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Mark Dickerson

21005 Sauvie Island Road

Portland, Oregon 97231
Telephone: (503) 939-9502
Email: [email protected]

Plaintiff Pro Se



| Civil Action No. 3:19-CV-01126-SB
Plaintiff, |
vs. |
| Civil Rights Action (42 U.S.C. §1983)
CITY OF PORTLAND; | Negligence, False Arrest, and
MULTNOMAH COUNTY; and | Malicious Prosecution (State Torts)
JOHN DOEs 1-15, |
Defendants. |

This is a civil rights and state tort law action against the above-named parties for the

unconstitutional and tortious act of falsely arresting the Plaintiff, the unlawful siezure and detention of

Plaintiff, and in criminal charges being filed against him. A sitting state court judge dismissed all

charges against him.

1. This action is brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983, and 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1343(a)(3),

(4). and the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments. Jurisdiction is founded on 28 U.S.C.

§§1331, 1343 (1), (2), (3), (4), 1367(a), and the aforementioned statutory and Constitutional provisions.

Plaintiff further invokes the pendent jurisdiction of this Court to consider claims arising under state law.

2. Venue is proper within the Federal District of Oregon because all of the events giving rise

to this complaint and the claims set forth herein occurred in this judicial district, and all defendants


reside in this judicial district. 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b). The acts and practices alleged herein occurred in

Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.

3. Plaintiff Mark Dickerson is and was at all times described in this Complaint an individual

and a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County of Multnomah, State of Oregon.

4. Defendant City of Portland (hereinafter, "City") is a political subdivision of the State of

Oregon with the capacity to sue and be sued. The City runs the Portland Police Bureau.

5. Defendant Multnomah County (hereinafter, "County") is a political subdivision of the

State of Oregon with the capacity to sue and be sued. The County is responsible for the operations of the
Multnomah County District Attorney and the Multnomah County Correctional System.

6. Defendants John Does 1 through 15, are and were at all times relevant hereto, officers of

the Portland Police Bureau, the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office, or the Multnomah County

Correctional System, each acting in such capacity as the agent, servant, and/or employee of the

Defendants City or County. Plaintiff does not know the names of Defendants John Does 1-15, and thus

sues them under fictitious names. John Does 1-15 are any City or County employees who exercised

command responsibility over, conspired with, aided and abetted subordinates, and/or directly or

indirectly participated in Plaintiff's deprivation of civil rights as hereinafter alleged.

Factual Allegations

I. Protests in Portland, Oregon; October 31, 2018.

7. On October 31, 2018, following the death of a Portland resident in a police shooting

incident, a group of protestors aligned with the “Black Lives Matter” movement, engaged in a protest

over the incident, on Fourth Avenue Southwest in downtown Portland, directly in front of the

Multnomah County courthouse.

8. The focus of the protestors, who were being actively monitored by police officers

employed by the Portland Police Bureau (“PPD”), was the disruption of motor vehicle traffic traveling

northward on Fourth Avenue, between Main and Salmon Streets. This was primarily done by having

the protestors enter into the area of the crosswalk during the periods of time when the traffic light

blocked the forward movement of traffic across the Main Street intersection, and then slowly moving


back to the sidewalk as the light changed, and traffic began to move forward.

9. At the approximate hour of 10:30 a.m., Plaintiff, who had a scheduled court hearing at the

Multnomah County courthouse, was proceeding Northward on Fourth Avenue, approaching the

courthouse block, when his progress was halted by the traffic light at the Main street intersection. As he

waited at the light, he observed the protesters moving forward into the crosswalk across the street,

carrying their signs and placards. As the light changed, and traffic, including Plaintiff’s vehicle began to

move across the intersection, the protesters slowly retreated back to the sidewalk area as the vehicular

traffic approached.

10. As Plaintiff slowly moved across the intersection and crosswalk area, and the protesters
moved back to the sidewalk, one protester - who had not been part of the group that had occupied the

crosswalk - suddenly stepped into the traffic lane, and directly in front of Plaintiff’s vehicle.

11. Although Plaintiff - who at point was traveling at a speed of approximately seven miles

per hour - immediately applied his brakes and came to a stop, the said protestor made a deliberate show

of slamming his hands down on Plaintiff’s hood, and then spinning away, as though he had been struck,

attempting to create the illusion that Plaintiff had deliberately run into him.

II. The False Arrest.

12. At this point, a supervisory PPD officer (“John Doe 1") who had observed the interaction,

stepped forward to apparently defuse and investigate the situation. Plaintiff immediately made the

officer aware that the entire incident had been captured on his dashboard video camera - commonly

referred to as a “dashcam” - and offered to replay the video recording for the officer.

13. The PPD officer declined the offer to view the dashcam recording, however he made a

point of telling Plaintiff that he was not in trouble, and specifically, that he was “not under arrest”.

14. During this time, the protester continued to allege that he had been struck by Plaintiff’s

vehicle, despite being made aware of the existence of the dashcam video. At this point, a second,

subordinate PPD officer (“John Doe 2") joined the first, and they proceeded to discuss the incident

between them, before John Doe 1 withdrew from the scene and left John Doe 2 as the investigatory

officer. Again however, both Plaintiff and John doe 2 were specifically told by John Doe 1, that he was


not in any trouble, and was not under arrest.

15. After John Doe 1 had left the scene, and following a period of discussion with the

allegedly injured protester, John Doe 2 now informed Plaintiff that - contrary to the specific allegement

and instruction by John Doe 1 and his earlier assurances to Plaintiff - that Plaintiff was, in fact, being

placed under arrest, and charged with four Class A misdemeanor counts for: 1) Reckless Driving, 2)

Harassment, 3) Assault in the 4th Degree, and 4) Recklessly Endangering Another Person.

16. Despite Plaintiff’s repeated offer and entreaties to John Doe 2, to simply view the

dashcam video, the officer ignored the presence of the available exculpatory evidence available on the

dashcam video, and placed Plaintiff into custody.

17. Following his arrest, Plaintiff was processed through the Multnomah County Correctional

System, where he was subjected to fear, intimidation, humiliation, and public embarrassment, when his

name and photograph were publicized by employees of the Multnomah County Correctional System.

III. The Malicious Prosecution.

18. Thereafter, employees of the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office, despite the

clear and unequivocal video evidence available to them, proceeded to wrongfully bring Plaintiff to trial.

19. The criminal charges against Plaintiff were subsequently dismissed; the 4th Degree

Assault and Recklessly Endangering Another Person charges were dismissed prior to trial, and the

remaining charges were summarily dismissed by the trial judge, immediately upon viewing of the

dashcam video.


Fourth Amendment – Wrongful Arrest, Unlawful Use of Force

20. The allegations in paragraphs 1 through 19 inclusive, are realleged and incorporated by

reference herein as if fully set forth.

21. It is clearly established law that an officer may not seize a person without probable cause

to do so.

22. In taking the actions described above, Defendants personally participated in and

intentionally violated Plaintiff’s rights guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the United States



23. The unreasonable seizure of the Plaintiff was the direct and proximate cause of his

suffering, loss of liberty, mental and emotional suffering, worry, fear, anguish, shock, anxiety, and

nervousness. Plaintiff is entitled to all of his economic and non-economic damages in the amount of

$500,000.00. Or such other reasonable amount to be ascertained according to proof at trial.


Fourth Amendment – Unlawful Pattern and Practice (42 U.S.C. 1983)

24. The allegations in paragraphs 1 through 19 inclusive, are realleged and incorporated by

reference herein as if fully set forth.

25. As described in Claim 1, Defendants violated the Plaintiff’s constitutional right to be free

from unreasonable seizures.

26. Defendants' conduct is illustrative of a pattern and practice of PPB officers, acting in

concert and in cooperation with employees of the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office,

violating the Fourth Amendment rights of innocent citizens who become caught up in public protests,

through a practice of arrest, punishment, and targeting.

27. Defendants City and County do not have adequate supervisory review of incidents where

officers and others violate these Fourth Amendment rights. Said Defendants have effectively condoned

this practice by repeatedly failing to correct it.

28. Defendants City and John Does 3-10 failed to train and discipline its officers, including

Defendants John Doe 1 and 2, in following constitutional norms, as described above.

28. Defendants County and John Does 11-15 failed to train and discipline its employees, in

following constitutional norms, as described above.

29. The above-described acts of the Defendants, committed under color of law and under

color of their authority as police officers and officers of the court, as hereinabove set out, further

deprived Plaintiff of his rights, privileges and immunities guaranteed to him as a citizen of the United

States, all committed in violation of 42 U.S.C. §§1981, 1983, 1985(3), and 1986, and further deprived

Plaintiff of rights guaranteed to him by the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments of the


Constitution of the United States, and further deprived Plaintiff of rights guaranteed to him by the

Statutes and Constitution of the State of Oregon.

30. The unlawful seizure, and subsequent unreasonable prosecution, of the Plaintiff was the

direct and proximate cause of his suffering, loss of liberty, mental and emotional suffering, worry, fear,

anguish, shock, anxiety, and nervousness. Plaintiff is entitled to all of his economic and non-economic

damages in the amount of $500,000.00, or such other reasonable amount to be ascertained according to

proof at trial.


State Law Claim: Negligence of the Defendants

31. The allegations in paragraphs 1 through 19 inclusive are realleged and incorporated by

reference herein as if fully set forth.

32. By taking the actions they did on October 31, 2018 and thereafter, Defendants created an

unnecessary and unreasonable risk of harm against all present. It was foreseeable that the Plaintiff’s

arrest at a protest event being actively covered by the media would result in injury to his personal and

professional reputation. Despite knowledge of this risk, and the foreseeability of this injury, Defendants

and each of them breached their duty owed to Plaintiff, damaging him.

33. The negligence of Defendants City and County was the direct and proximate cause of

Plaintiff’s suffering, loss of liberty, mental and emotional suffering, worry, fear, anguish, shock, anxiety,

and nervousness. Plaintiff is entitled to all of his economic and non-economic damages in the amount of

$500,000.00, or such other reasonable amount to be ascertained according to proof at trial.


State Law Claim: False Arrest

34. The allegations in paragraphs 1 through 19 inclusive are realleged and incorporated by

reference herein as if fully set forth.

35. As alleged above, the City caused an imposition of unlawful restraint on the Plaintiff’s

freedom of movement.

36. Defendant City's false arrest was the direct and proximate cause of Plaintiff’s suffering,

loss of liberty, mental and emotional suffering, worry, fear, anguish, shock, anxiety, and nervousness.


Plaintiff is entitled to all of his economic and non-economic damages in the amount of $500,000.00, or

such other reasonable amount to be ascertained according to proof at trial.


State Law Claim: Malicious Prosecution

37. The allegations in paragraphs 1 through 19 inclusive are realleged and incorporated by

reference herein as if fully set forth.

38. As alleged above, the County’s prosecution of this action against Plaintiff was malicious

and brought without any cause to believe that a breach of the peace or any other cause of action had been

committed. The prosecution of this action was brought vindictively and for an ulterior motive; for
the purpose of attempting to legally harass and to defame Plaintiff.

39. Defendant County’s malicious prosecution was a direct and proximate cause of Plaintiff’s

suffering, loss of liberty, mental and emotional suffering, worry, fear, anguish, shock, anxiety, and

nervousness. Plaintiff is entitled to all of his economic and non-economic damages in the amount of

$500,000.00, or such other reasonable amount to be ascertained according to proof at trial.

Reasonable Attorney’s Fees and Costs

40. 42 U.S.C. § 1988(b) allows "the prevailing party. a reasonable attorney's fee as part of

the costs." in an action brought under 42 U.S.C. § 1983.

41. Plaintiff requests that the Court grant a reasonable attorney's fee in this action.

Demand for Jury Trial

42. For all claims alleged in this Complaint, Plaintiff demands a jury trial.

Compliance With Tort Claims Notice Act

43. Plaintiff avers that he has fully complied with the requirements of ORS 30.275, as regards

the state law claims.







Prayer for Relief
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Mark Dickerson demands the following relief, jointly and severally,

against all the Defendants and each of them:

(a) For economic and non-economic damages in the amount of $500,000.00.

(b) For reasonable attorneys' fees and costs pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §§ 1988; and

(c) Such other and further relief as this Court may deem appropriate, including

all costs and fees incurred herein.

A jury trial is hereby demanded.

RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, this ________ day of July, 2019.

Mark Dickerson -- Plaintiff Pro Se


AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action


for the
District of Oregon

Plaintiff(s) )
) Civil Action No.
JOHN DOEs 1-15, )
Defendant(s) )


To: (Defendant's name and address)

c/o Tracy Reeve, City Attorney
1221 SW 4th Avenue, Roome 430
Portland, Oregon 97204

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it)- or 60 days if you
are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed. R. Civ.
P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) -you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney,
whose name and address are:
Mark Dickerson
21005 Sauvie Island Road
Portland, Oregon 97231

If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
You also must file your answer or motion with the court.


Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk

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