Talha's Internship Report (Mass Comm)

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1 Dunya News (Election Cell)

Internship Report
An Internship Report Submitted in Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Course of



[BA Hons.Mass Communication]


M.Talha Fayyaz
Supervised by

Maam Rachel Hassan

Head of Department

Department of Mass Communication

Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore

2 Dunya News (Election Cell)

Internship is an essential part of BA Mass Communication degree program. Internship provides
complete knowledge of the areas we passed through our course work. It makes us aware of the
practical and technical requirements in the field. I am grateful to ALLAH ALMIGHTY whose
blessings have always been sources of encouragement and success for me and who gave me the ability
to complete this task. I would like to thank Mr.Habib Akram Head of Election Cell and Executive Editor of
Dunya News and all the concerning staff for their great support and guidance throughout my internship. And all the
other persons for their absolute support, co-operation and encouragement that they extended to me from the very first

I would like to acknowledge the support of my parents as I could not be able to achieve such a level of experience
without their oral and logistic support.
3 Dunya News (Election Cell)

Table of Contents
Introduction: ..............................................................................................................................................4
Organizational Structure of Dunya News: ................................................................................................5
Slogan: ......................................................................................................................................................5
Mission statement of Dunya News: ..........................................................................................................6
Policy: .......................................................................................................................................................6
Objectives of Internship: ...........................................................................................................................6
Reason for selecting the Organization: .....................................................................................................6
Functions performed by Departments of Dunya News: ...........................................................................7
News Production: ......................................................................................................................................7
HR department: .........................................................................................................................................7
Accounts department: ...............................................................................................................................8
Programming Department:.......................................................................................................................8
Marketing department: ..............................................................................................................................8
NLE Department: ......................................................................................................................................8
Archive department:..................................................................................................................................8
Creative department: .................................................................................................................................8
Transmission: ............................................................................................................................................9
Functions of a News Department:.............................................................................................................9
Structure of a News Department: ..............................................................................................................9
Work I had done During My Internship: ..................................................................................................9
Pre-Elections Work & Tasks: .................................................................................................................10
On The Day of Elections: .......................................................................................................................10
Post-Elections Task:................................................................................................................................11
Conclusion: .............................................................................................................................................11
Bibliography: ..........................................................................................................................................11
http://dunyanews.tv/election2018/ ...................................................................................................11
http://video.dunyanews.tv/index.php/en/pv/Election-Karvan/14119#.W478_-6FNdg ...................11
4 Dunya News (Election Cell)

Dunya news is one of the new leading news channel which was launched on
December 1, 2008. Dunya news is a 24 hours Urdu language news and current affairs television
channel from Pakistan. It is governed and operated by the National Communication Services (SMC)
Pvt. Ltd. Its head office is situated at Lahore, Pakistan. Dunya News was founded and is owned by
Pakistani businessman and politician Mian Amer Mahmood. Dunya news spread the news from all
over the world and is telecasted nationally and internationally. Dunya news is having offices in major
capital cities worldwide and nine live bureaus around Pakistan at Islamabad, Karachi, Multan,
Peshawar, Quetta, Muzaffarabad and Network is headquartered in Lahore. It has four separate studios
for News, Current Affairs and Infotainment. The channel possesses the energy to capture the
ebullience of contemporary spirit by bringing you perspectives, news and views. The exceptional
combination of unequaled technology and skilled personnel make Dunya News a league of its own. Its
diversified team has been provided specialized training in anchoring, news production, news reporting,
camera operation, news editing, graphics, programming, virtual sets and creative execution.

It is broadcasting objective news and current affairs programs for its viewers. During 24 hours “News
Hour” goes on-air nine times a day and Headlines after every half an hour. Current Affairs of Dunya
News is presenting as Dunya Kamran Khan Kay Sath, On The Front by Kamran shahid, Cross Fire by
Mehar Bukhari, There are also some Entertainment Programs like Hasb e Haal and Mazaaq Raat.

Dedicated News team of Dunya has lifted this organization to high ranking in a short span of time.
5 Dunya News (Election Cell)

Organizational Structure of Dunya News:

Chief Executive Officer

Managing Director

Executive Director News Director Current Affairs

Controller Input Bureau Chief Controller Output

Assignment Editor

Cameraman Reporter Copy Editor

“Khabar ki Duniya”
6 Dunya News (Election Cell)

Mission statement of Dunya News:

The stated mission of the Dunya News is to inform, educate and
entertain and the main area in which organization deal is the news events, incidents, social issues and also
to raise money through commercial activities such as sale of merchandise and programming.

Policy of Dunya News is proactive, neutral and balanced. Dunya News is presenting quality
journalism in country. It is creating awareness in masses. Programs of Dunya News reflect
modernization. It is introducing innovations and setting many new trends in society. Dunya News is
playing vital role for the establishment of healthy society. Its program and news presentation style is
innovative. News story cannot go on-air without confirmation, so its policy is against sensationalism.
It has become popular in just few months after its establishment, among its viewers only because of its
quality and mature journalism. Dunya News is not only covering national and international events but
also highlighting the local issues of society. That’s why it has become prominent media outlet of
country at gross root level.

Objectives of Internship:
I had following objectives during my internship at Dunya News TV.

 To gain the experience in professional environment.

 To understand the working environment of an electronic media news channel.
 To experience all the essentials of electronic media.

Reason for selecting the Organization:

As compared to other private channels Dunya News
provides full opportunity to its internees to learn in a professional environment. Dunya news is fully
digitalized with the state of art automation system that controls digitizing, production, post production,
transmission and archiving.
7 Dunya News (Election Cell)

Functions performed by Departments of Dunya News:

 News production
 HR department
 Accounts department
 Programmingdepartment
 Marketing department
 Archive department
 Creative department
 Transmission
 Technical
 IT
 Camera department
 Makeup department
 Administration
 Copy editing

News Production:
The most important department of any news channel is news department. The News
Department is lead by the Director News. The News Department of Dunya News is quite good as compared to other
news channel.

HR department:
Human resources is exactly it says resources for humans within the workplace. Its main objective
is to meet the organizational needs of the company it represents and the needs of the people hired by that company. In
short, it is the hub of the organization serving as a liaison between all concerned. Depending on the size of the company,
the hr department might be called personnel with a manageable workforce that can be handled by a personnel manager
and a small staff. For larger, more complex organizations with hundreds of department’s and divisions, the task is much
more demanding, taking on a life of its own.
8 Dunya News (Election Cell)

Accounts department:
Dunya news is service organization that’s why there all working is related
with petty expenses.

 Bank receipt
 Bank payment
 Cash receipt
 Cash payment

Programming Department:
Programming department is involved in designing and executing different kinds
of current affairs, entertainment and infotainment programs. Consisting of Producers, Directors, Script Writers and
Program Anchors. This department is responsible for catering the more than half of the on-air time of Dunya News.

Marketing department:
Marketing department is the back-bone of any company. Marketing is here in media is
also one of the most important departments. Their job description involves looking for advertisement clients (local,
or national) and selling on-air time as an only commodity.

NLE Department:
NLE stands for non-linear editing. Programming and news reporters bring raw footage to
NLE’s and they edit and rearrange the footage. So that the raw footage could be excluded and only the best is

Archive department:
An organized collection of the noncurrent records of Dunya news is preserved in archive
department. Managed and maintained by an archivist. These people are responsible for collecting the footage
that was on-air and saving it in their digitally designed archive system. So that it can be used as a
reference or wherever is needed.

Creative department:
As its name suggests creative department is responsible for designing
graphics animations and different sets for the shows. Creative department is involved in the process of product
development which means the process of development of any idea (program promo or channel id).
9 Dunya News (Election Cell)

This department decides the advertisement to content(news or programs) ratio they run a specially
designed room called MCR(master control room) where they receive the output of all the studios in a television channel
and on one side they have lined up different adds and the MCR in charge decides what time what content or add will go

Functions of a News Department:

In a News department, a news director usually sits atop the
organizational structure. He manages the day-to-day operations of the newsroom and is responsible for
hiring decisions. Next in line is the assistant news director, who is tasked with managing other daily
operations of the newsroom including all on-air graphics and story selection. Then comes the
executive producer who oversees a team of line producers. Line producers are responsible for piecing
together each newscast and deciding which stories make it to air. On-air talent such as anchors and
reporters fall under producers in the hierarchy.While crew members such as cameramen fall just below

Structure of a News Department:

News Director

Executive Producer

Assignment Editor




Work I had done During My Internship:

I had done two months internship in the election cell of
Dunya News. The Election Cell was directly linked with the news room. The election cell of Dunya News was Lead by
the Executive Editor and a Senior Journalist Habib Akram. During my internship I performed many duties which added
lot to my learning and experience. All the tasks that I executed gave me a sense of responsibility. Sometimes there was
10 Dunya News (Election Cell)

too much responsibility on me. There was excess of work and work load was divided by assigning tasks to several
people. I learned each and every task and made an active participation in the organization. The Role of the Election Cell
is to Cover the General Elections of Pakistan 2018. Also to broadcast the authentic, free and fare news and the results of
the Elections. Several Tasks were assigned to several internees. There are three stages during the internship which I
worked and also during which the tasks were assigned to me and I had completed them efficiently. The three stages of
working are:

 Pre Elections

 On the Day of Elections

 Post Elections

Pre-Elections Work & Tasks:

Before going to dunya news I have no idea about the experience
of working in a news channel. In the Election cell of dunya news I had gain a lot of experience and got
to learn so many things. Before the Elections there were so many tasks that have to be done. We were
a team of around 70 people. All the four provinces of Pakistan were divided among the 70 people. The
Province which I got was the Baluchistan.The first task that was assigned to me was of Data Entry that
is to first gather and the Enter the Data of All the Candidates that are going to be contesting in the
General Elections of Pakistan 2018. The Next step is to upload the data and profile of all the
candidates from Baluchistan contesting on national and provincial assembly seats on the Dunya News
Website through a specific software designed by the IT department of the Dunya News.Another task
was assigned to me which was related to the research. The task was to compare and analyze that which
political party or the candidate was strong enough and also to analyze which two candidates have the
tough competition based on the previous profile of the political party or to get in contact with the
concern OSR(Outsource Reporter).The last task was the predictions. To predict which party will be
going to win and which will be losing based on the research that I had done earlier.

On The Day of Elections:

On the day of Election we had a great responsibility as we have to
broadcast the authentic and accurate results of the General Elections 2018. As Earlier as possible also
before the other news channels. The Areas assigned to me were KALAT, PANJGUR,NOSHKI,
SHAHEED SIKANDARABAD, CHAGAI. I had to upload the results of these areas of Baluchistan. I
was connected with all the assigned OSR’s of these areas. As they keep giving me the results, I keep
updating the results in the software which was directly connected with the screens in the newsroom
and that was being telecast live. All the results we entered were broadcasting live instantly on the
11 Dunya News (Election Cell)

Post-Elections Task:
The post elections work was quite easier. I just had to compare our results
with the official results announced by the Election Commission of Pakistan. Usually most of the
results were same. Only few were changed with a minor difference. After accurating all these I had
uploaded all the accurate results of the General Elections of Pakistan 2018 of the National and
Provincial Assemblies of the Baluchistan on the Website of Dunya News. Following is the Link of the


Dunya News is a well reputed news organization. The organizational structure of Dunya
News is well brought up. This internship has given me a chance to explore the real professional way of
working in a channel. The staff was very helpful and friendly which made the working environment
adaptive and pleasant. I took a deep interest in observing how employees in dunya news work together
to overcome challenging situations. I learned a lot which will prove to be a guideline in coming life. In
my concluding note I would like to Thank those people who always encouraged me during my


 http://dunyanews.tv/election2018/

 http://video.dunyanews.tv/index.php/en/pv/Election-Karvan/14119#.W478_-
12 Dunya News (Election Cell)

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