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Baguio City


Third Grading Topic: Baking Cookies Time Frame: 12 days


Content Standard: Performance Standard:

The learner demonstrates understanding of The learner

1. history of cookies; 1. independently demonstrates competencies in preparing and baking cookies according to
2. classification of cookies; the standards of bread and pastry production.
3. basic cookie ingredients;
4. ways of mixing cookie dough ingredients
5. methods of baking cookies;
6. preparing and baking cookies.

Transfer Goal: The learner independently uses his/her learning about bread and pastry production and practically applies competencies in preparing and making various
cookie recipes as a skilled baker who can work in the food service industry. Also, for the learner to acquire basic skills in baking cookies as a source of livelihood at home
and in the community.

Enduring Understanding: Essential Questions:

The learners demonstrates understanding that 1. How do we ensure safety and sanitation in baking?
1. the concepts and principles of positive workplace communication 2. What are the basic tools and equipment in baking cookies?
promote right relationship through good and ethical services 3. What are the basic ingredients in baking cookies?
provided by the food service industry; 4. What are the kinds of batter and dough?
2. accurate measurement of baking ingredients and applying basic 5. What are the basic methods in baking cookies?
baking techniques produce baked products such as cookies that 6. What are the techniques in mixing batter and dough?
follows the standards of bread and pastry production. 7. What are the classifications of cookies?
8. What are the methods of baking cookies?

Product or Performance Task Other Evidences

Performance Task: Baking Cookies Quizzes

As a baker in a his/her bakeshop (R) and want to introduce certain pastry to be included in the menu offered in his/her Participation
bakeshop business (G), the students are to prepare healthy and nutritious cookies (P) following and applying basic Summative Assessments
and proper methods and techniques in baking cookies. The students are encouraged to create innovative and healthy Recitation
cookies using abundant food ingredients of the Cordilleras. (S). Also, safety and sanitation should be followed strictly
inside the baking area. After which, each group will then present to the class their cookies with proper packaging and
label (A). Final evaluation using a rubric and documentation will be done by the TLE teacher (S).

Date Specific Subject Matter Teaching-Learning Experiences A,M,T VASH-MI Remarks

January 4 – 6, Through varied Day 1
2018 student-centered Baking Tarts
activities, the A. Rechecking of Examination Papers and Compilation M/T
Day 1 students are 1. Motivation: (10 minutes)
expected to: a. Asking the students about their performance in the second
grading examination.
b. Asking the students what concepts or topics from the
examination did they find easy and difficult.
c. Giving a summary of the results of the examination.

2. Lesson Proper: (40 minutes)

a. Distributing the examination papers to students orderly. T Shows respect
1. recheck his/her b. Rechecking of the answers of the examination. and honesty in
examination c. Collecting examination papers individually. rechecking own
papers; d. Reminding students about their requirements and examination
performance tasks for them to finish and submit. papers. Day 2 of the week
2. finish and e. Letting the students compile their quizzes. (January 8-12,
completes 2018)
requirements for 3. Tie-Up: (10 minutes) - Continuation of
the second a. Letting the students reassess themselves about their Proper time the rechecking of
grading period; performance for the first grading period by compilation and management in test papers
summarizing to the class the activities they did for the first accomplishing - The period was
grading period. given tasks given to the
students to finish
and complete
Day 2 their
requirements for
the second
grading period

Was not able to

9A and 9C
because of the
Drugs and
Prevention Talk
January 12, 2018
January 15- Through varied Subject Matter: Day 1 **January 15,
19, 2018 student-centered 2018 CIP of 9A
activities, the Review on Baking I. EXPLORE
Day 3 students are measurements B. Review on Baking Measurements and Measuring **January 16,
expected to: Ingredients 2018
Methods in Mixing 1. Motivation: (10 minutes) A/M Shows respect Half day for
3. recall the Batter and Dough a. Letting the student prepare their notes for the subject. and students due to
concepts on b. Calling on students to give the guidelines in measuring thoughtfulness by institutional in-
proper baking ingredients. listening and service training
measurements of References: c. Letting the students to give the common measurements participating in
baking ingredients; Sercado, Virginia and its equivalents in baking. class discussion **January 19,
c. 2012. and activity 2018 Activity
Skills for a Lifetime 2. Lesson Proper: (45 minutes) A/M/T Circle
in Home C. Methods in Mixing Batter and Dough Verbal and No meeting with
4. explain the Economics I. a. Letting the students differentiate batter and dough based Reasoning ability 9A and 9C
concepts of batter Valenzuela City from the pictures presented. in answering
and dough; JO-ES Publishing b. Discussing the two kinds of Dough – Lean and Rich Dough questions and
5. identify and House Inc. c. Think-Pair-Share activity: Giving out papers (questions on sharing of ideas.
explain the pp 122 - 183 the Methods in Mixing Batter and Dough) to random students
different methods for them to answer by pair. A/M/T Spatial and
in mixing batter d. Presenting of answers by the students. analytical skills
and dough; e. Discussing the methods in mixing batter and dough.
6. explain the f. Calling on students to explain the importance of knowing Critical thinking
importance of the basic baking and mixing methods. and doing,
proper mixing of communication,
batter and dough 3. Tie-Up: (5 minutes) M collaboration,
in baking; a. Letting the students share their realizations about the self-reliance and
activity and the lesson. learning and
b. Calling on students to give a summary of the activity and doing the activity.

January 23- Lesson on

25, 2018 Methods of
Mixing Batter and
Day 4 Dough was
carried over for
this week
(January 23 – 25,
January 29- Through varied Subject Matter: Day 1 **January 22,
31 – February student-centered Review on the 1. Motivation: (5 minutes) 2018
2, 2018 activities, the Methods in Mixing a. Calling on the assigned students to share their “Nutrition No Classes in lieu
students are Batter and Dough Update”. of Family Day
Day 5 expected to: b. Calling on students to give a recall of the previous lesson. M (January 21,
7. listen to the 2018)
“Nutrition Update” Audio-visual 2. Lesson Proper: (45 minutes) Shows respect
shared by the aids: D. Review on Methods in Mixing Batter and Dough and **January 24,
assigned students; a. Giving of essential question for the lesson-activity. thoughtfulness by 2018 – Half day
PowerPoint  Why is there a need to follow and apply correctly the listening and for the students
presentation different techniques in mixing batter and dough? participating in Institutional in-
8. participate b. Instructing the students of the Group Activity: class discussion service training
actively in the LCD Projector 4 PICS 1 WORD and group activity for the personnel
group activity; i. Letting the students form a group of 6 members per M/T
9. recall the QUAB and marker group Critical thinking **January 25,
different methods pens ii. Reminding the students of the guidelines of the and 2018 – No
in mixing batter activity. communication, Classes;
and dough;  Tasking: 1 member to write answers; 1 member to collaboration Personnel’s Day
10. explain each References: raise the QUAB; 1 member to answer follow-up during
method in mixing Sercado, Virginia questions activity/lesson **February 1,
batter and dough; c. 2012.  Distributing the materials 2018
Skills for a Lifetime c. Monitoring the participation of the students. Cross – cultural No Classes
in Home d. Discussing important concepts that came out during the understanding in Opening of
Economics I. activity discussing the Panagbenga
Valenzuela City different baking
JO-ES Publishing 3. Tie-Up: (10 minutes) and mixing **February 2,
11. answer the House Inc. a. Answering the essential question through the Forum part M/T methods 2018
essential question pp 122 - 183 of the Aralinks. Eucharistic
using the Forum b. Letting the students answer the question. Visual//Spatial in Celebration
part of the c. Sharing of answers to the class and processing the identifying related Start of Cheering
Aralinks; answers of the students. pictures/images Practices

February 19 – Through varied Subject Matter: Day 1
21, 2018 student-centered Introduction to **February 5 – 9,
activities, the Bread and Pastry II. FIRM-UP: 2018; February
Day 7 students are Production E. Baking Cookies: History of Cookies and Classification 12 – 13, 2018
expected to: - Baking Cookies of Cookies - Sportsfest
 History of 1. Motivation: (5 minutes) M Shows respect by Practices
Cookies a. Reviewing the class on the method and techniques of listening and
 Classificati mixing batter and dough. appreciating other **February 14 –
on of b. Letting the students identify the techniques used in making students’ opinions 15, 2018
Cookies cookies. and ideas. Sportsfest
c. From their response, introduce the lesson.
**February 16,
12. identify Audio-visual 2. Lesson Proper: (50 minutes) A/M Listening and 2018 No Classes
techniques in aids: a. Identifying the commonly used techniques in baking participating in – Chinese New
baking cookies; cookies. class discussion. Year
PowerPoint b. Letting the students arrange or sequence given statements
13. discuss the presentation on the history of cookies. (projected on the board) Intrapersonal in **February 22-23,
history of cookies; c. Discussing the history of cookies. A/M sharing one’s 2018
14. identify and LCD Projector d. Discussing the classification of cookies. ideas. No Classes
discuss the e. Letting the students give examples if cookies bought in the First Private
classification of References: market and identify its classification. A/M Critical thinking School…
cookies; Sercado, Virginia f. Evaluating the examples given by students based on the and doing,
c. 2012. classification of cookies. communication, **Discussion of
Skills for a Lifetime collaboration and lesson on History
in Home 3. Tie-Up: (5 minutes) M learning and self- and Classification
Economics I. a. Calling on students to give a summary of the lesson. reliance in class of Cookies was
Valenzuela City b. Relating the importance of baking cookies to being self- discussion carried over the
JO-ES Publishing sufficient in life. next week by
House Inc. Verbal and other Grade 9
pp 122 - 183 Reasoning ability sections due to
in answering no classes
questions and (February 22-23,
sharing of ideas. 2018)
February 26 – Through varied Subject Matter: III. DEEPEN:
March 2, student-centered Introduction to Day 2
2018 activities, the Bread and Pastry F. Baking Cookies: Cookie Ingredients and Methods of
students are Production Baking Cookies
Day 8 – 9 expected to: - Baking Cookies 1. Motivation: (5 minutes)
 Cookie a. Recalling of the previous discussion on classification of M Shows respect by
Ingredients cookies. listening and
 Methods of b. Letting the students enumerate baked cookie products and appreciating other
Baking identify ingredients used for that specific cookie product. students’ opinions
Cookies c. From their response, introduce the lesson. and ideas.

2. Lesson Proper: (50 minutes)

15. identify and Audio-visual a. Letting the students enumerate the basic ingredients in A/M Listening and
discuss the basic aids: baking cookies. participating in
cookie dough b. Letting the students choose one common ingredient in class discussion.
ingredients; PowerPoint baking cookies and discuss by pair the role of chosen
16. discuss the presentation ingredient. Intrapersonal in
ways of mixing c. Calling on random students to discuss the role of chosen A/M sharing one’s
cookie dough LCD Projector ingredient in baking cookies. ideas.
ingredients; d. Showing video clips on the methods of baking cookies.
17. explain the Video clips on the e. Calling on students to give the highlights on the methods M Critical thinking
methods of baking methods of baking of baking cookies based on the video clips presented. and doing,
cookies; cookies communication,
3. Tie-Up: (5 minutes) collaboration and
References: a. Summarizing the lesson by emphasizing the importance of M learning and self-
Sercado, Virginia each ingredient in baking cookies. reliance in class
c. 2012. c. Reminding the students of their assessment/quiz the next discussion
Skills for a Lifetime meeting.
in Home Verbal and
Economics I. Reasoning ability
Valenzuela City in answering
JO-ES Publishing questions and
House Inc. sharing of ideas.
pp 122 - 183
March 5 – 9, Through varied Subject Matter: IV. TRANSFER
2018 student-centered Introduction to Day 1
activities, the Bread and Pastry G. Assessment on Baking Cookies
Day 10 students are Production 1. Motivation: (5 minutes)
expected to: - Basic Ingredients a. Reminding the class of their assessment activity for the
in Baking: Eggs, meeting.
Liquids and b. Allowing the students to secure their individual hand- Demonstrate the
Leavening Agents outs/notes. value of honesty
in answering the
18. review their 2. Lesson Proper: (50 minutes) assessment
notes on baking Audio-visual a. Reviewing the class in preparation for their short activity
cookies; aids: assessment activity. M
b. Allowing the students to ask for questions about the topic. Shows respect by
19. answer the PowerPoint c. Letting the students review for the assessment activity. M/T listening and
assessment presentation d. Facilitating the assessment activity. appreciating other
activity correctly e. Checking and answering the assessment activity. students’ opinions
and honestly; LCD Projector f. Giving instructions for the group performance task and ideas.
 Members per group M
20. discuss as a References:  Distribution of tasks Listening and
group their Sercado, Virginia g. Letting the students meet per group and discuss about participating in
upcoming c. 2012. their performance task. group discussion.
performance task; Skills for a Lifetime
in Home 3. Tie-Up: (5 minutes) Intrapersonal in
Economics I. a. Reminding the students of their group performance task for sharing one’s
Valenzuela City the coming week. ideas.
JO-ES Publishing
House Inc. Critical thinking
pp 122 - 183 and doing,
collaboration and
learning and self-
reliance in class

Verbal and
Reasoning ability
in answering
questions and
sharing of ideas.
March 12 – Through varied Subject Matter: Day 1
16, 2018 student-centered H. PREPARING & BAKING COOKIES (Performance Task)
activities, the Introduction to 1. Motivation: (5 minutes)
Day 11 - 12 students are Bread and Pastry a. Reminding the students of their performance task. Critical thinking
expected to: Production b. Giving of instructions about the performance task. and doing,
21. select, - Preparing and c. Allowing the students to prepare their ingredients and communication,
measure and Baking Cookies materials and to stay in their assigned work stations. collaboration and
weigh required learning and self-
ingredients 2. Lesson Proper: (50 minutes) reliance in the
according to a. Letting the students prepare baking ingredients and T group activity
recipe or materials in baking cookies.
production b. Checking of individual personal protective equipment: Demonstrate
requirements; apron, hairnet, gloves. observation and
22. use c. Facilitating the performance task of the students: T analytical skills
appropriate i. Preparing the mise-en-place
equipment ii. Preheating the oven Time
according to iii. Measuring of ingredients Management
required bakery iv. Mixing of cookie dough ingredients
products and v. Scooping/spooning of cookie dough on the baking Spatial,
standard operating sheets Kinaesthetic skills
procedures; vi. Baking of cookie doughs
23. prepare and vii. Cooling down the cookies
bake cookies viii. Cleaning and washing of baking Manifest the
according to materials/equipment/work stations values of being
recipe and d. Checking other members per group who are preparing the self-reliant,
standards; packaging materials of the baked cookies. cooperative and
24. present baked e. Packing baked cookie products for evaluation. thoughtful in
pastry products doing the
according to 3. Tie-Up: (5 minutes) performance
established a. Checking of group output: Baked Cookies with Packaging tasks
standards and b. Evaluating the baked product and giving of feedbacks.
procedures; Practice safety
25. decorate and and Sanitation
present cookie
26. Select
appropriate for the
preservation of
product freshness
and eating
27. create
appropriate and
packaging and
label for cookie
28. develop within
oneself the values
of self-
determination and
resourcefulness in
individual tasks.

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