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Chapter - 2

Small Cell Cellular Network

2.1 Small Cell Cellular Network

In this chapter a brief description of small cell cellular networks is included.
“A cellular network is a radio network distributed over land through cells where each
cell includes a fixed location transceiver known as base station. These cells together
provide radio coverage over a larger geographical area. Thus, principal of cellular
systems is to divide a large geographic service area into cells with diameters from 2 to
50 Kms, each of which is allocated a number of radio frequency (RF) channels.
Today’s cellular networks give subscribers advanced features over alternative
solutions, including increased capacity, small battery power usage, a larger
geographical coverage area and reduced interference from other signals. Popular
cellular technologies include the Global System for Mobile (GSM) communication,
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), 3GSM and Code Division Multiple Access
(CDMA). Some of the advantages of cellular systems with small cells are brief
described in following paragraphs.”
2.1.1 Advantages of Cellular Systems with Small Cells:
Higher Capacity: “Implementing Space Division Multiplexing (SDM) allows
frequency reuse. If one transmitter is far away from another i.e. outside the
interference range, it can reuse the same frequencies. As most mobile phone systems
assign frequencies to certain users (or certain hopping patterns), this frequency is
blocked for other users” [WWWT]. But frequencies are a scarce resource and the
number of concurrent users per cell is very limited. Huge cells do not allow for more
users. On the contrary, they are limited to less opossible users per km. This is also the
reason for using very small cells in cities where more people use mobile phones.
Low transmission power: While power aspect is not a big trouble for base stations,
but they are indeed problematic for mobile stations. A receiver far away from a base
station need more transmit power than the current few Watts. But energy is a serious
problem for mobile handled devices.
Local interference: Besides, local interference, the long distances between sender
and receiver results in even more interference problems. With small cells, mobile
stations and base stations operators only have to deal with ‘local’ interference.
Robustness: Cellular systems are decentralized. So, are more robust against the
failure of single components. If one antenna fails, this only influences
communications within a small area.
There are some disadvantages of small cell cellular networks also, and it will be
desirable to mention them also:
2.1.2 Disadvantages of Cellular Systems with Small Cells
Infrastructure needed: Cellular systems need a complex infrastructure to connect
all base stations. This includes many antennas, switches for call forwarding, location
registers to find a mobile station etc, which makes the whole system quite expensive
Handovers increased: The mobile station has to perform a handover whenever
there is a change from one cell to another. Depending on the cell size and the speed of
movement, this can happen quite often.
Frequency planning: To avoid interference between transmitters using the same
frequencies, frequencies have to be distributed carefully. On one hand, interference
should be avoided on other hand only a limited number of frequencies are available.
2.2 Cells
The cellular network uses a number of low-power transmitters called base stations
(BSs) and each BS covers a unit area called a “cell”. A cellular network is a radio
network made up of a number of radio cells (or just cells) each served by at least one
fixed-location transceiver known as a cell site or base station. These cells cover
different land areas to provide radio coverage over a wider area than the area of one
cell, so that a variable number of portable transceivers can be used in any one cell and
moved through more than one cell during transmission. Cell radius can vary from tens
of meters in buildings and hundreds of meters in cities, up to tens of kilometers in
countryside. The shape of cells are never perfect circles or hexagons (as shown in
figure 2.1), but depends on the environment (buildings, mountains, valleys etc.), on
weather conditions, and sometimes even on system load. This typical system
approach is being used by mobile telecommunication system, where a mobile station
within the cell around a base station communicates with this base station and vice
versa. In the rapidly increasing demand of cellular networks, cells are split into small
size cells and are overlapping each other. Than has same advantage and disadvantage
which are mainly;


Service area
large zone BS BS


High power
Low power
(a)Early mobile radio system called base (b)Cellular system: Small

Fig.2.1 Early Mobile Radio System and Cellular System

 User capacity increases.

 Number of handoffs per call increases.
 Complexity in locating the subscriber increases.
 There is lower power consumption in mobile terminal, so it gives
longer talk time and safer operation.
Thus, by reducing size of cells, user capacity of cellular networks can be increased.
With initial development of macrocell, new micro, pico and femto networks have
been developed. Currently, cellular networks consist of four tiers (layers) of cells i.e.
(i) macrocell (ii) microcell, (iii) picocell (iv) femtocell
2.2 Hierarchical Cellular Network
At present, there are different types of cellular networks and the related handoff
procedures are also changing with these cellular structures. Hence, we consider a
hierarchical cellular network (HCN). Hierarchical cellular network consist of four
tiers (layers) of cells (i) macrocell (ii) microcell, (iii) picocell (iv) femtocell. In this
network larger cells are overlaid by the smaller cell and subscribers are divided into
different types of classes (classified by speed) (i) low speed mobile terminal (LSMT)
(ii) high speed mobile terminal (HSMT). Subscribers are assigned to the different
cells (layer or tier). Generally, Macrocells are deployed in rural areas and have good
coverage for vast users whereas, microcells concept has been developed to satisfy the
high traffic demand in the urban regions and smaller cell lead to increase the capacity
in small areas. The most common form of small cells is picocells and femtocells.
Femtocells were initially designed for residential and small business, with short range
and limited number of channels..
For pico and micro-cellular networks, the name 'personal' communication is often
used. Most macro-cellular telephone networks are designed to be carried in Vans and
also too bulky and power consuming is not conveniently portable. With micro and
pico cellular networks, low transmit powers less than 20 mW, can be used. Pico and
femto cellular networks are mostly used for residential areas [WWWT]

The cell radius of these four cellular networks (Fig. 2.2) is:
 Macro-cellular, with cell radius 1- 30km
 Micro-cellular, with cell radius 200 - 2000m
 Pico-cellular, with cell radius 4 - 200m
 Femto-cellular, with cell radius 1-10m





Fig. 2.2 Different Cells

2.2.1 Macrocell
“A macrocell is a cell in a mobile phone network, that provides radio coverage, is
served by a high power cellular base station (tower). Generally, macrocells provide
larger coverage than microcell. The antenna for macrocells are mounted on ground-
based masts, rooftops and other existing structures, at a height that provides a clear
over view of the surrounding buildings and land. Macrocell base stations have power
outputs of typically tens of watts. In rural areas, high base stations are installed to
cover longer distance and macrocell is used to describe the widest range of cell sizes.
These are found in rural areas or along highways. The power of macrocell base
stations is high, in order to maximize the covered distances. This kind of environment,
due to the low number of customers and the high price of powerful base stations, the
operators have always been trying to ensure minimal coverage so that voice calls can
be performed outside. The deployment of such a network is very often done by
combining wireless network planning tools and real measurements.
The disadvantage of a macrocell network is that the network is deployed by only
taking into account the outdoor coverage that is why in many rural areas it is still
necessary to go outside of the building to be able to make a call. In order to optimize
indoor coverage, the option for operators is to add more macrocell. However, such
equipment is expensive, not only in terms of buying cost, but also in terms of
2.2.2 Microcell
By cell splitting, the big cell is subdivided into smaller cells called microcells.
Typically the range of a microcell is less than two kilometers. The microcells are cells
with small radius and employed in highly populated areas such as city buildings and
streets to meet high system capacity. These systems are typically used to provide low
cost mobile phone systems in high density environments such as large cities. The
microcell in mobile phone network is served by low power cellular base stations. A
microcell is usually larger than a picocell, though the distinction is not always clear. A
microcell uses power control to limit the radius of its coverage area. Microcells
increase capacity of the channel, but radio resource management becomes more
difficult. As compared to macrocell, microcells are more sensitive due to short term
variations such as traffic and interference with medium or long term alterations (new
The main disadvantage of a micro cell structure is that the number of handoffs per
cell increases, however, at the same time, the time available to make a handoff,
decreases. Due to the increase in the microcell boundary crossing and expected high-
traffic loads, a higher degree of decentralization of the handoff process becomes
2.2.3 Picocell
“One of the major challenges for the next generation wireless communication system
is to improve the indoor coverage and provide high data rate services to the users in a
cost effective manner as well as to increase the network capacity. Moreover, over the
next few years, billions of devices will be connected to the internet and cloud based
applications using 3G and 4G and LTE mobile wireless networks creating tremendous
demand for mobile wireless capacity and ubiquities coverage” [WP07].
“A picocell is a small cellular base-station. Typically, covering a small area such as
in buildings (shopping malls, train stations, offices, airports etc.) or more recently in
aircrafts. In cellular networks, picocells are typically used to extend network coverage
to indoor areas, where outdoor signals do not reach as well as to add network
capacity in areas with very dense mobile phone uses, such as train stations. Picocells
provide good coverage and capacity in difficult areas as compared to expensive and
more traditional macrocell approach. Picocells are even smaller than microcell. It is
typically used for indoor networks. Because of building’s walls have weaken signal
strength, picocells can be particularly helpful for overcoming such problems.
Picocells are available for most cellular technologies including GMS, CDMA, UMTS
and LTE from manufacturers including IP Access, ZTE, Huawai and Airwalk.
Typically the range of picocell is 200 meters or less” [WP07].
In Wi-Fi, the “user connects to a device called an Access Point (AP), which
integrates an antenna to make the link between the user and the Internet. Basically
picocell is a small base station very similar to an access point. It is usually small
(Likely A4 size paper, and a few centimeters thick), and integrates an antenna that
radiates a low power signal. Indeed, a picocell is a simplified base station, with low
power and lower capacity than microcell or macrocell base stations. It connects to the
Base Station Controller (BSC) or the operator. As with standard base stations, the
BSC manages the transmission of data between the picocell and the network, and
performs the hand-over between the cells and the allocation of the resources to the
different users. Same of the advantages of the picocell” are:
 They are cheaper than standard base stations and the cost of installation is also
 The coverage area of the cells is small compared to outdoor base stations;
because (i) radiated power is low and (ii) number of reflections and diffractions
due to the walls and other obstacles inside the building. Hence, coverage of
network inside the building requires use of several picocells compared to
outdoor cells.
 Allows the operator to have more cells and thus increases the capacity of the
network inside the building. That is why picocells are installed indoors that have
a high density of users [WWWR].
 Operator can have more capacity in the outdoor network by installing a picocell
inside a building as the outdoor cells that are used to cover the building become
available just to outdoor users .
 In many situations, it also gives an opportunity to the operator to reduce the
radiated power of the outdoor cells used to cover the building. That is why
picocells not only increase the capacity inside the building but also increase the
outdoor capacity, and reduce the outdoor interference.
 Picocells, being the small cells can also be used in scenarios where localization
is important. Method of using outdoor cells and triangulation for indoor
localization is not accurate enough due to the reflections from the obstacles.
However, with small cells it can be easily ascertained in which building the user
is in, but by deploying many picocells a more accurate position of the user is
Fig. 2.3 Hierarchical cellular network (Source: GC12)

2.2.4 Femtocell (Small Cell)

The consent of ‘home base station’ was first studied by Bell Labs of Alcatel-Lucent
in 1999 [HLL08]. In 2002, Motorola announced the first 3G-based home base station
product. However, it was not until 2005 that the ‘home base station’ concept started to
gain a wider acceptance. This device was christened as ‘femtocell’ in 2006. In
February 2007 a number of companies demonstrated femtocells at the 3GCM World
Congress (Barcelona), with operators announcing trails. In July 2007, the
FemtoForum [JZ10] was founded to promote femtocell standardization and
deployment worldwide. As of December 2008, the forum includes over 100 telecom
hardware and software vendors, mobile operators, content providers and start-ups. In
2008, Home NodeB (HNB) and Home eNodeB (HeNB) were first introduced in 3rd
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). Large scale femtocell deployment is currently
expected and the current deployment of femtocell in the world is given in Fig. 2.4.
Fig. 2.4 Total 3G femtocell deployment market in 2012 (Source : GC12)
It is likely that the role-out of Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks will include
both outdoor macrocells and indoor femtocells from the early stage of network
deployment. Femtocells are also very promising for enterprise applications.
A femtocell is a small cellular base station designed for use in residential or small
business environments. It is connected to the service provider’s network such as
broadband (DSL or cable) and typically supports 2-4 active mobile phones in a
residential areas, and 8-16 active mobile phones. In the indoor areas, where the
service coverage is limited, a femtocell can be used to extend service coverage. It also
decreases backhaul costs, since it routes mobile phone traffic through the IP network.
A femtocell is sometime referred to as a “home base station” “access point base
station”, and “personal 2G-3G base station.” A femtocell is a small device that is used
to improve wireless coverage over a small area, mostly indoor[DC08]. It is a small
cellular base station, also called a wireless access point that connects to a broadband
internet connection and broadcasts and mobile handsets can handle phone calls
through the femtocell; via the broadband internet connection. Femtocell attracts the
mobile operators by improving both coverage and capacity indoors. These can reduce
both capital expenditure and operating expense. There may also be a opportunity for
new services. Consumers benefit from improved coverage and potentially better voice
quality and battery life. Depending on the carrier, they may also be offered more
attractive traffics, for example discounted calls from home [WWWA]. Many service
providers such as AT&T, Vodafone, Verizon and mobile tele systems and sprint
Nextel have launched femtocell service. The 3 GPP refers to 3G femtocells as Home
Node BS (HNBs).
In brief femtocells are essentially small footprint, low power 3G wireless radio
systems that plug into a residential or business broadband connection to provide a
mobile signal directly to that location (indoor coverage for residential/enterprise
locations). Mobile phone subscribers can use their existing mobile handsets or
broadband air cards to access voice, data, and video needs for a small number of
users. A femtocell can typically service a residential environment with a range of up
to 5,000 feet. The recent development of femtocells provides an opportunity to
operators to address the poor indoor coverage problem[WWWF].

Fig. 2.5 Architecture of Femtocell (Source : WWWF)

With femtocells, all the communications go to the operator’s network through the
Internet, and there is no need for BSC/MSC infrastructure. Typically, femtocells
cover a smaller area and have fewer users and they have to be cheap. There are output
power and capacity between 10 and 20 dBm, between four to six users. Within
femtocell networks, outdoor users connected to the macrocells. If they have handoff
then they are connected to their femtocell. This ensures a smooth communication for
the users and a maximal coverage is obtained inside the home.
The main advantage for the femtocells is expected in 2012 [JZ10]. Femtocell is very
important for the following reasons:
 It can provide indoor coverage for places where macrocells cannot reach.
 A femtocell allow mobile operators to deliver data services at a very low cost
and providing faster data speeds and better user experience inside the home.
 Femtocell represents a more cost-effective solution than do other indoor
solution such as Distributed Antenna System (DAS).
 It can offload traffic from the macrocell layer and improve macrocell capacity.
 Femtocell provides an ideal solution for FMC (Fixed Mobile Convergence).
 Femtocell plays an important role in mobile broadband and ubiquitous
 Femtocells can provide significant power saving to user equipments (UE). The
path loss to indoor femtocell access point (FAP) is much smaller than that of
outdoor macrocell base station and so it is the required transmitting power
from UE to the FAP.
 Higher mobile data capacity; which is important if the user makes use of
mobile data on their mobile phone (may not be relevant to a large number of
subscribers who instead use Wi-Fi where femtocell is located).
 Femtocells will improve service quality, hence it will increase customers
loyalty and can reduce the operators cost.
 Femtocells are low cost solution to increasing indoor coverage and improving
service quality as well as number of users.
Compare and Contrast: Picocell and Femtocell
 Femtocell capacity is generally defined as somewhere between 4 and 32 users,
depending on the applications, whereas a picocell is generally thought to
support 16 to 64 users or more.
 Femtocells are almost always equipped with automatic self configuration
capabilities whereas a picocell could include automatic or manual
configuration capabilities, or even a combination of both.
 Femtocell is installed by customer whereas picocell is normally installed by
 Picocells tend to have a longer range than femtocells, which are designed to
cover a user’s home or small office or office floor or street corner [WWWR].
 Femtocells are self-installed by the user in their home or office, primarily for
their own benefit whereas picocells are normally installed and maintained
directly by the network operator, who would pay for site rental, power and
fixed network connections back their switching centre.
 Compared with picocells and other indoor technologies femtocells are low
cost solution to increasing indoor coverage and improving service quality as
well as number of users.
2.3 Large Area Network
In rural areas, high base stations are installed for larger area network using macro
cells. For covering the maximum distance, the power of the macro cell base station
should be high. This kind of environment has low number of customers and the price
of this powerful base station is very high. So that, operators always wants to try
minimal coverage of cell area.
In contrast, in urban areas, the need is to covers some smaller areas for a good
service. Increasing the capacity of a cellular network to cover small areas is to add
more cells of low coverage i.e. corporate offices, large shopping malls etc.
Rural and urban environment is covered by outdoor networks. Macrocells and
microcells have developed in these environments and cover the outdoor network.
2.4 Small area network
Small cells, catagorised as femtocells and picocells, are the low power wireless
access point that operates in licensed and unlicensed spectrum. The use of small cell
architecture in mobile networks is still in its infancy. Over the past 2-3 years, the
demand of small cell is increasing rapidly as traffic is not coming down and the
demand curve is getting far up. It has found that 60%-70% of mobile data is being
consumed in home or enterprises [FWII].A common feature in this approach, of using
small cells, is that they are centrally managed by mobile network operators. One of
the other main causes of increased demand of small cells is that not much capital
investment is needed for this network than that for a macrocell. Recently, small cells
provide services in urban and rural locations which have range from 10 meters within
urban and in-building locations up to 2 km for a rural area. Small cells are available
for a wide range of air interfaces including GSM, CDMA2000, W-CDMA, LTE and
Indoor network
In the past, indoor coverage was only provided by an outdoor approach.
Unfortunately, this approach is expensive for operators because they have to install
more sites, which dramatically increase the maintenance costs and also this solution
creates more problems as more cells will overlap each other and create interference. If
indoor radio coverage improves by adding out cell, it is not optimal because it does
not directly optimize indoor coverage and hence, such a method is not optimal.
Different approaches have been proposed in order to increase the indoor signal
directly. For example – distributed Antenna System (DAS), Different Antennas are
distributed inside the building to create a homogenous coverage and the radiating
cable replaced the antenna (JZGDIO) but these techniques could not become success.
Recently, the latest solution is the installation of small indoor base stations like
picocell and femtocell.
The main purpose of small cell network is to provide good service, which is require
high data services. So it is not necessary providing indoor coverage in outdoor
approach. In the past, with the deployment of GSM system, network coverage was
provided by base stations using macrocells which was few kilometers in rural areas.
However, in urban areas the small cell network is preferred. Thus operators want to
increase indoor coverage with new base stations.
Manufacturers like, Alcatel – Lucent, Vodafone, Telefonica Spain, du in UAE,
Etisalat in UAE and Chunghwa Telecom in Taiwan, have received notable acceptance
for its small cell solutions and also operators are using the trials to evaluate how small
cell addresses three of its business challenges: filling in coverage gaps, increasing
capacity with growing mobile data traffic and decreasing service cost effectively. The
experiments have established that small cells can save an operator up to 53% in
capital expenses and up to 10% in operating expenses on traffic and loading
projection. In this work, our concentrations is only two low layers of an HCN i.e.
picocell and femtocell.

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