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Detailed Lesson Plan in MATH 2

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. identify the addends and the sum of addition.
b. add the following numbers and objects.
c. appreciate the importance of addition.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Addition
b. Materials: flashcards, visual aid, multimedia video (laptop)
c. References: Primary Mathematics 2, by Dr. Leonardo V. Yunson, pp: 24-27.
d. Valuing: Cooperation
III. Procedure
Teachers’ Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Let us all stand and pray.

“Kate, lead the prayer”.

In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen!
b. Greetings
Good morning class.

Good morning teacher.

Good morning classmates
It’s nice to see you again.
Okay class. You may now take your

c. Checking of Attendance
Miss secretary, who is absent
No one is absent today, Teacher.

Very good! Let us give a nice clap to


(The pupils do a clap)

d. Review
Class, do you still remember our
lesson yesterday?

Yes teacher.
What is it all about?
Yes Carl?
Counting numbers from 1-10.

Very good!

Class I have the boxes with number.

Now, let’s count it.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 (The teacher and the pupils count together)

So how many boxes in all?
Yes, Shayne?

There are ten (10) boxes.

Very Good!

A. Developmental Activities

a. Motivation
Class, do you know how to sing a
mathematical song “How Many
No, teacher!
Now, I will teach you. So please
stand up and let us sing it together.
Are you now ready class?
Yes, teacher!
How Many Fingers?”.

How many fingers on one hand?

How many fingers on one hand?
How many fingers on one hand?
Let’s all count together.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (4 times)
How many fingers on two hands?
How many fingers on two hands?
How many fingers on two hands?
Let’s all count together.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (2 times)
Clap clap clap your hands.
Clap clap clap your hands.
Clap clap clap your hands.
Clap your hands with me.

Class, did you enjoy the song?

Yes, teacher!
Good! Let’s give a nice clap to

(The pupils give a nice clap to each other)

b. Presentation
Now class, how many fingers do I
have in one (1) hand?

Yes, Kate?

Five (5) fingers

Very good!

Now, let’s count it.

(The pupils count it properly)
How about in two (2) hands?
Yes, Shun?
Ten (10) fingers

Class let’s count all together.

(The pupils count it properly)

c. Discussion

Class, we got the correct answer

which is 10 using the addition.
Just like this:
5 fingers + 5 fingers= 10 fingers,
Am I right class?

Yes, teacher!
Very good!

So now, what is addition?

Has a plus or cross (+) sign.

Very good!

Okay, addition is the process of

putting or combining things
For example: # 1.

Now class, how many balls are

Yes, Carl?
There are eight (8) balls.

In the example, the number 3 and

5 are called addends (a number
which is added to another).
*the sign (+) is indicating addition
or positive quantity.
* the sign (=) used to indicate

The number 8 is called sum. It is

the total amount of resulting from
addition of two or more numbers
or objects.

Again class, what is addition?

Yes, Faye?

Addition is the process of putting or

combining things together.
2. + =
5 + 2 =
Now, what is the sum of 5 and
Yes, Mia?

The sum of 5 and 2 is 7.


What are addends of example

Yes, Cris?

The addends are 5 and 2.


3. 3 + 3 =
Who wants to answer?
Yes, Mika?

Correct! 3 + 3= 6

What is the sum of 3 and 3?

Yes, Rea?

Very good! The sum of 3 and 3 is 6.

How about the addends?

Yes, Mike?
The addends are 3 and 6.
Good! But any other answer?
Yes, Yam?
The addends are 3 and 3.
Very good! That’s the correct

d. Application
Direction: Find your partner.
Each pair will answer the task
within 5 minutes.
e. Generalization
Let us see if you really
understand the lesson.

1. What do you call the process

of putting or combining things
Yes, Mich?

Addition, teacher!
Very good!

2. How about the number being

added to another?
Yes, Zyle?

The number being added to another is called


IV. Evaluation
Class let’s have a short quiz.
Please get a whole piece of paper
and answer the following.

A. Direction: Add the following


1. + =

2. + =

3. + =

4. + =

5. + + =

B. Direction: Add the following


1. 4+1=
2. 6+3=
3. 8+2=
4. 7+3
5. 5+2=
(The pupils answer it silently)
V. Assignment
Class do your assignment in
your notebook.

Direction: Draw any object that

shows addition.
+ =

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