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Serona vs.


Topic: Estafa; Sub-agent

Leonida Quilatan delivered pieces of jewelry to petitioner Virgie Serona to be sold on commission
basis. By oral agreement of the parties, petitioner shall remit payment or return the pieces of jewelry
if not sold to Quilatan, both within 30 days from receipt of the items. Unknown to Quilatan,
petitioner had earlier entrusted the jewelry to one Marichu Labrador for the latter to sell on
commission basis. Petitioner was not able to collect payment from Labrador, which caused her to
likewise fail to pay her obligation to Quilatan.

Serona was charged with estafa for failure to settle her obligation. Is she liable for the crime


Petitioner did not ipso facto commit the crime of estafa through conversion or misappropriation by
delivering the jewelry to a sub-agent for sale on commission basis. We are unable to agree with the
lower courts’ conclusion that this fact alone is sufficient ground for holding that petitioner disposed
of the jewelry “as if it were hers, thereby committing conversion and a clear breach of trust.”

It must be pointed out that the law on agency in our jurisdiction allows the appointment by an agent
of a substitute or sub-agent in the absence of an express agreement to the contrary between the
agent and the principal. In the case at bar, the appointment of Labrador as petitioner’s sub-agent
was not expressly prohibited by Quilatan, as the acknowledgment receipt, Exhibit B, does not
contain any such limitation. Neither does it appear that petitioner was verbally forbidden by
Quilatan from passing on the jewelry to another person before the acknowledgment receipt was
executed or at any other time. Thus, it cannot be said that petitioner’s act of entrusting the jewelry to
Labrador is characterized by abuse of confidence because such an act was not proscribed and is, in
fact, legally sanctioned.
People vs. Nepomuceno

Topic: Estafa

Lipa Lending, thru Nepomuceno, granted a certain Rommel Villanueva a loan in the amount of
P1,167,953. Nepomuceno approved and released the proceeds of the loan in his capacity as an
officer of said company. Villanueva received the loan proceeds but failed to abide by his obligation
to pay when the promissory note matured. Villanueva made a payment in the sum of P1,100,000 to
Lipa Lending. On the following day, Nepomuceno, claiming that there was an overpayment by
Villanueva, approved the issuance of three checks by Lipa Lending payable to Villanueva, himself,
and a certain Raul Magaling in the amounts of P520,308.08, P180,000.00 and P10,000.00

Nepomuceno was charged with estafa by making it appear that the said amount was part of the
change or overpayment due to a certain Rommel Villanueva. Will the case prosper?


Yes. The elements of estafa under Article 315 1(b) of the Revised Penal Code are as follows: (1) that
money, goods, or other personal properties are received by the offender in trust, or on commission,
or for administration, or under any other obligation involving the duty to make delivery of, or to
return, the same; (2) that there is a misappropriation or conversion of such money or property by
the offender or denial on his part of such receipt; (3) that such misappropriation or conversion or
denial is to the prejudice of another; and, (4) that there is a demand made by the offended party on
the offender.

As for the element of demand, the law does not require demand as a condition precedent to the
crime of embezzlement. The consummation of the crime of estafa does not depend on the fact that a
request for a return of the money is first made and refused in order that the author of the crime
should comply with the obligation to return the sum misapplied.

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