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at the meeting of the Commission for at the meeting of the Faculty Council
Quality Assurance and Curriculum of Dentistry
Evaluation faculty of Dentistry Minutes no .__ of _____________
Minutes no .__ of ____________
Dean of the Faculty, dr. Hab. Del. Med.,
President, dr. Med., Univ. Univ.
Stepco Elena_________________ Ciobanu Sergiu___________________

at the Chair of oro-Maxillofacial Pediatric Surgery,
pedodontics and orthodontics
Minutes no .__ of ____________

Head of the chair, dr. Med., Univ.

Railean Silvia______________________


Integrated studies

TYPE OF COURSE: Mandatory discipline

Chişinău, 2018
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● General presentation of the discipline: place and role of the discipline in the formation of
the specific competences of the vocational / specialty training program

Orthodontics - clinical discipline, the study of which at the university stage allows the future
dentist to acquire the diagnosis, clinical picture, treatment and prevention of dento-maxillary
anomalies and to organize orthodontic care in patients with congenital malformations. In this
module, the vertical and transversal malocclusions, relapse manifestations and contention as
a passive period of orthodontic treatment are studied further. The same is true of the
orthodontic treatment of dento-maxillary abnormalities as well as some aspects encountered
in certain facial deformation syndromes. This discipline also addresses the particularities of
the orthodontic treatment by fixed devices and the particularities of the teeth and dental
arches in children, important moments in orthodontic care.

The Orthodontics discipline strategy is to provide the necessary information in the diagnosis
and treatment of dento-maxillary abnormalities based on dentition, application of knowledge
to the level of contemporary requirements to help improve the efficiency of orthodontic care.

● The mission of the curriculum (scope) in training:

Students' theoretical and practical training on prevention, diagnosis, clinical manifestations

and treatment of dento-maxillary anomalies.

● Language of instruction: Romanian, Russian, English;

● Beneficiaries: students of the fifth year of the Dentistry.

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Code of discipline S.10.O.120

Name of the discipline Orthodontics
Responsible for the discipline Trifan Valentina,dr. ș,conf.univ.
Year V semester X

Total hours including: 90

course 20 Practical work 35
Seminars 15 Individual work 20
Evaluation form C Number of credits 3
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● At the level of knowledge and understanding
✓ Know the basics of orthodontics;
✓ to know the etiology, clinical manifestations and diagnosis, methods of diagnosis of
physiological and pathological dental occlusions according to the reference plans.
● At application level:
✓ perform the clinical examination of the orthodontic patient;
✓ to determine symmetry and proportionality of the face, anthropometric indices;
✓ Perform sounding, percussion and appreciation of tooth mobility;
✓ To supplement the dental formula in children of different ages;
✓ determine the post-planal plane in the temporary dentition, the molar relationship in the
mixed and permanent dentition;
✓ Possess the determination of static and dynamic occlusion in orthodontic patients;
✓ determine and interpret biometric indices on the model of study;
✓ apply methods of diagnosing dento-maxillary anomalies in children and adolescents;
✓ interpret contact radiographs, orthopantomograms;
✓ Perform selective grinding as a method of interceptive treatment;
✓ Make fingerprints of jaws;
✓ Perform casting and stitching of diagnostic models;
✓ Have space maintainer adjustment;
✓ to know the contemporary methods of diagnosis and treatment of maxillary dento
anomalies in the three reference plans;
✓ solve clinical situation problems.

● Integration level
✓ appreciate the importance of orthodontics in the context of dentistry, medicine;
✓ To address creatively the problems of fundamental and clinical medicine;
✓ to deduce interrelations between orthodontics and other clinical disciplines; have skills to
implement and integrate knowledge gained from clinical disciplines;
✓ be able to objectively evaluate and self-assess the knowledge in the field of dentistry;
✓ be able to assimilate and apply new achievements in Orthodontics;
✓ be able to implement the knowledge gained in the research activity;
✓ be competent to use critical and reliable scientific information obtained using the new
information and communication technologies;
✓ be able to use multimedia technology to receive, evaluate, store, produce, present and
exchange information, and communicate and participate in networks via the Internet;
✓ be able to acquire the totality of the didactic material, which will contribute to the
management of the professional path.
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Good knowledge of the subject is required in the field of fundamental medicine, therapeutic
dentistry, orthopedic dentistry, oro-maxilo-facial surgery, etc.
Student of year V needs to meet the following criteria:
• knowledge of the language of instruction;
• Confirmed competences in lyceum sciences (biology, chemistry, physics);
• digital competences (use of the Internet, document processing, electronic tables and
presentations, use of graphic programs);
● Skills obtained in preclinical and clinical dental disciplines: dental propedeutics; dentistry;
orthopedic dentistry; prophylaxis of dental affections;
• ability to communicate and team work;
• qualities - tolerance, compassion, autonomy.


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A. Courses (lectures):
Nr. Theme Number of
d/o hours
Deep occlusion and vertical inoculation. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical varieties,
1. 6
diagnostic and treatment methods.
Transversal malocclusions. Possible causes, clinical forms, treatment methods. The
2. particularities of the orthodontic treatment of children with labio-maxilo-palatine 4
Fixed orthodontic appliances, components, methods and particularities of the
3. 4
treatment of orthodontic patients by fixed devices.
Prophylaxis of dento-maxillary abnormalities. The importance of myotherapy in
4. 2
functional reeducation of orthodontic patients.
Particularities of teeth and dental arches in children. Mistakes and complications in
5. 4
the orthodontic treatment, recurrence in orthodontics.

B. Practical work, seminars:

Nr. Theme Number of hours
d/o Seminarii Practică Individual
Terminology in orthodontics. Classification and diagnosis of
1. dento-maxillary abnormalities. Angle Classification. 1 2 1
Classification of the French school (Cauhepe). Classification of
the German school.
Vertical malocclusions. Deep occlusion. Definition, frequency,
etiopathogenesis, clinical aspects by age. Diagnostic methods.
2. Methods of treatment used in deep occlusion syndrome. The 2 3 2
importance of periods of physiological elevation of occlusion.
Period of contention.
Vertical Inoculation. Definition, frequency, etiology, clinical
3. forms. Diagnostic methods. Targets of treatment in vertical 1 3 2
inoculum syndrome by age. Prophylactic treatment.
4. Transverse malocclusions. Definition, etiology, clinical forms. 2 3 2
Diagnostic methods. Prognosis.
5. Treatment of transverse malocclusions. Prophylactic, etiologic, 1 3 1
symptomatic treatment. Period of contention.
Dento-maxillary abnormalities caused by congenital
6. malformations. Diagnostic methods. The particularities of the 1 3 2
orthodontic treatment of children with labio-maxilo-palatine
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Fixed orthodontic appliances. Overall feature. Advantages

disadvantages. General notions about treatment methods by
7. fixed devices. Characteristics of aggregation elements and 2 3 2
accessories of fixed orthodontic appliances. Active elements of
fixed orthodontic appliances.
Extraoral forces in orthodontics. General principles.
8. Indications. Extraordinary force action, intensity, duration, 1 3 1
Dental extraction in orthodontics. Indications and
9. contraindications. Analytical factors in the use of dental 1 3 2
10. The particularities of dental teeth and arches in children. 1 3 2
Ortodontic preprotetic treatment.
11. Recurrence in the treatment of dento-maxillary abnormalities. 1 3 1
Definition, general causes, local causes.

12. Contentions in orthodontics. Definition, duration of contention 1 3 2

depending on dento-maxillary abnormalities.

TOTAL 15 35 20


Theme (Chapter)1. Terminology in orthodontics. Classifications of dento-maxillary abnormalities.
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Angle Classification. Classification of the French school (Cauhepe). Classification of the German

Objectives Content units

● to know the classification of dental-maxillary Main compartments of discipline.
anomalies by Angle; orthodontics - a compartment of dentistry.
● to know the basic terminology in formulating Classification of dento-maxillary
the dento-maxillary anomaly; abnormalities.
● to know the classification of dento-maxillary Disadvantages of Angle's classification.
anomalies according to various principles;
● to apply the knowledge and skills regarding
child psychosomatic development at different ages;
● To develop own opinions on the individual
peculiarities of the growing child;
● Examine children of different ages;
● apply the knowledge acquired to other
● to draw conclusions.
Theme (Chapter) 2. Vertical malocclusions. Deep occlusion. Definition, frequency, etiology,
clinical aspects by age. Diagnostic methods. Methods of treatment used in deep occlusion syndrome.
The importance of periods of physiological elevation of occlusion. Period of contention.

Objectives Content units

● to define the notion of dental occlusion; The morpho-functional features of deep
● to know the varieties of dental occlusion occlusion depending on the teeth. Clinical
according to dentition; manifestations of malocclusions in the three
● to know the aetiology, pathogenesis, risk reference plans.
factors in the appearance of vertical malocclusions; Methods of diagnosis and treatment of deep
● to know the particularities of the clinical occlusion. The prediction and period of
evolution of deep occlusion; contention of malocclusion.
● to know the etiology and pathogens of vertical
● to perform the clinical examination of dental
occlusion according to the teeth;
● to perform the photostatic, biometric and
anthropometric examinations that define deep
● to know the cephalometric parameters
confirming deep occlusion;
● to formulate conclusions.
Theme (Chapter)3. Vertical Inoculation. Definition, frequency, etiology, clinical forms. Diagnostic
methods. Targets of treatment in vertical inoculum syndrome by age. Prophylactic treatment.

Objectives Content units

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● to know the definition of vertical inoculation; Clinical manifestations of vertical

● to be able to perform the exobucal and inoculation. Methods of diagnosis and
endobucal clinical examination in patients with orthodontic treatment of vertical inoculation
vertical inoculation; in children according to dentition.
● to be able to perform photometric Containment devices required to be used.
● to be able to fingerprint with alginate masses
of the upper and lower jaws;
● to be able to cast the gypsum patterns and their
● to be able to carry out the biometric study of
diagnostic models;
● to know the cephalometric parameters
confirming the diagnosis of vertical inoculation;
● to know the diagnostic and treatment
objectives in vertical inoculation;
● to formulate conclusions.
Theme (Chapter)4. Transversal malocclusions. Definition, etiology, clinical forms. Diagnostic
methods. Prognosis.
Objectives Content units
● to know the definition of transversal Etiological factors, exo-and endobucal signs
malocclusion; within cross-occlusion.
● to be able to perform the exobucal and Diagnostic methods of translocal
endobucal clinical examination in patients with malocclusions in children based on dentition.
translocal malocclusion; Differential diagnosis in different forms of
● to be able to perform the photometric exam in transverse malocclusions.
facial projection;
● to be able to fingerprint with alginate masses
of the upper and lower jaws;
● to be able to cast the gypsum patterns and their
● to be able to carry out the biometric study of
diagnostic models;
● to know the cephalometric parameters
confirming the diagnosis of cross occlusion;
● to know the diagnostic objectives of
transversal malocclusions;
● to formulate conclusions.

Theme (Chapter)5. Treatment of transverse malocclusions. Prophylactic, etiologic, symptomatic

treatment. Period of contention.
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Objectives Content units

● to know the objectives of prophylactic, Methods of orthodontic treatment of
etiological and symptomatic treatment in transversal translocal malocclusions in children
malocclusions; according to dentition. Orthodontic
● to be able to perform the exobucal and appliances used in the treatment of cross-
endobuccal clinical examination in patients with blindness. The forecast and the period of
laterognosis; contention.
● be able to perform the photometric
examination in facial projection in patients with
mandibular laterodeviatia;
● to be able to fingerprint with alginate masses
of the upper and lower jaws;
● to be able to cast the gypsum patterns and their
● to know the cephalometric parameters
confirming the diagnosis of cross occlusion;
● to know the objectives of the period of
contention and the varieties of the result stabilization
● to formulate conclusions.
Theme (Chapter)6. Dento-maxillary abnormalities caused by congenital malformations. Diagnostic
methods. Particularities of orthodontic treatment of children with labio-maxilo-palatine cleft
Objectives Content units
● to know the definition of congenital DLMP Classification. Primary and secondary
malformation; etiologic factors that induce malformation.
● to be able to perform the exobucal and General disorders in patients with congenital
endobuccal clinical examination in patients with malformations.
labio-maxilo-palatine clefts; Methods of diagnosis and treatment of
● to be able to perform the photometric exam in congenital malformations in children based
facial projection; on dentition.
● to be able to fingerprint with alginate masses
of the upper and lower jaws;
● to be able to cast the gypsum patterns and their
● to be able to carry out the biometric study of
diagnostic models;
● to know the cephalometric parameters
confirming the dento-maxillary abnormality;
● to know the diagnostic and treatment
objectives of congenital malformations;
● to formulate conclusions.

Theme (Chapter)7. Fixed orthodontic appliances. Overall feature. Advantages disadvantages.

General notions about treatment methods by fixed devices. Characteristics of aggregation elements
and accessories of fixed orthodontic appliances. Active elements of fixed orthodontic appliances.
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Objectives Content units

● to define the notion of a fixed orthodontic Instructions for the use of fixed orthodontic
appliance; appliances.
● to know the components of fixed devices; Collage of adhesive technique. Methods of
● to know the composition of the materials from orthodontic treatment by fixed orthodontic
which they are made; appliances.
● to know the methods of treatment by fixed
● to be able to trace the treatment objectives
through fixed devices;
● to formulate conclusions.
Theme (Chapter)8. Extraoral forces in orthodontics. General principles. Indications. Extraordinary
force action, intensity, duration, directions.

Objectives Content units

● to define the notion of extraoral force; Classification of extraoral forces. Indication
● to know the varieties of extraoral forces in of the onset of extraoral forces in
malocclusion; orthodontics. Extraoral anchor types.
● to know the general principles of action Methods of treatment using extraoral forces.
through extra-territorial forces;
● to be able to determine the need to use
extraoral forces based on cephalometric parameters;
● to formulate conclusions.
Theme (Chapter)9. Extracţia dentară în ortodonţie. Indicaţii şi contraindicaţii. Factorii de analiză în
utilizarea extracţiei dentare.
Objectives Content units
● to know how to create space on the dental Analysis factors for the use of orthodontic
arch; dental extraction. . Serial extraction,
● to be able to determine the need for dental indications.
extraction depending on malocclusion; Complex treatment methods of dento-
● to know contraindications to dental extraction; maxillary anomalies.
● to be able to carry out the biometric study to
assess the gap in the dental arcade;
● to formulate conclusions.

Theme (Chapter)10. Particularities of dental teeth and arches in children. Ortodontic preprotetic
Objectives Content units
● to know the indications for dental prosthesis in Early loss of teeth in children.
children; Particulars of prosthesis in children during
● to know the variety of prosthetic constructions growth. Individualization of prosthetic
indicated for patients in the growing period; treatment in children.
● to know the mobile space keepers;
● to know the fixed space keepers;
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● to be able to describe a space keeper;

● to formulate conclusions.
Theme (Chapter)11. Recurrence in the treatment of dento-maxillary abnormalities. Definition,
general causes, local causes.
Objectives Content units
● to know the definition of relapse; The importance of etiological factors in the
● to know the harmful factors that lead to occurrence of relapse. Causes of recurrence.
relapse; Dento-maxillary anamneses that have an
● to be able to estimate the stability factors of increased tendency to recurrence.
the orthodontic result;
● to be able to determine the prognosis of dento-
maxillary anomaly subjected to orthodontic treatment
based on cephalometric analysis;
● to formulate conclusions.
Theme (Chapter)12. Contention in orthodontics. Definition, duration of contention depending on
dento-maxillary abnormalities.

Objectives Content units

● o know the definition of contention; Objectives of the period of contention in the
● be able to determine the duration of the period stability of the result in the orthodontic
of contention depending on the orthodontist used; treatment. The factors that influence the
● to know mobile devices; duration and the modality of the period of
● to know the fixed contenders; contention.
● to be able to describe the Hawley contender;
● to formulate conclusions.


● CP1. Knowledge of the morpho-functional peculiarities of malocclusions in the vertical and
transversal plane of the children according to the teeth.
● CP2. Elaboration of the diagnostic plan, treatment objectives and means of preventing
malocclusions in the three reference plans.
● CP3. Using modern complementary diagnostic methods and digital technologies in
providing orthodontic assistance.
● CP4. Perform practical exercises and complementary examinations in the diagnosis,
treatment and prevention of dento-maxillary abnormalities in children based on knowledge
from the fundamental and clinical disciplines (including dentistry).
● CP5. Planning, coordinating and conducting health promotion activities and prophylactic
measures to reduce the severity of dento-maxillary abnormalities in children at the individual
and community level, the establishment and implementation of complex dispensary plans
applicable in school and pre-school colleges.
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● CP6. Implementation of professional standards for evaluation and quality assurance of

orthodontic assistance of children with dento-maxillary abnormalities. Knowledge of the basic
principles and functional structure of the medical and dental care especially for the children of
the Republic of Moldova.
● CT1. Applying professional standards of assessment, acting according to professional
ethics, as well as the provisions of the legislation in force. Promoting logical reasoning,
practical applicability, assessment and self-assessment in decision-making;

● CT2. Performing activities and exercising the roles specific to team work in medical
institutions and especially in dental care. Promoting the spirit of initiative, dialogue,
cooperation, positive attitude and respect for others, empathy, altruism and continuous
improvement of their own activity;

● CT3. Systematic assessment of personal competencies, roles and expectations, application

of self-assessments of learned processes, acquired skills and professionalism needs,
knowledge in information technologies, effective use of language skills, research and
communication skills to provide quality dental services and adapting to the dynamics of
policy requirements in health and for personal and professional development.
The student at the end of the course will be able to:
● be able to determine the variety of malocclusion according to the reference plane based on
cephalometric analysis;
● to perform the exobucal and endobucal clinical examination in children with dento-
maxillary anomaly;
● to know and to apply the classic and complementary methods in the diagnosis of dento-
maxillary anomalies in children during the growing period;
● to make optimal decisions in providing orthodontic assistance to children with dento-
maxillary abnormalities;
● to know the treatment objectives of dento-maxillary abnormalities according to the teeth;
● be able to make a condom for stabilizing the orthodontic result;
● be able to achieve a space maintainer in growing patients;
● apply various ways of psychological and moral support of children in the treatment of
dento-maxillary anomalies.
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One of the least effective methods of pedagogical learning is passive obedience to courses,
but practical performance is much more effective. For these reasons, Orthodontics discipline
is the individual practice activity of each student with the guidance of the teachers.
Nr. expected Implementation Strategies Evaluation criterias Deadline
1. Working Work systematically in the library 1. Quality of formed During the
with books and mediate. judgments, logical thinking, semester
and ICT Exploring current electronic sources flexibility.
on the subject. 2. The quality of the
systematization of the
informational material
obtained through its own
2. Report Analysis of relevant sources on the 1. The quality of During the
topic of the paper. systematization and analysis semester
Analysis, systematization and of the informational material
synthesis of information on the obtained through its own
proposed theme. activity.
Compilation of the report in 2. Concordance of information
accordance with the requirements in with the proposed theme.
force and presentation to the chair.
3. Case study Selection and description of the case 1. Analysis, synthesis, During the
analysis study with malocclusions in the generalization of data obtained semester
vertical and transversal plane. through own investigation.
Analysis of the causes of the issues 2. Formation of an algorithm
raised in the case study. Prognosis of of knowledge based on the
the case investigated. obtained conclusions.
Deduction of the expected outcome of
the case.



✓ Methods of teaching and learning used;

The discipline of Orthodontics is taught in classical ways: with lectures and practical works.
At the lectures the theoretical course is read by the course holders. In practical work students
study the particularities of dental care for children, diagnosis, clinical picture, treatment and
prevention of dento-maxillary anomalies in children.
In order to acquire deeper material, different semiotic systems (scientific language, graphical
and computerized language) and teaching materials (tables, diagrams, photophotographs,
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transparencies) are used. Inside lessons and extracurricular activities are used Communication
Technologies - PowerPoint presentations.

✓ Applied didactic strategies / technologies (discipline specific):

Exposure, interactive lecture, group interview, debate, creative controversy, problem-solving,
brainstorming, group work, individual study, work with textbook and manual, case study,
problem solving, role play, simulation, interactive listening.

✓ Methods of evaluation (including an indication of how the final grade is


Current: front and / or individual control via

(a) the application of docimological tests,

(b) solving problems / exercises,

(c) analysis of case studies

(d) playing role plays on the topics discussed.

(e) quiz

Final: Colloquium.

At the Department of oro-maxillo-facial pediatric surgery, pedodontics and orthodontics, the

Orthodontic course ends with a colloquium. The note at the colloquium is based on the
annual average score. Notes 5 and above are equivalent to "attested", which will be passed to
the notes book. The average annual score will be expressed in numbers according to the
scoring scale indicated in the table.

How to round up the grades at the evaluation steps

National scoring system Equivalent

Intermediate note grid (annual average, grades from the exam stages)
1,00-3,00 2 F
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3,01-4,99 4 FX
5,00 5
5,01-5,50 5,5 E
5,51-6,00 6
6,01-6,50 6,5
6,51-7,00 7
7,01-7,50 7,5
7,51-8,00 8
8,01-8,50 8,5
8,51-8,00 9
9,01-9,50 9,5
9,51-10,0 10

Note: The failure to present the exam without good reason is recorded as "absent" and is
equivalent to 0 (zero). The student is entitled to 2 repeated claims of the unsuccessful exam.


A. Obligatorie:
1. P. Godoroja, V. Trifan “Ortodonție” , Compendiu, 2009
2. A. Șerbănescu, “Posibilități de apreciere a deficitului de spațiu în anomaliile dento-
maxilare”, Editura: Risoprint - Cluj Napoca, 2001
3. Aurel V. Fratu, “Ortodonție - Diagnostic Clinica Tratament”, EdituraVasiliana'98
Iași, 2002
4. Corina Voinea, Baila A., Grivu O., Funcția musculară și aparatul dento-maxilar,
Editura: Mirton Timișoara, 1996
5. Хорошилкина Ф..Я., Грaнчук Г.Н., Постолаки И.И. Ортодонтическое и
ортопедическое лечение аномалий прикуса, обусловленных врожденным несращением
челюстно-лицевой области. - Кишинев.: Штиинца. Хорошилкина Ф..Я. Руководство
по ортодонтии. М., Медицина, 1998 г.
6. Персин Л.С. Ортодонтия. Диагностика, виды зубочелюстных аномалий.
М., Медицина, 1996 г.
7. Хорошилкина Ф..Я. Руководство по ортодонтии. М., Медицина, 1998 г.
8. Персин Л.С. Ортодонтия. Диагностика, виды зубочелюстных аномалий.
М., Медицина, 1996 г.
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B. Suplimentară:
9. Elisabeta Bratu, Ovidiu Grivu, Corina Voinea, Erupția normală și patologică,
Editura: Helicom Timisoara, 1996
10. Elvira Cocârlã, Aparate ortodontice, Editura Medicala Univ. I. Hațieganu Cluj, 2002
11. Elvira Cocârlă și colab., Stomatologie pediatrică, Editura Medicală Univ. I. Hațieganu
Cluj, 2000
12. Elisabeta Bratu, Ovidiu Grivu, Dan Dragomirescu, Eleonora Schiller, Ortodonție
interceptivă, Editura: Helicom – Timișoara, 1999
13. Fratu V., Aurel, Ortodonție: Diagnostic, clinică, tratament, Vasiliana, Iași, 2002
14. Glavan F., Jianu R., Ortodonție, Editura: Mirton – Timișoara, 1998
15. Glavan F., Popa I., Breban Estela, Forțe ortodontice, Editura: Waldpress – Timișoara,
16. Gheorghe Boboc, Dorin Bratu, Victor Boboc, Elisabeta Bratu, Dan Munteanu, Colajul
în practica ortodontică- Tehnici adezive în ortodonție, Editura: Facla
17. Grivu O., Poadriu A., Jianu R., Schiller Eleonora, Pop I., Glavan F., Terminologie
ortodontică, Editura: Mirton – Timișoara, 1994
18. Irina Zetu, Mariana Pacurar, Ortodonție vol II - Tehnica arcului drept, Editura Lyra,
Târgu Mureș, 2000
19. Irina Zetu, Mariana Pacurar, Introducere în tehnica arcului drept Vol I, Editura:
Sedcom Libris – Iași, 1998
20. Maxima A., Balan A., Păsăreanu M., Nica M, Stomatologie comportamentală
pediatrică Vol I, Editura: Contact International – Iași, 1998
21. Milicescu V. Duduca, Milicescu I., Creșterea și dezvoltarea generală și cranio-facială
la copii, Editura Viața Med., București, 2001
22. Poadriu A., Jumonea Daniela, Grivu O., Rolul obiceiurilor bucale în etiopatogenia
anomaliilor dento-maxilare, Editura: Mirton – Timișoara, 1994
23. Rodica Jianu, E. Bratu, F. Glavan, F. Alfano, Îndreptar de ortodonție, Editura: LITO
24. Roman C., Compendiu de Ortodonție, Ovidiu University Press, Constanța, 2003
25. Stanciu D., Boboc L., Ortodonție practică. Aparate ortodontice , Ed. Medicală,
București, 2011
26. Vernescu Lehen Victoria, Dizarmonia dento-maxilară, Editura București, 1970
27. Walter Setzer, Elisabeta Bratu, Emanuel Bratu, Analiza teleradiografiei de profil.
Ghid Practic, Editura: Helicom – Timișoara, 1998
28. Хорошилкина Ф..Я., Малыгин Ю.М. Основы конструирования и технология
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