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The series “YOU AND ME” is a quiz on the the chapters of our holy Bhagavat GeetA.

Everyone should read the Bhagavat GeetA atleast once in their life time. So, let’s go on a blissful journey
with KrishNa.

Bhagavat geetA Quiz - Chapter 9.1 to 9.19

krishNa expands more about why this knowledge in the geetA is a supreme secret and how it frees
everyone from bondage.

1. What is gyAnam and what is vigyAnam?

2. This knowledge given by KrishNa is referred to as __________, ___________ and ___________.
3. It is realized by ____________.
4. When we are filled with this special knowledge combined with realization, we ______________.
5. The entire universe is pervaded by or abide in __________, but KrishNa does not abide in them.
6. That does not mean that he is a vessel, or he holds them physically, he is the__________ and
7. So is it confusing? How to understand Bhagavan’s nature? Just as the wind moves around in
the______, all beings abide in Him.
8. All beings enter into his Prakriti at the end of a kalpa, and He brings them forth again. Yet all these
actions do not_________ and he remains_________
9. Knowing this, the noble men called mahAtmAs adore Krishna knowing Him to be the
10. How do mahatmas worship Bhagavan Krishna.?
11. There are other gyAnis who worship him as being the only one but having different forms or faces all
over the universe. Which is the phrase that denotes this statement?
12. List the various forms in which Bhagavan is worshipped.

Answers to geetA quiz, Chapter 9.1 to 9.19

1. gyAnam is the knowledge given by krishNa about His absolute nature, types of yoga. (chapters 1 to
chapter 7). vigyAnam is the distinguished/special knowledge given by KrishNa about Bhakti Yoga, which
gives direct experience of realization of God, through steadfast devotion. (chapters 7 and 8) Refer
Chapter 7.2 and chapter 9.1 in concurrence.
2. This knowledge given by KrishNa is referred to as sovereign knowledge (rAja vidyA), sovereign secret
(rAja guhyam) and the most purifying. (uttamam pavitram). (BG 9.2)
3. It is realized by direct experience (pratyakasha avagamam). (BG 9.3)
4. When we are filled with this special knowledge combined with realization, we will be released from
material existence. (BG 9.1)
5. The entire universe is pervaded by or abide in krishNa, but KrishNa does not abide in them. (BG 9.4)
6. That does not mean that he is a vessel, or he holds them physically, he is the creator
(bhootabhAvanah) and the preserver (bhootabrut). – (BG 9.5)
7. Just as the wind moves around in the space/sky (AkAsha), all beings abide in Him. (BG 9.6)
8. All beings enter into his Prakriti at the end of a kalpa (1000 chaturyugas- a day of brahma), and He
brings them forth again. Yet all these actions do not bind Him (na nibhadnanti) and he remains neutral
(udAseenavat). (BG 9.9)
9. Knowing this, the noble men called mahAtmAs adore Krishna knowing Him to be the imperishable
source of creation. (BG 9.13)
10. MahAtmas worship Bhagavan Krishna by always chanting KrishNa’s glories (satatam keertayantah),
with full determination (druDha vratah), and offering obeisances (namasyantah), and engaged in Him
endlessly (nitya - yuktah) – (BG 9.14)
11. There are other gyAnis who worship him as being THE ONLY ONE BUT HAVING DIFFERENT FORMS
ALL OVER THE UNIVERSE. – mAm upAsate ekatvena pruthaktvena bahudA vishvatOmukham” – (BG 9.15)
12. Bhagavan is worshipped as the or he is the
1. bhootAdimavyayam – imperishable source
2. ekatvena pruthaktvena bahudA vishvatomukham – one, many and multifaceted
3. sacrifice – yagya
4. vedic ritual – kratuh
5. oblation to pitrus – svadhA
6. medicine – aushadham
7. ghee – Ajyam
8. fire – agni
9. offering - hutam
10. prayer- mantra
11. father of the universe– pitA
12. mother – mAtA
13. supporter – dhAtA
14. pitAmaha – grandfather
15. one to be known – vedyam
16. purifier – pavitram
17. Om – Omkara
18. Rig veda – Rk
19. sAma veda – sAma
20. yajur veda – yajuh
21. goal – gatih
22. nourisher – bhartAh
23. Lord – prabhuh
24. witness – sAkshee
25. refuge – sharaNam
26. closest friend – suhRt
27. creation – prabhavah
28. dissolution – pralayah
29. foreground - sthAnam
30. resting place - nidhAnam
31. seed – bheejam
32. imperishable – avyayam
33. giver of heat – tapah
34. sender and witholder of rain – varsham
35. immortality – amrutam
36. death – mRutyuh
37. asat – unreal
38. sat – real.
39. nivAsah - abode
40. bhootabrut – preserver
41. bhootabhAvnah – source/soul of all
42. bhootamaheshvaram – the supreme lord of all beings.

Bhagavat geetA Quiz, Chapter 9.20 to 9.34

Krishna imparts the quintessence of the practicalities of Bhakti Yoga. He explains the secret position of
vedic rituals, varnas and actions in relation to Bhakti Yoga.

1. The trivEdis (knowers of the Rig, Yajuh and sAma vedas) who perform the Soma yagyas actually
worship KrishNa only through their sacrifices. They are purified of their sins and will reach__________
and enjoy the ____________.
2. But when the results of their puNyas (pious actions) are exhausted, they _____________.
3. Even those who worship the other devatAs with faith, are actually worshipping ___________,
ignorantly thinking that the respective dEvatA gives them the results independently.
4. What is the meaning of the verse: “aham hi sarva yagyAnAm bhOktA cha prabhuh eva cha”?. Not
knowing this they fall to rebirth.
5. KrishNa says “yOgakshEmam vahAmi aham”. What is the meaning of the word “yOgakshEma”? How
does KrishNa help the devotee?
6. The worshippers of the devAs (Gods) reach________; the worshippers of the pitRus (manes) reach
______; and the worshippers of the bhootAs (beings) reach________; the worshippers of KrishNa reach
7. KrishNa gives a list of simple things he accepts from a devotee. What are those things?
8. The action aspect of Bhakti Yoga is whatever we _______, whatever we________, what ever we
________and whatever austerities we undertake, we should do it as an offering to KrishNa.
9. By doing Bhakti Yoga, the devotee is said to be a “sannyasa-Yoga-yuktAtma” (a renounced devotee).
Whats the logic?
10. In chapter 9.4 and 9.5, KrishNa says he does not exist in anything and nothing rests in him. But he
finally says that some people are dear to him, He exists in them and they exist in Him. Who are those
lucky people?
11. We often hear that some people had bad conduct in the past. If they surrender to KrishNa alone
with complete devotion not giving their mind to anyone else, then they are deemed to be called
_____________. How does this happen?
12. And what about the women, vaishyas and the shoodras? Do they qualify to reach Bhagavan KrishNa?
13. KrishNa tells Arjuna to declare boldly about something. What is that?
14. KrishNa explains how to attain Him. “manmanAh”; “bhavah mat bhaktah”; “mat yAjeeh”; “mAm
namaskuru”; “yuktvA AtmAnam mat parAyaNah”. What is the meaning of these words?

Answers to Bhagavat geetA quiz, Chapters 9.20 to 9.34

1. The trivEdis (knowers of the Rig, Yajuh and sAma vedas) who perform the Soma yagyas actually
worship KrishNa only through their sacrifices. They are purified of their sins and will reach surEndra
lOkah (planet of king of Gods-Indra) and enjoy the celestial pleasures of Gods. (BG 9.20)
2. But when the results of their puNyas (pious actions) are exhausted, they return to the mortal world.
(martya lOkam). (9.21)
3. Even those who worship the other devatAs with faith, are actually worshipping KrishNa only,
ignorantly thinking that the respective dEvatA gives them the results independently. (BG 9.23)
4. The meaning of the verse: “aham hi sarva yagyAnAm bhOktA cha prabhuh eva cha” is that KrishNa is
the only enjoyer and the only Lord of all sacrifices. Not knowing this they fall to rebirth. (BG 9.24)
5. KrishNa says “yOgakshEmam vahAmi aham”. “Yoga” means prosperity and “kshEma” means
protection. For those who always worship KrishNa alone with undisturbed devotion, KrishNa grants
them what they need and preserves what they have. (BG 9.22)
6. The worshippers of the devAs (Gods) reach the Gods; the worshippers of the pitRus (manes) reach the
manes; and the worshippers of the bhootas (beings) reach the beings; the worshippers of KrishNa reach
KrishNa. (BG 9.25)
7. KrishNa accepts simple things offered by a devotee – patram (tulasi, etc), pushpam (flowers), phalam
(fruits), tOyam (water) along with devotion and pure heart. (bhakti and prayatAtmanah-BG 9.26)
8. The action aspect of Bhakti Yoga is whatever we do, whatever we eat, whatever we offer and
whatever austerities we undertake, we should do it as an offering to KrishNa. (BG 9.27)
9. By doing Bhakti Yoga, the devotee is said to be a “sannyasa-Yoga-yuktAtma” (a renounced devotee).
When a devotee one pointedly focusses his mind in Yoga with KrishNa (this is called sannyasa), he gets
liberated from the auspicious and inauspicious fruits arising out of his bondage with action. (mokshyase
karma-bandhanaih – BG 9.28)
10. In chapter 9.4 and 9.5, KrishNa says he does not exist in anything and nothing rests in him. But he
finally says that some people are dear to him, He exists in them and they exist in Him. Yes. Those lucky
people are His devotees who worship him alone with love. (BG 9.29)
11. We often hear that some people had bad conduct in the past. If they surrender to KrishNa alone
with complete devotion not giving their mind to anyone else, then they are deemed to be called sAdhus.
As he has now reformed and is firmly fixed in devotion to KrishNa, he is deemed to be holy. He quickly
becomes righteous and attains ever lasting peace. (BG 9.30; 9.31)
12. Women, vaishyas and the shoodras also attain the supreme goal when they become krishNa
devotees. (BG 9.32)
13. KrishNa tells Arjuna to declare boldly that His devotees never perish. (na mE bhaktah praNashyati BG
14. KrishNa explains how to attain Him. “manmanAh”-THINK OF HIM; “bhavah mat bhaktah”-BECOME
HIS DEVOTEE; “mat yAjeeh” – WORSHIP HIM; “mAm namaskuru” – BOW DOWN TO HIM; “yuktvA
AtmAnam mat parAyaNah”- REGARD HIM AS THE SUPREME GOAL. (BG 9.34).

The verse also reminds us of the nava-vida bhakti mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam; shravaNam,
keertanam, smaranam, pAdasevanam, archanam, vandanam, dASyam, sakhyam and Atmanivedanam.

his pure devotee.

By Narayani Srinivasan.

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