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Tiong vs Florendo| A.C. No. 4428| December 12, 2011| Perlas-Bernabe, J.

Prepared by: Cheena Tan

SUMMARY: Atty. Florendo had a love affair with the wife of his client. The Court held that this amounts to
gross immoral conduct and warrant his suspension. Moreover, the Court held that pardon previously
extended to him is not sufficient to dismiss the disbarment case because such case is sui generis.


1. Complainant, Elpidio P. Tiong, an American Citizen, and his wife, Ma. Elena T. Tiong, are
real estate lessors in Baguio City.
- They are likewise engaged in the assembly and repair of motor vehicles in Paldit, Sison,
2. In 1991, they engaged the services of respondent Atty. George M. Florendo not only as
legal counsel but also as administrator of their businesses whenever complainant would
leave for the USA.
3. Sometime in 1993, complainant began to suspect that Atty. Florendo and his wife (Elena
Tiong) were having an illicit affair.
- His suspicion was confirmed in the afternoon of May 13, 1995 when, in their residence, he
chanced upon a telephone conversation between the two. Listening through the extension
phone, he heard respondent utter the words "I love you, I'll call you later".
- Both his wife and Atty. Florendo confessed to having their love affair.
4. On May 15, 1995, the parties met again at the Mandarin Restaurant in Baguio City and, in
the presence of a Notary Public, Atty. Liberato Tadeo, Atty. Florendo and Ma. Elena
executed and signed an affidavit attesting to their illicit relationship and seeking their
respective spouses' forgiveness.
- “We committed adultery against our spouses from May 1993 to May 13, 1995 and we hereby
ask forgiveness and assure our spouses that this thing will never happen again with us or any
other person. … That any behaviour unbecoming a husband or wife henceforth shall give rise
to legal action against us; We shall never violate this assurance”
- “We, the offended spouses Elizabeth F. Florendo and Elpidio Tiong forgive our spouses and
assure them that we will not institute any criminal or legal action against them because we
have forgiven them. If they violate this agreement we will institute legal action.”
5. On May 23, 1995, complainant filed a disbarment suit charging Florendo of gross
immorality and grave misconduct.
- Florendo interposed the defense of pardon
6. The Court resolved to refer the case to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for
investigation and decision.
- Recommended the suspension of respondent from the practice of law for 1 year

WON his act amounts to gross immoral conduct? (YES)

1. Atty. Florendo violated the ff provisions of the Code of Professional Responsibility:

- Rule 1.01. - A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
- Rule 7.03. - A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely reflects on his fitness to
practice law, nor shall he, whether in public or private life, behave in a scandalous manner to
the discredit of the legal profession."
- It is the bounden duty of law practitioners to observe the highest degree of morality in order to
safeguard the integrity of the Bar.

2. In this case, Atty. Florendo admitted his illicit relationship with a married woman not his
wife, and worse, that of his client.
- Contrary to his claim, their consortium cannot be classified as a mere "moment of
indiscretion" considering that it lasted for two (2) years and was only aborted when
complainant overheard their amorous phone conversation on March 13, 1995.
3. It showed his utmost moral depravity and low regard for the ethics of his profession.
- Having an affair with his client's wife manifested his disrespect for the laws on the sanctity of
marriage and his own marital vow of fidelity.
- Likewise, he violated the trust and confidence reposed on him by complainant which in itself
is prohibited under Canon 17 of the Code of Professional Responsibility.

WON the pardon extended by complainant in the Affidavit dated May 15, 1995 is sufficient to
warrant the dismissal of the present disbarment case against respondent for gross immoral
conduct? (NO)

1. A case of suspension or disbarment is sui generis and not meant to grant relief to a
complainant as in a civil case but is intended to cleanse the ranks of the legal profession
of its undesirable members in order to protect the public and the courts.
4. It is not an investigation into the acts of respondent as a husband but on his conduct as an officer
of the Court and his fitness to continue as a member of the Bar.
2. Hence, the Affidavit, which is akin to an affidavit of desistance, cannot have the effect of
abating the instant proceedings.
3. However, considering the circumstances of this case, the Court finds that a penalty of
suspension from the practice of law for six (6) months, instead of one (1) year as
recommended by the IBP-CBD, is adequate sanction for the grossly immoral conduct of

DISPOSITION: GUILTY of Gross Immorality and is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for SIX (6)
MONTHS effective upon notice hereof, with a STERN WARNING that a repetition of the same or similar
offense will be dealt with more severely.

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