Surveying 1 1

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Introduction: Classification and principles of surveying. Triangulation and Trilateration Earth as

spheroid, datum, geoid, Azimuth, latitude, longitude, Map projections, scales, plans, & Maps.
Chain surveying: Instrumentation for chaining – Errors due to incorrect chain-Chaining on
uneven and sloping ground-Errors in chaining-Tape corrections – Problems: Base line
measurement-chain Triangulation-Check lines, Tie lines, Offsets. Basic problems in chaining-
obstacles in chaining-Problems-Conventional signs.

Compass Survey: (a) Introduction to compass survey Definitions of Bearing. True bearing, True
meridian, Magnetic Meridian, Magnetic bearing – Arbitrary Meridian, R.B & B.B of lines –
Designation of bearing – W.C.B. & R.B. – Conversion of bearings – from one systems to the
other Related problems – Calculation of angles for bearings, Calculation of bearings for angles,
Related problems – Theory of Magnetic compass (i.e. Prismatic compass) – Magnetic dip-
Description of Prismatic compass. Temporary adjustments of compass-Magnetic Declination –
Local attraction-Related problems –Errors in compass survey.
(b) Traverse Surveying: Chain and compass traversing-Free or loose needle method – Fast
needle method-Checks in closed and open traverse-Plotting methods of traverse Survey-Closing
error-Balancing the traverse-Bowditch’s method-Transit method, gale’s Traverse table.

Plane table surveying: Introduction-Advantages, Accessories-Working operations such as fixing

the table to tripod, leveling-centering-orientation by back-sighting. Methods of plane tabling-
Plane table traversing-Three point problem- Mechanical method – Graphical method- Two point
problem-Errors in plane tabling.

Levelling: Definitions of terms-Methods of levelling-Uses and adjustments of dumpy level-

Temporary and permanent adjustments of dumpy level levelling staves-Differential levelling,
Profile levelling-Cross sections-Reciprocal levelling. Precise levelling-Definition of BS, IS, FS,
HI, TP-Booking and reduction of levels, H.I. methods-Rise and fall method-Checks-Related
problems-Curvature and refraction Related Problems-Correction-Reciprocal levelling-Related
problems-L.S & C.S Leveling-Problems in levelling-Errors in levelling.

Minor instruments: Uses and adjustments of the following minor instruments:

Line Ranger, Optical Square, Abney level, and Clinometer, Ceylon Ghat tracer, Pentagraph,
Sextant and Planimeter.

Contouring: Definitions-Interval, Characteristics of contours-methods of locating contours-

Direct and indirect methods-interpolation of contours-Contour gradient-Uses of contour maps.
Contours mapping using computer techniques (surfer, CAD)

1. Surveying By Dr. K.R. Arora, Standard Book House.
2. Surveying Vol. 1,2 and 3 – By Punmia, Standard Book House.
3. Surveying Vol. 1 and 2 – By S.K. Duggal, Tata Mc.Graw Hill Publishing Co.
4. Surveying: Theory & Practices by James M. Anderson and Edward M. Mikhail

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