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Chapter 5 5. If 30.

0 L of oxygen are cooled from 200ºC to 1°C at

constant pressure, what is the new volume of oxygen?

1. The pressure of a gas sample was measured to be a. 0.150 L

654 mmHg. What is the pressure in kPa? (1 atm =
1.01325 × 105 Pa)
b. 17.4 L

2. Which of these properties is/are characteristic(s) of c. 23.0 L

d. 51.8 L
a. High compressibility
e. 6.00 × 103 L
b. Relatively large distances between molecules 6. What is V in the table below?
c. Formation of homogeneous mixtures regardless initial: 1,420 torr 75 mL 200. K
of the nature of gases final: 760 torr V 360. K
7. What is P in the table below?
d. A and B. P V
initial: 14 atm 1.0 L
e. A, B, and C. final: P 50. L
3. A sample of a gas occupies 1.40 × 10 mL at 25°C
and 760 mmHg. What volume will it occupy at the 8. What is T in the table below?
same temperature and 380 mmHg? V T
initial: 91.8 mL 365 K
a. 2,800 mL final: 45.8 mL T

b. 2,100 mL
9. What is P in the table below?
c. 1,400 mL
initial: 91.8 mL 1 atm
final: 45.8 mL P
d. 1,050 mL

e. 700 mL 10. Give five examples of elements that occur as gases

at room temperature and pressure?
4. A sample of nitrogen gas has a volume of 32.4 L at
20°C. The gas is heated to 220ºC at constant pressure.
What is the final volume of nitrogen? 11. Give five examples of compounds that exist as
gases at room temperature and pressure.

a. 2.94 L
12. At constant pressure, the density of a gas depends
on temperature. Does the density increase or decrease
b. 19.3 L as the temperature increases?

13. In a weather forecast on a Seattle radio station the

c. 31.4 L
barometric pressure was reported to be 29.4 inches.
What is this pressure in SI units? (1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1
d. 54.5 L atm = 760 mmHg)

e. 356 L
14. At STP, 1 mole of gas has a molar volume of 22.4
L. What is the density of oxygen at STP? sample of water vapor occupies a volume of 2.80 L.
How many moles of water vapor are present?

15. A sample of N2 gas occupies 2.40 L at 20°C. If the

gas is in a container that can contract or expand at 21. The gas pressure in an aerosol can is 1.8 atm at
constant pressure, at what temperature will the N2 25°C. If the gas is an ideal gas, what pressure would
occupy 4.80 L? develop in the can if it were heated to 475°C?

a. 10°C a. 0.095 atm

b. 40°C b. 0.717 atm

c. 146°C c. 3.26 atm

d. 313°C d. 4.52 atm

e. 685°C e. 34.2 atm

16. Ammonium nitrite undergoes decomposition to
produce only gases as shown below. 22. If the pressure of a gas sample is quadrupled and
NH4NO2(s) → N2(g) + 2H2O(g) the absolute temperature is doubled, by what factor
How many liters of gas will be produced by the does the volume of the sample change?
decomposition of 32.0 g of NH4NO2 at 525°C and 1.5
a. 8

17. In an effort to address concerns about global

warming, a power plant in Portland Oregon is designed b. 2
to take all of its exhaust gases from its boilers and
recycle the CO2 using the Solvay process to make
sodium hydrogen carbonate. The reaction is shown c. 1/2
NH3(g) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) + NaCl(aq) → NaHCO3(aq) +
d. 1/4
How many liters each of NH3 and CO2 (both at STP)
would be consumed to produce 3.00 kg of sodium e. 1/8

23. If the pressure on a gas sample is tripled and the

absolute temperature is quadrupled, by what factor will
18. Baking powder is made up of sodium hydrogen the volume of the sample change?
carbonate and calcium hydrogen phosphate. When
baking powder is wet, these components react to
produce carbon dioxide. The equation for this reaction a. 12
is given below.
NaHCO3(aq) + CaHPO4(aq) → NaCaPO4(aq) + CO2(g) +
H2O(l) b. 4/3
Assuming all of the carbon dioxide was released as a
gas, how many liters of CO2(g) would be formed at
c. 3/4
room temperature from 4.00 g of NaHCO3 and excess
d. 1/3

19. Many automobiles produce about 5 grams of NO

e. 4
for each mile they are driven. How many liters of NO
gas at STP would be produced on a 100-mile trip?
24. A small bubble rises from the bottom of a lake,
where the temperature and pressure are 4°C and 3.0
20. At standard temperature and pressure, a given
atm, to the water's surface, where the temperature is
25°C and the pressure is 0.95 atm. Calculate the final b. 0.0231 mol
volume of the bubble if its initial volume was 2.1 mL.
c. 1.03 mol

25. The temperature of an ideal gas in a 5.00 L

container originally at 1 atm pressure and 25°C is d. 43.4 mol
lowered to 220 K. Calculate the new pressure of the
e. 582 mol

30. Calculate the volume occupied by 35.2 g of

26. 0.820 mole of hydrogen gas has a volume of 2.00
methane gas (CH4) at 25°C and 1.0 atm. R = 0.08206
L at a certain temperature and pressure. What is the
volume of 0.125 mol of this gas at the same
temperature and pressure?
a. 0.0186 L

27. At what temperature will a fixed amount of gas

b. 4.5 L
with a volume of 175 L at 15°C and 760 mmHg occupy
a volume of 198 L at a pressure of 640 mm Hg?
c. 11.2 L
a. 274°C
d. 49.2 L
b. 214°C
e. 53.7 L
c. 114°C
31. Calculate the volume occupied by 25.2 g of CO2 at
0.84 atm and 25°C. R = 0.08206 L⋅atm/K⋅mol.
d. 1°C

a. 0.060 L
e. –59°C

b. 1.34 L
28. At what temperature will a fixed mass of gas with
a volume of 125 L at 15°C and 750 mmHg occupy a
volume of 101 L at a pressure of 645 mm Hg? c. 16.9 L

a. –73°C d. 24.2 L

b. 10.4°C e. 734 L
32. Calculate the mass, in grams, of 2.74 L of CO gas
c. 2°C measured at 33°C and 945 mmHg.

d. 34°C
33. A 1.2 L flask contains 0.500 mole of ammonia
(NH3) at 150°C. Calculate the pressure of the ammonia
e. 200°C inside the flask.

a. 6.91 × 10–2 atm

29. Calculate the number of moles of gas contained in
a 10.0 L tank at 22°C and 105 atm. (R = 0.08206
L⋅atm/K⋅mol) b. 5.13 atm

a. 1.71 × 10–3 mol c. 12.2 atm

d. 14.5 atm
a. 27.2 g/L

e. 22.4 atm
b. 5.83 g/L
34. Gases are sold in large cylinders for laboratory
use. What pressure, in atmospheres, will be exerted by c. 769 g/L
2,500 g of oxygen gas (O2) when stored at 22°C in a
40.0 L cylinder?
d. 22.4 g/L

a. 3.55 atm
e. 3.45 g/L

b. 1,510 atm
38. Calculate the density, in g/L, of SF6 gas at 27°C
and 0.500 atm pressure.
c. 47.3 atm

a. 3.38 × 10–3 g/L

d. 7.56 × 10 atm

b. 2.96 g/L
e. 10.2 atm

c. 22.4 g/L
35. Calculate the density, in g/L, of CO2 gas at 27°C
and 0.50 atm pressure.
d. 32.9 g/L

a. 0.89 g/L
e. 3.38 kg/L

b. 1.12 g/L
39. Calculate the density, in g/L, of chlorine (Cl2) gas
at STP.
c. 9.93 g/L

d. 46.0 g/L 40. Calculate the density of Ar(g) at –11°C and 675

e. 2.17 kg/L
a. 1.52 g/L

36. Calculate the density of CO2(g) at 100°C and 10.0

atm pressure. b. 1.65 g/L

a. 1.44 g/L c. –39.3 g/L

b. 134 g/L d. 39.95 g/L

c. 44.0 g/L e. 1254 g/L

d. 53.6 g/L
41. Which of these gases will have the greatest density
at the same specified temperature and pressure?
e. 14.4 g/L
a. H2

37. Calculate the density of Br2(g) at 59.0°C and 1.00

atm pressure. b. CClF3
c. CO2 e. 384 g/mol

d. C2H6 45. 1.018 g of Freon-113 gas is trapped in a 145 mL

container at 760. mmHg and 50.0°C. What is the
molar mass of Freon-113?
e. CF4

a. 21.7 g/mol
42. Determine the molar mass of chloroform gas if a
sample weighing 0.389 g is collected in a flask with a
volume of 102 cm3 at 97°C. The pressure of the b. 28.8 g/mol
chloroform is 728 mmHg.

c. 46.1 g/mol
a. 187 g/mol

d. 186 g/mol
b. 121 g/mol

e. 245 g/mol
c. 112 g/mol
46. A 1.07 g sample of a Noble gas occupies a volume
of 363 mL at 35°C and 678 mmHg. Identify the Noble
d. 31.6 g/mol gas in this sample? (R = 0.08206 L⋅atm/K⋅mol)

a. He
e. 8.28 × 10 g/mol
b. Ne

43. What is the molar mass of Freon-11 gas if its

density is 6.13 g/L at STP? c. Ar

a. 0.274 g/mol d. Kr

b. 3.64 g/mol e. Xe

47. A mixture of three gases has a total pressure of

c. 78.2 g/mol
1,380 mmHg at 298 K. The mixture is analyzed and is
found to contain 1.27 mol CO2, 3.04 mol CO, and 1.50
d. 137 g/mol mol Ar. What is the partial pressure of Ar?

e. 365 g/mol a. 0.258 atm

44. Determine the molar mass of Freon-11 gas if a b. 301 mmHg

sample weighing 0.597 g occupies 100. cm3 at 95°C,
and 1,000. mmHg.
c. 356 mmHg

a. 0.19 g/mol
d. 5,345 mmHg

b. 35.3 g/mol
e. 8,020 mmHg

c. 70.9 g/mol
48. A sample of hydrogen gas was collected over
water at 21°C and 685 mmHg. The volume of the
d. 137 g/mol container was 7.80 L. Calculate the mass of H2(g)
collected. (Vapor pressure of water = 18.6 mmHg at
a. 5.36 × 10-3 L

a. 0.283 g
b. 0.138 L

b. 0.572 g
c. 0.282 L

c. 0.589 g
d. 3.09 L

d. 7.14 g
e. 3.55 L

e. 435 g
52. How many liters of oxygen gas at 153°C and 0.820
atm can be produced by the decomposition of 22.4 g of
49. What volume of oxygen gas at 320 K and 680 torr solid KClO3? (The other decomposition product is solid
will react completely with 2.50 L of NO gas at the same potassium chloride.)
temperature and pressure?
2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g)
a. 3.0 L

a. 1.25 L
b. 0.085 L

b. 2.50 L
c. 4.20 L

c. 3.00 L
d. 7.79 L

d. 1.00 L
e. 11.7 L

e. 5.00 L
53. When active metals such as magnesium are
immersed in acid solution, hydrogen gas is evolved.
50. What volume of CO2 gas at 645 torr and 800 K Calculate the volume of H2(g) at 30.1°C and 0.85 atm
could be produced by the reaction of 45 g of CaCO3 that can be formed when 275 mL of 0.725 M HCl
according to the equation? solution reacts with excess Mg to give hydrogen gas
CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g) and aqueous magnesium chloride.

a. 0.449 L a. 3.4 × 10-3 L

b. 2.2 L
b. 22.4 L
c. 2.9 L

c. 25.0 L d. 5.8 L

e. 11.7 L
d. 34.8 L
54. Calculate the volume of H2(g) at 273 K and 2.00
e. 45.7 mL atm that will be formed when 275 mL of 0.725 M HCl
solution reacts with excess Mg to give hydrogen gas
and aqueous magnesium chloride.
51. How many liters of chlorine gas at 25°C and 0.950
atm can be produced by the reaction of 12.0 g of MnO2 a. 0.56 L
with excess HCl(aq) according to the following
chemical equation?
MnO2(s) + 4HCl(aq) → MnCl2(aq) + 2H2O(l) + Cl2(g) b. 1.12 L
c. 2.23 L d. Molecules of a gas undergo many collisions with
each other and the container walls.

d. 4.47 L
e. Molecules of greater mass have a lower average
speed than those of less mass at the same
e. 3.54 L temperature.

55. What mass of KClO3 must be decomposed to 58. The molecules of different samples of an ideal gas
produce 126 L of oxygen gas at 133°C and 0.880 atm? have the same average kinetic energies, at the same
(The other reaction product is solid KCl.)

a. pressure.
a. 24.6 g

b. temperature.
b. 70.8 g

c. volume.
c. 272 g

d. density.
d. 408 g

59. If equal masses of O2(g) and HBr(g) are in

e. 612 g separate containers of equal volume and temperature,
which one of these statements is true?
56. Liquid nitrogen has a density of 0.807 g/mL at –
195.8 °C. If 1.00 L of N2(l) is allowed to warm to 25°C a. The pressure in the O2 container is greater than
at a pressure of 1.0 atm, what volume will the gas that in the HBr container.
occupy? (R = 0.08206 L⋅atm/K⋅mol)

b. There are more HBr molecules than O2

a. 59.1 L molecules.

b. 182 L c. The average velocity of the O2 molecules is less

than that of the HBr molecules.
c. 705 L
d. The average kinetic energy of HBr molecules is
3 greater than that of O2 molecules.
d. 1.41 × 10 L

e. The pressures of both gases are the same.

e. 1.97 × 104 L

57. Which statement is false? 60. Which gas has molecules with the greatest
average molecular speed at 25°C?

a. The average kinetic energies of molecules from

samples of different "ideal" gases is the same at the a. CH4
same temperature.
b. Kr
b. The molecules of an ideal gas are relatively far
c. N2

c. All molecules of an ideal gas have the same

kinetic energy at constant temperature. d. CO2

e. Ar
66. How many grams of N2O, nitrous oxide, are
contained in 500. mL of the gas at STP?
61. Which of these gas molecules have the highest
average kinetic energy at 25°C?

67. Calculate the density of N2O gas, in grams per

a. H2 liter, at 110°C and 12 atm.

b. O2
68. Calculate the molar mass of a gaseous substance if
0.125 g of the gas occupies 93.3 mL at STP.
c. N2

d. Cl2 69. An aerosol can with a volume of 0.50 L has a

bursting point of 2.6 atm. If the can contains 1.0 g CO2
and is heated to 400°C, will it burst?
e. All the gases have the same average kinetic

70. The van der Waals equation is a modification of

62. Deviations from the ideal gas law are greater at the ideal gas equation. For what two facts does this
equation account?
a. low temperatures and low pressures.

71. On a spring morning (20°C) you fill your tires to a

b. low temperatures and high pressures. pressure of 2.25 atmospheres. As you ride along, the
tire heats up to 45°C from the friction on the road.
What is the pressure in your tires now?
c. high temperatures and high pressures.

72. A gas-filled balloon with a volume of 12.5 L at 0.90

d. high temperatures and low pressures. atm and 21°C is allowed to rise to the stratosphere
where the temperature is –5°C and the pressure is 1.0
63. For a substance that remains a gas under the millibar. What is the final volume of the balloon? 1.000
conditions listed, deviation from the ideal gas law atm = 1.013 bar.
would be most pronounced at

73. What volume of H2 is formed at STP when 6.0 g of

a. 100°C and 2.0 atm. Al is treated with excess NaOH?
2NaOH + 2Al + 6H2O → 2NaAl(OH)4 + 3H2(g)
b. 0°C and 2.0 atm.
74. A convenient way to produce very high purity
oxygen in the laboratory is to decompose KMnO4(s) at
c. –100°C and 2.0 atm. high temperature according to the following chemical
d. –100°C and 4.0 atm. 2KMnO4(s) → K2MnO4(s) + MnO2(s) + O2(g)
If 2.50 L of O2(g) is needed at 1.00 atm and 20°C,
what mass of KMnO4(s) should be decomposed?
e. 100°C and 4.0 atm. Assume the decomposition of KMnO4(s) goes to

64. What is standard temperature and standard


65. What is the significance of the magnitude of the

van der Waals “a” constant?

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