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Credit Administration Manager


Our client is a leading development finance company that focusses exclusively on investing in
emerging businesses. The client manages several funds and programs on behalf of international
development finance institutions, development organizations, foundations, large companies and
private funders. With on-the-ground local teams in 13 countries in Africa and the Middle East, our
client has done over 500 investments in local small and growing businesses so far, sustaining more
than 25,000 jobs.

Our client invests in start-up and growing businesses at the base of the SME pyramid. These
owner- operated businesses typically lack track record and collateral but are deemed viable with
the appropriate business support. Our client invests through the integrated provision of business
skills, market linkages and risk capital and in ways that are financially sustainable. Our client’s
investments are typically structured as medium-term risk capital typically through a self-
liquidating ‘mezzanine’ instrument with repayment linked to the cash flow of the investee. They
manage risk through on-the ground teams and proven investment and support processes and have
adopted a fully integrated approach to responsible investment, with ESG considerations at each
step of the investment process to maximize impact and mitigate risk.

Role Summary
The Credit Administration Manager is responsible for planning, organising and executing the
company’s Credit Administration activities including Legal Implementation, Disbursement,
Collateral Management, Credit File Management and Legal Collections. As part of the Deal
Team, the CAM must ensure that all Legal and Credit Administration risks are addressed as part
of deal development.

The Regional Credit Administration Manager (RCAM) delegates responsibility for management
and day-to-day operations of credit administration duties in office to the CAM, and s/he has the
authority to carry out these responsibilities, in accordance with the CRM policies and procedures.
The CAM needs to ensure that the CRM department meets the annual goals and objectives
relating to credit risk administration.

The Role
The main accountabilities of the CAM is to:
• Ensure investments submitted for approval can be effectively and efficiently implemented.

• Ensure all approved investments are administered in a safe and sound manner and in
compliance with CRM policies and procedures.
• Ensure credit administration duties are conducted in a way as to ensure quality and minimise
potential loss.

The CAM is responsible to execute credit administration activities in line with the CRM policies
and procedures and to ensure that these remain up to date with local requirements. The CAM
needs to ensure effective, independent credit administration whilst ensuring strong collaboration
with the investment team. This role focuses on maintaining the integrity of investment decisions
made by way of effective and quality implementation of such investments and maintenance of
assets taken as collateral as well as credit files. The CAM must ensure alignment of credit
administration activities with business objectives at office level.

Primary Relationships

The position reports to the Regional Credit Administration Manager. Within the organization, the
position has primary working relationships with the Investment Executives/ Managers, Finance,
Legal, and Legal Collections.

Key Accountabilities and Responsibilities


CREDIT • Quality legal Audits are

ADMINISTRATION conducted on all deals • 100% legal audits
before presentation to FC. conducted and signed
Approved investments are • CP’s are accurate and include
Credit Assessment

implemented and additional requirements to • No referrals due to Legal
administered in a safe and mitigate risks and exclude Audit issues.
sound manner that ensures CP’s that is non-relevant or
• No waivers or changes on
non- executable.
quality and minimizes approved terms and
• Collateral have been
potential loss. reviewed, independent conditions due to Credit
valued and are meets all Administration oversight.
policy requirements. • Feedback on quality of
• Collateral and company audits and approval letters
compliance Credit Files from LIMs and FC.
are up to date and
• Legal implementation
completed within the time as
• Effective, quality and timely
execution of the terms and
• 95% of conditions
conditions as approved by
precedent are complied
the Board.

Legal Implementation
• Risks identified in the legal
• All files are reviewed for
implementation and
Legal File clearance within
disbursement processes are
5 working days from
highlighted and properly
managed to an acceptable
• 100% deals presented for
file clearance have
• All Legal files are
complete signed off
reviewed for clearance
records management
before distribution
• Records management
• Feedback on quality of legal
checklist completed for
files from LIMs.
all deals prior to
• All deals in implementation
submission to FC.
have up to date notes on e-
• Security and other documents • 95% of credit files comply
are duly executed and properly fully with rules/guideline
Credit File Management

protected from fire, theft etc. • All security documents are

• Credit Files are maintained in executed and properly filed
line with the Records in fire proof safes.
Management Procedure. • No audit findings on
• Every collateral asset line has records management
a supporting document compliance.
reflecting the value as per the • No audit finding on
register and can be easily collateral documents
referenced. not available.
• Disbursements completed in • Disbursements completed
line with conditions set within 5 working days of
• Quality disbursement request file clearance.
submitted • 98% of disbursements are in
• Payments made in line with line with approved terms
approved disbursement and conditions.

request. • FC approval held on file for

• Credit facilities are disbursed 100% of disbursements
only after all contractual terms made before all contractual
and conditions have been met terms and conditions have
and all required documents been met.
received. Exceptions only with • No payments to
FC approval. unverified
• Compliance with policy and beneficiaries.
procedures relating to • Feedback from CRO on
disbursement. quality of disbursements.
• No disbursement
compliance issues
• All collateral are registered as • Registered collateral per
per agreed country targets, and country vs. agreed country
have accurate collateral values. targets.
• Annual and quarterly collateral • Accuracy: collateral values
reviews are completed within captured vs. correct value.
time limits set. Actual date of completion

Collateral Management

• Collateral register data are up of Annual Collateral
to date at the end of each review vs 30 November
quarter (15th of the deadline.
consecutive month) • Quarterly reviews are 90% up
• Any risks relating to collateral to date.
registration and variances are • Insurance reviews performed
address through appropriate and completed by all
actions. countries by 30 November of
• Insurance renewals are up each year and corrective
to date on business as well actions are followed to
as assets taken as collateral. completion.
• 100% of assets have
supporting documents.
• 85% of collateral
recovered vs reflected.
• Provide effective and efficient • Feedback from Legal
support to the Legal Collections Executive on
Collections Function on deals support received.
handed over to Legal • Quality of handover
Collections. instructions.
100% of handover packs
Legal Collections

• Formal handover •

instructions are have valuations no more

submitted to service than 6 months old.
providers. • Collateral register is 100%
• Formal valuations are up to date with assets sold,
conducted on all assets for new valuations conducted
clients handed over for legal or other findings
• Collateral register is
maintained based on recoveries
made or service provider

Work Level

The CAM is a Work Level 1 role. This means that s/he is largely front line, doing work that
creates immediate value for either internal or external customers. The work is largely prescribed
with defined outputs. The CAM is accountable for efficient use of own time and any equipment or
systems they use to do their roles. The CAMs has the technical knowledge for the area in which
s/he is working. The problems faced are concrete ‘real world’ problems that are largely familiar
and repetitive however the CAM might be faced with situations that require analysis and proposal
of alternatives. Guidelines or procedures may be available to help in problem solving. Changes are
likely to be driven by others at higher levels. The role holder will be accountable for adapting to
change and making suggestions for improvement to their manager. The Time Span of Discretion is
likely to be minutes, hours or weeks, up to three months.

Required experience, qualification and skills

• Relevant legal qualification (paralegal, legal secretary) beneficial

• Minimum of 3 years’ experience in a similar role.

• Relevant experience in the financial services industry essential, for example as credit/ loan

• Exposure to the SGB environment would be beneficial

The company offers competitive compensation for the local development finance sector that will
be commensurate with experience. Compensation includes a comprehensive package that
includes an annual bonus target on achievement of individual and institutional goals.

To Apply
Please send your updated resume to [email protected]

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