stand up, Ian.

Yes, all of them have short hairs. They all have short hair.
Who can compare the hair of Hansel
and Ashley?

Stand-up heart .

the hair of Ashley is shorter than

Very good the hair of Ashley is shorter Hansel.
than Hansel.
How about comparing the hair of Airich
to Ashley and Hansel?

Very good Reuel. Arich’s hair is the shortest

Arich’s hair is the shortest.

3. Application

Okay class look here.

I want you to arrange and paste the
picture on the table according to its
correct length.

short shorter shortest

short shorter shortest

Very good all of your answers are


So class it is really important or us to

know how to compare things for us to
easily identify them.
Do you understand ?

Good Yes Teacher.

Now class group yourselves into 4
groups and anwer the ff.

Direction: Encirle the correct answer?.

1. Which is Short?

a. b. c.
2. Which is shorter?

4. C
5. B
6. A
a. b. c.
3. Which is shortest?

a. b. c.

now lets check your works.

1. C
2. B
3. A

Very good all of you got the correct

4. Generalization
Class how do we know if the object is
short , shorter or shortest?


By comparing the object teacher.

Yes, Very good !

by comparing it.

5. Values integration
Class is comparing things is important
to our daily lives?

Yes Very good! Yes teacher.

because it helps us identify the
measure of an object even without
using a measurement tool.

Do you understand class?

Yes teacher.
Very good.
Do you have any questions?

If none . lets answer these.


IV. Evaluation

Direction: Identify the following. Encircle the correct answer.

A. Which is SHORT.

1. a. b. c.
2. a. b. c.

B. which is SHORTER.

3. a. b. c.

4. a. b. c.

C. which is the SHORTEST

5. a. b. c.

6. a. b. c.

V. Assignment

Draw 3 objects that describes Short, Shorter and shortest.

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