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Rockford Youth Football

Offensive Playbook

I Left I Right

Pro Left Pro Right

Wing Left Wing Right

Bone Left Bone Right

Hole and Back Numbering

7 5 3 1 2 4 6 8


Quarterback is always the 1 Back

In the I formation, the fullback is the 2 Back and the tailback is the 3 Back

In the pro formation, the right halfback is the 2 Back and the left halfback is the
3 Back

In the wing formation, the fullback is the 2 Back, the halfback is the 3 Back and
the wing is the 4 Back

In the bone formation, the fullback is the 2 Back, the left halfback is the 3 Back
and the right halfback is the 4 Back
Basic Running Play Terminology

Dive: 2 Back through the 1 or 2 hole, QB and 3 Back carry out option or
counter fake

Iso: 2 Back leads through the hole to block, 3 Back takes the handoff

Double Iso: Two backs leading through the hole (usually in Bone

Sweep: 3 Back takes a pitch or handoff from the QB, 2 Back leads

Option: QB has the option to pitch to the 3 back or keep it himself

Counter: Misdirection play with one or two backs flowing opposite of the
ball carrier

Waggle: QB will fake run one way and bootleg to the other side for a
Passing Tree
(Routes by Number)

(9) Fly

(8) Post
(7) Flag

(6) Drag (2) Hitch

(4) In (5) Out

(0) Slant
(3) Flat

(1) Wheel
"I" Plays

I Right 22 Dive (I Left 21 Dive) I Right 34 Iso (I Left 33 Iso)

I Right 38 Sweep (I Left 37 Sweep) I Right 22 Dive Option (I Left 21 Dive Option)

I Right 36 Iso Pass (I Left 35 Iso Pass) I Right 36 Iso Waggle (I Left 35 Iso Waggle)
"Wing" Plays
Wing Right 21 Dive (Wing Left 22 Dive) Wing Right 36 Counter (Wing Left 35 Counter)

Wing Right 38 Sweep (Wing Left 37 Sweep) Wing Right 43 Counter (Wing Left 44 Counter)

Wing Right 36 Counter Pass (Wing Left 35 Counter Pass) Wing Right 21 Dive Pass (Wing Left 22 Dive Pass)
"Pro" Plays

Pro Right 24 Dive (Pro Left 33 Dive) Pro Right 24 Dive Option (Pro Left 33 Dive Option)

Pro Right 21 Trap (Pro Left 32 Trap) Pro Right 37 Quick Pitch (Pro Left 28 Quick Pitch)

Pro Right First Down Pass (Pro Left First Down Pass)
"Bone" Plays

Bone Right 36 Double Iso (Bone Left 45 Double Iso) Bone Right 47 Sweep (Bone Left 38 Sweep)

Bone Right 36 Counter (Bone Left 45 Counter) Bone Right 45 Double Dive (Bone Left 36 Double Dive)

Bone Right 36 Counter Pass (Bone Left 45 Counter Pass)

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