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Rizky Hamid Robbyansyah.1, Teguh Utomo, Ir., MT.2, Unggul Wibawa, Ir., M.Sc.3
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University
Jalan MT Haryono 167, Malang 65145, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract— Uprating of transmission lines aims to In planning uprating of overhead transmission line,
increase the electric power transfer capability. In this all aspects of the equipment to be installed must be
study discussed the tehnical aspects of uprating considered including tower sites, distance between
development planning of overhead transmission lines conductors, selection of conductor, insulator, calculation
70 kV to 150 kV line GI Bangil – GI Blimbing. Some of conductors sag, grounding of tower legs and
aspect examined include the selection of towers, types determination of lightning protective wire [4].
of conductors, sagging, insulator, grounding and load From this problem, it is necessary to do a planning
flow analysis. The research method used is to calculate study on the construction of uprating of overhead
and determine of research aspect based on data of transmission line so that the construction of the
transformer, conductors and peak of load in the transmission line can be more optimal.
interval from December 2013 to December 2014, and
simulating load low. The conditions for this load flow
analysis are use ETAP 12.6 software at before uprating II. THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT
and after uprating. The results obtained in this study, A. TRANSMISSION LINE
including equipment installed on transmission line and Transmission lines are part of the transmission of
the value of drop voltage and power loss at before and electrical energy from the generator to get to the load.
after uprating. Electricity distribution is carried out by increasing the
voltage system to the voltage transmission line. The aim is
to minimize losses on the line. Transmission line losses
Keywords— Uprating, transmission 150 kV, drop depend on the amount of current flowing in the conveying
voltage, losses. wire and the large conductor resistance.


Along the times, electricity has become a basic Transmission towers or poles are a support
human need, so must be a balance between load borne and construction for transmission line, which can be steel
the electricity needed. The increasing population in an area towers, steel poles, reinforced concrete poles and wooden
causes electricity needs to increase. Increased electricity poles [5].
needs can be balanced by seeking the planning and Steel towers are divided according to their functions,
development of electrical systems [1]. namely: tension poles, corner poles, dead end towers and
At present, PT.PLN (Persero) East Java transposition poles.
Development Unit and Bali I planned to build uprating
overhead transmission lines 70 kV to 150 kV line GI C. INSULATOR
Bangil – GI Blimbing [2]. The aim is to increase the Insulator is a tool for separating potential electrical
transmission capacity of electrical energy and reliability in areas with non potential electricity. The insulator function
the system, as well as to balance with energy demand in as a support for the conductive wire on the electric poles
the future. used to electricity separate tow or more conductors so that
Uprating of overhead transmission line is possible is no leakage or flashover resulting in damage to the
at this time, considering that land has narrowed due to the electrical system [6].
development of urban areas. The main reason for uprating In transmission line, the most widely used type of
transmission line is to utilize the existing line to transmite insulator is a porcelain type insulator which s the
power. Uprating the transmission line is the most assembled with another disc insulator into a series in the
economical method to increase the ability to transmite form of a suspension insulator. Suspension insulator must
power and more recommended than make a new have electrical resistance and mechanical strength as a
transmission line [3]. place where the conductive wire is hanging or pulling the

The surface leakage of the insulating material from G. SELECTION OF CONDUCTOR
the outer pair air duct insulator is caused by the conductive The cross section of the conductor is directly
layer on the insulator surface. Wetting the layer of proportional to the strong capacity of the current.
contamination due to high humidity, water grains, wet The greater the current flowing through the
wetting by rain water, resulting in conductive electrolytes,
transmission line, the greater the power that the
so the surface resistance will be small, and finally the
current will leak the insulator surface. [5] transmission line can transmit. The current per phasa
After getting the leakage current from the test results, in this plan is based on the following formula [9]:
the next step determines the surface resistance (R). Surface I= (1)
resistance can be determined by the following equation,
V From the calculation of the current, the type and
R= (1)
I size of the conductor will be determined.
After obtaining a surface resistance value, the next
step is to determine the electrical power loss resulting from H. SELECTION OF INSULATOR
the flow of the leakage current. Electrical loss can be In planning the transmission line it is also
determined using the following equation, necessary to consider the type and amount of
Ploss = Ilc 2 . R (2) insulation that will be used. The insulator to be
installed must be in accordance with the system
D. CONDUCTORS voltage.
The type of conductive wire used in
transmission lines is copper with 100% conductivity, I. SAG
copper with a conductivity of 97,5%, or aluminum Sag is the projection distance measured from the
wit conductivity of 61%. Aluminum conductive wire height of the transmission line tower to the lowest
consists of various types with symbols such as AAC, distance of the carrying environment. In sag
AAAC, ACSR, ACAR [7]. calculations, the factors that need to be connected
Currently, High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) are the conductor expansion parameters caused by
conductors are also being developed. This type of the conductive temperature rise. The value of the sag
conductor has a high temperature resistance so it only is determined by the formula below:
experiences very little expansion at any temperature 1. Towers of the same height
rise. The HTLS conductor that is often used is W𝑆 2
D= (2)

2. Towers of different height

The ground wire function is as a shield wire Do = D(1 − ) (3)
conductor from lightning strike. It is located at the
top of transmission tower. Generally wire used is J. GROUNDING
steel wire. To protect the phase wire against a direct strike
The wire on the tension tower is held by the from lightning, one or two ground wires are located
tension clamp, while the tower suspension is held by above the phase wire. Detention of 10 ohm tower
the the suspension clamp. At the tension clamp legs can be obtained by using one or more grounding
mounted jumper wire connecting it ti the tower so rods or counterpoise systems.
that the lightning current can be removed from the
ground through the tower. K. ETAP SOFTWARE
ETAP (Electric Transient and Analysis
F. UPRATING OF TRANSMISSION LINE Program) is a software that supports electric power
Uprating voltage is intended to reduce the systems. This device is able to work in an offline
amount of current flowing in the transmission line. state for electric power simulations, online for real
Thus a high-voltage transmission line will carry a time data management or used to control the system
low current flow and means reduce the in real time [10].
accompanying heat loss I2R. The load flow analysis program in ETAP 12.6.0
Uprating on transmission lines is to increase the software can calculate the voltage at each branch,
capacity of thermal values and voltage values by the flow of current in the power system, and the flow
increasing higher conductor capacity and increasing of load flowing in the electric power system
mechanical aspects [8].
To complete the problem formulation and realize the
research objectives, it is necessary to solve the problem in
accordance with Figure 1.

Figure 2. Analysis using ETAP Software flowchart

In the study of the load flow analysis using ETAP

software can be known value of each voltage in the
system, the equipment used whether to meet the
boundaries and the start condition on the planning of the
new system can be known. The result of the power stream
Figure 1. Research method flowchart on ETAP software is falling voltage and system power loss
on each branch.
In this test, the data used were secondary data on the IV. CALCULATIONS AND ANALYSIS
UPL-UKL document uprating of overhead transmission
line 70 kV to 150 kV line GI Bangil – GI Blimbing, peak A. PLANNED OF 150 kV TRANSMISSION LINE.
load data on the GI Blimbing and data on the equipment Construction of uprating SUTT 70 kV to 150 kV line
installed on the transmission line 70 kV GI Bangil – GI GI Bangil – GI Blimbing is located on land with different
Blimbing. functions, including land for corn, rice fields, mango and
The determination and the technical calculations that crossing with land road. The overhead transmission lines
include tower type, conductor, sagging, insulator and between GI Bangil and GI Blimbing are 40 kms. The
grounding are calculated based on the standard of PLN. overhead transmission line locations are in 4 sub-districts
Simulation and analysis of load flow using ETAP in the Regency or Malang City and 3 sub-districts in
12.6 Software. The steps for simulating the ETAP Pasuruan Regency namely Blimbing, Singosari, Lawang,
software are explained in Figure 2. Purwodadi, Purwosari, Sukorejo and Rembang. The
overhead transmission lines plan to be built are 126 towers
with an average distance between towers (span) of 317
Transmission towers used in this study are Latticed
Steel Tower types or steel frame towers with double
vertical configurations aims to maintain power continuity,
so that if one line is cut off it is still able to transmite power
to another line.
Sample data displayed on the table 1 [11]. The high difference tower is shown in table 2.
Table 1. Sample of Tower Selection Table 2. High Difference Tower

No. Tower Tower High

No. Tower Type No. No. Tower Tower Location Difference
Tower Location Function
Tower (m)
Purwodadi / DDR+6 (dead Purwodadi /
1. T.67 Tower 1. T.67 - T.67A 4
Blimbing end tower) Blimbing
AA+3 Jatisari – Pucangsari
Jatisari / Middle 2. T.101A - T.102 1
2. T.101A (suspension / Purwodadi
Purwodadi Tower
AA+3 Karangsono /
Karangsono / Middle 3. T.116 - T.117 1
3. T.116 (suspension Sukorejo
Sukorejo Tower
Kenduruan / Middle CC+6 (tension Kenduruan /
4. T.129 4. T.129 - T.129A 0
Sukorejo Tower tower) Sukorejo
Oro-oro Final Oro-oro Ombo
DDR (dead 5. T.140A - T.140 2
5. T.140A Ombo Kulon Tower Kulon / Rembang
end tower)
/ Rembang (end)

The value is ACSR DOVE with a conductor weight

The selection of tower samples in these towers has of 1137 kg/m, horizontal tensile strength of 1720 kg, the
been representative of the location and other tower average span between two towers 317 m and a big sag
conditions. ACCC LISBON with a conductor weight of 0.9474 kg/m,
horizontal tensile strength 2000 kg, the average span
C. SELECTION OF CONDUCTOR between the two Towers 317 M using equations (2) and
From the technical data about the power transmitted (3) are as follows:
to GI Blimbing is 2 x 60 MVA. Current calculations are
done based on the power to be channeled, the current Table 3. Sag of ACSR DOVE and ACCC LISBON
calculation is in accordance with the equation (1) as High
Sag of Sag of
follows: ACSR ACCC
No. No. Tower Difference
𝑆 Tower (m)
(m) (m)
√3𝑉𝑟 1. T.67 - T.67A 4 8.069 5.782
2 × 60 × 106 2. T.101A - T.102 1 8.289 5.940
= = 461.88 𝐴 3. T.116 - T.117 1 8.289 5.940
√3 × 150 × 103 4. T.129 - T.129A 0 8.303 5.950
With the safety factor of the permissible current send 5. T.140A - T.140 2 8.245 5.908
capability based on PUIL 2000 of 125 % then:
𝐼 = 1,25 × 461,88 = 577.35 𝐴 According to table 3, it can be created a graph of sag
on each of the specified tower point samples for the ACSR
According to the above calculations, the sender is DOVE and the LISBON ACCC conductors shown in
chosen, which is the type of conductor ACSR DOVE with Figure 3.
an area size of 327 mm2, which is able to deliver a
continuous current of 740 Ampere. ACSR DOVE has a
horizontal tensile strength of 1720 kg and the working
temperature reaches 90oC.
It is also developed by High-Temperature Low Sag
(HTLS) conductors. This type of conductor has high-
temperature resistance so that only experiencing a very
small expansion at each temperature increase. In this
study, used ACCC LISBON on overhead transmission line
after the uprating became 150 kV. The ACCC LISBON
has an area size of 355 mm2 capable of delivering current Figure 3. Sag Between ACSR DOVE and ACCC LISBON
up to 1218 Ampere with the horizontal tensile strength of
2000 kg and the working temperature reaches 175oC. In the image of the graph 3 look at the value of
ACSR DOVE is greater than the value of the ACCC
D. CALCULATION OF SAG LISBON, this is because ACCC LISBON is a conductor
To calculate the sag of the conductor, technical data HTLS that has a small expansion on each temperature
is required in the form of wire transfer, the weight of the increase.
sender wire, tower distance (span) and strong horizontal
conducting pull and the height difference tower.

From the research results in the field, obtained data
to determine the type of insulators shown in table 4.

Table 4. Selection of Insulator

No. Tower
No. Tower Type Insulator Type
Tower Function

Early Tower DDR+6 (dead
1. T.67 String - Drag
(end) end tower)
Middle “I”String –
2. T.101A (suspension
Tower Suspension
Middle “I”String -
3. T.116 (suspension
Tower Suspension
Middle CC+6 (tension
4. T.129 String – Drag
Tower tower)
with jumper
Final Tower DDR (dead end
5. T.140A String – Drag
(end) tower)
with jumper

The insulator to be used, determined by function

and tower type. In the type Dead End tower is selected
type of Horizontal String isolator with the mounting drawn
with a jumper, in the type of suspension tower selected Figure 4. Vertical and Horizontal of Conductor Clearance
type "I" of String with a single configuration (single) with
the mounting hung, and in the type of tension tower The value of conductor clearance explained on table 5.
Selectable Horizontal type insulator with double
configuration with mounting drawn with jumper. Table 5. Determine Data of Conductor Clearance
The number of isolator sets to be used depends on the Value
No. Symbol Description
system voltage. In this study, a large system voltage is Distance from vertical axis of
150 kV with a maximum allowable voltage of 165 kV, 1. L tower to conductor horizontally 4.20
then the number of isolator set that will be used is 10
pieces of plate insulators are made from porcelain. Horizontal distance due to swing
conductor with swing angle 0o
2. H 3.76
The determination of the conductor's clearance is
determined by the minimum distance between the 3. I Lightning Impulse Clearance 1.50
different conductors, the distance between the conductor 4. D
Maximum sag match calculation
wire and the tower frame rod, the distance between the on table 3
phase wire cross arm and the ground wire, the minimum Conductor's minimum distance
vertical clearance of the To the ground and to the objects 5. C to the ground or objects 13.50
underneath. The conductor's clearance is also to determine underneath
the height of the tower to be installed. Described in
Figure 4 as follows [12]. From determine of vertical and horizontal clearance
according to table 5 above, then obtained tower design
with latticed steel tower type as follows:

1. Suspension tower with AA type 2. Tension Tower type CC and Dean End Tower type

Figure 5. Suspension Tower type AA Design

Determine of suspension tower type AA Figure 6. Tension Tower Type CC and Dead End Tower Type DDR
explained on table 6.

Table 6. Suspension Tower Type AA Determine Data Determine of tension tower type CC and dead
No Symbol Direction Value (m) end tower type DDR explained on table 7.
The distance between the top
1. A1 phase wire crossarm and the 2.9 Table 7. Tension Tower Type CC and Dead End Tower Type DDR
ground wire Determine Data
The distance between the first
No Symbol Description Value (m)
2. A2 phase Crossarm and the second 4.7
phase Crossarm The distance between the top
The distance between second 1. A1 phase wire crossarm and the 4.1
3. A3 phase crossarm and third phase 4.7 ground wire
Crossarm The distance between the first
4. B1 Long Crossarm ground Wire 7.4 2. A2 phase Crossarm and the second 4.3
5. B2 First phase wire Crossarm length 8.4 phase Crossarm
Second phase wire crossarm The distance between second
6. B3 8.4 3. A3 phase crossarm and third phase 4.3
7. B4 Third phase wire Crossarm length 8.4 Crossarm
Tower High (A1 + A2 + A3 + D + 4. B1 Long Crossarm ground Wire 7.4
8. T C + long 1 m suspension insulator 35.1 5. B2 First phase wire Crossarm length 8.4
set) Second phase wire crossarm
6. B3 8.4
7. B4 Third phase wire Crossarm length 8.4
8. T Tower High (A1+A2+A3+D+C) 34.5

From the results of the research obtained land
function data on the site tower site. From the function of
this land can be known a large resistance of land that is
later used to determine the type of grounding [11].

1. Analysis before uprating
Table 8. Land Function Data and Ground Resistance Type Value
No. Land Resistance
No. Tower Location
Tower Function Type Value

Purwodadi / Rice
1. T.67 30
Blimbing Fields

Jatisari /
2. T.101A Estate 100

Karangsono /
3. T.116 Estate 100

Kenduruan /
4. T.129 Estate 100

Oro-oro Ombo
5. T.140A Kulon / 30
Figure 7. Load flow using ETAP 12.6 software when before the
In this study selected the shape of the electrode
electrodes were planted upright in the ground using a rod In the Figure 7, there is a bus Blimbing 70 kV under
electrode along the 3 m and the diameter rod electrode of voltage at marginal limit up to 96.63 % due to the effect
15.89 mm with the same depth of 3 m. of high enough load on the GI Blimbing.
Then the big ground-foot tower is calculated with the The result of the load flow when before uprating is
equation [13]: displayed on table 10.
ρ 2𝐿
𝑅= (ln ) (4) Table 10. Load flow results using ETAP software when before uprating
2πL 𝐴

𝐴 = √√2 ∙ 𝑎3 ∙ 𝐷 (5)

The calculation results the ground of the tower for the

land of rice fields and estate land can be seen in table 9.
Table 9. Ground Resistance Determine Data
Resistance Ground
No. Tower Land
No. Type Resistance
Tower Location Function
Value Value (Ω)
Purwodadi / Rice
1. T.67 30 2.72
Blimbing Field
Jatisari /
2. T.101A Estate 100 9.05
Purwodadi The calculation of drop voltage and power loss (Ploss)
Karangsono in the table is the cumulative value that is on the loading
3. T.116 Estate 100 9.05
/ Sukorejo
Kenduruan / of the GI Blimbing transformer and the transmission of
4. T.129 Estate 100 9.05
Sukorejo channels GI Bangil Line – GI Blimbing, GI Bangil – GI
Ombo Rice
Sukorejo, and GI Sukorejo – GI Blimbing.
5. T.140A 30 2.72 The highest drop voltage value reached 18.96% in
Kulon / Field
Rembang December 2013. The highest power loss (Ploss) value
reaches 893.867 kW in May 2014
The value of ground resistance for rice fields land The highest loading of the transmission line is
is 2.72 ohm and for estate land of 9.05 ohm. This means calculated on a cumulative in the GI Bangil-GI Blimbing
that the ground value does not exceed the limit determined line, GI Bangil – GI Sukorejo, and GI Sukorejo – GI
by PLN is less than 10 ohm. Blimbing using the ETAP 12.6 software. The highest load
transmission line in May 2104 is 27.9 MW and
ETAP 12.6 software is used to analyze the power flow The load on the high transmission line leads to falling
that results in real power loss (Ploss) and drop voltage at the voltage and power loss on the transmission line is also
time before and after uprating the voltage to 150 kV of the high, shown in table 11.
GI Bangil – GI Blimbing line.

Table 11. Drop Voltage and Ploss value on Transmission Line when
Before Uprating

Figure 8. Load flow using ETAP 12.6 software when after uprating
to150 kV with ACSR DOVE conductor
In table 11 the highest value of drop voltage on the
transmission line reaches 8.63 % and the power loss (Ploss) On bus Blimbing 150 kV after uprating can be
reaches the highest 757.378 kW achieved optimally reaching 99.8 %.
Table 13. Result of Load Flow using ETAP Software when After
2. Analysis after Uprating to 150 kV using ETAP 12.6 Uprating with ACSR DOVE Conductor
According to the Electricity Supply Business Plan
(RUPTL) PLN year 2016 to 2025, in GI Blimbing will
provide the development of the Substation by installing a
power transformer with a capacity of 3x60 MVA with an
operating voltage of 150/20 kV. This means that there is
an uprating of the original capacity of 90 MVA
transformer with operating voltage 70/20 kV to 180 MVA
with an operating voltage of 150/20 kV. New transformer
Data is displayed in table 12.
The result of the load flow when before uprating is
displayed on table 10.
The calculation of drop voltage drop and power loss
Table 12. New Transformer Data GI Blimbing to Input ETAP Software (Ploss) is the cumulative value that is on the loading of the
new transformer GI Blimbing and the loading of the GI
Bangil-GI Blimbing transmission line on both circuits.
The highest drop voltage value reached 5.4 % in
December 2013. The highest power loss (Ploss) value
reached 61.908 kW in May 2014.
a. Analysis after uprating to 150 kV using ETAP 12.6 b. Analysis after uprating to 150 kV using ETAP 12.6
software with ACSR DOVE conductor software with the LISBON ACCC conductor
The used ACSR DOVE conductor has a diameter The ACCC LISBON conductor will have a
of 23.55 mm, a cross section 327.77 mm2, conductor diameter of 21.9 mm, a cross section 355.4 mm2,
weight 1137 kg/km and resistance 0.1024 ohm/km. conductor weight 947.4 kg/km and resistance
Analysis of load flow on the single line diagram 0.091 ohm/km.
system of software of ETAP 12.6 when after the Analysis of the load flow on the single line
overhead transmission line uprating to 150 kV with diagram system of ETAP 12.6 software when after the
ACSR DOVE conductor can be seen in Figure 8. overhead transmission line uprating to 150 kV with
the LISBON ACCC conductor can be seen in Figure

Drop Voltage (%)
Month After (ACSR After (ACCC
Okt 16.79 4.47 4.45
Nov 16.75 4.44 4.41
Dec 16.28 4.30 4.28
Average 16.30 4.36 4.33

In the table 15 there are differences that are far

between the conditions when before uprating and when
after uprating. The rate of average drop voltage when
before uprating 16.30 %, at the time after uprating to
150 kV using ACSR DOVE conductor to 4.6 % and 4.33
% when using ACCC LISBON This means that the drop
Figure 9. Load Flow Using ETAP 12.6 Software when After Uprating voltage down by 73.24 % when uprating using ASCR
to 150 kV with ACCC LISBON Conductor DOVE and down by 73.43 % when using ACCC
LISBON. To make it clearer can be seen in the following
On bus Blimbing 150 kV after uprating can be Figure 10 chart.
achieved optimally reaching 99.81 %.
Table 14. Result of Load Flow using ETAP Software when After
Uprating with ACCC LISBON Conductor

Figure 10. Comparison chart of the drop voltage results in the before
The calculation of drop voltage fall and power loss and after uprating
(Ploss) is the cumulative value that is on the loading of the
In the figure 10 graph is shown the value of drop
new transformer GI Blimbing and the loading of GI
Bangil-GI Blimbing transmission line on both circuits. voltage when before uprating and after uprating using
The highest drop voltage value reached 5.38 % in ACSR DOVE and ACCC LISBON. When the uprating of
December 2013. The highest power loss (Ploss) value the highest drop voltage value reached 18.96 % in
reaches 61.719 kW in May 2014. December 2013. At the time after uprating drop voltage
value reached 5.4 % by using ACSR DOVE conductor and
3. Analysis of Drop Voltage when Before and After 5.38 % using the LISBON ACCC conductor. The value of
Uprating drop voltages on ACSR DOVE and ACCC LISBON is
Table 15. Result of Drop Voltage using ETAP 12.6 software almost identical, as both conductors have almost the same
Drop Voltage (%) parameters as large diameters and their resistance values.
Month After (ACSR After (ACCC
DOVE) LISBON) 4. Analysis Power Loss (Ploss) in the Before and After
Dec 18.96 5.40 5.38 Uprating
Jan 16.92 4.46 4.42
Table 16. Result of Ploss Using ETAP 12.6 software
Feb 14.64 3.89 3.87
Ploss (kW)
Mar 17.30 4.63 4.61
Month After (ACSR After (ACCC
Apr 15.62 4.05 4.03 Before
Mei 18.02 4.80 4.78 DOVE) LISBON)
Jun 16.38 4.35 4.33 Dec 799.799 59.830 59.673
Jul 16.20 4.37 4.35 Jan 837.843 56.949 56.770
Aug 15.01 4.04 4.02 Feb 648.710 46.332 46.186
Sept 12.97 3.43 3.41 Mar 824.428 57.206 57.031
Apr 755.429 53.965 53.804
Month After (ACSR After (ACCC
Before Based on the results in this study, conclusions can be
Mei 893.867 61.908 61.719 taken as follows:
Jun 760.409 54.965 54.803 1. The condition of the transmission system of the GI
Jul 749.999 49.987 49.827 Bangil – GI Blimbing line at when before the
Aug 652.517 44.413 44.276 uprating is as follows:
Sept 549.476 38.335 38.221 a. Drop voltage high enough to reach 8.63 %.
Okt 793.293 54.295 54.126 b. Real power loss (Ploss) very high reaches
Nov 809.314 54.839 54.665 757.378 kW
Des 774.604 53.361 53.195 2. Technical development of Uprating 70 kV to 150 kV
Average 757.668 52.799 52.638 Line GI Bangil – GI Blimbing are as follows:
a. Tower T.67 and T.140 use type DDR and
In table 16 there is a very difference distant between DDR+6 (Dead End Tower), Tower T.101A and
the conditions of the before and after uprating. When the T.116 using AA+3 type (suspension tower), and
uprating before the highest Ploss value reached 893.867 kW T.129 tower Type CC+6 (tension tower).
in May 2014. At the time after uprating the Ploss value b. The conductor used is ACSR DOVE 327 mm2,
reached 61.908 kW using ACSR DOVE conductor and and the conductor HTLS type of the ACCC
61.719 kW using the ACCC LISBON conductor. The LISBON 355 mm2.
average rate of Ploss when before the uprating was c. The maximum sag of the ACSR DOVE
757.668 kW, at the time after uprating to 150 kV using conductor amounted to 8.303 m and 5.950 m for
ACSR DOVE conductor The average rate of Ploss to the LISBON ACCC conductor in the T.129-
52.799 kW and 52.638 kW using the ACCC LISBON T.129A Tower.
conductor. This means that the Ploss value drops by d. Insulator type used in Tower T.67 and T.140A is
93.03 % when the uprating is using an ASCR DOVE Horizontal String drawn with jumper, in Tower
conductor and down by 93.05 % when using the LISBON T.101A and T.116 selected Isolator type "I"
ACCC conductor. To make it clearer can be seen in the String with the single configuration of the is
following Figure 11 chart. suspension, and in T.129 selected insulator type
Horizontal String with double configuration
drawn with jumper.
e. The shape electrodes is planted upright in the
ground with an electrode rod along 3 m, diameter
15.89 mm with the same depth of 3 m.
3. Analysis of power flow using the ETAP 12.6 software
as before and once uprating to 150 kV as follows:
a. The rate of average drop voltage before uprating
of 16.295 %, when after uprating to 150 kV using
ACSR DOVE conductor to 4.36 % and 4.33 %
when using LISBON ACCC. The drop voltage
value dropped 73.24 % when the uprating with
ASCR DOVE conductors and dropped 73.43 %
Figure 11. Comparison chart of the Ploss results in the before and after using the LISBON ACCC.
uprating b. The average value of power losses (Ploss) before
the uprating of 757.668 kW, when after uprating
In figure 11 shown the Ploss value when before to 150 kV using ACSR DOVE conductor to
uprating and after uprating using ACSR DOVE and 52.799 kW and 52.638 kW using ACCC
ACCC LISBON. When the uprating of a power loss (Ploss) LISBON conductor. Power loss values dropped
value reached 893.867 kW in May 2014. At the time after 93.03 % when the uprating with ASCR DOVE
the uprating of power losses (Ploss) reached 61.908 kW conductor and dropped 93.05 % using the
using ACSR DOVE conductors and 61.719 kW using the LISBON ACCC conductor.
LISBON ACCC conductor. The power loss values on
ACSR DOVE and LISBON ACCC are almost identical, REFERENCES
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