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Module: 4
Week: 7 (4 hours)
Lesson: Communicative Competence Strategies in Various Speech Situations
Content Standard: The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires
understanding of speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative

Performance Standard: The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in

a variety of speech situations
Learning Competencies:
(1) The learner identifies the various types of speech context. (EN11/12OC-Ifj-15)
(2) The learner exhibits appropriate verbal and non- verbal behavior in a given speech context.

Suggested Initial Task Final Task

The learner identifies the various types of speech context. (EN11/12OC-Ifj-15)
The learner exhibits appropriate verbal and non- verbal behavior in a given speech context. (EN11/12OC-Ifj-16).
Express your present observations and feelings Think of the past decision that you have confronted. If
about yourself. Organize your ideas using the given a chance, would you change that decision? Yes
graphic organizer below. Write a statement that or No? Why
summarizes what you learned about yourself.
How I see Myself Task 1.2. MINI-PROJECT”

1. Form a group with 5-6 members.

2. Create a 3-minute tourism
commercial then plan.
3. Present a tourism commercial about
the place you visited in the
How others see me imaginary trip activity or any place
that you actually visited.
4. Mention the things that make the
tourist spot a dream destination.
Remember, this activity will help
you practice making statement s
about a vacation site and responding
how people see this place
How I wish I were When writing script for the commercial, answer
the following questions:
1. Why do tourists visit this place?
2. What do many visitors like to do here?
3. What would be best for a day trip?
4. What should one do for a good night out?
5. Where can visitors get the best food?
6. Where can visitors buy their souvenirs?
7. What outdoor activities are famous?
8. What is amazing about the weather?
9. What is the best thing to do here during
10. What do tourist say about these vacation

Tip: Watch the suggested videos in the E-link section. They

could help you improve your tourism commercial.

Rubrics for Rating

Criteria E 3 E 1
5 2

The tourism
commercial is
creative, effectively
written and
presented well.

The tourism
commercial clearly
explains the reasons
why tourists should
visit the place.

The tourism
commercial makes
good use of visual
aids or props.

The tourism
commercial is
presented within the
allotted time.
VGE - to a very great extent; GE - to a great extent; SE
– to some extent; LE - to a little extent; N - not at all


Read the dialogues and answer the

comprehension questions that follow (p. 55. Oral
Comm. in Focus. Dapat, J, et. al., 2016)

Eva : Check out the sky

Paula : What about it?
Eva : Don’t ask me, just look at it
Paula : I don’t see anything. It is just
plain normal sky
Eva : Of course not. The stars seem
brighter and the moon looks
bigger tonight.
Paula : You are weird. It appears normal
to me.
Eva : Why can’t you appreciate nature?
Paula : Of course I can. It is just that I do
not see anything extraordinary
about it.
Eva : Whatever!
Paula : Why are you pissed?
Eva : I am not (walks away)

Guide Questions

1. What is the main topic of the conversation?

2. In what part of the dialogue did the conflict
3. Before Eva walked out, do you think she
was really pissed?
4. If yes, do you think she has the right to be
pissed? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Task 1.3. “Imaginary Trip”

*Refer to LM .53

Pretend to plan a trip.

1. In your groups, think that you’re the

members of the class field trip committee.
2. You will be assigned to role play the
following scenes:

Scene 1: While anything in the canteen, you go over

the brochures of the tourist spots for the
field trip. You talk about the various
information of the location.
Scene 2: You decide on the final itinerary of the
field trip and discuss the details such as
transportation, accommodation, meals,
and itinerary.
Scene 3: You are tasked to present the final
itinerary to the students and parents
during the quarterly parents meeting.
Scene 4: Upon arrival at your destination, you
talk to the hotel concierge about your
reservation. You inquire about
breakfast schedule, hotel keys, extra
beddings, and room service.
Scene 5: You asked a police officer and a street
vendor (“on two different instances”)
for directions to the beach because the
class is lost somewhere in town.
Scene 6: The class needs to eat in the nearest fast
food restaurant. After taking all the
orders from your classmates, you go to
the counter to place the orders.
However, some of the orders are not
available so you asked for alternate
combos from the fast food screw, and
you make decisions for the rest of the
Scene 7: You have a free half-day before your
trip back home, so you decide on what
to do as members of the field trip
committee. Your ideas and suggestions
clash, but ultimately, everything is
cleared out and you present the final
plan to your classmate.

Other Task 1.4 “INTERVIEW”

Activities Conduct an interview to the community
workers/professionals. Ask him/her about their
humble beginnings and how they reach their goal.
Present your answers in the worksheet.
Description Effects of Interpersonal Remarks
of the Communication
(Your experience during the

Name Learning

Summative Test
*Refer to LM p.53

I. Identify if it falls under intrapersonal or interpersonal communication. Write INTRA or INTER before the
1. “Am I the cheater?”
2. “Lend me your ears, I am a man with honors”
3. “I know I can do it!”
4. “Miss Hermosa sent my mother a letter to come for the parents-teachers
5. “Let us make things right. Just say sorry, Okay.”

II. Identify the type of communicative strategy in each statement.

1. “Do you have anything to say?”

2. “One of the essential lessons I gained from the discussion is the importance of
sports and wellness to a healthy lifestyle.”
3. “Excuse me? I think we should speak one at a time, so we can clearly
understand what we want to say about the issue?”
4. “Go on with your ideas. I let you finish before I say something”
5. “Have you heard the news about the latest achievement of our government?”

6. “Hey, How are you? I missed you.”

7. “Best regards to your parents! See you around!”
8. “Good to see you. Anyway, I can to visit you because I want to personally offer
apologies for what I did yesterday.”
9. “Sorry, I can’t decide on that now. I’m still focused on my writing assignment.
Let’s talk next time, okay?”
________________ 10. “Now, it’s your turn to ask questions.

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