Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade Vii Nica

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I.OBJECTIVES: at the end of the lesson, the students are able to;
a. Differentiate the characters of the story;
b. Discuss the theme of the story
c. Appreciate the lesson of the story


TOPIC: The Prodigal Son
MATERIALS: Visual aid, Photo copies, Speaker and USB
REFFERENCE: English and American literature book page 205-210, New
Testament answer book page 120-121.

III. PROCEDURE: Structural Analysis Approach

A. Preparation
Good morning class! Good morning ma`am

Wow, I love the energy in your

voices, your sound very excited
for today`s lesson

Now, let`s have first an


What will you do if your teacher

is talking in front? Listen Attentively!

How about if you want to

answer? Raise our right hand and don’t answer
in chorus
Very good!

I will divide you into four groups. ( the students are counting)
Count yourself from one to four,
I have here four envelopes for
each group, inside of this are cut
pictures. I want you to assemble ( the students are doing their given
the cut pictures so that you can task)
come up with the correct
formation of pictures. I will give
you 3 minutes to do this task.

What have you observe in each -In the first picture there are 3 men,
picture from group one to four? one is old and the other is teenagers.
While in the second picture there is a
man in the fence together with the pigs.
How about in the third and
fourth picture? What have you -In the third picture the old man goes to
observe? the teenager. While in the fourth
picture the old man and teenager hugs
each other.
Very good observation!

Based on the pictures, what do -Our lesson for this morning is all about
you think is our lesson for this the story of Prodigal Son.


Our lesson for this morning is all

about the Story of Prodigal Son.
D. Motive Question
What do you want to know from I want to know the characters of the
the story? story.
What else? I want to know the theme and the
message or the moral lesson of the

All your questions to be

answered. As we go along with
our discussion.

E. Unlocking of Difficulties
Before we proceed, let us unlock
first the difficult words found in ( the students are doing the activity)
the story.
I have here flowers and bees. The
flowers contain words and the
bees contain the meaning of the
word. All you have to do is to get
and attach the bee to the flower
which you think that is correct
meaning of the given word.
Any question?

1. Prodigal -he carelessly and foolishly spending his

money and time.
2. Lavish -giving or using a large amount of
3. Famine -extreme shortage of food
4. Calf -a domestic cow or bull
5. Deserted -to leave and stop helping or supporting
Since you already know the
meaning of the difficult words,
therefore it will be easy for you to
understand the story.

F. Intellectual Discussion
Get your copy of the story, I have ( the students listen to the story teller)
here a speaker I want you to
listen the story teller while
looking the copies so that you
understand the story well.

Upon reading and listening the The story is about The Loving Father
story, what have you who has two sons with different
understand? characters.

Very good!

I have here a basket that contains

fruit. Each fruit have questions for you
to answer. I have here a box; all you
have to do with this box is to pass it to
your classmate while I play the music. If
the music stops the last person who
holds the box will get the fruit from the
basket and answer the question.

-Answering the motive question:

1. Who are the characters of the The characters of the story are:
story? The father, two sons and the servant.

2. When did the story happen? The story happens during the time of
3. What is the difference between The eldest son is hardworking,
the eldest son and the youngest obedient, good and nice person,
son? While the second son is lazy and
4. What kind of life that the second
son wants to live? He wants to live a gay and free life.

5. What is the theme of the story? The theme of the story is repentance,
forgiveness and love.

What is the lesson that you have The lesson that I learn from the story is
learned from the story? don’t make certain things that can hurt
your parents, because in the end we
will suffer the circumstances from the
mistakes that we made.

What else? Obey and love our parents and respect

our brothers and sisters and all the
people that surround us.


Group 1; present a short role play

about the second son who asks
his share of property.

Group 2; make and perform one

song that describes the story.

Group 3; present a short dialogue

of his mistakes from his father.
Give ourselves a barangay clap!

Direction: Write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. Who was considering as the prodigal son?
a. First son b. second son c. servant
2. What are the characteristics of the second son?
a. Lazy and disobedient c. obedient and hardworking
b. Good and hardworking
3. What are the characteristics of the first son?
a. Hardworking and obedient
b. Lazy and irresponsible
c. Lazy and disobedient
4. Was the second son accepted by his father?
a. No, because he is lazy son
b. Yes, because his father love him
c. No, because he disobedient
5. Why did the father accept and forgive his son?
a. The second son is sincere in his repentance
b. The second is part of the family
c. The second son is good

In a 1 whole sheet of paper, write a short essay about the story of

prodigal son.

Prepared by:


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